Spontaneous fulfillment of desires. Deepak Chopra: Spontaneous fulfillment of desires: How to subjugate the infinite potential of the Universe Chopra spontaneous fulfillment of desires

Deepak Chopra

Spontaneous fulfillment of desires

How to harness the infinite potential of the Universe

The Essential. Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire

@2007 by Deepak Chopra

Published with permission from Harmony Books, a division of Random House, Inc., and Synopsis Literary Agency

© “Sofia”, 2008

Puma, Mallika, Gautama, Candice, Samantha, Tara and Leela, this book is dedicated to you.

You control the synchronistic dance of my universe.

There are few things I enjoy more than learning myself and teaching others. All people are born with an insatiable thirst to understand the world around them. I was lucky: my parents not only did not limit, but also encouraged my interest in the unknown. Now I am an adult, and both of these areas are at my disposal. On the one hand, I study medicine, ancient wisdom, health, soul, and on the other hand, I share my accumulated knowledge. I write books, give lectures, thereby satisfying the curiosity of others.

When speaking publicly, I either condense the material or present it in all its details and particulars, depending on the amount of time I have. An hour-long weekly radio show requires a very different approach than a five-minute segment on morning TV. A week-long course of lectures involves an even more extensive presentation of the material. The same is true for printed publications. We don’t always have the opportunity to read an explanation of an idea that stretches over several hundred pages. However, we might take the time to delve into essence ideas.

That's why we had the idea to shorten some books. Three abridged versions of the books have already been published: “ Timeless body and mind: a quantum alternative to aging», « How to Know God: The Soul's Journey to the Mystery of Mysteries" And " Spontaneous fulfillment of desire: how to subjugate the endless potential of coincidences" I hope this series will be useful both to those who are not familiar with my work, and to people who have already read the full-length books, but would like to refresh their memory of the thoughts expressed there.

This book is intended for anyone who has wondered about the meaning of coincidences: you were just thinking about an old friend whom you haven’t seen for many years, and suddenly the phone rings, you pick up the receiver and hear the voice of this very person! Or you have deep hope in something - and in the end everything works out just fine.

Coincidence? Maybe. But you should pay attention to such coincidences. After all " coincidence" means " happening simultaneously"; At such moments, you seem to penetrate with your gaze to a place where everything happens at the same time, to a place where the past, present and future are one.

The information presented in the book will help you not only learn how to use such matches - it will help you increase their number. You just need to recognize the presence of coincidences in your life and understand their meaning. This way you will find yourself in the world of the divine mind, where you can create your own “luck”.

These are not just coincidences. This is the path to fulfillment of desires.


Miracles happen every day. And not somewhere far away, but here, in our lives. They arise from a hidden source, surround us with a sea of ​​possibilities and disappear. Miracles are considered something supernatural, although they permeate our consciousness every day. We can notice them, or we can ignore them - and not understand that at this moment our fate is being decided. But if you tune in to miracles, tune in to be “here and now,” life will be illuminated with such radiance that you cannot even imagine.

If you don’t pay attention to miracles, happy opportunities will pass by. Will you recognize a miracle if you see it with your own eyes - that is the question. And if you understand that a miracle is a miracle, how will you behave? But if you could create your own miracles, what miracle would you choose?

Within us, beyond the physical essence, beyond thoughts and emotions, there is a world of pure potential - in this world everything is possible. Even miracles. Especially miracles. This part of our nature is connected with everything that exists - present and future. Each of us had to witness amazing and supernatural - there is no other way to describe it - phenomena. Let's say you're cleaning out your closet and find an old gift from someone you lost contact with many years ago. After about an hour, the phone rings, you pick up the phone and hear the voice of that same friend. Or - your car breaks down on a deserted highway; you are upset: you will have to wait for more than one hour for help. However, the first car to appear on the road turns out to be a tractor-trailer.

Oleg Ishvara/ 10/1/2017 This is an amazing author - Deepak Chopra. I am a practitioner, so I followed my own path, my own experience. To get out of a deep personal crisis, I turned to training, where I realized that I have a body, an organism that works completely autonomously and harmoniously, and that I often go against it with my thoughts and actions. So I took up meditation, without resorting to theoretical sources and books. I meditated every day for at least half an hour, sometimes up to an hour and a half. I was engaged in a synthesis of practices, which included meditation and gymnastics, as well as cleansing the body with nutrition. And then, through meditation, a huge world opened up to me, a world of possibilities and relationships. I felt that I have an inner Self that is a hundred times wiser than my mind, and the mind becomes quiet when this Self manifests itself. I began to meditate constantly and compare all life steps with the direction that my inner essence sets.

And then I began to receive sources of information, videos, books, etc., which expanded and explained the experience I had gone through at the mental level. I was delighted with these sources!! And the most amazing book that fully described the system of practices that I came to through experience was Deepak Chopra’s book “The Seven Spiritual Laws.” Chopra described in an amazing way all the principles that I came to and went even further. This book, "Spontaneous Manifestation of Desires," brings us to the book "The Seven Spiritual Laws": it explains all the elementary principles that await you on the path to yourself when you really want to discover the fundamental things in this world. With all this, Deepak Chopra, being an Indian, in his books moves away from the pure mysticism of the East and bases all his conclusions on the most modern scientific knowledge.
If you are interested in my experience, knock on the door, I will leave my contacts here (links are prohibited here, so I will leave my logins)
My name is Oleg Ishvara
in VK - olegishvara
on YouTube - olegishvara
on Instagram - @olegishvara
on FB - olegishvara

Italian/ 04/14/2015 It looks like a new round of dissemination of the teachings of TM-transcendental meditation. The opposite is true for Orthodoxy.

Fast/ 10/25/2010 A clot of energy, a clot of energy. What is energy? After all, energy is not divisible, it flows from itself to itself, all energies are ultimately one energy, but this does not mean that there is nothing else.

Anna/ 10.24.2010 I liked the idea in the book that everything that surrounds us - material and intangible objects - are all like “clumps of energy”, and we see a table, a flower or another person, because that’s how our analyzers are designed, so when some problems appear in life, you can abstract yourself, think more globally, “why, in fact, should you be upset or worried if, for example, your boss shouted - he’s just a “clump of energy, etc.” :))))

Gin/ 10/9/2009 Easy to read. In terms of theory, Zealand will be better (as regards quantum physics). I still don’t understand the specific technology. The main idea of ​​the book is the ability to use synchronicity (coincidences), which carry opportunities for the fulfillment of desires (apparently, primarily in the form of useful information).
The exercises include meditation with mantras and sutras. This book is clearly not enough to cover the topic. IMHO.


The Seven Principles of Synchro-Fate, simply and clearly presented in this book by the famous author, together with simple exercises, will help you learn to read the signs of the Universe, which are called coincidences. You just need to recognize the presence of coincidences in your life and understand their meaning. This way you will find yourself in the world of the Divine Mind, where you can create your own luck.


1. Matter, mind, spirit

2. Synchronicity in living nature

3. Nature of the soul

4. Intent

5. Significance of coincidences

6. Desires and archetypes

7. Meditations and mantras

8. First Principle:

9. Second Principle:

10. Third Principle:

11. Fourth Principle:

12. Fifth Principle:

13. Sixth Principle:

14. Seventh Principle:

Deepak Chopra

Spontaneous fulfillment of desires

How to harness the infinite potential of the Universe

The Essential. Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire

@2007 by Deepak Chopra

Published with permission from Harmony Books, a division of Random House, Inc., and Synopsis Literary Agency

© “Sofia”, 2008

Puma, Mallika, Gautama, Candice, Samantha, Tara and Leela, this book is dedicated to you.

You control the synchronistic dance of my universe.

There are few things I enjoy more than learning myself and teaching others. All people are born with an insatiable thirst to understand the world around them. I was lucky: my parents not only did not limit, but also encouraged my interest in the unknown. Now I am an adult, and both of these areas are at my disposal. On the one hand, I study medicine, ancient wisdom, health, soul, and on the other hand, I share my accumulated knowledge. I write books, give lectures, thereby satisfying the curiosity of others.

When speaking publicly, I either condense the material or present it in all its details and particulars, depending on the amount of time I have. An hour-long weekly radio show requires a very different approach than a five-minute segment on morning TV. A week-long course of lectures involves an even more extensive presentation of the material. The same is true for printed publications. We don’t always have the opportunity to read an explanation of an idea that stretches over several hundred pages. However, we could perhaps take the time to delve into the essence of the idea.

That's why we had the idea to shorten some books. Three abridged versions of the books have already been published: “Timeless Body and Mind: A Quantum Alternative to Aging,” “How to Know God: The Soul’s Journey to the Secret of Mysteries,” and “Spontaneous Desire: How to Harness the Infinite Potential of Coincidence.” I hope this series will be useful both to those who are not familiar with my work, and to people who have already read the full-length books, but would like to refresh their memory of the thoughts expressed there.

This book is intended for anyone who has wondered about the meaning of coincidences: you were just thinking about an old friend whom you haven’t seen for many years, and suddenly the phone rings, you pick up the receiver and hear the voice of this very person! Or you have deep hope in something - and in the end everything works out just fine.

Coincidence? Maybe. But you should pay attention to such coincidences. After all, “coincidence” means “happening at the same time”; At such moments, you seem to penetrate with your gaze to a place where everything happens at the same time, to a place where the past, present and future are one.

The information presented in the book will help you not only learn how to use such matches - it will help you increase their number. You just need to recognize the presence of coincidences in your life and understand their meaning. This way you will find yourself in the world of the divine mind, where you can create your own “luck”.

These are not just coincidences. This is the path to fulfillment of desires.


Miracles happen every day. And not somewhere far away, but here, in our lives. They arise from a hidden source, surround us with a sea of ​​possibilities and disappear. Miracles are considered something supernatural, although they permeate our consciousness every day. We can notice them, or we can ignore them - and not understand that at this moment our fate is being decided. But if you tune in to miracles, tune in to be “here and now,” life will be illuminated with such radiance that you cannot even imagine.

If you don’t pay attention to miracles, happy opportunities will pass by. Will you recognize a miracle if you see it with your own eyes - that is the question. And if you understand that a miracle is a miracle, how will you behave? But if you could create your own miracles, what miracle would you choose?

Within us, beyond the physical essence, beyond thoughts and emotions, there is a world of pure potential - in this world everything is possible. Even miracles. Especially miracles. This part of our nature is connected with everything that exists - present and future. Each of us had to witness amazing and supernatural - there is no other way to describe it - phenomena. Let's say you're cleaning out your closet and find an old gift from someone you lost contact with many years ago. After about an hour, the phone rings, you pick up the phone and hear the voice of that same friend. Or - your car breaks down on a deserted highway; you are upset: you will have to wait for more than one hour for help. However, the first car to appear on the road turns out to be a tractor-trailer.

Can such things be called mere coincidences? Of course you can. But upon closer examination, such cases may also turn out to be manifestations of the miraculous. They can be dismissed as random phenomena in a world of chaos. But it is also possible to recognize them as potentially fateful events, which they may well turn out to be.

I don't believe in meaningless coincidences. I believe that coincidences are messages, clues that you should pay close attention to.

By paying due attention to coincidences and their meaning, you maintain a connection with a deeper layer of infinite possibilities. This is where the magic begins. I call this state Synchro-Fate - it allows you to fulfill any desire. Synchro-destiny involves accessing the deepest levels of your being; In addition, you must pay close attention to the intricate dance of coincidences in the material world. One must try to penetrate into the nature of things, to realize the existence of a source of intelligence, thanks to which the creation of the Universe continues to this day. A person must strive to realize the opportunities that open to him and thereby change his life.

My father served in the Indian Army and was the personal physician to Lord Mountbatten, the last Governor-General of India. My father often devoted his free time from work to communicating with Lady Mountbatten - they became friends. Lady Mountbatten advised him to apply for membership of the Royal College of Physicians. Soon my father was called to England. I had just turned six years old. Then my mother went to my father, leaving my brother and I in the care of our grandparents.

And so my father wrote that he had finally passed all the exams. It was a significant day for all of us. Grandfather, proud of his son's good fortune, took us into the city to celebrate the good news. It was not a day, but a hurricane of happiness. And at night we were awakened by loud crying. We did not yet know that our grandfather had died; Inconsolable women mourned him - it was from their sobs that we woke up.

All this made a strong impression on me and my brother. I lay awake all night, wondering where my grandfather was now and whether his soul managed to escape. My brother reacted differently: his skin began to peel off, as if from a sunburn. But there was no burn, and my brother was shown to several doctors. A wise doctor once said that recent dramatic events in the family must have deeply wounded the boy and pierced his defenses; Peeling of the skin has become an external manifestation of vulnerability. The skin will stop peeling when our parents return to India, the doctor finally said. And so it happened.

Looking back, I understand that those early childhood events determined the type of my future activities - I became interested in studying the nature of the soul and researching the connection between the body and mind.

But seeing a network of coincidences isn't everything; this is only the first step towards understanding Synchrofate and its laws. The next stage is to develop the ability to recognize coincidences. Coincidences are easier to notice as time passes. However, the one who knows how to see them in the present is in a more advantageous position. Such a person has a greater chance of taking advantage of new opportunities. In addition, awareness is converted into energy.

The more attentive you are to coincidences, the more often they happen and the wider your access to clue messages.

The final stage of Synchro-fate is the awareness of the interconnection, interdependence and coherence of all things. Coherence is being in unison. Imagine a school of fish - they swim in one direction, for a moment - and the whole school turns in the other direction. Fish have no leader. And none of them thinks: “Yeah,...

When you realize that wishes come true, you will begin to think less about personal needs...

We are all part of the Universe, so our desires are the essence of manifestations of the Universe itself.

Intentions initially contain a mechanism for their execution. Each of us must have clear intentions. And if we can get the ego out of the way, our intentions will certainly come true.

Intention attracts the necessary circumstances, forces, events, situations, contacts.

Don't worry about the details: if you try too hard, the result may turn out to be exactly the opposite of what you want. Give the non-local mind the opportunity to synchronize the phenomena of the Universe and fulfill your intention.

Intentions are the same forces of nature: they are like gravity (but much more powerful). There is no need to concentrate on the laws of physics - they already work. Nobody will say, “I don’t believe in gravity.” The force of gravity manifests itself regardless of whether we understand what is happening or not. The same is true with intention.

To release the energy of intention, one must establish a connection with the field of the conscious mind. This can be done in many ways, the best way is through prayer. When a person reaches a certain level of consciousness, any desire he has is fulfilled.

Some people are connected so closely to the field of the conscious mind that all their intentions come true by themselves: the entire universe adapts to their desires. This does not mean that every whim is fulfilled; the fact is that the intentions of such people correspond to the intentions of the Universe. And these intentions really come true, but only because the Cosmic Mind uses them to fulfill its own will.

Intention and whim are not the same thing. Intention involves focus as well as some detachment. When you have mentally concentrated on a desire, you should let it go and let the Universe deal with the details. If you cannot abstract from the result, then the ego interferes and the desire does not come true. If your intention doesn't come true right away, you become disappointed.

Of course, the best way to learn to realize your intentions is to coordinate them with cosmic intentions, to harmonize your plans with the plans of the Universe. When this alignment is established, more synchronicity will appear in your life - and you will definitely notice it. The best way to establish harmonious relationships is through ordinary gratitude. Realize that you are grateful to the Universe for everything you receive. Thank the world for the place you have been given in life; for being lucky enough to participate in the common destiny of humanity. Harmony presupposes the renunciation of all kinds of grievances and complaints. Self-pity is a creation of the ego. Thus, animals do not know resentment and dissatisfaction. Only a heap of emotions prevents the manifestation of human intentions. To create a pure intention, you need to learn to let it go.

Exercise Focus on Intention

The best way to focus on intentions is write them down. Go somewhere secluded where no one will disturb you. Write what you want; describe all levels of your intention. Mention both physical and ego pleasures, relationships, self-esteem and spiritual desires. Write it down in as much detail as possible.

As your wishes come true (or change), cross off the corresponding items from the list or add new ones.

Immerse yourself in and imagine what it would be like if all your wishes came true. You may be able to imagine the realization of your dreams on both a material and spiritual level. Don't try to organize mental images; don’t worry if they seem unrealistic or unrealistic to you. Just watch them, feel their fullness. The main thing is to pay due attention to all four levels of aspiration. If you manage to achieve the required degree of correspondence, the internal dialogue will become clearer and gain greater strength - with its help you will get to the level of unified consciousness.

Intention does not require constant attention, but it really needs concentration. Over time, the habit of concentrating will definitely develop.

Review your list once or twice a day. Read it before you pray. Prayer calms the inner essence of a person. The ego disappears. And you distance yourself from the possible result, do not delve into the details and do not interfere with the deep mind to organize everything and place the details in the right order. The main thing here is to abstract from the ego level, the “I” level, from self-esteem, and not interfere with the non-local mind to fulfill your desires through synchronicity.

In the beginning, you can be as selfish as you like. At first, all your desires may revolve around “yourself” and all sorts of little things. But over time, you will begin to understand that self-realization must happen in all dimensions, not just at the personal and ego level. When you notice that your desires are being fulfilled, selfishness will subside: you will realize that you can get anything.

Someone who has plenty of food won’t even think of constantly chewing something. It's the same with intentions. When you realize that wishes come true, you will begin to think less about personal needs. You will become more interested in the needs of the rest of the world. This is a step-by-step process. Be patient - but prepare for miracles.