What influences the choice of life path arguments. The problem of choosing a life path. The meaning of life, purpose, calling. The Problem of Devoted Love

Dear friend!

You have already accumulated the necessary knowledge and skills in how you can change the circumstances of your life, you have learned to INDEPENDENTLY AND RESPONSIBLY PERFORM YOUR PROBLEM. You are faced with another task of growing up - prepare for a conscious and responsible choice of life and professional path.

In any case, decision making involves choosing an alternative. It is important that this choice is made consciously and independently. A conscious decision distinguishes:

1) having a clear goal (a person makes a decision based on his own needs);

2) understanding the consequences of the decision made (the choice, as a rule, affects not only own life person, but also affects people close to him);

3) feasibility (the person who made the decision must have enough knowledge, strength, will and patience to carry it out);

4) independence (a person makes decisions himself, due to his intelligence and experience).

Making and implementing decisions is a complex process consisting of several stages: the stage of recognizing the need for a decision, the stage of searching for information that allows you to make a decision, the stage of decision making and the stage of implementing the decision. Completing training at the basic level general education, you must admit the necessity of the problem of choice life path, formulate it for yourself, determine the criteria of your possible solutions, develop, evaluate and select behavioral alternatives. The Diary of Self-Knowledge will help you in this difficult task.

Don't put off the decision until later. It will not come to you on its own. Know yourself and the world around us, expand the horizons of your knowledge. To do this, constantly think about yourself and your inclinations, abilities, psycho-physical capabilities, the knowledge you gain, attend elective courses, read popular science literature, carry out design and research work, talk with adults. Summing up the results of your work for the quarter, you will see progress along the path of choice, and you will be able to make your actions targeted and effective. We wish you success!

The problem of choosing a life and professional path

When making a specific choice, a person always wants to understand the world around him as quickly and as deeply as possible. The interest that drives him in this case is explained not only by the desire to understand this world, but also to grasp its essence, to identify its driving forces in order to adapt to its requirements and patterns of development, in order to actively integrate into such a world in the most prepared form for this. .

The world, of course, is multifaceted, just as life itself is multifaceted with all its joys and sorrows, successes and disappointments. Life and the boundaries of the world are not limited only to work - there is family and family life, pleasures and pleasures, love and hobbies - but work occupies a very significant place in a person’s life. Many people dream of a decent career, and not only because a person’s higher position also implies a more comfortable or wealthy existence. A career is also important because of professional and life interest.

It's hard to comprehend, but it's really like that: climbing career ladder It doesn’t start when you start work. Just like life itself in its real form will not begin tomorrow or in 5 years - it has already begun, it began yesterday... All actions, deeds, habits of a person stretch like a trail throughout his entire life... And building your career also begins today - from how you prepare yourself for the real thing practical activities, this is how your professional life will proceed...

Of course, there is also Lady Luck, but luck also bypasses those who are not ready to meet her. The ability to do something specific work A person is not endowed with it from birth; such a skill must be learned. Even to work as a simple janitor, you need be able to wield a broom or shovel. But nature has given every person the opportunity to develop and improve the abilities and talents inherent at birth. In this case, a person is required to “turn on” certain volitional qualities. The development and improvement of abilities is carried out only under the influence of the knowledge accumulated by humanity over the course of a long history. When a person does not have true knowledge, then he not only does not understand the world around him and the events taking place, but even the most insignificant trifle turns into a problem for him. If you do not have the necessary knowledge, if you do not know the techniques, methods or forms of communication used in some activity, then it becomes difficult for you to enter the professional community. The intrinsic value of education, no matter what they say, has not gone away and will not go away.

We can look at the world around us from different points of view. From different points of view, this single world can be explained in different ways. The most objective picture of the world around us emerges when using an economic approach with the obligatory use of philosophical reasoning. From this point of view, the world is, first of all, a special mechanism that forces a person (through the procedure of his independent decision-making) to find some specific and satisfying (at least at the current moment) form of combination of two objectively inherent natural aspirations:

Organize the course of his life in full accordance (or as close as possible to this) with his individual, personal interest, attraction, craving for some specific activity, and the activity is presented as filling time with some meaningful actions,

To have a constant source of income that would allow him to satisfy as fully as possible his inherent needs - as a biological being and as a social being - that can change or be replenished throughout his life.

Of course, from this point of view, the ideal situation is when an activity, a business that is truly interesting for a person, allows this activity to be regarded as a source of the desired income in its sufficient form. And although such a coincidence is not always possible, people still strive for such a search. Those who do not find this form of combination or who cannot recognize their life interest in themselves act differently. They record possible sources of income and try to answer the question: “Can I do what a person who claims the right to use such a source of income is supposed or expected to do?” And until he finds a positive answer to his question, he does not stop analyzing all possible and available sources of income.

The highest effect is achieved when “a person is in harmony with himself and with his natural capabilities”: the work for which he receives a reward is also interesting to him in itself, and not only because it brings him individual income, but the amount of income allows you to organize your life at an acceptable level... In the opposite situation, when a person realizes that it is necessary to provide himself with income, and if so, then he needs to work, but the work he does does not give him pleasure, it is not interesting to him, he is not passionate about it, There is no hope for a “striking effect on others.” But a person chooses his life path himself...

In addition, the following circumstances must be kept in mind. Firstly, the world of professions is extremely dynamic and changeable. About 500 new professions appear every year. At the same time, many professions today “live” only 5-15 years, and then either “die” or change beyond recognition. Secondly, a feature of the modern world of professions is the need to master not one, but several related professions. And thirdly, the person himself is not something frozen and “tightly” connected with the profession. During your life, you may have a desire or need to change your profession or qualifications. And to do this, you need to be prepared for the fact that the knowledge and skills acquired during the training period will not be enough for the entire working life.

Throughout his life, a person will have to relearn, engage in self-education, and self-education more than once. Therefore, the ultimate goal of preparing for professional activity For modern man becomes not just a SPECIALIST, but a PROFESSIONAL. A specialist is a person who has certain knowledge, skills and abilities in a particular business (turner, service technician, designer of some machines and mechanisms, children's clothing designer, English teacher, etc.). A professional masters professional activities as a whole, is able to find opportunities to use his professional skills in a variety of changing situations, and is capable of building his activities, changing and developing them. In other words, he is capable of self-development (self-development is an active qualitative transformation a person of his inner world).

Exercise. Ponder this information. Discuss it with your parents, friends, and other people you respect. Ask them to confirm or refute the main ideas with specific examples from life. Answer the question for yourself: have you realized the need to begin preparing to make a decision on choosing your life path? Is this work a personally meaningful goal for you? Formulate this goal for yourself. ______________________________________________________________
Now start collecting the information necessary to make your decision informed and independent.

First of all, KNOW YOURSELF.

Knowing yourself in order to make a decision about the content and methods of continuing education after grade 9 means deciding on your life and work values, interests and inclinations, realize your needs and interests.

Exercise. Consider the presented lists of life and work values. Add them if they are not enough for you. Choose the most important ones for you and write them down in descending order of importance.

My life values

1. Happiness of others (welfare, development and improvement of other people, the entire people, humanity as a whole).

2.Creativity (the possibility of creative activity).

3.Pleasure, entertainment, lack of responsibilities. Have a nice time.

4.Health (physical and mental).

5. Love (spiritual and physical intimacy with a loved one).

6.Family, children, caring for them.

7. Having good and loyal friends.

8.Power and career.

9.Interesting work.

10. Active active life.

11. Life wisdom.

12.Freedom, autonomy and independence of judgment and actions.

13.Equality as the absence of humiliation and equal opportunities for everyone.

14.Self-confidence, pride.

15.Cognition as an opportunity to expand one’s education, horizons, general culture, and intellectual development.

16. Public recognition as respect from others.

17. Development as constant spiritual and physical improvement.

18. General situation in the world, country, society, maintaining the well-being of everyone.

19. Acuity of sensations, risk.





My work values

1. RELIABILITY – having a permanent job that allows you to be confident in the future.

2. PRESTIGE - having a job that gives me high status and position in society.

3. HIGH SALARY - have a job that provides a high material standard of living.

4. INDEPENDENCE – a job that allows me to be my own boss. To follow my own judgment and work the way I want without any control.

5.VARIETY – a job that gives you the opportunity to do many different things.

6.CREATIVITY - work in which it is necessary to use my imagination or be a pioneer, an “idea generator.”

7. LEADERSHIP – strive to manage people and be responsible for them, make decisions that affect their lives and work.

8. WORK WITH PEOPLE – in close contact with people, aimed at creating psychological comfort and helping others.

9. HIGH ACHIEVEMENT – work that can bring success.

10.MINIMUM RESPONSIBILITY - working under the supervision of other people who tell me what to do.

11. WORKING WITH YOUR HANDS - work that requires manual dexterity, practical intelligence to operate machines and tools or make and repair things.


When choosing your values, remember that there are no right or wrong values. Each person chooses what is important for himself, follows it, evaluates the results and often reconsiders his choice. Therefore, we recommend that you reflect on this problem, using examples from fiction, stories of experienced adults, descriptions of the lives of famous people, to analyze human destinies, how they developed and what consequences they led to in accordance with the chosen life values.

Record the results of your analytical work in the following table.

My life and professional values


1st quarter of 9th grade

4th quarter of 9th grade

Life values

1 ________________


2 ________________


3 ________________


1 ________________


2 ________________


3 ________________


1 ________________


2 ________________


3 ________________


Work values

1 ________________


2 ________________


3 ________________


1 ________________


2 ________________


3 ________________


1 ________________


2 ________________


3 ________________



There are people who are lucky: they know from childhood what they want to be. But there are few such people. There are those who started doing something early in a circle or section and, as they say, “found themselves.” But for most people it is not so easy to decide on their interests. To some, everything seems equally interesting. And for some, nothing seems interesting. How to decide what to give preference to?

The easiest way for a student to begin this work is with self-analysis of inclusion, interest and emotional well-being in the classroom.

Exercise. Observe yourself in class, analyze your condition and fill out the following table.


How do I study?

How am I feeling?

How interested am I?

Always good

Sometimes good, sometimes bad

Always bad

Always good

Sometimes good, sometimes bad

Always bad

Always interesting

Sometimes it's interesting, sometimes it's not

Never interesting

Russian language





Foreign language


Social science

nie (I and the world, KKD, law)

Physical training

1. Write down the subjects for which self-esteem is the highest in all three indicators: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.Analyze your report card:

In what subjects do you have the highest GPA?

Does this list match what you wrote above?

If not, where are the subjects in which you feel most comfortable in your educational success?

3.Draw a conclusion: in which subjects are you most likely to find your interest?

4. Deepen your knowledge on these subjects: read additional literature, popular science articles, magazines, brochures. Take an interest in in what areas of life knowledge in these subjects is used, what professions exist in them.

We are sure that after doing this work, most of you will be able to determine the range of your interests. Write down your interests ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

You know that interest alone is not enough for a person’s professional choice to be successful. It is also important to have an inclination towards the chosen professional activity. Interest answers the question “What do I want to know?”, Inclination answers the question “What do I want to do?” It is the emergence of a propensity for a certain activity that is usually a prerequisite for the development of corresponding abilities.

The emergence and identification of inclinations is possible only in the practical activities of a person. Therefore, to determine your inclinations you should try your hand at different things related to your interests. These can be reports, abstracts, research projects, promotions, organization and participation in competitions, class and school events, volunteering, work in summer period and much more.

After checking your inclinations, write down in what interests you would like to improve your skills: __________________________________________________________________________________________

If you have not been able to determine your interests and inclinations on your own or you are not sure of the correctness of your choice, then a school psychologist or psychologists - consultants of the district Education Center or Employment Center can provide you with some help. However, remember that tests give an answer based on your opinion of yourself. Therefore, learn to think about yourself, try to understand yourself.

The “Interest Map” technique can help you with this.

Instructions. The Interest Map consists of 78 statements. Give an answer to the question “Do you like, do you like, would you like?” for each statement as follows: if you like what is said in the statement, then put a “+” sign next to the serial number of the statement in the answer form; if you don’t like it, put a “-” sign; if in doubt, put “0”.

Do you like, do you like, would you like?

3. Find out the structure of electrical appliances.

5.Learn about the lives of people in different countries.

6. Get to know the life of plants and animals.

8. Discuss political events in the country and abroad.

10. Get to know the work of a doctor.

11.Create comfort in your home, classroom, school.

12.Visit theaters, museums, exhibitions.

15. Do homework in chemistry.

16. Correct household electrical appliances.

17.Attend technical exhibitions, get acquainted with new technology.

18.Go hiking, explore your native land.

19.Study zoology, botany, biology.

21.Participate in school activities.

22. Explain homework to your friends.

26.Take an active part in the life of the school.

27. Conduct experiments in physics.

30.Assemble and repair mechanisms (watches, bicycles)

47.Give presentations on historical topics.

48.Organize school-wide events.

49.Take care of children.

50.Make different purchases.

51.Talk with other people about art.

52. Engage in sports sections.

53.Participate in physics and mathematics Olympiads.

54.Solve chemistry problems.

55. Perform work with measuring instruments.

56.Perform mechanical work.

57. Understand geographical and geological maps.

58. Conduct experiments in biology.

59. Discuss books read and films seen.

60.Study the politics and economics of other countries.

61. Discuss issues of education and training.

62. Get to know the structure of the human body.

63. Convince people of something.

64. Get acquainted with the history of art.

65.Be an organizer during hikes and games.

66.Perform mathematical operations.

67.Note chemical phenomena in nature.

68. Understand radio circuits.

69. Execute drawings.

70. Conduct topographic surveys of the area.

71.Take care of animals.

72.Make presentations on literature issues.

73. Get acquainted with the history of culture.

74.Give explanations to younger schoolchildren.

75.Study the causes of various diseases.

76. Meet and communicate with different people.

77.Participate in performances and concerts.

78. Maintain a daily routine.

Answer form

Processing the results. Thirteen columns in the form are thirteen areas of professional activity:

1 – physics and mathematics

2 – chemistry

3 – radio engineering and electronics

4 – mechanics and design

5 – geography-geology

6 – biology

7 – philology

8 – history and politics

9 – pedagogy and education

10 – medicine

11 – home economics

12 – art

For each column, the arithmetic sum of the pluses and minuses is calculated. The preferred direction of professional activity is determined by the largest positive value of the sum of pluses and minuses.

The questions are grouped in such a way that the first two in each vertical column make it possible to find out whether the student has a desire get acquainted with a particular area of ​​knowledge and type of activity. The second two mean the desire to in-depth knowledge subject of their interests, and the last two - practical activities in this area.

Exercise. Formulate the result of your work to identify interests and inclinations, what type of profession is preferable for you ________________________________________________________________



You know that each type of profession places certain demands on a person. Make a program for improving and developing individual qualities of yours:


A person’s professional activity is carried out in the country’s social production system. When choosing a profession in accordance with his values, interests and inclinations, a person must imagine in which areas of economic activity he can find application for his professional knowledge, skills and abilities. To do this you need to know what it is national economy countries.

The entire national economy of the country includes two main spheres of activity: production (the sphere of material production) and non-production. Each area consists of a number of industries (see diagram)

Sectoral structure of social production in Russia

Each industry includes large units of production - sub-sectors. For example, industry, the most important branch of production, consists of two large groups of industries - mining and manufacturing; is also divided into the production of means of production (machine-building complex, production of structural materials, fuel and energy complex, agro-industrial complex) and the production of consumer goods.

Each industry has its own conditions and wages, and has its own system of training and retraining of personnel.

Exercise. Find out from adults in which industries you can work in your chosen profession, what is the level of conditions and wages in them, in which institutes and colleges they train personnel for these industries. Relate them to your life and work values. Remember: competition for admission to secondary and higher professional education largely depends on these factors. educational institution and requirements for the quality of preparation of applicants for obtaining vocational education. Write which subjects you need to improve on and which subjects you need to study in depth _______________________________________________________________________________________________




Another condition for successfully choosing a profession is predicting your professionalism in specific types of activities. You know that, on the one hand, the same type of activity can be performed in different professions, and on the other hand, in one profession you can engage in different types of activities. Therefore, in preparation for receiving vocational education, it is very important to try yourself in different types of activities and try to understand what you do better and bring more satisfaction. So, give it a try yourself:

V management– management of someone’s activities;

V service– working to satisfy someone’s needs;

V education– the process of transferring knowledge and skills, personality formation,

V health improvement – getting rid of diseases and preventing them,

V creativity– creation of original works;

V production– manufacturing of any products;

V design– designing parts and objects for their subsequent production;

V research- scientific study of something;

V protection– protection from hostile actions;

V control– verification.

Exercise. Find out the possibilities different types activities within the type of profession you have chosen. Check the list of educational institutions where you can receive the necessary professional education. Write what type of education you need to get in grades 10-11 at school in order to prepare for entering a university ________________________________________________________________________________________________


Useful information.

1. Possible study profiles at the senior level: physico-mathematical, physico-chemical, chemical-biological, biological-geographical, socio-economic, social-humanitarian, philological, information-technological, agro-technological, industrial-technological, artistic-aesthetic, defense-sports.

2. Possible specialized study of subjects at the senior level: Russian language, literature, foreign language, mathematics, history, physical culture, social studies, economics, law, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, art, technology, life safety.

3. To receive a specialized education, at least two subjects must be studied at the specialized level.

4. Education at the senior level can be either specialized or universal.

5. The educational trajectory after 9th grade can go through preparation for entering a university in the 10th-11th grades of school, obtaining primary or secondary vocational education in college, and acquiring initial professional skills directly at work.




(introduce her to your parents)

It is important for parents to know that the degree of their influence on the child’s professional choice is colossal. Moreover, this influence is not necessarily expressed in the form of specific advice or instructions. Often it is indirect (indirect) in nature: an opinion expressed in passing, a professional personal example, an attitude towards specific professions and relationships with people as representatives of professions, etc.

In addition, many teenagers find it difficult, due to shyness and lack of necessary skills, to take any specific actions (call, visit a school or educational institution), and in this case, the help of parents can be irreplaceable.

I would like to warn you against making categorical recommendations and instructions to your own child, especially if your option goes against the child’s wishes. The authors of the book “The ABC of Career Guidance” note: unfortunately, we have to admit that most parents know the world of professions, the aspects and conditions for choosing a profession, not much better than the teenagers themselves (except, of course, their professional field).

Most parents have little understanding of the professional capabilities of their children. And since the modern labor market is changing very quickly, the outdated ideas of many parents about professions turn out to be no better than the limited, but not outdated ideas of the teenagers themselves. Thus, to the mistakes of your child’s choice, you can add your erroneous views on this problem.

The most common mistakes in professional choice:

· Limitation solely to the prestige of the profession.

· Focus exclusively on high wages.

· Focus exclusively on comfortable working conditions.

· Reducing learning difficulties to a minimum.

· Follow only parents' instructions.

· Study for company, with friends.

Your help to your child in choosing an educational route may include the following: wise advice, discussion of different opinions, purchasing the necessary reference books, organizing meetings with people whose professional knowledge is related to the child’s interests, collecting information about educational institutions.

Parents' advice:

1. Get to know the professions in the field of ___________________________________________________


2.Where to go after 9th grade:

Main option _____________________________________________________________________

Backup option _____________________________________________________________________


(to be completed before the end of 9th grade)

My final choice educational route is that I








Basic option



Fallback option




Basic option







Useful information

In our gymnasium in grades 10-11 you can receive both a universal education and an education in profiles. Training is ongoing according to individual curricula. At the profile level (optional) you can study social studies, history, economics, law, geography, foreign language, .... Additional elective courses allow you to expand and deepen your knowledge about your chosen field of professional activity. This specialized training allows you to continue vocational training across a wide range of professions.

Training in these specialties is carried out in almost all universities in the city.

List of socio-economic specialties

and social and humanitarian profiles for which training is conducted

in Ekaterinburg universities:

    Cultural studies Religious studies Philosophy Political science Social work Sociology Regional studies Management (state and municipal administration; organization management) Economics (economic theory; labor economics; finance and credit; accounting, analysis, audit: world economy; national economy; economics and enterprise management) Commerce (trading; commodity research and examination of goods; marketing) Statistics Information systems in economics (mathematical methods in economics; organization and technology of information security; comprehensive protection of information objects) Pedagogy Social pedagogy Documentation and documentation support for management Public relations Social anthropology Socio-cultural service and tourism

July 13, 2017

Every person makes many choices throughout his life. However, the most important of them shape the trajectory of his fate; with their help, the most important questions are resolved: who to be, with whom and how to spend his life. What happens if a person makes the wrong choice? And how to minimize the possibility of mistakes in such a difficult matter?

Thought-provoking essay

To ensure that the actions of schoolchildren, which will influence their entire future life, are correct, they often receive an interesting task from their teachers. They are required to write an essay about their choice of life path. In this essay, you must both be able to express your own opinion and give arguments to the problem of choosing a life path. After all, young people are often full of unreasonable enthusiasm for their future work and life in general. They imagine working three to four hours a day, then getting into a luxury car and returning home to an equally luxurious apartment. It seems to them that their chosen profession is the most promising and certainly the most highly paid. However, experience shows that adult life things don't always turn out to be as rosy as it might seem at first. You have to work a lot and hard, and if a person has also made the wrong choice regarding a profession, then the work will most likely also be low-paid.

Others' opinions on further education

Why does it happen that a person chooses the wrong path in his life? One of the main reasons is often following someone else's opinion. Having expressed this thesis, one can select many arguments to the problem of choosing a life path. Friends advise you to choose one profession, parents advise you to choose another. Constantly listening to other people's opinions, the graduate gets lost in his own desires - he simply stops hearing them. He does not think that this choice will seriously affect his entire future, because he will have to spend the next few years within the walls of the university, acquiring a profession that he does not need at all. It may even turn out that he will not spend a single day working in this profession. Thus, you need to listen first of all to yourself, correctly assess your abilities and capabilities, otherwise you can simply waste your time. A waste of time is the argument that explains why you should initially listen to yourself and your desires. The problem of life's path and the arguments for the theses of an essay on this topic are a good reason for the student himself to learn to distinguish in what his own choice is manifested and in what is an opinion imposed from the outside.

Doubt is the enemy of choice

However, choosing a profession is not the only area where you can make a mistake or, conversely, significantly improve your life. A person chooses whether to start a family or not, whether to stay in his own country or emigrate, to open his own business or to work in someone else’s company. Each of these choices significantly affects the rest of your life. The responsibility that accompanies choice is the cause of many doubts. What arguments to the problem of choosing a life path can be given by a student who considers the main issue to be the presence of doubts and the ability to successfully cope with them? The student may mention that if a person hesitates too long about his choice, he may simply waste valuable time. Procrastination seems to “add fuel to the fire,” and the likelihood of doing the wrong thing increases significantly. If a person seriously wants to overcome doubts, he must know: in reality, there are no absolutely right or wrong paths. Even if the wrong step was taken, it will become a source of invaluable experience in the future.

There are no bad and good ways

They say that fate is not a matter of chance; fate is the choice of every person. This choice is never good or bad. Why should a student choose arguments for the problem of choosing a life path on his own? An essay on a similar topic is a task that will help you rethink the steps that the student plans to take, and working on selecting arguments for your theses will help you structure your thoughts and learn to clearly present your arguments. Many will be inclined to believe that the same choice from different angles can be both bad and good. As an argument, a somewhat crude but apt example can be given - everyone loves ice cream, but manure is better suited for fertilizing the garden. Thus, it is also necessary to take into account the context in which a certain choice of life path is made. Arguments can be selected from life, literature or films. The student can include a description of the situation of choosing from a favorite movie or literary novel.

Source: fb.ru



For many decades, writers and philosophers around the world have wondered about the meaning of life. So in the philosophical parable of F. Krivin, the important problem of choosing a life path is raised.

Discussing this problem, the author embodies the images of the main characters in two stones, which have absolutely different destinies. Krivin says that at the beginning they were friendly, but then a storm happened that separated old friends. Now, each of them has chosen their own life position. The first stone chose a difficult path, it challenged fate and improved every day, eventually turning into flint: “He told his old friend what he had to endure in the depths of the sea and how cool and interesting it was after all.”

The other, “clinging to a clay snag,” escaped and did not live, but, like lumps of clay, existed in inactivity and satiety.

The author’s position, it seems to me, can be formulated as follows: it is impossible to live a full life, remaining in one place and not developing in any way. You need to constantly improve, learn and discover something new every day.

When discussing this problem, it is impossible not to recall the work of I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”. Main character The novel is not deprived of intelligence, but he does not make any effort to realize his own abilities. This leads to the fact that Oblomov was never able to fully realize his dreams into reality; laziness did not allow him to do this.

Another confirmation of this idea is the work of A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. The main character received an education typical for his time, he was willingly accepted into secular society. However, Onegin felt that such a life did not suit him; he did not see the meaning in it. He tried to break out of a soulless society, but his love of freedom, independence, and reluctance to work hard led the protagonist to complete loneliness. The hero’s “chilled mind” remained unclaimed by society, and his life’s path led to a dead end, to futility, to hopelessness. Thus, having all the necessary capabilities, Evgeny Onegin was unable to realize himself and choose his own right path in life.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the text I read made me think again about what the meaning of life is for every person and what it may consist of, how important it is to be able to find one’s own place in this world.



S.A. Ermakov

Despite the fact that the problem of choosing a person’s life path was already posed in ancient philosophy and received further consideration in patristic thought, it is still insufficiently studied in the scientific literature. Regarding this aspect of the issue, L.N. Kogan rightly noted: “There are many works devoted to moral choice or choice of profession. But these are special cases of the situation of choice in which every person finds himself every day, every hour. He continuously chooses one of the alternatives that arise in life, makes one decision or another, starting with the simplest everyday affairs and ending with the general line of life behavior.” Drawing attention to the undeveloped question of the relationship between a person’s choice and the path of his life, L.N. Kogan expressed a number of original ideas, allowing us to outline approaches to the consideration of the topic of interest to us. Based on the provisions put forward by him, as well as connecting the potential of patristic thought, we will reveal the substantive side of this issue.

First, let's pay attention to the word “choice.” In our opinion, its semantic analysis helps to outline the main directions of research into the problem of choosing a person’s life path. They are associated with the implementation of the following points: firstly, it is necessary to have what to choose from; secondly, it is important to have someone who chooses; thirdly, the act of choice itself should be carried out, fourthly, the expected result should be obtained. Let's consider these aspects one by one.

So the first aspect is related to choices. In our case, this is the diversity of human life paths. It really exists in any historical era. Many people of different gender, age, social status, living at the same time and in the same territory, are possible options path of human life. Therefore, there is no shortage of life path scenarios for an individual. There is another problem: how to see these options? Indeed, in ordinary life, much of what lies on the surface either does not attract attention or is hidden from the eyes of the observer. What does a person usually see when he goes outside? A peculiar “Brownian movement” of individuals appears to his gaze. This is especially noticeable in places with large crowds of people: squares, train stations, markets, etc. A thoughtful person, observing what is happening, can see a grandiose picture of human life, in which familiar and completely strangers, touching each other, they either continue to move together further, or separate temporarily or forever. Many intersecting destinies, a variety of different paths of life, the versatility of human existence - this is what takes place in reality. And it is not enough just to see what is happening; one must also engage in speculation in order to understand everything that is happening. Philosophy is just such speculation, helping a person to see behind the individual manifestations of an individual life path the repetition inherent in many life scenarios, allowing the particular to be subsumed under the general, personifying certain constants of human existence.

The second aspect focuses attention on the subject of activity, man as an active creative principle. From a methodological point of view, the important point here is that man is a triune entity as a bio-socio-spiritual being. And each of the hypostases of a person has its own impact on his choice. Let's take, for example, such an important parameter that characterizes a person as age. In doing so, we will rely on the results of a sociological study we conducted at the Nizhny Novgorod Commercial Institute in May 1999.

Dependence of thoughts about life path on age

15-18 19-30 31-50 51-70

Seriously 48.8 51.0 59.1 62.3

From time to time 50.4 48.3 40.5 37.4

Never 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.3

From the table above it is clearly seen that there is a relationship between age and the thoroughness of thinking about the path of a person’s life: the older the respondents, the more seriously they thought about their lives.

Dependence of ideas about life path on age

15-18 19-30 31-50 51-70

Continuous - discontinuous 5.86 5.72 5.36 5.10

Ascent - descent 6.89 6.86 6.01 5.56

Gains - losses 6.45 6.31 5.68 5.27

It is impossible not to notice that depending on age, assessments of the uniqueness of the life path become more balanced. If at the age of 18 there is a certain tendency to idealize the path of a person’s life - it is considered, rather, as a continuous, ascending path of acquisitions, then by the age of 70 it is perceived more realistically - as having discontinuities, descent, losses.

Dependence of criteria for a successful life on age

15-18 19-30 31-50 51-70

Good health 47,5 51,4 69,1 73,8

Strong family 64.7 65.6 77.5 78.0

Material well-being 60.2 65.0 75.2 55.8

From the table above it can be seen that as a person grows up, he begins to understand the importance of such life values ​​as health and family. Moreover, it should be specially noted that the fairly high “starting” percentage of such value as family. This, by the way, is one of the indicators of modern culture, which, despite its transformation at the turn of the millennium, has retained traditional mechanisms of self-regulation. As for material well-being, the picture is somewhat different. Until age 50, the interest curve increases. After this age, there is a fairly serious decline in interest in the indicated value of human existence. I think this is largely legal.

measuredly. Entering old age, a person re-evaluates many values, including such as material well-being. Material values ​​are gradually giving way to spiritual ones. A person begins to prepare for the end of the physical stage of his existence. Moral norms at this stage acquire intrinsic value. This is well shown by various sociological studies. Thus, according to Nizhny Novgorod sociologist G.L. Voronin, “The Gospel commandment “Whoever hits you on the right cheek, turn the other to him” is closer and more understandable to believers, people over 50 years old.”

It seems that the above examples show quite clearly the importance of age in understanding life, and therefore, emphasize its importance in the situation of choosing a life path. It should be borne in mind that a number of characteristics - physical (gender, health, etc.), social (status, profession, etc.) and spiritual (values, ideals, etc.) - have the same influence on the choice of path life. Through their prism, a person looks at the world, determining his specific step.

The third aspect is the act of choice. This is a rather complex process involving a whole group of factors, both subjective and objective. Although from the outside, it may look like a fairly easy task. For example, when deciding whether to go or not to a disco, a student can give a positive answer in the blink of an eye. However, this does not mean that everything is so simple here. Let's take a closer look at the main components of the act of choice itself.

Let us immediately note that this issue has received its coverage in the philosophical literature. From a methodological point of view, the position formulated by A.T. seems important to us. Moskalenko and V.F. Sergeantov, that “in acts of choice, which represent the unity of external and internal choice, we at the same time “choose” this or that need within ourselves.” From what has been said, it follows that, firstly, the act of choice is always not just a momentary desire that arose from unknown where and why. The act of choice is a unity of the internal, associated with the state of a person, his attitude and worldview, and the external, i.e. the environment that influences choice. In other words, there is a person who lives in a certain environment. And not only he himself, but also the environment of which he is a part, influence his expression of will when making a decision. In this regard, it seems appropriate to emphasize the importance of the conclusion made by L.N. Kogan that “the choice of a life path is limited by real circumstances.” Secondly, the act of choice is associated with the choice “in oneself” of a certain need, which is the basis for the implementation of the act of choice itself. Here we would like to highlight the word “need”. It is key to understanding how the act of choice itself occurs. It is carried out through and thanks to the presence of a certain need in a person. By choosing, a person activates a certain need in himself, which “triggers” the act of choosing the means necessary to satisfy it. Let's show this using our example with a student.

Under the influence of external conditions (the presence of discos, the stereotype formed among young people that a disco is the best form of pastime, friends inviting you to a disco, free time, etc.) and under the influence of internal factors (young age, a fair amount of energy, the desire to have an interesting time time, meet new people, etc.), and also as a result of the activation of one of the needs (keep up with others, not annoy others, have fun, etc.), the student decides to go to a disco. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the decision is not simply made as an independent

a new action, unrelated to the path of a person’s life, as a certain episode taken in itself. No, having made a choice in favor of a disco, the student already “includes” it in the outline of his life path. You can say it differently: from now on, the further path of a person’s life will run through a disco. How things turn out there (positively or negatively), the future of a person, his path of life will depend on this. Moreover, under certain circumstances, the memory of this disco can last a lifetime (say, as a memory of a meeting with one’s future wife, as the loss of a friend during a fight, etc.) and influence the formation of a person’s life path.

The act of choice itself can be either conscious or unconscious. An informed choice is associated with an understanding of the essence of the matter and the availability of necessary and sufficient information. In this case, knowledge acts as both the basis for decision-making and the means for its implementation. Regarding this aspect of the issue, L.N. Kogan rightly noted that “choice requires, firstly, good knowledge of the real situation, each of the possible (sometimes numerous, as, for example, when choosing a profession) alternatives... Secondly, knowledge of one’s own needs, abilities, orientations, as well as confidence that the chosen path in a given situation will be the best.” Unconscious choices are made, as a rule, “under the influence of affects, moods, emotions.” It can be triggered by a situation of time pressure in which a person finds himself, or a lack of information about what awaits him if he gives his consent to the offer made to him. In youth, unconscious choice may also be associated with idealization of the situation, ignoring other aspects of the problem, inability to analyze the situation, etc. In a word, unconscious choice is a consequence of the immaturity of a person’s relationship to himself and the world in which he lives, the complexity of the situation in which he finds himself.

Finally, the fourth aspect is obtaining the expected result. At first glance, everything is clear here and there is nothing to talk about, because the result is a consequence of human activity. As is a man's deed, such is his destiny. At the same time, there are two points that require clarification: firstly, whether the expected (possible) always becomes actual, and secondly, whether the best choice for a person is always constructive. Let us consider these aspects of the problem one by one.

It is quite obvious that not everything that is possible becomes actual. Let's say, potentially everyone involved in the boxing section can become a master of sports. But not everyone will become one. And even if this choice is conscious, and a person makes considerable efforts to achieve his goal, the result may be different. Why? The same combination of objective and subjective factors. It may happen that in one of the fights, or in one of the trips, an injury is received that will put an end to the boxer’s sports career. Or, having won the first victories, the boxer will not cope with the “star fever”, which will unsettle him. And there are countless such “maybes”. As a result, while wanting one thing, a person gets something completely different, unrelated to what he expected.

The choice that is not always the best, from a person’s point of view, becomes constructively significant for him. Let's take the same example with a disco. Suppose, going to a disco, a young man believes that this is the best possible option for him to end the day. However, the consequences of this choice may be the most unforeseen. For example, while intoxicated, he can behave rudely towards his friends. As a result - a gap friendly relations, or something even worse. From here

From here it follows that the best, from a person’s point of view, cannot always be positively significant and constructive for his life path. However, like the worst. It is not necessarily associated only with destructive moments. For example, a young man did not find money for a disco. However, the fact that he stayed at home gave him the opportunity, for example, to call an ambulance in time, which, in turn, allowed one of his relatives to avoid a hypertensive crisis. Thus, to paraphrase a well-known thought, we can say that we cannot predict what consequences the realization of our desires will lead to. Therefore, when making a (preferably conscious) choice in favor of certain actions, a person must hope and believe that they will lead to good results. Here, the experience accumulated by the patristic thinkers, who called for reliance on faith and hope in solving all human problems, can come in very handy.

Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that the proposed four aspects of the problem of choosing a person’s life path quite fully reveal its substantive side. It should be emphasized that choice is not only a conscious activity of a person, i.e., some formulated conclusion. It is also an action aimed at realizing the plan. In other words, choice is not only thoughts, but also actions, which always influence the further existence of a person, his being. Therefore, choice as a fact of reality is always ontological, it is generated by reality, connected with it and capable of changing it.

Moreover, choice is a form of human self-realization. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in choosing a person can not only express himself, but also for the first time reveal something new that contributes to the transformation of his life. We can say that choice is a chance for a person that he can take advantage of.

At the same time, it is worth noting that if we were simply talking about the choice of a person in a specific situation, then it would be quite possible to limit ourselves to what has been said. However, we consider the problem of choice in relation to the question of the path of a person’s life, and, therefore, at least one more aspect should come into our field of view: how to maintain the chosen path? In our opinion, making a choice, say, in favor of a virtuous path is a serious step. But this is only half the battle. This idea still needs to be implemented. And to do this, throughout his entire life a person must confirm his commitment to his chosen path. He will have to not only preserve the choice as a result, but also find the necessary forces and means to help maintain the chosen path. And here the experience accumulated by patristic thought can be of good service. Based on the patristic heritage, we highlight a number of important points.

First of all, it should be noted that, posing the question in this way, we will assume that the person has thought through his decision well and is full of desire and strength to implement it. Moreover, we will consider this choice as a choice of an exclusively positive direction in the path of life. This is exactly the angle of view that was set by the patristic tradition. While maintaining our commitment to this tradition, we will reveal the essence of the issue that interests us.

First of all, let us pay attention to the moment that a person who has chosen a better life in comparison with a worse one has already, as it were, opened the door to new life; he opened it, but did not enter it yet. A better life exists for him so far only as a possibility, but not yet as a reality. However, the very fact of choosing in favor of a better life certainly gives this opportunity a chance to turn into reality.

Next. Since the choice is made by the person himself, it is he who becomes the creator, the basis, the condition, and the means in achieving the goal. At the same time, a person is, as it were, “at the cutting edge” of his path of life; he, figuratively speaking, walks “through the virgin lands” of life, making his own way. In this regard, words such as “first impulse”, “root cause”, “first element”, “discoverer” are not only appropriate, but also especially informative, which help to feel the depth of the problem and describe some of its important aspects.

Indeed, a person, having a desire to change his life for the better, is at the same time the root cause of his transformation. Ultimately, it is he who feels within himself that initial impulse that launches the idea of ​​a new, better way of life into implementation. In this capacity, he can be relied upon as a certain primary element that catalyzes the situation of changing the path of life, as the pioneer of his new stage on the path of life. In this sense, a person’s life can be characterized as the first path along which a person walks. Where a person is, there is always, metaphorically speaking, the “cursor” of his life path.

This moment further emphasizes the dependence of the path of life on the person himself, his thoughts, feelings, and behavior. We can say: there is a person who realizes himself through feelings, thoughts, words and deeds, and there is already a path of his life that is the result of this realization. Therefore, it is always important to remember that through one’s feelings, thoughts, words and deeds a person finds his own path in life. So, for example, if a person’s feelings are tuned “to the wave” of empathy, then he embarks on a virtuous path; if a person’s thoughts are full of benevolence, then he is directed towards good behavior; if a person’s words are full of mercy, then he follows the righteous path; finally, if a person’s deeds are aimed at achieving the virtuous, then he also acquires the path of virtue. As a result, it is correct to say that feelings, thoughts, words and deeds are a kind of “channels”, thanks to which the direction of a person’s life path is ensured. If a person has chosen a positive direction in the path of life, then he must “tune” his feelings, thoughts, words and deeds to the wavelength of virtue. Without showing good feelings, bright thoughts, righteous words, good deeds, a person will not be able to find a virtuous path, even if he chooses it. Feelings, thoughts, words and deeds are a kind of forms that must be filled with good content. And this largely depends on the person himself.

What has been said, I think, is enough to show the complexity of the issue of preserving the path of life chosen by a person. There are factors that complicate, and sometimes even hinder, the implementation of planned plans. Therefore, it is so important to have faith in your own strength and will aimed at fulfilling your plans. It will be a great happiness if we have a person nearby (“another”) who will not only accept our plans with all our hearts, but also with our will, faith, knowledge, skills, and experience will help you take the path of virtue and follow it. In this case, the role of the mentor turns into the role of a companion, walking along.

In order for a person to maintain the choice he has made, he needs to understand the unique course of his life. And it is such that it is impossible to predict the development of events in advance. After all, a person lives in the natural, social and spiritual environment given to him. This environment is largely unknown to man, especially at the initial stages of his life. A person's life experience is also always historically limited. Therefore, he has to take certain steps in specific situations at his own risk. This is close to what Teilhard de Chardin called the "groping technique". In an effort to maintain the chosen path of life, a person takes a tentative step, looking closely to see if it worked out. If

the result satisfies him, then he continues his movement in the given direction, but if not, then he takes new steps aimed at changing the situation. And so all my life. Even a person wise with life experience, who has seen a lot, heard even more, and has been the main character in many situations, cannot always say exactly what and how to do in newly discovered circumstances. As a result, a person always has to try on different solutions to the situation that has arisen. Life is varied, and the number of options that ensure the implementation of the choice made is also significant. “Life,” wrote Teilhard de Chardin, “does not act along one isolated line or in separate techniques. She moves her entire network forward at the same time.” So is man. For example, having made a choice of a virtuous path, he must understand that in each specific case he will have to look for the optimal solution. In standard situations, already proven solutions may well be suitable. It is no coincidence that they are called generally accepted. So, for example, when meeting a person it is customary to say hello, and when parting, to say goodbye. And there is hardly any need to revise anything here. In non-standard situations, on the contrary, you should look for a fresh solution. And it is important for a person to find a solution acceptable to him.

Generally speaking, when choosing a path in life, a person must keep in mind that (to use the words of Teilhard de Chardin) he will have to move forward “at the same time his entire network.” What do you mean? The point is that a person, being a bio-socio-spiritual being, should not first concentrate attention, say, only on his bodily gifts, or only social abilities, or spiritual talents. No. He must do all this at the same time, in parallel, going as if in a “fan pattern”. Otherwise, he may face great disappointments in life. Let's say, if a girl decides to first get an education, pursue a career, and only then, say, at the age of thirty, think about a family, then it may turn out that time will be lost and she will remain lonely. Therefore, the wisdom of life, apparently, is to go through life using the “fan” principle, i.e., simultaneously solving the issues of getting an education, starting a family, and acquiring a profession. Yes, it's difficult. But, perhaps, only this approach will allow a person to have time to realize himself in life.

Let's summarize what has been said. The problem of choosing a person's life path is one of the most important in philosophy. In essence, a person is placed in a situation where he is forced to make daily, hourly choices. The choice itself implicitly includes a number of aspects: what the choice is made from, the one who chooses, the act of choice itself and the expected result. These facets of choice are at the same time unique directions in the study of the problem of choice. However, in the question of the path of a person’s life, these provisions are not enough to limit the study of the problem of choice. Obviously, after the choice has been made, another problem arises - maintaining commitment to the chosen path. This is also important to consider in order to pave and maintain a righteous path of life.

Literature and notes

1. Plato. Collection cit.: In 4 vols. T. 4. - M., 1994. - P. 185, etc.

2. Gregory the Theologian, saint. Collection cit.: In 2 volumes. T. 1. - M., 1994. - P. 34, etc.

3. Kogan, L.N. Man and his destiny / L.N. Kogan. - M., 1988. - P. 164-165.

4. Berdyaev, N.A. The kingdom of the spirit and the kingdom of Caesar / N.A. Berdyaev. - M., 1995.

5. Together with the socio-economic laboratory operating at the Department of Socio-Political Sciences of the National Research Institute, a sociological study was conducted on the topic “Philosophy of a person’s life path.” The object of the study was the population of Nizhny Novgorod. During the study, 1236 people were interviewed. The study was carried out using a quota, sex-age, regionalized sample, calculated on the basis of data from the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Committee of State Statistics. The sample was calculated in proportion to the number of residents of a certain gender and age living in each district of the city. The results obtained can also be considered representative, since during the field phase of the study the interviewers strictly adhered to the sampling plan and practically avoided bias errors that often arise at this stage. Deviations of statistical data on the sex and age composition from the distribution of sex and age of Nizhny Novgorod residents in the sample are within the acceptable error: ±3%. The research method chosen was a survey through a questionnaire among residents of Nizhny Novgorod. Based on the data obtained, a computer database of opinions of various groups of Nizhny Novgorod residents was created. After this, a “data cleaning” procedure was applied, which involved correcting information entry errors. When processing the data, a special program for processing sociological information 8P88 6.1 for Windows was used.

6. The views of Nizhny Novgorod residents on the uniqueness of their life path were assessed on a nine-point scale from 1 to 9 - from negative to positive.

7. Voronin, G.L. Spirituality: between Jesus Christ and the militant misanthrope / G.L. Voronin // Russia and Russians: choosing a path: Proceedings of the conference of social scientists. - N. Novgorod, 2000. - P. 34.

8. Moskalenko, A.T., Serzhantov, V.F. The meaning of life and personality / A.T. Moskalenko, V.F. Sergeants. - Novosibirsk, 1989. - P. 125.

9. Kogan, L.N. Man and his destiny / L.N. Kogan. - M., 1988. - P. 165.

10. Teilhard de Chardin P. The phenomenon of man / Teilhard de Chardin P. - M., 1987.

(1) I hate dictators - they have never brought anything good to humanity. (2) But what about the dictatorship of the gene - this tiny ruler of our lives?

(3) They say you can’t fight fate. (4) For centuries people have been convinced of the power of fate, otherwise they would not have passed on the sad proverb from generation to generation. (b) Modern biology has laid a scientific foundation for a folklore aphorism: scientists claim that three-quarters of our fate depends on genes. (b) Simply put, what we inherit from our parents will determine our long or not very long life.

(7) Three quarters, needless to say, is a lot. (8) But this, fortunately for us, does not mean at all that everything is predetermined and we can only obediently wander along the road paved by the mysterious mechanism of heredity. (9) Yes, we are very dependent on fate. (10) But we should not bend under the dictatorship of the gene: the twenty-five percent of freedom that heredity leaves us is much more important in our destiny than the inevitable three-quarters.

(P) The greatest Russian of all time was the great-grandson of the famous godson of Peter the Great, General Hannibal. (12) From his great-grandfather he inherited iron health, considerable physical strength, powerful character and rare efficiency. (13) Why didn’t he become a general? (14) After all, what a career I could have made with his intelligence and energy! (15) Apparently, for two brightly gifted relatives, that quarter of their nature was enough to find their life calling, which, unlike the three hereditary quarters, gave them freedom of choice. (16) The tsar’s black pupil did not see a destiny for himself other than a prestigious military one. (17) And on

Pushkin’s life was decisively influenced not by genes, but by liberal teachers of the Lyceum and freedom-loving classmates who enthusiastically competed in poetry, at first not really understanding how exactly the dark, curly-haired boy differs from Delvig, Kuchelbecker and Sobolevsky.

(18) Where did the heredity of the frail boy Sashenka lead? (19) A modest estate, joyless communication with doctors, cards with neighbors, at best, serving a cunning empress in the civil service. (20) But Alexander Vasilyevich made full use of the opportunities of the fourth quarter of fate, thereby becoming Suvorov, the greatest commander of Russia in its entire history.

(21) I am not a scientist, I don’t have any statistics, only personal observations. (22) Sometimes - curious. (23) For example, I clearly see how writers’ wives change over time. (24) Many of them, living with talented people, become talented themselves. (25) Here is a case that is amazing in its brightness. (26) The girl met a famous poet, and a romance began. (27) Dalype is an ordinary Soviet fate: the poet was exiled, and the girl was with him, the poet was imprisoned, and he disappeared unknown in the zone, and the grown-up girl was driven into a camp barracks for many years. (28) Survived. (29) Came out. (30) And she wrote an amazing book of memoirs, one of the best examples of Russian prose of the 20th century. (31) Yes, Osip Emilievich Mandelstam was a great poet. (32) But how did it happen that Nadezhda Yakovlevna Mandelstam became the author of a great book, not only deep, honest and accurate, but also almost impeccable in style?

(33) When the poet was killed and the manuscripts were confiscated, the widow realized that besides her, there was no one to preserve the poems for Russian culture, which there was nothing to replace. (34) How can she save them when they are probably about to come for her (and soon they did)? (35) Where is at least a relatively safe place for manuscripts?

(Zb) Nadezhda Yakovlevna found such a place - in her own brain. (37) She learned her husband’s poems by heart, and throughout the endless camp years, so that nothing would be forgotten, she repeated them daily in her mind. (38) Without any reservations, it was a feat. (39) But also an amazing school of working on words. (40) I think that a person who can read “The Bronze Horseman”, “The Demon” or “Anna Onegin” from memory simply cannot write poorly. (41) But Nadezhda Yakovlevna retained in her memory not ten, not twenty, but hundreds of the master’s poems.

(42) They don’t argue with science - since smart people say that three-quarters of our fate is predetermined by genes, that means it is so. (43) But the main thing in our destiny lies in the fourth quarter: calling, the joy of exploring the world, the excitement of learning, friendship, love, the luxury of human communication, so valued by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. (44) If we sum it up, we get something like this: the biological in us is controlled by genes - but what about the human? (45) And we ourselves create the human in ourselves. (46) For all four quarters. (47) One hundred percent.

(According to L. Zhukhovitsky)


Predestination, rock, fate, or the person himself decides everything in his life? This problem is posed in the text by the famous publicist and writer L. Zhukhovitsky.

Commenting on this problem, the author reminds the reader that, according to scientists, three-quarters of our lives depend on genes. But, according to the writer, twenty-five percent of freedom gives a person the opportunity to choose his own path in life. As an example, he cites the biographies of great people, in particular A.S. Pushkin. Why didn’t the poet follow the path his ancestors took - he didn’t become a military man? The author believes that

The Lyceum teachers had a decisive influence on the great poet, who instilled in their students free-thinking, a desire for creativity, and freedom of choice.

It’s hard to disagree with him, because upbringing and life experience are no less important than genes.

Confirmation of this idea can be found in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The hero of the novel, Bazarov, says to his friend: “Everyone must educate himself.” And in many ways he is right. He himself, the son of a poor doctor, also chose medicine as his field, but he wants to move science forward and is engaged in research. In addition, he is a man with very definite political views, with his own ideas for reorganizing the world. You can agree with him, you can argue, but you cannot help but respect him for his self-esteem, loyalty to ideals, and fortitude. These qualities did not pass to him with genes, he developed them in himself. He lived with dignity and died with dignity.

Another example of an amazing life destiny is Afanasy Fet. The difficulties associated with his birth, poverty, military service - it seemed that all this would make him an ordinary officer, of which there are many. But he becomes a great poet, despite all life circumstances. With the strength of his spirit, Fet managed to overcome all adversity.

If a person has a cherished goal, fortitude and perseverance, he will definitely achieve his goal, despite genes, fate, obstacles and difficulties that he will encounter along the path of life.

The problem of intergenerational relationships

The influence of adults on the formation

Teen personality

(1) twirled in the wild dance of autumn, hid it under the foliage of the road, confused the fall of the leaves with everything in the world. (2) It’s good to wander, drowning in foliage. (3) It’s good to type it full hands, make you spin again and again, showering your head, shoulders...

(4) - Grandfather, say something sad.

(5) - Autumn leaves.

(6) - And sadder?

(7) - Autumn stars.

(8) - Are there sadder than autumn stars?

(9) - Autumn birds.

(10) - Grandfather, are there autumn people?

(11) He has been gone for a long time, my grandfather, but when he presses him, pinches him, I forget that he is not there. (12) My kind, my smart grandfather lives in me. (13) He is my island, my continent, my Earth.

(14) - Grandfather, there is a second wind, but is there a second love? (15) Answer, grandfather, I really need this.

(16) - If you tell me: the first star, I will understand. (17) This is the beginning of the count, this is hope for the starry sky.

(18) - Grandfather, what does the starry sky have to do with it? (19) Answer directly, does it happen or not?

(20) - If you say: the first course, I will understand - you want to eat and hope for the second and third. (21) But when they say: first love, I don’t understand what it is? (22) Start of counting or hope for the second and third?

(23) - Grandfather, I’m probably getting old, I want to be happy.

(24) - You’re still stupid. (25) Understand, grandson: Mother, Motherland, Beloved are not numbered.

(26) - Grandfather, she doesn’t love me.

(27) - How do you feel about yourself?

(28) - It’s bad, grandfather, really bad.

(29) - Have you tried to fly?

(30) - Grandfather, I’m average, gray, what kind of flights are there.

(31) - Explain, I don’t understand this.

(32) - Grandfather, you have no idea how difficult it is to be average. (33) Feel like a puppy in front of elephants and understand - they know it. (34) Realize yourself as a dog in front of mice and know: they will never understand this. (35) I hate myself, sometimes I want to become a mouse - they are not offended, they are small. (Zb) I’m sniffing, grandfather.

(37) - Does she notice you?

(38) - I’m nobody to her. (39) My life is waiting for a bone. (40) Sometimes they stroke me, but I don’t know what to do: bark or lick the hand that strokes, or maybe hits.

(41) - Don’t let anyone near you, hang notices on poles.

(42) - Are you kidding, grandfather, what kind of announcements?

(43) - Dog skin for sale.

(44) - What if they come for the skin?

(45) - Use the money you earn to buy a violin.

(46) - Why do I need a violin, grandfather?

(47) - You will play with your beloved.

(48) I don’t have a native village - I have nowhere to go, I don’t have a home. (49) My homeland is my grandfather, his words, his thoughts. (50) He taught me to love, see, think, wanted to teach me to fly, but didn’t have time.

(51) We walked with him among the pines and looked at the sky. (52) Grandfather talked about every star, and my grandfather was also in love with the moon. (53) He knew everything about her.

(54) Once said:

(55) - Some scientists claim: lunar craters are the remains of extinct volcanoes, others prove that they are traces of meteorites. (56) I am sure that the craters of the moon are the frozen gazes of the great. (57) Here are the eyes of Pushkin, and here are the eyes of Blok, then - the gaze of Bunin, and right in front of you - Mayakov -

sky; The Moon is a museum of human love. (58) But to get into this museum, you need to love so much that you burn like a meteorite, go crazy like a volcano!

(59) - I can’t do it, grandfather.

(60) - What’s not working?

(61) - I don’t understand anything, I’m confused about everything. (62) Grandfather, who are they - autumn people? (bZ) Maybe I am the autumn one?

(64) - I can’t solve all the questions for you, there are some that you can only answer yourself.

(65) - Oh, grandfather, I envy you.

(66) - It’s not so bad, I lived an interesting life.

(69) - Grandson, I really want you to know: your grandfather is alive! (70) Your grandfather is alive!

(71) I got up, opened the window and yelled throughout the whole street, all night:

(72) - People, my grandfather is alive! (73) My smart, kind,

autumn grandfather! (74) My island! (75) My Earth!

(According to A. Popov)


The problem of the influence of adults on the formation of the personality of a teenager and young man is considered in his text by A. Popov. The author uses the memories of the hero of the story about his grandfather.