Where to find rare styles. Guide to mastering crafts Blacksmithing, sewing and woodworking

Fans have asked Paul many questions regarding the usefulness of armor and weapons from crafters at high levels, the effectiveness of mercenaries, research and properties of equipment, racial styles and motifs, costumes and paints, crafting economics, as well as inventory and banks.


How long does it take to fully master one profession?

Not sure, but quite a long time. I think this will take at least 200-300 hours. If you mean crafting top equipment. It also depends on the profession. Blacksmithing, for example, will require more time due to research.

You will continue to increase your maximum crafting skill level throughout life cycle Elder Scrolls Online?

Without a doubt.

At higher levels of the game, is the equipment crafted by crafters equivalent to what can be found in dungeons?

Equipment parameters of the same level and quality from crafters are always better than that what can be found in the world. Weapons deal more damage, and armor gives more defense points. However, some enchantments cannot be obtained through crafting. However, items with unique effects can always be improved.

We gain no experience when upgrading an item, and we gain very little when dismantling any equipment. Is this exactly how it was intended?

That's right. After all, by dismantling an item created by another player or found in the world, you will always learn something new.

Is it possible to create rank 10 veteran equipment using crafting?

Of course, if your character meets all the criteria for this.

Will we be able to create or improve top equipment in the game? Or will such equipment only be obtained by completing dungeons and adventure zones?

Any top equipment that you find can be improved through crafting. The game has materials that we in the studio call “boosters” - these are tannins, resins and raw materials for hardening. With their help, you improve the equipment you find. Of course, if you don’t have a lot of materials, you won’t be able to improve an item without some risk. For example, there are hardenings for good and excellent quality. If you need 5 materials in order to have a 100% chance of upgrading an item to good quality, then for excellent quality you may need not 5, but 8. However, you can take a risk and try to improve an item with a small amount of materials (the more, the better higher chance of success), but then it may be destroyed.

Can I go to the first crafting station and start crafting gear and gain levels and skill points from it? Or will I have to complete quests and dungeons to get skill points? Do I gain experience by crafting items?

To gain skill points, you will have to look for adventures. You can explore the world and find skyshards, complete quests and so on. There are many ways to gain skill points, but crafting equipment does not provide the experience needed to level up your character. This experience goes into crafting skills. With its help, you will gradually unlock new passive crafting skills.

Is crafting tied to character level? That is, with the correct distribution of skill points, will my level 20 character be able to create level 50+ equipment, given the necessary resources?

Crafting is not tied to level. If a character has leveled up the necessary skills and has all the necessary materials, he can make any high-level items.

Will legendary or epic gear from crafters be much different from what can be found in dungeons?

Legendary items cannot be found in dungeons.

Will players have to craft or buy equipment from crafters to quickly level up to level 50?

Fast is a rather vague definition. You can develop your character to level 50 without crafting, but items created by other players will make this task easier for you. Support local producers!

Gathering resources

Are the sources of crafting materials and ingredients always available to everyone or do they appear separately for each character?

On at the moment resources are visible to everyone. We thought about making them personal, but populating the world with materials needs to be done carefully. Teamwork will be very helpful in gathering resources.


How does the mercenary system for collecting materials work?

You upgrade your skill and the next time you log into the game (if you haven’t logged in for a long time), you will be sent a letter with attached resources. Pay attention to the texts of these letters; our team of writers has come up with many entertaining stories for the mercenaries.

Blacksmithing, sewing and woodworking

It seemed to me that wood carvers could create fewer various items, compared to other professions. Do you plan to expand this list?

We have increased the drop rates of some of these items to speed up the leveling of wood crafters. There is always a possibility that we will add new wooden equipment to the game.

While participating in beta testing, I discovered the crafting of oak items and collected necessary resources, but could still only make equipment from maple? How does this even work?

If you have upgraded the required skill and collected the necessary materials, there should be no problems with crafting.

Given the importance of crafting in The Elder Scrolls Online, upgrading the quality of items requires a lot of time, resources, and money. Are you going to redesign this system?

High returns from crafting require an investment of time and effort on the part of players. I don't think we will change anything.

Can players independently create the materials needed to improve equipment (tannins, resins and tempering raw materials)? Or can they only be obtained by dismantling items and from mercenaries?

Resources for improvement can be obtained in three ways:

  1. Mercenaries. They can send you a lot of raw materials, especially if you pump them up.
  2. Disassembly. Depending on the original item, you may receive different materials for improvement.
  3. Recycling. Another way to get the necessary raw materials.

We want artisans to be in demand, so we have limited the sources of materials.

Research / Properties

Let's say you are researching a property for heavy or medium armor. Can it be effectively used to craft high-level gear late in the game?

Attributes are features you can add to a weapon or armor. As a weapon becomes stronger, the effectiveness of its properties also increases (this applies to enchantments). In order to learn how to make weapons or armor with a certain property, you need to research it. This means that you will have to find an item (exactly the type you need) with this property and study it. For example, to research the "sharp" property for daggers, you must find a dagger that already has it. You will then have to destroy it while exploring. If this is the first ability of the daggers you unlock, it will take 6 hours to research. Studying the second property will take 12 hours. The next one is 24 hours, and so on. If you study the “sharp” property for swords and it is again the first one, you will again need 6 hours. Therefore, you will have to specialize and choose which type of weapon and armor you want to learn all the available properties for.

At the same time, the properties are useful not only in themselves. They open the way for you to craft sets. To create an item belonging to a set, you will need knowledge of certain properties. The properties you need depend on what kind of set you want to make. For some parts of the sets you will need to know 3 properties, for others - already 6. The character receives set bonuses if he is wearing at least 3 of its parts. As you can see, crafting in Elder Scrolls Online is not that simple.

Why is so much time spent researching properties?

Thanks for this question. There are several reasons for this. But for me the main one is the offline experience. There's something special about logging into a game and seeing something completed. It's hard to explain, but I really enjoy the moment when I can learn a new property, craft a new item, or even feed a horse after being away from the game. In addition, the game will develop more slowly. Not everyone will be able to craft anything right away. Crafting will take some time to develop. Perhaps this will allow players who prefer crafting to stand out a little more.

Are you going to change the 6 hour timer for property research?

As I already mentioned, gradually it will even increase. And we won't change anything.


Which form of crafting do you think is the most difficult?

Enchantment is the easiest to learn, but the most difficult to develop (we're working on it).

Are you planning to add depth to the enchantment? Now it is very simple compared to other crafting branches.

I think we will develop enchantment. But even in its current form it is quite effective.

Why can't you upgrade unique items?

In terms of enchantment? The effects already attached to an item make it unique. This is what makes the gear that can be found in the world stand out.

Is it possible to find books or recipes with the names of the runes and the effects they give?

The runes themselves already give you all the necessary clues. Additionally, every time you create a glyph, you will hear the runes being spoken.


Do alchemical recipes need to be found or are they unlocked through crafting?

You discover new recipes by experimenting with different ingredients.

Which form of crafting do you think will be the most popular?

Will we be able to cook poisons? And if not, will they be added later?

I wouldn't be surprised if we add poisons to the game in the future.

Each alchemical ingredient has four properties. Is it possible to learn more than one of them by continuing to eat a particular herb?

No, just one thing.

Will the properties of alchemical ingredients match their Skyrim counterparts?

Don't think. Lee Rideout (our alchemy designer) could answer this question better than me.

Will there be potions in the game that temporarily increase experience gained, character crafting skills, or the amount of materials obtained from disassembling equipment?

We currently have no plans to introduce potions with such effects.


Are you planning to add farming as a way to get provisions? Perhaps with the addition of houses they could have gardens. Second question, if we do get houses, will they have mannequins to show off their gear?

We will not have character homes at launch. But if we do add them, personal gardens are a good idea.

Crafting styles

Will there be patterns for crafting rare equipment in the game?

We have rare styles.

During the last beta I noticed that you can forge Daedric armor. My question is: will Daedric armor look the same for all races?

Daedric armor is a style, just like the Bosmer or Orc racial styles. But light, heavy and medium Daedric armor will differ from each other.

Will you be adding new styles, colors or features to the game?

We will be developing crafting, so expect new styles.

How difficult is it to find books with racial themes? Are there styles that are much less common than others?

Some styles are undoubtedly not so common. Especially the top styles like barbarian or daedric. They are quite difficult to find.

Are the books you can use to learn crafting styles in specific locations or are they randomly distributed throughout the world?


Are you planning to add a dragon crafting style that would be very rare and require extremely rare materials?

Not yet.

Interface and systems

Why is there no option in the game to preview armor before creating it?

When developing a game, you have to make decisions about what can be done in the given amount of time. Preview refers to things we wanted to do but couldn't find the time to do. However, the MMO genre allows for such features to be added after release.

Do you plan to improve the interface of crafting tables (for example, a wood cutting table) by adding additional filters to the existing ones?

In the near future, we do not have any specific plans regarding modifications to the crafting interface.

Costumes / Paints

Can we use appearance one set of armor on another set of armor with the same parameters?

We have a similar system for players who purchase the Imperial Edition. They can change the style of any armor to imperial. We can expand on this mechanic later.

The game has an option that allows you to turn off the display of the helmet. But on some types of armor I would like to disable the shoulder pads as well. In addition, I noticed a slot for a suit. Will the release version of TES Online have more display options and a variety of different costumes to give characters more personality?

The costume slot is designed specifically for the disguise and clothing mechanics. We will almost certainly be adding more costumes as the game progresses. Currently you can get some costumes by leveling up the Veteran ranks. Regarding disabling the display of shoulder pads, I don't think we considered this option.

What do the developers think about visual effects for weapons and/or armor? Like a gem that makes a helmet bleed or something like that. Cosmetic items.

I like this idea, but you have to be careful when approaching various glowing objects. You don't want a bloody battle to look like a carnival, do you?

Will we be able to add guild symbols/crests to our equipment?

Our team is extremely positive about this feature.

Why isn't there a system that allows you to paint your gear?

Everything has its time.

Sets of equipment from crafters

Why are the requirements for creating low-level gear sets so high (properties that need to be researched)?

Crafting sets is not tied to the level. You choose the set you want to get and make equipment of any level. Requirements to learn certain properties of items are necessary to make crafters in demand.

Economy / Guild Shops

Is having a vibrant item trading market important to your vision for the game? If so, how will this be implemented without the gradual breakdown of items (which creates a constant demand for new equipment)?

The idea of ​​breaking objects leading to their destruction undoubtedly appeals to some of the community. But in my experience, it makes searching for certain items not a very pleasant experience. Unless you mean the resources required to repair the equipment, rather than completely destroying it. The mechanics of breaking items can work, but not in our system.

Will we be able to steal items from crafters? For example, using lags in the trade window or simply lying and running away with the equipment?

No. We're not going to let players do that.

Will we be able to set up some kind of shop to sell our items (outside of the guild shops)?

We would like to do this, but such a function must be implemented correctly.

Will there be a mass trading system for crafting items and other equipment in the game, like an auction?

There are currently guild shops in the game. By joining a guild, you will be able to sell items to its members. This may not seem very convenient, but keep in mind that you can be a member of five guilds at the same time. We expect trade consortia to emerge. Another reason for abandoning the global auction was that with megaserver technology, the ability to instantly find any desired item could have a negative impact on the game. We love and encourage trading, but don't want to kill the fun of the game. However, we are working on ways for guilds to expand their presence in the market.

Which crafting profession do you think will be the most profitable at the start of the game?

It's hard to say. I think it will be blacksmithing. In my opinion, enchanting and blacksmithing will be the most popular in the early stages. Enchanting runes are harder to find, so fewer players will engage in them, meaning each will have a larger market share. Blacksmithing takes time to develop. Players will have to look for blacksmiths with the necessary skills. Subsequently, alchemy and cooking will bring in more money, since the demand for food and potions will be very high.


Crafting materials take up a lot of inventory space. Perhaps you can make separate bags specifically for storing resources and ingredients?

Purchasing additional slots for inventory and bank provides the necessary outflow of money. This is currently beneficial for the game economy and we do not intend to change this system in any way.

Crafting raw materials take up a lot of space. Are you going to implement a material-specific interface, like what exists in GW2 or Neverwinter?

Volume of inventory and bank - important element economy. We will not be making a separate inventory for materials any time soon. Choice is an important part of gameplay.

I like that you can leave items in the bank and still have access to them when crafting. But I collect everything I find, because I’m pumping up all the branches of crafting and I’m running out of space very quickly. Will this be fixed or will I have to craft low level items just to free up bank and inventory space?

I would say you have to make a decision about what to keep and what to get rid of. Inventory/bank space is another limitation that does not allow you to upgrade all branches of crafting at the same time. Of course, it's still possible, but at least it's not that easy.


Will we be able to create glass, daedric, ebony and stalhrim equipment? What about crossbows?

Some of these styles will be available at launch. However, we don't have crossbows yet.

Will there be one-handed or two-handed katanas in the game?

There are currently no katanas in the game.

Will we be able to make warm, cozy cloaks for our adventurers? Who doesn't love raincoats, because they are very stylish.

There are currently no cloaks in The Elder Scrolls Online.

At high levels, will items created by crafters be tied to the character?

Most of the equipment made by artisans can be sold, because crafters need to make money somehow.

Will we eventually be able to create equipment for horses? For example, saddle bags, armor or new horseshoes?

Not yet, but anything is possible.

Will the ability to make jewelry (rings and necklaces) be added to the game?

We are going to add this feature in the future.

Do races have crafting bonuses? For example, Bosmers gain more experience by creating bows, and Orcs by forging heavy armor, and so on.

No, but it's a very interesting idea.

Does equipment created through crafting have the same effects in Cyrodiil as in PvE? Will we be able to mine resources in Cyrodiil and create items from them already in the zones of our alliances?

Yes in both cases.

According to numerous players and critics, Elder Scrolls Online has one of the best, if not the best, crafting systems in any MMORPG. The developers certainly made sure to make crafting meaningful, rewarding, and even fun. WITH a huge amount recipes and features such as design styles, there will always be a market for your products. This is also obvious considering that the best equipment in the game can be obtained not only from dungeons or Cyrodiil, but also created by players who dedicate enough time to development.


There are six professions:

Alchemy - used to create various potions with short-term effects
Smithing - creates metal weapons and heavy armor
Clothing - used to make light and medium armor
Enchanting – adds various characteristics and attributes to your weapons, armor or jewelry
Provisioning – Creates various consumable drinks and food items that provide your signature buffs (unlike potions, food effects typically last for half an hour)
Woodworking – uses wooden materials for creating bows, gears and shields
You can start collecting materials and developing core items in any of these professions at the beginning of the game. Crafting more powerful items and more powerful consumables must be unlocked by putting skill points into creating skill trees. To be able to create higher level items, Alchemy and Woodworking must have 6 skill points each, while the other 4 merchants require 9 points. You can spend more skill points on each crafting skill line, but they will reduce your research time, improve your ability to extract materials, or increase your chances of upgrading items.

In the alchemy skill tree you can spend total 19 SP and 22 in Enchanting. Other professions get 24 skills each to fully maximize their benefits. This means you'll need 137 skill points to fully max out every passive in each of these six tradesmen, so considering your character can get around 300 skill points, it's even possible to be fully proficient in every craft skill. Say goodbye to the masters!

Collecting materials

Gathering Crafting Materials Mapping materials can be obtained by looting monsters, crates, chests, urns, cabinets, and other similar items. There are also crafting nodes with "organic" materials that appear throughout Tamriel, such as iron ore (smithing), jute (clothing), or runes (fey). Various herbs are as common as wood.

Any character can interact with resource nodes and collect materials for crafting, regardless of their skill at any of the merchants! Unlike Skyrim, you also don't need to carry pickups or similar items to collect ore. All professions with assembly nodes also have "Kin's Eye" passives, which basically make the corresponding nodes glow when you get close to them, making them extremely easy to see. If you're comfortable always picking up all the materials to process and collecting any nodes you come across - even if you don't intend to use the materials yourself, sometimes you can get rare and valuable ones that you can resell for gold to other players.

Craft stations

Alchemy Stealing Station Karting stations are used to actually craft items and can be found in many places in Tamriel. All cities have crafting stations for all six professions, and you can even find some outdoor adventure time. You cannot craft items unless you interact with the corresponding crafting station!

Crafting stations include an anvil or fire to cook items, which you need to interact with to create items in their respective professions. It's worth noting that you don't need to carry crafting materials with you in your inventory - the materials you've saved in your bank will also be available for use!

World craft stations

World Death Recruitment Workshop
There are also World Crafting Stations - special places in Tamriel where you can craft special items. The attached image shows one of the paint stations where you can create a Wind of Death tile set. This set of bonuses will drop AoE once every three minutes once you drop below 35% of your health, and this bonus can only be gained by crafting items in that specific region.

In zones 5-15 (Stonefalls, Auridon, Glenumbra) you can find three different world crafting stations, each with their own bonus:

Wind Wind Wind: When he hits a melee attack, this bonus causes an AoE cooldown every three minutes.
Silence of the Night: Your health is restored by 40% when hiding.
Ashen Grip: Slight chance to inhale additional fire damage with each melee hit.
There are many other item sets and crafting locales, these are just the first ones you'll encounter. To craft a given item, you first need to research at least 2 traits in that specific slot.

Manufacturing process

Crafting Process To craft items, you need to find a suitable crafting station somewhere in the world, as described above. Some crafts will require you to refine materials first, so for example you'll need to refine your iron ore in Iron Ingots first. The exact crafting process is only slightly different for each profession, but I will explain them step by step in the dedicated guides.

Essentially, it goes like this: you find a crafting station, choose the type of item you want to craft, traits, crafting materials, styles, and you're pretty much done. Although there are some more complex things revolving around the craft, the actual creation process is quite simple.


ExtractionExtraction (also known as deconstruction) is used to obtain materials from existing items and can be used for blacksmithing, clothing, woodworking, or enchanting. The process is very simple: go to the workshop, click on the extraction tab and select the item you want to deconstruct. Extraction will allow you to extract materials, traits, inspirations, resins or sentiments from existing items, but will destroy the original elements in the process.

Extraction is also actually used to refine your raw materials into usable ones. So you need to collect raw wood from the world and then refine it in the extraction tab and at the woodworking station to get sanded wood which you can use to craft items. By dedicating items you can get the materials needed to craft it, so for example you can't get Ebony Ore from some low level iron armors. Extracting more from objects high quality also gives more materials (for quality viewing below in the "Improvement" section) and more inspiration points (IP).

Research and Traits

TraitsResearch allows you to destroy existing items to learn their "traits": the various bonuses your character receives by equipping those items. Bonuses could be something like critical hit resistance, improved spell resistance, or reduced magic cost of spells. To research these traits, you will need to have an item with the exact trait in your inventory. Once you begin the research process, the item will be destroyed, so be careful not to deconstruct everything you use!

Research takes time—real time. Some of the basic trait studies will take 6 hours and later they may even take several days. Again, I'm talking about real real time, but you don't have to log into the game during the research process. You can only research one trait at a time, but you can spend skill points in the corresponding craft skill trees to reduce research time by up to 20% and research up to 3 traits at a time.

You can research traits in multiple crafting skills, but this means you can research one Blacksmithing skill and one Enchanting spell at a time without investing a single skill in either skill line. Without investing a single skill, it will still take you over 2 years of real time to learn all the stats for all item slots, so it would be a good idea to take these passives early on.

Learning traits from the Axe, for example, will allow you to place the same buff on any other top. You won't be able to post it on different types weapons, but research is constantly being studied. Traits can only be added to items when you craft them, not later. It's also worth mentioning that you can add both traits and spells via glyphs to items, since they are two different things. There's a much more detailed entry here that specifically talks about traits, so be sure to read that.

Craft styles

Style styles are purely cosmetic and allow your crafted items to visually appear like an item from another race. With 10 different races, there are also 10 racial paint styles in addition to the other four; your own race style is automatically unlocked. If you choose Breton but want your armor to be Dunmer style, you will first need to find a book somewhere in Tamriel. They spawn randomly, but if you're diligent about unlocking items to swing around in the world, you'll probably get a crafting style or two even in Coldharbour, the tutorial zone you start in.

Crafting styles, as stated, are purely cosmetic and do not add any special characteristics or attributes to your items, however the appearance of heroes is very important to many, and there is always a market for items with different racial styles.


Element Improvement – great feature, allowing you to transform your existing items into better ones. This can be quite an expensive process as it requires more valuable and rare materials as quality increases, but it great way upgrade your equipment when leveling up. Woodworking uses resins, Blacksmithing uses Tempers, and Clothing uses tannins to improve the quality of the item.


All equipment has 5 quality levels:

Regular (white)
Thin (green)
Supreme (blue)
Epic (purple)
Legendary (Gold)
For example, cloners would need different tannins to improve the quality of their items. Hemming is used to turn white objects into green, Embroideries from Green to Blue, Nord Lining from Blue to Purple and the very rare and valuable Dreugh Wax from Purple to Gold. It's important to know that upgrading can fail: if you don't complete the upgrading process, the item will be destroyed forever! Therefore, it is not recommended to try to upgrade items while leveling unless you have a backup.

Adding additional tannins will increase your chances of upgrading items, but of course it also increases the cost (for each tannin you get 20% more chance of upgrading). You also can't skip quality levels: you won't be able to upgrade a white element directly into a blue one.


Gaining experience in professions is most often done through crafting items. This gives greatest number Inspiration Points (IP): IP is generally the experience bar for crafting. You also gain a decent chunk of IP by deconstructing items, which also gives you materials you can reuse to create more. It's important to know that extracting materials from items you've crafted yields about a third of the amount you'll get by deconstructing the same items crafted by someone else (or your alt), so the most valuable tip you need to know is to try trading items with another crafter whenever possible. The differences in IP purchased are huge (up to 800% more), so join a guild and find someone to provide you with your own crafted items.

Another great tip, you should always try to create items that give you the most inspiration for quantity necessary materials. For example, blacksmiths should almost always craft daggers to quickly level up their profession, as they provide the most IP per ingot. Every trader has their own kinks and tricks for leveling up, so be sure to read my profession-specific guides to find out what they are.

The main guideline for alchemy or enchanting is to first discover all herb traits and rune translations and make at least one of each glyph and potion. Blacksmiths, Woodworkers and Clothiers should craft higher level and/or higher quality items as they provide more IP, but always keep in mind the resources required to craft these items.

Final Thoughts

I sincerely hope this article has helped explain the professions and crafting system in Elder Scrolls Online. It allows for a variety of customizations and also allows you to create amazing items that are perfect for your character. Barriers (research time) ensure that you need to invest a decent amount of time to be able to get to the best items. Not only that, but you will need to spend skill points in creating skill lines to be able to use higher level materials. Even though the best gear has Veteran rank requirements and materials that you can only get from high level zones, this ensures that crafting is very important even in the late game.

The outfit system allows you to completely customize the appearance of your equipment - no matter what your character is wearing. This tutorial will teach you everything you need to know to create your own unique outfit!

The outfit system will be one of the changes to the base game in Update 17. This update will be free for all players in ESO and will be released simultaneously with the expansion "Dragon Bones" in February. Customizing outfits is easy, so you'll always look your best from now on!

Outfit creation station

Where can I customize the appearance of my outfits?

At outfit creation stations - all dye stations in update 17 will turn into these. All previously existing dye stations, including those located in your house, will simply be replaced. They can be used to paint equipment and create outfits.

Traditionally, crafting stations can be found near other crafting stations in most major cities. They are marked on the map with a special icon:

Please note that the outfit stations in your home will not change their appearance.

How to start creating an outfit?

To get started, simply use the outfit creation station and select "Outfit 1" from the menu "Choose an outfit". You can also have more additional outfits - this will be discussed below.

Once you've chosen the outfit you want to customize, you'll see a window on the right with paint options as well as armor and weapon styles to choose from. We can begin!

Modification of outfits

What can I change?

Almost everything! At the outfit creation station, you can change the appearance of the following item slots: head, chest, shoulders, arms, waist, legs, legs, primary weapon (one or more), secondary weapon (one or more). Please note that in order to change the appearance of your second weapon set, you will need to switch to it.

How to customize outfits?

Almost the same as putting on equipment. To change the desired equipment slot, select the appropriate subsection in the “Armor Styles” or “Weapon Styles” section; this way you can see all the available styles for that cell. By going through the options in different cells, you can see how the selected style looks on your character. Please note: by performing these steps, you do not change the items you are wearing, but only overwrite the appearance of each cell.

To make it easier to work with all the available options, you can use filters that allow you to display only light, medium or heavy items. Additionally, you can toggle the option "Show blocked" to hide or show styles you don't yet know. You can also use search to filter options by keyword.

During character customization, you'll be able to view all of the outfit styles, but to apply them, you'll need to unlock them first.

After adjusting all the cells to your liking, click "Apply changes" to maintain your outfit.

How much does it cost to customize outfits?

Changing each cell has its own cost in gold, which depends on several key factors:

  • Cell size (for example, new style for the chest will cost more than for the arms)
  • Rarity of the style applied to the cell (for example, applying the Telvanni style costs more than applying a simple Dunmer style)
  • Whether or not you recolor the desired cell

The price of each cell can vary from hundreds to thousands of gold.

When you hover over the styles of various cells, their descriptions indicate cost of application. Once you select the options you want, you can see total cost change the work order at the bottom of the work order creation station window.

Outfits can be changed not only for gold; available for purchase in the crown store outfit tokens. One outfit token covers the cost of changing the entire outfit (not just a single slot), regardless of the number of slots changed or the rarity of the styles applied. Once you purchase an outfit token, be sure to use it to its fullest!

Outfit Tokens are located in the “Outfit Tokens” subsection of the “Crafting” section of the Crown Store.

Should styles match items?

Not really! For the most part, you can change the appearance of your equipment regardless of what type of item you're wearing. For example, you can make your heavy armor look like light armor and your sword look like an axe. However, there is one limitation: you cannot force a weapon or armor to change its type.

Your bow will not turn into a two-handed sword, and your helmet - no matter how funny it may sound - will not become a boot!

Outfit styles

What are outfit styles and how to learn them?

To create new outfit, you need to know the outfit styles. Styles become available as any of your characters learn motifs. To unlock new outfit styles, simply study the motifs!

Available styles appear in the Collections menu

This means that when creating an outfit for a character, you can use a motif style that your other character knows. This is because with Update 17, all known motifs will be transferred to a new type of collections, "Outfit Styles". You can see a list of outfit styles and see how they look on your character by going to the Collections menu and opening the Outfit Styles section.

In order for all the motifs available to you to appear in the “Collections” menu, log into the game with each character after the release of update 17 (this way, the motifs known to them will be transferred to the general collection).

Cells for outfits

How to get more slots for outfits?

To be able to customize and apply multiple outfits at once, you can purchase additional outfit slots from the in-game Crown Store.

Additional slots for outfits are located in the “Craft” section; one character can have no more than 10 such cells. Please note that the new outfit slots do not apply to other characters on your account.

Other questions

Is it possible to dye outfits?

Yes! You will be able to dye outfit slots in the same way as other equipment or costumes. To change the color of an outfit, go to the "Paints" section of the outfit change station, select the desired colors from the available ones and apply paints to each unique cell. When finished, you must save the changes using the item "Apply changes".

Please note that when recoloring outfits, there is a small gold fee for each slot. Regular gear can be recolored for free (as always), and costumes require an active ESO Plus subscription to be redyed.

Even weapons can be repainted in the outfit system. Additionally, a new set of dyes has been added called Materials, which is based on the traditional colors of the armor ranks.

How to hide the headdress now?

When setting up a work order in the work order creation station, you can enable the option "Hide helmet" for each individual outfit. This option is located above all available styles. It is no longer possible to hide the helmet in the settings.

You can hide your helmet in the Collections menu

You can also hide your headdress using the option "Hide your helmet" in the Collections menu. It is located in the “Hats” subsection of the “Appearance” section.

How do I now convert items to Imperial or Morag Tong style?

These styles will be added to the list of outfit styles available to you; you can use them at any outfit creation station. Note that you don't have to pay to use these styles - unlike all the others. The “Cost of application” parameter will be equal to zero.

Is it possible to change outfits on the fly?

Yes! You can change your current outfit (or turn it off and on) in the Outfit Styles section of the Collections menu or in the Character menu.

But remember that you can only create and customize outfits at the outfit creation station.

The outfit system will be available to all players when Update 17 releases in February.