Sons of Russian stars. What the children of the most famous Soviet actors look like and who they are (48 photos). Victoria Beckham and sons

Undoubtedly, all parents, without exception, want their offspring to inherit the best traits of their father and mother, and in certain cases, also talent. And of course, first of all, movie and show business stars dream about this. No one will dispute the fact that the offspring of famous people receive much more attention than their peers. As a result, parents choose two paths: continue their dynastic career or, on the contrary, abandon it in favor of their own life path. And sometimes it happens that “nature rests” on the children of famous and popular people. But, as a rule, famous children of famous parents inherit talent and after some time join the ranks of famous actors, musicians, artists and writers. This happens both with the help of their eminent fathers and mothers, and without it. Here, in each specific case, everything is individual.

So, who are they, famous children of famous parents? Let us consider this issue in more detail, conditionally dividing it into “foreign” and “domestic” components.

Kate Hudson

This beauty is already youth dreamed of an acting career. And there is nothing surprising here: her parents are creative people. Father (Bill Hudson) is a famous musician, and mother (Goldie Hawn) is a famous actress.

Kate’s debut work was the series “Streets of EZ”. Then she played in the comedy film Desert Melancholy. But real fame came to the girl in 2000 after the release of the film “Almost Famous.” It was then that she took pride of place in the category: “Child Actors.” For her role in the above film, she received a Golden Globe and an Oscar. The popularity of the young actress became even higher after the demonstration of the comedy “How to Get Rid of a Guy in 10 Days.”

Scott Eastwood

The series “Famous Children of Famous Parents” would be incomplete without mentioning the son of the popular Hollywood actor Clint Eastwood. His name is Scott, and only thanks to perseverance and determination, the young man achieved certain heights in his acting career. His father did not immediately recognize the talent in him, but then changed his mind and invited him to participate in his films: “Invictus” and “Grant”. Currently, Scott continues to improve in his chosen profession and has already played on the same stage with Brad Pitt himself. This is what they are, American child actors.

Jaden Smith

Despite young age, this guy has already made a good start in his creative career. The son of Will Smith, starring in cult Hollywood films, long ago gained financial independence.

At the same time, Jaden tirelessly repeats that without the support of his parent, who taught him many acting tricks, his success in cinema might not have been so noticeable. In addition, the young man devotes a lot of time to recording music and coming up with original collections fashionable clothes. This once again proves the fact that children can be versatile.

Zoe Kravitz

Another beauty from the star family is Zoe Kravitz. She is the daughter of a popular composer and famous actress. Like some other star children, Zoe has several professional roles. She acts in films, plays music and works successfully in the modeling business. The girl made her debut as an actress in 2007, starring alongside Catherine Zeta-Jones in the film Taste of Life. She consolidated her success in cinema by starring in the film “Brave”, her partner on the set was Jodie Foster. Another famous work of Kravitz is her role in the film “Birds of America”. Her colleagues were Matthew Perry and Jennifer Goodwin. Then she was lucky enough to play with Bruce Willis in the film “The Assassination of the School President.”

Lourdes Ciccone

Star children, using the example of the daughter of the well-known Madonna, are happy to prove to their fathers and mothers that they can achieve a lot in life on their own.

Lourdes Ciccone conquered the modeling business and was honored to grace the cover of one of Germany's top glossy magazines. In addition, the girl glorified her already famous surname by coming up with a clothing collection herself, later called Material Girl.

Eva Amurri

She is the son of the famous director Franco Amurri and the popular actress Susan Sarandon. From a young age, Eva dreamed of acting in films. Seeing that this was not some kind of whim of a child, the parents took the girl with them to work so that she could see “the whole kitchen” from the inside. In college, Eva enjoyed taking part in plays and productions. The debut was the satirical film “Bob Roberts”. Afterwards, she was invited to participate in the filming by her stepfather Tim Robbins, who worked on the film “Dead Man Walking.” The next milestone in Eva’s career was her work in the film “Anywhere But Here,” where she met on the same set with her mother and actress Natalie Portman. Today, the girl’s filmography includes more than 20 films.


What about the children of famous Russian actors? Does the general public know their names? Absolutely yes. Take the Mikhalkov dynasty, for example. Nikita Sergeevich has long been considered a master of Russian cinema, having established himself as a talented actor, screenwriter, producer, and director.

Mikhalkov's offspring inherited his genes. The filmography of Anna’s daughter includes more than thirty films, including: “Inhabited Island”, “Love with an Accent”, “Playing the Victim”. In addition, she successfully produces. Another daughter, Nadezhda, also chose an acting profession. The viewer knows her well from the films: “The Barber of Siberia”, “Burnt by the Sun” and “Burnt by the Sun - 2”. His son Artem is also the successor of the acting dynasty. He has about 20 films to his credit, including: “The Barber of Siberia”, “72 Meters”, “9th Company”, “Snow on Your Head”.


And of course, when considering the question of who are the most famous children in our country, it is necessary to remember the actor who masterfully played D’Artagnan. Today Mikhail Sergeevich is already over 60, but he is full of creative strength and is happy to pass on the basics of acting to his offspring, who have followed in their father’s footsteps. Daughter Elizabeth today is in demand in cinema like no other. Her status as a beautiful heartbreaker was firmly established. The viewer remembered the girl from the films: “The irony of fate. Continuation", "Admiral", "I'll be back", "Peter the Great. Will". Elizaveta starred a lot in commercials, being the face of such brands as Avon and Estel. It also happens that children of star parents end up in big politics. We are talking about Sergei Boyarsky. The young man was not attracted to an acting career. The son of a musketeer has already made an attempt to become a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Northern capital and was even appointed advisor to the mayor of St. Petersburg on public relations. Then he moved to work on television.


Another musketeer - Athos, whose image was once played delicately by a popular actor - can boast of the talents of his daughter Alika. She, like her father, decided to be involved in the great art of transformation.

The viewer especially liked Alika’s feminine and sophisticated images in the films: “A Thin Little Thing”, “Maroseyka, 12”, “The Best Holiday”. In addition to filming films, the daughter of Veniamin Smekhov successfully sings on stage and appears on television as a presenter.


This is another famous acting dynasty. The permanent director of the Moscow Art Theater Oleg Efremov played huge amount bright roles in films that became cult: “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha”, “Beware of the Car”, “Burn, Burn, My Star”. He was also a masterful stage director. The successor to the acting dynasty was his son Mikhail, who made his debut in the film “The Days of Surgeon Mishkin.” Today he has more than 140 film works under his belt. Films such as “Dubrovsky”, “Vivat, midshipmen!”, “Queen Margot”, “Border. Taiga Romance” have forever entered the treasury of Russian cinematography.

It is noteworthy that the son of Mikhail Efremov (Nikita) also chose the profession of actor. He graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School and has already taken part in a number of “rated” films: “Insatiable”, “My Boyfriend is an Angel”, “The Thaw”, “Gregory R.”.


Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov is a famous actor of Russian theater and cinema. His son Pavel appeared in Soviet cinema already in his youth. After the 9th grade, the young man unexpectedly announced that he would enter the theater school. And he finally became a student at his own father’s Studio School.

After graduating from university, he made his debut in the comedy “Star”, where he got the role of a teenage schoolboy. Then the director invited the young man to play a cameo role in the film “Orleans”. The next was the melodrama “Happiness is...”. The young actor today continues to develop his professional skills.


Children of famous parents often successfully combine work in music and acting. Among them, of course, is the son of the popular singer Nikita, a graduate of the New York Film Academy. So far he has starred in a dozen films and intends not to stop there. His works include such films as “Road, Dear, Dear,” “Indigo,” and “Cops from Peretop.” However, nowadays he is more interested in music. Together with the Multiverse group he is working on the release debut album. In between music and cinema, Nikita takes part in filming programs on central television.


The famous presenter and actor Dmitry Nagiyev is a self-made actor in the profession of acting. He realized the dream of his father, who dreamed of the stage, and entered an acting university.

Among the first works in cinema were the films: “Purgatory”, “Mole”, “Kamenskaya”. Son Kirill is a graduate of St. Petersburg State Academy theatrical art. He starred in more than 20 films. Kirill is especially in demand as an actor in the serial genre. His hobbies include sports and DJing.

What the growing and already adult children of show business stars look like.

Children of Oleg Gazmanov

His own son Rodion (from his first wife Irina Gazmanova) has been famous since childhood. In the late 80s, his sonorous song about the dog “Lucy” was sung in every yard and, they say, only this song could gather entire stadiums of devoted listeners. Rodion graduated with honors from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, tried himself in business, but ultimately chose a career as a singer and musician. He will be 35 years old in July.
Caption for this photo on Oleg Gazmanov’s Instagram: “With Rodion in St. Petersburg. Now we see each other mostly behind the scenes.”
And here is that same stepson Philip. “Well done junior! I listened to my dad, did exercises and exercises - and didn’t notice how the abs appeared ;))),” Oleg boasted.

Philip is currently collaborating without a contract with the St. Petersburg agency Mavrin Models, which Rospotrebnadzor has managed to brand as “gay propaganda.” Evil tongues have already predicted the future of a porn model for the young man, but his stepfather is on his side: “He has such a crazy figure, I’m glad that he takes an example from me. He doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, he's a great guy. Yes, he takes pictures, and thank God, let him continue to do so.”

Philip with his mother, Marina Muravyova-Gazmanova (Oleg’s current wife). He captioned the photo in English: “Men are what their mothers make them.”

12-year-old Marianna Gazmanova also seems to be trying on the role of a fashion model. Her mother wrote on Instagram: “Red-haired children are special! If they are not allowed to express themselves creatively, then you will get black lips for school, a nose ring, and purple hair! Marianna and I agreed that anything is possible during the shooting and my mother does not monitor the process.”

Daughter of Dmitry Malikov

16-year-old Stefania, or simply Stesha, is an Instagram star (almost 350 thousand subscribers) and a style icon for teenage girls. He studies in the 10th grade of an elite gymnasium near Moscow. I haven’t decided yet about my future profession. At first I was interested in chemistry and wanted to be a doctor, but “my nerves gave way” when I realized that in the name of science I would have to cut up frogs and regularly visit morgues. She is afraid of studying abroad because she is strongly attached to her family and cannot imagine herself living away from home. But he adds that “situations are different.”

In the meantime, they predict a modeling career for her: Stesha has long been on first-name terms with things from famous designers and has gotten the hang of posing like a professional (in the photo with her beloved dad):

Valeria's children

The singer has three children from her ex-husband, producer Alexander Shulgin. The eldest Anna will be 23 years old in June. She graduated from the Shchukin Theater Institute, plays in films and TV series, and also records songs.

In 2015, Anya starred in an erotic photo shoot for Maxim magazine, emphasizing in an interview that she was “already an adult.”
And this was when I was 11 years old:

Quote: “I used to regret that I was born into such a famous family.<...>Now I'm enjoying everything. I like the way I live, who I communicate with, what I do. I already know how to behave in order for fans to perceive me correctly. And if I want to hide something from the public, then no one will know the whole truth.”
Anna with mom:

Valeria’s 21-year-old son Artem has been living and studying in Switzerland for many years. According to his stepfather Joseph Prigozhin, “he wants to become a big businessman.” Referring to him, the media reported that Artem applied for Swiss citizenship and when he finishes his studies (he now has plans for another university and a master’s degree), he will serve in the Swiss army.

Like any Swiss citizen under 25 years of age, Artem will have to go through the so-called recruit school (4 months), after which he will attend mandatory training camps for several more years (usually 3 weeks each) until he serves his full term: 330 days. In addition, every year you will have to pass shooting standards. It will not be possible to “cut down”, even if the recruit is declared unfit: in this case, compulsory civil service awaits him (for example, assistance in fires and emergencies).
Artem (left) with Valeria and younger brother Arseny:

17-year-old Arseny is a pianist, winner of international youth music competitions.

A few months ago, the tabloids wrote that he had quarreled with his family and left home because of his girlfriend, 20-year-old model Anna Sheridan, whom his parents did not approve of. They also wrote that either he left or was expelled from the Moscow State College of Musical Performance named after Chopin. Then he returned to the family, and played an important role in reconciliation with his parents. financial problems teenager She does not advertise her relationship with Anna (the photo below is from her Instagram).

Children of Larisa Guzeeva

Recently, the actress and TV presenter began to introduce her 16-year-old beautiful daughter Olga Bukharova, whom she affectionately calls Lolka.

The girl herself prefers to be called Lola. Larisa says that she sees her exact copy in her, down to the smallest gestures.

They are similar even in their rebelliousness, and everyone who sees them next to each other notices the external resemblance (the two photos below show Olga’s experiments with makeup):

Larisa also has a son from her first marriage, 25-year-old Georgy Tolordava.
Still from the TV program “While Everyone is Home” visiting Guzeeva, 2009 (George is 18 years old):

And this is last year’s photo of mother and son:

Children of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk The actress and TV star has a daughter and a son from her ex-husband, businessman Dmitry Stryukov.
20-year-old Anna followed in her mother’s footsteps: she is an aspiring actress (starred in the TV series “Closed School”), a TV presenter, and a model. Lives in New York.

Judging by the photo, after 18 years Anna corrected her appearance, in particular, she enlarged her lips. Compare: at 17 years old (left) and after adulthood.

Anastasia’s son Michael is still a schoolboy; he will be 16 in July.

Daughters of Vera Brezhneva

15-year-old Sonya (from her first common-law husband, Ukrainian Vitaly Voichenko) bears the surname of her stepfather Mikhail Kiperman (second ex-husband Brezhnev) and calls him dad - “the best and most beloved.”

She studies in two schools - regular and modeling, and as a practice she participates in shows and photo shoots.

Scott, 29, is the son of actor and director Clint Eastwood and flight attendant Jacelyn Reeves. Interestingly, until 2002, Clint did not recognize himself as the father of Scott and his younger sister Katherine. The fact is that at the time of the affair with the mother of his illegitimate children, Eastwood Sr. was officially married to actress Sondra Locke. But jokes aside, the similarities are obvious - what else is there to talk about?

Victoria Beckham and sons

Fotodom / Rex Features

Surprisingly, the three Beckham boys - 16-year-old Brooklyn, 13-year-old Romeo and 10-year-old Cruz - took after their beautiful mother. And not only externally! The boys are not doing well with football: in February, Brooklyn was expelled from the London Arsenal academy due to low skill. But the guy wasn’t upset: he likes helping his mom work at Fashion Week much more. Middle son Romeo also started working in the fashion industry: three years ago he took part in his first campaign, starring for the House of Burberry.


David Beckham and Harper

It was not for nothing that the football player waited so long for a girl to appear in his male kingdom. Unlike her older brothers, Harper Beckham looks like her handsome father.

Jude Law and Rafferty Law

In October 2013, Rafferty Lowe, now 18, signed his first modeling contract with Select Model Management and is now making his mark on the catwalk.

Ivan and Andrey Makarevich

The heir to the leader of the Time Machine group, 28-year-old Vanya is so similar to his father that he played him in his youth in Garik Sukachev’s romantic film House of the Sun based on Ivan Okhlobystin’s story House of the Rising Sun.

Angelina Jolie and Shiloh

Despite the fact that nine-year-old Shiloh, the first biological child of Jolie and Pitt, is a copy of her beautiful mother, the girl dreams of becoming... a boy! According to rumors, Shiloh, who has always loved to dress in boys' clothes, was inspired by the story of athlete Bruce Jenner, who a few months ago “officially” became a woman named Caitlin, and was inspired by the idea of ​​changing her gender.

Renata Litvinova and Ulyana Dobrovskaya

Despite the fact that 48-year-old Renata Litvinova is active on Instagram, the actress rarely publishes photographs of her daughter Ulyana (the girl bears the last name of her father, businessman Leonid Dobrovsky). However, a couple of frames are enough to notice the similarities between the girls.

Cindy Crawford and Kaia Gerber

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What profession should you choose if your mother is a cult model and you are very similar to her? For 14-year-old Kaya, the answer was obvious. At the age of 10, she became the face of the children's clothing line Young Versace, and at the end of last year she became one of the main characters in the December issue of Teen Vogue magazine.

Ryan Phillippe and Ava Phillippe

Ava is the first child of actors Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe. The girl was named after actress Ava Gardner. In 2007, the couple divorced, but Ava continues to often see her father, whom she is very similar to.

Ekaterina and Alexandra Strizhenov

When both your parents are popular TV personalities, getting on screen isn't that hard. Sasha started acting when she was three months old, but she doesn’t yet plan to connect her future with big cinema, although she doesn’t give up filming. However, if Sasha changes her mind and decides to conquer the screens, there should be no problems: the girl is a mini-version of her photogenic mother.

Roman and Arkady Abramovich

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22-year-old Arkady does not spend his multimillion-dollar fortune in clubs, but helps his famous father increase his income. Arkady is a co-owner of the Chelsea football club and the owner of the investment company ARA Capital Limited. Abramovich Jr. is still single, although there are rumors about his relationship either with the daughter of restaurateur Arkady Novikov, or with the daughter of tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov.

Slava and Alexandra Morozova

The 17-year-old daughter of singer Slava Alexandra not only looks very much like her mother, but also looks like a younger sister next to her. True, at 35 years old, Slava herself advocates natural beauty and often shows photos without makeup, but Sasha, unlike her mother, is still very keen on bright makeup.

Anastasia and Anna Zavorotnyuk

Several years ago, Anna changed her surname from Stryukova to Zavorotnyuk, although even without this it was clear whose daughter Anya was. The 19-year-old daughter of actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and businessman Dmitry Stryukov is a copy of her famous mother.

Jay Z and Blue Ivy

On January 7, 2012, Beyoncé and Jay Z gave birth to baby Blue Ivy, who became a muse for both parents. Blue Ivy is a copy of her dad and the main character of her mom's Instagram. The girl starred in Beyoncé's Blue video, and the baby's first cry is heard in Jay Z's song Glory, which daddy posted online three days after his daughter was born.

Prince William and George

Fotodom / Rex Features

The future king of Great Britain notes with pleasure that his heir, little Prince George, is very similar to him. “Only he has more hair,” the happy father laughs.

For children Russian stars From a very early age they have to get used to increased attention, and camera flashes and spotlights are quite a common occurrence for them. Many of them follow in the footsteps of their nationally famous fathers and mothers, others choose their own path.

Children of Oleg Gazmanov

Rodion Gazmanov - this one little boy once won our hearts by singing about Lucy. It's hard to believe, but now he is already 35 years old! Rodion tried himself in business, but his genes took their toll: now the young man is engaged in music and, as his famous dad says: “I meet with my son mostly behind the scenes.”

Oleg Gazmanov’s 12-year-old daughter, Marianna, is already trying on the role of a fashion model, actively publishing her photos on Instagram.

Daughter of Dmitry Malikov

Stefania is a true Instagram star and a style icon for modern teenage girls. She is studying in the 10th grade of an elite metropolitan gymnasium, but over future profession I haven't thought about it yet. The desire to become a doctor disappeared when Stesha realized that even in the name of science she would have to dissect frogs and visit morgues. But she refuses to study abroad, because she is strongly attached to her family and simply cannot imagine life without her.

Valeria's children

It is known that the singer has three children. The eldest Anna, who recently turned 24, successfully graduated from theater institute and is now actively acting in TV series and recording her songs. Last year, she took part in a photo shoot for Maxim magazine, emphasizing in an interview with reporters that she “had become quite an adult.”

Artem (21 years old), Valeria's son, is currently studying in Switzerland, wants to become a businessman and serve in the Swiss army.

The singer's youngest son, Arseny (17 years old), plays the piano and is already the winner of many music competitions. Some time ago, information appeared in the press that Arseny left home. The reason for this was his girlfriend - model Anna Sheridan, who was not approved by the family young man. However, financial difficulties forced the prodigal son to return under the wing of his mother.

Daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

20-year-old Anna is an aspiring actress and TV presenter. Now she lives in New York and is actively storming American catwalks.

Daughter of Renata Litvinova

Ulyana is almost 16 years old and studies at a prestigious boarding school, which is located a few hours away from Paris. It is in the Parisian apartment that rare but sincere meetings with my mother, who comes here for the weekend, take place. Ulyana speaks almost perfectly French, English and Spanish.

Children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin

The children of the famous couple are growing by leaps and bounds, and parents are trying to spend as much time as possible with their beloved children. Despite the “stardom” of the family, Alla Victoria and Harry attend the usual kindergarten and with great pleasure they engage in creativity: they draw, sculpt, design and, of course, sing and dance.

Daughter of Ksenia Borodina

Not so long ago, the TV presenter became the mother of the beautiful Thea for the second time, whom she does not show to the general public. But many people know the elder Marusya. A charming girl, accustomed to increased attention, quite modest, but feels great on the catwalk, showing off designer outfits.

Daughter Timati

One and a half year old Alice is a real daddy’s girl, in whose wardrobe there is no place for ruffles and pink blouses: only T-shirts, sneakers, baseball caps and bomber jackets, and dresses are worn only on special occasions.

Daughter of Ivan Urgant

The TV presenter carefully keeps his secrets family life and he rarely brings his Nina out into the world, and shares photographs with the general public only once a year - on his daughter’s birthday. No one will argue that she resembles her father like two peas in a pod!

Children of celebrities have every opportunity to secure a decent future for themselves, but not all of them strive for this. The wealth and influence of parents sometimes spoil young people and by their actions they can not only disappoint their parents, but also disgrace their names. It is about star children who disgraced their parents that we will talk further.

Jaycee Chan, son of Jackie Chan

During an anti-drug raid conducted by Chinese law enforcement in 2014, Jackie Chan's son was detained for drug use. There were also other people in his apartment doing the same thing. As a result, Jaycee was charged with a second charge: providing premises for drug users. The court sentenced him to prison for 6 months.

The son of Michael Douglas was sentenced to 7 years in prison in 2009 for selling drugs. “He tried drugs at the age of 13,” says a medical certificate attached to the criminal case. - At the age of 20, he began using heroin, and by the age of 25, he became persistently addicted. At the time of his arrest, he was injecting drugs five to six times a day.” “I’m disappointed with my son, but I’m just as disappointed with our system. But I still think that prison is for him now - best place, where you can think about everything and start again,” the actor said several years ago. Recently, Cameron was released, where, in addition to his family, a girl was waiting for him, who supported him all this time.

Chastity-Chaz Salvatore Bono, daughter-son of Cher

Cher's daughter underwent sex reassignment surgery. According to her, since childhood she did not feel like a girl and she was not comfortable in a female body. But she decided to have the operation after 40 years. Cher was devastated by her daughter's decision, and they barely spoke for about a year. But then the singer still accepted her son.

It took several years for Chaz to become completely like a man. She also developed secondary sexual characteristics characteristic of men, thanks to the therapy he must take for life.

Talullah and Scout Willis, daughters of Bruce Willis

Bruce doesn’t have time to relax, then one daughter will arrange a “surprise”, then the second. For example, Scout Willis once walked topless in New York, uploading a photo to Instagram and signing that this is possible in New York, but not on Instagram.

With this, she wanted to ridicule the site’s rules regarding a negative attitude towards such photos. The second daughter also does not please her father: she was caught using drugs. Upon learning of this, Bruce sent her for treatment.

Christian Brando, son of Marlon Brando

Christian Brando was convicted of murdering his sister's boyfriend. A pregnant girl told her brother that her fiancé beat her. Christian took a revolver and went to the showdown, as a result of which the girl’s fiancé was killed. Soon the pregnant girl committed suicide.

Theodora Richards, daughter of Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards

25-year-old Theodora was detained while painting graffiti on the wall of a Manhattan building. Drugs were also found in her possession. By the way, her father also had problems with the law, including due to drugs.