TDS personal account for managing services online. TDS personal account How to disable your personal account

LLC "House Network Technologies+" is an enterprise that provides communication services for individuals and businesses located in the Volokolamsk, Shakhovsky, Lotoshinsky, Ruzsky and Mozhaysky districts of the Moscow region.

Registration in the account

TDS+ LLC provides Internet connection, telephone and television services to individuals.

After concluding an agreement, the company’s clients can manage their own account remotely through their Personal Account on the company’s website. Login and password are provided upon conclusion of the contract.

Authorization in your TDS personal account

To log in, you need to click the “Personal Account” button in the upper right corner of the site and enter your login and password in the form that opens.

Functionality of the TDS personal account

In the personal account, the user gets access to the account and can track the history of the provision of services, accruals, and payments made. Various services are available for review and viewing, which can be connected and disabled remotely.

If you have a bank card, you can pay the subscription fee.

Personal account mobile application

There is no personal account mobile application. You can manage your profile only from a personal computer.

Customer support via account

Customer support is provided on the company’s website not in your personal account, but on the Service and Support page, the link is in the header menu of the main page.

From 9-00 to 21-00 multi-channel telephone numbers of the TDS+ subscriber service are available:

  • 8 800 3332015 - toll-free number for calls from mobile phones (Russia)
  • 8 49636 32032 - telephone number for subscribers in Volokolamsk (calls from landlines)
  • 8 49637 23023 - telephone number for subscribers of the Shakhovskaya urban-type settlement (calls from landline phones)

The following issues can be resolved through the customer service:

  • call a specialist
  • order service connection
  • receive information about connected services and account status
  • get advice on troubleshooting

You can also leave a request for a call back from a company specialist on this page. You must indicate the number at which you will be called back.

How to disable your personal account?

To exit your personal account, always use the special button to exit your profile. Only in this case will you correctly end the session, making the profile inactive and inaccessible to those who will use the PC after you.

Security and privacy rules

Working in a personal account does not pose any danger to client data. When registering, a minimum set of personal data is used, which is used within the company to provide services and is not transferred to external users. When paying for services with bank cards, the exchange of card payment details takes place on secure sites of banks or payment systems. Which have high degree protection and privacy.

Subject to general rules There is no threat to the safety of working on your PC, your data and the money on the card.

LLC "House Network Technologies +" (LLC "TDS"), an Internet provider in the Moscow region, providing a full range of communication services in the Volokolamsk, Lotoshinsky, Shakhovsky, Ruzsky and Mozhaysky districts for more than 12 years. The company's subscribers, who connect the Internet, television, telephony and rent dedicated communication channels, are not only individuals, but also enterprises in the region. A convenient and functional remote service service is available for registered clients of the company on the official website - personal account TDS, which allows you to carry out many necessary operations without leaving your home.

Personal account features

The main services provided in the most convenient way - online, through the TDS personal account, include the following:

  • View the current account status (possible debts, advance payments).
  • Manage the active connection.
  • Payment for provided communication services without commission using a bank card from your account mobile phone or electronic money.
  • Familiarization with the terms of the connected tariff plan.
  • Checking the current Internet connection speed.
  • Connecting and disabling additional options.
  • View the history of completed payments for services.
  • Familiarization with news, current tariff plans and special offers of the company.

Registration and login to your personal account

Registration of a personal account is not required for subscribers of an Internet provider who have valid contracts for the provision of telecommunications services: each new client has a personal TDS account by default. When signing the relevant documents, the official representative of the company provides all the necessary data in order to log in to your personal account for the first time (login and password).

The House Network Technologies (TDS) company is one of the key providers in remote areas of the Moscow region. Thanks to TDS, the population and enterprises from the Volokolamsk, Ruzsky, Mozhaisky, Shakhovsky and Lotoshinsky districts gained access to high speed internet and other telecommunications services.

The company has been operating in the Moscow region for more than 12 years, over the years it has managed to create a large audience of clients, introduce new products, and improve the quality and efficiency of the services provided. A service is available for the company’s clients on the official website - the TDS personal account. An individual account on the TDS portal is an opportunity to manage services in a pleasant home environment, while traveling or on business trips.— official website of TDS plus

Both ordinary citizens and various organizations are happy to cooperate with TDS. Specialists of “House Network Technologies” connect the Internet, digital TV, install telephone lines into buildings, organize video surveillance, etc.

Registration of a personal account

There is no usual registration on the House Network Technologies portal: the subscriber gets access to the personal page automatically after signing a contract for the supply of telecom services. After the document is signed, the company employee gives the user a memo containing the login and password for logging into the TDS personal account.

When visiting an individual account for the first time, the user can change the password: the TDS company advises choosing a fairly complex and reliable protection. The password can be changed on a special page in your personal account.— application for connection

There are several ways to restore access to your personal account: for example, you can call customer service by phone - 8 800 333-20-15 . An employee of “House Network Technologies” will ask the subscriber to name the personal contract number.

Login to your personal account

Even an inexperienced user of the global web can log into the TDS personal account. The procedure looks like this:

  1. open the main page of the site;
  2. in the upper right corner there is a green button with a padlock depicted on it and the inscription “Personal Account”: click on this button with the mouse;
  3. on the opened page there are two fields: “login” and “password” (we use the contract number with “House Network Technologies” as the login).— personal account of a TDS subscriber

After pressing the “Login” button, the system transfers the subscriber to his personal account. The personal account interface is designed in a minimalist style, it is very simple and understandable. With the help of a personal account, the user will be able to perform huge amount procedures that previously would have required him to visit the TDS office.

Personal account features

The main opportunity that the user receives after authorization in his personal account is access to his account and independent control of all financial flows. IN general view The functionality of a personal account is as follows:

  • obtaining information about your personal account online (all data on debts, advances, bonuses, etc.);
  • remote management of services, including Internet connection;
  • wide possibilities for paying for services: payment without commission with bank cards glasses, web wallets, cell phones;
  • detailed information about the parameters of the selected tariff;
  • the ability to replace the tariff plan with one more attractive to the subscriber;
  • independent activation of any options and tools;
  • disabling unnecessary services;
  • Internet speed control;
  • Possibility of ordering an electronic expense report cash, Internet traffic, calls made;
  • participation in company shares;
  • instant receipt latest news about the work of the Home Network Technologies company, current products and services.

Using your personal account is completely safe from the point of view of leaks of client information. The company has minimized the amount of personal data during the registration procedure. The information is used by specially authorized employees and only in intracorporate networks: client data will not be provided to third-party users under any circumstances.

A high degree of protection is also implemented when paying for services with bank cards. Banking web platforms are used for transactions; payment information of the client’s card is visible only to the bank.

Through your personal account you can always contact customer support, call a repair team to your home, or order a service. The specialists of “House Network Technologies” are always ready to assist the subscriber in setting up the equipment: in fact, the client receives step by step instructions by phone.

After completing your session in your TDS personal account, it is recommended to click the “Exit profile” button. This is especially true for users who use someone else’s computer to access the network.