A story about lion cubs in English. "lion" in English. Brief description of the lion


















Look at the picture.

Look at the picture.

You can see a lion.

You can see the lion.

It looks like a big cat with a mane.

He looks like a big cat with a mane.

It has big ginger mane around its head.

He has a large reddish mane around his head.

Its muzzle is elongated.

His muzzle is elongated.

It has two eyes and a nose.

He has two eyes and a nose.

You can hardly see these ears on the top of his head.

You hardly you can see his ears on the top of his head.

Its mouth is black and turned down.

Its mouth is black and curved downwards.

Its front paws are in front of its body.

His front paws are before his body.

It has sharp retractable claws.

It has sharp retractable claws.

It has 2 big fangs.

He has 2 large fangs.

It looks wise and tranquil.

He looks wise and calm.

It is lying in the grass of Savannah.

He lies in the grass of Savana.

Lions are dangerous.

Lions are dangerous.

They hunt other animals.

They are hunting others animals.

Lion is the king of Savana.

Leo is the king of Savana.

General information about the lion:

Look at the picture. You can see a lion. It looks like a big cat with a mane (1) but, it has some differences as well. Lion (Latin Panthera leo) is a species (2) of predatory (3) mammals (4) , one of four representatives of the genus (5) Panthera. It belongs (6) to the subfamily (7) of large cats (Pantherinae) in the family of felines (8) (Felidae).

The lion is reclining on grass somewhere in a savanna. It has a big yellow-brown mane, which in some subspecies is sizable and covers its shoulders, part of the back and chest. With the exception (9) of a mane, the fur on its body is short. Only at the end of the tail is there a brush of long hair. Female lions don't have manes. It also has a large elongated muzzle with a big black flat (10) nose. It has powerful legs, strong jaws with fangs (11) that can reach a length of 8 cm. Its mouth is downturned and has whiskers sticking (12) out around it. Its front paws are lying in front of it. It looks graceful.

Along with the tiger the lion is the largest of living cats. The mass of some males can reach 250 kg. It is difficult to say whether the largest lions are larger than the largest tigers, or not.

Lions inhabit (13) mostly (14) savannahs, but sometimes they can move to a shrubbery or forest. Unlike (15) other felines, they do not live alone, but in special family groups called a pride (16) . Females hunt together, in most cases for large ungulates (17) . Lions do not hunt people deliberately (18) , but cases of attacks on humans have been recorded.

In nature, lions live from ten to fourteen years. In captivity (19) they can live longer than twenty years. Lions are able to mate (20) with tigers (most often Amur and Bengal subspecies) to create hybrids called Ligers.



Vocabulary(use cards for words that are difficult to remember):























stick out

to perform, to stick around


live, inhabit






flock of lions




deliberately, deliberately


bondage, captivity



A story about a lion English with translation and interesting facts will help you prepare for the lesson.

A story about a lion in English

The lion is a wild animal. It is one of the strongest animals. Now lions primarily live in Africa
It has very large head and neck covered with hair called mane. Its eyes are glowing. It has sharp teeth and claws. Its paws are very strong. It can run very fast.
Lions can reach speeds of up to 81 kph but only in short bursts.
It roars very loudly. A lion’s roar can be heard from as far as 5 miles away.

It is a carnivorous animal. It is very powerful and has majestic figure. Lion lives for about sixty years. It is called king of forest.

Lions enjoy relaxing and lazing around. They spend between 16 and 20 hours each day resting and sleeping. They have few sweat glands so they wisely tend to conserve their energy by resting during the day and become more active at night when it is cooler.
Lions are the national animal of Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, England, Ethiopia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Singapore.

Essay about a lion in English with translation

A lion is a wild animal. He is one of the most powerful animals. Now lions mainly live in Africa
It has a very large head and neck, covered with hair called a mane. His eyes glow. He has sharp teeth and claws. His paws are very strong. He can run very fast. Lions can reach speeds of up to 81 km/h, but only over short distances.
He roars loudly. The roar of a lion can be heard 5 miles away.

This is a carnivore. He is very strong and has a majestic figure. A lion lives about sixty years. He is called the king of the forest.

Leos enjoy relaxation and lazing around. They spend 16 to 20 hours every day resting and sleeping. They have few sweat glands, so they intelligently tend to conserve their energy by resting during the day and become more active at night when it gets cooler.
Lions are the national animal of Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, England, Ethiopia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Singapore.

1. An elephant is a huge animal that lives in Africa and Asia. Elephants are grey, they have two big ears, two long teeth (tusks) and a long nose (a trunk). They eat leaves, plants, fruit and roots. Elephants are mammals.

2. A fox belongs to the dog family. It is a mammal. Foxes are red and they have beautiful fluffy tails. They are very cunning, they catch and eat small animals and birds. They live all over the world.

3. A giraffe is a tall animal with a long neck and thin long legs. Animals live in Africa, they eat tree leaves and fruit. Giraffes are mammals. Their bodies are covered with brown marks.

4. A rhinoceros is a large and heavy mammal that lives in Africa and Asia. It has one or two sharp horns on its head and it has thick skin. Rhinoceroses eat fruit, leaves and grass.

5. A hare is a small mammal with a short tail, long legs and long ears. Hares eat plants and fruit. They can jump and run very fast. Hares live in Europe and America.

6. A hedgehog is a small mammal covered in spines. It can roll in a ball. Hedgehogs hunt for insects, worms and small animals. They live in Asia, Africa and Europe.

7. A lion is a large wild cat. It is called “the king of beasts”. It has sharp teeth and claws, a big head and a long tail. Lions are predators, they hunt for other animals. Animals live in Africa and India in groups called prides. Lions are very strong, smart and cunning.

8. A bear is a large mammal. Bears have large paws with sharp claws. They can climb and swim very well. They live all around the world. Animals like to eat meat, fish, plants, fruit, berries and honey. Bears have a sweet tooth.

9. A camel is a large mammal. It lives in Africa. It eats vegetation: plants, grass and grain. Camels have a long neck and two humps. They can live without water for 10 months.

10. A wolf is a wild mammal. Wolves are of gray color and they look like dogs. They are smart predators and eat other animals. Wolves live in small groups in forests and mountains.

11. A crocodile is a large dangerous animal that lives in rivers and lakes of Africa, Asia, Australia and America. Predators eat fish and mammals. They can swim and run very fast.

12. A zebra belongs to the horse family. It is a striped black-and-white mammal. Zebras live in Africa in groups (herds). They eat vegetation. They can run and kick with their strong legs.

13. A monkey is a small animal with a long tail. Monkeys live in the forests of America, Africa and Asia. Animals are very funny, smart and active. Monkeys can run, jump, climb and play with each other. They like to eat fruit, nuts, berries, eggs and insects.

14. A panda is a white-and-black mammal. It lives in the forests of China. It can climb very well. Pandas look like fluffy bears. They eat bamboo trees, plants and small animals.

15. A kangaroo is a mammal that lives in Australia. It eats plants and leaves. Kangaroos have strong long legs and they can hop very fast. They also have a pocket on their stomach where they can carry their babies.

16. A squirrel is a pretty small animal. It has a fluffy tail. It lives in trees all over the world. Squirrels eat nuts, berries, fruits and insects. They can jump and climb trees.


1. The elephant is a huge animal that lives in Africa and Asia. Elephants gray, they have two large ears, two long teeth (tusks) and a long nose (trunk). They feed on leaves, plants, fruits and roots. Elephants are mammals.

2. The fox belongs to the canine family. This is a mammal animal. Foxes are red in color and have beautiful fluffy tails. They are very cunning, they catch and eat small animals and birds. They live all over the world.

3. Giraffe is a tall animal with a long neck and thin long legs. Animals live in Africa, they eat tree leaves and fruits. Giraffes are mammals. Their bodies are covered with brown spots.

4. Rhinoceros is a large and heavy mammal that lives in Africa and Asia. It has one or two sharp horns on its head and has thick skin. Rhinoceroses eat fruits, leaves and grass.

5. A hare is a small mammal with a short tail, long legs and long ears. Hares eat plants and fruits. They can jump and run very fast. Hares live in Europe and America.

6. A hedgehog is a small mammal covered with spines. He can curl up into a ball. Hedgehogs hunt insects, worms and small animals. They live in Asia, Africa and Europe.

7. A lion is a big wild cat. He is called the "king of beasts." It has sharp teeth and claws, a large head and a long tail. Lions are predators; they hunt other animals. Animals live in Africa and India in groups called prides. Leos are very strong, smart and cunning.

8. A bear is a large mammal. Bears have large paws with sharp claws. They are very good at climbing and swimming. They live all over the world. Animals eat meat, fish, plants, fruits, berries and honey. Bears have a sweet tooth.

9. A camel is a large mammal. He lives in Africa. It feeds on vegetation: plants, grass and grain. Camels have a long neck and two humps. They can live without water for 10 months.

10. The wolf is a wild mammal. Wolves are gray in color and they look like dogs. They are intelligent predators and eat other animals. Wolves live in small groups in forests and mountains.

11. The crocodile is a large dangerous animal that lives in the rivers and lakes of Africa, Asia, Australia and America. Predators feed on fish and mammals. They can swim and run very fast.

12. Zebra belongs to the equine family. It is a striped black and white mammal. Zebras live in Africa in groups (herds). They feed on vegetation. They can run and kick with their strong legs.

13. A monkey is a small animal with a long tail. Monkeys live in the forests of America, Africa and Asia. Animals are very funny, smart and active. Monkeys can run, jump, climb and play with each other. They love to eat fruits, nuts, berries, eggs and insects.

help me find synonyms: To choose misical career To like something very much To make an album Caribbean an folk music

Impressive music



The Birmingham-born reggae singer moved to the Top of the Pop stage in early 1993. Twelve months later, he was coming to the end of a disastrous second tour of India,and thinking of stopping the business. ""It took me almost a year to find myself,"" says Apache Indian, a stage name for 27-year-old Steve Kapur. In the end, Make Way for the Indian, a powerful record, appeared. Later in the year, he also becomes a deejay with his own weekly show on Radio One. ""My music is a reflection of how i grew up—the reggae from the streets, the Indian bhangra sound and language from home, and perhaps the pop from the radio."" Reggae has always been a powerful musical force in Birmingham, producing acts such as Steel Pulse and UB40.Steve Kapur unlike his Asian mates at school followed the music from the age of 13. His parents couldn`t understand this. ""My parents came to this country when rock and roll was popular,and they were great fans of Elvis Presley. If I had followed him, there would have been no problem. Asians tend to have a very negative attitude towards black people, and reggae in particular was associated with gangs."" Steve disapproves violence. "" I would take my family away and live somewhere else if I thought my children might get mixed up in gangs."" Kapur was an excellent student and eventually became the best at school. Howewer when he was 18 he dropped out of college because of some family problems. Kapur joined his father working in the shop and, as he was free from having to study in the evenings, devoted more time to reggae. He bought a van to help a local reggae sound system travel around the country, and finally started deejaying himself. Apache has not, however, forgotten about his roots. ""It was hard to record the album because i felt a lot of pressure."" But Make Way for the Indian became a socially conscious album. ""People are getting shot, kids are on cocaine and crack, and i do address those subjects. I`m not leaving out the Asian people because what toy apply to the Indian people,you apply you the white people, you apply to all.""

open brackets

10. I (to ask) him if he (to know) where she (to live). I (to say) I (not to know) her address. 11. He (to ask) me if I (can) give him your address. 12. She (to say) that he (to give) her the wrong address. 13. I (to ask) him where he (to put) my letter. 14. He (to tell) us that they (to spend) all the money. 15. After spending several days in Paris he (to feel) lonely and (to want) to return home. 16. I (to think) he already (to go) home. 17. I (to find) the old man in the garden. He (to talk) to some children who (to stand) around listening to him. 18. He (to speak) a language we never (to hear) before.

Lion is a beautiful and strong animal. In many cultures a lion is referred to as King of the Beasts and considered an embodiment of strength and power. Lions belong to the order of predators. They have a kingly appearance: a magnificent mane, a muscular body, sharp fangs and claws.

They also have a tufted tail. Their color may vary from yellowish to dark-brown, but there are white lions as well. Females are usually smaller in size and have no mane.

These animals are found mostly in African countries and in India. Earlier they lived in South European countries, in the Middle East, Iran and even in the southern part of Russia. They live in savannas, but can also be found in forests.

Lions form special family groups – prides. They hunt in groups as well, chasing their prey together. Lions' favorite preys are gnus, zebras and buffalos.

The lion is a beautiful and powerful animal. In many cultures, the lion is called the king of beasts and is considered the embodiment of strength and power. Lions belong to the order of predators. They have a regal appearance: a luxurious mane, a muscular body, sharp fangs and claws.

The tip of the lion's tail is decorated with a small tassel. The color can vary from yellowish to dark brown, but white lions are also found in nature. Females are usually smaller and lack a mane.

These animals are found mainly in African countries and India. Previously, they were found in the countries of southern Europe, the Middle East, Iran and even in southern Russia. They live in savannas, but can also be found in forests.

Lions form special family groups - prides. They also hunt in groups, pursuing prey together. Lions' favorite prey is wildebeest, zebra and buffalo.