What is a medical book and how to get it. All about personal medical records of employees. Is it possible to detect a document forgery?

A medical record is a document that is mandatory for every person when applying for a job in the catering and trade sectors, in preschool and educational institutions, as well as in medical and other institutions where employees are subject to special sanitary and hygienic requirements. A medical record is a direct confirmation of the future specialist’s professional suitability and absence of serious illnesses.

Regulations on the need for registration of this document are regulated by the current Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 302-n dated April 12, 2011, which entered into force on January 1, 2012. It approves a list of harmful or severe factors and work, before performing which the employee must undergo established medical examinations, and also approved the procedure for conducting medical examinations.

Areas of activity whose workers are subject to the mandatory registration of a medical record:

  1. Branches of the food industry: production and manufacturing, transportation, storage and sale of food products.
  2. Catering organizations (restaurants, cafes, canteens, kiosks and fast food shops, snack bars, bars, pie shops), as well as any catering units, distribution points baby food and dairy kitchens.
  3. Trading enterprises selling, storing and transporting all types of food products and drinking water.
  4. Maternity hospitals and rehabilitation departments, children's hospitals and clinics, neonatal pathology centers.
  5. Children's and adolescent seasonal health institutions (health camps, labor collective associations of schoolchildren and adolescents).
  6. Organizations of temporary stay for the purpose of recreation or treatment: sanatoriums, hotels, rest homes, boarding houses, guest houses, homes for the disabled and the elderly (work directly with food - preparation, distribution).
  7. Swimming pools, steam rooms, baths, rejuvenating spa centers, centers providing medical and health procedures.
  8. Construction of water supply and water canals (work directly related to the preparation and treatment of water, maintenance of sewer networks and structures, removal and disposal of all types of household waste).
  9. Livestock complexes by content different types livestock, farms for breeding and keeping deer and cows, pig farms and enterprises processing products of animal origin.
  10. Kindergartens, children's development centers, specialized groups for various types activities (any work in groups where there are children of preschool and primary school age).

Methods for obtaining a medical record

This can be done in two ways: paid and free. It all depends on how much time and money the future employee has.

Option 1 (free) – go to the clinic at your place of registration. In this case, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Purchase a medical record form, fill out the first page and paste in your photo (you can buy the form at the SES or specialized medical centers).
  2. At the clinic reception desk, make an appointment with a therapist (bring your passport, insurance policy, outpatient card and medical record form with you).
  3. At the therapist’s appointment, clearly outline the scope of future activity (the number and types of tests and medical examinations may vary depending on the profession).
  4. According to the therapist’s directions, go through all the appointed specialists, obtain the necessary records and stamps in the book.
  5. Get tested (it is important to do this after all the specialists have been passed, since their validity period is limited).
  6. After this, make an appointment with your therapist again to complete the registration.

Option 2 (paid) - issue a document through a specialized medical center. center.

This significantly saves time and nerves, because most honey. centers offer a full examination by specialists and collection of the necessary tests in 30 minutes. On the same day, the future employee receives a certificate stating that his medical record is being processed. And after a few days, you just need to come for certification and pick up a ready-made document with the necessary stamps and a hologram.

List of documents for preliminary medical examination:

  • passport;
  • photo 3*4;
  • direction to from the organization (with its data);
  • medical record form;
  • the result of the completed fluorography;
  • information about previous vaccinations.

List of specialists to pass

As mentioned above, the research and analysis required to obtain a medical record varies depending on the field of activity.

For workers who do not have contact with children, those who do not provide services to patients and do not work with food products - the list of specialists to be examined will be the smallest.

It is enough to get the result of fluorography, see a therapist, dermatologist and venereologist, and also pass the most basic tests, such as testing for gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis.

In certain areas of work, more stringent requirements are imposed on obtaining a medical record. So, you may need to undergo such specialists as an otolaryngologist and a dentist. Tests for typhoid fever and enterobiasis may be required.

A throat smear examination is often necessary to rule out the presence of a staphylococcal infection.

In some rare cases, workers donate blood for biochemistry, as well as tests that detect the level of bilirubin, enzymes and proteins in order to timely detect liver pathologies.

Medical employees are required to be tested for hepatitis and HIV infection.

How often are medical records issued?

Upon initial receipt, an initial medical examination and certification is carried out, then a medical examination is required to be completed annually.

How to renew a medical record

Renewing a medical record means re-visiting the necessary specialists and taking tests within a specified period. The frequency of this extension directly depends on the field of activity. For example, for persons who come into contact with children during their work, an examination is carried out every three months without fail. And for trade in manufactured goods, a second pass is required no earlier than after a year.


It is quite difficult to answer this question unequivocally; it depends on the prices of a particular honey. center, but it costs 4000-6000 rubles to navigate. (tests, specialists, vaccinations)

Responsibility for falsifying a medical record.

Today, the Internet is replete with tempting advertisements from companies offering to purchase fake honey. books at a low price for one day. It is worth avoiding this kind of proposal, since a medical record is the same document, and its falsification is criminally punishable and prosecuted by law. Moreover, the law punishes both the production and sale, as well as the purchase of counterfeit honey. books. Therefore, you should trust its execution only to organizations that document the authenticity of the document.

Thus, when faced with the need to obtain a medical record, you should remember:

  1. Get honey. You can get a book at the lowest cost by going to the clinic at your place of residence (if you have unlimited free time).
  2. To speed up the process of obtaining a document, you can use the services of paid medical centers. This will save time, but will not be cheap (about 5,000 rubles).
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the reputation of the organization providing the service. Criminal liability for falsifying a medical record falls on both the manufacturer and seller, as well as the owner of the document.

The employer will require a personal medical record if you are going to work in the following areas: catering and food sales, child care and school education, the provision of certain services (massage and beauty salons, hairdressers). The book is also needed for people planning to work in any medical institutions and retail outlets selling industrial goods, as well as for workers in swimming pools, saunas, conductors on trains and stewards on airplanes.

Making a medical record is not that difficult, but it does take some time. Previously, books could only be issued at the SES (sanitary and epidemiological station), but now district clinics and medical centers have received permission to issue them. Find a suitable institution - you can do this by going to the website of any city medical institution, for example, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Consulting Center named after. F.F. Erisman in Moscow. A list of medical specialists will be announced to you at the reception. You can familiarize yourself with the list of highly specialized specialists who will have to undergo training for this or that job in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 302n dated April 12, 2011. A list of tests to be taken is also posted here. Having decided on medical institution, buy a blank book form and order two 3x4 photos. If you have a book and only need to renew it, you don’t need to take a photo. You must also come to the hospital with a passport and some money. Issuing medical records is a paid service; on average, you will have to pay about 2,000 rubles.

Each individual medical center or hospital has its own application form or agreement for issuing a medical record. After filling it out and paying the money to the cashier, you will be given a form with a list of specialists and the necessary tests. They may be different for each specific profession. But fluorography, general urine and blood tests and examination by a therapist will be mandatory for everyone. You can find a sample application form for a medical record from us.

On our website.

At the registration desk you will also be given coupons for certain time when you can visit medical specialists. But you need to go to them with the test results, which must be submitted in advance.

A medical record is issued within 1-7 days from the date of application. It will take a long time to issue it if you have to take specific tests, for example, “bacterial culture”, which takes at least five days to prepare. After passing all the tests and visiting specialists, you will receive a book either at the hospital reception desk or in a special health room, where you will also listen to a specialized lecture.

If you are going to receive a medical book at the clinic at your place of residence, then be prepared for the fact that you will fill it out strictly according to the instructions. Medical centers today provide the “Medical book in one day” service. The cost of registration will be twice as much, but it is not a fact that you will be examined by specialized specialists. It may be better to save money and get a real book done at the clinic, while undergoing a full medical examination.

The norms of Russian legislation determine that certain types of activities are available exclusively to people whose good health documented. These are professions that involve interaction with food, water, raising children, and public services. Their representatives regularly have to wonder how to get a medical book for work. The procedure is strictly regulated by legal acts, and if their norms are observed, there are no pitfalls.

According to the norms of Russian legislation, a medical book is a document confirming that a person engaged in a certain activity does not suffer from diseases dangerous to society and cannot cause epidemics or mass poisonings. The presence of such paper guarantees that the specialist is familiar with the standards of hygiene and sanitation, has passed the necessary tests and visited the established list of doctors.

As long as the medical record is valid, potential clients of a catering worker or salesperson may not have to worry about the possibility of contracting dangerous diseases from him, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.

The medical book form was approved by order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 402 of 2005. The document includes the following pages:

  • the second contains a photo of the owner and a security hologram, the signature of the authorized person who issued the paper, and the seal of the center;
  • the third is devoted to information about the owner of the document: his full name, year of birth, residential address.

Subsequent sheets of the document contain information about tests taken and examinations completed, vaccinations, past infections, violations of sanitary discipline, if any. Next to it is a medical opinion on admission to work in a specific profession. The validity period of the medical book is not directly stated, but follows from its general content.

The last page of the document contains legal information that is useful for the owner to read.

To obtain a health record for the first time, a person must purchase a form. It is important to remember that, in accordance with the law, it cannot be implemented through retail stores. Its sale is the prerogative of centers authorized by Rospotrebnadzor.

Who should have a medical book: list of professions

The list of professions whose representatives are required to undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations and draw up medical records is approved by the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 212, 213 and 69) and Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 320n.

In particular, the rule on mandatory receipt of medical books applies to:

  • workers of nurseries and kindergartens;
  • teachers and teachers of schools, colleges and universities;
  • employees of food production enterprises;
  • representatives of the catering industry;
  • grocery store clerks;
  • hairdressers, beauty salon staff;
  • persons employed in the field of consumer and public services;
  • health workers;
  • persons employed in industries with harmful and dangerous working conditions, etc.

When answering the question of whether a medical book is needed in a particular case, it is important to take into account the specifics of the field of activity. For example, sellers are required to draw up a document if they sell food products. If they work with real estate or trade on the Internet, there is no need to undergo medical examinations.

When hiring a specialist, the hiring company must make sure that he has a medical book, or help him with the preparation of the document. Allow to work a person who has not passed medical commission, is prohibited by law.

How to make a medical book for work?

To become the owner of a health book, you need to contact any medical organization that has the right to issue such documents on the basis of a license from Rospotrebnadzor. To begin the procedure, you must write an application according to the established template and enter into an agreement for the provision of paid services. Cost varies from domestic policy prices in the organization.

When the administrative procedures are completed, the person is given a book form. It is necessary to visit medical specialists with him. The number of doctors depends on the specifics of the citizen’s work. The lower the sanitary and hygienic requirements for his profession, the shorter the list will be.

The results of examinations and tests are entered into the appropriate sections of the medical record. They are certified with the seal and stamp of the hospital or clinic, and the signature of the doctor. The fifth section of the document formulates a conclusion: is a person suitable for a certain type of activity.

After a medical examination, a person receiving a health certificate for the first time is sent for hygienic training. It consists of a 180-minute lecture and self-study based on recommended literature. Based on the results, certification is carried out. If a person has passed the test, information about this is entered into the eleventh section and certified with a stamp and a hologram.

Important! To apply for a medical book, you need to take with you your all-Russian passport and a 3 by 4 cm photograph: it will be pasted into the document.

How to apply for a medical card for work: list of doctors to pass

The list of doctors and tests required to issue a health certificate depends on the specifics of the employee’s activities. It should be clarified with your immediate supervisor or the HR department. In some cases, to obtain a document you need to pass a minimum number of specialists. This list includes:

  • Therapist - evaluates general condition person, refers him to specialized specialists and laboratory tests. Usually, when applying for a medical record, you need to take blood and urine tests and biochemistry. If the results of the first two become known the next day, then the results of the third need to wait a week.
  • A fluorography room - a visit to it determines the presence or absence of tuberculosis - one of the most common infections. The results of the check become known immediately.
  • ECG room – the condition of the human heart and blood vessels is assessed.
  • An ophthalmologist determines the quality of vision. This parameter is important for professions such as pilot, driver, etc.
  • ENT doctor - assesses hearing acuity, diagnoses the presence of diseases of the nose (sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.) and throat.
  • Neurologist – evaluates the state of the nervous system.
  • Psychiatrist – confirms the general adequacy of a person.
  • Gynecologist, venereologist - check the condition of the reproductive systems of men and women.
  • Dermatologist – eliminates the possibility of skin diseases.

The period for which a medical book is issued depends on the number of specialists and tests performed and the validity period of the result. The document processing process takes no more than a week.

When the tests have been completed, the employee needs to go to a therapist, who will systematize the patient’s health data and make a conclusion whether he is fit for work. This “verdict” is confirmed by the signature of the chief physician and the seal of the health care institution.

Expiration date of the health certificate

From a legal point of view, a medical book does not have an expiration date. As long as there are free pages in it, it must be filled out. Purchasing a new form may be required in three situations:

  • the old one is lost or stolen;
  • the existing book turned out to be fake;
  • All pages of the old one are filled, there is no room for new entries.

If a person changes his last name, this does not mean that the medical book has expired. The document cannot be replaced; changes must be made to the existing form at the health care institution that issued it. The basis is a supporting document, for example a marriage certificate. If this clinic no longer exists, you need to contact your employer for adjustments. You don’t have to edit anything, but keep the book along with the certificate. This option does not contradict the provisions of the law.

How long is a health certificate valid?

The medical record is considered current until the test results indicated in it have expired. When this happens, you will need to undergo a second medical examination, including visits to doctors and laboratory tests.

According to the provisions of Order No. 302n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, the frequency of document renewal is once a year. There are exceptions to this rule due to the characteristics of individual professions. Their own provisions regarding how long a medical book is valid are established for the following categories of workers:

  • women over 40 years old should visit a mammologist at least once every two years;
  • staff of medical institutions and maternity wards take a swab from the mouth and throat at least once every six months;
  • workers in meat and dairy production, confectionery factories, take blood tests and visit a dermatologist twice a year;
  • employees of nurseries, orphanages and sanatoriums for children are required to visit a dermatologist and venereologist four times a year.

The frequency of testing may become higher due to the presence of special medical indications and hazards at the enterprise.

Maintaining the validity period of a medical book is in the interest of not only the employer, but also the employee himself. During medical research, serious diseases can be identified at an early stage, when they can be cured.

Medical record when applying for a job: who pays for the production?

Often, tight-fisted employers try to shift the costs of obtaining health certificates onto the shoulders of employees. This approach is contrary to the provisions of current legislation. In Art. 212-213 Labor Code it is indicated that mandatory medical examinations, including preliminary ones, are organized and financed by the employing company.

Obtaining a medical certificate is essentially undergoing a medical examination. The employee undergoes tests and attends examinations, the results of which determine whether he is fit to perform activities of a certain nature. This means that the procedure for issuing a document is subject to the provisions of Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on financing expenses by the employing organization.

If an employee has undergone a medical examination and received a health certificate at the expense of the company, but refused to sign it employment contract, it is not possible to recover the money spent from him. Any attempts are contrary to current laws.

Features of document renewal

According to the provisions of the law, the expiration date of a medical book is unlimited. It can be filled out as long as there are blank pages. If there are none left, the employee will have to purchase a new form, the cost of which is different regions RF varies from 150 to 300 rubles.

Ensuring timely completion of medical tests is the employer’s task. He must create conditions for the inspection and pay for it from his own funds.

How long a medical book is valid is determined by the “lifetime” of test results. If one of them has expired, the employee must be referred to an appropriate specialist. The procedure is simpler than receiving a document for the first time, since the employee does not need to purchase a form, undergo hygiene training and certification.

Employees with expired documents should not be allowed to perform official duties, otherwise penalties will be imposed for them and the employing company.

Who is required to keep medical records?

The law states that health records are strictly reporting documents. Maintaining their safety is the responsibility of the employer. It is permissible to hand over documents to hired workers in a limited number of cases: if they sell food products through remote small retail outlets or sell goods from a vehicle.

The hiring company's HR staff monitors how long the employee's health book and, if necessary, send specialists for re-examination. They are required to check the authenticity of documents received from newly employed persons.

When the employment relationship between the company and the specialist is terminated, the latter is issued a book on the day of dismissal. It must be presented to the new employer.

Official registration of medical books in Moscow on better conditions. A medical book with entry into the state register is a guarantee of the legality of your medical treatment! Making a medical record at the Special Medical Center is a quality guarantee proven over the years!

The medical center is SPECIAL, specially created by doctors and accredited by the Moscow branch of the Federal State Health Institution (formerly Gossanepidemnadzor) to conduct medical commissions and sanitary and hygienic certifications of the decreed contingent. That is why, if you need to get a medical record, contact a medical institution that has the legal right to issue a medical record. One of such organizations is the Medical Diagnostic Center - Special (MDC-S).

We conduct a medical commission to issue an official medical record, renew hygienic certification, conduct periodic medical tests and examinations:

  • An official medical record book registered in the unified Moscow registry, only a new model (the latest, starting from 2009) in Moscow.
  • Periodic medical tests and examinations are carried out, as well as

Who needs a Personal Medical Record?

First, let's define what medical books are, and most importantly, who needs a medical book and why? Anyone whose work involves transporting, manufacturing, selling or storing food should have personal medical records. In addition, you need to make a medical record:

  • Workers in the sphere of public utilities and industrial trade.
  • Workers of nurseries and kindergartens.
  • Medical workers.
  • For employees educational institutions.
  • Workers of sewer networks and structures.
  • Workers of transport enterprises.

It is worth remembering that the LMK (personal medical record) is an official document, therefore, everyone who refused to have a medical record, but continues to work in positions where it is required, as well as those who used a counterfeit medical record, bear criminal liability for this (according to Article 327 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The cost of obtaining a medical record

The document processing time is 5-7 working days.

Official registration of a medical record with entering data from the state register of medical records.

Prices for issuing a Personal Medical Book are indicated without discounts!

Medical books category Cost for the Russian Federation Cost for IRS
Food production / trade enterprises (food products, industrial goods) 2750 3000
Educational institutions (secondary, higher, additional education, children's development centers, libraries, etc.) 2150 2400
Workers of preschool institutions (kindergartens, orphanages, boarding schools) 2750 3000
Communal services: laundries, baths, shoe repair, beauty salons, swimming pools, water parks, etc. 2750 3000
Communal services: maids, administrators, employees of pharmacies and pharmaceutical enterprises 2150 2400
Medical workers: clinics, dentistry 3 500 3750
Medical workers: maternity hospitals, children's hospitals (pathology departments) 3700 3950

So, you have decided for yourself what you need medical book urgently? What is needed to register an LMC?

Documents required for registration of a medical record:

  • Passport
  • Photo - our centers have a terminal for quick photo required quality and size.
  • Your medical record (when extending medical examinations or hygienic certification)

For your convenience, we have increased our office hours for testing:

Medical books are issued at the medical center at Semenovskaya metro station (300 meters), one exit, straight from the metro, go around the Krasnaya Zarya building on the right along the tram lines
tracks (150 m), then right along the tram tracks (150 m) to Malaya Semenovskaya street, behind it is a 5-story building (a five-story residential building - red-brown colors with white balconies and windows). Left wing, entrance from the end
to the Medical Center.

The procedure for undergoing a medical examination to obtain or renew a medical book:

  • fill out the bypass form (you receive it from us at the reception)
  • pay and undergo a medical examination;
  • hand over the fully completed bypass sheet to the registry - receiving a tear-off coupon with your data on passing the commission and the time of receipt of the finished medical book;
  • On time, undergo hygienic certification (if required) and receive a completed document - EVERYTHING IS SIMPLE!

Registration of medical records at MDC-S - quickly and efficiently!

In accordance with the law, registration of a medical record and medical examinations are carried out in accordance with the current order 302 n. If you need a medical record urgently? Then we invite you to MDC-S! The center provides clients with the opportunity to quickly make a medical record with maximum comfort for themselves. Without haste and fuss. You receive a coupon, undergo an examination by doctors, and take all the necessary tests. And you receive a medical book in your hands in 5 days (maximum 7) - instead of the standard several weeks established in other clinics offering to buy medical books. Thanks to the experience of our employees, examinations by specialists and the tests required to create a personal medical record do not take much time. All procedures are carried out very quickly - examination by a therapist, blood tests, and fluorography; in Moscow, one’s own and other people’s time is too valuable. Therefore, the work of the Medical Center is specially structured so that the passage of all doctors takes a short time of 30-40 minutes, in the second half of the working day about 20-25 minutes per person - WE VALUE YOUR TIME!!! You fill out a medical record urgently, but you can be sure that it contains all the necessary (and reliable!) information about the results of laboratory and x-ray tests, medical examinations, and notes on previous illnesses. The data is confirmed by the seal of the medical institution, as required by every legal registration of medical records.

What to do if your personal medical record is lost?

All results of inspections and examinations are entered into a computer database (for example, in the event of loss of documents, restoration is possible without additional financial expenses or with minimal expenses), etc. We promptly answer questions about the facts of our undergoing medical examinations by regulatory authorities (sanitary and epidemiological station, environmental police...) when conducting inspections at enterprises.

A personal medical record is confirmation that your employee is completely healthy, does not suffer any infections and is ready to perform work in full. Read on to learn what you need to obtain a medical record for employees.

This document is required wherever there are sanitary and hygienic requirements: catering establishments, kindergartens, schools, medical institutions, etc.

The same condition applies to trade employees. If you hire a specialist without a medical book, after the first visit of the regulatory authorities, expect fines for the lack of a medical book from the seller.

Registration of a medical record

The procedure for registration and issuance of medical books is regulated by federal authorities involved in regulating health care issues.

This is a document of strict accountability and, despite the fact that medical books are often sold in bookstores, you cannot simply buy and fill it out yourself. All entries in the medical record are entered by specialists from medical institutions after passing the medical examination.

Who needs medical books?

In the legislation of the Russian Federation, there is a list of professions whose representatives are required to have medical books with marks on regular medical examinations.

Trade employees are also listed among these professions. Everything that is in one way or another connected with products, their trade and nutrition is subject to the strictest control.

Here is a list of people who need medical books in the field of trade:

  • All employees of the industrial and food products sector;
  • Selling water and food products;
  • To all employees working in stores selling children's goods, cosmetics and perfumes;
  • Employees of confectionery departments;
  • Workers serving food warehouses and food processing plants;
  • Drivers transporting people and products.

Read also:

How to get a medical book for work

Rice. 1 Sample application for issuance of a medical book

The employer needs a medical book when a specialist is hired. This document is then kept in the hands of the employer and issued upon dismissal.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer pays for registration work book, but in some organizations the registration amount is deducted from wages employee.

In order to obtain a medical book, you need to contact a medical institution with the following documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • A 3x4 color or black photograph for pasting into the medical record;
  • Application from the employer for hygiene training;
  • Payment receipt;
  • Nonresident citizens must have a registration certificate with them.

A worker will be issued a medical book only after undergoing a series of medical examinations, listening to a lecture on hygienic training and testing his knowledge.

The period for completing a medical examination is usually about a month from the date of application. In some cases, books can be processed faster. For stores, the minimum period is 3-4 days.

This period is determined by the collection and receipt of test results. If you contact an organization that issues medical books in less than 1-2 days, most likely the book issued here will contain fake data and is not registered with the Rospotrebnadzor center.

Where are medical records issued?

Despite the fact that anyone can buy a medical book form in almost any bookstore, it must be obtained from strictly authorized bodies.

For example, at the sanitary-epidemiological station or at a branch of the city center for hygiene and epidemiology, or by any authorized bodies of Rospotrebnadzor at the place of residence or place of work.

Also, a medical record can be issued at any accredited medical institution. After issuance, all medical books are registered and entered into the Unified State Register so that its authenticity can be verified in the future.

With the program for automating the work of a Business.Ru store, you can easily control your staff, set plans for subordinates and track the percentage of their completion. The motivation system will become transparent and the seller will be able to understand for himself how much he earned and for what.

How to make a medical record in a clinic

As a rule, the employer already has an agreement with a specific medical institution. The employee is given a referral with which he is sent to the specified medical center.

How to obtain a medical record at a clinic

Step 1. The employee comes to the clinic at the appointed time and goes to the reception with a passport, insurance policy and personal outpatient card.

He must also have a form of personal medical record with him. At the reception desk he will be given a referral to necessary examinations and analyses.

Step 2. Then you need to find out the time allotted for medical examinations. Medical examinations are carried out on a first-come, first-served basis.

Based on the results of the examinations received, specialists make the necessary notes in the medical book and certify them with a personal signature and seal.

Step 3. After passing through the specialists, the employee must pass all the necessary tests. Their results are also entered into the medical record within a few days.

Step 4. After all the tests have been taken and the necessary examinations have been completed, all that remains is to wait for the medical record to be issued.

As mentioned above, a medical report is issued within 30 days.

Step 5. The minimum period for store employees cannot be less than 3-4 days. Based on the results of the survey, a final report is drawn up in 4 copies.

The report is approved and sent to the employer and the occupational pathology center within five working days.

If you are wondering how to get a medical record for free, we have to disappoint you. As a rule, an agreement for the provision of services is concluded between an organization and a medical institution, which is paid upon delivery.

If an employee decides to undergo a medical examination on his own, he will also have to pay for part of the tests out of his own pocket.

What tests are needed for a medical record?

To obtain a medical certificate, you must pass the appropriate tests. The number and types of analyzes depend on the type of activity. Let's consider further what tests store employees take for a medical record:

Required for everyone:

  • General blood test;
  • Smear.

Store employees take these tests twice a year. It is also necessary to undergo tests for intestinal infection:

  • Test for typhoid fever;
  • Study of intestinal infections;
  • Worm eggs and enterobiasis;
  • Staphylococcus.

Foreign citizens additionally need to be tested for HIV infection. Also, all specialists must undergo fluorography.

Which doctors do you need to go through for a medical certificate?

Let's look at which doctors are tested for a medical certificate:

  • Therapist;
  • Otolaryngologist;
  • Dentist;
  • Dermatovenerologist;
  • Neurologist;
  • Oculist;
  • Women need to see a gynecologist.

What other doctors do I need to go through to obtain a medical certificate? As soon as all the tests have been completed, the employee needs to present the results to an infectious disease specialist. The specialist will ask a number of questions about previous diseases and conduct a visual examination.

The next obligatory point is a venereologist. You need to come to an appointment with a venereologist with the results of a blood test for sexually transmitted infections. The venereologist will also examine the condition of the skin and, if pathology is present, will prescribe additional studies.

It is important to see a narcologist. He issues a referral for a urine test to detect the presence of narcotic substances. After a narcologist, as a rule, they are sent to a psychiatrist.

The last medical examination room is the therapist’s office. He's interested in general analysis urine, clinical blood test, presence of all necessary vaccinations and fluorography results.

What does a personal medical record look like?

The medical book is issued in a dark blue cover. The edges of the book are rounded, and on the cover there are golden inscriptions: “Personal Medical Book” and “Federal Service for Surveillance of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare.”

All sheets of the medical book are made of thick paper and are protected with watermarks. There is also a graphic grid on each page for protection. blue color. The medical book is stitched with a special security thread for documents.

Rules for issuing a medical record

Fig.2 How to properly fill out a medical record

So, what are the requirements for obtaining a medical record:

  1. The book must contain information about the organization that issued it. For example, the Federal State Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology” in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  2. The stamp “For personal medical records” of the Federal State Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the city of N” must be stamped. To certify the owner's photograph, the edge of the seal must extend onto it;
  3. The owner's photo is also certified by a hologram;
  4. Each book is assigned a unique seven-digit number. It is placed on the second page. It is against this number that authenticity is verified;
  5. Each result of a medical examination is certified by a stamp, the seal of a medical organization and the signature of an employee;
  6. Each seal and stamp must be clear and readable. The stamps indicate information about the name of the organization.

How does a fake medical book differ from a real one?

Sample medical record

Fig.3 Sample medical record