Aymanibank hotline phone number. AimaniBank: entrance to your personal account Aimanibank hot

AiManiBank is a commercial financial institution formed in 1992 under the name “AltaiEnergoBank” in the city of Gorno-Altaisk. In 2013, during the rebranding process, the bank acquired its modern name. The network of divisions is distributed in 30 constituent entities of Russia, incl. customer service point in Moscow.

The key activities of the organization are services in the field of processing car loans, as well as storage and accumulation cash population. In addition, an Internet banking service is available to existing clients of AiMoneyBank, which allows you to manage banking products remotely. This requires verified user registration and availability personal computer or a smartphone with Internet access.

For remote access to the bank's services, IMoneyBank offers the use of Internet banking. Its main advantages include:

  • Payment of utility bills, replenishment of balance mobile phone, cable TV and Internet. It is possible to set up automatic debiting of funds on a set date;
  • Payment of tax obligations and traffic police fines;
  • Generating statements for open banking products;
  • Money transfers between your own personal accounts and using bank details to third parties;
  • Controlling expenses and setting financial goals for saving funds;
  • Obtaining detailed information on your credit history.

Login personal account open to existing iMoneyBank clients. To do this, indicate in your browser the main address of the bank’s website https://iclick.imoneybank.ru/ and select “Internet Bank”. In the new window, enter your phone number (10 characters after +7) and password, click “Login”.

Registration of a personal account of AiMoneyBank

Registration of a new user in the IMoneyBank personal account is open on the main authorization page https://iclick.imoneybank.ru/login. Under the password entry field, click on the “Registration” link. In a new window, fill in the phone number (10 characters after +7), date of birth and passport data (series, number, date of issue of the document) of the client. Click "Continue". After processing the user data, the system will send a unique code to the registered mobile number. Enter the code from the SMS message in the appropriate field to activate your personal account. Registration is completely completed, the user can start working.

If, after entering data on the site, the error “Unfortunately, your phone is not registered in the system” appears, it is recommended to contact the 24-hour service center iMoneyBank by phone +7-495-685-92-92 . A bank employee will advise you on remote registration in your personal account. The call within Russia is free.

Recovering your iMoneyBank personal account password

Initial registration takes place using account information; in the future, the client can automatically save the password in the browser settings. To ensure user security, password recovery in your personal account is possible using a special link https://iclick.imoneybank.ru/restore_password. When clicking on it, you will need to indicate the mobile phone number registered in your personal account (10 characters after +7), full name of the holder of the banking product, date of birth, code word. Next, enter the passport details of the holder of the banking product and click “Continue”. After identification, a code will be sent to the specified number to restore your personal account.

Download the iMoneyBank mobile application

Access to the IMoneyBank Internet banking system is available not only from desktop computer or laptop, but also from a smartphone. There is currently no official application, but when you open the bank authorization page in your personal account on your device, the site will automatically prompt you to go to mobile version. The recommended internet browser for logging in is Google Chrome.

No additional registration is required when logging into the mobile version. The user just needs to indicate the main account on the website.

Free telephone hotline of IMoneyBank

To quickly resolve issues, the bank operates a 24-hour customer support hotline. Calls within Russia are free.

  • 8-800-510-00-00 – For calls within Russia;
  • +7-495-685-92-92 - Moscow.

Whenever technical problems with access to the personal account, the user can send a letter to the iMoneyBank email address

"iMoneyBank" OGRN: 1020400000081, General license of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1975 dated January 23, 2013 is a commercial bank founded back in 1992 in the city of Gorno-Altaisk, Altai Territory. Until 2013, the bank was called AltaiEnergoBank.

For twenty years, thanks to the well-coordinated and painstaking work, the introduction of new technologies, AiMoneyBank managed to become the leading bank in the Altai Territory. Today the bank has its branches (offices) in thirty constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Login to your personal account

Log in to your personal account “iMoneyBank” on the page https://www.imoneybank.ru/iclick. Enter your mobile phone number (which is your login) and the password you received during registration.

Connecting your personal account

To use the service provided, you must be a client of AiMoneyBank, that is, have an account bank card. You need to go through the registration procedure. On the login page, select the “Registration” link.

  • Enter your mobile phone number, which you specified when registering an agreement with the bank.
  • Please enter your date of birth.
  • Enter your passport details: passport series and number, date of issue.
  • A password will be sent to your phone, which you will need to enter to activate your personal account.

Advantages of your personal account

  • , cellular communication services.
  • Control your own expenses, obtain detailed information on transactions for the period of time you need.
  • Possibility to pay for television, internet, telephone services.
  • Money transfers from card to card, to a bank account in any bank in the country.
  • Possibility of obtaining information about traffic police fines and their subsequent payment.
  • Obtaining your credit history.

AiMoneyBank hotline phone number

LLC CB "iMoneyBank" was established in Gorno-Altaisk in 1992. The credit institution specializes in providing high-tech banking services to corporate clients and individuals. Since 2009, AiManiBank has been among the 500 largest banks in the country and ranked 17th in terms of the volume of loans issued. In 2012, the Bank occupied the best position among the 30 leading credit institutions published in the ranking of the Banki.ru website. At the present stage, LLC CB "AiMoneyBank" provides banking services for car loans to the population and ensures reliable storage of funds. In its activities, the Bank focuses on the interests of clients and strives to make car lending services more accessible, profitable and efficient. AiMoneyBank has 40 branches. The main task of the Bank at the present stage is to expand the network of branches in the Russian Federation, as well as attract foreign investors. Since 2004, this credit institution has been included in the register of the system compulsory insurance deposits of the population. The official website of the bank is www.aenbank.ru; Hotline phone: 8 800 510 00 00

The financial organization AiMoneyBank lost its license in 2016, and Orange Bank acquired a controlling stake in the documents of the liquidated bank. This information should be known to both creditors and depositors of AiMoneyBank, because notifications about the transfer of assets to Orange Bank were sent to the phones of all bank clients at the insistence of the state corporation Deposit Insurance Agency. Former clients who took out a loan before closing can get help by calling the DIA customer support line: 8 800 200-08-05

Where to get information on iMoneyBank

It will not be possible to reach IMoneyBank using the old phone number, because the organization no longer exists. The above toll-free hotline number belongs to the Deposit Insurance Agency. A citizen interested in finding contacts to communicate with a liquidated organization obviously does not know the fact that the bank of which he was once a client has been closed; You can get additional information on AiMoneyBank on the website of the deposit insurance agency, section “Liquidation of banks”.

What can you find out by calling the support line?

The customer support phone number does not provide information about the liquidated iMoneyBank organization. If you were previously a client of this bank and did not receive a notification about the closure of the organization, and you still have unclosed accounts, then you will receive an answer from the call manager of the Deposit Insurance Agency.

Time to resolve problems, quality of hotline work

Call center employees work quickly and try to solve the problems of citizens who call the company within one phone call. If the problem cannot be resolved immediately, the operator will ask for time to clarify information about the caller’s problem and report the approximate time when he will call back. Not only former clients of iMoneyBank, but also anyone interested in information on the organization’s work can contact the support service.

Revocation of a license from Aimanibank does not exempt clients from repaying existing or overdue loans; the debt must be repaid without fail.

Information for borrowers of the commercial bank "IMoneyBank", here you will find out where and how you can repay the loan debt, in which bank you can make the payment.

State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency", which, on the basis of the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court dated January 20, 2017 (date of announcement of the operative part - January 19, 2017) in case A40-207288/16-178-192 “B”, is a bankruptcy trustee Limited Liability Company Commercial Bank "AiManiBank" (CB "AiManiBank" LLC) (hereinafter referred to as the Bank), registered at the address: 125212, Moscow, st. Vyborgskaya, 16, bldg. 2 (OGRN 1020400000081, INN 0411005333), reports.

Details for loan repayments

Funds to repay debts to the Bank in accordance with the terms of loan agreements must be sent to the following details:


State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency"


Russia, Moscow, 109240, st. Vysotskogo, 4

Recipient's bank

Current account


Purpose of payment

20-digit personal account number (47422), full name or name of the borrower’s company; number and date of the loan agreement, account 76/11-0563 (iMoneyBank)


LLC CB "iMoneyBank"


Russia, Moscow, 125212, st. Vyborgskaya, 16, building 2

Recipient's bank

Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District, Moscow 35

Correspondent account


Recipient's account

account 47422*************** (individual 20-digit personal account number)

Purpose of payment

In the purpose of payment indicate: Depositing funds under loan agreement No.____________ dated _____________. Borrower - full name of the borrower. The number and date of the contract must be indicated.

*ATTENTION: In the "Recipient" field must be specifiedLLC CB "iMoneyBank" Indicating the full name or name of the borrower's company is PROHIBITED.

For borrowers - INDIVIDUALS

Reception cash payments are made at the premises at the following addresses:

· Moscow, st. Lesnaya, 59, building 4

Windows No. 4.5

Cash desk operating hours:

Monday-Thursday 09:00 - 13:00

· Moscow, st. Vyborgskaya, 16, building 2

LLC CB "iMoneyBank"

Cash desk operating hours:

Monday-Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00 without lunch break.

Friday: from 09:00 - 16:45 without lunch break.

In the purpose of payment it is MANDATORY to indicate: 20-digit personal account number (47422), number and date of the loan agreement, full name of the Borrower, telephone number of the Borrower.

In addition, payment of loans individuals in cash NO COMMISSION is also possible in the terminals of JSCB "Russian Capital" (PJSC), installed at the addresses:

G. Moscow, st. Vysotskogo, 4 (former Verkhniy Tagansky dead end);

G. Moscow, st. Lesnaya 59, building 2.

To make a payment, the following data is required: name of the Bank, 20-digit account number (47422), number and date of the loan agreement, full name of the Borrower, telephone number of the Borrower. A one-time payment should not exceed 15,000 rubles.

In order to correctly allocate funds received to repay debt on loans, if the borrower does not have information about the individual 20-digit personal account number (47422), please, before depositing funds in cash or by bank transfer, check the personal account number by phone: 8 -495-276-02-22 or by email: .

Borrowers who provided upon concluding a loan agreement and/or registration plastic card mobile phone number, personal account numbers 47422 will be sent via SMS messages, and will also be indicated in notifications about changes in details sent by Russian Post.

Address for sending postal correspondence: 127055, Moscow, st. Lesnaya, 59, building 2.

For more information contact:

To the hotline of LLC CB "iMoneyBank": 8-800-510-00-00 (free call within Russia);

To the Agency's hotline: 8-800-200-08-05 (calls within Russia are free);

- By email: ;

- by email: . (in letters, appeals and requests NECESSARILY indicate name of the Bank).

For your convenience, the Agency plans to conclude agreements with payment agents in the near future to accept payments to repay debts to the Bank WITHOUT COMMISSIONS! If an agreement is concluded, additional information about the addresses of departments and terminals that accept payments will be posted on the website www.asv.org.ru in the section “Liquidation of Banks” / LLC CB “AiMoneyBank”.