How to make feeders from a 5 liter bottle. DIY bird feeder made from plastic bottles: a worthy use for unnecessary things. Types of bird feeders: photos and descriptions of designs

Do you have a lot of 5L water bottles left over? You don't know where to put them? Maybe throw it away? Don't rush into a decision. This container may be useful to you.

Not only what can you do from plastic bottles various decorative elements, and another 5 liter bottle will help you solve the problem of feeding both domestic and free birds. A feeder made from a 5 liter plastic bottle will be original, simple, but at the same time effective.

In this article we will look at options for making feeders. In addition, you will learn how to make a bee feeder. We want to assure you that there is nothing complicated in the work, so you just need to act.

Simple feeder

The first option is the fastest and easiest. This is an effective bottle bird feeder. The work is so simple that even a schoolchild can handle it. This is the advantage of plastic crafts. To make them, you don’t need to have a wealth of knowledge, expensive tools or a lot of time. Here's a list of everything you'll need:

  • 5 liter bottle;
  • rope;
  • stationery knife;
  • awl;
  • scissors;
  • scotch.

All this is very easy to find at home. So what is your task? To begin, find a comfortable place where you can work. And then it’s all a matter of technique:

Advice! For this work, you can ask your children for help. They will be happy to do this.

Just like that, you can quickly and easily make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle. It will take you about 20 minutes to do everything. This is quite a bit, but the benefits will be significant. The exact same feeder can be made for chickens, but you need to cut it differently. It should be placed in an upright position and simply cut off the top part, leaving 3-5 cm borders along the edges. Now all you need to do is pour food into the chickens.

Automatic feeder

Using a similar principle, you can make an automatic feeder that does not need to be replenished frequently. It is slightly modernized, and to create it you need to take another bottle, only 1.5 liters. It will serve as a dispenser. As for the set of tools, it is identical.

So, the essence of the work does not change. The first preparation is made according to the same principle and with the same actions. You can make 4 windows, 3 or two, it’s up to you. As usual, it is better to insulate the edges. Having such a preparation, we can make the feeding process automatic. To do this, you only need to correctly cut the 1.5 liter bottle. Its bottom needs to be cut so that it fits inside a 5 liter bottle. In this case, its neck should rest against the bottom of the 5 liter bottle, and the top should be under the neck. So, you can replenish the dispenser by opening the lid and pouring food into it.

The neck of a 1.5 liter bottle needs to be cut so that the millet seeps to the bottom as it is eaten. To do this, vertical cuts are made and part of the neck is removed. This way, the contents will flow from the dispenser into the bottle. All that remains is to secure the structure and install it in the right place. In the old fashioned way, the product can be further decorated.

Making a feeder for bees

If you are a beekeeper, then feeding bees is also familiar to you. Thanks to the same 5 liter bottle, you will have a practical bee feeder. This is a simple and economical option. It will take a record time to create the product - no more than 5 minutes. Surprised? It's all about simplicity of design. What do you need to do?

  1. Take a nail and heat it on fire. It should form holes 1.5 mm in diameter in the bottle.
  2. Step back a few cm from the bottom and start making holes. The more there are, the more bees can eat at the same time. The consumption will accordingly be higher.
  3. If you made a little extra, then seal them with tape.
  4. Immediately before installing and pouring syrup, cover absolutely all holes with tape.
  5. Now all that remains is to install the bottle in the hive and remove the tape. Due to physical laws, the syrup will not leak out of the bottle, and the bees will be able to feed on it.

If a 5 liter bottle is too much, you can use a 1.5 liter bottle. The essence is the same, so the principle of operation does not change. Everything is very simple and not ordinary. And thanks to this feeder, your bees will always have access to food. You will notice that all you need for the job is a nail and the bottle itself.

A very easy feeder is made step by step from a large 5 liter plastic bottle or canister and twine. The craft will not take much time, and it will be useful not only for sparrows and tits - you will be surprised how many different birds, sometimes completely unfamiliar to us, will flock to the treat.

In the process of making bird feeders, you can use absolutely any materials. This can be wood, cardboard, foam and plywood. But the easiest way to make a bird feeder is from a plastic bottle. So simple, but original design Even children can be assigned to make it. They will cope with this task without any doubt.

In the process of making bird feeders, you can use absolutely any materials.

The process of creating a feeder is not at all complicated and quick. This requires the bare minimum of materials and time. The design takes on a very unusual look and will look ideal as a personal plot, and in the schoolyard. It can be made from either a liter or larger bottle.

What is needed:

  • plastic bottle;
  • brush;
  • acrylic paints;
  • scissors;
  • strong rope or wire.

Work progress:

  1. Cut a hole of the required size approximately in the center of the bottle.
  2. Use paints to paint your future feeder, coming up with your own patterns and combining colors.
  3. Leave the product for a while to allow the paints to dry.

Fix a wire or rope in the upper part, with which the structure will be attached to the tree.

Gallery: bird feeder made from a plastic bottle (25 photos)

How to make the best bird feeder from a plastic bottle (video)

Bird feeder made from a 5 liter plastic bottle

It would seem that what could be more primitive than an ordinary five-liter plastic bottle, but you can also create a real masterpiece from it. Finished product it looks so perfect and original that you can’t immediately guess what it was actually made of.

What is needed:

  • 5 liter bottle;
  • white facade paint;
  • stationery leather;
  • twine;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • brown spray paint;
  • varnish (colorless);
  • sponge;
  • gouache paints;
  • hot glue;
  • spruce branches;
  • beads.

It would seem that what could be more primitive than an ordinary five-liter plastic bottle, but you can also create a real masterpiece from it

Work progress:

  1. Using a felt-tip pen, mark future arched holes on several sides of the eggplant.
  2. Carefully cut out these holes along the contour.
  3. Using a sponge, apply white paint to the outside of the workpiece and wait until it dries.
  4. Apply a second coat of paint and wait about an hour.
  5. From the pieces of plastic remaining from the eggplant, cut out parts similar to tiles and paint them first with white paint, and then tint them with brown.
  6. Glue the bottom row of tiles to the top of the workpiece.
  7. Place the next pieces exactly above the joints of the ones preceding them.
  8. Use twine to decorate the lid and handle.
  9. Glue string in a circle at the bottom of the structure.
  10. Use spray paint to give the top a more polished look.
  11. Shade the edges with white paint.

Additionally, decorate the feeder with spruce branches and beads, and then coat everything with varnish.

Beautiful bird feeder

To make such a feeder, you will need several bottles of different sizes at once. And the process of its manufacture is not so simple. But the result is a truly beautiful, unusual design that can become the main decoration of any summer cottage.

What is needed:

  • 1.5 and 2 liter bottles;
  • soldering iron;
  • scissors;
  • paints (aerosol);
  • hot glue;
  • wire;
  • glue "Moment";
  • furniture stapler.

What to do:

  1. Cut the bottoms from three two-liter eggplants and burn their edges with a soldering iron so that they become curly.
  2. Make small holes in the center of each part, and then assemble all the elements onto the wire.
  3. Cut off the top of a 1.5 liter container and use it as the very top element of the structure.
  4. Connect all these parts with wire and secure in several places with hot glue.
  5. Cover the entire structure with paint.
  6. Blend white paint along the edges.
  7. Cut a small hole in the bottom of a 1.5 liter container and also singe it with a soldering iron.
  8. Paint this part with spray paint, and shade white around the perimeter of the hole.
  9. Connect all elements with a stapler.

Cut thin strips from green plastic and glue them with Moment glue, creating a semblance of grass.

Feeder with stands: step-by-step instructions

Just a few simple details make this design special and as comfortable as possible for birds. They don't have to fly into the feeder at all, thanks to the stands made of wooden spoons.

What is needed:

  • eggplant of any size;
  • wire;
  • ruler;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • a pair of wooden spoons.

Just a few simple details make this design special and as bird-friendly as possible.

Work progress:

  1. Using a ruler, measure fifteen centimeters from the bottom of the eggplant and at this height make a through hole into which the spoon will be installed.
  2. A little higher, but at a different angle, make another similar hole for another spoon.
  3. Insert spoons into prepared holes.
  4. On the wide side of the spoon, make the hole a little wider so that the grains spill out and it is convenient for the birds to peck them.

Tie the neck with wire and immediately secure it to a tree branch.

Ice bird feeder

To make this feeder you will also need an eggplant, but in the end result it will not be needed. At sub-zero temperature This design will be a godsend for your feathered friends. For the warm season you will need a more reliable product.

What is needed:

  • five-liter eggplant;
  • liter bottle;
  • branches of coniferous trees;
  • seeds and berries;
  • water.

At sub-zero temperatures, such a design will be a godsend for feathered friends.

Work progress:

  1. Cut the bottom off the eggplants.
  2. Pour water into the larger diameter bottom, lay out twigs, seeds and berries.
  3. Place a smaller bottom in the center of the future feeder so that the product ultimately takes the shape of a ring.
  4. Place a weight in a smaller container so that it does not float.
  5. Also place the ends of the rope into the water, which will be used for subsequent fixation of the structure.

Place the workpiece in the freezer for at least twelve hours, then remove the plastic parts.

Bird feeder house

To create an incredibly beautiful house that acts as a feeder, you will need the simplest and most affordable materials. With their help, it is possible to create an unusual and colorful decoration for a personal plot.

What is needed:

  • 5 liter eggplant;
  • wooden stick;
  • gray fabric;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • whitewash brush;
  • figurines for decoration.

Work progress:

  1. Cut a hole on one of the walls of the container.
  2. Just below this hole, make another one, but this one will be through and smaller in diameter.
  3. Stretch a stick through the through hole so that the birds have something to sit on.
  4. Cover the entire eggplant with fabric, leaving the hole open.
  5. Fix the brush on top, thereby forming the roof of the house.

Additionally decorate the structure with figures.

Do-it-yourself bunker bird feeder in 10 minutes (video)

You can make incredibly beautiful bird feeders from the most ordinary plastic bottle. This material is accessible and easy to work with, which is why it began to be used so widely as decoration for summer cottages. A little imagination and a minimum of costs are necessary for a new and unusual feeder to appear in the yard.

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How often have you thought about automating the process of feeding chickens? You could save a lot of time and effort, and at the same time the chickens would be full and happy. If you have everything you need and desire, making an automatic chicken feeder with your own hands will pay for itself very quickly. What you need for this - you will find out further.

What is an automatic feeder?

There are different types of automatic feeders, but they all have the same operating principle. They help automate the supply of pet food. The food is replenished exactly as much as was eaten, and the rest of the food is meanwhile stored in the closed part of the feeder. This will protect your pets from overeating or scattering of food, from feathered thieves and the vagaries of the weather (precipitation, snow and wind). The benefits are visible naked eye– automatic feeders not only help to save and dose feed, but also allow you to go away for a long time without fear that the animals will suffer from hunger.

The automatic feeder for chickens is intended only for dry types of karma, for example, compound feed or grain.
Automatic feeders can be made with your own hands from different materials: wood, plastic, plywood, steel, etc. There are more complex designs with additional features, for example, a dispenser.

Making an automatic feeder with a dispenser

This model was invented by Australian farmer John Riddell. It is designed for a small number of chickens, up to 20. You can design several with your own hands, this will be more convenient for your poultry, especially if there are several more of them. Its peculiarity is that access to the feed opens only when the chicken approaches the feeder and steps on the pedal. Only then does the lid of the food compartment open under its weight.

Tools and materials

You will need:

  • plywood sheet;
  • wooden blocks;
  • furniture bolts;
  • 2 loops;
  • saw;
  • drill.

Step by step instructions

Basic instructions will be contained in the video. There are no strict parameters as such. You can make it narrower, wider, taller or whatever you like. The main thing is to first draw all the details so that all sizes fit together (all walls are the same height, length, and so on).

  • To begin, draw 10 parts on a plywood sheet: a cover for filling the feed, 2 side walls, a bottom, a rear wall that should be mounted at an angle, 3 front slats, a cover over the grain, a wide pedal.
  • You need to make 6 parts from the bars. 2 should be the longest to attach to the pedal, 2 should be slightly shorter for the lid over the feed and the last 2 shortest to fasten the previous 2 together.
  • All walls of the automatic feeder must be fastened together with screws. Be sure to make sure that the back panel is at an angle of approximately 15 degrees into the structure. For greater density, it is advisable to use a clamp, if available.
  • Use 2 loops to secure the top cover so that you can always fold it back and conveniently add food.
  • The most intricate part with the bars - in the photo above you can see approximately how everything should be mounted. The first bars must first be attached from the sides to the lid of the compartment with food, and at the opposite end you need to make 2 holes with your own hands. One of them should be slightly wider than the bolt itself and located closer to the end of the block. It should correspond to the same hole in each side wall of the automatic feeder. Next, we screw in the bolt so that it not only fixes the block on the wall, but also allows it to rotate.
  • Using the same principle, we attach the longest block with our own hands to the pedal of the automatic feeder, and the hole for fastening to the wall and turning around should be made at a distance of approximately 1/5 of the entire length at the free end of the part. At the very end we will make a second hole.
  • We use the remaining free holes to unite the structure with the third, smallest block. The connection must be strong and static. Make sure that when you press the pedal of the automatic feeder, the lid of the feed compartment rises. If this does not happen, adjust the bolt tension.
  • If you wish, you can treat the finished structure with your own hands, first with sandpaper for smoothness, and then with antiseptics. You should not cover it with varnish or paint, as they can harm the birds, and the feeder will last for many years.

The cold is in full swing and it wouldn’t hurt to feed our little brothers. How a homemade author made a feeder with a dispenser will be discussed in this article.

Tools and materials:
-2 liter juice box;

Step one: feeder
As you may have guessed, the author made the feeder out of a box. To do this, I measured 6 cm from the top of the box. I cut off the top part. We don’t throw away the cut off part, it will still be useful.

Next, I cut out windows in the walls of the lower part of the box. In this case, you need to retreat a couple of centimeters from the bottom.
And dividing the box diagonally from the line, also step back down. At the top of the windows, to prevent flooding, you need to make canopies. Everything is perfectly visible in the photo.

Step two: dispenser
The dispenser must be made of a smooth and rigid material. The author used plastic for this purpose. First, I cut the plastic to the width of the box. Then I made a small cutout at the bottom, leaving “legs” on the sides.
Feed will flow into the box through this cutout. Therefore, depending on the food, it is necessary to make a cut. If you make it too big, a lot of food will spill out; if you make it too small, the food will get stuck.

Step three: fastening
Next, the author makes a mount on which the feeder will be held. Stepping back 2 cm from the top, apply a glazing bead to the box and make two punctures with an awl, on top and bottom. Then he stretches the wire and twists it around the bead. The ends are bent down. The same operation is performed on the other side of the box.

Step Four: Perch
Turns the box over and attaches the strips from the bottom as in the photo. Birds will perch on these slats. To prevent pigeons from landing on them, the author recommends not to protrude beyond the edges by more than 3 cm.

Now all that remains is to secure the feeder, pour in the food and cover the top with the cut-off part.

With this lifehack you will find out how to make a feeder from a 5 liter plastic bottle, 4, and 1.5-2.

Often for children in older groups kindergarten or in primary school schools ask to make a house for birds for the winter and the easiest and cheapest way to do it DIY feeder for tits made from plastic bottles, but there are also important nuances in this matter, which we will talk about further.

Bottle bird feeder

First, let's take a step-by-step look at the most common options, and then we'll get to the automatic versions. Our main goal is not just to create a beautiful craft, but also a functional, convenient one. make a bottle feeder for birds which you need wisely.

5 liter bottle feeder for birds

For this we need:

Five-liter plastic bottle for feeder, rectangular, preferably with a stopper and, if you’re really lucky, then with a handle on the neck.

Scotch tape or tape

First, take the bottle and cut out windows on four sides. Their height can be about 15 cm, width about 10 cm, or simply step back 2-3 cm from the edges of the bottle so that several birds can fly into one entrance at once and the windows should be located 1.5-2 cm from the bottom of the bottle, otherwise It will be inconvenient for the birds to fly out. An example of a window below:

We make such holes on two or all four sides. Next, you need to cover the cut edges of the bottle with insulating tape to prevent injury to the birds.

The next step will be to create a mount with which feeder from a 5-liter plastic bottle You can hang it on a branch, for example. If you have a bottle with a handle, then simply tie a cord to it in the form of a loop. If there is no handle, then first, with a hot awl or nail, in the center of the lid, so that the double rope passes without problems, we make a loop from the lace and tie the two ends into a knot. We thread the loop through the hole in the cork, and the knot prevents the skin from falling off.

If desired, you can decorate our 5L bottle feeder, but this is all at your discretion. About the same can be made from a four-liter bottle, just the scale will be slightly different.

DIY bird feeder from a 1.5-2 l bottle

For this we need:

One and a half or two rubles ( plastic bottle for tit feeder)

Household cord 5-7 mm - 0.5 meter

Scotch tape or tape

Stick, Chinese type 1 pc.

Matches or toothpick


We start with a bottle, or rather, we cut out windows on both sides, opposite each other, 5-7 cm wide and 10-12 cm high, then we retreat the bottom 2-3 cm. It is important that we will not cut out the window completely, but only from three sides, so we will form a visor. It looks something like this:

Then we make through holes under the windows for the stick, which will pass through the bottle. This is a kind of perch. Holes can be made using a hot awl or nail. Then just stick the stick in.

Now we create a visor, for this we make holes with needles, as indicated in the picture, and then bend the cut out windows up. We take a thread and tie one side to a match, thread it through the hole on the bottle, and thread the other end into the hole on the visor and set up our improvised visor, then tie it to the match in the same way. We carry out the same procedure with the second window.

Now we make a hole in the lid with a hot nail or an awl and thread a lace loop through it.

That's it, we made a feeder from a plastic bottle 1.5 liters. Let's move on to the last scheme, in which we combine a feeder from two bottles.

Automatic feeder made from a plastic bottle

We have already learned how to make a feeder from a 5 liter bottle, but here we will need more than just that:

One 5 liter bottle, make a feeder, or rather its basis, we can use it.

One one and a half liter bottle (this is our dispenser)

Household cord 5-7 mm - 0.5-1 meter

Scotch tape or tape

We take our five-liter bottle and make two windows opposite, as shown in the figure, and also make small slits on the sides of the window. Unusual shape we will explain further.

Now we take one and a half rubles. We will have it inside the five-liter container, with the neck down, and the bottom tightly resting against the neck of the container, but for this, the bottom 1.5 must be cut to size (it is better not to rush with this matter and measure as carefully as possible).

When we have measured and cut everything perfectly, in the neck of the one and a half, right at the place of the thread, we cut two small windows, opposite each other (it is better to do this with a hot knife). The food will leak through them.

Now, using a cord and a 5L cap, we make the fastening that we described in the first diagram.

Don't forget to cover the edges of the windows with tape or insulation.

We assemble our design: through the window in Pyatina we insert a half-barrel with the neck down, bend the window and insert it into the side slots, this creates a visor, then we pour in 1.5 grains, and through the holes in its neck it fills the bottom of the feeder, screw on the lid and hang it on a branch (just choose something stronger).

Now you know how to do it DIY bottle feeder. We tried to include as many variations as possible in the diagrams and you can not just follow the instructions, but choose the most suitable, the best of all and create your ideal feeder. In fact, there are many more methods and materials for bird feeders, and we will definitely talk about them on the pages of our website, so subscribe to our VKontakte group and follow the news.

Finally, a few video instructions for making feeders from plastic bottles.