If the tests show negative. Why does the test show a negative result during pregnancy? Weight problems

A pregnancy test is the simplest and most accessible way to confirm or refute a woman’s suspicions regarding conception. However, it is known that sometimes it makes mistakes and gives a false negative result when there is a pregnancy, but the test claims that there is none. Why might this happen? What to do if a woman is sure that pregnancy has occurred, but the test is negative?

Can a pregnancy test show a negative result if there is a pregnancy?

To find out whether the test can make mistakes and be negative, despite the fact that there is a pregnancy, you need to understand how it works. Any rapid test to detect pregnancy at home reacts to human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, a hormone produced in the body healthy woman when she is carrying a child.

Most pregnancy tests detect the presence of hCG in the urine at a concentration of 20–25 mIU/ml. This level is observed on days 14–15 after implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall, so it is recommended to use the test on the first day of missed menstruation. The more time passes from the moment of pregnancy, the higher the reliability of a positive result.

However, it also happens that a rapid analysis shows a negative result, and after some time it turns out that conception has occurred. Why didn’t the test determine pregnancy, and is this even possible in principle?

Reasons for a negative test

Home and most common reason negative result of home rapid diagnostics - absence of pregnancy. If a woman for a long time she is trying to get pregnant without having obvious problems with the reproductive system, she knows well what indirect signs indicate pregnancy, and is psychologically ready for it. When mild nausea appears, a heightened sense of smell and a delay in menstruation, she assures herself that the long-awaited event has finally arrived, and considers the absence of a second line on the test to be a mistake.

In other cases, the cause of a false negative result may be:

  • low hCG level;
  • atypical embryo implantation;
  • poor quality test;
  • violation of the rules for using the test;
  • pregnancy pathologies.

Diagnosis of pregnancy too early

Normally, about 2 weeks pass between ovulation (the release of an egg from the dominant follicle) and the onset of menstruation. If fertilization of the egg occurs on the day of ovulation, after 6–8 days it enters the uterus at the blastocyst stage and penetrates the endometrium—implantation occurs. From this moment, the chorion tissue begins to produce hCG, and after about a week it reaches a concentration level in the woman’s urine that is easily determined by any pharmacy test.

If you take the test earlier than 14 days from the moment of ovulation and expected fertilization, there is a high chance of getting a false negative result. The analysis may erroneously show the absence of pregnancy, despite its presence.

It also happens that 2 weeks have passed, there is no menstruation, but the express analysis still shows a negative result. This happens due to the individual characteristics of the expectant mother. For example, ovulation did not occur on the same day as the woman believes, but several days later. Or the embryo “stayed” in the fallopian tube longer than expected and implanted later than expected.

If a woman is sure that conception has taken place and feels that she is pregnant, she should take the test again 2-3 days after her missed period. A week later you should undergo an ultrasound to determine pregnancy.

Incorrect use of the test

Each pregnancy test comes with instructions for its use. If you read it inattentively or in a hurry, you might miss it. important points, violate the rules for using the test and get an incorrect result. To avoid errors, you need to follow general recommendations:

  • for analysis, take the first morning portion of urine - since the woman does not drink at night and does not urinate for a long time, in the morning the urine is most concentrated, and the level of hCG, if the hormone is already produced, is the highest;
  • urine is either collected in a sterile container or poured directly onto the working part of the test, if it is a stream test - this point requires mandatory clarification;
  • the jet test after contact with urine is placed on a flat horizontal surface, otherwise either the analyzer is lowered into a container with urine to the “MAX” mark for 10 seconds, or urine is collected with a special pipette and a few drops are dripped into the window for receiving liquid and the test is placed on 3–5 minutes on a horizontal surface;
  • You should not wait more than 10 minutes for the result - after this time, any changes will not be reliable.

Poor quality or defective products

The pregnancy test may be defective or expired. When purchasing a product, you need to inquire about its expiration date, as well as storage conditions.

The date of manufacture and the end date for use of the pregnancy test are indicated on the packaging; in general, the shelf life is 3 years from the date of release. It is better not to buy a product with an expiration date in the near future.

The test is stored in a dry room away from heating devices and other heat sources at a temperature of 4–30ºС. You should not purchase a product with wrinkled or torn packaging.

To avoid possible mistakes, it makes sense to purchase several tests from different pharmacies. In this case, having received a negative result, you can immediately check its accuracy using another analyzer.

Ectopic pregnancy

A negative test in the presence of other signs of pregnancy may indicate ectopic implantation of the embryo. In rare cases, the embryo may implant not in the wall of the uterus, but in its cervix, fallopian tube, ovary, or even the abdominal cavity. Moreover, after implantation, it will also produce the hCG hormone, but not always in the same volume as during a normal intrauterine pregnancy.

Most often, the test determines pregnancy, even if it is ectopic. That is why, having received a positive result, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist so that he can confirm the pregnancy and identify incorrect implantation of the embryo, if any, as early as possible. A developed ectopic pregnancy can lead to severe consequences for a woman and almost always ends in the death of the embryo (see also: what to do if a tube bursts in the early stages of an ectopic pregnancy?). There are known cases of the birth of healthy full-term children carried in the abdominal cavity outside the uterus, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

Freezing of the embryo

Sometimes a woman takes a pregnancy test, which she definitely has, because it has already been confirmed by a gynecologist or an ultrasound, but the result turns out to be negative. What could this development of events mean?

Up to 25% of pregnancies fail early stages– these are the disappointing statistics. For reasons that cannot always be identified and eliminated, the development of the embryo stops and the baby dies. At the same time, a woman does not always have a miscarriage; sometimes 2-3 weeks pass before the problem becomes obvious, and the patient is referred for a medical abortion.

Fading pregnancy is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sudden disappearance or rapid decrease in the severity of symptoms of toxicosis;
  • discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the duration of pregnancy;
  • low hCG level.

If a pregnant woman, after taking the test, receives a negative result several times in a row, she needs to urgently consult a gynecologist. A comprehensive examination will help dispel doubts or confirm the sad guess that the development of the embryo has stopped. IN the latter case Measures will be taken to remove the dead embryo from the uterine cavity in the most gentle way.

A frozen pregnancy is not a sign of infertility. Usually, the embryo freezes in the early stages if it has chromosomal abnormalities and developmental defects that are incompatible with life. The next pregnancy develops normally in 90% of cases and ends with the birth of a healthy child.

Threat of miscarriage

Typically, 5-7 days before a miscarriage, hCG levels begin to decline. The absence of a second line on the test after confirming pregnancy clinically and using ultrasound may signal a threat of spontaneous termination of pregnancy. This usually occurs due to pathologies of embryo development and defects in the formation of internal organs. The decision on the advisability of continuing the pregnancy is made by the doctor together with the patient.

Recommendations for obtaining the most reliable test results

In order for a pregnancy test to give an accurate result, you must follow certain rules:

  • do not rush into analysis, wait for a delay of 1–2 days;
  • complete everything necessary actions in accordance with the instructions supplied with the product;
  • use several tests, preferably of different designs and manufacturers, purchased from more than one place.

What to do if you have obvious symptoms of pregnancy and a negative test?

If a woman only suspects that she is pregnant, but the test shows a negative result, then the test needs to be repeated after a couple of days. Perhaps the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin has not yet reached the required level. In this case, an ultrasound will also not show the presence of pregnancy, since the period is very short.

In a different situation, there are those who have been diagnosed with pregnancy, tests confirmed its presence, the symptoms suddenly disappeared, and a home test gave a negative result. A woman should immediately contact a gynecologist to rule out embryo freezing and the threat of spontaneous abortion.

Fertilization, conception and pregnancy are normal physiological processes in female body. Currently, there are many ways to determine the fact of the fusion of an egg and a sperm. Among them are blood tests for hormones, ultrasound diagnostics and the use of conventional strip strips for home use. Often women have a question about whether it is possible that there is a pregnancy, but the test is negative. This is exactly what will be discussed further. You can find out why it happens that a pregnancy test is negative, but there is a pregnancy. Feedback from women and specialists on this issue will also be described below.

There is a pregnancy, but the test is negative - is this possible?

Does it happen that the fertilized egg is already developing in the uterus, but strip strips purchased at a pharmacy chain or supermarket show a negative result? Women and doctors say that this is quite possible. In some cases, even the manufacturer allows such a result. Remember that using test systems will never give you a guarantee correct result. However, in most cases, such devices work properly and show exactly what it really is.

Quite rarely, but there are episodes when a representative of the fairer sex tests and receives a negative result. After that, she never waits for the next menstruation and conducts additional research. It is this diagnosis that shows the presence of pregnancy. Why does it happen that there is a pregnancy, but the test is negative? The reasons may vary. Let's look at the main ones.

Early use of strip strips

If there is a pregnancy and the test is negative, then the reason for this may be the very early use of a diagnostic device. To explain this reason, it is necessary to understand how test strips work.

Absolutely all pregnancy detection devices detect the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin in a woman’s urine. The manufacturer applies a special reagent to the tests, which appears when the substance is present in a certain volume. If the hCG level is insufficient or absent at all, the result will be negative. Most tests have a sensitivity of 10 to 30 mIU/mL. This suggests that exactly this amount of the hormone should be present in a woman’s urine. Often this level is reached only after a delay. That is why early use of strip strips leads to pregnancy, but the test is negative.

Incorrect use of the diagnostic device

There is a pregnancy, but the test is negative - why does this happen? Quite often you may encounter that the test strip is used incorrectly. On each package, the manufacturer indicates an instruction that must be strictly followed. If this does not happen, then it may turn out that the test is negative, but there is a pregnancy. A photo of the negative result will be presented in the article below.

Most regular strip strips are designed for use in the morning after waking up. This time indicated due to the fact that the morning urine contains a larger amount of human chorionic gonadotropin. This is explained by the fact that such a liquid is more concentrated. So, if you test in the afternoon or evening, while drinking large number water or tea before the procedure, it may turn out that the result is negative, but there is a pregnancy.

Defective tests

There is a pregnancy, but the test is negative - why can this be? One of the reasons for this outcome may be a defect in the product itself. Often, manufacturers of cheap tests simply skimp on the amount of reagent. This results in the test detecting human chorionic gonadotropin in the woman's body, but the corresponding strip does not appear.

Many women do not recommend buying cheap products. Of course, you can save money on a strip strip, but the result will be erroneous. The more expensive a pregnancy test is, the more likely it is to show an accurate result.

Artificial insemination

It happens that the test is negative, but there is a pregnancy. After IVF this can happen only in some cases. More often than not, the opposite happens.

During in vitro fertilization, eggs are removed from the woman's body. After this, they are combined with sperm. The resulting zygote is transferred into the cavity of the reproductive organ. From this moment we can say that pregnancy has occurred. Sometimes it happens that embryos do not take root. However, they are still in the uterine cavity, but the test shows a negative result.

When embryo transfer has occurred, the woman is often given artificial human chorionic gonadotropin. This is necessary for the successful development of pregnancy. In this case, the test can show a positive result even if implantation has not yet occurred.

Women's health problems

A negative pregnancy test result may occur if a representative of the fairer sex has encountered certain pathologies. These include diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. With them, the concentration of the substance necessary for a positive test is significantly reduced.

Also, abnormalities in the functioning of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and adrenal glands in some cases provoke a negative result. If you have such problems, then you should choose alternative diagnostic tools to determine pregnancy.

Threat of interruption of embryonic life

If the test (for pregnancy) is negative, but there is a pregnancy, the reasons may be a violation of the development of the embryo. Often, doctors in this case talk about the threat of interruption or spontaneous abortion that has begun. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure it out.

So, you have conceived a child, ultrasound diagnostics confirms the presence of a fertilized egg in the uterus, but the strip strip gives a negative result. Most likely, your body produces small amounts of human chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone. This is exactly what happens in most cases. Moreover, if the necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner, a miscarriage will occur. Often, pregnancy can be saved. However, this must be done by a specialist. Contact a gynecologist who will prescribe appropriate tests and additional studies. Replenishing the missing amount of hormones helps to carry and give birth to a healthy child.

Frozen pregnancy

Why is it possible that there is a pregnancy, but the test shows a negative result? In some cases, we may be talking about the freezing of the embryo.

During pregnancy, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in a woman's blood and urine gradually increases. It reaches its maximum by the end of the first trimester. If pregnancy fading occurs, then gradually the amount of this substance begins to decrease. After just a few weeks, a woman may find that the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin has become equal to the value that was recorded before pregnancy.

Ectopic embryo attachment

It happens that the test shows a negative result at a time when conception has occurred. This may indicate the presence of an embryo that is developing outside the uterine cavity. The most common type is tubular attachment. Less commonly, you can find an embryo developing in the ovary or on the wall of the abdominal cavity.

If conception has taken place and we are talking about an ectopic pregnancy, then most often the release and growth of human chorionic gonadotropin occurs spasmodically. However, its level remains minimal and usually does not correspond to the deadline. So, a woman can notice a delay and all the signs of pregnancy. However, the test will show a negative result. In this case, the presence of pregnancy can be determined using an ultrasound examination.

The test is negative, but there is pregnancy: reviews

What do the fairer sex say about this coincidence of circumstances? Some women claim that they have experienced a similar result. At the same time, they received a negative pregnancy test, and the next menstruation did not begin. It was then that women took alternative diagnostic steps, which still showed the presence of pregnancy.

Doctors say that a test strip can never guarantee an absolutely accurate result. That is why manufacturers of such devices write on the packaging that the probability of an accurate answer is 99 percent. If you want to get the most reliable result, it is better to take a blood test to determine human chorionic gonadotropin.

Summing up the article

You now know why it happens that a pregnancy test shows a negative result after conception and fertilization have taken place. Remember that if there is any doubt, it is better to consult a doctor. The gynecologist will be able to examine you and suggest or categorically deny the fact of pregnancy. The doctor will also refer the woman to certain studies that will be able to more accurately answer the question of whether there is a pregnancy.

If you don't want to at the moment If you give birth to a child, you should visit a gynecologist as soon as possible. Otherwise, a negative test will reassure you, and the pregnancy will develop. Be more responsible and attentive to your health.

There are a sufficient number of reasons why a pregnancy test may show a negative result. This often depends on the presence of pathologies in the body or improper use of the test itself.

Why this happens and how to properly conduct testing in order to obtain reliable information, we will consider below.

Absolutely all test strips work on the same principle - they react to human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

The hCG hormone is produced in a woman’s body from the moment conception occurs. Every day its indicator increases several tens of times.

Thus, it is very simple to determine whether conception has occurred using a test strip; it is important to wait until the level of hCG in the urine is sufficient to show this. The appropriate time for such a diagnosis is 5-7 days of missed menstruation.

What does a pregnancy test consist of?

On one side of the strip there is a reagent that appears when liquid gets in, in this case, a woman’s urine. When urine comes into contact with the reagent site, the test shows the result. If it contains the hCG hormone, the test shows two stripes. If a woman is not pregnant, then the second stripe simply will not appear.

Why does the test show one line during pregnancy?

When a pregnant woman's test shows one line, this may indicate that this procedure was performed incorrectly. Situations may arise when pregnancy is at an early stage, and the hCG hormone has accumulated in insufficient quantities to show a positive result. Often, serious health problems can give a negative result. There are many reasons, and it is worth understanding this in more detail.

Unfortunately, few people know what the first stripe on the testing device means and why it is applied. She serves as an illustrative example for the second, so that the woman has an idea of ​​what result she should see if conception occurs. The second stripe should be identical to the first, have the same size and brightness of color. A significant difference between them indicates a short period of pregnancy or the presence of a number of other reasons.

Reasons why the test may show a negative result:

  1. One of the common reasons is improper conduct of the study.
  2. To get the most accurate result, you should read the instructions and only then proceed with the procedure. Do not forget about the need to check the expiration date; perhaps it has already expired, then, naturally, the test will show a negative result.
  3. Early procedure. Most test manufacturers write on the packaging that they are ready for use from the first days of the delay, but even then they do not always show a positive result. If you carry out the determination procedure earlier than the expected time, you may not get the result at all. The hCG hormone has not yet reached such a level in the urine to react to the strip reagent.
  4. Taking medications. Using diuretics or other drugs the day before may give a negative result from the device. If these drugs are used on the eve of testing, the level of the hCG hormone will not be able to reach the concentration necessary to diagnose whether the long-awaited conception has occurred.
  5. Ectopic pregnancy. This pathology is often accompanied by menstruation and a deterioration in the woman’s condition. In this case, the test may not show a positive result, but the presence of pathology requires urgent medical attention.
  6. Kidney diseases. Pyelonephritis and other kidney pathologies often affect the test result.

There are quite enough reasons for getting a negative result. It is advisable to completely exclude them before using the test, and then the result of determining the woman’s position will be more reliable.

How to use a pregnancy test correctly

Before you start testing, you should read the instructions. Each device has a different sensitivity to human chorionic gonadotropin, and this affects from what day of the delay it can be used.

Pregnancy test, how to do it

The procedure for assessing a woman’s condition should be carried out in the morning, when the concentration of the hCG hormone is highest.

Step by step instructions:

  • Prepare a clean container for collecting urine and collect some morning urine in it.
  • Open the package with the test strip and dip one side into the container with urine, exactly up to the restriction strip (approximately 1-1.5 cm). Hold for a few seconds.
  • Place the device on a clean surface and evaluate the result after 3-5 minutes.
  • After the time has passed, you can see: one strip - the woman is not pregnant, two - pregnancy has occurred.

Carrying out the research process is quite simple, the main thing is to follow the instructions and not use damaged, expired strips.

What to do if signs of pregnancy appear and the test shows a negative result

It is worth taking into account that signs do not always indicate pregnancy. Sometimes, due to a strong desire to be pregnant, a woman feels a false pregnancy.

The usual two-day delay seems to be the moment of the long-awaited conception. Don't rush and take it seriously. It is recommended to wait a few days and repeat testing later. Maybe it's common premenstrual syndrome, and this month fertilization did not occur at all.

But there are times when the signs are confirmed, but the test continues to show one strip. Such situations occur not only in the early stages, but also often occur at 3 and 5 weeks of pregnancy. In most cases, this can be affected by kidney disease, the use of diuretics the day before, or, again, improper use of the test.

It is recommended to exclude all possible pathologies affecting the situation and repeat the study after a few days. In the situation of repeated negative results, you should consult a doctor for additional diagnostics.

The doctor will prescribe a blood test for the hCG hormone and suggest an ultrasound.

Diagnosis for the presence of hCG is the most accurate compared to all tests.

Few people know that human chorionic gonadotropin increases in the blood from the moment of conception. Thanks to this, you can easily determine the presence of pregnancy. The hCG hormone enters the urine much later, in low concentration, which is sometimes not enough to obtain a reliable result using a test study.

A vaginal ultrasound will provide more information in this situation. It will show pregnancy from the first weeks, but the usual one will be able to determine it only after 6-7 weeks.


There are plenty of reasons why testing gives a negative result, but perhaps they are the most commonplace - using the test before a missed period, for example. In such cases, you should not panic, you need to calm down, wait a few days and carry out the procedure again. If the situation repeats, you should consult your doctor to rule out various pathologies.

Many women experience the disappointment of a negative pregnancy test result when they are trying to conceive. Sometimes even if there is only one line there can be symptoms of pregnancy and this can be very confusing. In some cases, the hCG blood test shows that you are not pregnant, but you still have some symptoms. Why might this condition occur?

I have a negative test but still feel pregnant - why is this happening?

1. The test was used too early

Pregnancy tests respond to human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It takes time for sufficient amounts of this hormone to be produced. If the test is performed when there is not enough of it yet, the result will be false negative. This usually occurs when women check for pregnancy before a missed period occurs. If you wait a few days after your period is expected, the test result should not be a false negative, given its high sensitivity.

2. Fluctuations in ovulation time

If you have an irregular cycle, it is possible that ovulation occurred at the end of the cycle, then the test is too early. From time to time, even in women with a regular menstrual cycle, the release of an egg may occur before the period. Therefore, this may delay detection in urine. Levels of this hormone may already be high enough to be detected by a blood test as early as 8-10 days after ovulation, but a home urine test requires an additional week. Therefore, wait a little and repeat the test if your period still does not occur.

3. Miscalculation in the cycle

You may get a negative pregnancy test result if you miscalculate the date, especially if you forget the date of your last period. If your partner has healthy sperm, it may be in fallopian tubes up to 5 days, waiting for the egg (ovulation). Therefore, sexual intercourse can occur earlier, and conception will occur in a few days. If you think the result is incorrect due to miscalculation of dates, wait a few days and check again.

4. Diluted urine

If the collected urine sample is somehow diluted (for example, you took the test during the day after drinking a large amount of liquid), this will cause the device to not detect hCG. To be completely reliable, a negative pregnancy test must be confirmed by physical examination and/or ultrasound.

5. Hook effect during pregnancy

The hook effect occurs when the test antibodies are overloaded with the administered antigen and are unable to bind to the antibodies. To make it easier to understand the essence of this effect and apply it to a pregnancy test, we can say more simply that the hook effect occurs when a woman's hCG level is so high that it cannot be associated with the antibodies being tested, and therefore the test cannot effectively detect with your task.

HCG levels must be extremely high for this to occur, which may occur between 8-10 weeks or earlier with multiple pregnancy, later the hormone level will begin to level out.

When the hook effect occurs, you will either get a , even though darker lines were previously visible, or you may get a false negative without a second stripe. The test simply couldn't handle the high hCG levels and gave you an unreliable answer.

What to do?

What can you do if the tests show a negative result, but you still feel symptoms of pregnancy? It depends on whether you are expecting your period or not. There is a 50/50 chance that the test could be false if you are not expecting your period yet. Wait a few days and repeat it.

You should repeat it after two or three days if the expected period of menstruation has already passed and the strip is still there. However, if your period starts and you still feel pregnant, you should wait a few days after it and test again.

There may be other reasons for missing periods if the tests are still negative. You can repeat the definition again if you want. But if this time it shows that you are not pregnant, this almost certainly means that you are. There may be other reasons for this condition that require you to see a doctor. Plus, it can be too hard to accept a negative result if you've been trying really hard to conceive.

Personal experiences of other women

You are not alone in this situation. There are a large number of women who experience pregnancy symptoms but have negative test results. Here are a few cases taken from a women's forum where the result was ultimately positive, but much later.

Case 1

“I have been pregnant since the beginning of June. On June 23rd I took my first blood test to make sure I was pregnant, even though I had my period that month, I had been vomiting for 3 days. The result was negative.

Then, in mid-July, I felt sick every morning. I went to the doctor and he said that I was pregnant or suffering from allergies to the food I was eating. Later that night at home, I took a pregnancy test and it showed two lines. I returned to the doctor (different), he did an ultrasound and confirmed this wonderful news! I actually had my period."

Case 2

“I took a positive pregnancy test when I was supposed to be on my period. And after 8 days I went to my doctor and took a blood test, which was negative. I had pregnancy symptoms and felt changes in my body. The doctor made me come back after two weeks and a blood test finally showed that I was expecting a baby. It took time for the hormones to increase. I knew I was pregnant, and I was right! Good luck to everyone and I hope this situation doesn’t drive you crazy like it did for me.”

It's important to trust your instincts if you think you might be pregnant. There are many women who are simply “aware of their situation from the very beginning. Your friends or family may tell you that it's "all in your head," but you know your body better than anyone else. Most often, women with a strong suspicion of pregnancy turn out to be right!

Is pregnancy possible if the test result is negative?

A negative test during pregnancy is quite common.

Many women planning a child, when conducting a mini-study, received one band as a result. But in fact, they have already developed new life. So, the test is negative, is pregnancy possible? Yes, this can happen. Below are typical examples of such situations.

When mistakes happen

There are a number of reasons why a test to determine pregnancy, if it actually exists, may show one line. Here is a list of the most common cases.

Features of the female body. This rather “vague” formulation implies that the body after conception and in initial periods Fetal development produces a very small amount of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), an increased level of which directly indicates the presence of pregnancy. As a result, an insufficiently sensitive test cannot determine the difference between a normal and an “interesting” position.

Defective test. If you are confused by a negative test result during pregnancy, but you are almost sure of its presence, it is recommended to make another attempt at a rapid test, or donate blood to determine the level of the hCG hormone. Even if you buy tests from a large, trusted pharmacy, there is a chance that the product has been damaged or the storage conditions and conditions have been violated. With a high degree of probability, a poor-quality test will show an unreliable result.

Incorrect execution. A negative test for a missed period can also occur if it was not carried out according to instructions. Read the manual carefully. If necessary, repeat the home diagnostics again.

Too early. As a rule, tests show a negative result until the fetus is completely implanted into the uterine wall. Implantation time can be from 6 to 12 days. In this case, slight bleeding may occur, which is often mistaken for the beginning of menstruation.

Inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs. The presence of tumors, either malignant or benign, may affect the test results. Also, inflammatory processes in the ovaries often cause a delay in menstruation. In this case, you may rightly think that you are pregnant, but the test will show a negative result.

The presence of a number of diseases. Malfunctions of the hypothalamus or serious problems with thyroid gland also influence the results.

How to dispel doubts

Your test is negative, but you are pregnant, and you are one hundred percent sure of it. To cast aside all doubts, it is recommended to visit a doctor. After carrying out simple tests, namely taking blood to determine the level of the hCG hormone, you can be sure of your situation. Afterwards, in the hospital you will have an ultrasound, where the fertilized egg can be clearly seen on the monitor screen (of course, if you are really pregnant). And at a period of 4.5 or more weeks, even the embryo and its heartbeat.

Next, the doctor will determine why the test is negative in the presence of pregnancy, and, if necessary, prescribe a series of procedures in order to preserve and normal development of the child. Please note that in most cases this phenomenon is not a cause for concern. All you need to do is contact a specialist for advice in time.