How to protect Victoria from birds. How to protect strawberries from birds. Protecting strawberry plants with a special mesh

  • Birds on the site
  • Electronic devices
  • Film and CDs (tips and videos)
  • Covering material
  • Scarecrow
  • Colored repellers
  • Homemade turntables
  • Distracting Cultures
  • The benefits of birds in the garden

Strawberries are not only the favorite berry of many people with a sweet tooth, but also a crop that requires constant care. To reap a bountiful harvest, the plant must be watered regularly, remove tendrils, dry leaves, fertilize the soil, and much more. Moreover, this must be done clearly within the allotted time frame, and not whenever you want. And therefore it is doubly offensive when the beds are brazenly attacked by voracious birds. How to protect strawberries from birds? This will be discussed further.

Gardeners spend a lot of time and effort caring for plants, but it all pays off when the first berries begin to appear under the leaves.

Birds on the site

This current problem, the struggle between gardeners and birds has been going on for a very long time. That is why the arsenal of summer residents is constantly replenished with new means of protecting crops from birds. Each method has both its pros and cons. Some remedies are improved over time, and the least effective ones are forgotten. But in any case, each owner has his own favorite ways of dealing with winged thieves.

The main feathered pests are starlings, sparrows, magpies, tits and pigeons. Moreover, they are concerned not only with strawberries, but also with raspberries, currants, cherries, cherries and other garden crops. A flock of such birds can destroy your crop in a matter of hours, so there is a problem. Such a confrontation could drag on for the entire season, until the fall.

There are many methods of protection, so you will have plenty to choose from. However, you should not resort to drastic methods, since birds protect our crops from pests: caterpillars, beetles, larvae, etc. Provide your feathered partners with a water bowl and get ready to choose the most humane means of protection.

Electronic devices

How to scare birds away from strawberries? This can be done using audio-recorded calls of predatory hawks, owls, or warnings about the danger of magpies, blackbirds, starlings, etc. This method is especially suitable for owners of large plantations.

Previously, to purchase such an audio recording, you had to find a specialized agricultural store, but nowadays it can be purchased on the Internet.

By the way, audio recordings are suitable for fighting not only birds, but also rodents. Many gardeners prefer this method. With the help of loud, unpleasant sounds, you will not only repel pests from your crop, but also cause the indignation of your neighbors. Therefore, this method is not suitable for everyone. To solve this problem there are special electronic devices, which have no effect on humans, but cause severe discomfort in birds and force them to leave the territory.

You can also use loudspeakers or electronic devices that produce sharp, loud sounds such as claps or gunshots, imitating the sound of a siren. Some devices light up or flash brightly when triggered.

If birds peck at strawberries, you can use old audio or video cassettes, or more precisely, their films. To do this, simply remove the tape from the device and secure it over the entire area. Stretch the web over the bushes; to be sure, you can make a second layer at a height of 30 cm from the plants.

The dazzling shine of magnetic tape in the sun scares away birds. In addition, due to the wind, the film emits ultrasound, which causes fear in birds. To protect strawberries, you can use any shiny objects that move in the wind, reflect the sun, or rustle. For example, plastic bags, strips of foil, rain from the Christmas tree and much more. Secure them to trees near the garden bed.

Use old, unwanted DVDs and CDs to control birds. Drill holes in them, insert twine, tie tightly and hang over the area. They will sway in the wind, shimmer brightly, and create the appearance of movement. The birds won't like it.

Covering material

Bird netting is perhaps the most reliable material; experienced gardeners recommend this particular product for crop protection. Buy mesh in agricultural stores or online. The material is metal or plastic, most often polypropylene, which has square or diamond-shaped small cells. It protects the strawberries from birds, allows water and sunlight to pass through. What is important is that this does not prevent insects from pollinating the plant. When carrying out foliar feeding, the net will not interfere, so you don’t even have to remove it.


How can you use it to cover strawberries? Everything is quite simple: drive pegs into the ground around the bed, pull the net tightly at a height of 35 cm from the bushes. It can also be attached to a frame in the form of metal arcs or bamboo sticks. This way you can go inside and pick berries without having to disassemble the structure every time. After harvesting, the net can be removed. But in general, this method works and is suitable for gardens, cottages and city apartments.


If sparrows are pecking at your strawberries, make a stuffed one:

  1. Connect two boards crosswise - this will be the body.
  2. Separately, take a bag and fill it with dry grass or newspapers - this is the head.
  3. Connect the body with the head, put unnecessary things on your scarecrow, a hat, draw a face.

The downside is that the birds get used to the stuffed animal very quickly. Over time, the scarecrow becomes a location for the feathered bullies.

Many gardeners combine two methods: they decorate the scarecrow with plastic bags, magnetic tapes, and old computer disks. They move in the wind, shimmer in the sun, and rustle, which causes fear in birds. You can also attach a variety of rattles to the stuffed animal, which will knock and scare away the birds.

Scarecrows in the form of birds of prey are extremely popular among summer residents. For example, a plastic owl in shiny ribbons with an audio recording of his cry. You can purchase such a kit in a store or online.

Rattles and wind chimes

You can use homemade ratchets as a means of protection. To create them, any trash (preferably metal) that knocks when collided is suitable. Tie together old beer or tin cans, they make a lot of noise during the wind, and this is not to the taste of birds. Birds generally do not like noise, as they have perfect hearing. This method may work, but only in windy conditions.

Some gardeners use air bells to scare away birds. Despite the soothing melody, they are able to detain birds for a while. Pests quickly get used to sharp sounds and after some time they no longer pay attention to them.

Colored repellers

There is an opinion that birds are afraid of the color white, and therefore some gardeners stretch white fabric along the plot. If there are trees near the beds, then white ribbons made of fabric or film can be tied to the branches. It is not known exactly how effective this method is.

Blue and red flags can be used as colored repellers. Place them in the bed between the plants.

Homemade turntables

Don't throw away empty plastic bottles; you can use them to make a small windmill, windmill, etc. These spinning and fluttering crafts not only repel winged pests, but are also decorative element for decorating the yard. But unfortunately, birds quickly get used to the turntables.

Distracting Cultures

The most humane method of protecting a strawberry plantation from birds is to plant distracting crops. Plant rowan, cherry or sea buckthorn on the plot, this way you will distract the birds from the garden bed. However, no one guarantees that birds will give preference to these crops and will not fly to feast on strawberries.

And if near fruit trees create an artificial water source, then the birds will spend most of their time near it. The sensitive hearing of birds will immediately pick up the murmur of a stream or noise small waterfall. They will flock en masse to these sounds.

The downside is that after resting near the source, a flock of birds can still pay attention to the strawberry beds, which they will empty in a few minutes.

Other methods of bird control

There are other methods of crop protection; they are less popular, but, according to gardeners, they are effective.

The benefits of birds in the garden

In the rush of struggle, many gardeners forget that birds initially protect gardens from pests. For example, a female sparrow brings at least 600 insects to her chicks per day, including May beetles, caterpillars, larvae, etc.

And in winter, these small birds eat plant seeds to survive. Thus, they eliminate most of the weed seeds that could grow in the garden. As for starlings, their record is 400 insects per day. Tits eat at least 250 pests per day. As scientists have calculated, for an area to be healthy, 3–5 pairs of passerines, 2 families of starlings and 4 tits should live on it.

Don't forget that birds are our helpers and friends. This, of course, does not mean that the struggle for the harvest should be stopped, just choose more humane methods for this.

Buy a mesh made of metal or plastic in the store, which has small cells in the form of squares or diamonds. The mesh prevents birds from reaching the berries, but allows water and sunlight to pass through. The net will not prevent the bees from pollinating the strawberries. You will do it easily foliar feeding.

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Drive wooden pegs into the soil around the perimeter of the bed, stretch the net at a height of 35 cm from the strawberries. It can also be attached to a frame made of metal or plastic arches. The number of arcs is made based on the length of the bed. It is best to maintain a distance of 60-80 cm between adjacent arcs. You can collect fruits under the structure by slightly lifting the mesh and then securing it again.


If birds peck your berries, then build a stuffed animal:

  • Make a body, knock down 2 wooden boards crosswise.
  • Place dry hay, straw or newspapers in the bag; this will be the head. Combine the head with the body, put some kind of old clothes, hat, draw a face. However, birds can get used to the scarecrow, so improve it. Place cellophane bags, magnetic tapes, and unnecessary CDs on the scarecrow. They sway from the wind, shimmer from the sun's rays, rustle, this will protect the berries from birds.

Rattles and wind chimes

Make ratchets from any metal objects that knock when they collide. Combine metal cans of canned food or drinks; they begin to rattle in the wind and cause fear in birds.

Stretch a small number of wires over the bushes and hang cans of cans close to each other. You can set up bells that will ring in the wind.

Although, this method has disadvantages:

  • Bells and jars begin to knock, ring and rattle only if the wind blows.
  • You will get tired of the noise that arises.
  • After some time, the birds get used to the noise and again begin to feast on the berries.

Colored repellers

Believed to scare away birds white, you can stretch snow-white fabric near the beds. Attach white strips of fabric to the branches of bushes and trees. Also drive in pegs and hang red or blue flags on them.

Homemade turntables

From the old ones plastic bottles build a small moving mill, a turntable.

Distracting Cultures

Plant rowan, cherry or sea buckthorn in your dacha. The disadvantage of this method is that birds can still fly in and peck the strawberries.


Birds do not like the smell of onions. Finely chop a few onions and place them in the beds.

Electronic devices

Record on audio media the screeching sounds of hawks, owls or the cries of blackbirds, starlings, magpies, warning of danger, and then play the recording. This method is perfect if you have a large area.

You can also purchase loudspeakers or electronic devices that produce sharp, deafening sounds such as gunshots, claps, or similar to the wail of a siren. Some of these devices may flash or glow brightly.

But if you constantly have loud noises, your neighbors may not like it, so this method is not suitable for everyone.

There are electronic devices on sale - ultrasonic repellers; they produce sounds that scare away birds that humans cannot hear.

If starlings and tits peck at strawberries, you can remove the tape from old unnecessary audio cassettes and unwind it around the garden. Stretch the tape over the bushes, pull the second layer at a height of 40 cm from the strawberries.

Then in the light the ribbon will shine, shimmer and cause fear in the birds. In addition, due to the wind, the film emits ultrasound. You can also use any shiny, wind-moving, sun-reflecting objects. For example, foil, cellophane bags, old CDs and DVDs.

Attach them near the beds. Buy an ultrasonic device that has an infrared motion sensor. This repeller will not allow any bird to fly closer than 10 m to the strawberry.

Video: How to properly protect strawberries from birds

Garden strawberries are a widespread crop grown throughout the world. Long years of selection (strawberries have been grown since about 1300) have led to the fact that the harvest can be obtained even in the most unfavorable climate. Different ones differ in color, size and shape of the fruit, aroma, degree of fertility, period of flowering and ripening of berries, and degree of susceptibility to diseases. However, even inexperienced gardeners can grow this crop.

It is impossible to say what applies to unpretentious plants, but if you follow certain rules, it will please you with a high yield. The question really arises: “How to save the harvest from birds?” All birds eat ripe and sweet fruits with great pleasure, and sometimes are content with unripe ones. In any case, there is practically nothing left for the person. Therefore, protecting strawberries from birds becomes a top priority. There are quite a few methods, it remains to determine which one will be the most effective.

How to protect strawberries from birds using a special net

Mechanical protection is the most radical and, perhaps, the most effective method. Bird netting for strawberries is available at any farm store. It is made of plastic, most often polypropylene, with square or diamond-shaped small cells. Such a network protects the crop from birds, while not preventing the penetration of water and sunlight to the plants. In addition, such protection does not interfere with plant pollination; the net does not need to be removed during spraying.

How to protect strawberries from birds using a scarecrow

Representing a straw bag with a hat and broom arms, it is practically not used today. Birds get used to it very quickly and soon stop reacting to it. Much more effective method repellents will be thin cellophane ribbons, swaying from the slightest breath of wind. For the same purpose, you can use old cassette tapes, which not only sway, but also shimmer in the sun.

How to Protect Strawberries from Birds Using Noise

Garden rattles or carbide guns that fire at regular intervals work well at first, but over time the birds get used to loud and sharp sounds. You can periodically change the frequency of noise effects, but this technique requires constant human control.

How to Protect Strawberries from Birds Using Diversion Crops

This method of protection is the most humane in relation to birds, and all nature lovers should appreciate it. In order to distract birds from garden strawberries, you can plant several fruit trees on your plot: bird cherry, sea buckthorn, wild cherry. The disadvantage of this method is that there is no guarantee that the birds will choose to eat only the berries intended for them.

The most unsuccessful method was considered to be total extermination, when birds are poisoned or shot. The effect is either zero or leads to the exact opposite result - a lot of insect pests appear on the beds, which destroy all the fruits at an even greater speed.

IN recent years For summer residents, birds have simply become a real disaster. As soon as the side of the strawberry turns red, it immediately becomes an object of encroachment by birds. And what can we say about the massive ripening of berries!

Strawberries are considered one of the most beloved and labor-intensive berries to grow. To receive good harvest it requires special care: feed in the spring and after fruiting, pluck off the mustaches that grow in incredible quantities by leaps and bounds, water in dry weather, remove old yellowed leaves, trim the foliage after harvesting. In addition, you need to update it every 3-4 years so that the variety does not degenerate and the berries do not become small. Having spent a lot of effort caring for strawberry beds, naturally I would like to get a good return, but an invasion of voracious birds can confuse all plans. Moreover, they choose the ripest berries or those that are reddened on one side. There have been especially many birds lately. If a whole flock arrives, there is a chance that you will be left without any berries. Gardeners are forced to save their strawberry plantings from birds as best they can. We offer several ways to protect strawberries from birds.

Using covering material

This is very effective way. As soon as the berries begin to turn red, you need to throw it on the garden bed. The birds don't see, and the neighbors don't envy. To harvest strawberries, you need to pull out the stakes on one side, collect the crop and hide it from all eyes again.


This is the most effective method of scaring away birds and protecting berries. However, there are a number of disadvantages here. Firstly, such a grid needs to be found somewhere. There is not always a suitable one on sale. Then, when the crop is ripe, the net can be removed for a while. Well, what if you just want to eat a few berries from the garden? It is not very convenient to open the mesh every time. And from an aesthetic point of view, a bed of strawberries covered with a net doesn’t look very good.

Other ways to protect strawberries from birds

Very in an interesting way is to scare away birds using old and unnecessary DVDs or CDs or cut-up strips of foil. To do this, holes are punched along the edge of the disks, twine is threaded, and then everything is hung next to the beds. Shiny objects moving in the wind, shimmering brightly in the sun, scare away birds.

Rattles for repelling birds

Another way to protect strawberries from birds with your own hands is to make a rattle. You can make it from any unnecessary objects that can make noise when colliding with each other. For example, tying empty beer cans together. In the wind they will rattle loudly and scare away birds with the noise. But what if there is no wind?

Garden scarecrow

Let's look at how to protect strawberries from birds (photo above) using a garden scarecrow. There are great opportunities for creativity here with the whole family. You can put old unnecessary clothes on a frame made of two boards knocked together in the shape of a cross. Then fill it with straw or old newspapers. Most often, a garden scarecrow is given the appearance of a person, but sometimes it is made in the form of a bird of prey, which will scare away birds and protect the crop. The most effective garden scarecrows are those in which something moves as it sways in the wind. There are very funny kits on sale that consist of a plastic eagle owl and a CD recording of the sounds this bird makes. This double effect does a good job of repelling birds.

Among other methods on how to protect strawberries from birds, there are various traps from which you can later release birds away from the garden, all kinds chemicals protection. Stores also sell electronic devices that make sounds audible only to birds. They scare them away from the garden. Another way to protect strawberries from birds? You can simply turn on the radio on the site - loud sounds are good at scaring away birds.

And the last way to protect strawberries from birds (photo) is to plant more strawberry bushes so that there are enough berries for both you and the birds. This is the most best method, it, alas, is impossible for owners of small plots.