Rules of conduct for a real man. Business tips: rules of a real man Rules of behavior of a real man

Women often wonder why male behavior not always worthy. How can he behave like this? But there is nothing to be surprised about - the current mass culture only encourages ill-mannered and arrogant men; the standards of behavior accepted now would have horrified people just thirty years ago.

Many will say that this time is gone forever, and gentleman Now you can’t find it during the day with fire. Let's change this together! It's time for men to think about the fact that noble and well-mannered behavior is always in fashion. If you behave as described below, women will line up in droves to get some of your precious attention.

And women need to understand that allowing their man to lead him anyhow- a disservice to yourself. Know how to guide your man so that he is always on top!

Rules of conduct for a true gentleman

  • A gentleman opens the door for a lady
    Opening the door is not a gesture of condescension, but politeness and respect. When letting a lady go ahead, you can always admire what she looks like from behind! It is also important to open the car door - this is also a great opportunity to control a woman who might slam the door of your favorite car too hard.
  • A gentleman chooses a roadside path
    When a man walks along the sidewalk and takes a position by the side of the road, he protects the woman from rapidly passing cars, from debris and splashes of water from puddles.
  • Gentleman watching the amount of alcohol
    This is one of the first points to remember to avoid awkward situations. A man controls what and how much the woman next to him drinks - he maintains a balance between an empty glass and the desire of the fair half to drink more than is necessary just for a good mood.
  • Gentleman shares outerwear
    In cold, wind, rain and snow, a man always has something ready that he can take off and offer to a woman as an escape from bad weather. Very romantic...
  • The gentleman is punctual
    There are no excuses for being late - that's all. Both women and men must arrive on time. Perhaps there is an ideal parallel world somewhere where exactly this happens.
  • The gentleman is not lazy to stand up
    When a woman enters a room, a man stands up, maybe not to his full height. This sign of respect is easy to attract the attention of any girl.
  • Gentleman giving compliments
    It is not necessary for a man to say pompous language - the main thing is that it is sincere!
  • Gentleman helping lady to sit down
    The man pulls out a chair for the woman and gently holds her as she sits down.
  • Gentleman gives way
    A man gets up from his favorite place everywhere and always - in the subway, on the bus, anywhere. It’s not difficult, but how much does such an action mean! By giving way, a man shows love for his neighbors and his noble nature at the same time.
  • Gentleman helping woman with coat
    A man helps a woman take off and put on her outerwear. This is how he shows his care and strength.
  • A gentleman remembers to say “thank you” and “please”
    Words of politeness are magical, every man remembers this and uses them appropriately.
  • A gentleman behaves appropriately at the table
    Talking with your mouth full, slurping and putting a knife aside where you cannot do without it - no self-respecting man would do this. Is it true?
  • A gentleman is never rude
    Not the bartender, not the wait staff, not the salesman, not the conductor - no one, ever. And not in the presence of a lady. Well, or he can do it, but then he will turn from a man into an ass and a snob.
  • Gentleman pays
    For a man to pay for dinner is natural. Once again, no one will refuse to demonstrate their financial well-being to their lady and everyone around them!
  • Gentleman escorts
    Life hack: when accompanying a woman to the door of her house, a man can be 100 percent sure that she went exactly there.
  • Gentleman listening
    When participating in a conversation, a man speaks and listens at the same time, never interrupts his interlocutor, and is attentive to other people’s words. The ability to listen attracts other people to you; this is a secret that will make it very easy for you to make new acquaintances, including with women.
  • A gentleman stands by his words
    A man knows how to keep secrets and not talk too much. A well-mannered man thinks before he says anything, much less promises, and always keeps what he promises.
  • A gentleman will never be rude to a woman
    A man will not assert himself at the expense of a woman - he will never be rude, and, moreover, raise a hand against a woman. This is not discussed.
  • Gentleman takes initiative
    The man has a certain ingenuity and his task is to teach the woman non-standard solutions. A man can save any situation and be proud of it.
  • A gentleman pays attention to detail
    A man always knows what size a woman’s feet are, what ring will suit her, her favorite color... He is attentive to little things because he knows how necessary it is for a woman’s happiness to feel his sincere care.
  • A gentleman respects his family
    Before making any serious decisions about a woman, he will show her to his family. A man who loves and respects his relatives will treat his wife the same way.
  • Gentleman - owner of golden hands
    A man can fix a broken thing, organize order in the house, come up with a new small invention to improve everyday life - all this can be done by a man.
  • A gentleman knows how to love
    A man knows how to love truly and is not ashamed of his feelings. He knows how in simple words express what is going on in his soul, and is not afraid to seem sentimental.
  • If you were lucky to be born a man, take full advantage of your position - be a gentleman. Your noble behavior will not go unnoticed and you will achieve success in all areas of life. You just have to try to behave according to this etiquette, and everything will change! Go for it.

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    Last update: 04/14/2019

    Today, British designer of men's clothing and accessories Richard James will share with us his personal commandments of a real man and gentleman.

    One of the founders of the new wave of made-to-measure clothing, Richard James brought color, pattern and a modern, updated outlook to Savile Row when he opened a store there in 1992.

    Today, James inspires a new generation of tailors by remaining at the top of his profession. As a man who helped long-standing traditions pave the way to modernity and opened the way for them to keep up with the times, he agreed to share his 22 years of experience and a certain code, which includes 10 rules of a real man.

    A true gentleman today is distinguished by...

    ...the desire to make an effort. How many times have I seen a beautiful, tastefully dressed woman in a restaurant next to a man who was dressed as if he had rushed out of the house to catch a runaway dog. Spend an extra half hour to look stylish and well-groomed. Believe me, these efforts will pay off with interest, women will especially appreciate this attentiveness.

    ... to monkey around. Make your own decisions and develop your own sense of style. None of us are born with already developed taste. Take the time and effort to find out what works for you. Over time, you will realize the extreme usefulness of this knowledge.

    A man should always...

    ...feel comfortable. It affects your behavior, your posture, the way you move and, at the same time, the impression you make. And we all know that the key to this is self-confidence.

    No man should...

    ... wear the same suit two days in a row. Too many men are extremely inattentive about the condition of their clothes. Let the suit “catch its breath” for at least a day after you put it on. Always use good hangers and hang it up to air overnight before putting it back in the closet.

    The biggest social faux pas... be overly aware of what is considered right and what is not. You won't make many friends if you constantly correct people. And believe me, many people will begin to wait for the moment when you stumble.

    A true indicator of good style...

    ... something that was made exclusively for you and can tell something about you. Yes, we will always help our client with advice, but still final choice remains yours. If we sew a suit to order, we guarantee that it reveals a piece of the character and uniqueness of its owner.

    The most important point to consider

    “When it comes to emotions, women, it should be admitted, know how to paint in oils, and with a full palette. We, men, usually limit ourselves to meager strokes of wax crayons,” said main character series "Californication" Hank Moody. Even if this is partly true, it still does not negate the complexity of male nature and the system of rules that men adhere to in life. Or they must stick to it if they want to reach Real Men status. ELLE chose 15 rules of a real man. Although there are much more of them.

    1. Don't make excuses

    If a man decides for himself what and how to do, then he is fully responsible for his actions and words. And for the consequences too. If something went wrong, we apologize. But we don’t make excuses. Just don’t confuse justification with explanations; there is a fine line between them, but still a line. The difference between them is in intonation.

    2. Follow through

    Everything except what is definitely meaningless or harmful. For example, finishing reading the novel “50 Shades of Gray”, which accidentally fell into the hands of a man, or finishing all the donuts that are on the table. Seriously though, it’s important to finish what you start. This is a matter of basic discipline, and without it life can go off the rails.

    3. Don't be afraid

    True nobility knows no fear, said Shakespeare. Fearlessness gives a lot, for example, self-confidence, and relieves a lot - from a tendency to embarrassment, for example. And also the absence inner fear allows you to accept others as they are, and not get annoyed or indignant at someone’s behavior. If a man is not afraid and confident in himself, he does not lose his temper over trifles. Indeed, why should he care about other people's shortcomings?

    4. Don't ingratiate yourself

    We are all equal. If someone thinks otherwise, it is his right, but as long as this right does not affect the rights of others. Our rights. An attempt to humiliate must be stopped immediately. This concerns not only defending one’s own interests, but also protecting those who need it. It is a matter of honor to stand up for the offended. The main thing is to do this without raising your voice.

    5. Don't gossip

    And it seems that there is nothing seditious in the love of gossip, but in fact it is a rather disgusting trait that drains (yes, it sounds pompous) the soul. A man would be better off keeping his mouth shut in this regard. And if there is nothing else to talk about, then it is better to remain silent.

    6. Value family

    “Family is the most important thing in the world. If you don't have a family, consider that you have nothing. Family is the strongest bond of your life.” Johnny Depp said this. Which, as we know, did not quite follow his own words. But not everyone is like Johnny Depp (with all due respect to him).

    7. Stay straight

    Being in shape means not only being fresh, alert, active and athletic. It's important to stay straight. And literally. Don't slouch or twist your limbs when sitting. Do not bend in the workplace, do not flow down the wall. It's important to be clear. Of course, we are all living people, and in general, no one has canceled the sense of proportion. Therefore, there is no need to be unnaturally straight, as if you had swallowed a stick. All that is required of a man in this sense is to make a clear impression, not to be a bag. It's difficult, but it's self-disciplining.

    8. Don't humiliate

    Do not allow yourself to be humiliated (see above) and under no circumstances allow yourself to laugh at anyone. The desire to humiliate reveals weakness in a person. Especially if the targets of bullying are even weaker ones. In the end, if you really feel like it, try laughing at the one who is stronger. This will be a good lesson and a reason for fun for the traumatologist who will repair you after such an attempt.

    9. Don't whine

    Let's face it - everyone whines. Or almost everything. And, of course, everyone knows that this is not good. The question is who perceives our whining how. If this a) for one of your friends/relatives falls into the category of “he wants to talk it out”, b) it doesn’t irritate that much, then everything is generally normal. The main thing here is the attitude of the man himself towards this habit of his. Well, and in dosage too. Agree, if a man “talks out” every single day (and even more often), then this is a serious problem for those around him, no matter how close they are. And yes, it is possible that a whining man is not a whiner at all, but, for example, is depressed and needs professional help.

    10. Don't be offended

    “Water off a duck’s back” is a saying that has a condemning meaning, but in this case it is quite appropriate. A real man cannot be offended. You can insult, yes, but that’s a completely different story and a different demand. And resentment... Strength lies in the absence of a reaction to an irritant, this is no secret to anyone. Therefore, offend as much as you want, it’s still pointless. You just need to remember that a man who is incapable of being offended, in any case, draws conclusions and writes a description of you. For myself. For the future.

    11. Don't be sad

    An unattainable trait that one should strive for rather than feel complex about its absence. Being always cheerful and positive (brrr, terrible word) is sometimes no less suspicious than constant despondency. People (including men) are still not machines and are subject to various conditions. But it’s still worth striving for the bright side of life, by God.

    Always and everywhere behave like the master of life - this is the key to your success. Once you understand this, you will truly become a true master of life. How to become a real man? To do this, you need to adhere to the rules of behavior of a real man. How does he behave? a real man Let's talk in this article.

    Rules of a real man

    Don't be afraid

    Never be embarrassed, never be shy, don’t get lost and don’t hesitate.

    Nothing can break your self-confidence.

    Never be outraged by other people's behavior. You can make an ironic remark in a low voice if the situation requires it, but never get out of balance, both externally and internally.

    You should always be calm. And then your calmness will be transmitted to the girl walking next to you.

    The street is dark and deserted, and a crowd of angry gopniks is coming towards you? You straighten your shoulders, raise your head higher, you walk at the same pace as before, you are strong and calm. This is your area, your city, your universe. There are no gopniks, there are just passers-by.

    “In this situation, no one will even try to run into you.”

    They said something after that - confidently and loudly shamed in response, and that was it. If there is no way to avoid the conflict and a mess really begins, from which you cannot get out of it with a competent conversation - fight.

    Enjoy the process of fighting itself and don’t be afraid of anything. You see that your chances are absolutely zero and they will simply kill you - run. Don't be afraid to seem like a coward, you're not afraid of anything.

    Don't make excuses

    And don’t even think about making excuses to the girl for anything later.

    You do what you want and don't have to explain anything.

    The girl would much rather lie in the same bed with you than bring flowers to your grave.

    In general, never make excuses for your actions, deeds and words.

    Don't apologize unless the situation really requires it. You decide what you do, you are always confident in your actions and you are not obliged to apologize to anyone.

    Don't fawn

    Be kind and considerate with people, but don’t fawn or fawn. If someone intentionally violates your dignity, immediately put him in his place, but calmly and without hysterics.

    With girls, by the way, you must also adhere to this rule. Never be afraid to put a girl in her place who is starting to bury herself. This will only add points to you by showing her who is the boss and master of ceremonies here.

    Remember: any woman needs a man who is stronger than her mentally and physically. Even the most emancipated feminist, deep down in her soul, dreams of having a man who she could bury on the shoulder and feel protected from everything in the world. Not a single girl has ever left me when I responded to an attempt to hit her with politeness in return. On the contrary, their eyes began to glow with happiness, and they immediately demanded violent sex.

    Don't humiliate

    But never humiliate people for no reason, don’t mock them - by doing this you show your weakness. Never make fun of the weak, do not offend animals, do not despise the poor. You are a tough guy, and you won’t let anyone down if something happens, but you don’t enjoy the process itself.

    Learn to rise above the crowd and love people at the same time. It's not that difficult if you understand that every person has something bright and positive. And once you learn this, people will love you back.

    Why do you need all this? So women will start loving you too. And the whole pickup truck will turn into a real paradise for you - you chose a girl, showed her how good you are (and without any tension - after all, you are not playing a performance, but in reality this is what you are) - and that’s it. Take her and take her to your bed. And she will be with you for as long as you want, and she will be immensely happy.

    No offense

    Never be offended. Never at all. It is simply impossible to offend or upset you.

    You can’t even get angry - you respond to any attempts to attack in the same way, but very calmly, with a direct look in the eyes and an obligatory smile. In general, direct eye contact combined with a smile is a very powerful thing. Women cannot resist this matter. Any attacks after this, as a rule, end. For a while, after which she will try to hit you again. And she will definitely do this.

    Don't be boring

    Treat everything with a healthy dose of humor. Make jokes where your jokes are appropriate. Don't become a bore. You must combine everything that I described above, and a certain amount of carelessness. That is, on the one hand you are Prince Charles, and on the other you are a bit of a hooligan and without a king in your head. Such a bittersweet and very mysterious combination. You can be relied on in the main things, but you are absolutely unpredictable in the little things. There must be a mystery in you. Never open up completely to a woman, never give her a reason to think that she knows you inside and out.

    Don't complain

    And don’t ever think about complaining to her about life or other people. Everything is always great with you and the best. You must radiate vital energy. If you feel tired and out of shape, it’s better to cancel the date altogether than to go looking like this. When you go to a meeting with dark thoughts and wrinkles on your forehead, this is even worse than showing up in dirty and wrinkled clothes. You will convey your mood to the girl and leave the most painful impression of yourself.

    Remember forever: everything is great in your life. When you are able to penetrate this idea, you will understand that this is how it really is. And women will be drawn to you on their own - they sense successful men and want to be with just such people.

    Don't talk to her about money

    Under no circumstances should you talk to her about money unless she provokes you into such conversations. Money is not important to you. Yes, it's good when they exist. It’s even better when there are a lot of them, but somehow you haven’t thought about it. You work not for money, but simply because you enjoy your work.

    In general, you enjoy everything you do. And money is a boring and uninteresting topic that doesn’t particularly excite you. Let it concern those who have problems with them. You don’t have any problems in life at all. Do you drive an old car? So what? You love your car, you enjoy driving it. In general, everything is pleasant for you and everything in your life is high. You are successful, your life is good and interesting. Did you go bald early? You enjoy being bald, that's all. And so on, all in the same spirit.

    Stay straight

    Don't forget about such important things as posture, gait and posture. You must hold your head high and not slouch.

    Are you shy about being tall? There is nothing to be ashamed of, most men envy you. It's no secret that a woman secretly wants a man who is taller than her. So you are very lucky - you can safely photograph girls with super-long legs who suffer from the fact that runts are scurrying around them. Show everyone how tall you are, stand up straight. This is an advantage, not a disadvantage.

    Straighten your shoulders, don't shuffle your feet, walk the way the owner of life should walk - calmly and with self-esteem. There is always an expression of self-satisfaction and harmony with the world around you on your face. And the shadow of a light half-smile, which is always ready to materialize into a wide open smile if you see a person you want to smile at. Be it an old acquaintance or a girl you liked.

    In a static position, your posture should also radiate self-confidence and goodwill towards the world around you. There is no need to intertwine your arms and legs into tight knots - this will close you off from reality. Don't hold your hands to your face, don't keep three eyes, don't cover your mouth while talking, don't scratch your nose or head. All of these are manifestations of self-doubt.

    The pose should be natural and relaxed. When talking, look at the interlocutor, and not to the side, but do not stare right through him unless the situation requires it. Make people feel comfortable talking to you.

    Watch how your voice sounds. Speak clearly and clearly enough, but do not shout. Women like it when a man speaks clearly, but softly, in a low voice. And don't forget to smile more often. But don’t turn into Guimplen. There should be as much as you need, and not in excess. Know how to be serious too. In general, work on these moments, don’t let your appearance leave it to chance, and you will succeed.

    Don't be sad

    You must constantly be in good mood, should always feel interesting and attractive. You should always and everywhere have your internal switch of the rapture of life turned on. You should be beaten, crushed and stuck. As if you drank a couple of glasses of cognac, which I wrote about above. Just learn to induce and maintain this mood without any stimulants.

    “If you can’t, anchor yourself to this matter”

    And when you are in this mood, those around you will feel it, and they will be interested in you. Try to be in a good mood always and everywhere, and people will be drawn to you, including pretty girls. An expensively dressed handsome man with a face like “don’t interfere, he’ll kill you!” much less interesting to them than an ordinary guy from whom waves of friendliness and joy emanate.

    After I began to live my life in a state of ecstasy with what was happening, waitresses, saleswomen, secretaries and hairdressers invariably began to flirt with me. When I approach the counter or cash register, I immediately notice how they gather themselves internally, straighten their hair and begin to smile faintly.

    In this case, do not be lazy to smile warmly at the girl and say a couple of friendly phrases, even if you do not intend to have any relationship with her. Thus, you get used to easily and freely communicating with people, make a lot of casual acquaintances and never cease to feel your ever-increasing attractiveness.

    The main thing is in your mood - you know that you can do anything you want. You are determined to win and succeed. You are a man in the prime of his life and in fantastic shape. They need you much more than you need them. The whole world is yours.

    Despite the fact that not all people are looking for a relationship one way or another (some, for that matter, even prefer to remain single), on a subconscious level, many have a desire to please members of the opposite sex.

    You can achieve the sympathy of a man in different ways, but ladies sometimes go to great lengths: in order to get the partner they like, they buy half of the cosmetics store, go on starvation diets and spend a lot of time on exhausting workouts, and, of course, they also try work on the internal filling: today almost every second person has heard that not all men like “pacifiers”.

    When such actions, costly both in time and finances, do not bring the desired result, many ladies become confused: how can this be? Why don't time-tested methods work?

    The answer is simple: many men, seeing such efforts, immediately note that this is just a game, a farce, if you like, and also the desire of the lady to appear better than she really is. Of course, such insincerity appeals to almost no one. But there must be things that really attract men? There will definitely be a couple: learn about female manners that men like.

    Lack of habit of swearing

    Despite the fact that most men are not averse to inserting a strong word, they almost unanimously do not accept this with ladies: the majority of the stronger sex is confident that swear words do not make any woman look good.

    Even if you are in men's company, devoid of prejudices and bias, and “colloquial Russian” is very useful in this particular situation, it’s worth stopping and thinking about whether it’s really worth using “strong” words: this can seriously change the attitude towards you, and it’s not a fact that for the better side.

    Smiling manner

    A woman’s smile quite often becomes a goal for the man caring for her: it can mean gratitude, and simply be a signal of the good mood of its owner. Women who imitate Princess Nesmeyane are not successful with men: not everyone will dare to approach a gloomy lady, ruffled like an angry sparrow.

    However, there is also a purely aesthetic difference between a lady who is “positive” and one who always makes sad faces: the second one may develop unattractive wrinkles over time, which repel a certain percentage of men.

    As you can see, there is nothing unusual in female manners that men like: all this, if desired, can be developed in oneself without much difficulty. But it’s important to remember that men are different: what works for one may be completely useless for another. That is why it is important to develop comprehensively, without adapting to anyone: otherwise there is a high risk of losing your own individuality.

    Tell us what you think about this: what feminine manners, in your opinion, most attract the majority of men? Why?