How can you understand that a man loves you? If a man truly loves, how does he behave: psychology of the stronger sex. Are you ready to do anything

You constantly catch yourself thinking about his true attitude towards you, and the question constantly swirls in your head: how can you understand that your loved one loves you? Then this article is definitely for you. It contains all the main behavioral signs of how men behave if they are not indifferent to a woman. Be sure to read! He who is forewarned is forearmed :)

Oh, those women’s ears that are so eager to constantly hear declarations of feelings! But these cherished words are not always a sign of real love. So maybe you shouldn’t expect fiery speeches from your beloved man? After all, true love is clearly recognized in his behavior and actions!

How to understand that your loved one loves you - 12 clear signs

A man loves you if...

Gives you significant compliments

You will not hear from him: “Your new dress suits you very well,” but he does not consider it shameful to admit: “I would not have been able to achieve such success if it were not for your support and help.” The most important compliments are not those about your appearance, but those that speak about your personality.

Sees your flaws

And it is not easy to see them, and may even reprimand them for inappropriate statements or incorrect behavior. No, he doesn’t lecture you, he simply points out what you did wrong, making it clear that he knows you like no one else and accepts you entirely, with all your shortcomings. He sees in you not a soulless ideal, but an absolutely normal, living, and therefore imperfect woman.

Wants to know your opinion

For any reason: starting with where to go on vacation, and ending with judgments concerning global world problems. This is not a sign of lack of will or a desire to shift some decisions onto your shoulders, but a manifestation of respect for your person. Of course, he has his own opinion, but it is very important for him to know yours too.

Gives you personal space

No matter how much he wants to always be near you, he gives you the opportunity to be alone, mind yourself and your own affairs. Keep in mind that a man’s desire to spend 24 hours a day with you testifies not so much to his love as to his lack of self-confidence. Every person has a normal need to be alone for some time.

Wishes you the best, even to the detriment of yourself

Without any objections from him, you leave for a month-long advanced training course or go to bed early because you have an exam tomorrow and need to get a good night's sleep. And all because he knows how important it is for you to get a promotion or do well on an exam.

Could be myself next to you

Everyone around him perceives him as a reserved, serious and reasonable person. And only you know that he loves to fool around, loves surprises and practical jokes. If he can allow himself to be himself alone with you, then he trusts you completely.

Looks at you with loving eyes

Sight loving person- something special. Misty and full of adoration, he is a sure sign of love. The feeling simply overwhelms the person, and he is unable to look anywhere else.

Always in a great mood when you're around

Your very presence makes him relaxed, funny and goofy. You want to discuss a serious issue with him, but he has a smile from ear to ear and devils in his eyes? Don't be surprised. It is love that makes him laugh without reason.

Does for you what you don't even ask for

Various disruptions often occur in the household. You don’t have to remind him a hundred times to change the light bulb in the hallway or tighten the faucet in the kitchen. You don’t have to ask him for anything at all, just voice the problem and everything will be heard. When he does this, you may not even see, you just notice the work already done.

Proud of you

He does not miss the opportunity to proudly and publicly praise your professional or culinary talents. He never tires of telling you how happy he is with your achievements. You can be proud of your home country and the company you work for, but the greatest pleasure comes from the successes of your loved ones.

May unexpectedly kiss you

The man you love often kisses you on the cheek, on the forehead, on the shoulder - and always, as it seems to you, in the wrong place and at the wrong time: at a party, when you are talking with other guests, when you are cooking and your hands are covered in flour, in a supermarket full of strangers. It's always unexpected for you. And he simply cannot resist kissing you once again.

Finds your rounded sides cute

Your lover, without hesitation, criticizes your friends for getting fat, and in response to your modest remark that your figure is no longer so perfect, he sincerely asserts that you have become even nicer and more appetizing when your body has become a little rounder.

Do you notice the listed signs of attention from your man? This means that we can say with complete confidence that he loves you. And it doesn’t matter at all that he never makes passionate confessions to you.

Three pillars of male love

Women try on their understanding of love on men, but they have their own vision, they love differently. Their feeling rests on three pillars: statement, provision and protection.

  • He is unlikely to go shopping for new outfits with you, but he will always and everywhere proudly introduce his beloved woman to everyone - announce you.
  • If you get sick, he won't sit looking lost at your bedside and hold your hand. He will move the earth and the sky, get any medicines and arrange a consultation with the best doctors, ensuring you a comfortable existence.
  • And, most importantly, he will never allow anyone to even look at you askance, let alone offend you in word or deed - he will protect you.

Is this what love is like in a woman's mind? Where are the beautiful words?

Declaration of love is weakness. And weakness for a man is an unforgivable quality. If a guy opens his feelings to a girl, then only to the one and only one whom he trusts as a father and mother.

Some men utter words of love to get sex, others to appease a girl, and others hide some kind of lie behind these words. True love manifests itself in actions.

It all depends on the woman

It doesn’t matter whether your chosen one speaks about his love or is silent. Many of them can be very eloquent and swear eternal love a hundred times a day, and yet all they want from you is access to your body. But there are men who, without saying a word, will bend over backwards to meet your expectations. The main thing is that these expectations are meaningful. Don't be silent! Talk about them and you will receive them.

Most men firmly believe that a real woman can help a man show his best qualities. You just need to meet this woman...

In order to understand even more accurately the true feelings of your chosen one, take a cool test Does the person you're in love with love you - just 5 simple questions

How to know if a man likes you - 5 main signs

The desire to arouse admiration, captivate and enchant is inherent in women by nature itself. However, sincere interest of the opposite sex cannot always be expressed in words. To understand whether a man sympathizes with you, it is enough to pay attention to his behavior, facial expressions and gestures in your presence.

Attention to your head!

Noticing you, he tilts his head back a little and stretches his neck. The gentleman is trying to become taller so that the lady of his heart will pay attention to him.

Does a man ruffle his hair or, conversely, smooth his hair in your presence? He is not indifferent to you...

A truly interested man will often unconsciously copy your gestures. Take a closer look to see if your interlocutor is mirroring your posture, movements or facial expressions.

Emphasis on the waist

When close to you, he may keep his hands on his waist, put his thumbs behind his belt, or keep his hands in his pockets with his thumbs on top. With such actions, a man demonstrates his masculine strength and desire to possess the woman he likes.

Meaningful look

A man in love tries to catch your gaze, and when he meets him, he immediately looks away. A more daring applicant will examine you from head to toe, certainly lingering in the chest or hips. His pupils will enlarge and his eyebrows will rise slightly. ABOUT sexual attraction says his gaze on your lips.

Such a secret smile

When talking to the object of his desire, the man stretches his lips somewhat. Even if your counterpart does not indulge you with a smile, but slightly raised or pursed his lips, he is embarrassed, which means he is not indifferent. Well, if you notice a man constantly licking his lips, he has a strong sexual attraction to you.

Talking movements

A man who likes you, without even realizing it, tries to demonstrate to those around him that you are his woman: he removes invisible specks of dust from his jacket or blouse while going down the stairs, offers his hand or supports you by the waist, handing him some object, as if accidentally touches your hand.

7 Nonverbal Signs of Male Indifference

If your presence is a burden to a man, he can:

  • cross your arms or clasp them demonstratively;
  • support your chin with your palms;
  • look around, impatiently tap your foot on the floor;
  • continuously click the cap of the automatic pen;
  • draw something on a napkin or piece of paper;
  • every now and then touch your earlobe, stroke the bridge of your nose, rub your eyelids;
  • abruptly change the topic of conversation or interrupt the conversation under a vague pretext.

Noticed something similar? Draw your conclusions!

A practical guide to a happy union between a man and a woman


I hope that after reading this article, the question of how to understand that your loved one loves you has ceased to be mysterious and incomprehensible to you. Love is the highest good of human nature, which cannot be hidden or contained. You probably notice a lot in the behavior of your beloved man, but, as they say, you don’t believe your eyes and ears. After all, sometimes it is so difficult to believe in your long-awaited happiness.

Good luck and patience!

Your Tatyana Kemishis

Love rules the world and helps us move forward.

This feeling is extremely important, and girls often try to understand whether the guy with whom they have constant meetings and dates loves them.

Psychologists believe that there is sure ways, how to understand whether he loves or does not love, and you don’t have to guess with a daisy.

Only compliments are not love

Men are complex and mysterious creatures, so it is not always easy to understand their feelings.

If a guy likes a girl, he will try to show her this. It is enough to watch the guy and catch these signs of attention.

  • If a man says compliments every minute, constantly gives gifts and already on the first date he talks about his feelings - this is not love.
  • If a guy is stingy external manifestation emotions, this does not mean that feelings are completely absent.

Male psychology is a complex thing that you need to learn to understand.

Words supported by actions will help you find out whether you love her or not.

How to test your true feelings with actions:

  • At the girl's request, the man went shopping and not only bought what she asked for, but also got some kind of pleasant surprise (yogurt or chocolate - what the girl likes).
    This act seems insignificant, but the guy bought the little thing just for the girl, to please her. This is an important sign that the man is not indifferent to the lady.
  • If a girl comes home from work or school tired, then the guy who is in love with her will always, without further ado, make her tea or coffee, warm up her dinner and say kind words.

    Caring is a sure sign of sincere love.

  • How to understand whether he loves you or not, bad weather will help. In strong winds and rainy weather loving guy will always ask if the girl dressed warmly and took an umbrella with her.
  • A guy may accidentally see a dress in a store that, in his opinion, is ideal for his passion. Then he dials his beloved and invites the model to come and die. Or he finds out that the girl’s feet are cold and in the evening, when they pass by the subway, he buys her warm socks. This is not fake care, which clearly demonstrates sincere strong feelings.
  • Changing habits for the sake of your loved one is also costly and demonstrates love.
    For example, a guy knew that a girl was annoyed when he listened to music loudly in front of her. He changed his habits and doesn't do it anymore.
    Moreover, it is not necessary to say this out loud; he does it not for show, but precisely for the girl’s comfort.
  • He spends his time asking the girl, for example, to find necessary information or draw up some documents, deal with important matters. If the girl was indifferent, the guy would simply not waste his time on her problems.
  • It is very important in the matter of how to find out whether a man loves you or not - this is a trip to visit family or relatives, friends.
    If he agrees to meet people who are dear to the girl, this is a good indicator. It is extremely likely that such a relationship will have an excellent future together.

What is especially important

List good actions a man in love can be endless.

Psychologists have compiled huge lists, but you shouldn’t write a guy off if he doesn’t follow some of the psychologist’s recommendations. Every lady should feel her partner and intuitively understand how much her chosen one is in love.

Love manifests itself in behavior, and especially in little things. You just need to open your eyes and try to see a kind attitude.

Beautiful compliments, worthy actions and caring are signs that a girl is dear to a guy. This means that love is very close by, you just need to grab onto it and try to reveal this feeling even more.

Other signs of a man in love

Psychologists say that many men in love behave like idiots.

Previously, he was a serious and responsible person, but suddenly his actions became crazy. For example, every morning a guy in love sends a girl at work a bouquet of roses of different colors.

The less a guy's actions resemble his usual behavior, the more likely it is that he is very much in love.

Likes or not: signs can be divided into different categories and classified for a long time. But we must always remember one feature of lovers: they constantly want to feel each other.

Lovers hug at bus stops and kiss on the escalator. If a guy wants to constantly feel a girl, her warm palm in his hand and does not want to let her go, this is a sure sign of a great feeling.

The touch of a lover is like a drug.

A man in love is affectionate and tender not only on the occasion of sex, but also always after it. This is a continuation of the previous sign of falling in love, which perfectly illustrates general condition a man in love.

  • If he has only animal passion, then immediately after orgasm he will lose interest in the subject of his passion and his lust.
  • If a man has real feeling and love, then he idolizes his soulmate every minute.

You can easily understand a man's personality if he knows his behavioral characteristics. There is no need to go to a fortune teller or look for the answer in coffee grounds.

You need to feel how strong his feelings and affection are, and take a closer look at the main points of his behavior.

The truth of life is that a man does not always love the woman he is with. He can give her gifts original gifts, drive him into a frenzy in bed and even introduce him to his parents... but this will not mean anything. Fiery looks, weekends together, sex marathons on the skin of a bear - girls, stop being so naive, men are born actors! Sometimes they play so well that they themselves believe their feelings. Of course, until the first serious problem, after which you will be abandoned like used material. How not to fall for this bait and correctly assess his motives? Read our tips.

Loves or not: how to understand how serious a man’s intentions are

  • Refuse him

It’s sad to say this, but in the modern world there are enough guys who take pleasure in morally destroying girls who are in love with them. It’s like a marathon of narcissism, a source of fuel for their low self-esteem - to get the most accessible one, shake the emotions out of her, break her will, and then abandon her as unnecessary. I'm tired of it! It’s easy to identify this type by saying a firm “no” to a man. Just not the kind of refusal that implies consent, but an absolutely clear “fuck off.” Believe me, a truly loving partner will not be able to do this; he will continue to hang around and take care of you from a distance.

  • Push the future

Even if a man thinks that he is forever subjugated by a woman, showing all the signs of “love madness,” inside he is perfectly aware of his actions. How to check the depth of his feelings? If you've been dating for a long time, it's time to announce your desire to become a married lady. Just say: “I want to get married, are you going to call me or not?” Believe me, if everything is real, he will step over his teenage fears and make you his wife, because you are “the one” for him. Well, if falling in love is far-fetched, it turned out to be just a way to brighten up the bachelor’s melancholy and ensure regular sex - the applicant will merge, only you saw him.

  • Evaluate real actions

How easy is it to get a woman’s love without actually offering anything except empty promises, fiery declarations of love and long-winded talk? “Wait a little and I’ll definitely buy you this dress, then...” “You’ll see, I’ll take you to hot countries and make you a queen, if possible!” “Stop whining, I’ll change... someday.” The truth is that feeding a woman breakfast is easy. Men have long seen through female nature and brazenly take advantage of it. Don't be naive, think about what you got out of all that was promised? The one who loves does not rush into words, he is with you in the present tense - he has already screwed up the shelf, has already bought tickets, has already arrived with a thermometer, has already gone on a diet and is pumping up his abs. He is the present, not the future. He's here.

  • Listen to your intuition

The catch is that when you doubted it, you got your answer. Nature has awarded women with a special gift of reading someone else's emotional state -. Without it, no mother would be able to raise a child, feel his pain and fear, or guess the child’s desires on some subconscious level. This gift works with men too - when the eyes do not see, but the heart feels. And if a silent question sounds more and more often in your head: “Does he love me?” Most likely, it is rhetorical. Doubts do not appear out of nowhere. Obviously, the man is not behaving the same way as before, something has changed in his look, behavior, intonation... but your consciousness does not want to believe the signals received, it grabs onto any hope, just to delay the moment of insight and inevitable pain.

What to do if a man doesn't love you

You can kill yourself and ignore the signals further, exacerbating psychological neurosis, destroying your self-esteem. You can be brave and erase him from your life, starting all over again. clean slate. Can you stop reading tea leaves and send your partner a boomerang - change the relationship so that he tries to understand what you feel for him? It's your turn.

Some statistics

We are sure that most women do not understand anything about male love. Well, where do they get their information? From pink melodramas like “50 Shades” or drunken conversations with divorced friends who have a lot of complaints about the world and a carload of complexes behind a false neckline? The truth is not always obvious; sometimes we are ready to cling to any illusions just to keep a man.

What do most authors on this topic say? Everything is licked, as if it were a carbon copy: a man in love is described by them as a devoted dog who will always be there; like a daddy who will solve any problem; finally, like an annoying fanatic who will shower you with compliments, forgive any imperfection and respect every whim. It turns out to be something ephemeral, a kind of miracle of nature that not everyone is lucky enough to encounter. But you have to believe in a fairy tale!

The problem is that the listed signs were invented by women themselves, who naively attributed their own feelings to men. They forgot, a male is not a woman, he understands the world in his own way, and it’s stupid to be offended by him for this. How to find out what a man is really experiencing? Let's discuss below.

How is a man's love expressed?

The main indicator of the depth of his feelings is not expensive gifts or coffee in bed. This is not a hug under the moon, not perfumed compliments or a willingness to compromise, no. A man’s love is expressed in the desire to take responsibility for his partner in order to maximize the safety of her existence. This is the natural instinct of a man, which has the following characteristics.

3 signs of a man's true love

The desire to protect your partner from danger

This category includes several points for the safety of your loved one - giving her a roof over her head, earning money for food, and also eliminating other dangerous competitors from the radar of her companion. It turns out that a man who loves will definitely be jealous of his woman if she gives a reason, such is the instinct! He will do everything possible to provide housing for his family, or at least make this task a priority for the near future. And he will never skimp on the basic needs of his partner. That is, his money is her money too, no matter what weak men say, covering their carcass with stories about henpecked men who are on a leash with their wife. If he doesn’t want to invest in a woman, if he hides his salary or keeps a secret stash, most likely he doesn’t love.

Responsibility for her health and beauty

A loving man will take care of the health of his woman and her appearance. He will never skimp on it, saying, “this dress is too expensive, you’ll look old” or “everyone wears holey boots, you’ll survive.” Truly loving man will decorate a woman so that she is even more attractive and glows with happiness. Need hair gel? “Okay, buy it.” Special shoes? “I don’t know anything about this, go and get it.” But the most important point: a man who loves will never allow a woman to ruin her health with cigarettes, alcohol or the habit of eating food at night.

His priority is her well-being; the health of their future children, the quality of sex, and their lifestyle in general directly depends on this. A real man will drag a woman into the gym, teach her by personal example to watch her diet, and instead of cakes and chocolate, bring flowers or tickets to the theater. If your partner doesn’t care what she eats, how she spoils her nerves at a job she doesn’t like, ruins her health carrying bags of cement for his garage, or degrades in front of a computer monitor because he’s too lazy to occupy her attention interesting things... this is not love.

Trying to have a baby with her

When a man finds that same woman, even if he has never thought about offspring, an insight suddenly clicks inside him: “In the future, I only want children from her.” This feeling is inherent in evolution itself - to finally mark the female as your property, to fertilize her with your seed, so that no one can take away the precious trophy. Even if he is afraid of responsibility, even if he is used to living freely and independently, love will change his views, starting a family will seem not such a wild idea. In any case, a loving partner will never force his woman to have an abortion; this is not in his rules. But if he doesn’t see any prospects with her, it’s easy; no public opinion will bring him to his senses. He will make a random “gift” and run off into the sunset, because he will not worry about the future of his partner, about her survival and other vicissitudes of fate.

So, your man may also be that emotional cracker, an aggressive vandal, an egoist or a workaholic who spends more time with work than with you. He may not remember the date of the anniversary, not delight with pleasant surprises, polish the barbell in the gym instead of taking the children to the circus. But if at the same time he observes all three points listed above, if he is ready to bear responsibility for you and silently work for your well-being, then he loves. As best he can, laconic, ugly. But that is his nature.

Psychological mini-test

Do you want to know if your chosen one really loves you?
Then answer 3 simple questions and you will find out.
If you want the truth, try to answer honestly.

Each of us wants to be loved and feel it with every cell of our body. True, it is not always possible to unravel a partner’s behavior, especially if nothing is directly stated. We don't have the courage to ask personally. Therefore, let’s find out how to understand whether a man loves you or is he indifferent?

Does he love you? Recognized by behavior and look

Does he love you? Surely, if they tell you these things:

  • I love you;
  • How lucky I am that I met you;
  • I would like to make you my wife in the future;
  • I don't want to disappoint you;
  • I missed you;
  • I'm worried about you;
  • Get treatment, dress warmer, I hope you ate today...etc.

How to find out if your husband or boyfriend loves you? He will never do the following:

  • Hide your feelings;
  • Do not introduce to family and friends;
  • Be indifferent to health, problems;
  • Disappear at the most necessary moments;
  • Hide the past;
  • Look for reasons not to see each other.

How to know if a man loves you for sure? His actions tell the story best.

  • Care - when they try to make your life easier and better, you are protected from the slightest troubles and adversity.
  • Involvement in life - when a partner enters your social circle, there is constant communication, stories about hobbies, work and everyday life.
  • Help is not the kind that is asked for, but the kind that is provided even without asking. Showing help in any situation is the main sign and way to understand whether a man loves.
  • The desire to please, even with little things, to see your beloved smile.
  • The woman he loves always plays the main role in a guy’s life, so he won’t come up with excuses to cancel the meeting.

How to understand whether your husband or lover loves you? Ask your acquaintances and friends to look at it from the outside. Perhaps he himself does not notice his feelings, but unconsciously shows his true feelings.

How to find out if your husband or boyfriend loves you?

We offer a few more factors that will help you sort it all out. So, how to check if a man loves you:

  • Ardent glances and a desire to admire you when you don’t notice it;
  • The desire to be with you both in sorrow and in joy;
  • A quick reaction to the mood, that is, consolation in trouble, during problems and quarrels;
  • Pride and respect for all your achievements and small victories;
  • The desire to satisfy you during sex;
  • Knowledge about your tastes and preferences;
  • The value of your opinion;
  • The desire to please friends, loved ones and the desire to become a part of your life.

Many women tend not to notice basic things and idealize a man. How to determine if a man loves you? He will definitely try to change the rhythm of life so that he can see each other more often, he will be upset about the cancellation of the meeting with you, he will not want to offend you and lie to you. If during sex you feel detached, the guy doesn’t talk to you about the future, forgets to call, doesn’t support you and hides you from friends in every possible way, not allowing you to participate in everyday life - he clearly doesn’t love you. To be sure, ask directly.

Men are not the confident creatures they try to appear to be. Therefore, you have to wait a long time for a declaration of love. So how can you tell if a man really loves you? If you want to avoid “long foreplay,” take the initiative into your own hands and have a direct conversation. Although this should be done only if there is mutual sympathy, so as not to collect a broken heart and pride later.

How to see love? How to feel it? And how do you know if they love you? After all, men are often so reserved. Maybe love can be read in a man's eyes? Hear in his words? See it in actions? In all likelihood, yes. What signs are characteristic of men when they are in love? With boys, for example, everything is clear.

If a boy likes a girl, then he will not ignore her: he will pull her braids, throw snowballs and happily carry her schoolbag from school to home. He will also try to catch the girl’s eye more often. And hang around for hours under her windows, hoping that she will go out into the yard. To again pull the braid or throw a snowball. How do men behave when they are in love? How do you know if a man loves you?

"They're all lying." "They only want one thing." These are the words your girlfriends will probably tell you about men. Yes, you too have had similar thoughts.

Well, someone is lying. And some of the men just want to get the woman they like into bed. But why is a woman given a very powerful natural energy? A woman will be able to recognize a lie and distinguish a habit from real delight, and feelings from a simple desire to please. Of course, it is impossible to understand a person’s soul unless he wants to. But if you look closely at the man, you can see a lot.

And there is no need to guess and tear off chamomile petals, looking for an answer to the question: “does he love me?” This answer lies in a man’s gaze, his words and actions. And if you ask anyone: “does the guy I like love me,” it’s only yourself.

There are signs by which you can determine the love of a man to you with more or less certainty. There will definitely be a dozen such signs. You just need to look at them. And understand, if of course you understand for yourself.

What to look for? As stated, this is:

  • eyes;
  • words;
  • actions.

Shall we try?

1. And I keep looking, I don’t take my eyes off.

It's simple: the man doesn't take his eyes off you. Your appearance simply attracts his gaze, and he cannot do anything about it.

He doesn't notice other women. They don't exist for him. If Angelina Jolie and Sharon Stone walked past him now, he wouldn’t even glance at them.

There is admiration and delight in his eyes. Do you know what this is? These are the feelings that accompany love. And they protect it, like an airbag in a car protects the driver. Having caught such a gaze directed at you, you, of course, will understand that.

2. Bah, what a meeting!

A man is looking for a meeting with you under any pretext. He will find out where you live, find out your phone number, and lie in wait at a bus stop or near the metro. You will "accidentally" encounter him in the most unlikely places. But all meetings will be planned by him.

This is not love yet. But when he tries to spend all his free time with you, forgets about football, get-togethers with friends and Saturday beer - this can already say a lot. What is it: the desire to be with a person every hour, every minute; talk to him; look into his eyes? Without a doubt, love.

3. Every joke has a meaning.

The guy often jokes with you. Teasing you. It’s funny for you and him. But it’s funny in a different way than others. Because jokes and gags have a special meaning for both of you.

A joke in your direction is a sign of attention. He doesn't joke with anyone anymore, right? This means that there is no one else for him except you. Only you. Isn't it in you?

4. I'll be honest with you.

The guy is very frank with you. He talks a lot about himself and his family. He even shares his dreams.

Why would that be? It's not just like that, is it? And if a guy is so frank, trusting you completely, then you have become a close person to him. This is only possible with a friend or the person you love. And since without love is like smoke without fire, what then? Draw the right conclusion yourself.

5. Tell me about yourself.

He bombards you with questions. Everything that concerns you is terribly interesting to him. Where were you born? Do you have brothers and sisters? What do you love and what can't you stand?

He wants to know your thoughts. Your intentions. He expects you to be as open with him as he was just with you.

He is interested in your personal life. He wants to know everything about you. Why, you ask? And he really likes you. And even more. However, you already understand this.

6. I remember a wonderful moment.

A guy or man remembers everything connected with you. And he will quote your words and phrases verbatim, and with the intonation with which they were spoken. He remembers all your meetings with him, from the first minute to the last second, not to mention the first. And all your actions are imprinted in his memory forever.