Films summary in English. Review of Hachiko English. The length of the film can be

Few of us don't like watching movies or TV series. And often we discuss what we have watched with our friends and acquaintances. Today we invite you to consider the topic of descriptions of films in English and genres of films in English. This will come in handy when talking about movies with English-speaking friends, when writing reviews on websites, or when writing essays.

First, let's look at the names of the genres

Genres of films in English

  • Action |ˈakʃ(ə)n| - action movie;
  • Blockbuster |ˈblɒkbʌstə| (used in colloquial English) - blockbuster, box-office film, hit, super action film;
  • gangster movie - gangster film;
  • sci-fi |ˈsʌɪfʌɪ| (science fiction) - science fiction film;
  • fantastic film - fantastic film;
  • fantasy - fantasy;
  • Musical |ˈmjuːzɪk(ə)l| - musical;
  • Western |ˈwɛst(ə)n| — western;
  • Post-apocalyptic - post-apocalyptic film;
  • Disaster movie |dɪˈzɑːstə| - a film about a disaster;
  • War |wɔː| - a film about war;
  • Family film - family film;
  • Love story/ romantic film - a movie about love;
  • Romantic comedy (abbreviated as rom com) - romantic comedy;
  • Adventure |ədˈvɛntʃə| — adventure film;
  • Crime film |krʌɪm| - crime film, detective;
  • Horror |ˈhɒrə| - horror movie;
  • Thriller |ˈθrɪlə| — thriller;
  • Spy thriller |ˈspaɪ| — spy thriller;
  • Educational film |ɛdjuˈkeɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l - educational film;
  • Theatrical film |θɪˈatrɪk(ə)l| — film adaptation of a theatrical production;
  • Mystery |ˈmɪst(ə)ri| - mystery (something between a thriller, detective and crime);
  • Psychological drama |sʌɪkəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l| - psychological drama. Pay attention to the transcription - the first letter is not readable; many people make this mistake when Russifying the word.
  • Genre |ˈʒɑːnrə| - genre, style;

A historical film in English can be called in several terms:

  1. Period piece |ˈpɪərɪəd| - historical film; sometimes you can see the designation period drama;
  2. Costume drama |ˈkɒstjuːm| - also a historical film, but here much attention is paid to costumes and recreating the spirit of that time;
  3. They also often say simply historical film.

If the film is a documentary, it is documentary |dɒkjʊˈmɛnt(ə)ri|. If we want to tell what the film is about, then we can use two prepositions - on or about.

For example:
— I want to watch that documentary film on the Charlie Chaplin life.

— I want to watch this documentary about the life of Charlie Chaplin.

By the way, the film mentioned in the example can also be called biography |bʌɪˈɒɡrəfi| - biography.

The length of the film can be:

  • Feature film |ˈfiːtʃə| - full-length feature film;
  • Short film - short film;
  • full-length film - full-length film;

Description of the film in English

Now let's look at the words that will help describe the film in English

  • An exciting film that is watched in one sitting can be called an adjective Gripping |ˈɡrɪpɪŋ| - breathtaking;

This movie is so gripping. I watched it in one shot. — This film is so exciting. I watched it in one sitting.

If you liked the film so much that you recommend watching it, you can use the following expressions:

  • It's definitely worth being watched. - It's definitely worth watching.
  • It is well worth the watch. - It's worth watching.
  • I recommend you to watch this film. It's awesome. — I advise you to watch this film. He's excellent.
  • Stirring |ˈstɜːrɪŋ| - exciting. This word can also be used if the film evokes some feelings or memories. For example: As for me, black-and-white films are stirring a feeling of nostalgia - As for me, black and white films evoke a feeling of nostalgia.
  • Astounding |əˈstaʊndɪŋ| - amazing, amazing;
  • Entertaining |ɛntəˈteɪnɪŋ| - entertaining, funny;
  • Hilarious |hɪˈlɛːrɪəs| - very funny;
  • Laugh riot |lɑːf ˈraɪət| - funny, when you watch it you burst into laughter;
  • Breathtaking |ˈbrɛθteɪkɪŋ| — which takes your breath away;
  • Mind-boggling - breathtaking, stunning;
  • Thrilling |ˈθrɪlɪŋ| - titillating, exciting;
  • Watching this movie made my blood run cold - watching this movie made my blood run cold;
  • Action packed - a dynamic film, with a quickly unfolding plot, filled with events;
  • Superb |suːˈpəːb| - beautiful, magnificent;
  • Cheesy |ˈtʃiːzi| - low-grade;
  • It was like watching the grass grow. “It felt like I was watching the grass grow.” This is an idiomatic expression that describes an action that unfolds very slowly.
  • Predictable |prɪˈdɪktəb(ə)l| - predictable;
  • Poignant film |ˈpɔɪnjənt| - a touching film, as they usually say about dramas and melodramas;
    It's a true masterpiece - this is a real masterpiece;
  • Ridiculous |rɪˈdɪkjʊləs| - ridiculous;
  • Dreary |ˈdrɪəri| - dreary, boring;
  • Bombed was a flop;
  • Tent-pole blockbuster - rating blockbuster;
  • It's beautifully filmed. - A beautifully shot film.

General vocabulary on the topic Cinematography

  • Cinematography |ˌsɪnɪməˈtɒɡrəfi| — cinematography, camera art, filming;
  • Sound effects - sound effects;
  • auteur |əʊˈtəː| — a film director with an individual creative style;
  • Film star - film star;
  • Cast |kɑːst| - cast;
  • Screenplay |ˈskriːnpleɪ| - scenario;
  • To adopt a book for a screenplay - adapt a book to a film script;
  • This film was inspired in a true event - the shooting of this film was inspired by real events;
  • A film is based on a book - the film is based on a book;
  • Star-studded film - a film with a star cast;
  • Starring |ˈstɑːrɪŋ| - starring;
  • Stunt man - stuntman;
  • Plot - plot;
  • Film-goer - moviegoer, one who often goes to the cinema;
  • To act / play a role - play a role;
  • The supporting (minor) role - supporting role;
  • Sets - decorations;
  • Scene |siːn| - stage;
  • Sequel |ˈsiːkw(ə)l| — the second (third) part of the film (parts 1 and 2 are not spoken in English);
  • Long shot - general plan;
  • Cameo |ˈkamɪəʊ| - episodic role;
  • Dubbed - duplicated.

A selection on the topic “Descriptions of films in English and film genres in English” will help you beautifully and competently express your opinion about films, write a review or just a review. Come up with a few sentences with the words you will learn so that they stick in your memory.

Ashikhmina Irina. School No. 145, Samara, Russia
Essay in English with translation. Nomination Art.

Film review

I have recently seen a good film and I want to tell you about it.

This film was set in a small town. It tells the story about a poor girl, whose mother had died, when she was 17. The film is directed by Fedor Bondarchuck. It is based on a book "The Swallow`s nest" by Anton Sakhov. It is a romantic film.

The film`s plot is fast-paced. Suddenly, she met her father. Father`s family did not love her, but then she saved life of one of her relatives. She worked hard and fell ill. She had not any hopes to be rescued, but wonder had happened. The plot has an unexpected twist and ending.

It is poorly filmed in gloomy colors.This film is very interesting. I found the cast excellent because some of my favorite actors took part there. The script is very exciting and I would like to watch this film again! It has a surprising end because nobody of spectaculars thought that she could be alive.

I would recommend everyone to see this film because it is worth doing that.

I recently watched a good movie and I want to tell you about it.

This film was shot in a small town. It tells the story of a poor girl whose mother died when she was 17. The director of the film is Fyodor Bondarchuk. The plot is based on the book "Swallow's Nest" by Anton Sakhov. This is a romantic film.

The plot of the film is fast-paced. Suddenly the heroine meets her father. Her father's family didn't like her, but then she saved the life of one of her relatives. She worked very hard and got sick. She had no hope of recovery, but a miracle happened. The plot of the film has an unexpected twist and ending.

The film was shot in shades of grey. This movie is very interesting. The cast is great as several of my favorite actors are in this movie. The script is very exciting and I would love to see this movie again! The film has a very unexpected ending because no one in the audience thought that she could survive.


It will help you in this case review (review) movie watched. In the narrow sense of the word " review“is a review, your personal assessment of what you saw, read or visited.

In the Russian language there are a huge number of words and phrases that help us put on paper all that hurricane of emotions that overwhelms us after watching a movie or reading a book, but when it comes to the English language, then only interesting and at best exciting and wonderful come to mind.

In order to correctly describe a film in English, you must try to adhere to a certain description plan.

Outline of the film description in English

1. Introduction
This section includes information about the film: title, director, main roles, filming location, etc. The facts are important here, not your attitude towards the film.

My all time favorite movie is a (For example, fantasy film) called (For example, “The Hunger Games”). — My favorite film is (The Hunger Games), a film in the genre (fantasy).
The movie is based on a book written by … — The film is based on a book written by...
The movie was directed by … , who also directed … — The director of the film is ..., who is also the director ...
The movie has won (For example, 8) Oscars, including ones for (For example, best picture) and (For example, best director). — The film won 8 Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director.
It was a box-office hit in Russia. — It was a huge success in Russia.
The movie was filmed in… — The film was shot in…
The movie stars… — Starring...
The movie is set in… — The action takes place in...

2. Main part
The summary of the film reflects exclusively the main events of the film, without details, and is written in the present (not past) tense.

To do this you need to repeat

The film is about... - F ilm talks about...
The story is told through the eyes of … — The story is told from the perspective of...

Starting from a new paragraph, write why you liked this film, what you found interesting and memorable in it.

I really love… because it is… — I really love this movie because it...
The special effects are really impressive/amazing. — The special effects are simply amazing.
The movie has some poignant moments, for example, when… — There are several touching moments in the film, such as when...
The movie keeps you on the edge of your seat. — It is impossible to tear yourself away from the film.
The movie is thought-provoking because… — The film gives food for thought because...
My favorite parts in the movie are...

3. Conclusion
You can end your description of a film in English with a sentence in which you recommend it to listeners.

If you want to have a great day in watching a movie, I would totally recommend. — If you want a great day out watching a movie, I can't recommend it enough.

The interesting facts offered in this book/film make it stand out – interesting facts presented in the film/book make it stand out from others.
Don't miss it – don't miss it.
It will change the way you think – she will change the course of your thoughts.
It is well worth seeing/reading – worth watching/reading.
It is a masterpiece of its kind – this is a classic masterpiece of its kind.
It succeeds in… – succeeded in...
It is highly entertaining read – very entertaining read.

Of course, we tried to give you a basic description of the film in English, but in order to make the review more colorful, we recommend using the vocabulary below:

Description of the film in English

My favorite film is “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring”. It is the first film of the “Lord of the Rings” film series, based on the book of the same name by J. R. R. Tolkien. The film was shot in 2001. It was directed by the New Zealand film director Peter Jackson.

The film is set in Middle-earth – a land where such “goodly” races as hobbits, elves, dwarfs and men live. Since the ancient times they have warred with orcs, goblins and trolls. At the beginning of the film we learn about the One Ring – a powerful weapon created by the Dark Lord Sauron – which was occasionally found by Bilbo Baggins, the hobbit.

On his 111th birthday Bilbo had a great party, after which he suddenly departed and left his young cousin Frodo all his belongings, including the magic ring.

A few years later Gandalf, the wizard, visits Frodo to tell him the truth about the ring. A short time after that Frodo and three of his friends leave Shire. They are followed by the Black Riders, who are searching for Frodo and the Ring. On their way they meet a new friend Aragorn.

The Black Riders attacked Frodo and his friends and one of them stabbed Frodo in the shoulder with a cursed knife. Aragorn took Frodo and the hobbits to the Rivendell where his wound was healed and the Fellowship of the Ring was formed to take the One Ring to Mordor and destroy it.

My favorite movie is The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. This is the first film in the Lord of the Rings film series, based on the book of the same name by J. R. R. Tolkien. The film was made in 2001 by New Zealand director Peter Jackson.

The film takes place in Middle-earth - the land where such "good" races as hobbits, elves, gnomes and people live. Since ancient times they have fought with orcs, goblins and trolls. At the beginning of the film, we learn about the One Ring, a powerful weapon created by the Dark Lord Sauron, which was accidentally found by the hobbit Bilbo Baggins.

On his 111th birthday, Bilbo threw a big party, after which he suddenly disappeared and left all his possessions, including the magic ring, to his young cousin Frodo.

A few years later, the wizard Gandalf visited Frodo and told him the truth about the ring. Soon after this, Frodo and his three friends left the Shire. They were pursued by the Black Riders, who were looking for Frodo and the Ring. On the way they met a new friend, Aragorn.

The Black Riders attacked Frodo and his friends, and one of them struck Frodo in the shoulder with a cursed blade. Aragorn helped Frodo and the hobbits get to Rivendell, where Frodo's wound was healed, and where the Fellowship of the Ring appeared, whose goal was to take the Ring to Mordor and destroy it.

So, you have read a book in English. However, you often need to express your opinion about the work you read, namely, write I offer you a template for a short review, which you can supplement with the necessary words. Of course, this is a very simplified version. Be sure to add your own suggestions. More emotions! Remember your feelings while reading and try to convey them on paper. Good luck!

How to write an opinion about a book (in English)

1) I am going to say (write) a few words about a book (story) I have recently read.

I'm going to say (write) a few words about a book (story) that I recently read.

2) The book (story) is written by the well-known English (American, French, Russian, etc) writer of the ….. century …… (name of the writer).

This is a book (story) written by a well-known English (American, French, Russian, etc.) writer ...... century ...... (writer's name)

3) The title of the book (story) is…..

Title of the book (story) -……

4) It is a……(type of the book).

This ……….(here indicate the genre in which the work is written. See at the end of the article)

5) The plot of the book is incredibly interesting (exciting/ intricate/ rather simple, something special).

The plot of the book is incredibly interesting (fascinating / confusing / quite simple)

6) The book tells us about a……who …….(contents of the book in short)

The book tells us about ... (name of the main character), who .... ( summary books).

7) There are some humorous (funny, sad, tragic, thrilling) episodes in the book.

There are many funny (funny, sad, tragic, scary) episodes in the book.

8) I couldn’t help smiling (laughing, feeling sad/ nervous, crying) while reading it.

I couldn't help but smile (hold back laughter, feel sadness, tears) while reading.

9) To cut a long story short,………(here the end of the book must be given)

In short, ..... (here you briefly summarize how the book ended)

10) On the whole book is good. It is worth reading.

11) If you like …….(type of the book), I advise you to read it.

If you love…. (indicate genre), I advise you to read it.

Kinds (Types) of books:

  • a novel - novel
    a historical novel - historical novel
    a war novel - a novel about war
    an adventure novel - adventure novel
  • a story - story, story
    a detective story - detective
    a love story - love story
    an adventure story - adventure story
  • a short story - story
    a humorous story - a humorous story
    a horror story - scary story
    a ghost story - a story about ghosts
  • a fairy tale - fairy tale
  • a folktale - folk tale
  • a travel book - a book about travel
    a fantasy book - a book in the “fantasy” genre (like “The Lord of the Rings”)
    a science fiction book - science fiction
  • a biography - biography
  • an autobiography - autobiography

Sample review of A. Conan Doyle’s book “The Hound of the Baskervilles”

My opinion about the book “The Hound of Baskervilles” by A. Conan Doyle

This summer I have read the book "The Hound of the Baskervilles" which was written by the famous English writer of the 19th century Arthur Conan Doyle. It is a detective story.

I liked this book very much from the very beginning. First of all, Sherlock Holmes is one of my favorite characters. Besides, the plot of the story is extremely interesting and intricate. The action takes place in the Yorkshire moors in England. It starts with a mysterious murder of Sir Charles Baskerville in his old mansion. Although the doctor says that the cause of his death is the heart attack, he doesn’t believe it himself as a lot of traces of a gigantic hound are found on the ground around the body. So, he goes to London and asks Mr. Sherlock Holmes to investigate the case.

The book has a lot of thrilling episodes. I couldn't help feeling nervous especially when the gigantic hound followed its prey for I was not sure that the story would have the happy ending. Fortunately, Sherlock Holmes does his best as usual and the mystery of the strange murder is revealed.