When to remove peppers from the garden? Sweet, bitter. Fundamental rules

Autumn, as they say, is the time when we harvest. Although, we often harvest a part of this very crop in the summer. These are the early varieties of vegetables, and those vegetables that ripen fully in the summer. Most recently, we talked about the pumpkin harvest time. If your pumpkin also "sits" in the garden, then read the basic rules by which you can determine that it's time to harvest it. And now we will talk about harvesting, too, a fairly popular culture, namely pepper, both its sweet variety and bitter. Here, the variety, of course, plays a role in the ripening of this culture, but still, there are general points by which you can determine the degree of maturity of any variety of pepper.

Rules for harvesting peppers in the greenhouse and in the open field

You should always remove peppers on time. But, this very "in time" is mainly determined by the kind of pepper that you grow, and what you do it for in general. This is what determines the options for the maturity of the pepper.

Two types of pepper ripeness. What and how are they determined?

So, as we have already identified, there are only two of these types. This is the so-called technical ripeness. When it occurs, the pepper is removed from the beds, if it is going to be stored further, transported, or later sold. There is biological ripeness, this is ripeness, which is called real, in another way it can also be called physiological. This is the type of ripeness you need if, for example, you decide to cut the pepper into a salad. With technical ripeness, the pepper is usually greenish. This "greenness" can be dark, lighter, up to white. Also, with technical ripeness, the pepper can be yellow, but this is quite rare. Biological maturity is more familiar to us. At this stage, the peppers can be of different colors. It is bright yellow, often red (the most familiar color for many of us), orange, sometimes purple and other colors.

When to remove bell peppers and how to store them?

If you grow sweet pepper (aka Bulgarian), which is also called vegetable, then you need to know these two types of its ripeness and be sure to be able to distinguish them. It happens that the bell peppers could not be removed on time. At the same time, he is already biologically matured. Then you need to do something with it as soon as you remove it from the branch, because you will not be able to save it for a long time. Ripe bell peppers are just really bad. If you “didn't miss” the sweet pepper and decided to collect it early, that is, when it is ripe, but only technical, then you can put it in storage. If you store it in a suitable place, then there it will be able to lie completely up to 2 months, and slowly ripen. If you need a ripe pepper, then just take it out of the refrigerator (or from the cellar), put it in a well-lit place, and very soon its color will change to a mature version.

How to remove hot pepper and how to store it?

It is best to remove the bitter pepper when it is already biologically mature. This way you can better save it. Indeed, in this state, the wall of the pod becomes thinner, and no longer so fleshy. So, the pod will dry out faster, and, therefore, will not rot. The burning substance that is present in the pods contributes to the successful drying of the pod, and therefore to its safety. It is a kind of natural preservative. There is much more of this substance in ripe pods than in those that have not yet reached this ripeness.

If you know all these subtleties, then the pungency of hot pepper pods can be regulated, as it were. Perhaps you do not need a very bitter pepper at all. Then it is quite possible to rip it off early, that is, when it is only at the stage of technical ripeness. If you like a very hot pepper, then you need to wait until it is fully ripe.

When to harvest peppers in the greenhouse, at what temperature, and what to do next, you will be told in this video. We look.

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