Who invented the twerk dance? What does the term "Twerk" mean? Origin, birthplace of dance, influence on morality. Who dances buti better: black girls or white girls

the main thing is the butt

Twerk or twerking is a dance in which the main movement is performed by the hips, or rather the butt.

It’s simply amazing how masterfully professionals master this seemingly stationary and inactive part of the body. The twerking video gives an amazing picture of how “Korma” performed by the dancers walks left and right, and up and down, and shakes, and shimmers... It’s like a circus act.

It’s clear that the twerk movements and dancers’ poses are so frivolous and frank that in comparison with it all sorts of twists, necks, even hip-hops are minuets of the 18th century. It got to the point that in some states of America twerking was banned. And perhaps this is why videos with twerk lessons are very popular on the Internet and many people want to learn how to twerk.

Twerking is illegal in some US states.

Although this is not easy to achieve. It is enough to look at the twerking video tutorial to be convinced of the complexity, and most importantly, the energy consumption, of the dance. To twerk, you need significant physical training.

Homeland - New Orleans?

According to Wikipedia, the origin of the term "Twerk" is unclear. It is only known that it originated in the southern United States, perhaps specifically in New Orleans, and is based on the traditional dance traditions of Africa, which have penetrated North America with black slaves, who were brought there in the millions during the era of primitive accumulation of capital.

African dances are infinitely diverse, but their female part, and twerk is just a female dance, is based on the actions of the lower body. The twerk dance originated in the 90s of the last century and became popular thanks to the singer Miley Cyrus, who claims that twerk "a portrait of the senseless and beautiful fermentation of the human spirit". It’s hardly worth arguing with Miley about “meaninglessness,” but “beautiful” is a matter of course.

Only one thing is clear, the lesson of twerking is that humanity has taken another small step towards absolute freedom, when unwritten rules of behavior and moral laws are rejected, and the principle of permissiveness is put at the forefront. Now it's the men's turn. They also have something to shake, especially when you see the twerk dance.

Miley Cyrus

Famous modern American actress and singer. Born in 1992 in the American city of Nashville into an artistic family. At the age of 12, thanks to perseverance and, of course, talent, she received the main role in one of the television series. The series brought her fame and money. Miley Cyrus began performing solo as a singer in 2007. Recently, the actress continues to successfully combine work in Hollywood with performances on stage. IN total Miley starred in 16 films, released 5 albums of songs, took part in the production of seven video clips, and wrote a book.

Twerk video

Fashionable dances replace each other, and the further, the faster. Each time one hears the dissatisfied grumbling of fans of the previous dominant trend, who with constant persistence claim that “they have never seen such an outrage,” and “everything was different in their years.”

From tango to twerk

Suffice it to remember that tango, during its entry into dance culture, was considered something obscene and unacceptable for decent young ladies. There were also many controversies around jazz, but they died down after the advent of rock and roll, twist and shake. There is really almost nothing to say about disco dancing: older people sighed with joy, seeing such calm in the ranks of young people, but in the mid-eighties breakdancing appeared, which became another challenge to conservatism and a huge help for dance hall cleaners (young people, rolling and spinning, wiped the floors with their own clothes).

And now twerking. This is a sexually provocative dance performed by girls. It became fashionable relatively recently, although it appeared more than two decades ago. Energetic defiant movements to rhythmic music with ambiguous (and sometimes unambiguous) lyrics in themselves do not represent anything new. But there is something that sets twerk apart from other modern “bulk-shaking” dances.

Musical basis

Perform a new dance to old music not interesting. However, there have never been completely new styles in the world of mass culture; in all cases, a certain continuity was observed. According to many successful promoters, for commercial success a style must have elements of novelty, but at the same time it must be reminiscent of something that happened before, otherwise the public simply will not understand the revolutionary nature of the idea.

The musical basis on which twerk arose is a type of rap typical of the southern states of the United States (Louisiana, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida). The second name is bounce (translated as boasting, and what the dancers boast about will be discussed below). The pioneers of the style in the early nineties were rappers Luke, Wreckx-n-Effect, DJ Jubilee, Cheeky Blakk, Ying Yang Twins and other musicians with hard-to-read and almost unpronounceable nicknames.

The biggest bouncer was Juicy J, the former lead singer of Three 6 Mafia from Memphis, Tennessee. It was he who recorded the song “Bandz A Make Her Dance,” in which he boastfully claims that everyone who hears its sounds will certainly start “twerking.”

What does the word "twerk" mean?

One of the keys to successful promotion of a new musical or dance style is a short, punchy and memorable name. This crackling consonance fully meets all the criteria of modern promotional art.

In its morphology, “twerk” is a derivative of the words “twist”, that is, twisting, and “jerk”, meaning “to pull”. As in many other cases, the name of the dance in the official meaning does not reflect its essence; it has a certain element of esotericism (understanding only by those who know what it is about). The same thing happened with rock and roll, the name of which actually means not so much “swing and twirl”, but rather something completely different... In youth slang, the word “jerk” has another meaning, and it is translated as “handjob” .

Technical basis of dance

So, with the origin of the name and music, everything is more or less clear. It remains to find out the most important thing, namely, how to dance twerk. It's not as simple as it seems. As with any dance, it all starts with the position of the feet. They should be half-bent, which will provide a certain freedom of movement of the hips, and they play the main role. Then you should learn two main movements: “shake”, that is, shaking, and “hip roll” - rotation of the hips. Both have many variations, but you need to remember that you need to keep your shoulders at the same level. Having mastered this rule, you can move on to rotating your upper body. It is performed in the opposite direction to the hips: if the chest turns to the right, then the buttocks turn to the left, and vice versa.

The image created by twerking

Mastering the correct movements is not everything. Twerk dance presupposes a certain image, which each of its performers strives to create. The erotic component of the movements is very important, and it goes beyond just correctly executed steps. In order to understand how to learn to twerk, you need to experience this dance, feel for a while like a proper and well-mannered girl who suddenly decided to have a blast. This look doesn't suit everyone, but it's worth experimenting with. It especially suits those girls who have something to shake and twirl, but there are many cases where even skinny girls achieve a 100% hit.

There is no doubt that there is a benefit from the feeling of freedom and control of one’s own body that twerking gives. This is an energetic dance that requires emotional and physical stress to the limit, and sometimes beyond it.

How long the twerking fashion will last is unknown. Perhaps it will be replaced by a new dance, even more expressive. Wait and see!

Some consider twerking to be the height of vulgarity and demand a ban on performing provocative dances on public stages. Someone, on the contrary, strives to learn the art of correctly performing movements and is sure that this twerk is beautiful, erotic and incredibly useful for the figure. Before deciding whether the style is vulgar or not, and whether it is worth taking twerk lessons, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the history of the dance.

A little history

In fact, twerk dance appeared more than 20 years ago, and its primary source was such a musical direction as South American rap. In particular, the emergence of a new style called “bounce” began in New Orleans and Miami in the 90s of the last century.

The main difference between “bounce” and popular hip-hop was the presence of obscene lyrics, which was immediately reflected in the dance movements, which consisted of spinning the practically open buttocks.

In Russia, “bounce” elements were widely used by go-go dancers in nightclubs. Most likely, erotic hip rotation would never have become widespread among young people if it were not for Miley Cyrus’s love for extreme actions. At the MTV Awards in 2013, she demonstrated excellent body control, performing live an incredibly exciting dance filled with hidden subtext.

Since then, the dance began a victorious march around the world, gradually becoming an integral part of youth culture. By the way, in order to really make an effect and literally attract the attention of the audience to her butt, the dancer must have a truly slim figure.

In order for classes to be carried out with maximum effect, it is advisable not to neglect the advice of experienced instructors:

By the way, twerk dance is considered to be extremely beneficial for health. For example, it allows you to constantly maintain the necessary muscle tone, get rid of cellulite crust in the buttocks area, improve blood circulation and even reduce the degree of pain during menstruation. After reading the recommendations, you can begin learning provocative dance.

How to learn to dance twerk: method one

If you want to master the dance, you need to sit down so low that you can confidently maintain your balance. The feet should be turned out to the sides. The most catchy music is chosen for twerking. However, it is necessary to start by performing slow movements, accelerating the pace as you master the technique.

The buttocks are pushed back, as if about to sit down on a chair. Hands are placed on hips. The upper body should be in upright position, but you should look up in front of you. If you want to repeat Miley Cyrus's scandalous dance, you can lean 45° forward, transferring your weight to your toes.

You should rotate your buttocks back and forth, helping yourself with your thumbs when moving your hips forward, pressing on the lower back, and with the rest of your fingers when moving back, resting on the hip bones. If using your hands is not very convenient, you can simply stretch them out in front of you and, clasping your fingers together, gently swing them in time with your movements.

You need to shake your hips at a fast pace, remembering to keep your back straight and still.

How to dance twerk: method two

While standing, you need to rest your hands on the floor, bend your knees slightly and turn your toes to the sides. Those who are able to rest their palms on the floor in this position will be excellent at maintaining balance.

You need to shake your buttocks very actively, quickly straightening and bending your legs. You can dance simple street movements by pushing your buttocks back and then moving them forward. If the fame of Miley Cyrus haunts you, you should try moving your hips along a horizontal line - from side to side.

Lessons at the wall: method three

Having stepped back from the wall by about 65 cm, they turn the back of their head towards it and take the desired pose. It should be noted right away that this method requires good coordination, so it is undesirable to perform even basic movements in a state of light drinking, for example, at a party.

Your hands should rest firmly on the floor with your palms. To the rhythm of the music, the hips are raised up as much as possible, and the weight is transferred to the arms. They walk up the wall with their feet, bending their knees. They begin to shake their hips and gradually place one and then the other leg in a straightened position on the wall with a gap between them of 30-35 cm.

The duration of the dance usually does not exceed a minute, since you need to have really strong arms and shoulder girdle to perform the basics. Having finished the dance, the legs are lowered to the floor one by one.

You can have different attitudes towards dancing in the style that is popular today. However, it is impossible to deny that training will require excellent physical preparation, maximum patience and desire.



There are several explanations for how this term was formed, but the most popular version is that the word “twerking” (in English Twerking) is something between several words: “twist” - twist, “twitch” - twitch, “jerk” - jerk. The word was coined by hip-hoppers from New Orleans, it's slang late 1990s, nose 2003 the term is recognized by most American dictionaries.

What is twerking

Twrking dance

Twerking movements are sexual swaying of the hips (in different directions and up and down), sitting on bent knees or squatting. Twerking began as a type of dance movement. But subsequently a direction of fitness training under the same name was born.


Twerking officially exists since 1993. The first mention of twerking can be found in DJ Jubilee's 1993 song "Do the Jubilee All", which contains the following lyrics: "Twerk baby, twerk baby, twerk, twerk, twerk." The performer sang specifically about the twerking dance.

Since then, many songs using the word “twerking” have appeared in American and world culture:

  • 1995. New Orleans. Cheeky Blakk recorded the track “Twerk Something”.
  • 1997 . DJ Jubilee remembers twerking and records the song “Get Ready, Ready” with the words: “twerk it!”
  • 2000 . The debut single of the rap duo Ying Yang Twins - “Whistle While You Twurk” - described in detail the act of twerking, and most of the definitions were unprintable, describing the physiological functions of a person.
  • 2001 . Debut album Bubba Sparxxx contains the track "Twerk a Little".
  • 2003 . The Urban Dictionary gave the first definition of what twerking is: “ physical exercise for thighs and buttocks."
  • 2005 . Beyoncé's #1 hit "Check On It" has lyrics from twerking.
  • 2006 . Justin Timberlake's #1 hit "SexyBack" has the lyrics: "I wanna see me twerking with..."

Miley Cyrus shows off her twerking

  • 2009 . Twerk Team video gets more than 1 million views in 1 week on the Internet. Teams are three girls from Atlanta who show twerking moves.
  • 2010 . Miley Cyrus is filming a video in New Orleans in which she learns how to twerk properly.
  • 2012 . Twerking videos are uploaded by celebrities and ordinary users. American and European bands release songs dedicated to twerking.
  • 2013 . Videos of Miley Cyrus twerking are becoming one of the most popular on the global Internet. Several such videos are coming out at once. Miley demonstrates these movements not only at solo performances, but also at the concerts of her friends. Some of Miley's performances are called immoral, and passions about twerking are boiling on the Internet.

Guinness Record

Guinness World Record for Massive Twerking

In September 2013 A Guinness record was set for mass twerking. It was organized by the famous American musician Big Freedia. As a result of the action 358 dancers from 8 to 80 years old, they took turns on stage and danced twerking for 2 minutes each. Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records noted that 250 dancers were enough for the record, but everyone who came to New York Square was able to show off their twerking.

Twerking as fitness

In the United States, twerking is being called a new fitness craze. Classes are opening to teach twerking. Twerking instructors say that in 60 minutes of training you can get a load that is more intense than a session in the gym. And this type of fitness can be classified as cardio exercise.

Twerking is done in groups

Twerking is a fitness activity for women only. It not only strengthens muscles, but also increases self-confidence, according to supporters of the new fitness. Classes are conducted to hip-hop music and stage lighting. Women are invited to play the role of relaxed and cheeky Miley Cyrus. For classes, make-up and beautiful, sporty, but sexy clothes are recommended. Shoes – sneakers to avoid injuries.

The most difficult exercise is to sit in a squat for more than 5 minutes and continue to do dance movements with your hips and arms. Colossal figures are given about how many calories one twerking session burns. Beginners can burn up to 400-500 calories, and experienced women who can completely correctly repeat all the movements of the instructor can count on a result of 1000 calories!

Twerking movements

Squatting and shaking

  • Squats and shaking.
    • Sit down on half-bent knees. Feet wider than shoulder width. Beginners should not sit too low right away.
    • Pull your buttocks back - the movement should resemble as if there is a desire to sit on a chair. Return to starting position.
    • Keep your hands either up, at your sides, or at your waist.
    • Repeat the movements to rhythmic music.

Twerk (booty dance, twerking, booty shake) is a modern dance style based on active rhythmic movements of the buttocks and hips, while the rest of the body remains practically motionless. This is perhaps the most exotic, interesting, unusual, free and spontaneous style.

Usually the dance is performed by girls to rhythmic fast music: R&B, reggae, rap.
The dance originally originated in West Africa, then began to gain popularity in America, even among pop culture stars. Today it is a popular destination known throughout the world.

Ksenia Frolova, St. Petersburg

Twerking was considered as one of the directions of Danceholle - Jamaican street dance, which includes various types social dances. However, now twerking has become so popular and original that it is considered as an independent trend.

The essence and elements of dance

Here the main emphasis is on sexual rhythmic movements of the hips and buttocks, which are performed standing, on the floor or near a wall. Booty dance is overtly exotic and liberated.

The main elements from which dance sequences are built:

1) shaking the buttocks (booty shaking) - the main movement of twerk; can be performed in a squat, sitting on the floor, near a wall and in many other positions, it will depend on your imagination
2) rhythmic rotation of the hips and lower back - these movements emphasize femininity
3) isolated movement of the buttocks - the gluteal muscle on the right and left is tensed in turn, which makes it possible to add complexity and rhythm to the dance
4) figure eights with hips - the most graceful movement
5) hitting the hips in different planes emphasizes the rhythm and develops the abdominal muscles

All these movements require careful study of technique and long practice before you learn to control your body and dance booty dance.

Benefits and Benefits

Booty dance has many advantages and is very useful not only for maintaining muscle tone, but also for health.

Firstly, in order to learn this dance, no prior preparation is needed. In a good school, experienced instructors will be able to competently teach you from scratch, and very soon you will be able to amaze everyone with your ability to move.

Secondly, in twerking the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, abs and arms are most used, so these parts of the body will always be in good shape and will attract admiring glances. Dancing will help get rid of cellulite, give a beautiful shape to your figure, increase skin elasticity, and also prevent many diseases of the pelvic organs.

Thirdly, this dance will become the best way develop self-confidence, open up, get rid of complexes and become even more attractive to men.

Does booty dancing make girls more attractive?

Certainly! Within a few months, we will notice how your body is changing: extra pounds disappear, and your buttocks and thighs acquire seductive shapes.

Girls literally begin to catch admiring glances, and confidence in their own beauty and attractiveness appears.

Who is suitable for twerking?

Booty dance classes are suitable for active, confident and relaxed girls who are not afraid to attract everyone's attention, as well as those who want to develop these qualities in themselves.
Although everyone can dance twerk, it is still quite erotic and sexy, so girls and women over 18 years of age are accepted for classes.

How are classes conducted?

Each workout includes several mandatory parts, without which it is not possible to competently master twerking:
1) warm-up – allows you to gradually get involved in the load
2) warming up and anaerobic exercise - help burn large number calories and lose weight
3) strength exercises on the muscles of the buttocks, inner and outer thighs, abs - will strengthen the muscles for subsequent dancing
4) studying and practicing the basic elements of booty dance
5) dance sequences based on basic elements
6) stretching – will help relieve tension and develop flexibility

Who dances buti better: black girls or white girls?

Initially, the booty shake was “invented” by African girls, and only they danced it very skillfully and beautifully. But this dance turned out to be so infectious that it soon swept the whole world, and today many white girls do it as skillfully, or often even better and more attractive than the inventors of twerk.

Twerk clothes

Comfortable clothes that will make you feel confident and beautiful are suitable for training.
It is better to choose tight leggings or shorts so that you can see if you are performing the movements correctly.
Sports sneakers or just socks are suitable as shoes.