Recovery period after cesarean section. After a caesarean section: the first hours, days, months. What weight, how many kilograms can women lift after childbirth?

A Caesarean section, which literally translates to “royal cut,” is a major abdominal operation performed to deliver a newborn baby through an incision in the uterus. Sometimes surgical intervention is carried out at the request of the woman in labor, but most often the basis for the procedure is clear indications. Artificial birth is indicated if:

  • the size of the woman’s pelvis does not correspond to the “dimensions” of the child;
  • the placenta is located in such a way that it closes the path for the fetus to exit;
  • there are mechanical obstacles to delivery naturally;
  • threat of rupture of the reproductive organ;
  • pathological conditions that may worsen if a woman gives birth naturally.

There are several other indications for intervention, but recovery after a cesarean section is always required. A woman in labor who wants to return to her usual lifestyle as quickly as possible must follow certain rules.

What medications are needed?

Always immediately after the operation, the mother is under the strict and round-the-clock supervision of doctors; moreover, she spends the first 24 hours in a hospital ward to treat patients in an acute, life-threatening condition. To assist female body a number of procedures are carried out, the effect of which is aimed at correcting blood loss, preventing complications of infectious origin, stimulating the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, namely the intestines. Also, through the use of droppers, the necessary for recovery are introduced nutrients, the seams are treated with antiseptics, and the bandages are changed with great regularity.

Provided that everything is fine, the young mother is transferred to a regular ward where patients in a postpartum state are located. This is where bed rest ends, because the mother begins to get up, walk, and feed the baby. If there are no complications and everything is fine with the baby, then after 7-10 the woman in labor is discharged home, where she independently monitors her condition. It will be useful to know what can be done during the recovery period and what is not recommended.

As was said, in relation to a woman who has just given birth, it is carried out antibacterial therapy, but that's no reason to worry. The fact is that all the drugs used are fully compatible with breastfeeding, i.e. they do not affect the health and development of the baby in any way.

What can't be done?

Before sending a young mother home, the doctor consults her in detail about the rules that must be followed. Listening to the recommendations will allow her to quickly restore her figure and overcome postpartum depression, fears. Be prepared that this will require considerable effort.

According to statistics, on average 20-25% of pregnancies end in a cesarean section. This method of delivery is considered relatively safe and has minimal complications. But doctors never tire of repeating that a caesarean section should be a necessity, and not a woman’s whim. A cesarean section is performed only according to indications: an anatomically narrow pelvis in the mother, complete placenta previa, a history of 2 or more cesarean sections, acute fetal hypoxia, etc. Recovery after a cesarean section is longer and more difficult than after natural birth.

In this article we talk about recovery after a cesarean section: what difficulties may arise in the first days and weeks after childbirth, and how to cope with them.

The operation is performed under spinal or epidural anesthesia. The anesthesiologist decides which type of anesthesia to choose, based on the situation and the health of the mother. General anesthesia is given in some emergency cases when it is necessary to quickly remove the child from the mother's womb.

A catheter is installed into the urinary canal to drain urine. Thanks to this, the bladder does not put pressure on the uterus, and the doctor gets the baby out faster. Then the anesthesiologist administers anesthesia, and the woman in labor is fenced off with a screen. During the operation without general anesthesia, the woman is conscious.

The surgeon cuts the abdominal wall. If there is already a scar on the uterus, then another one is made in the same place, after cutting off the old one. The subcutaneous fatty tissue, muscles, aponeurosis, and abdominal wall are cut. Remove the bladder to the side. An incision is then made in the lower segment of the uterus. In this place the muscle layer is thinnest; upon healing, a small scar remains. The amniotic sac is cut and the baby is removed. In reverse order, the incision is sutured with silk, self-absorbing threads, or closed with staples.

Removing the baby during a caesarean section

The operation lasts 30-40 minutes. The child is removed 15-20 minutes after the start of the operation. If the mother is conscious and non-endotracheal anesthesia was performed, then the child can be immediately put to the breast.

Negative consequences of cesarean section

The operation is considered safe in our time, but complications after it are quite common.

The recovery period is complicated by the following factors:

  • Suture on the stomach. In 90% of cases, a horizontal intradermal or external suture is made above the pubis. Only in emergency situations is a vertical suture made, when there is a risk to the life of the mother and child. How quickly the scar heals depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Some people are predisposed to developing keloid scars, where fibers of the skin's connective tissue grow in the area of ​​the scar. You can get rid of a keloid scar using laser resurfacing.
  • Suture on the uterus. Before the next pregnancy, at least 2-3 years must pass for the scar to heal thoroughly. Otherwise, during childbirth or pregnancy there is a risk of uterine rupture at the seam. After three caesarean sections, tubal ligation is indicated.
  • Spikes. Surgery almost always leads to the formation of adhesions (fusions of internal organs). They glue together the internal organs of the small pelvis, intestinal loops, and fallopian tubes like a film. This happens due to inflammation, which provokes contact with non-sterile operating room air, blood getting into the open wound, and even particles of talc from the doctor’s gloves. Can lead to infertility, digestive disorders, constipation, endometriosis. In severe cases, removal of adhesions using laparoscopy is indicated, in mild cases - treatment with physiotherapy.
  • Consequences of anesthesia. If general anesthesia is used during surgery with a tube inserted into the trachea, trauma to the mucous membrane occurs. Sputum accumulates and a cough appears, causing tension in the abdominal muscles. Spinal anesthesia leads to microtrauma of the spinal cord roots. This causes back pain, dizziness, and headaches.
  • Delayed onset of lactation. After natural childbirth, milk comes in 3-4 days. In case of caesarean section - after 7-9 days. The onset of labor triggers lactation hormones. A cesarean section is usually performed as planned, when the body may not yet be ready for childbirth. In this case, lactation hormones are produced with a delay.
  • Large blood loss. During natural childbirth, a woman loses 250-300 ml of blood. The body recovers such blood loss quickly. During CS, blood loss is 500 - 1000 ml. To maintain the body after surgery, blood-restoring drugs, plasma, and red blood cells are infused.
  • Weak contraction of the uterus. Due to the suture on the front wall, the uterus contracts weakly. To avoid subinvolution, the postpartum woman is prescribed auxiliary therapy for rapid uterine contraction.

External and cosmetic seam

The success of the operation depends on the experience of the surgeon, how quickly and efficiently the operation was performed, the quality of the suture material, and whether postpartum antibiotic therapy was used.

Recovery in the first days after cesarean

The first days after surgery are the hardest. Most women complain that the seam hurts. Some suffer from the effects of anesthesia.

The woman spends the first day after the operation in the intensive care ward under the supervision of medical personnel. Her blood pressure is measured, blood loss is restored, and painkillers are given. A heating pad with ice is placed on the stomach to make the uterus contract more intensely. If there are indications, antibiotic therapy is carried out. It all depends on how the operation went. On the second day, the woman is transferred to the postpartum ward, where she can, if she wishes, take care of the baby herself.

  1. You are allowed to sit on the bed on the second day after a caesarean section. You need to sit down carefully, first lower your legs from the bed, then, supported by your hand, rise to a sitting position. Before getting up, you need to sit for a while, and get up for the first time with the help of a nurse or at least leaning on the back of a chair. To relieve stitch pain, use.
  2. After a caesarean section, urinary retention often occurs. During the operation, a catheter is installed in the urinary canal, and after a day it is removed. But damage to nerve endings and microtrauma of the mucous membrane cause pain that goes away after 1–2 days. Even if there is no urge to urinate, you need to urinate every 2-3 hours. Otherwise, a full bladder will put pressure on the uterus and prevent it from contracting.
  3. Every day, the suture on the abdomen is treated with an antiseptic solution and the bandage is changed. You cannot get the seam wet for the first 7-8 days until the stitches are removed. Showering is allowed after discharge from the hospital and removal of stitches. And take a bath only after 1-2 months, when the seam has healed. The bath should not be hot. For the first 2 days, the stitch hurts very much. The doctor prescribes painkillers that are safe for the child to breastfeeding.
  4. If a woman has a cough after general anesthesia, then she should not be afraid to cough. The accumulated mucus in the trachea after anesthesia should come out. During a coughing attack, place a pillow or palm on your stomach. Inhale deeply and as you exhale, release the air slowly but forcefully with a sound.
  5. In the first days after a cesarean section, you need to improve the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract. Due to abdominal surgery, intestinal motility is weak, the first stool appears on the 3-4th day. Constipation should not be allowed, as strong straining can lead to seam divergence. The first day after surgery you are only allowed to drink still water. Nutrition enters the body through an IV. From the second day, easily digestible food is introduced, which gently initiates bowel function. We wrote more about nutrition after cesarean section.
  6. To stimulate intestinal motility and blood circulation in the pelvic organs, you need to move as much as possible. On the first day after surgery, you can do gymnastics in a supine position.

Exercises can be like this:

  • Pull your socks toward you, away from you;
  • Bend your knees;
  • Squeeze your buttocks;
  • Squeeze the pelvic floor muscles for 5-10 seconds;
  • Turn the body from side to side.

A bandage after a cesarean section helps relieve pain during movement.

They are discharged from the maternity hospital 7-8 days after the sutures are removed, having previously performed an ultrasound of the uterus to make sure that involution is occurring at a normal pace.

What happens to the body after discharge from the hospital

The recovery period after cesarean continues even after discharge from the hospital. Mom needs help with housework. The most important thing is to rest more and establish breastfeeding.

  • Whether a mother will be able to breastfeed after a cesarean section depends only on how often she puts the baby to the breast. Organizing feeding on demand is the right decision. Then oxytocin and prolactin, which are responsible for milk production, will be produced. Lactation hormones also cause uterine contractions.
  • For the first three months after birth, lifting weights weighing more than 4 kg is not allowed. The maximum that a mother can afford is to carry her child.
  • It is allowed to start playing sports no earlier than a month after giving birth, when the lochia ends and the stitches heal. We wrote about exercises allowed after cesarean section.
  • You can return to sexual activity after 1.5-2 months, when the postpartum discharge ends. Contraception after a CS is a matter of first necessity. You need to wait a break of at least 2-2.5 years. During this time, the suture on the uterus will heal. If you rush, there is a risk of the seam coming apart during pregnancy or childbirth. A condom is the most suitable method of protection after childbirth.
  • Menstruation resumes after 2-3 months if the mother does not breastfeed, and within 1-2 years if she feeds the child breast milk.

Video: how to establish breastfeeding after a caesarean section

Recovery after a cesarean section takes more than long time than after natural childbirth. But the more actively the mother begins to move immediately after the operation, the faster the process of healing of the sutures and involution of the uterus proceeds.

Caesarean section is an operation performed under general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia. This is done for artificial delivery. Abdominal surgery violates the integrity of the peritoneum, which in some cases leads to serious complications. To achieve a quick recovery after a cesarean section, you need to follow the right recommendations.

First time after surgery

Immediately after a caesarean section, the woman in labor is placed in the intensive care unit. A heating pad with ice is placed on the stomach. It is necessary for rapid contraction of the uterus and stopping bleeding. The woman in labor is constantly monitored and painkillers are prescribed. In case of large blood loss, the woman is given drips with saline solution.

Nurses check pulse, blood pressure and body temperature. The surgical sutures are ligated twice a day and the consistency of vaginal discharge is checked.

Breastfeeding helps the body quickly recover after a cesarean section. In this case, the uterus contracts faster.

After 24 hours, the woman in labor is transferred to the recovery room. Pain therapy continues further. Women are prohibited from eating dense foods that overload the intestines. In some cases, specialists prescribe drugs that restore the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

On the second day, the woman begins to get up and walk. The postoperative suture is treated daily. It must remain dry. On the 5th day, the woman undergoes an ultrasound, and on the 6th, her stitches are removed.

The importance of movement

Initially, the woman in labor will feel weak and therefore will not be able to move. 6 hours after the operation, the woman is advised to turn over from side to side, slightly pulling her legs towards her stomach.

If anesthesia was used during the operation, the woman in labor will need to cough to get rid of the mucus that has formed in the lungs. You shouldn't be afraid to do this. The seams must be reinforced with a pillow, hands or sheets. You should take a deep breath, filling your lungs with air. Then exhale completely, gently into yourself. It should not be inflated. A sound similar to a dog's "woof" is made. You need to do these exercises several times a day.

Simple movements can be done right in bed. This can be rotation of the feet, hands, bending and straightening of the legs at the knees.

It is best to get up and walk for short distances and under the supervision of medical staff. Sitting down and standing up is allowed after the woman puts on a bandage or wraps a sheet around her stomach.

Postoperative period

After a caesarean section, a wound remains on the uterus and peritoneum. The suture may cause pain for 3-4 weeks. This is considered a normal reaction of the body to surgery. To eliminate pain, non-steroidal drugs can be prescribed, which are combined with lactation.

According to reviews, recovery after a cesarean section includes constant monitoring of the suture. In the first week, ichor is released from it. This is a normal wound healing process. Along with this, there is a constant desire to scratch the seam. This is prohibited. If a woman discovers purulent discharge in the area of ​​the incision and her stomach is burning, then she needs to inform the medical staff about this.

Restoring the abdomen after a cesarean section, the photo is presented in the article, includes procedures for healing the suture. The scar on it usually bothers the woman for a year. There may be fuzzy outlines of hard compactions around it. If there is no suppuration and pain, then the woman should not worry. Over time, the scar will soften and the surface will smooth out.

A year after giving birth, you can use special creams that dissolve the sutures.

What is forbidden to do

After surgery, a woman should not lead the same lifestyle as during natural childbirth. There are certain restrictions.

If water gets on an unhealed seam, the mother in labor should not panic. After a shower, treat it with brilliant green and apply a gauze bandage on top. This will dry the seam and will not lead to complications. There is no need to do this all the time.

Some experts recommend wearing a bandage for recovery after a cesarean section. And others - replace it with shapewear.

Physical exercises are postponed for a while. After all, training can lead to suture divergence and internal bleeding. Loads should be moderate even after it has healed.

Women are prohibited from lifting weights. The child can only be held in arms sitting position.

Nutrition for a woman in labor

A woman after a cesarean section should definitely monitor her diet. The menu should not contain foods that cause constipation, increased gas formation and allergies.

You need to eat fractionally, 5-6 times a day, the portion should be 100 g. These can be vegetable purees and broths, boiled lean meat and fish, water porridge (with the exception of rice). After surgery, it is necessary to consume fermented milk products. They accelerate the recovery of the gastrointestinal tract. As a drink, you can use rosehip decoction with a minimum of sugar and water.

Will help restore your figure after a caesarean section correct menu. A specialist in the maternity hospital, at the request of the woman in labor, can provide a list of permitted products. In this case, it’s faster to create a menu. A proper diet mother will be the key to the good health of the newborn. This will protect him from colic and gas.


Women lose muscle tone after pregnancy, so they need exercise. However, giving birth to a child through surgery imposes some restrictions on restoring physical fitness. Only in the 3rd month are women in labor allowed to begin light exercise. Exercises for recovery after cesarean section:

  • walking in place;
  • slow bends to the sides;
  • waving your arms;
  • warming up the joints with circular movements.

After 6 months, they begin more complex exercises. Women can choose Pilates, dancing or swimming.

Abdominal recovery after a caesarean section is a lengthy process. After all, a woman is allowed to do a minimum of exercise at this time.

Menstruation after surgery

Doctors say that recovery from a cesarean section of the menstrual cycle depends on the individual characteristics of the body. This has nothing to do with the type of delivery. In the first days, lochia flows from the vagina, which then turns into slight bleeding. They stop after 3-4 weeks, which does not depend at all on the type of birth (naturally or through surgery).

When a woman feeds her newborn with breast milk, menstruation occurs after the cessation of lactation. This happens when the process is active. In this case, prolactin is actively produced in the body of a nursing woman, which slows down the ovulation process. If she supplements the baby with formula, the hormone level decreases. In such cases, the menstrual cycle is restored after 5-6 weeks.

Restoration of the uterus

Immediately after pregnancy, the organ begins to grow and reaches a size 500 times larger than its original size. After a caesarean section, it takes time for the uterus to recover, since there is a significant incision on it. The contraction of the organ lasts for 2 months, especially if complications arise during the operation. The woman is prescribed medicines which contract the uterus. She needs to be observed by a gynecologist who will monitor the healing process of the suture in the abdominal cavity and the scar on the organ. After all, during the operation the uterus was dissected. It is a wound surface, so sexual activity is postponed for 1.5-2 months until complete healing.


General anesthesia has a negative effect on the lactation process. Mothers have to put in a lot of effort to achieve breastfeeding:

  1. Use the help and experience of medical personnel in the maternity hospital.
  2. Put the newborn to the breast more often.
  3. Avoid supplementary feeding of infants with formula.
  4. Feed your baby on demand.
  5. Use medications to stimulate lactation.

Breastfeeding will help restore the body after a caesarean section. A woman needs to forget about her pain and communicate affectionately with her child. His sucking movements will stimulate the production of prolactin and milk will appear.

Breastfeeding should be perceived as helping a woman recover quickly after childbirth.

Prevention of possible complications

During and after surgery, your health may deteriorate. This includes:

  • Loss of blood. If it is 0.5 liters, then this is considered normal. If blood loss is more than this amount, then it is considered serious. A woman is prescribed IVs.
  • Adhesive processes. They are formed during any operation on connective tissue. Adhesions are necessary to protect against purulent processes. In large quantities, they cause difficulties in the functioning of internal organs. To prevent pathology from occurring after surgery, it is necessary to undergo a course of physiotherapy. Prevention of adhesions includes the process of pacing after cesarean section.
  • Endometritis. It occurs when pathogenic microflora enters the uterus. For preventive purposes, the specialist prescribes a course of antibiotics after surgery.
  • Inflammation or dehiscence of stitches. This usually happens due to improper behavior of the woman in labor. The cut requires proper treatment and care. On the 2-3rd day after surgery, lifting heavy objects is not recommended.

After surgery, a woman must carefully monitor all changes and quickly respond to them.

Psychological aspects of the operation

Women who gave birth to babies as a result of cesarean section are sometimes upset, believing that nature deprived them and denied them contractions and attempts. However, as a result of the operation, they learned several lessons that need to be learned:

  1. Any woman is not omnipotent, so processes occur in the world that are independent of her.
  2. Nobody is perfect, and there is nothing wrong with that.
  3. As a result of the operation, a child was born, which everyone was eagerly awaiting. Therefore, the woman achieved a positive result, but a little differently than she wanted.

Recovery after a cesarean section is a long process, taking several months. A woman needs to prepare herself for difficulties. She needs to think about the baby and his breastfeeding.

It is not always possible for a woman to give birth to a child naturally. In some cases, doctors have no other choice but to help the baby be born through surgery. A caesarean section is a full-fledged abdominal operation, so a young mother needs more time to recover after childbirth than women who gave birth naturally. Obstetricians and gynecologists warn that after a CS, various complications may develop, so a young mother needs to carefully monitor her condition and follow all the doctor’s recommendations to reduce the risk negative consequences after surgical delivery.

The first days after a caesarean section: how to behave as a young mother

Caesarean section in modern obstetrics is the most common operation. If the expectant mother has direct indications for delivery through surgery or there is a threat to the health and life of the woman and child, doctors urgently perform a CS. Before helping the baby to be born, doctors administer a special drug to the woman in labor that affects the body and expectant mother doesn't feel pain. Today, CS is performed under general anesthesia (the woman falls asleep and comes to her senses after delivery is completed) and epidural anesthesia (the anesthesiologist injects an anesthetic into the spinal canal in the lumbar region, the expectant mother remains conscious, but does not feel her body below the waist).

Today, a pregnant woman who is scheduled for a planned CS can independently choose the type of anesthesia. Many expectant mothers choose an epidural to be awake and watch the birth of their baby.

Doctors always warn the young mother about the possibility of developing complications after surgery, so they give recommendations and monitor the woman’s condition for several days from the moment of birth. To reduce the risk of negative consequences, you must follow all the advice of the gynecologist and do not rush to care for the baby yourself. The process of her recovery largely depends on how a woman behaves after a cesarean section. It is necessary to give the body a rest and gather strength.
After a caesarean section, the young mother will spend at least five to seven days in the maternity hospital

If the operation was performed under general anesthesia, then the young mother will come to her senses thirty to sixty minutes after the end of the CS. With spinal anesthesia, the restoration of full body sensation depends on the individual: some women can control the lower body almost immediately after childbirth, others take a little longer.

Based on the experience of women and doctors, after epidural anesthesia, a young mother feels much better than after general anesthesia.

Immediately after the CS, the woman is transferred to the intensive care unit. Medical staff constantly monitors the mother’s condition: monitors blood pressure and body temperature, checks whether the uterus is contracting and whether bleeding has started. Doctors also introduce medications into the body that help the reproductive organ contract, antibiotics to prevent infection after surgical delivery, painkillers and other medications necessary to maintain the body after surgery.

Motor activity after surgical delivery

Much attention is paid to physical activity, which is mandatory for women who have given birth to babies by cesarean section:

  • two to four hours after the operation, the young mother should begin to move her arms and legs. Of course, everything depends on the woman’s well-being, but careful movements are required: you are allowed to work your toes (pull them towards you), strain and relax your gluteal muscles, rotate your feet and hands in one direction and the other;

    If the operation went without complications and the mother’s life is not in danger, she recovered from anesthesia easily, then a little motor activity of her arms and legs will only benefit her.

  • It is recommended to perform Kegel exercises: squeezing and relaxing the vaginal muscles. This is an excellent prevention of urinary problems, and exercises also help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles;
  • On the first day, doctors advise women to roll over from one side to the other. Movements should not be sudden, everything should be done gradually, not in a hurry, so as not to provoke severe pain in the suture area;
  • In most cases, doctors do not allow you to get up during the first 24 hours after surgery. This is especially true for young mothers who have had epidural anesthesia: in this case, bed rest should be at least twelve hours from the moment of delivery. After general anesthesia, many women also spend twelve to twenty-four hours in bed;

    However, gynecologists allow some young mothers to get up eight to ten hours after the CS. It all depends on the woman’s condition and the complexity of childbirth. Early physical activity is an excellent prevention of the formation of adhesions.

  • Getting out of bed for the first time should be supervised and assisted by a nurse. The young mother needs to turn to her side and carefully lower both legs off the bed. Then, leaning on the headboard or the hand of the medical staff, you need to slowly rise to your feet and take several steps with support;
  • sitting down is allowed only on the third day after the operation;

    If complications arise after the operation or the young mother has difficulty recovering from anesthesia, she may be allowed to sit down only on the fourth day after birth. The decision is made by the doctor depending on the woman’s condition.

  • You should know that bending over and squatting after a CS is prohibited so that the stitches do not come apart. Before discharge from the hospital, the doctor will definitely tell you when it will be possible to perform these actions. It all depends on the process of tissue regeneration: the faster the suture heals, the faster the young mother can return to an active pace.

After a caesarean section, in most cases you are allowed to get up only on the second day after delivery

Video: obstetrician-gynecologist about physical activity

Features of the condition of a young mother in the first days after a CS

In many ways, the mother’s condition after surgical delivery depends on the individual characteristics of the body. According to the experience of doctors, some women ask permission to get up and look at the baby after eight to ten hours, while others spend two or three days in bed, are in no hurry to show physical activity and do not feel the desire to return to an active rhythm of life.

Doctors explain: small physical activity after the CS is mandatory. In this case, the body recovers faster and the risk of negative postoperative consequences is reduced. Therefore, young mothers should follow all the recommendations of specialists.

In the first few days, mothers experience a feeling of weakness, as well as severe pain in the suture area. To relieve pain, they are necessarily given painkillers. Women also feel pain while walking - this is normal, because an operation was performed and the body needs time to restore and regenerate tissue. The nurse treats the wound every day, making sure there is no infection and the stitches do not come apart. Before being discharged from the maternity hospital, the doctor will definitely tell you what can be done and what is a contraindication for a young mother for a certain period of time.

Separately, the doctor will inform the woman about postpartum bleeding - lochia. Some young mothers think that lochia appears only after vaginal birth. However, this is a misconception: spotting is a sign of the normal process of recovery of the uterus after childbirth, regardless of the method of delivery. Normally, lochia lasts about six to eight weeks: the color and intensity of the discharge gradually changes.

If a young mother notices an increase in bloody discharge (one pad is enough for forty to sixty minutes), then it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, perhaps this is a sign of uterine bleeding. Also, consultation with a doctor is necessary in cases where lochia suddenly stops. This situation is not normal and may indicate the accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity.

Contraindications in the first months

For six to seven days, the woman and baby are in the maternity hospital. The doctor carefully monitors the condition of the suture, and the nurse treats the incision area once a day. On the fifth day, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is required to see how the uterus contracts and whether there are any complications. If everything is in order, then on the fifth or sixth day after the operation, the young mother’s stitches are removed and they begin to prepare her for discharge.

Of course, a young mother strives to quickly get home with her baby and start caring for the baby, giving him love and care. However, you also shouldn’t forget about your health. Avoid overexerting yourself, lifting heavy objects, and performing all household chores on your own. After a CS, it is necessary to give the body time and opportunity to recover, and care for the newborn and housework can be shared with your husband or nanny.

After a caesarean section, a woman should not carry her baby in her arms for a long time.

What physical activities are prohibited for a young mother?

Many women do not imagine that someone will do all the housework and also care for the baby while they are recovering from a surgical delivery. Doctors explain: physical activity and caring for a newborn are not prohibited at all for a young mother, they are even useful, but it is necessary to know a sense of proportion and give the body a rest. Gynecologists share a list of recommendations that a woman needs to follow after a cesarean section:

  • for three months, a young mother is prohibited from lifting weights weighing more than three to four kilograms;

    In most cases, this is the weight of a newborn baby. However, this does not mean that a woman can constantly carry the baby in her arms or in a sling. Doctors allow you to pick up the baby in your arms and place it in a crib or stroller, feed the baby, but not carry him in your arms for a long time.

  • Doing housework, especially washing the floor, wiping dust, washing by hand (those processes where you need to bend or squat) should be delegated to your husband or housekeeper, or relatives. For a month or two, the mother should take care of herself and not overexert herself. Only after the doctor's permission can a woman return to doing housework;
  • play sports or perform physical exercise prohibited for two months;

    Of course, all young mothers strive to get in shape as quickly as possible, but after surgery you need to wait some time.

Diet and food of a young mother

In order for the recovery process to proceed faster and without complications, a woman must eat properly. Very often, young mothers experience problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: most experience constipation and pain during bowel movements. Therefore, doctors recommend adhering to a special diet, especially in the first week after delivery.

Eat a balanced diet, excluding everything harmful products and dishes, a woman needs at least two to three months after surgery. And the ideal solution would be proper nutrition on an ongoing basis.

All dishes should be steamed, cooked or baked. It is strictly forbidden to eat fatty, spicy, fried, smoked or pickled dishes and food products. Also, a young mother is not recommended to eat fatty meats (pork) and fish. It is necessary to exclude sweets, baked goods, baked goods and confectionery. Vegetables and fruits should only be eaten that are not strong allergens. And also after a CS it is not recommended to include in the menu dishes that contribute to constipation. It is better to diversify your diet with dairy products and fresh vegetables.

Table: what you can eat in the first week after CS

Day after surgeryApproximate menu
  • On the first day, it is strictly forbidden to eat;
  • You are allowed to drink regular or mineral water without gas, or with lemon;
  • nutrients enter the woman’s body with drugs administered through an IV
  • Preference is given to dishes with a liquid consistency;
  • broth, it should not be greasy;
  • kefir, yogurt (classic, without adding pieces of fruit): fermented milk products perfectly stimulate intestinal function
  • Porridge: oatmeal or rice. They can be boiled in water or milk in a 1:1 ratio;
  • soufflé from sea ​​fish(cod, pollock, hake) or lean meats (rabbit, turkey);
  • cottage cheese: necessarily twisted in a blender;
  • drinks: weak black tea, fruit drink, jelly
  • Vegetable soup (the dish should not be fatty or rich, pieces of vegetables must be cut very finely);
  • mashed potatoes;
  • boiled fish or meat (rabbit, turkey, chicken);
  • fresh fruits: banana, green apple without peel;
  • piece rye bread: it must be yesterday
  • Low-fat meat and fish dishes;
  • porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits, which the pediatrician will allow in order to minimize the risk of allergies in the newborn;
  • first courses are vegetable or with pieces of meat, but not cooked in fatty broth;
  • weak tea, dried fruit compote, jelly, fruit juice;
  • fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese;
  • vegetable casseroles and purees

A woman after a caesarean section must follow a diet

How long should you not have sex?

Gynecologists allow sexual intercourse to be resumed after the lochia has completely stopped. This usually happens two months after the baby is born. However, before having sex, you should consult your doctor. At the appointment, the gynecologist will conduct an examination using mirrors, take tests and perform an ultrasound. If, according to the results of the examination, no inflammatory processes or infections of the uterus and genital organs are detected in the young mother, the doctor will allow sexual intercourse.

Some married couples ignore the prohibitions of doctors and resume intimate relationships much earlier. This threatens the development of severe inflammation, as well as infection on the wound surface of the uterus. Therefore, doctors recommend not to risk your health and wait the required two months before having sex.

Complete recovery of the body from the moment of surgery takes from three to six months, depending on how the operation went, whether there were complications, and the individual characteristics of the woman, for example, the rate of tissue regeneration, also have a great influence. In most cases, three months after the CS, the young mother is allowed to play sports and perform exercises to restore her figure. However, gynecologists explain that it takes much more time to restore the muscles of the uterus: by four months, the suture on the wall of the reproductive organ is scarred, but it takes about two to three years for it to strengthen. Therefore, it is recommended to plan your next pregnancy no earlier than twenty-four months after a cesarean section.

Even if the baby is breastfed, young parents should think in advance about contraceptive methods and choose the most suitable one for both partners. There is no point in risking the health and life of a woman, because early pregnancy after a CS can cause rupture of the wall of the reproductive organ.

General recommendations for recovery in the first six to eight weeks

First of all, a woman must follow all the doctor’s recommendations. In this case, many problems will be avoided and the rehabilitation process after surgery will go much faster. Doctors advise adhering to the following rules:

  • take a shower at least twice a day. You can wet the suture only with the permission of the doctor, not earlier, so as not to introduce an infection into the wound or damage the suture area;
  • Do not rub the seam with a washcloth;
  • For personal hygiene, use only hypoallergenic cosmetics that do not contain any harmful or hazardous components;
  • Avoid taking baths for two months after the CS. At this time, only warm showers are allowed;
  • Before discharge, the doctor will definitely give recommendations regarding the treatment of the suture. The prescription indicates the necessary medications (Miramistin, Levomekol ointment and others). A woman must treat the wound once or twice a day according to the regimen prescribed by the gynecologist;
  • to maintain the strength of the body, doctors advise taking special vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant and nursing mothers, for example, Elevit Pronatal, Complivit, Pregnakea and others;
  • eat small meals five to six times a day;
  • Be sure to take a walk in the fresh air, preferably walking. But it’s worth remembering that you shouldn’t overexert yourself too much;
  • use a bandage to tighten the abdomen. However, after a CS it is necessary to remember that wearing this product is prohibited at all times. You need to take a break every three to four hours. If you do not remove the bandage, this may cause infection of the seam;
  • charge positive emotions: spend more time with the baby, relax and prepare for a speedy recovery. Psychologists have proven that the body’s ability to quickly return to shape largely depends on the woman’s mood.

From the experience of young mothers: how did the recovery go?

Until six months, I only walked briskly with the child, this was my only exercise, and after I started doing yoga again and pumping up my abs, though without fanaticism.


Diet, sports, long walks with a stroller - and I became better than before) The only thing is that I had to wait 1.5 months with abdominal exercises, but everything else is possible.

Just a dreamer

Everything returned to normal and within 6 months the weight was gone. Light gymnastics from 6 months. Well, once every 3 months, massage the cervical-collar area for general well-being and positive.

Mother of Fox Friendly and Cool

After the operation, they raised me to my feet after 6 hours; it was difficult to lean on my legs and I felt very nauseous, but after a couple of hours I was already walking along the corridor on my own. The baby was delivered 15 minutes after the operation and then he stayed with me the whole time. I took a separate room, where either my husband or my mother spent the night with me and helped with the baby. The recovery lasted about a month, and then I didn’t even remember about the operation, the stitch healed, the stomach completely disappeared, and when the baby was 3 months old, she was already running to training.


After the CS I wore a bandage, everything healed well. Then I decided that I needed to somehow get rid of the scar and started applying Contractubex. The gel did a great job of helping the seam smooth out. Now only a thin light strip remains from the operation. And my son is already 3, we are growing up little by little.


Physical activity after caesarean section

After pregnancy and the birth of a child, many young mothers rush to get back in shape, because extra pounds and stretch marks on the stomach are not at all pleasing. However, after a caesarean section, doctors prohibit physical activity at least two months, and in some cases this period is extended. Once the doctor approves exercise, a woman can plan her time and set aside an hour or more for exercise aimed at improving her figure.

Ishchenko Irina Georgievna Obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor, candidate of medical sciences, specialist in the field of aesthetic gynecology Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist, highest category, endocrinologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor, specialist in aesthetic gynecology Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist, specialist in the field modern methods evidence-based gynecology Make an appointment

Caesarean section is a surgical intervention in the body. Therefore, unlike a normal natural birth, after which the woman does not need medical supervision, after a cesarean section, monitoring the condition of the mother and medical care is necessary for her. In addition, it is clear that after abdominal surgery there is a significantly higher risk of complications and a greater number of restrictions.

The young mother spends the first day after the operation in the operating room under the supervision of an anesthesiologist and obstetrician. They monitor her well-being, how her uterus contracts, how her intestines and bladder work.

The first few hours after a cesarean section, the postpartum woman lies down. After six hours she is allowed to sit down, after 12 hours she is allowed to stand up and take a few steps. Of course, the mother herself does not need to get up yet - this can only be done with the help of a nurse or one of her relatives.

On the second day, the young mother is transferred to the postpartum ward, where she can stay with the baby.

In order for a postpartum woman’s body to recover faster after a cesarean section, on the first day after the operation she is allowed to drink still mineral water, to which you can add lemon juice. True, you shouldn’t eat on the first day; instead, the woman is usually prescribed a drip with vitamins and microelements. Already on the second day after a cesarean section, the diet expands - you can eat porridge, low-fat broth, boiled meat, sweet tea. From the third day, nutritious nutrition is possible - only foods that are not recommended for breastfeeding are excluded from the diet. Usually, to normalize intestinal function, a cleansing enema is prescribed about a day after surgery.

If we talk about drug support in the first days after a cesarean section, the postpartum woman must be prescribed painkillers. Pain relief is usually required for the first 2-3 days, then is gradually abandoned.

In addition to painkillers, drugs that promote uterine contraction and drugs that normalize the function of the gastrointestinal tract are prescribed. In order to avoid infectious complications, antibiotics are often prescribed after a cesarean section (most often emergency). After a planned cesarean section, they usually do without them.

The suture may cause the greatest concern to the postoperative mother: it can hurt, especially with even a slight load, it needs to be bandaged daily, in addition, the abdomen and the suture area should not be wetted during the first week after cesarean section. The pain quickly weakens - by the third day, most women who give birth refuse painkillers. On the seventh day after surgery, the sutures are removed, unless they should dissolve on their own. After the stitch heals, it will be practically invisible and will in no way interfere with the young mother. Of course, if she carefully follows all the doctor’s recommendations.

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Another question that plagues women before a cesarean section is how the uterus will contract if it “does not know” that childbirth has occurred.

First, after a cesarean section, the woman is prescribed medications that help the uterus contract. As after a normal birth, the uterus will be freed from the remnants of the mucous membrane - blood clots. Only in the case of a cesarean section, this process may be slower and may take 2-3 weeks.

Secondly, it is very important that after a caesarean section, the young mother begins to breastfeed her baby as soon as possible, not on a schedule, but on demand. Feeding now, when using epidural anesthesia, is possible even immediately after surgery. When the baby suckles, the uterus begins to contract more intensely and gets rid of everything unnecessary faster and better. After the operation, milk may come in the same way as after a natural birth - on the third day, or a little later.

In addition to the fact that recovery is somewhat slower and the suture area is disturbing, the postpartum period for women who gave birth through a cesarean section does not differ from the postpartum period for those who gave birth naturally.

You should not lift more weight than the weight of the child, and you should not overwork yourself. In order to help the abdominal muscles, you can wear a postpartum bandage - but not for long, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

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The only point worth paying attention to is that you can become pregnant after a cesarean section no earlier than three years later, so issues with birth control should be resolved as soon as possible and as thoroughly as possible.

After the doctor removes the stitches and performs a control ultrasound, if there are no complications on the part of the mother or the child, they are discharged home. As a rule, this occurs 8-10 days after birth. If the operation was accompanied by complications, the recovery period may be longer.

In the first week after discharge, while the woman may still be bothered by the stitch and she has not fully recovered, family members should provide her with as gentle a regimen as possible and relieve her of housework and everything that does not relate to child care.

It is better if the first time after returning home the woman is not at home alone, but with one of her relatives or friends. After discharge from the maternity hospital, a special diet is no longer needed; the woman switches to the normal diet of a nursing mother. You can take a bath or swim no earlier than a month and a half after a cesarean section, and full physical activity will have to be postponed for two months. You can resume sexual intercourse 6 weeks after surgery, after visiting a gynecologist and making sure that the recovery period is going well.

Some discomfort and numbness of the skin in the scar area may persist for several months after a cesarean section. This is fine. However, if severe pain occurs, the scar turns red, or brownish, yellow or bloody discharge appears from the suture, you should immediately consult a doctor.

As a rule, both after a planned and after an emergency caesarean section, a woman has many chances to give birth to her next child naturally, of course, if during the next pregnancy there are no indications for a caesarean section.

At the Euromedprestige medical center you can undergo a full examination both during pregnancy and after childbirth. An obstetrician-gynecologist will conduct benchmark analysis, a consultation with a doctor will make sure that all your organs have returned to their original state and that the postpartum period passes without complications.