Plumbing in a dacha without a well. How to make water supply in a country house: choose pipes, layout, installation method. We connect the well pumping station

In urban environments, when amenities are at hand, people think little about their value. But when they get to the countryside and are faced with a lack of water where it is vitally needed, almost all summer residents decide to install a country water supply system. And if earlier it was enough, then today country house can become as comfortable as a city apartment. From now on you will no longer have to carry water in buckets. A pump allows you to get water from any depth, and a pipe system will deliver life-giving moisture to the house and garden beds. All that remains is to make the water supply at the dacha with your own hands.

Installation of country water supply system

System country water supply, allowing the summer resident to enjoy all the benefits of modern civilization, consists of the following equipment:

  • pipeline with a set of fittings and taps;
  • equipment for monitoring system pressure;
  • protected electrical system;
  • filters for purifying water coming from a source;
  • water heater.

The complexity of the water supply system at the dacha and the composition of the equipment included in it are influenced not only by the wishes and needs of the owner of the site, but also by the terrain features, the existing or planned water source and many other factors.

Centralized water supply

If there is a centralized water supply network with sufficient pressure near the site, then installing a water supply system at the dacha will not be difficult. The summer resident will have to carry out external and internal wiring of the pipeline and connect it to the main line. If the pressure is insufficient, you will need to purchase additional pumps or find another source of water.

Mine well on a summer cottage

If the depth of water in the area does not exceed 10 meters, a well can be used as a source.

  • The advantages of the design are the simplicity and relative cheapness of the source, the ability to independently service it.
  • The disadvantage of the well is limited volumes of water consumption.

Before running water supply at your dacha from a well, you need to find out exactly whether the amount of water provided will be enough.

If the volume is sufficient, then at a depth of up to 8, you can install a relatively cheap and easy-to-maintain surface pump.

Source - water well

In areas where groundwater is below 10 meters, it is better for the owner to think about drilling a well. For a country water supply system, the supply of which comes from a well, a submersible pump or a more powerful complex pumping station is purchased. And although this option turns out to be somewhat more expensive, the decision will pay for itself many times over, and the well will uninterruptedly supply the family for many years at any time of the year.

Depending on the depth of the source, water is delivered using the following equipment:

  • Surface pump used at depths less than 8 meters;
  • Submersible pump, maintaining pressure at a depth of up to 20 meters;
  • Modern pumping station.

Do-it-yourself seasonal water supply at the dacha

Easier to do summer water supply, which can be used without unnecessary labor and problems at the height of the gardening season. This design can be collapsible or stationary.

In this case, laying pipes or hoses can be done in two ways:

  1. The water pipeline runs along the surface of the soil. The undoubted advantage of this solution can be considered quick installation and subsequent dismantling at the end of the season. The downside of the system is the risk of frequent breakdowns.
    When laying a pipeline, take into account the possibility of receiving water at all points of the site without experiencing problems with movement. The main purpose of such a country water supply is to water the plants, so it is often made from watering hoses, connecting them together with steel or plastic adapters. At the end of the season, the water is drained, the water supply is dismantled, and the pump is removed.
  2. The pipes are laid in the ground at a shallow depth, and only the taps are brought to the surface. Such country water supply it is more reliable, it does not interfere with the use of the summer cottage, and if necessary, it can be quickly repaired or dismantled. In order for the water supply in the dacha to last for a long time, with the onset of cold weather the water must be drained from the pipes.
    For this purpose, a slight slope must be provided during installation. A valve is provided at the lowest point to prevent the water from rupturing the pipeline when it freezes. Hoses are not used for underground installation. Plastic pipes would be appropriate here. Trenches for summer water supply may not exceed 1 meter in depth.

Features of arranging a water supply system in a dacha in winter

If the water supply is supposed to be used not only in summer, but also in the cold season, then its arrangement will have to be taken much more seriously. Such a water supply system at the dacha has a capital circuit that is operational throughout the year and requires mandatory insulation from the source and almost to the boiler.

What is the best material to make a water pipe from?

Today there are two worthy options:

  1. Polypropylene pipes. They are quite expensive and require a special soldering iron to install them. But in this case you can save on accessories. The joints are reliable and will not fail in any operating conditions.
  2. Polyethylene pipes. With a lower cost of the material itself, you will have to spend money when purchasing accessories to assemble the system. Joints can leak due to temperature changes.

Metal pipelines are quite rare today due to their low corrosion resistance.

Video tips about making the right choice pipes:

To ensure that the water supply system at the dacha does not fail in winter due to freezing, it is insulated, for example, using foamed polyethylene.

If you are going to operate the water supply system at your dacha in the winter, then you need to insulate not only the pipeline, but also the water source.

The well is insulated for the winter and, if possible, covered with falling snow. When installing surface pump, be sure to equip an insulated pit for installing pumping equipment. For use in winter conditions, not only the water supply system is insulated, but also the system where the drain is connected.

Country water supply diagram

It is better if the laying of the water supply system is taken into account already at the design stage. But if this does not happen, do not neglect all the necessary procedures. First, they take measurements of the area, mark the passage of future communications, clarify water needs and draw a diagram of the location of pipes and mechanisms. Based on this, you can calculate the need for equipment and purchase it. It is preferable here to have a durable water supply system made of polypropylene pipes, which can be easily attached to all surfaces and even sewn into the thickness of the walls without fear.

The dacha water supply diagram must certainly take into account the required slope to the well or well.

In areas where the ground freezes significantly in winter, the pipeline is laid at least 20 cm below this level.

Installation of country water supply

First, all excavation work is carried out, digging a trench from the source to the pipe entering the house. A submersible pump is lowered into a well or well, surface or mounted in close proximity to the source in an insulated recess, or, like a pumping station, mounted in a residential building or other heated room.

It is better to lay a protected cable to power pumping equipment and the battery. When installing both summer and winter country water supply, safety electrical network mandatory, so you can’t do without sealed connectors and moisture-proof grounded sockets.

Before entering water pipe An emergency locking device is installed in the house. When the functioning of the country water supply system has been verified, the trenches are dug and the construction of the pipeline inside the house begins.

Internal water supply system

To make using water supply as comfortable as possible, you cannot do without hot water supply. This can be achieved using electric or gas appliances of flow-through or storage type. In country conditions, it makes more sense to use electric storage water heater, having previously calculated the family’s needs and selected the appropriate tank capacity.

Due to the high performance properties of this material, water supply systems made from polypropylene pipes will not soon require repairs. The pipes are easy to install, resistant to temperature changes, and the joints do not lose their tightness even on frosty days.

If it is planned to install a boiler in the country water supply system, then it is more correct to start the installation with expansion tank and water heating equipment.

When organizing a country water supply, you must take care of the cleanliness and safety of the water. To do this, a sample from the source must be submitted for analysis, based on the results of which a multi-stage filtration system is installed.

How to make water supply at the dacha (video)

An excellent solution for watering at the dacha is the construction of a local water supply system from polymer, preferably polyethylene pipes. The do-it-yourself scheme for installing a water supply system in a dacha using HDPE pipes is quite simple, and any home craftsman can cope with such a task. To do this, you do not need to have the skills of a plumber, but just the ability to use simple hand tools.

Installation of HDPE water supply

Pipes made of polymer materials today act as successful competitors to metal and asbestos-cement products, being increasingly used for laying water supply systems. This is due to a wide range of plastic pipes made from various polymers with different technical characteristics. As a result, it is always possible to select the source material for pipeline installation in accordance with the operational and technical requirements for it.

One of the most common polymers used for the production of plastic pipes is HDPE - low-density polyethylene.

The production technology of HDPE pipes is as follows:

  • The polyethylene melt is extruded through a matrix of the required size.
  • The polymerization process in this case occurs at atmospheric pressure, unlike high-density polyethylene.
  • After the polyethylene blank has hardened, they are cut into pieces of standard length or rolled into coils.
  • The products are marked in accordance with their technical characteristics, and the pipes are sent for sale.

HDPE pipes come in several types

  • Lightweight, designed for a working pressure of no more than 2.5 atmospheres. Marked with the letter "L".
  • Medium-light, marked “SL” and can withstand pressure up to 4 atm.
  • Medium, marked “C”, working pressure up to 8 atm.
  • Heavy - “T”, capable of withstanding up to 10 atmospheres.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the markings, choosing a material for the water supply network depending on the expected operating pressure inside the system. Installing a HDPE water supply system at your dacha with your own hands is not particularly difficult due to the manufacturability of the assembly. HDPE pipes are connected to each other using special fittings and additional elements - tees, angles, etc.

For country water supply, it is recommended to use pipes made of polyethylene grade 80 or 100. They are perfect for supplying cold water, being resistant to solar ultraviolet radiation and corrosive liquids. The main water supply branch is usually made from a pipe with a diameter of 32-40 mm, and branches from it are made from a 20-25 mm pipe.

Scheme of a country water supply system made of HDPE

Plumbing systems are installed in a garden plot in two ways:

  • Open.
  • Closed.

The open method is more suitable for the construction of seasonal water supply systems used for watering plants. After the end of the summer season, such a pipeline can be easily disassembled, putting the pipes away for storage until next spring. The closed version is used when installing capital water supply networks, and involves placing pipes in specially dug trenches.

Seasonal water supply

Seasonal water supply systems are used in summer cottages for watering plantings - beds, shrubs, fruit trees. It can also be used for water supply country house and outbuildings, for example, a bathhouse, a summer kitchen and a garage. If the site is used only in the warm season, it is advisable to install a summer water supply system at the dacha using HDPE pipes using the open method.

Among the undeniable advantages of the open version is the high speed of its installation. Using special fittings, which are sold in any construction supermarket, you can quickly connect polyethylene pipes into a plumbing system of the configuration you require. Plastic pipes can lie directly on the ground, without the installation of elevated supports, which are necessary when installing an open metal pipeline. This is due to the resistance of HDPE to moisture.

Among the advantages of such a seasonal water supply is its mobility. In the fall, the pipeline can be disassembled and stored for storage to avoid pipe theft. If necessary, you can quickly change the parameters of the water supply network by lengthening or shortening it, changing the configuration. The speed of installation is another argument in favor of the open method of laying pipes. At the same time, there is no need to carry out excavation work on the site, which takes a lot of time and effort, and also leaves behind tousled breasts and garden paths.

An open pipeline has one drawback: its vulnerability to external mechanical influences. Despite the fairly high strength of HDPE pipes and connecting fittings, there is still a possibility of them being accidentally damaged by garden equipment or tools - a motor cultivator, a hoe, a shovel. It will also be necessary to dismantle plastic pipelines during the spring burning of dry grass. Fire can not only damage, but also completely destroy a polyethylene structure lying on the ground.

Capital water supply system

If the site is used not only during the summer season, but also in the winter, there is a reason to create a capital water supply system from HDPE. The actual installation of pipes in this case is no different from the assembly of an open pipeline. HDPE pipes are connected using the same plastic connecting fittings and additional elements.

The whole difference here lies in the closed method of pipe arrangement. Before installation, trenches are dug on the site in accordance with the configuration of the future water supply network. To avoid freezing of water pipes in winter, they should be laid below the freezing depth of the soil. The table below gives approximate soil freezing data for different cities:

As we can see, in many cities the depth of soil freezing reaches 2 meters. However, digging trenches two meters deep is not always practical or possible. In such a situation, it is recommended to use an electric heating cable when laying pipes, which can be purchased today in many plumbing stores.

HDPE pipe installation process

Despite the fact that the installation process of polyethylene pipes is quite simple, to create a durable and reliable functioning system, compliance with technical standards is required. To work, you will need a set of tools, pipes and connecting elements - fittings and accessories (tees, angles, plugs).


The set of tools for connecting HDPE pipes depends on how you are going to do it. When connecting pipes using compression fittings, you do not need any special tools other than a fine-toothed hacksaw or special cutters to cut the pipes into the required lengths.

When “hot” joining HDPE pipes, you will need a special electrical device - a welding iron. This device heats the ends of the pipe and couplings to the melting temperature, after which they are inserted into each other. You will also need special pipe cutters that allow you to quickly cut pipes at an angle of 90 degrees.


Connecting fittings for HDPE pipes come in two types:

  • Compression.
  • Diffusion.

Compression couplings are equipped with a threaded connection and rubber seals. The two halves of the coupling are put on the ends of the pipes being joined, after which they are connected with threads, forming a sealed joint. Diffusion couplings are used when welding pipes using a heating apparatus. Recently, electric couplings have appeared on the domestic construction market, connecting pipes by heating them with current. Electric couplings have terminal outputs on their surface that are connected to a special welding machine, which heats them up.

DIY installation of HDPE pipes for water supply

Installation should begin from the source of water supply - a well, a standpipe, a main water supply. To speed up work and avoid possible errors, you should draw up a pipeline diagram in advance. In accordance with the scheme, the required number of pipes, additional elements and couplings should be purchased.

Country water supply from polyethylene pipes is easiest to install using compression fittings. The process will not take much time and does not require special skills. Compression couplings are first disassembled and screwed onto the ends of the pipes to be connected, installing the gasket and clamp. The connection is secured using an external clamping nut. When tightening it, do not use adjustable wrenches or other improvised tools. The nut should only be tightened using manual force to avoid damaging the coupling.

It is also possible to install the pipeline yourself using diffusion couplings. Here, for the connection, you will need a special device - an electric heater-iron, equipped with nozzles of the required diameter. The device is connected to the network, the heating relay is set to the desired temperature, after which the ends of the pipe and coupling are inserted into the heated nozzles. After melting the connecting ends, they are inserted into one another and fixed for one or two minutes.

It is also possible to solder HDPE pipes into joints, without using couplings. This happens with the help of a special end heating device equipped with holding devices. This method is usually used for pipes large diameter. When soldering pipes, you should ensure that the ends being connected are cleaned of dirt and moisture, otherwise the connection will not be airtight. When working with electric heaters, it is necessary to observe safety measures, use special clothing and protective gloves.


Polyethylene pipes have earned their wide popularity due to their high performance and technical qualities. Specifications HDPE pipes are regulated by the provisions of GOST No. 18599 of 2001. One of the main factors influencing the choice of pipe is its required throughput: for example, a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm is capable of passing approx. 30 l/min., d=32 mm already 50 l/min.

Technical characteristics directly depend on the brand of polyethylene from which the pipe was made. So the model from PE-100 has the following data:

  • Density 0.95 kg per 1 cubic meter. dm.
  • Elasticity, which determines tensile strength, is 800 mPa.
  • Linear expansion - 2 mm per meter of length.
  • Tensile elongation modulus - up to 250% at room temperature.
  • Thermal conductivity - 0.4 Watt per mK.
  • The recommended operating temperature range is from -50° to +40°C.
  • Working pressure can vary, depending on the type of pipe, up to 40 atmospheres.
  • The average service life is about 50 years.

Pros and cons of HDPE pipes

Like any other material, HDPE has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages of HDPE pipes are:

  • Resistance to corrosion and chemical environments.
  • Sufficient strength and durability in operation.
  • Low price compared to metal counterparts.
  • Smooth inner surface to avoid build-up and blockages.
  • Wide range of operating temperatures.
  • Sufficient elasticity allows the HDPE pipe not to burst when the water inside it freezes.
  • The material is environmentally friendly and safe for the human body.
  • Light weight, making it easy to transport and store.
  • Easy to connect with each other, availability of a wide range of additional elements and fittings.

Disadvantages of HDPE pipes:

  • Can only be used for cold water supply, with the exception of cross-linked HDPE models.
  • Low resistance to mechanical shocks and excessive loads.

As we see, positive qualities HDPE pipes have much more than negative ones. Due to this, polyethylene pipe is one of best options for laying a country water supply system in terms of price and quality.

An independent water supply system will allow you to forget about the main inconvenience country life– about the absence or lack of water. But it is quite simple to install a water supply system at a dacha from a well, especially since a water intake for one plot of land does not need to have a large flow rate. After all, you’d like to get water on your own property, right?

After reviewing the information presented for consideration, you will be able to make an autonomous water supply yourself. It will reliably supply water to places convenient for use. Those who want to increase the level of dacha comfort with our help will cope with the arrangement of the system without any problems.

We described in detail the equipment required for assembly and installation, analyzed the operating principle and purpose of each device. The article we presented describes in detail the technology of carrying out work with step-by-step detailing. Valuable information and recommendations are supplemented with photo collections, diagrams and video reviews.

The well is a circular opening, drilled without human access to the face. The diameter of such a mine is always much smaller than its depth. Two types of wells are used for water intake.

Filter or “sand wells”

The depth of such workings does not exceed 35 m. Filter for a nearby aquifer, which is located in sandy soils.

Such a well is a casing assembled from pipes with a diameter of 127 to 133 mm. It is usually equipped with a wire mesh filter, but there may be other options. Filter wells have a small flow rate, most often it does not exceed one cubic meter of water per hour.

The design of a well for sand is much simpler than the construction of a well for limestone. The depth of the sand excavation is less, it costs less, but does not last as long as a well on limestone (click to enlarge the picture)

The advantage of such structures is the speed and relative cheapness of their drilling. Specialists will complete the job in just a day or two. The main disadvantage is the tendency to silt.

Therefore, it is very important to use such a well regularly, the service life of the structure depends on it. Depending on the thickness of the aquifer and the intensity of use of the well, it can last up to 15 years, in some cases longer.

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When going to a dacha outside the city, few people are ready to completely give up the benefits of civilization, especially when it comes to running water. Agree, the importance of water supply summer cottage difficult to overestimate.

Water is necessary for watering the garden and vegetable beds, as well as for solving everyday problems. What can we say about using household appliances requiring connection to the water supply network. To arrange the water supply, you can hire specialists or do it yourself.

To make water supply in your dacha with your own hands, you must first decide on the source of water, select the necessary equipment and materials, and study the sequence of work. These are the questions we will help you solve.

For a better understanding of the water supply process, we illustrated the material with visual diagrams and photographs, and supplemented the information with video clips.

The installation of any water supply system begins with the selection of a water supply source. Although the choice is usually not great. It could be centralized system water supply, .

Not only its quality, but also the methods of constructing the entire water supply system, its technical complexity and cost depend on where the water will come from.

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Winter plumbing is a much more complex system. Everything must be taken into account - from the natural slope of the terrain to the depth of soil freezing. A pump is required to provide water pressure. In short, a winter-type country water supply system is no different from the water supply system for residential private houses.

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