Burning negativity. Cleansing energy with fire: from grievances, poverty, illness and negativity. Cleansing the room from negative energy

In short, to solve a problem, you need to put it on paper and burn what you write. There are people who got rid of a lot of things this way.
troubles, improved their financial situation and returned peace to their families. Psychologist Lyudmila Viktorovna Rozhkova talks about how this is done.

To understand how the method of burning problems works, let's figure out what it is based on and how the materiality of thought manifests itself.
Yes, thoughts seem to really be material. This is what it means. Tell yourself: “I am not worthy of love...” - and you will never have a loved one or loved one, because you will not look for him (her). Tell yourself: “Becoming a boss was not given to me from above...” - and you will never become a boss, because you won’t even try.
Such thoughts simply should not exist! Internal reality is always projected onto external reality. The way we think is the way we act and the results we get.
This is the materiality of thought.

In fact, any of our problems rests on three pillars. The first is the beliefs necessary for its occurrence. The second is actions that are performed in accordance with beliefs. Third - personal experience, which we interpret so that the existing situation does not change. None of our problems arise out of nowhere. For example, among some women there is an opinion that there are no men worthy of becoming their life partners. Thought makes a woman behave in a certain way.
in a lazy way, and she either avoids men, never tired of complaining about loneliness, or looks for shortcomings in each of them, because she needs to somehow confirm her beliefs...

So, to make a person look at himself from the outside, rethink beliefs and change behavior, psychologists have many techniques. One of them is burning problems. It comes in two types. In the first case, we put the desire on paper and burn it in the fire.
In the second we do the same in our imagination. Although in fact it is not the ritual that is important, but the careful, vocational training to him. It's like preparation
to confession. You must realize your problem. Try writing this: “I have no money (job, health, friends, housing)” - and then burn what you wrote. Nothing will happen, don't hope. You just complained! Any problem expressed negatively cannot be solved psychologically. But the expressed desire to receive something subconsciously sets one up for active action.
The specialist’s task is to help reformulate the problem in a positive way: “I need money, I want a lot of money, let it come to me!” The problem is
a problem that requires a solution. When it is formulated as “I really want something,” a positive result is implied: not just “I’m lonely,” but “I want,
so that a loved one comes into my life.” Feel the difference.
If this were not so, the world would be mired in problems. We would all have the same poor health, we would all suffer from lack of money, unemployment and loneliness. But there are plenty of lucky people around who have everything! And only a few among them received this by inheritance.

Psychologists recommend using the burning technique to solve emotional problems associated with fears or negative experiences of the past. The effect will increase if you draw fears and difficult memories. Try to portray your own indecision, horror or fear of something. Think about what they look like? It is the image of fear that needs to be drawn, and not the situation in which it arises. For example, if a person is afraid of heights, there is no need for him to draw himself on the edge of the roof. We need to imagine what this very fear looks like.
However, caution should be used when working with the half-magical, half-scientific burning technique. Experts do not recommend drawing and burning images of yourself, other people, animals, or anything with which you are closely connected. There are cases when this action caused serious physical illnesses in some, others began to complain of weakness and helplessness, and others suddenly felt like defenseless victims.
By the way, you can burn not only notes and drawings. We often have things that are associated with some negative memories. You can simply throw them away, or you can throw them into a stove in the village or into a fire at a picnic (not at home, of course!) with the realization that by burning you are letting go of many things that connect you with your bad past.

This method, perhaps, has only one drawback. It is better not to use it yourself. The person himself often does not understand how exactly he supports his problem. It is even more difficult to understand what and how to change in yourself. After all, for any of us, our own way of acting is so familiar that it seems as if others do not exist. The variety of choices is visible only from the outside. And if the preliminary preparation is not done correctly, the burning ritual, like any other, will not work.
So it’s better to make an appointment with a specialist. Even if the psychologist you choose does not want to work with you using this method, there are many other, much more harmless and no less effective techniques in his arsenal. By the way, people with a developed imagination can try this instead of the burning method
technique: if you are heading to a place (or find yourself in a situation) where you experience fear, mentally surround yourself with an impenetrable wall of hot flame.
Unlike the burning method, this technique does not require the participation of a psychologist; its use does not require any special objects that can be forgotten in a hurry; there is no need to perform any ritual actions that can be confused due to excitement. But it will help you not to be speechless when your hated boss appears, to calmly walk home through a dark alley and not be afraid of the “evil eye” of an envious neighbor.

1.Relateto your proproblem as a task,which is necessarydecide.
2. Focusfocus on thatwhat do you want semiread, and not on thatwhat you don't have.
3.Formulatethose problem inin a positive way -“I want this and that.”
4.Nicethink about itwhy don't you have onewhatever you want. Byreflect onwhat featurescharacter gets in the wayyou achieve the goalfor this purpose. We need them
change then everythingit will work out.
5. Don't striveto knowinglyunattainablegoals. Let's say ifspecialist's salaryone hundred of your level20 thousand rubles, andyou want 100 – this iswon't work.

Our whole life is like a black and white zebra. When happy events happen in it, of course, we are happy.

But when something terrible and negative happens, it can be almost impossible to get rid of the unpleasant feeling in the soul, and the whole meaning of future life disappears. Often, weak-willed people cherish and cherish a grudge in their souls all their lives and cannot part with it. How to forget the past? How to get rid of negativity? How to cleanse your soul of negative thoughts and start smiling again?

Thought is material: whatever originates in a person’s head, it will certainly manifest itself in reality in one way or another. This idea is easy to both confirm and refute. It is confirmed only empirically (by examples), but is refuted by science. However, many psychologists use scientifically based methods based on a belief in the materiality of thought.

If a person thinks that he is not worthy of love, it is difficult for him to find a loved one. Simply because he is not looking for it - why, if he is not worthy? If someone believes that he is not meant to be a boss, he will never become one. Why strain when it is not given from above? If an athlete does not believe in winning, he will never be a champion. Without hoping to win, he won’t give his best - it’s pointless!

This is where the materiality of thought is expressed: internal reality is projected onto external reality. How we think is how we act, and these are the results we get. Any of our problems rests on three pillars. The first is the beliefs that caused it to arise. The second is actions that are performed in accordance with beliefs. The third is personal experience, which we interpret in such a way that the existing situation does not change. None of our problems arise out of nowhere. For example, among some women there is an opinion that there are no men worthy of becoming their life partners. Such a thought forces a woman to behave in a certain way and makes her lonely: she either avoids men, never tired of complaining about loneliness, or looks for flaws in each of them, because she must somehow confirm her beliefs. Therefore, psychologists first of all find out why the patient continues to have this or that problem.

To force a person to look at himself from the outside, rethink beliefs and change behavior, psychologists have many techniques. One of them is the method of burning problems. That is, in order to solve a problem, you need to put it on paper and burn what you wrote. There is another version of this method: the same thing is done in the imagination. Of course, the second option is only possible if the imagination is well developed.

Here, for example, is a very common technique for getting rid of problems.

Technique for burning problems

There is a great way to forget all the unpleasant moments in your past. Take a large sheet of paper and write on it all your thoughts and grievances, everything that has tormented you for many years. Don't be shy in your expressions. These are your own thoughts and you have no secrets or complexes from them. But don't rush to re-read it. You must burn this leaf. Past grievances and failures will burn away with it, and you will quickly forgetpassed e . Believe me, it really works! The fire will remove the stone from your soul, and you will feel relief and complete satisfaction with yourself.

Or here's another similar ritual...

Ritual of burning problems

If your plans do not come true because you are afraid to act, but only sigh, hoping that everything will happen on its own, then it’s time to leave such tactics. And in this situation, such a ritual will help you. Choose a day when the wind blows from the south. As in the previous case, write your problems on a piece of paper, take a yellow candle (the symbolic color of the south wind), light it and look directly at the flame, trying to imagine your troubles going away, dying, and your hopes growing and gaining brightness and color.

Gradually you will feel that your fears are beginning to leave you, you will begin to see that you are wrong in considering obstacles insurmountable. Then take a piece of paper with problems and burn it in a candle flame. Squeeze the ashes in your fist and go outside with a burning candle. Unclench your fist and let the south wind carry away the ashes. Place a candle under his gust and let the wind put it out.

This technique is simple and effective, but Pay attention to some nuances. You must realize what exactly your problem is. If you simply write: “I have no friends (job, money, health, housing),” and then burn the piece of paper, nothing will happen, don’t get your hopes up. You just complained. By complaining, a person only seeks to evoke sympathy.

A problem is a task that requires a solution. And if you express a desire to receive something, this subconsciously sets you up for active action. When a task is formulated as “I really want something,” a positive result is implied. Therefore, having written down your problem on paper (for example: “I’m lonely”), you must mentally add: “I want a loved one to come into my life.” This will help you set yourself up for victory. Otherwise, neither burning problems nor any other technique will work, because they are all aimed at activating a person’s internal resources.

This leads to the second: if you have an unfulfilled desire, then you have the resources to make it come true. Of course, we are talking only about realistically feasible desires. And a desire becomes a problem only because you do not use the resources to fulfill it. If such opportunities did not exist, the world would be mired in problems. We would all have the same poor health, we would all suffer from lack of money, unemployment and loneliness. But there are plenty of lucky people around who have everything! And among them, only a few received this by inheritance. The majority managed to include and realize their resources.
Here is an example from the lives of two friends. Both, until recently, suffered due to the housing problem. At the same time, the first one earns good money and is not used to denying herself anything. She doesn’t even try to save, because she is convinced that it is useless. The second one has a small salary and lives modestly. However, the first one still hangs around in rented apartments, and the second one, after living on bread and water for several years, working two jobs at the same time, finally bought a one-room apartment. The first had and still has the resources to purchase housing. But they are aimed at solving other problems.

The problem with most people is that they tend to focus on what they don't have rather than what they really want. This position deprives you of energy, because all your energy is spent on complaints. Therefore, you need to pay attention to what needs to be changed in yourself in order to solve the problem. When a problem is formulated correctly, options for solving it automatically come up. Let's say you need money. The question arises: what method of obtaining them is most suitable for you? Some people can change jobs, others find it easier to marry an oil tycoon.

Psychologists recommend using the burning technique to solve emotional problems, problems associated with fears or negative experiences of the past. The effect will be enhanced if fears and difficult memories are not described in words, but drawn in the form of images. Try to portray your own indecision, horror or fear of something. Think: what do they look like? It is the image of fear that needs to be drawn, and not the situation in which it arises. For example, if a person is afraid of heights, there is no need for him to draw himself on the edge of the roof. We need to imagine what this very fear looks like.

However, caution should be used when working with the problem burning technique. Experts do not recommend drawing and burning your image, the image of other people, animals, or anything with which you are closely connected, for example, own home. Firstly, you need to separate the problem and yourself. By portraying yourself in a problem, you identify with it, which is why it becomes even more entrenched in your consciousness. Secondly, in world culture, fire is the oldest symbol of purification and deliverance. But while he delivers and cleanses, he destroys. You can consider yourself a pragmatist who does not believe in any magic, but the subconscious lives and works according to its own laws. It stores archetypes that influence our thoughts and actions against our will. Who knows how emotional and impressionable you are? Most likely, ritual burning will not harm anyone. But there are cases when this action caused serious physical illnesses for some, others began to complain of weakness and helplessness, and others suddenly felt like defenseless victims. Nothing surprising - a reasonable person is accustomed to acting based on an internal image of himself. But what to do when the image burned down, and along with it, your own psychological resources turned into ashes?

Besides tin, you can burn not only notes and drawings. We have negative memories associated with some things. It could be anything, say, the clothes you were wearing when you had a major mishap. You can simply throw it away, or you can throw it into the fire with the knowledge that in this way you will forever part with the bad past.

The good thing about the technique of burning problems is that it is always with you. You don’t need any magical objects, you don’t need complex ritual actions, you don’t even have to have matches and a candle with you... It’s enough just to strain your imagination. This will help you not to be speechless when called to the boss, will allow you to calmly walk home through dark alleys, and not get confused in the face of aggression. If you find yourself in a situation that makes you afraid, mentally surround yourself with an impenetrable wall of hot flames. This is also a method of burning a problem - in this case, the problem of fear. Imaginary fire purifies and protects you.

Have you rented a house? Have you moved into the apartment you bought? Then take care to balance the energy of the space by adjusting it to suit you. Activating positive energy will have a beneficial effect on you and your settlement in a new place. The purpose of the candle cleansing ritual is to eliminate old energy (possibly negative) by replacing it with blissful light energy! If you don’t “litter” (swearing, negativity, depression) in the future in a new place, then you have a chance to build a favorable atmosphere around you for many years!

Principles of home cleaning

Since ancient times, our ancestors resorted to rituals when building and inhabiting a house. They were convinced that by walking along the perimeter with water or fire, negative information and clots of energy, potentially dangerous to the owners, were eliminated. There was also faith in the brownies - they were revered, invited with them when moving to a new home, and cajoled. Previously, people were sure that brownies protected space from unkind views, words and deeds.

Today, a priest is often invited to cleanse the space in the house. The Christian cleansing ritual involves prayer and sprinkling the corners with holy water. The priest in this case is the person-conductor between the temple and the house being consecrated. It is not necessary to invite the Holy Father to clean your home. You can do this yourself. You just need to know the rules for conducting a proper Christian ritual.

Instructions for performing the “home cleaning” ritual yourself

1. Tune in. You should be in good mood with positive thoughts and emotions. You must be aware of what you are doing and believe in the success of your actions. You can fast for a week, or you can practice meditation. One week before and during the ritual, you cannot drink alcohol, swear, or fall into a negative state. Be sure to open all windows and vents, doors, sweep away litter and wash the floors. After the ritual, close the windows and doors in the house.

2. Cleaning with salt. 3 days before the ritual of cleansing your home with a candle, place vessels with salt lit in the church in all corners so that it absorbs the negativity of the space. After 3 days, the salt is flushed down the toilet with the words: “Everything that was bad is gone forever.” You can also bury salt in the ground, where no person can set foot, with the words: “Mother Earth I give away the bad, accept, dissolve and take away irrevocably.”

3. The essence of the ritual. You need to walk around the entire house clockwise with a candle and a prayer on your lips, approaching each corner in each room (clockwise too). Purchase candles from the church – long and thick if possible.

Prayer (read in each room while walking around all corners)

In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us (3 times).
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.
“Our Father” - say a prayer (3 times)
Cover and protect the Mother of God with the life-giving Cross.

4. Consolidation of the result - “seal”. After going around the rooms and the house as a whole, consolidate (seal) the result of the work with a formula word. This will prevent evil from entering your home. Seal, standing on the threshold and looking inside the house, with the words: “The home has been cleansed by fire and prayer, let this goodness remain here forever and ever!” Amen!".

5. Strengthening the effect of cleaning. You can organize an iconostasis in the house, hang various amulets in the rooms, attach a horseshoe for good luck above the threshold. Indian incense, burning incense, and aroma lamps have a beneficial effect on space.

With respect to you, expert Dobraya Anastasia Serdechnaya

There are problems in every person's life. But some successfully solve them, while others drag a cart of difficulties behind them for years. Is it possible to get rid of them? You can try to change yourself, psychologists say. One of the methods is the so-called problem burning technique.

Installations plus experience

If our water tap breaks, we call a plumber and he will fix the problem. But if we have little money, or we just can’t, our personal life isn’t working out, these problems sometimes seem unsolvable. We fight like fish against ice to earn money, but sometimes we can’t find a decent job, sometimes the company goes bankrupt, sometimes employers cheat on salaries... We hope for a promotion, but it goes to others... We strive to find a loved one, but all relationships end in disappointment...

According to psychologists, this is mostly not due to unfavorable circumstances, but to our internal attitudes. Each of us has certain beliefs, which are often based on personal life experiences. We behave accordingly to them.

What does this look like in practice? Suppose a person went through difficult times when he was not hired anywhere. Then they hired me, but I had to agree to a meager salary. After this, he begins to think that he, such a good-for-nothing, will never find a good job or earn a lot of money. His subconscious beliefs put him in situations where things turn out this way. For example, he chooses for employment organizations that are on the verge of bankruptcy. The bosses, seeing his lack of self-confidence, offer the lowest salary or even “throw away” the money...

Or have you been told since childhood that you are good for nothing? You have grown and become a good professional. But others are always made bosses. Why? Because you “radiate” into space: “I’m not fit for this!”

The girl was dating a guy, and he left her for someone else. The thought stuck in her head that she was, in principle, not worthy of love. She tries to meet men, but sooner or later they leave her. Because they “read” her signal: “I cannot be loved.” Or a woman becomes ingrained in the idea that there are no decent, worthy, and at the same time free men. The first thing she does is look for flaws in each of the potential candidates. In extreme cases, she is doomed to date married people all her life and remains single.

Psychologists are trying to find out why the same serious problem persists in a person for many years, despite numerous attempts to solve it.

Burn your fears

One way looks like this. The client is asked to then burn the sheet. You can only do this in your imagination, if it is well developed.

That is, you take a piece of paper and write on it: “I have no money (housing, work, friends, loved one).” Then set fire to the leaf.

Often we are “slowed down” by various fears. If you are suffering from emotional negativity, try to combat it by drawing your fears on paper or imagining them in your head. What does what you fear look like?

You shouldn't draw images of yourself, real people, animals or interiors. Don't portray a real situation that you fear - say, failing at a job or bad date. You must imagine exactly the image - in the form of some kind of abstract object or a fantastic monster. Draw it here.

Sometimes negative memories prevent us from moving on. In this case, some things associated with unpleasant events of the past can be subjected to the burning ritual. Let's say the clothes you wore when you had a big accident. You can get rid of letters or photographs that remind you of the person who caused you pain. Psychologists advise in especially severe cases to throw away even his things and gifts. You can simply throw it away, or you can throw it into the fire - this will make it easier for you to part with the past and face the future.

Generation of desires

But “burning” problems is not all. It's just a complaint you made to the Universe. And this does not mean at all that with the wave of an eye you will be given something that you do not have now. Therefore, you take another piece of paper and write on it: “I want them to come into my life... (then write what you lack and what you so passionately want to receive).”

Why would you take these actions? The first – “burning” the problem – helps you realize what it is. The second - describing your desire - helps to activate your internal resources and direct them towards achieving your goal.

The fact is that many people spend their resources and energy complaining and complaining about what they don't have, instead of directing them towards what they want.

So, it is formulated. Now you should think about how to achieve what you just wished for. Let’s say, if you need money, you can look for another job or a wealthy husband... If you need housing, consider taking out a mortgage or moving to another city where an organization will provide you with an apartment. If you need a suitable man, develop a search “strategy”. Post ads on dating sites, ask your friends to set you up with someone, go on tours, join a club where there are a lot of men... In a word, provide yourself with a decent choice.

There are no mystical miracles in this, psychologists warn. All this simply helps us look at ourselves from the outside, rethink our beliefs and set a course for achieving what we want.

Useful tips

Home is a place where we should feel safe, where we come to feel comfort, relaxation and rest.

But, When a home becomes filled with negative energy, it has a tangible impact on our emotions and health. .

You can't see this energy naked eye , but you can feel it in your home, as it often reflects a person’s internal emotional state.

Bad energy can destroy your self-confidence, interfere with your sleep, and suppress your abilities.

It also brings discord into relationships, leads to conflicts, and living in such a situation leads to stress. and anxiety.

Clearing negative energy

How to identify negative energy at home?

Our feelings, emotions and thoughts emit a certain energy, but also attract a negative aura.

Negative energy can be recognized by its presence tension in the home, feelings of unhappiness, money problems. If you have pets, they may act strangely or unusually, be more restless, or make noises for no apparent reason.

Since all of these symptoms are difficult to notice right away, there is an easy way to determine if negative energy is present in your home.

Here's what to do:

· Take a completely transparent glass that has no patterns or colors on it.

Fill the glass with 1/3 sea salt.

· Then add to glass apple or white vinegar, filling the glass 2/3 full.

· Fill the remaining space with water.

· Place the glass in the corner of the room where you think there is negative energy, and leave it there for a day.

· The next day, look at the glass. If the color in the glass has not changed, then there is no bad aura in this room.

· Move the glass to another room and repeat the procedure. If you notice that the water in the glass has changed color, turned green or brown, you need to cleanse the energy in your home.

· In this case, pour the contents of the glass into the toilet and flush. Repeat the procedure in all rooms.

Fortunately there are simple ways cleanse your home of negative energy and again fill it with an aura of joy and comfort.

How to cleanse your home of negative energy

1. Get organized.

When you walk into a clean and tidy room, you feel much better than walking into a dirty or cluttered room. This is due to the fact that all garbage and rubbish attracts negative energy.

Every time you clean, you automatically clear the space of negative energy. It is for this reason that cleaning your home or workplace should be a top priority if you want your home to radiate positivity.

· Clean and vacuum all rooms regularly your home, including the bathroom and kitchen.

· Clean doors, door handles and windows– they should be free of dirt and dust.

· Every time before going to bed, make sure that the place where you cook is clean and there are no dirty dishes left in the kitchen.

· Keep things in order and in their designated place.

· Get rid of things, which you no longer need, otherwise the junk will only accumulate.

· Get ​​rid of everyone toxic products.

· Don't put dirty laundry in the wrong place. Always keep it in your laundry basket.

2. Fumigate your home with herbs.

Smoke fumigation is one of the oldest and most effective ways get rid of negative energy in the house.

One of the most popular herbs for smudging is sage. When burned, sage releases into the air large number negatively charged ions that neutralize the positive charge of the house.

Negative ions also improve well-being and clear the mind. In addition, the aroma of sage has a calming and relaxing effect.

Buy sage sprigs from the market and dry them in the Sun, tie them in a bunch and use them as fumigation stick.

· Before the procedure you you need to clean the house and open all doors and windows, as well as cabinets and drawers.

· To smudge, light the tied sage sprigs by placing them in a bowl or other fireproof container to catch the ashes and embers.

· Slightly dispel the smoke with a feather or hand.

· Begin the cleansing by directing a little smoke towards yourself, starting from your feet to your head.

Walk slowly throughout the house, walking in circles and paying special attention to walls, corners, floors and ceilings. Try to be on the left side of the room.

· Say positive affirmations during the process to promote positive energy.

· Finally, remove the burning sage from the house and leave it outside to burn.

In addition to sage, you can also use it for smudging.cedar, lavender, fir and other herbs with a sweetish odor.

3. Rearrange the furniture.

Negative energy needs things to settle on., that’s why it’s so important to rearrange your home from time to time. Simply moving the furniture is enough to destroy negative energy.

Rearrange the furniture in your home at least once a month, but consider the open space and your comfort.

Experiment with rearranging until you feel the house is filled with life and you feel comfortable in your new surroundings. Ask family and friends for advice.

Don't keep broken items or things you haven't used for a long time at home..

Throw away or donate unwanted furniture and other items.

4. Open the windows.

Fresh air and sunlight have incredible cleansing powers. Strong natural energy helps us feel better.

By letting sunshine and fresh air into your home, you infuse positivity into both your life and your home.

Open windows and doors early in the morning to bring in fresh air and release negative energy.

You can also stand in front of an open window to let the sun's rays hit your body. This will help it produce vitamin D, which has a positive effect on general condition health. Bright sunlight also reduces anxiety and reduces depression.

It is also important dry clothes in the sun, and allow your houseplants to get sunlight from time to time.

5. Sprinkle in sea salt.

Sea salt is another way to get rid of negative energy in your home and yourself. Sea salt is also believed to generate negative ions in the air, creating positive vibes.

· Add a few tablespoons of sea salt to a glass of warm water and stir until the salt dissolves. Place the solution in a spray bottle and spray it in different corners of your home.

· You can also sprinkle some sea salt in the room, especially in the corners, which are located in the northwest and southeast directions. Leave the salt overnight and then vacuum up the salt and throw it away.

· To cleanse your body, put 1 glass of sea salt in the bath filled with warm water and soak in the bath for 15-20 minutes.

6. Clap your hands loudly.

Vibrating sounds of loud hand clapping dissipates negative energy. In fact, loud and clear sounds are a powerful method of cleansing your home.

In nature, for example, the sound of thunder produces the same effect, while the sounds of fireworks and church bells have a calming and cleansing effect.

Walk around the house clapping your hands especially in corners, on shelves and under stairs so that negative energy does not accumulate in your space. The clapping sounds should be clear and light. Avoid heavy and slow clapping as this indicates negativity.

In addition to claps, you can use bells, drums and Tibetan bowls.

Cleansing the room from negative energy

7. Fill your home with essential oils.

One more good method Essential oils are a great way to get rid of negative energy in your home or office.

Strong aroma essential oils dispels negative energy and at the same time refreshes the home in a natural way, attracting positive energy into your home and life.

In addition, many aroma oils have a positive effect on health, having antibacterial and antiviral properties.

To remove negativity from your home, use essential oils of lemon, sweet orange, lavender, sage, peppermint and rose.

· Fill a small bottle with spring water (but you can also use tap water).

· Mix 15-20 drops of essential oils of your choice and add them to the water.

· Diffuse this essence in the air, especially in corners, near windows and doors.

· Do this procedure once a week, or whenever you feel depressed.

8. Keep indoor plants.

Nature has provided us with many means to combat negative energy, including flowers and plants.

Plants beautify our home and add greenery to home decor, balance your inner connection with the outside world and provide oxygen to the space.