We connect the LED duralight. Design, installation and connection of duralight Maximum length of duralight tape per adapter

Lighting design has become widespread over the past few decades. Flexible luminous multi-colored cords are extremely popular today. This design is called LED duralight. It is successfully used during public events in populated areas, as well as on busy highways. This type of garland is especially effective at night. Read more about what this is and how to equip the site with such lighting later in our article.

What is duralight

The duralight cord is a design with a round or flat cross-section. The shell itself is made of polyvinyl chloride. There are LEDs along the entire length of the glow cord.

Duralight is sold in various glow colors. A technical specifications allow it to be used in advertising and decorations.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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LED duralight is a flexible polymer cord. The piece is made of transparent material, through which the internal structure of the product is clearly visible. Simply put, this is a durable tubular garland equipped with lighting fixtures.


Brief description of LED duralight:

  1. Flexibility. Thanks to it, it is easy to create luminous figures, inscriptions, and compositions.
  2. Durability. LED duralight is capable of continuous operation for 50 thousand hours.
  3. Economical.
  4. Operates on 220V voltage.
  5. Brightness. LEDs are brighter than regular incandescent bulbs.
  6. Waterproof. This indicator allows you to use LED duralight on the streets in the rain and for effective illumination of reservoirs.
  7. Works in wide range temperatures: from -40° to +50°. This property allows the use of lighting indoors and outdoors.
  8. High mechanical strength. The cord is resistant to mechanical stress, damage, shock, pressure, and vibration.

Scope of application

LED cord is used to illuminate the facades of houses and shop windows. Festive figures and panels are created from it. Compared to other light sources, this is a simple and convenient way to implement installations of complex shapes that can work in difficult indoor and outdoor conditions.


Based on the cross-sectional type, LED duralight is divided into two types: round and flat. The round one is more flexible in all directions, while the flat one is more flexible only in the planes of the wide sides.

There are two options based on the type of glow:

  • Fixing - with a constant glow, connects directly to the network. Suitable for highlighting and creating static figures.
  • Chasing - flickers and shimmers in accordance with the program specified by the controller. Often consists of several chains. Accordingly, without a controller it will work like a fixing, statically. Suitable for simulating light curtains on windows or animated advertising.


The duralight connection is made from one end of the tube through an adapter. The second end of the cord is closed with a plug. The adapter is a conventional bridge rectifier. Couplings can be used to combine several cords. The light chasing scenario can be implemented by two-, three- and four-channel controllers.

How to cut duralight (there should be special marks on the cord)

If the cord just needs to shine, it can be connected without a controller.
Power adapter

It connects to the network, and an LED duralight is connected to it through a connector.

In order for the LED duralight not just to shine, but to flicker and shimmer, it must be connected to a 220 V network via a controller. They are distinguished by the number of channels and power. In this case, power can be indicated both in watts and in maximum quantity meters of connected cord.
Controller. In its simplest form it looks like a power adapter. On this example, the flicker modes are listed on the cover.

Adapter device

The adapter is designed as an ordinary diode bridge. The device converts the alternating voltage of the electrical network 220 V 50 Hz into a pulsating unipolar voltage with a frequency of 100 Hz. By the way, because of this, the LED cord is not suitable for use for task lighting.
A rectifier consisting of four diodes in an adapter; an assembly in a single housing can also be used

For recent years LED duralight is almost equal in popularity to LED strips. This model is now actively used to create decorative lighting. Despite the fact that it has some similarities with the LED strip, there are significant differences in the connection.

LED duralight

Our article will help you figure out how you can connect this cord to the power supply with your own hands and not damage it with inept handling.

Features of the light cord and its types

Duralay is a kind of analogue of an LED strip, in which the diodes are placed inside a polyvinyl chloride cord. It is a silicone shell that provides high degree protect LEDs from moisture and dirt.

Pay attention! To connect LED duralight, know that the circuit here does not require a power supply. This is precisely the main difference from LED strips. A possible connection diagram is shown below.

Connection diagram

Today, LED light cord is often used for street lighting. Using duralight, they create figures of fairy-tale characters, geometric shapes and various advertising inscriptions. You can learn how to make shapes from it in a special video tutorial.
To create a figure, you can use the following types of LED light cords:

  • duralight chasing. It has multiple LED placement channels. Therefore, when you connect a controller to it, you can create various lighting effects. Duralight chasing is often used for festive or themed lighting;
  • duralight fisting. Has only one channel. Therefore, it is capable of simultaneous illumination of all its light sources. If you make figures out of it, they can only blink. But for this you need a controller.

Glowing figures

In addition, the LED light cord can be of the following types:

  • duralight round. It has a circular cross-section. Using round duralight you can make various shapes. It must be remembered that round duralight can sometimes slide off the frame. Therefore, it must be properly attached to the base of the figure;
  • duralight flat. It is more suitable for creating a luminous figure due to the fact that it can most closely adhere to the frame of the product.

Mark for cutting on duralight

Whatever purpose you use this luminous cable, you need to be able to correctly connect it to a 220 V power supply. But to do this, you need to know the technical characteristics of the lighting product.

Light cord parameters and what you need for installation

The light cable, made on the basis of LEDs, has the following technical characteristics and features:

  • increased resistance to moisture;
  • can function in a fairly wide temperature range: from -20 to +50 degrees;
  • simple installation;
  • operating from a network voltage of 220 volts;
  • may have one or more channels (depending on the model).

Pay attention! To connect to the network, it is important to know how many channels the light cable has.

When connecting such LED products, you need to know that, like tape, it can be cut into separate pieces. But you need to cut only where the cable is marked accordingly.

In order to install everything yourself, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • the LED cord itself;
  • adapters (connectors). They are necessary for fastening the cut sections together;
  • network cable with a special connector for connection and with a 220 Volt adapter. It should be purchased at the same time as duralight;
  • protective caps. They are put on the cuts, on the side that does not need to be attached anywhere after cutting the lighting product;
  • knife and scissors;
  • fasteners, a screwdriver and a hammer in order to secure the glowing cable in the right place.

After all the materials and tools have been collected, you can begin connecting the duralight yourself.

Step by step instructions

It is recommended to connect the LED light cord not to a power outlet, but through permanent connection. This will avoid the need to call a professional electrician to carry out electrical work. installation work.
The adapter plays an important role in the installation process. It is a bridge diode rectifier that converts alternating mains voltage into a pulsating unipolar voltage necessary for the operation of the light cord.

Adapter for duralight

Step-by-step instructions for connecting the LED light cord look like this:

  • take duralight and cut it according to the marks. Remember that you need to cut only according to such marks, otherwise you will simply ruin an expensive product;

Pay attention! The cutting step is one or two meters!

Cutting duralight

  • You need to cut the cord with scissors or a sharp knife. When cutting it you need to be very careful. If you make an oblique cut, the product may not work correctly in the future. If you don’t want to take risks, you can buy a ready-made kit with a length of 10 meters and a controller already installed;
  • The power cord with the adapter must be connected to the duralight using a special adapter, which looks like a metal pin located in the case. The same adapter should be used when it is necessary to connect a piece of light cable together;

Pay attention! This adapter is for various models will be different. For a single-row product it will have two pins, for a two-row product it will have three.

Connecting duralight for the network adapter

  • Now all that remains is to connect all the lighting elements. To do this, insert the plug (adapter) of the power cord into the cable. Moreover, it must be inserted in such a way that the location of the pins coincides with the wires running inside the light cable;
  • After this, you need to secure the connection using a snap-on lid. It is located in the network cable.

Ready-made duralight that can be connected to the network

Now you can connect the product to the power supply and check its functionality.
After all the lighting elements have been assembled into a single circuit, you need to install a glowing LED cord on the surface. To do this, you need to use transparent special plastic staples.


When using different types duralight, the process of connecting them may undergo some changes. But the connection principle itself, described above, will remain without any significant changes.
To ensure that your work is not in vain and you ultimately get the desired result, you must adhere to several recommendations:

  • Before connecting, you must make sure that the connected product is working;
  • You need to unwind the cord carefully to avoid possible overheating. Only an unwound product can be connected;
  • the cut must be made strictly along the line. Due to the fact that the product has a fairly powerful silicone protection in the form of a tube, it is not always possible to make an even and clear cut;
  • The connection points of the light tube must be located in such a way that they have maximum protection from adverse external influence.This is especially true for mechanical influences;
  • to increase the tightness of the sections, the cut areas after connection should be additionally treated with silicone sealant or waterproof glue;

Connector and cap for light cord

  • To avoid the risk of a short circuit, this lighting product must be checked for various types of damage to the contacts.

It is also necessary to remember that, despite the high protection, the light cord is, first of all, a rather complex electrical device. In this regard, it must be placed out of reach of pets and small children. Otherwise it could be a breakdown lighting fixture, and the risk of electrical injury to children and animals.


Connecting an LED duralight may seem complicated only at first glance. In fact, it is enough to follow simple instructions to create excellent lighting. The main thing when working with this LED cord is to be careful.

Secrets of choosing halogen lamps for the kitchen

Standard duralight is a flexible light cord made in the form of a flat strip or a solid tube. The material is transparent plastic, into which a solid garland consisting of is poured or pressed. Some designs use miniature incandescent light bulbs. Such garlands are widely used, therefore, quite often the question arises of how to connect duralight. They are used mainly in outdoor advertising, contour lighting of buildings and structures, as well as in interior design and decoration.

Installation and connection of duralight

To install and connect duralight, no special knowledge of electrical engineering or electrical installation skills are required. In the simplest version, installation is carried out even without the use of tools. The garland is simply plugged into the outlet and the duralight starts working. Typically this is for Christmas trees, intended for temporary use.

More serious installation, for example, for highlighting interior details, will require some tools and a little skill in working with them. The most important thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations described in the product’s operating instructions.

In addition to the duralight itself, you need to purchase a power cord that has a connector and a 220-volt adapter. The adapter is an ordinary bridge diode rectifier. It serves to convert alternating mains voltage into unipolar pulsating voltage.

The power cord and adapter are connected to the duralight using a special adapter. It is made in the form of metal pins enclosed in a housing.


With a single-row duralight, there will be only two pins in the connector, and for a two-row garland, a connector with three pins is used. The same connector is used when joining two pieces of duralight. The structure is secured to the surface using special transparent plastic brackets. The exposed wires remaining on the cut of the garland are covered with caps included in the duralight kit.

Features of working with duralight

When deciding how to connect duralight, a number of mandatory conditions must be observed:

  • Duralight cannot be plugged into the network if it is wound up or in any way in contact with surfaces. This may cause heating and subsequent damage to the product.
  • Before installation it is necessary to check through electrical network all tapes intended for connection. This will allow you to identify possible defects in advance.
  • To avoid a short circuit, you need to check the cleanliness and integrity of the contacts at the connections.
  • The duralight must be cut only in marked places so as not to spoil the cut piece.
  • It is prohibited to carry out installation work while the duralight is turned on.

Installation of duralight: high-altitude work with contour lighting outdoor advertising, pillars, architectural structures, metal structures, tower cranes by industrial climbers.

Duralight- a flexible PVC light cord containing a chain of bright light bulbs inside is a universal tool for dynamic lighting advertising.

  • Strength and moisture resistance - allow you to use duralight as contour lighting architectural structures, steps and cornices.
  • The flexibility of the material allows you to use duralight when creating inscriptions, interior design, illuminating pillars, trees and openwork metal structures.
  • High reliability, ease of installation and low cost - these are the criteria by which duralight is considered a convenient material for decorating tower cranes, bridges and advertising structures.

The cost of installing duralight:

Type of work Small
Installation of duralight- fastening with clamps, wire or ties linear m
Electrical cable laying
(more than 5 meters)
Open way- the electrical cable is secured with brackets or clamps linear m
Closed method- the cable in a corrugated pipe or box is attached to the wall linear m
  • The cost of work is indicated in rubles.
  • Prices do not include the cost of materials and fasteners.
  • Wiring the electrical cable to the duralight up to 5 meters - for free!
  • Price dismantling duralight - from 30 to 70% from the cost of installation.
  • Installation of duralight on ready-made structures/guides is cheaper than usual 20-30 % .
  • If the design horizontal(i.e. required large number weights), then the cost of work may increase by 1,5 - 2 times.
  • Weather restrictions when installing duralight: heavy precipitation, storm wind, low temperature!
  • The final cost of the work is discussed during a preliminary inspection by a specialist.
  • Minimum cost of work - rub.
  • Departure and inspection of the facility - for free!

Types of duralight:

  • Fixing(constant glow) - two-wire duralight, designed to create a constant light circuit. When connected via a controller, a blinking effect is obtained.
  • Chasing(variable glow) - three-wire duralight, designed to create effects: “running fire”, “fading”, “running wave”, etc.
  • LED duralight- LEDs are used as lamps, which increases the brightness of the cord, increases service life, and reduces power. LED duralight is more resistant to impacts and bends. The cost of LED duralight depends on the color of the LEDs used: the cheapest green, then ascending yellow, red, blue and the most expensive white. This is due to the labor-intensive process of growing LEDs; for example, to get a white LED you need to combine red, green and blue.
  • Chameleon(multi-color) - multi-colored light bulbs are used. When using the controller, you can smoothly change the color of the duralight cord.

Features of installing duralight

  • Duralight is cut into pieces strictly according to the dividing marks!
  • During installation, the duralight sections are connected with sealed plastic couplings or splitters, power is supplied from one side through an adapter, and all ends of the cord are necessarily insulated with sealed caps.
  • It is advisable to warm up the duralight by turning it on for a few minutes in order to work with a more flexible material.
  • Duralight is either placed in transparent channels or attached to the guides using clamps, ties or wire.
  • Excess pieces of duralight are wrapped with opaque electrical tape.
  • Controllers should be located in a place protected from precipitation.
  • Electrical installation work must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the Safety Regulations! The fastening of advertising elements must be reliable, and the electrical insulation must be moisture resistant! It is necessary to carry out strength calculations of the advertising structure!
  • Illuminated advertising should work in the dark - this reduces energy costs by half and doubles the service life of lighting equipment. To regularly turn on/off advertising, it is effective to use a photo relay with a programmable timer.

For installation and connection duralight No experience or any special knowledge of the nuances of electrical installation is required. You may not even need a tool - just plug the garland into the network, and the festive mood will be created.
A garland made of such material is much more durable and practical than the usual one on light bulbs and wires. Light bulbs burn out, and wires constantly get tangled and broken. If you are installing duralight for a long time and seriously, for example, for decorative lighting of a room, you will still need tools, namely a hammer with a screwdriver and fasteners. It is best to connect to a permanent connection. In this case, you may need the help of Russian Neon specialists. The duralight is connected either to the controller or to the AC mains.

We connect the LED duralight to the AC network.

To do this, you need to remember that everyone duralight has a minimal segment marked with special symbols. If such a segment is not found, check the information with the supplier or check the product data sheet. To connect we need to cut the flexible cord. Its cutting is carried out only strictly according to the brevity of the cutting or according to certain marks. When cutting, use sharp scissors or a mounting knife.
First bend the duralight in one direction and then in the other. If any areas protrude, they must be cut off to the level of the shell using special nippers. This is necessary in order to avoid short circuits during installation work on lighting equipment. In order to avoid moisture or electric shock, close the free ends of the duralight with special plugs. If you need to connect two equivalent types of duralight, use a special connecting connector for connection.

When using mounting system No. 1, the connection of two sections of a product such as LED duralight must be firmly fixed using plastic screw nuts. And if you need a free design, attach duralight to a metal base. The base can be a small metal strip, thick rigid wire, etc. In order to enhance the brightness of the device, guides are used.
We connect duralight to the controller.

If you want variety, purchase not only LED duralight with a constant glow from the Russian Neon company, but also LED duralight chasing. Its glow can be controlled using a special controller.

To implement connection to the duralight LED controller For chasing, we need a cord, a contact, and a plug. The connection is made directly to the controller. The duralight is also powered through this controller, connected directly to a 220V network.

Connection options

There are several options for the LED controller for duralight. Depending on the light cord (flat or round) and its size, duralight is equipped with a variety of controllers. There are several types of LED controllers - 20 meters and 100 meters. All of them are connected to a 220V network.

In order to connect two pieces of duralight, you need to use a cord with a plug, a coupling, and a plug. All this is put on the free end of the light cord for additional protection from possible moisture ingress.

Carefully ensure that the ends of the duralight and the coupling are correctly connected and aligned. Each of the duralight connections begins from the marking of the cord cut. In the future, after putting a special plug on the free end of the duralight, its final installation is carried out using clips, brackets or a special plastic guide.

The process of connecting a 100 meter controller and a bayduralight

Specialists of the Russian Neon company know - only high-qualityinstallation of duralightcapable of preventing possible technical problems. What is needed for proper installation?

1. First you need to check the performance of duralight. Connect the LED duralight to a regular electrical network using the power cord that should be included.
2. Cut the power wire from the connector side, immediately after the oval or square rectifier.
3. Strip three multi-colored duralight wires - yellow, blue and brown.
4. Identify the common current-carrying wire among these wires and connect it to the controller using the white terminal.
5. Connect the remaining contacts to the red terminals.
6. Next, the light cord is finally connected to the network, as well as special effects are adjusted using the power switch.

Nuances that may arise during the installation process.

To install the light duralight you will need a power cord with an adapter. The power cord with the adapter is a regular diode bridge rectifier. It converts alternating voltage into pulsating voltage. Moreover, the magnitude of this voltage is almost the same as in the outlet. So be very careful!

There is also another version of the cord with an adapter, which connects to the duralight through an adapter (metal pins in the housing). If your duralight is single-row, the connector consists of two pins, if it is double-row, it consists of three. The adapter is used if it is necessary to join two pieces of duralight. The exposed wires remaining on the cut sections of duralight are covered with a special cap, which should be included in the kit.

Usually the cord is cut into pieces of 1 or 2 meters. This is due to circuit design features, so take this fact into account when arranging lighting. It’s better to buy more duralight and place the rest in the ceiling space.

You also need to remember that even from the same manufacturer, different bays have different glow colors. This is due to the use of components that are different from each other.

Now, knowing all the nuances, you can independently install duralight, taking into account all the features of its installation, by purchasing high-quality components from the Russian Neon company.