Is it possible to add plums to charlotte? Plum charlotte. Step-by-step preparation of the recipe

The classic charlotte recipe includes bread and apples. However, a long time ago the recipe underwent changes and now charlotte is usually called a lush pie in which sliced ​​apples or other fruits are baked in biscuit dough. If you add to traditional apples fresh plums, you get a charlotte with apples and plums. The attractiveness of this recipe is that the dessert does not take long to prepare and is easy even for a beginner in cooking. The slightly sour taste of plums will pleasantly complement the apple one and add a special aroma, juiciness and bright color zest to the baked goods.

For the filling you need fruit, the rest of the products that you will need for the dough can be found in almost any home, and, if necessary, in a convenience store.


For the test

  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs;
  • Sugar – 1 glass;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Flour – 1–1.5 cups;
  • Baking powder or soda – 0.5–1 tsp.

For the filling

  • Apples – 2–3 pcs;
  • Plums – 4–5 pcs;
  • Cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • Butter – 20–25 g.


In the apple-plum charlotte recipe we use a complicated version of preparing the dough, based on the sponge cake principle.

1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites with sugar; it’s faster and easier to do this with a mixer.

2. Mix the yolks with salt and beat too. We combine the whites with the yolks.

3. Sift the flour into a separate container, add baking powder or soda, mix. Baking powder can be made at home from flour, citric acid and soda.

4. Combine the egg mixture with the flour mixture. The consistency of the dough should be rather liquid, not too thick, so it is advisable to add flour in parts, gradually. Mix from the edges to the center until smooth, but do not shake.

5. We clean the apples from the cores and partitions, and remove the seeds from the plums. Cut the fruit into small pieces - cubes or slices.

6. Grease the baking dish (if it is not made of silicone) with oil, sprinkle a little flour or sugar on top.

7. First lay out a layer of apples, then a layer of plums.

8. Place a little butter on top of the filling and sprinkle with ground cinnamon. And fill it with dough.

9. Bake for 40 minutes in an oven preheated to 180–190 °C. Let it cool a little and serve.

How to prepare healthy charlotte?

If you are not bothered by the natural sourness of fruits and want to fully enjoy their taste in the pie, then the proportions in the recipe can be slightly changed. Take 7 eggs, 5 apples, 7 plums. Leave the remaining ingredients in the same volume, follow the same cooking technology.

If desired, the amount of sugar can be reduced by about half or partially replaced with honey. Charlotte will turn out to be less caloric, but more fruity, with rich taste and aroma. This version of the recipe may require a little more time to bake the pie.

Whole grain flour in the composition makes the dough thicker; you don’t need to add a lot of it, even if you want to make the baked goods more healthy.

Usually it replaces only part of the flour premium. In this case, the pie will rise less, but will become more satisfying.

Secrets of delicious charlotte

  • If the eggs are well beaten, then you don’t need to add soda or baking powder to the recipe, the cake will rise well and will be fluffy and tender.
  • When cooking time is limited, eggs can be beaten whole, without separating the whites from the yolks, until the sugar dissolves. It's better if they come straight from the refrigerator. The egg mixture should lighten and thicken.

  • The zest of one orange, grated into the dough, will give the pie a light citrus note.
  • For softness and tenderness, you can add 100 g of sour cream at the stage of kneading the pie dough.
  • If the dough is too thick, it is better to stir the chopped fruit and cinnamon directly into it.
  • Cinnamon can be replaced with vanilla.
  • If you love plums and want to bake original pie, try completely replacing apples in the recipe with them.
  • To make the dessert more tender, the apple peel can be cut off, especially if it is thick or hard. The thin peel of summer seasonal apples, on the contrary, will add piquancy to the taste of the pie; you can leave it.

  • The readiness of the pie is determined by using a match or a toothpick. If the stick comes out dry, the charlotte is ready, it’s time to remove it from the oven.

How to serve charlotte?

  • About an hour and a half after you start preparing the recipe, you will have an airy, aromatic homemade pie with apples and plums.
  • Before serving, the pie can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or a mixture of powder and cinnamon. It is convenient to do this through a fine sieve.
  • Charlotte looks beautiful and appetizing with whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream.
  • Apple-plum charlotte is good hot or cold, goes well with tea, coffee, cocoa, and can be served with milk or yogurt.

Don't forget to leave a comment and bon appetit!

And finishing... but no, not finishing! Because the theme of charlottes, like mannikov, can be continued and continued. This is such a friendly pie, good with any additives! Now it’s time for the charlotte with plums :)

Today we are baking plum charlotte! It's fast and tasty option plum pie if you have already tried our spiral pie, dimple pie, fluffy plum pie and spiced cake.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 glass of sugar (200 g, maybe a little less - 190 g)
  • 70-80 g butter;
  • 1 cup of flour with a small slide (140g);
  • 1 teaspoon with a small top of baking powder;
  • 12-15 plums.

How to bake:

First, we will prepare the mold and fruit, and then the dough, because it is of a sponge type, very fluffy and, in order not to settle, it must be baked immediately after preparation.

Prepare the mold: cover the bottom with parchment, grease the parchment and the walls of the mold with a thin but even layer of vegetable oil. Thin - because excessive greasing will prevent the dough from rising, and even - so that the cake does not stick to the paper or pan.

We prepare the plums: wash them, dry them and divide them into halves, removing the seeds. It is better to take plums of a variety such as “Hungarian” so that the pits can be easily reached.

Turn on the oven to warm up to 200-220C.

Now you can start preparing the charlotte dough.

Beat the eggs (yolks with whites) and sugar with a mixer: first at low speed, then at medium and then at maximum, until the whisks begin to leave melting marks on the thick, fluffy mass. For charlotte, you need to beat the eggs well, like for a sponge cake, then it will turn out fluffy.

Add softened butter to the beaten eggs and beat with a mixer until smooth.

Now sift the flour into the dough, add baking powder and mix with gentle movements - from bottom to top and in a circle.

The dough turns out thick, spreading in a wide ribbon - like this.

Pour it into the mold and distribute it with a spoon. And on top we lay out the plum halves, slightly submerging them.

And put the charlotte in the preheated oven. Bake at 200-220C for 20-25 minutes, the exact time will depend on your oven. When the charlotte becomes fluffy and rosy, try it with a wooden stick. Doesn't the dough stick? The pie is ready!

You can let it cool in the oven so that it doesn’t settle due to a sudden change in temperature. Then we take it out, carefully remove it from the mold and place it on a plate. I do this: after cutting along the edge with a knife, I open the pan, cover the pie with a frying pan lid and turn it over. Now it’s easy to remove the bottom from the pan and the parchment. Then I cover the pie with a dish and turn it over again to its normal position. And the charlotte ends up on the plate.

Sprinkle it with powdered sugar through a strainer.

Cut the charlotte with plums into portions and enjoy!

Biscuit dough goes wonderfully with juicy, slightly sour fruits. Enjoy your tea!

Plum charlotte is a savory delicacy that is quick and easy to prepare, and most importantly, it turns out very tasty!

  • 4 eggs;
  • 200 gr. granulated sugar;
  • baking soda slaked with 9% vinegar or a packet of baking powder for dough;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 500 gr. drain;
  • butter or vegetable oil for greasing the mold.

Step by step recipe

Charlotte with plums will please everyone, especially children! You can bake it either in the oven or in a slow cooker.

Bon appetit!

Also very popular classic recipe charlotte with plums, i.e. this recipe contains a much larger number of apples for a standard set of products for an ordinary, one might even say, primitive charlotte.

Charlotte with plums and apples

Prepare charlotte with plums and aromatic apples according to this recipe both in the oven and in a slow cooker, which will significantly simplify the process of baking the product.

Product Set

  • eggs - 6 pieces;
  • 200 gr. premium wheat flour;
  • sugar - 200 gr;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • vanilla sugar - to taste;
  • about 10 plums, their quantity depends entirely on your taste preferences;
  • 5 apples.

In our recipe we will describe in detail each subsequent step of preparing charlotte from plums and apples. So let's get started!

Step-by-step preparation of the recipe

Step 1

We will need a deep container or bowl in which we will beat the eggs into a stiff foam.
Take the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. We begin to beat the whites until stiff peaks form.

Step 2

Having whipped the whites into a stiff foam, we begin to very carefully introduce the yolks, while continuing to beat.

Step 3

Having introduced the yolks, we begin to gradually introduce granulated sugar.

Step 4

It's time to add flour. Before the flour is in the egg-sugar mixture, sift it twice. This is necessary so that the flour is saturated with oxygen bubbles. Thanks to this manipulation, the charlotte with plums prepared according to this recipe will turn out lush and incredibly tender.

So, combine the sifted flour with the egg mass and mix it with a spatula or spoon, from bottom to top, as if “burying” the flour. Mix everything thoroughly. The dough should not have any lumps of flour. This is strictly contraindicated. The dough for any charlotte, regardless of the chosen recipe and filling, must have a uniform consistency.

Step 5

Melt 50 grams of butter. Let it cool down.
Having prepared the dough for charlotte from plums with aromatic apples, strictly following the recommendations this recipe, let's take care of the fruits for our spicy and aromatic pie.

Step 6

Wash apples and plums. We remove the seeds from the plums, and cut the apples into cubes or half rings, as you like.

Step 7

While we were filling the charlotte with plums, the butter had to cool completely. Add the cooled butter into the charlotte dough with plums and mix thoroughly.

Step 8

Add our fruits to the dough.

Prepare the baking dish - grease it generously vegetable oil, sprinkling the edges with semolina or flour.

Pour the dough into the mold, distributing it evenly over the mold or multicooker bowl.
If you decide to bake the charlotte with plums in the oven, then preheat it to 180 degrees. At this temperature we will bake our cake for 45 minutes. Baking time may vary up or down. It all depends on the power of your oven.

If you decide to bake plum pie with apples using a multicooker, then select the “Baking” mode and set the baking time to 50 minutes.
We take out the finished charlotte with plums and turn it over. Serve to the table, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Try using a rather interesting and unusual recipe for making charlotte. The piquant sourness of plums and the aromatic sweetness of apples in one dessert will not leave your guests and household members indifferent.

Bon appetit!

Plums and poppy seeds in charlotte are the baker’s personal preferences and a tribute to the seasonal harvest. If blue stone fruits are too sour for you, and the crunch of poppy seeds in the porous crumb seems unnecessary, feel free to exclude them and replace them with other additives! But this will be a completely different recipe, not for collectors, but for students - using plum and poppy charlotte, you can master the technology of making quick pies as such.

The universal viscous dough is ready to “embrace” slices of fresh or canned apples, pears, peaches, any dried and candied fruits, whole and crushed nuts. A few basic manipulations, precise proportions, a little imagination and in half an hour homemade baking will be the reason for another tea party.

Time: 30 minutes / Number of servings: 10 / Shape Ø 24 cm


  • flour 200 g
  • sugar 120 g
  • butter 100 g
  • eggs 4 pcs.
  • vanilla 2 g
  • baking powder 6 g
  • salt on the tip of a knife
  • steamed poppy seeds 30 g
  • plums 12-15 pcs.


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    IN microwave oven or heat the stove on the top fire butter, cool until warm. At the same time, in a large work bowl, combine the eggs and granulated sugar - beat at maximum mixer speed for 1.5-2 minutes, dissolve the sweet grains, thoroughly combine the whites with the yolks and bring the mixture to a fluffy foam.

    Without stopping the whisks, add the pre-steamed and mashed poppy seeds and beat for another half a minute. If you prefer a loud crackling sound, add dry poppy seeds.

    Mix with flavoring, today it is vanilla powder, a little salt and dissolved butter.

    Add wheat flour with baking powder and knead a viscous dough without dry lumps.

    Fill a heat-resistant form with poppy seed dough. When planning to transfer the cake to a plate, place an oiled circle of parchment on the bottom of the container. Level the surface of the dough.

    In random order, but evenly around the entire perimeter, scatter halves and thin bars of clean plums, sprinkle with a pinch of sugar for the crust. Bake a quick pie for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.

Having cooled, we serve the plum pie with poppy seeds (also known as an impromptu charlotte with plums) to the table - you must agree, no decorations are needed here. Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Hurray! It's time for light berry and fruit pies! Hurry up, harvest your plums and apples and start preparing this charlotte. Minimum ingredients and time, maximum taste and benefits. Charlotte turns out tender and fluffy. Baked plums and apples add richness to the sponge dough. Serve the finished pie hot with fermented milk drinks or milk, and when cooled with tea, coffee, cocoa.

To prepare charlotte with apples and plums, take the following ingredients and don’t waste a minute.

Wash the apples, remove the core, cut into small cubes.

We also wash the plums, remove the pit and cut them into cubes, just like apples.

Prepare the dough. In a bowl, combine eggs, salt and sugar.

Beat with a mixer for 10 minutes. The mass will greatly increase in volume, turn white, and become very fluffy and airy.

Sift the flour into the eggs and add cinnamon to taste.

Using a large spoon or wooden spatula, mix gently and thoroughly until a thick, homogeneous dough forms.

Now add the prepared fruits to the mixture.

Mix again.

Place the dough in a mold greased with butter.

Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden stick.

Charlotte with apples and plums is ready! Cool, cut into portions, decorate with fresh fruit if desired and serve. Bon appetit!