The magic of numbers. Lenormand rats: general meaning and interpretation of the card The meaning of the Lenormand cards is the key of the rats

23. RATS (Seven of Clubs)

KEY VALUES: loss, anxiety, despair.
The appearance of this card in the layout means damage to property, loss or loss. You might even get robbed. Therefore, check again whether everything is in order with your locks, whether additional protection of your property is required, and watch your wallet. However, if the RATS card appears next to favorable cards, the loss will be found. But if you are next to the bad ones, the loss may be irreparable. This card can also warn you that something is tormenting you and preventing you from living in peace. Pay attention to those little things in life that are familiar to you, the loss of which can slowly but surely weaken your position. The combination of cards will contain a hint where exactly losses are expected. With favorable cards the meaning may change.

In matters of relationships: What good can come out of a relationship in which everyone pulls the blanket on themselves? Pursuing one’s own petty selfish interests, neglecting the interests of a partner. The RAT will not miss the opportunity to substitute. Vicious relationship, promiscuity. There was once a case where RATS symbolized incest (a love affair between close relatives), but this is very rarely found in practice. More often than not, this card will be an indication of bad subconscious desires or inclinations. Sexual perversion is also possible. If you are familiar with the principles of psychoanalysis, then when RATS appear in a reading, explore the repressed secret sexual desire.

In business matters this card promises major troubles, collapse of business, heavy financial losses, deception and theft. Unclean partners.

In medical matters a very unfavorable card in terms of health. It promises a severe course of the disease, complications, and irreversible changes in the body. This card can be a sign of stomach or digestive problems. The disease can take a severe chronic form.

Advice:"your shirt is closer to your body." Protect only your interests; altruism and selflessness have no meaning.


HORSEMAN - confusion in thoughts
CLOVER - a streak of success will begin if you rely on your own ingenuity and useful connections
BY SHIP - breakdown or theft of a vehicle
HOME - the need for repairs, breakdowns, theft in the house
TREE - disease
CLOUDS - risk of losing everything
SNAKE - a planned theft that will cause not only significant material damage, but also cause severe moral suffering
COFFIN - irreparable loss
WITH A BOUQUET - the loss will soon be found
OBLIQUE - forget about the missing item
BROOM - quarrel over missing
BIRDS - suspiciousness
A CHILD - fertility (physical or creative)
FOX - a cunning and neat thief
BEAR - patronage for selfish interests, bribery
IN THE STARS - you are threatened with a very big loss that could happen again
STORK - the loss will be found
sometimes this combination can portend a fire
DOG - friendship hides unscrupulous intentions
TOWER - the loss will be very difficult to find
PARKOM - behind-the-scenes intrigue, "mouse race"
MOUNTAIN - the loss will never be found
FORK - disorder in the surrounding world
IN THE HEART - dishonesty in personal life, betrayal, sometimes incest
RING - problematic marriage
cooperation that will only bring trouble
BY BOOK - loss of information, the secret will not be revealed
BY LETTER - loss of important papers
BY MAN or WOMAN (if this is a personal card) - threat of theft or betrayal
LILY - nothing can damage your reputation, do your job and don’t be afraid to look funny
SUN - persistence and enterprise are the key to success, as well as a warning not to play gambling
MOON - greed, can sometimes mean heightened intuition and sensitivity
KEY - eliminating a malfunction or breakdown
PISCES - compensation for monetary losses
ANCHOR - excessive persistence
WITH A CROSS - the missing item will not be found.

23. RATS

Seven of Clubs.
This card is very unfavorable and has the power to change the meaning of neighboring cards.
Symbols: loss, period of frustration, deception, theft, extortion, prohibited trade, corrosion, destruction, gradual disappearance.
Card Description: Three mice are depicted stealing cheese. Signs of deception, dirt, poverty, illness, deceit.
This card is unlucky and warns of impending misfortune. It can only be avoided if appropriate measures are taken to eliminate them. Sorrows and sorrows, illusoryness from internal deception, uncertainty, people approaching you who are capable of hurting you in some way, taking something away, this includes various pickpockets, scammers, a dangerous holiday romance, rash actions, deep depression, torment and various roots of sadness.
The appearance of this card marks the loss or deterioration of part of the property. There is a looming threat of theft, so carefully check whether the locks are in order, whether you are carrying your wallet in a place easily accessible to a fraudster, and whether the pipes are in good order. If there are favorable ones next to this card, then this is a symbol that you will find a stolen or lost item, if unfavorable, the losses will be irreversible.
Rats are one of the most greedy and gluttonous animals, and are also distinguished by their fertility. Due to these features, they become a sign of great losses and damages. Since ancient times, rats have been considered pests in the animal kingdom. You are worried about some issue or illness. The card can be a sign of stomach and intestinal disorders, as well as problems in the digestive system.
Rats steal extremely carefully, quietly carrying their prey into their burrow, so pay your attention to such familiar everyday little things, the loss of which can slowly but significantly weaken your position.
In every sense, this card is a card of thieves, shows the risk of crime, hypocrisy, encourages insincerity in close relationships in the family, as well as on a professional level.
Rats are rodents, so they can represent a person who is tormented by circumstances.
In combination with the “Heart” card - the fading of relationships, their gradual degradation. It should be emphasized that although rats chew very slowly, they always reach the very end. In this context, the card can denote an intelligent person who works hard, meticulously, and brings it to the end. With cards representing feelings and money, the card defines greed.
The onset of a period that is full of unpleasant surprises, risks and difficult events. It is necessary to identify individuals who cause suspicion, as they involve deception, theft, dishonesty, fear and loss.
Regarding the financial component, bankruptcy and waste of property are not excluded. In love, it is invariably associated with separation, possibly due to betrayal, infidelity, and the card is also associated with sexuality and eroticism in vicious forms.
At work, unexpected dismissal, intrigue, and unfulfilled promises are possible.
Personality: Cunning person, patient and calculating. May mean the questioner himself during a period of danger.
Next to the figured card, rats mean dissatisfaction, self-flagellation, expressed dissatisfaction, manipulation.
If you take this card separately, it gives an extremely negative characteristic.
Time: up to five months, delays are possible


Today we will talk to you about the Small Deck card, the meaning of which I did not really agree with at first - this is the Lenormand Rats. The fact is that for several years in a row I kept decorative rats at home, and managed to see how smart, interesting and clean creatures they are. Therefore, when I looked at the map, it was they who immediately came to mind - my pet rats, and not the street dogs. Of course, according to the classics, the Rats are still a negative card, so I had to “retrain” myself and perceive the symbol as the majority of “lenormandists” perceive it. Well, okay, let's get down to business.

Description of the map

Most decks on this card depict rats that misbehave or ruin something. Often there is food or household utensils next to them, or we see what is happening in the pantry, house or kitchen. However, there are also rats on the street. Sometimes this card is also called Mice. The difference in meaning is small, it’s just that many Mice are interpreted a little less negatively. Matching playing deck - Seven of Clubs.


Unfortunately, rats have been considered unclean animals since ancient times: epidemics of various diseases, unsanitary conditions, poverty, decline, and losses of various kinds were associated with them. In Christianity, rats were sometimes even called servants of the devil. And in Egypt, the god of the plague was depicted in the form of this rodent. In general, we can say that the symbolism of rats combines all the worst human qualities - greed, gluttony, resourcefulness, the desire to cause damage, steal something, spoil something. However, in some cultures these little pests were not considered so dangerous - they were even called a symbol of fertility and prosperity. In principle, you can guess the origin of this belief: if rats have settled in a house, it means there are a lot of food supplies in it, and people are not in poverty. Therefore, I do not recommend that you always read the symbol as negative, although most fans of the Lenormand deck still focus on negative value cards.

General meaning of the card

The meaning of the Lenormand Rat card can be represented as a list of keywords:

  • Losses
  • Theft, theft, theft, robbery
  • Dirt, uncleanliness, unsanitary conditions
  • Infection, disease, harm to health
  • Self-destruction
  • Greed, gluttony, degradation
  • Bad conditions
  • Reducing something: for example, weight loss (this can also include a positive manifestation - cleansing the body, diet)
  • Destruction, bad influence, petty mischief
  • Minor offenses
  • Nitpicking, criticism
  • Stressful situations

In general, when Rats appear in the Lenormand scenario, you should be wary, since there will definitely be troubles, even if not fatal. One way or another, the quality of life deteriorates when Mice appear. In psychological scenarios, Rats who find themselves next to the querent’s significator often show fears and doubts that “gnaw” a person from the inside. And if we are talking about the situation in the house, this symbol often indicates minor breakdowns, for example, a burst pipe, failure of household appliances.

The meaning of the card in love and relationships

For Rat relationships, Lenormand is a very negative card, which usually indicates that in a couple, each partner pulls the blanket over himself, strives to grab the biggest piece for himself, and neglects the desires and needs of the person he lives with. Also, Rats often experience bad inclinations, sexual perversions, selfish interests of one of the partners, various fears, phobias, and torment that a person experiences in these relationships. In a word, there is no longer pure and bright love here; a period of decline has begun.

The meaning of the card in work and finance

However, Rats also do not bring anything good for the professional field. Under the influence of this Lenormand card, various losses and damages usually occur. Including financial, unreliable relationships in a team, where anyone can set you up, deceive, or drag you into some dubious fraud. Often Mice come to attack hidden enemies, the existence of which a person does not know - ill-wishers are very close and are thinking about how to snatch a bigger piece. This also includes unscrupulous partners, the machinations of competitors, and dubious transactions.

On the financial plane - income in which a person can barely make ends meet, low earnings or even unemployment, random income. Sometimes it happens that the querent earns enough, but the money slips through his fingers, or he is burdened with various loan payments, which significantly reduce the level of income.

The meaning of the card in medical matters

The meaning of Lenormand Rats in health readings is chronic diseases, infections, poor health. Often the card falls on some irreversible changes in the body, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, complications. Rats also play out unpleasantly in terms of mental health: when this card appears, a person may be at the mercy of numerous fears, phobias, and doubts that do not allow him to live in peace, drive him into depression, and “gnaw from the inside.”

The meaning of the card when describing a person

The man described by the Lenormand Mice is definitely one of those who should not be trusted. This is a greedy, negatively thinking person, capable of any petty meanness - deception, theft, setup. Often the card falls on people who have some noticeable flaws in appearance. For example, missing teeth, scars, age spots, burn marks. However, in some cases, Rats can show just a person who is on at the moment is in cramped circumstances, gnawing at himself because of some unpleasant incident.

The meaning of the card for the past, present, future

For questions of days gone by, Rats can show a significant loss for a person, the longing for which still torments his heart. However, it could also just be some kind of unpleasant incident (deception, theft, fraud, frame-up), the aftertaste of which remains to this day. For the present, you should take a closer look at your surroundings, since most likely there is a “rat” near you. When fortune telling for the future, 7 Clubs foreshadows future fears, doubts or unpleasant situations (we look at the surrounding cards to see which ones).

Map timings

Rats in Lenormand cards usually indicate loss of time, and if they appear as advice, then the querent needs to hurry up. According to the correspondence of Anna Kotelnikova from the book “Prediction Lessons with Maria Lenormand”, the second decade of Scorpio corresponds to the Rats - the period from November 3 to 13.

Lenormand rats advise you to be careful, protect your own interests and not allow attackers to take away what is dear to you. The card warns that a dishonest game is going on behind the querent’s back, threatening unpleasant losses.


  • The House of Rats is associated with losses, damages, and fears. Any harm that is caused to a person can be seen in this house. This can also include any minor dirty tricks, troubles, health problems, chores, fuss, “mouse fuss.”
  • Places and objects of the symbol - a pet store, a garbage dump, a garbage chute, underground structures, crowds of people.
  • The professions of the cards are swindlers, thieves, buyers of stolen goods, garbage collectors, people involved in money laundering. This also includes miners, metro workers (those who work underground), warehouse workers, and people associated with wholesale trade.
  • Element - Earth.
  • Energy is feminine, Yin.
  • Astrological correspondences - planet Pluto, zodiac sign Scorpio

Combining a card with others

The table below shows the most common interpretations of combinations of the Lenormand Rat card. Use them when getting acquainted with the Small Deck, but do not forget to draw your own, since the variations of interpretations described below are not exhausted.

Neighboring card Combination meaning
Bad news, canceled meeting, travel, bad influence
Clover Miss your chance
Theft that occurred during a trip or travel, annoyance, being late or other minor troubles
House Breakdown in the house, disorder, chaos, minor troubles in the home, loss of property
Illness, lack of vitality, fatigue
Clouds Emotional losses, the likelihood of losing a lot
The Lenormand Rat-Snake combination indicates a traitor who will be difficult to expose. Also, sometimes a couple falls into consumerism, sexual perversions, deviations from the norm in intimate life
The Rats-Coffin Lenormand pair usually results from an irreparable loss or impotence

It's worth looking at the map. As a rule, it depicts 3 mice stealing cheese. It is a symbol of deception, poverty, dirt, disease and deceit.

Rats are greedy and gluttonous animals. They are also very fertile and symbolize loss and loss. People have always considered them pests. This is a very negative ruler card, as it can change the alignment.

It corresponds to the 7 of clubs. She warns of misfortune, in order to avoid it, you need to do something. It symbolizes grief, sadness, loss, uncertainty, meeting with criminals, dangerous flirting, thoughtlessness, rashness and sadness, property may be damaged or lost.

If there are favorable cards nearby, the lost will be found, if there are bad cards, then not.

In a health scenario, Lenormand Rats mean problems with the stomach and digestion. This is a card of evil, hypocrisy and mistrust, including between relatives.

The card may fall to smart, far-sighted and diligent people who always bring things to the end. Rats mean greed and the presence of an unscrupulous person around. She warns of difficult events.

Lenormand rats in the scenario of money and work

If it is shown, it may mean bankruptcy, fraud, embezzlement. Rats will take everything they see with them.

Rats in relationship fortune telling

If the card appears in a Love reading, then there is something in the relationship that threatens from an ambush, you may have big troubles, there is a risk of betrayal, duplicity and infidelity, which can lead to separation. The card is associated with eroticism in vicious forms, these can be sexual disorders and perversions.

Rats can predict imminent dismissal and intrigue at work.

This is a card of patient, intelligent, cunning and calculating people, but they think negatively and may be dishonest, a person may also have various physical defects, and it may also be a temporary outwardly visible defect.

  • Such people have the quality of a thief, but they are not a classic thief, you need to be as careful as possible with them, such people want to take more than they give.
  • On the other hand, these people eat themselves and cannot cope with their anxieties that eat them.
  • These people seek benefits for themselves and can abuse trust; they love to manipulate and do it gradually but confidently.

The map indicates a time period of 1 - 5 months. She always gives a negative answer to the question posed; if she is shown, this must always be taken into account.

Together with the Horseman, it means loss of news or bad news, and what was lost will return. Together with Clover, she talks about the loss of opportunity, reduction and that you need to think twice, the loss will not last long.

In combination with the Ship, this is a journey, but there will be losses along the way, the trip will be late, the lost will not be found, and the usual way of life will change, which will be difficult for a person to get used to.

If the House falls with Rats, then there may be problems with it, for example, with the sewerage system, the house is often a mess and losses occur, property is broken and lost.

Together with Clouds, Rats speak of decline, irritation and uncertainty, and health problems. If there is a Snake in the scenario, then the woman may have sexual problems and general malaise, and there may also be a traitor in the environment who is difficult to expose.

Combination with the Coffin speaks of bereavement, illness, humility, submission, powerlessness, impotence. Bouquet talk about bribery or a bribe, a person exploits someone else's property.

The Scythe with Rats symbolizes a reduction in losses and indicates that what was stolen may be returned; on the other hand, there may be sudden losses; this combination may also indicate the loss of a tooth or forced bankruptcy.

If there is a Broom in the scenario with Rats, then all discussions go in vain, you can expect theft, dispute, suspicion and crime

Birds in the reading indicate damage to reputation, deterioration of the elder’s health, loss for older women, as well as nervous strain.

If there is a situation in the situation, then he may leave, but there will be many mouths to feed at home, also the child may be problematic, the person may suffer losses due to naivety, the child may be unwanted. Fox with Rats speaks of dishonesty, dishonesty, theft, greed.

Together with the Bear, this is a lack of support, sick parents, loss of strength, lack of trust, departure of the patron. If there are Stars in the layout, then it takes a lot of time for your wish to come true, often there may be a lack of perspective or ideas in life, on the other hand, a person may have more knowledge. In general, this is a negative card; it warns and makes you think, but there is no need to panic, there is a solution in any situation.