Happy New Year animation. Cool gifs “Happy New Year! Types of animated cards

Beautiful card– traditional attribute New Year's holidays. For more than a century, people have been giving each other the warmest wishes and New Year's mood, presenting original pictures as gifts.

Time passes, traditions change and improve. In 2018, instead of the usual printed pictures printed on thick cardboard, creative digital animated cards will be popular, thanks to which you can wish Happy New Year to friends or loved ones in any country quickly and completely free of charge.

Why will animated pictures be so popular in 2018?

  1. This original congratulations, which will definitely not go unnoticed.
  2. Such a card will allow you to accommodate more wishes.
  3. A bright card shimmering with lights or surprising with falling snowfields will definitely lift your spirits.

Of course, creating your own animation is somewhat more difficult than a regular static postcard. To do this, you will have to master the basics of working with the Adobe Photoshop graphic editor or special online services for creating GIF animations. If you want to please someone dear to your heart with an interesting congratulation, but are not ready to spend a lot of time mastering new programs, just download beautiful New Year gifs from our website by simply right-clicking on the picture you like and selecting “Save As” from the drop-down menu.

Types of animated cards

Depending on how the animation is set up and what techniques the designer used. When creating a Happy New Year greeting in gif format, in 2018 you can find postcards in which:

  • individual elements shimmer;
  • snowflakes fly by;
  • characters or background move;
  • the inscriptions move and replace one another.

We are ready to offer you the most original animated congratulations on winter landscapes, fairy-tale characters, cute dogs and traditional New Year characters that will help you beautifully congratulate your friends or relatives on the New Year 2018.

It’s also worth considering that 2018 is the Year of the Dog, and therefore, as a Happy New Year greeting, animation with cute puppies and dancing dogs will be relevant.

New Year- a wonderful time when all our dreams come true, the air smells of tangerines and pine needles, and our relatives vying with each other to please us with gifts. This is the most anticipated holiday, and everyone, young and old, is looking forward to its arrival. And so much so that there was even a tradition of congratulating each other “Happy New Year!” - Happy New Year, which is just about to come. It’s not surprising, because the anticipation of the holiday is the atmosphere of the New Year! Share it by downloading and sending “Happy New Year” gifs to your loved ones. We have a large collection of animated pictures that will cheer you and your family up on the eve of the holiday!

Downloading GIF animations is very easy: Launch a GIF by pointing or left-clicking on it. Then press longer with your finger, or right-click. A menu will open in which you need to select “Save image as...”. You can also select “Copy image URL” to send it to social networks directly, or post it on your blog.

Collection of gifs “Happy New Year!”, 70 selected GIF animations

Cool Santa Claus and snowman congratulate you and your loved ones on the upcoming holiday!

A funny smiling Santa Claus is in a hurry to distribute gifts to children from his full bag

Winter, New Year, 10 pm, the clock will soon strike midnight. And Santa Claus is already dancing with grandma

Shining gif “Happy New Year”

The “New Year’s mood” gif is also suitable for congratulating you on the upcoming year, since the arrival of the new year is the mood!

A girl sleds against the backdrop of a snow-covered building and a Christmas tree, everything around is shining

Three horses rushing Santa Claus with gifts to the children

Attractive Snow Maiden against the backdrop of a country winter mansion to congratulate adults on the upcoming holiday

Boots, sweets and snowflakes swirling in the air during the New Year

An owl holds a stuffed bunny next to a Christmas tree decorated with toys against a shimmering background.

The New Year is already knocking on your window!

A funny poodle is trying to run away from the Christmas tree and fireworks, but he is not very successful.

This GIF animation depicts a new year that is coming, but has not yet arrived. Only a few minutes left! Wish your loved ones that the new year brings only happiness.

GIF with the laconic inscription “Happy New Year”, many shining lights and Santa Claus racing on a flying sleigh

Snowy greeting GIF in white and purple tones

Beautiful gif “Happy New Year”, on which candles are burning brightly, illuminating beautiful blue and gold glasses

Happy New Year instead of a thousand gifts!

With coming! The holiday is coming, this GIF says, where Santa Claus met two birds with one stone on his way

Picture with a warmly, beautifully dressed girl and New Year's greetings

An ideal evening on December 20-30: 2 glasses, a decorated Christmas tree, a warming fireplace, and pleasant company

In this GIF, everything is like after half past twelve on the night of January 1: everything around is floating, shining, joy and fun all around

New Year in the face of this big-nosed Santa Claus is already looking into your window

Just a gif “Happy New Year”, Christmas tree and gifts

GIF “Happy New Year”, beautiful fireworks in the background

A well-animated GIF of stars swirling around glasses, and midnight is about to arrive.

New Year is coming soon! Time to congratulate your loved ones on the upcoming holiday

On TV - the Irony of Fate, treats on the table, fire in the fireplace, snow outside the window. Christmas tree in the corner. Isn't this the perfect new year?

Tall Santa Claus in a blue coat congratulates you on the upcoming holiday, friends! Massive snowfall. We wish we had one like this for the New Year!

GIF with the floating inscription “Happy New Year!”

GIF with glowing garlands, bells and congratulations on the New Year. Everything is as it should be

Beautiful Christmas tree decorations and well-animated lights make this GIF especially charming.

A GIF that is perfect for the New Year of the Horse, or for an uncle who wants such a horse for the New Year

Happy upcoming, long-awaited, long-awaited New Year! Beautiful girl waving large eyelashes against the backdrop of sparkling fireworks and a set table

There are fewer and fewer days of the passing year on the calendar, and fewer and fewer minutes on the clock. Meanwhile, the number of toys on the Christmas tree is increasing, and the New Year’s mood is just off the charts! For those who are not yet overwhelmed, just send this GIF

Beautiful congratulatory animation in cool blue tones with a small candle

GIF “Happy New Year!”, on which a cute cat in a hat congratulates you

GIF “Dear friends! I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year!” In the background is a luxurious mansion covered with snow

The Snow Queen collects winter flowers and multiplies reality through mirror portals, which congratulates you on the New Year!

Shining gold toys on the New Year tree

Rectangular oblong gif “Happy New Year!” in purple tones with toys, gifts and a Christmas tree branch

Cute snowman and little sparrow congratulate you on the upcoming holiday

Many gifts and several Christmas trees for Snow White and animals

Are you starting to feel the New Year approaching?

Postcard for the coming New Year, made in the style of a postage stamp

GIF with animated snowfall somewhere in a Russian forest

A cheerful snowman riding a kind deer

Disco version of congratulations on the upcoming holiday!

According to the good old tradition, New Year's decorations are hung on a clothesline, so that in the morning after New Year's Eve there will also be gifts... Or dried New Year's decorations

Two cute snowmen are preparing to drink for love

Snow has fallen, and Santa Claus hurries to the drifters' rally to fall sideways on his sleigh

Dancing Santa Claus makes the feather move and congratulate you and your loved ones on the New Year!

The New Year is just beginning, but this happy snowman has already managed to pounce

Animated cards, gif images for congratulating Happy New Year. With the approach of the long-awaited holiday - New Year, almost everyone's pre-holiday enthusiasm increases and, in order to convey their mood to others, there is a desire to congratulate a person with a postcard on the upcoming New Year. Before the holiday, of course, there is a lot of bustle and troubles, and such a congratulation will come in handy. Happy New Year cards and pictures will lift your spirits and help you cope with the holiday preparations more cheerfully. On the site of postcards and pictures for congratulations “Happy New Year!” It turned out to be quite a lot and therefore, for ease of searching, it was decided to create a separate section. The site administration sincerely congratulates everyone on the upcoming New Year and wishes you a great mood, quickly prepare for the holiday and finally sit down to festive table! for the holiday and finally sit down at the festive table!