Finding and tracking containers. Shipping Container Tracking

Railways are the dominant routes for freight transportation and are used by companies, enterprises and organizations to transport various types cargo This is facilitated by a wide network of railways, affordable transportation tariffs and a variety of rolling stock. Tanks, wagons, open platforms and containers move along the railway, which make it possible to quickly, inexpensively and safely deliver cargo along any route.

To improve transportation efficiency, logistics companies:

  1. Selecting optimal routes
  2. Select the type of rolling stock,
  3. Tariffs are calculated in advance
  4. They track the movement of containers along the route.

A lifesaver for tracking is the service, which has simple but effective tools for the job. Tracking railway containers as trains move across Russia allows you to obtain online information about the location of the cargo and the technical condition of the rolling stock. Also on you get information about:

  1. Container destination stations,
  2. Last operation with PS,
  3. Location of the last operation,
  4. Dynamics of movement along the route,
  5. Latest container routes.

Searching for information on the service is carried out in personal account, where through an operational or regulated request you can find data on containers at any point of Russian Railways. The tracking service is in demand by logistics companies, shipping companies and container tenants. Receiving operational information allows you to have all data about the cargo online.

You can also search for containers by number on To do this, enter the number of the rolling stock in your personal account, after which the system provides information about it. The request processing time depends on its type. An operational request costs 510 rubles, and a regulated one costs 55 rubles. The daily tracking mode is popular, which involves receiving several reports during the day without additional settings. The cost of tracking a container during the day is 50 rubles.

Funds are debited from the account immediately after receiving a response to the request, so the service user can easily control expenses through his personal account.

The system offers interesting discounts. If you need to track more than 10 containers per day, then to receive discounts and an individual rate, you must fill out and submit a special form. It states:

  1. Number of containers per day,
  2. Tracking Country,
  3. Contact details.

To start working in normal mode, the user must:

  1. Read the rules of the service,
  2. Register
  3. Sign an agreement (agreement-offer for individuals),
  4. Top up your balance.

In addition to tracking containers for Russian Railways, the user of the system can:

  1. Determine the location of cars on the railways of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan,
  2. Calculate railway tariff,
  3. Familiarize yourself with the technical passport of the rolling stock,
  4. Find out about the time between repairs of cars,
  5. Receive a forecast for the arrival of a container (wagon or tank).

The user also has access to information about the latest flights of rolling stock and other additional information.

Answers come to the personal account, but it is possible to automatically duplicate them to the user’s email or phone via SMS. As an additional service, tracking of wagons and containers using the SOAP protocol is offered (cost 200 rubles per month).

The system is a reliable assistant for obtaining prompt and accurate information about rolling stock. The service offers the lowest prices on the market and a user-friendly interface.

Container transportation is the most popular way to deliver goods over long distances by one or more modes of transport. The system for recording sea and rail containers allows you to search for them by number and determine the current position on the map. Convenient free online services have been created to solve this problem. Many of them not only display the container position on Google map, but also provide information about the transit period and transshipment points. The search algorithm is simple - the cargo owner enters the module number into a special form and indicates the line engaged in transportation. However, for each type of transport there are certain nuances.

How to find a shipping container?

To link the container to a specific shipping line, the module number contains a prefix consisting of four Latin letters. You can find out which line the packaging belongs to on the following websites:


To track a container by number, use the online service of the corresponding sea container line. If the shipping company does not provide such a service, then information can be obtained from the Track Trace service.

How to track a railway container?

To search for containers whose number is indicated on the holographic sticker, you can use the free service or get paid extended information on the website

Searching for information on is carried out in your personal account when submitting a regulated (cheaper) or prompt request. To start working with this service, the client registers, signs an agreement and tops up his balance.

The user will be able to find out:

  • current location of the container;
  • technical condition of the rolling stock, last operations of passing the railway station, place of the last operation;
  • the last routes along which the container was transported.

When tracking large quantity sea ​​or rail containers (more than 10 units per day) there are discounts in the system.

You can also get information about the dynamics of cargo movement on the free service, free and expanded paid information after registration - on the website

Modern information technologies contribute to increasing the efficiency of managing the transportation of goods in containers. Since 2000, the Automated System for Controlling the Use and Promotion of Containers has been in operation, which is the first stage of the automated control system for container transportation (DISCON). To record the container fleet and monitor its technical condition, the Main Computing Center of the Ministry of Railways organized an Automated Container Park Data Bank (ADB PC). The reliability of the information contained in it is ensured by the preparation of a passport for each container, the information from which is entered into the database of the PC, as well as by the annual census of the container fleet on all types of transport in Russia, other CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. At stations where work with containers is carried out, complexes of automated workstations for the main professions of container point workers are being introduced: acceptance clerks, commodity cashiers, and operators.

Analysis of the system for metering the location of a container park.

The construction of a system for number registration of container fleet location on the network of railway administrations of the CIS and Baltic countries is carried out in stages. Ultimately, it must ensure constant monitoring of the location of any container of the railway administrations, accurate to the station, and carrying out mutual settlements for the use of containers on this basis.
The first stage of the system, put into commercial operation at the end of 1998, is intended to determine the location of containers with an accuracy of administration. For this purpose, information messages about the transfer of containers are received from all interstate junction points, points for the transfer of containers to sea, river transport and third countries to the Main Computing Center of the Ministry of Railways of Russia.
The recipients of this information are the railway administrations and the Directorate of the Council. On its basis, many operational tasks related to the dispatch of containers, regulation, and control over the dislocation of containers at administrations are solved. With the implementation of the first stage, it became possible not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively (i.e., with breakdown by container owners) to analyze the movement of containers at junction points. Based on these data, a comparison was made for the completeness of the 1997 and 1998 censuses. The bottleneck in the operation of the system is the quality of the transmitted information.

Options for searching and tracking a container

This section provides typical options for searching and tracking a container. Their list is compiled for the most technically equipped and competent companies. If you contact less qualified companies (most often these are simple intermediaries), you will not receive the services described on this page.

Determining the current location of the container (one-time location certificate)
The service is aimed at all transportation participants: shippers, consignees, forwarding companies.
The customer of the service is provided with a certificate of the location of the container by its number at the time of the request. The source of information is information systems of railway transport.
In cases where the last operation with a container is arrival at any railway station, at the request of the client, regardless of the duration of the container’s stay there, the reason for the container’s presence at the station and recommendations on possible measures for the further movement of the cargo can be established and communicated to the customer without additional payment.

Confirmation of loading and departure of the container
The purpose of the service is to provide the client with evidence of the fact that the container has departed from its loading station.
The service is aimed at consignees. The result of the service is (at the customer’s choice):
a) Certificate from information systems railway transport;
b) A copy of the railway invoice indicating the dispatch number, the date of acceptance of the cargo for transportation, the amount of fees collected upon dispatch of the cargo and the name of the person responsible for loading upon dispatch of the cargo.
To obtain information, you need to contact the company’s office, fill out a special application form for the service, indicating the type of confirmation you require, and pay the invoice. The waiting time for a response depends on the receipt of data from the railway computer center.

Confirmation of the arrival and unloading of cargo from the container
The purpose of the service is to provide evidence of the container’s arrival at the destination station and its unloading by the consignee. The service is aimed at shippers and forwarders. The customer of this service is provided with a certificate from railway transport information systems about the date and time of the container’s arrival at the destination station and an archive of information about its progress.
At the request of the client, the company can initiate the submission of a telegram from the destination station to the departure station, confirming the fact of receipt of the cargo.
To receive the document, you need to contact the company’s office with a receipt for acceptance of cargo for transportation or a copy of the railway invoice, indicate the type of confirmation acceptable to you and pay the invoice. A request for a destination station will be made within one day from the date of application. The duration of waiting for a response depends on the distance between the date of expected arrival and the time of application and the difference in the hour period.

Constant control over container dislocation. 24/7 tracking until the container arrives at its destination station.
The service is aimed at all transportation participants: shippers, consignees, forwarding companies. The customer is provided with a daily certificate of the location of the container according to its number at the time agreed with the company, until information about their arrival at the destination and unloading station is received. The source of information is information systems of railway transport. The method of informing and its time is established by the customer. The client can request information at any time convenient for him - then he makes an independent call to the company’s office and receives information at the time of the call. You can set a specific time by which the report must be prepared. Then you need to decide on the method of receiving the ordered report: read orally over the phone, sent by fax, email or SMS message to a mobile phone. For cargo of particular value, information can be received several times a day. Tests have shown that railway computer equipment is capable of transmitting updated information to the client with a maximum frequency of at least 10-15 minutes. Thus, you will be able to receive information at least 4 times per hour or 96 times per day.
After choosing the method of information, you need to contact the company’s office with a copy or original receipt of acceptance of the cargo for transportation, enter into an agreement and pay the cost of the work.

Tracking costs for single containers. Single containers travel in so-called transhipment messages from the loading station to the sorting station, from the sorting station to the next sorting station, from the sorting station to the destination station. At sorting stations they can be reloaded into other cars, and therefore the number of the car in which they are traveling will change. Therefore, depending on the distance of transportation, the company can offer two types of tracking: for a full flight - from the moment of departure to the moment of arrival and by the number of days (for example, you can receive information two or three times a week). The client's costs for each type of tracking are presented in the diagram.

Costs of tracking container sets. Sets of containers travel in so-called direct connections from the loading station to the destination station. They do not need sorting along the route, and therefore the number of the car in which they were loaded at the departure station will remain unchanged until the unloading station. For such transportation, companies can offer up to four types of tracking: for a full flight - from the moment of departure to the moment of arrival and by number of days (for example, you can receive information two or three times a week) for each container number or car number. Naturally, the tariffs for monitoring wagons will be lower than for containers. The client's costs for each type of tracking are presented in the diagram.

Confirmation of previously completed shipments
The purpose of the service is to document the fact of transportation in more early time. The service is aimed at all transportation participants: shippers, consignees, forwarding companies. The customer of this service has a choice of:
a) Certificate of all container flights performed during the last three months by its number;
b) Certificate about the history of container movement during a specific voyage, the departure and destination stations of which are reported by the customer.
The data source is information from railway transport information systems
To obtain information, you need to contact the company’s office with a copy or original receipt of acceptance of cargo for transportation, fill out the application form and pay the cost of the work

Answers to typical situations when searching for containers

The forwarder carried out tracking and reported arrival at the destination station. The recipient arrived to pick up the cargo, but received the answer “Your cargo has not arrived.”

Error of the dispatcher of the forwarding company. Having read the answer from the computer, he perceived the destination station as the station of the last deployment.
1. Request the forwarder to request the information again and provide a printout of it. If it really indicates the arrival of the car at the station, you can come with it to the station freight office, RAFTO, Transcontainer agencies and discuss the current situation.
2. If the forwarder cannot provide a printout for some reason, try requesting information in the evening or the next day.
3. If possible, request a one-time certificate of location of the wagon or container from another company or railway.

The cargo was sent in a container, dispatch control was not ordered. The recipient ordered a one-time certificate about the location of the carriage indicated in the copy of the railway invoice, but its location does not correspond to the intended route.
1. The container is reloaded into another wagon along the route.
2. The carriage with the cargo actually arrived at the destination station, unloaded and departed for the next trip. The container is at the destination station.
3. The cargo is loaded into a wagon (container), the number of which is on another wagon (container) [the so-called “double”]. This car has a later deployment.
To determine the location of a container, you should first of all request information by its number, and not by the car number. If possible, request a one-time certificate of container number from another company or railway.

The sender assures that the goods have been sent. But after a long period, the cargo never arrived.
1. The cargo is detained en route.
2. The cargo was not sent.
3. The cargo was sent, but along the way, at the instructions of the sender, it was redirected.
1. To prove the departure of the cargo, ask your forwarder, or order from the railway or other forwarding company, confirmation of the fact of departure of the wagon or container.
2. To determine the current location of a wagon or container, request a one-time certificate of the location of the wagon or container with your cargo.

The forwarder carried out tracking and reported on arrival, but the recipient assures that he did not receive the cargo.
1. The forwarder does not have the ability to control the fact of the carriage’s arrival at this station and he reported the arrival conditionally.
2. The car with the cargo actually arrived at the station, but there was no delivery for unloading yet.
3. The cargo is loaded into a wagon (container), the number of which is on another wagon (container) [the so-called “double”]. He arrived at this station.
4. Error of the dispatcher of the forwarding company. After reading the response from ASOUP, he perceived the destination station as the station of the last deployment.
5. The recipient hides the fact that he received the cargo.
1. Request the forwarder to request the information again and provide a printout of it. If it really indicates the arrival of the carriage at the station, on its basis you can conduct further negotiations with the recipient.
2. To prove the arrival and delivery of cargo, ask your forwarder, order confirmation from the railway or another forwarding company of the fact of arrival of the wagon or container.

Often there is a need to check where in at the moment there is a sea or railway container with cargo. This allows you to track containers by number, which can be used to determine the current position of the containers on a geographic map.

Sea container tracking by number

Accurate tracking of containers by number along the route of their movement helps to correctly build the entire logistics chain and thereby ensure greater confidence in the company on the part of cargo owners, etc. Today, many online services offer free container tracking to everyone, for which you need to enter the container number into a special form and indicate the shipping line. But each type of transport has its own specifics, which are taken into account when locating container containers.

Shipping Container Tracking

Sea transport is the longest and more dangerous than land transport, plus there is always a risk of cargo being detained in ports, so tracking sea ​​containers allows you to avoid unnecessary worries and warn customers about more precise delivery times. As a rule, all major shipping lines have their own online services, on the page that opens with a tracking form for which you need to enter the number of the container, bill of lading or booking.

You can find out whether a container belongs to a particular shipping line by the four-letter prefix in its number. This can be done on sites such as:

If for some reason tracking sea containers by number through the services of shipping lines is impossible, for example, such a service is not provided by this line, you can use the global Track Trace service

Rail container tracking

Transporting goods by rail, regardless of the distance, is a reliable and safe method of transportation. Tracking of a railway container is carried out using the number specified in the LPD and applied to a holographic sticker, and as a result it will become known at which station the cargo is currently located and what is the current state of the container during transportation. You can track a railway container by number for free on a service such as:

Search for containers

In the case of container transportation, there are often cases in which cargo is delayed for one reason or another. Searching for a container by number is reliable way control its location during transportation. Today you can do this for free by contacting a number of online services or specialists transport company, which organized the transportation. As a result of searching for a container, information will be provided about where it is currently located, at which station (in the case of railway containers), and what was the last operation performed with it.

How to find a container? Determining the location of a sea container.

Do you need to know where the container that was sent by sea is located?

Most the right way to track containers during sea transportation, use online services, which, as a rule, have all major shipping lines.

Sea container lines mainly transport goods in containers owned by the line itself or leased for a long time from other container owners. It happens that the carrier delivering your cargo is unknown. In this case, before you start searching for the location of a container with cargo, you should try to determine the owner of the container you are looking for. You can find out whether a sea container belongs to a particular line using the 4-letter prefix in the container number or find it in the list of shipping companies’ own containers.

As an option for tracking cargo, you can use the following form, which allows you to search for a container immediately by the most popular sea lines:

If a container with your cargo should arrive at the ports of the Odessa region, and you were unable to obtain information about its location in the above way, then you can send information about the container to our address: This address email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. with the topic: "search for container". We will try to help you locate it, completely free of charge.