Coarse filter with backwash. Self-cleaning water filter – rating. Flange flush filter Honeywell F76S-F

Wherever you take water from, it will contain various impurities: sand, small stones, as well as waste that is formed as a result of our life activities. If the water contains particles of debris, the pipes will begin to clog and deteriorate, which means that the plumbing will need to be repaired. To prevent such problems, water must be purified using special wash filters.

From this article you will learn:

    What is the working principle of a water wash filter?

    How to install such a filter

    What needs to be done to make the wash filter last longer

What is a water wash filter used for?

Main wash filters are necessary to remove various clogging particles that are suitable for any water temperature. The cleaning result directly depends on the size of the cells in the wash filter.

We think everyone understands how a mesh wash filter works. It consists of:

  1. Housings with holes for water inflow and outflow.
  2. A filter mesh shaped like a cylinder.

The main disadvantage of using such wash filters is the clogging of the mesh itself. Polluting particles settle on its surface, which becomes slagged over time, and, as a result, water flows poorly. Cleaning requires rinsing with water. different directions, and then the debris accumulated after such treatment is removed through a hole with a tap.

There are forward and reverse flush filters. In the first, the water that removes contaminants from the mesh moves in one direction - from top to bottom. Cleaning occurs thanks to the strong pressure of water, which washes away all impurities into the container. This process stops after turning the valve lever. The second type of washing filters for cleaning involves the movement of water when removing contaminants from the bottom up.

Washing filters can be simple or complex. The cleaning of those that are simpler is initiated by the user. More complex equipment, as a rule, is equipped with special instruments and can be automated. The devices can display time and pressure, and also independently switch to flushing mode.

We would like to note the filter with backwashing. Its design allows you to clean the mesh without stopping the water purification process. Washing should always be of the highest quality, so manufacturers of cleaning systems also offer devices for:

    suction of contaminants;

    automatic washing;

    manual washing.

Filters can be cleaned within a certain time (using a timer) or according to the readings of a special device that measures pressure. Wash water filters with a pressure gauge are capable of automatically switching to backwash mode if there is significant clogging.

A rinsing filter is used for cold and hot water.

Grids for washing filters are made from:

    steel sheet;

    woven threads;


The durability of mechanical wash filters is influenced by the quality of the mesh itself and the reliability of the entire design for water purification. Reliability depends on the following indicators:

    quality of cleaning;

    slip coefficient.

Particles can slip through irregular shape, which are sometimes positioned in such a way that the mesh does not hold them. The flushing water filter will not be reliable enough if the angle between the mesh and the flow is straight. As the speed of water movement increases, the resistance of the wash filter mesh increases. This indicator affects the quality of the device used for cleaning.

As the water speed increases, the likelihood of breakthrough increases, and therefore, fewer debris particles fall on the wash filter mesh. To reduce the speed, you can increase the grid area, but this is difficult.

You can use laser punching, then the wash filter will purify the water more effectively. The mesh should prevent the formation of rust, since the filter is necessary to purify water of different temperatures. If there are substances in water that promote the dissolution of metals, the likelihood of corrosion on the mesh increases.

Stainless steel meshes are often used for both industrial and household wash filters. The polymer mesh is less strong, but particles of debris will not stick to it, which means it is easier to wash, and the device itself will work more efficiently.

Wash filters in our catalog

How to install a wash water filter

Companies that produce washing water filters describe all stages of their installation in the documents accompanying these devices.

Installing a wash water filter requires compliance with safety regulations when carrying out work related to the installation of main wash water purifiers, as well as hygiene standards and technical requirements for the filtration system. The wash filter must be installed in a heated room to avoid water freezing. The device is installed with the bulb facing down; the pipeline can be horizontal or vertical. Installation and construction conditions must be observed. In addition, it is very important to pay attention to the direction of water flow (this information can be seen on the filter cover). When installing a device with automatic flushing, it must be connected to the mains.

How to clean a water wash filter

The main rinsing flow filter for water has an additional hole (at the bottom of the flask). There is a rotary valve on the lower outlet, which is closed during normal operation of the device. When dirt accumulates in the flask, obstructing the movement of water, the valve must be turned. This increases the flow of water, and the clog goes into the drainage from the mesh and from the bottom of the flask. After the rinsing filter is cleaned, the valve must be turned again and left in this position until a new rinsing is required.

Sometimes an empty bucket is placed under the hole, but more often it is done differently. Nowadays they produce wash filters that can be connected to a hose (for this, the design requires a fitting). From the hose the water goes straight into the sewer. This cleaning scheme makes this process as simple as possible; you just need to turn the valve a couple of times, and the water will flush everything itself.

Important! Often, one or two pressure gauges are included in the design of wash water filters. The dial of this device, located at the top of the filter, is not decorative element. When water passes through the filter, its pressure and pressure decrease slightly. As the grid becomes more dirty, the water pressure at the outlet decreases. The degree of contamination can be determined by the difference in pressure between the inlet and outlet. If this value is more than 0.5 atm, the filter must be washed. This is very important when the flask is opaque and it is unlikely that it will be possible to determine in any other way whether cleaning is needed. However, a similar check can also be done experimentally: observe the water pressure in the tap. But this method does not always provide an adequate assessment, since water pressure may change due to the fault of the local water utility.

Washable flow-through main water filters can be self-cleaning, but the mesh may deteriorate during operation. Small particles of debris will accumulate in the appliance, eventually causing large quantities clogged cells, throughput will decrease. In this case, simply turning the valve will not solve the problem.

The most extreme measure in this case is to replace the wash filter. Some manufacturers sell devices along with spare screens. In addition, you can clean the mesh yourself, but it will never return to its original characteristics. There are filters with backwashing; they are not afraid of cell clogging. During direct washing, water moves down along the mesh, and during reverse washing, it flows from inside the mesh to the outside. The water has such pressure that the slag is washed out of the cells, and then removed from the flask through the drain fitting.

The backwash mechanism, which cleans the filter as water moves from inside the mesh to the outside, can be implemented in different ways.

Mechanical cleaning filters are different. There are universal models that can be used for hot and cold water, their body is made of brass or bronze. Also, wash filters can be designed for hot or cold water only. In devices for low temperatures The flask is transparent, made of plastic, which allows you to visually determine whether cleaning is required on at the moment. The plastic from which filter bowls are made is durable and can withstand pressure up to 16 atm. Models with bowls made of brass are suitable for both hot and cold water.

Important! You need to approach cleaning the wash filter carefully; you need to control this process: open the valve in time and drain the water with the collected dirt. It is possible to make this process carried out completely independently.

And it's real! In fact, you can choose a model of washing water filter that has an automatic flushing drive built into it (the filter must be connected to the sewer outlet). You just need to set the required interval, and the system will switch to cleaning mode on its own. Power is supplied from the mains or batteries.

You can additionally connect a differential pressure switch. It will measure the difference in water pressure at the inlet and outlet of the wash filter and independently turn on the wash drive when this parameter exceeds a user-specified value.

What you need to know to ensure that the wash filter for mechanical water purification lasts a long time

Always ensure that the temperature of the water being treated is appropriate for the operating conditions. The wash filter should not be installed close to heating systems(over 35–40 °C).

It is very important to monitor the operating pressure. If the norm is exceeded, the entire system may be damaged, and a lot of financial costs will be required to repair it.

The filter must be washed at least once every six months. You can determine the need for it either by the difference in water pressure or visually, simply by looking to see if the flask is transparent.

To clean the wash filter, you need to use the amount of water specified by the manufacturer, which is passed per unit of time in a safe mode. Do not exceed this value, otherwise there is a high probability of equipment failure.

Washable water filters can be purchased in various configurations, and prices will also vary. In addition, prices may not be comparable for the same products. different manufacturers. Therefore, if you want to purchase the most economical option, choose quality equipment.

There are many companies on the Russian market that develop water treatment systems. It is quite difficult to choose one or another type of water filter on your own, without the help of a professional. And even more so, you should not try to install a water treatment system yourself, even if you have read several articles on the Internet and it seems to you that you have figured it all out.

It is safer to contact a filter installation company that provides a full range of services: specialist consultation, analysis of water from a well or well, selection of suitable equipment, delivery and connection of the system. In addition, it is important that the company provides filter maintenance.

One such company is Biokit, which offers online a wide selection of reverse osmosis systems, water filters and other equipment that can return tap water to its natural characteristics.

Biokit specialists are ready to help you:

    connect the filtration system yourself;

    understand the process of choosing water filters;

    select replacement materials;

    troubleshoot or solve problems with the involvement of specialist installers;

    find answers to your questions over the phone.

Trust water purification systems from Biokit - let your family be healthy!

General technical data

For this hydrotreating of vacuum gas oil, we recommend several identical filters for long-term operation. While one filter tank is backwashing, the flow is distributed through the others.

We offer identical filter containers according to filter specifications. A backwash receiving tank is also proposed to collect sludge (a mixture of backwashed liquid and solids).

A gas stabilization tank is always used for the filtration process. The gas stabilization tank contains a sufficient amount of compressed gas (usually nitrogen or flammable gas) to perform a full backflush of the housing at high power. The proposal also includes a gas stabilization tank for storing backwash gas.

If the filter is in standby or backwash mode, the tank temperature must be maintained to prevent temperature shock when filtration starts. For this reason, the customer must provide electrical heating. Provides only welded terminals for heat tracing and insulation connections. The insulation is ordered and applied by the Customer.

Taking into account the size of the filter tanks, a beam crane is provided to open the top flange of the tank.

Scope of delivery:

  • 4 identical filter containers (see below),
    Each container is equipped
    • 12 sintered mesh filter elements - per filter container (see below),
    • All welded internal parts, with the exception of the tube sheet with flange connection to the body, base and support sheet.
    • Nozzles and flanges
    • Sealing the flange of the container body
    • Installation bolts and nuts
    • Lifting devices, grounding lugs
    • Nameplate
    • Insulation supports
  • backwash receiving tank (see below)
  • gas stabilization tank to assist in the complete backwash operation of the housing
  • Automation/control system.
    Electrical cabinet/distribution box for local PLC (the operation of the filters is controlled by the PLC located in the ATEX distribution box)
  • Instrumentation (see below), boundaries of the Supplier's installation
  • Metal structures (structure, platforms, stairs...)
  • Pipeline, valves within the Supplier's supply boundary
  • Spare parts for installation and commissioning:
    • 4 filter elements incl. seal
    • sealing element kit (200%)
    • 10% bolts and nuts, minimum 1 set per size
  • Engineering, completely for electrical heating, piping, valves and instrumentation within the scope of supply of the “Seller”.

Note: Filter units must be assembled, installed and sealed before the technical service engineer arrives to install the elements.

In the event that the technical service engineer determines that the assembly (kit) is inadequate or incomplete and prevents him from completing his task, we reserve the right to withdraw it until the necessary conditions for commissioning have been achieved. Any additional costs associated with this will be borne by the customer.

Technical description of the backwash filter

Process Description

The entire filter installation consists of 4 identical filter tanks, 1 backwash receiving tank and 1 gas stabilization tank to provide backwash gas. The backwash cycle is automated.

If the pressure drop across the filter elements reaches the permissible maximum differential pressure, one filter tank is automatically isolated and temporarily removed from the line for the backwash stage. The remaining filters continue to work and filter the entire stream.

For of this application the most the best solution is the "reverse solution" with a metal backwash filter, which contains tubular sintered plate elements of porous metal with cells, screwed to a tube sheet at the top of the tank (hanging upside down). During operation, the liquid containing solid particles is fed into the filter under the tube sheet (dirty side) and flows from the outside into the filter elements. Solids collect on the outer surface of the elements and the filtrate passes through the elements to the outer surface. After collecting solids on the inner surface of the filter elements, backwashing follows to remove the solids.

With a solids concentration of 200 ppm in the process feed stream, the estimated average operating time to the maximum allowable pressure drop over the filter elements is approximately 6 hours. The backwash flow must be fast to ensure sufficient solids remain concentrated in the filter media. Backwashing begins when the 2-inch automatic ON/OFF valve is opened and the filter volume is evacuated. The entire backwash cycle typically lasts less than 1 hour, which includes the time required to pump out the filtered gas oil, slowly fill the container with soaking fluid (not applicable here), and the time to perform a high-speed oil wash.

Technical notes:

  • Combustible gas (for the backwash process) is required for the flammable gas stabilization tank at a minimum pressure of 13 barg;
  • Feed oil is required for filter tanks at a minimum temperature range ( must be reported).
  • Impregnation Fluid (if applicable): For maximum operating efficiency, it is recommended to use light recycle gas oil in the filter system to run the saturation cycle after backwash cleaning, if necessary.
  • Nitrogen is necessary for flushing containers and pipelines before opening.

Specification of filter containers

Liquid/solid separation filters link the filtration process from the outside to the inside. At the end of each filtration cycle, solids are backwashed from the inner wall of the elements and released as concentrated sludge. More details on liquid/solid separation filters.

To heat the filter container, it is necessary to provide electrical heating around the container.

Electrical heating and insulation must be provided around the pipe nozzle to prevent instrumentation oil from blocking the pipes when the vessel is in idle mode. This heating, insulation of the container and pipes not included within the scope of supply of this offer.

Painting/Surface Coating

  • Inside: carbon steel + 3mm corrosion tolerance
  • Painting according to the manufacturer's standard is negotiable.
  • Since the material of the container is not stainless steel, chemical cleaning, staining or passivation is not necessary.

Backwash Receptacle Specifications

The filter unit is equipped with an automatic backwash system. Backwash is controlled by delta P. The cycles are activated when the pressure drop in the filters reaches a certain value of 1.05 bar. A higher delta P allows longer filtration cycle times to be achieved. The receiving container is machined to dimensions suitable for accommodating 2x (duplex) or 3x (triplex) backwash volumes of one filter. The collection tank is emptied after each backwash cycle and has a level control for safety. The backwash slurry is pushed out of the collection tank by compressed nitrogen or fuel gas.

To prevent solids from caking at the bottom of the backwash tank, pumps are often installed to circulate the slurry particles with the fresh cycle oil while the mixture is drained from the tank. Electrical heating is also provided by the Customer on the backwash fluid receiving body to ensure that the oil can circulate without problems.

The backwash receiving tank is designed in accordance with the attached Appendix 1.2 specifications. ASME Design and Manufacturing Code Section VIII 1 without print.

Specifications of gas stabilization tank

A special gas stabilization tank is required to provide sufficient fuel gas at the required pressure to ensure backflushing.

The pressure of the available combustible gas is too high in real time to be injected directly into the filter container. A pressure regulator is needed to lower the pressure. (confirmation required).

The gas stabilization tank is designed in accordance with the specifications of Appendix 1.3. Designed and manufactured to ASME Code VIII Division 1 without printing. The tank is loaded cyclically depending on the backwash cycles and a fatigue stress analysis is provided accordingly.

Filter Element Specifications

The filter elements are made of 1 porous metal pipe (1000 mm long), completely welded. Each filter element has a mounting threaded plug and a closed end plug, as well as gas tungsten welding, specifically on each filter element.

Filter media specification

The filter elements are made of stainless steel (AISI 316L). The powder particles are bonded by sintering (not a fastener or adhesive) at temperatures well below their melting point, providing a fully cohesive granular structure and forming a durable (rigid) filter media (material). Sintering provides the shape, stability and properties of a self-contained strong structural element.

The pores are mechanically fixed taking into account their size and position, so the medium (material) is dimensionally stable, resistant to changing mechanical loads, and can be used at high temperatures and corrosive environments.

The medium (material) is selected for the following application:
Filter media: 20µ
Material: AISI 316L 1.4404
Maximum operating temperature: 700°C oxidation / 500°C reduction, atmosphere


Instrumentation is designed, calculated and selected in accordance with the standard.

  • Each filter container is equipped with the following instrumentation (4-20 mA, HART signal)
    • 2 x Differential pressure sensor / pressure indicator [under and above tube sheet]
    • 1 x Pressure sensor/pressure indicator [at the bottom of the container]
  • The gas stabilization tank is equipped with the following instrumentation (4-20 mA, HART signal)
    • 1 pressure sensor/pressure indicator [at the top of the tank]
  • The backwash reservoir is equipped with the following instrumentation (4-20 mA, HART signal)
    • 1 x temperature sensor / temperature indicator [at the bottom of the container]
    • 1 x level sensor [between the top and bottom of the tank]
  • Flow meters can be provided to monitor the flow distribution of various processes (BW gas, hot feed that needs to be filtered).
  • The entire instrumentation is not mounted in direct proximity to the tank, but rather the sensors are located at a distance from it for mounting and ergonomic reasons.
  • The entire instrumentation is connected to distribution boxes. Separate distribution boxes are provided for each cable category. Terminals supplied are clip-on type and numbered.
  • The backwash filter is automatic and PLC controlled. This PLC is installed in the electrical cabinet and interfaces with the PCA (optional).
quantity - 2 pcs.
Working fluid
Heavy coking gas oil
min normal Max
productivity, m³/h 31,3
operating temperature, °C 90
operating pressure (pressure), MPa (g) 16,52
density (at 15°C) 946
moving specific gravity 0,893
viscosity, cP 3,51
Filterable solids
min normal Max
concentration of solid particles, ppm 200
bulk density of solid particles, kg/m³ 800
filtering requirement 99.9% more than 20 microns
backwash fluid
min normal Max
working fluid
productivity, m³/h 1
operating temperature, °C 90
working pressure, MPa (g) 15,5
density, kg/m³ 0,893
viscosity, cP 3,51
operational data
min normal Max
pressure drop - initial, net, MPa 0,141
pressure drop - dirty, MPa 1,05
max permissible pressure drop, MPa 3,16
working cycle time, h 6
cake thickness, mm 4,1
backwash type whole body, shell
backwash pressure/liquid, MPa (g) 4
filter housing design data
cyclic loads / service life yes, 20 years
pressure cycle Capacity: 0-16.52 / 0-4 barg, 4 rubles/day, 20 years
tube sheet: 0-1 bar, 4 rubles/day, 20 years.
design temperature, °C 120
corrosion tolerance, mm 3
corrosion tolerance on tube sheet, mm 2 x 3
radiographic flaw detection according to standards
thermal insulation provided by the customer
Dimensions/weight of filter housing
overall dimensions, mm internal diameter 279 x length 1620 mm
filter model quadruplex
gas bag height, mm 300
liquid height, mm 1320
connection nozzles
designation diameter nom. pressure flange type
technological entrance A 2“ 300# flange RFWN
filtrate output B2 2“ 300# flange RFWN
sludge output WITH 2“ 300# flange RFWN
fuel supply gas E 1 1/2“ 300# flange RFWN
filing VAT D 1 1/2“ 300# flange RFWN
level L1, L2 1 1/2“ 300# flange RFWN
temperature T1 1 1/2“ 300# flange RFWN
pressure P1, P2 2“ 300# flange RFWN
fan/drain V 1“ 300# flange RFWN
Filter housing production data
shell-cone, roof, tube sheet, flange, nozzles, container (no contact with liquid) carbon. steel
A 193 B7 / A 194 Gr. 2H
body flange seal bent profile AISI 316 / graphite
nozzle seals
Heating jacket
heating type shirts electric heating
required temperature, C 90
Filter element data
type porous metal powder graduation
number of filters, pcs 4 x 12
diameter (external/internal) 50.8 x 46
pore length, mm 1000
filter material. environment AISI 316L
metal parts material AISI 316
element seal threaded NPT
total filtrate area/filter, m2 4 x 1.91
Auxiliary equipment
instrumentation Yes
Filter system specifications
application: diesel hydrotreating quantity - 1 pc.
Duplex filter backwash system
Process fluid
min normal Max
working fluid filtered feed liquid
productivity, kg/s 8
slave temperature, °C 90
slave pressure (pressure), MPa(g) 15,5
density (at 15°C) 0,893
viscosity, cP 3,51
Backwash tank design data
design standards (i.e. ASME) ASME VIII Div.1
design pressure, MPa (g) 6
design temperature, °C 120
corrosion tolerance, mm 3
thermal insulation provided by the customer
Dimensions/weight of backwash receiving tank
overall dimensions, mm internal diameter 337 x length 2830 mm
total weight incl. internal parts, kg 350 (to be confirmed)
Backwash Receptacle Manufacturing Data
shell, head, feet/supports, attachments carbon steel
head type 2:1 elliptical head
material of flange bolts and nuts A 193 B7 / A 194 Gr. 2H
cover seal material spiral wound AISI 316 / graphite
Heating jacket
heating jacket yes, provided by the customer
heating type shirts electric heating jacket
Auxiliary equipment
instrumentation Yes
Filter system specifications
application: diesel hydrotreating quantity - 1 piece
type: gas stabilization tank
min normal Max
working gas fuel gas
slave of the subject, C 42
slave pressure, MPa (g) 13,5
viscosity, sP 0,02
Gas stabilization tank design data
design standards (i.e. ASME) ASME VIII Div.1
design pressure, MPa (g) 16
yes, 20 years
design temperature, °C 80
corrosion tolerance, mm 3
thermal insulation provided by the customer
shell, head, container not in contact with the medium carbon steel
head type 2:1 elliptical head
paws/supports A 106 Gr. B
flange A 105 SA
container seal stainless steel / graphite
Auxiliary equipment
instrumentation Yes

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 3 minutes

Purification of water entering the apartment from various mechanical impurities is very important. Not only the final quality of the liquid used for drinking depends on it, but also the service life of all kinds of household appliances. Conventional ones, as a rule, require periodic replacement of cartridges after the filter element has exhausted its resource. A flush filter for mechanical water purification is much more convenient, as it allows you to restore, at least partially, the characteristics of the cleaning element in a short time. In some cases, you don’t even need to remove it.

Operating principle


The advantages of water filters without replaceable cartridges are obvious:

  • Significant monetary savings, since there is no need to purchase replacement parts that have a limited service life.
  • Maintenance of such units is much more convenient and must be carried out over a longer period of time.
  • The cleaning process does not require stopping the water supply in the apartment.

The disadvantages of self-flushing devices include the rather high cost and demanding parameters for water supply to the room.


Based on the size of the impurities captured, they are divided into:

  • Fine filter capable of catching pieces of rust and sand 20–50 microns in size.
  • Coarse cleaning devices that allow filtration of elements with a size of 100–500 microns.

According to the cleaning method, self-cleaning filters are:

  • Hand washable. This does not mean that you will have to remove the filter element from the system. The procedure can be carried out even without stopping the water supply. But manufacturers still recommend removing and washing the mesh separately. Although this is not a very convenient procedure, it will have to be performed much less frequently than replacing replacement cartridges. In addition, it does not require any financial costs.
  • Semi-automatic. For such models, you only have to manually give the cleaning command directly; the system will do all the work itself. In different models various manufacturers self-cleaning filters are cleaned in different ways, much depends on the type of cleaning element and the design of the unit.
  • Automatic. The process is started thanks to the readings of various sensors. Another option is that cleaning is performed according to a preset timer.

The last two varieties can rarely be seen in a separate apartment. Such self-cleaning units are more often used on main water pipelines high pressure, which serve to supply water to swimming pools or entire houses.

It is better to purchase self-cleaning filters famous manufacturers. You can rely on reviews from friends and acquaintances. This will protect you from unnecessary surprises and save money and time.

In the field of water treatment and purification, there is one very serious problem - any filter material periodically becomes clogged, which means it needs to be replaced or cleaned (regenerated).

In order to minimize the cost of cartridges or bulk material, self-cleaning water filters have been developed.

Such systems are so far capable of purifying liquid only from mechanical particles. Some industrial models can regenerate the properties of bulk filter materials to a greater extent by washing them under pressure.

This approach significantly increases the service life of the backfill material and the operation of the filter as a whole.

Types of self-cleaning filters

Currently, the range of most companies offering water treatment products includes the following types of self-cleaning filters:

  1. With manual washing. Here the manufacturers assume by “ manually washing" both the physical removal of the filter element with its washing outside the housing, and the cleaning procedure without disassembling the housing, and sometimes even without stopping the water supply in the mains (if the pressure for washing is sufficient to ensure that the surface of the filter element is cleaned).
  2. With semi-automatic washing system. “Semi-automatic” here consists of manually starting the automatic cleaning process. The cleaning itself can proceed in different ways, depending on the type of filter element and the technical solutions used by the manufacturer.
  3. With automatic flushing. The most advanced and, as a result, expensive solutions. Here, the cleaning process can be initiated without human intervention, for example, if a contamination sensor is triggered or a timer simply triggers according to a predetermined schedule (schedule).

The last two types (semi-automatic and automatic) of self-cleaning filters are most often used in main high-load water supplies.

These are productive water treatment and water purification complexes, for example, for servicing large swimming pools, equipping any production enterprise, connecting entire cottage villages to the water supply, etc.

Self-cleaning filters may differ in the housing material.

They are manufactured:

  1. Made of plastic (high or low pressure polypropylene);
  2. Made of metal (brass, bronze, steel, etc.).

The following can act as a self-cleaning element:

  1. Disc elements that, under pressure, form a monolithic porous structure;
  2. A mesh surface made of plastic or metal with a given mesh size;
  3. Backfill material, which is under pressure in the same way as disk version, compacts, forming a homogeneous material with pores for water.

If we talk about household self-washing filters, then most often discs and meshes are used as the filter element; they are easier to maintain and more durable.

Self-cleaning filters can be equipped with additional equipment.

This is how you can find:

  • self-cleaning filter with pressure gauge(it is convenient to monitor the pressure in the system, for example, if it increases relative to the pressure while water consumption continues, this may indicate a blockage, which means it’s time to flush it);
  • filter with pressure reducer (additionally protects the water supply system from surges in inlet pressure).

Operating principle and advantages

Let's take a closer look at self-cleaning filters used in everyday life (mesh filters). To properly use such water supply units, you need to know their operating principle.

Let's look at the operation of the self-cleaning mesh filter in order.

During normal operation, water enters the inlet and, passing through a fine mesh in the filter flask, leaves small mechanical particles on its surface.

After some period of time, the accumulated dirt will have to be washed off. To do this, it would be necessary to stop the water supply, unscrew the filter housing, remove the mesh and rinse it under water pressure, then reassemble the system in the reverse order and resume the water supply.

But in the case of a self-cleaning filter, all these procedures are not necessary. It is enough to open a special drain ball valve and the deposit of mechanical particles will be washed away by pressure from the surface of the mesh.

It should be noted that it is first necessary to place a container for drained water or organize a special channel for the outflow of liquid from the drain tap into the sewer system (this can be provided for at the stage of installation of the water supply system).

The advantages can be summarized as follows:

  1. Significant savings on plumbing work for periodic cleaning of the mud trap.
  2. Saving maintenance time.
  3. Budget savings due to the lack of replaceable cartridges, which quickly become unusable and require mandatory replacement.
  4. Possibility of continuous operation of the system even during the washing process (depending on the model).
  5. Some manufacturers allow you to change the filter element and achieve the required quality of purification of the incoming water; for example, you can install a mesh for finer purification.


Should I buy a Honeywell self-cleaning filter or pay attention to analogues?

The most popular among those who install plumbing systems are products under the Honeywell brand. She earned her popularity thanks to high quality execution of all components, the ability to replace individual parts, as well as excellent reliability and service life of the products.

Particular attention should be paid to models with a transparent body, which allows you to visually assess the degree of contamination. As well as devices with additional functionality - Honeywell filters equipped with pressure reducers and pressure gauges.

The only drawback of this product is its high cost.

And here you need to try to find an analogue that satisfies all the same demands for quality and functionality as Honeywell self-cleaning filters.


The following products from the group of self-cleaning household filters are presented on the market:

  1. Valtec self-cleaning filter(equipped with two filter meshes, one inside the other; mesh cartridges, like those from Honeywell, can be purchased separately. The disadvantages include the lack of models with pressure reducers and a transparent body).
  2. Products of the company TIEMME (Italy). The range includes filters even with a transparent body, but not with pressure reducers.
  3. Itap filters are equipped with two pressure gauges - at the inlet and outlet, which is very convenient. If the pressure difference is large, it is immediately obvious that the filter mesh is clogged.
  4. The German manufacturer SYR also offers semi-automatic household options. There are models for both cold and hot water.

And this is not a complete list of Honeywell's competitors on the market.

Of course, each product has its own advantages and disadvantages. But the consumer always votes with rubles.

  • Mechanical filters
  • Manual backwash filters
  • Manual backwash filters

    AVANTI RF – filters for mechanical water purification with a system for manual washing of the filter element. A backwash filter removes particles as small as 100 microns from water, making it an effective and practical solution for the home.

    The upper part of the device is made of brass, which reliably protects it from corrosion. Transparent plastic is used for the filter element housing.

    Filter with pressure reducing valve and pressure gauge BWT AVANTI HWS 3/4" - 1"

    AVANTI HWS 3/4" - 1" is a backwash water filter equipped with a pressure reducing valve to reduce pressure in the system.

    The convenient design of the filter makes it the optimal solution for country house. Using the valve, you can adjust the pressure level within 1.5-6 bar, and an accurate pressure gauge is installed at the outlet. A simple connection and flushing system will ensure comfortable use of the model; the brass body prevents corrosion.

    Manual wash filters

    A manual backwash filter is the most effective solution for filtering water from insoluble impurities. Such devices consist of a durable body that is resistant to corrosion, a mesh filter element, a drain fitting, and a special handle is provided to start manual backwashing. You can monitor the condition of the filter using a pressure gauge: an increase in pressure in the system indicates that the filtration system is dirty.

    It is worth buying filters with backwashing because of several advantages of such products:

    • High efficiency of water purification from insoluble particles. They are designed to remove rust, scale particles, silt, sand and other impurities that can penetrate into the water from water pipes or natural springs in a country house.
    • Durability. Backwashing allows you to repeatedly restore the functionality of the filter element: after cleaning, it will be completely ready for use.
    • Practicality. Manual cleaning is carried out without stopping the supply of purified water to the user. The water used for flushing is discharged through a special drain fitting.
    • Autonomy. The manual filter washing system allows you not to connect it to the power supply system; it will be independent of external energy sources. The contamination of the filter is easily controlled; with timely washing there will be no problems.

    BWT products

    The manufacturer BWT produces several versions of filter devices with manual washing; you can choose a suitable solution both in terms of cost and functionality. All filters are easy to install using a threaded connection; the devices are designed for long-term trouble-free operation thanks to a well-thought-out system and corrosion resistance.

    Models equipped with a pressure reducer will protect the water supply system from water hammer, while the user will not feel any household inconvenience. Each model of cold water coarse filter has undergone multiple tests to evaluate ease of use; high-quality and reliable equipment will be an excellent solution for the home.

    You can purchase BWT filtering equipment from an official dealer throughout Russia; check out the locations of sales points in different regions.