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LIBRARIES WHERE YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE TEXTBOOK, REFERENCE BOOK, ENCYCLOPEDIA, TUTORIAL AND OTHER BOOKS ON PHILOSOPHY - "Electronic library on philosophy". There are primary sources and several textbooks (section “Tutorials”). There are thematic and alphabetical indexes. In addition, the site has a small philosophical dictionary (on-line). You can’t download anything in one file, just open it in parts and read or copy. - textbooks and manuals are presented. A brief but high-quality selection of textbooks on many humanities disciplines. - Internet project "Higher Education in Omsk" (August 29) presents an electronic library of free textbooks, lectures, notes and books for universities in various disciplines in PDF, XML and EXE- format for students to write essays, term papers, diplomas and other student work. There are few textbooks on philosophy. Almost all books on philosophy are textbooks on highly specialized problems of philosophy. In addition, this is a PDF format, which is not convenient for work, since it is not possible to copy a fragment. Just read. A PDF file can be compared to paper prints, but in electronic form. Just like a printed document, where nothing can be changed, a document converted to PDF format is almost impossible to change: you won’t be able to add a paragraph in the middle of a letter, or insert a column into a table. Conversion to text format required.

To download philosophical works (primary sources), visit the Yanko Slava website or Maxim Moshkov’s library - section “Philosophy” in M. Moshkov’s library. - site of modern scientific articles on philosophy. Sufficient number of texts. You must use the site search. - free electronic Internet library. A large number of different textbooks and dictionaries on various subjects.

List of less important libraries: - new electronic library. Lots of different books on different topics. There are scientific monographs. But all the books are poorly organized by topic. You need to use the search on the site by author and title, so you need to know in advance what you are looking for. There are also textbooks that are often found on other sites, for example, on - books on all genres. There is also philosophy: primary sources are also presented mixed with textbooks. - Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University. Section "Library" - all books on religion (Orthodoxy). There are textbooks and primary sources. - various books. You must use the site search. - read books in the original language (mostly Greek). - a simple site for quickly downloading primary sources on philosophy.
The list of sites where you can download, read or watch something is extensive.

Websites open and close and change their name, so don’t forget to use a search engine. For example, from directory of sites> studies> sciences> humanities> philosophy> and further by site.

Creator: Father Stephen Janos ( [email protected] )
Subject: Berdyaev's philosophy, religious philosophy, existentialism
Languages: site language - English, source languages ​​- Russian, English, Deutsch
Availability of texts: a highly specialized resource dedicated to Berdyaev’s philosophy; there is a catalogue; there is a search on the site; there are links to other resources; the site has not been updated for a long time
Additionally: there are rare books

Creator: Yakov Krotov
Subject: general humanities library
Languages: Availability of texts: texts are read-only
Evaluation of the convenience and usefulness of the resource: there is a catalogue; user-friendly interface; there is a search on the site; there are links to other resources; the site is constantly updated

Creator: Magister ( [email protected] )
Russian philosophy
Languages:site language - Russian, source language - Russian
Availability of texts:
texts are read-only
Evaluation of the convenience and usefulness of the resource: section of the general humanities library; not very convenient site structure; no catalogue; no site search

Creator: unknown ( )
Subject: Russian philosophy, religious philosophy
Languages: site language - Russian, source language - Russian
Availability of texts: texts are read-only
Evaluation of the convenience and usefulness of the resource:an extensive library dedicated to Russian philosophy; convenient catalogue; there is a search on the site; there are secondary sources

Creator: unknown (
Subject: Languages: site language - Russian, source language - Russian
Availability of texts:Evaluation of the convenience and usefulness of the resource: section of the general humanities library; not very convenient site structure; no catalogue; there is a search on the site

Creator: A. A. Kamensky
Subject: Russian philosophy, history of philosophy
Languages: Availability of texts: texts are available for download only
Evaluation of the convenience and usefulness of the resource: Additionally: there are rare books published in the pre-revolutionary period

Creator: Andrey Nikitin-Perensky
Subject: Languages: site language - Russian, source language - Russian
Availability of texts: texts are available for download only
Evaluation of the convenience and usefulness of the resource: Additionally: there are rare books published in exile

Creator: Alexey Zlygostev
Subject: Russian philosophy, history of philosophy
Languages: site language - Russian, source language - Russian
Availability of texts:texts are read-only
Evaluation of the convenience and usefulness of the resource:section of the general humanities library; no catalogue; there is a search on the site

Creator: Andrey Nikitin-Perensky
Subject: Russian philosophy, Russian literature
Languages: site language - Russian, source language - Russian
Availability of texts: texts are available for download only
Evaluation of the convenience and usefulness of the resource: general humanities library; there is a catalog; there is a search on the site; there are links to other resources
Additionally: there are rare books published in Russian in exile; The site presents both books and magazines

Creator: A. A. Kamensky
Subject: Russian philosophy, history of philosophy
Languages: site language - Russian, source language - Russian
Availability of texts:texts are available for download only
Evaluation of the convenience and usefulness of the resource: a highly specialized resource dedicated to Russian (including religious) philosophy; no catalogue; there is a search on the site; the site has not been updated for a long time
Additionally: there are rare books published in the pre-revolutionary period

Creator: unknown ( [email protected] )
Subject: Russian literature, literary criticism
Languages: site language - Russian, source language - Russian
Availability of texts: Evaluation of the convenience and usefulness of the resource: a highly specialized resource dedicated to the work of L. N. Tolstoy; there is a catalog; user-friendly interface; there is a search on the site; the site is constantly updated
Additionally: presented the complete works of L. N. Tolstoy

Creator: unknown ( [email protected] )
Subject: Russian literature, literary criticism, religious philosophy
Languages: site language - Russian, source language - Russian
Availability of texts: texts are available both for reading and downloading
Evaluation of the convenience and usefulness of the resource: a highly specialized resource dedicated to the work of F. M. Dostoevsky; there is a catalog; user-friendly interface; there is a search on the site; there are secondary sources
Additionally: presented the complete works of F. M. Dostoevsky

Creator and year of foundation : Non-profit scientific Foundation "Institute of Development named after G.P. Shchedrovitsky ([email protected] ), 2005.
Subjects : works of members of the Moscow Methodological Circle
Languages : interface language – Russian, english; source language is Russian.
Availability of texts : Registration is not required to read texts. Some files can be downloaded in doc and pdf formats, others are posted directly on the website.
: the library will be useful to scientific methodologists, followers of the Moscow Methodological Circle and, in addition, those studying the activities of the Moscow Logical Circle (works are also presented on the site).

Creator and year of foundation : Internet Archive organization, (, 2005
Subjects : Russian philosophy, historical and modern, catalog contains more than 912 references
Languages : interface language - english, source language - Russian, english.
Availability of texts : registration is not required, not all declared texts are available - it is better to use filtering by E-books availability.
Evaluating the convenience and usefulness of the resource : Not the easiest interface; the texts themselves cannot always be found. There is a search and tags throughout the library, which is also not very convenient. Sorting texts - by authors, ranking - by the number of their works. The principle of “one book - one page” is used with agricultural egation of places where it can be found (including offline), there are few books on the website itself.
Additional information : More attention is paid to Tomas Masaryk, who wrote about Russian philosophy, as well as Alexander Zamaleev.


Creator and year of foundation: Kulichki website ( [email protected])
Subject: no specialization, extensive catalog.
Languages: interface language – Russian; source language is Russian.
Availability of texts: registration is not required, links lead to third-party sites (not always correct).
Evaluating the convenience and usefulness of the resource: quite a large but scattered selection of literature. Some texts are “lumped” into one section, which is not always convenient

Title: Open Library

Subjects : Russian philosophy, historical and modern, catalog contains more than 912 references

Languages : interface language - english, source language - Russian, english.

Availability of texts: registration is not required, not all declared texts are available - it is better to use filtering by E-books availability.

Evaluating the convenience and usefulness of the resource: Not the easiest interface; the texts themselves cannot always be found. There is a search and tags throughout the library, which is also not very convenient. Sorting texts - by authors, ranking - by the number of their works. The principle of “one book - one page” is used with an aggregation of places where it can be found (including offline); there are few books on the site itself.

Additional information: More attention is paid to Tomas Masaryk, who wrote about Russian philosophy, as well as Alexander Zamaleev.

Philosophical anthropology, texts, encyclopedia, personalities

Electronic library, works by the founders of scientific communism, Marxist theorists, materials of discussions. Forum. Links to Internet resources.

Website of S.P. Kurdyumov. Synergetics and education, library, seminars, conferences.

Theosophical Society and movement in Russia. Meetings and lectures. Library of occult and theosophical literature.

Everything about philosophy in Russia. Information about organizations and philosophical centers. Personal pages of philosophers. Library. Philosophical Resources. Discussion forums. List. Search. Standards and requirements for courses in philosophy. List of philosophical journals included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission. Scientists' comments. Events. News. Partners.

On activities and services: publication and distribution of scientific, abstract, reference, bibliographic and other literature; depositing scientific manuscripts; library services. Partial free access to electronic catalogs and bibliographic indexes. Conditions of paid subscription for access to information, ordering publications. Library operating hours, branch addresses. Announcements of seminars and exhibitions. Catalog of references on social sciences.

Information about the history, structure and activities of IFRAN. Information about organizations and philosophical centers. Personal pages of philosophers. Library. Discussion forums. Search.

The institute's server contains links to the pages of structural divisions of the United Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy of the SB RAS, which provide background information about the administration and employees. Information about the scientific life of the institute: texts of publications in scientific journals, questions-topics for the minimum candidate course in philosophy for undergraduate and graduate students of NSU, materials of seminars and conferences.

Faculty structure; academic council; educational department; faculty life; personal pages; publications.

Information about the philosophical club: conditions of entry, discussions. Philosophy forums. Publications.

Archive: since 1995–

Encyclopedias. Dictionaries

Contains articles about personalities, philosophical movements, schools and teachings, concepts and terms, philosophical works.

Electronic libraries

Electronic publications of the best works of world and domestic humanities and scientific literature, works by the founders of scientific communism, Marxist theorists, materials of discussions.

Works of Russian philosophers: V. Solovyov, N. Berdyaev, S. Bulgakov, P. Florensky, L. Shestov, V. Rozanov, N. Lossky and others. Novels of F. Dostoevsky and M. Bulgakov. Monuments of ancient Russian literature. Books of the Old and New Testaments. Ancient Christian apocrypha. Works of Christian theologians. Texts of ancient Armenian sources on the history of early Christianity.

The information retrieval system includes Latin texts and translations into Russian of the most significant philosophers and theologians of the Western Middle Ages, such as Titian the Assyrian, Ignatius of Antioch, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, etc. An extensive bibliography for each author. Scientific commentary, biographical and reference apparatus.

Books, articles, abstracts, etc. Publication of works. Free hosting and banner network for philosophical and religious sites.

Electronic resources of libraries

Information about the library. Funds. Electronic catalogues. Specialized databases. Electronic library of dissertations. Information resources provided on the Internet. Virtual help desk.

About the library. Information resources provided on the Internet: Electronic catalogue. Catalogs and card indexes. Funds and collections. Indexes and lists. Specialized databases. Virtual help desk. Electronic delivery of documents.

General information about the library: photographs of the library, details, opening hours and recording conditions, main functions, history of creation. Information about departments, employees and partners. Funds and catalogues. Electronic library. Russian and international Internet resources. Electronic publications. Library of the philologist “Mimesis”. Electronic delivery of documents.

About the library. Databases on pedagogical sciences. Methodical work. Library publications. Library services. Help Desk.

Information about the library. Catalogs and databases. Image catalogue. International events. Special information. News and events. Products and services. Training center. Federal programs, projects. Libraries on the Internet.

General information. Funds. Reading rooms. Electronic library. Electronic catalog and databases. Scientific and educational activities. International book exchange. Products and services.

Information about the library. Digital collections. Electronic catalogs of books and magazines. Internet resources.

Information about the library. Products and services. Publishing projects. Electronic catalogue.

History of the library. Description of information technologies and services provided. Information about ongoing projects, contact directory for departments. Electronic version of the collection “University Libraries of Western Siberia”. Electronic catalogue. Electronic scientific resources. Electronic library. Personality of TSU scientists. Union catalog of periodicals subscribed to by Tomsk libraries. A short guide to Internet resources. Libraries of Tomsk.

About the library. Resources. Electronic catalogs: main and periodicals since 1994. Consolidated database “Local history of the Tomsk region”, Electronic reference books.

Scientific heritage of L.N. Gumilyov (1912-1992): archive of historical and philosophical works, articles and interviews, biography, bibliography. Presentation of the main ideas of the scientist. Memories. Answers to questions. Discussions. Works of historians: A. Toynbee, G. Vernadsky, S. Rudenko, P. Savitsky, E. Khara-Davan and others. Information about the fund of L.N. Gumilyov and his projects. Collection of maps on history. Thematic links.

Biographical and bibliographical material, texts of the main works of F. Nietzsche, including poetic and musical works, critical works.

  1. (Philosophy of History) The scientific monograph presents an analysis of research into social memory in three perspectives: social memory in the context of individual and social consciousness; social memory as heuristically significant concepts in historiographic methodology; social memory in the context of the problem of social identification.
  2. (Sociology) The authors of the book, international journalists, talk about bourgeois mass culture and its influence on the youth of the West. What spiritual values ​​does bourgeois society offer to young people, who is the idol of the younger generation, what are their life attitudes and values ​​- this is not a complete range of issues discussed in the book.
  3. (Philosophy of History) The book by the famous Latin American philosopher and patriot proves the right of every people to authenticity, since every people is the bearer of a unique culture.
  4. (History of Philosophy/Ancient) The great ancient Greek philosopher Socrates did not leave behind any literary works. However, information about his life and teachings was preserved in the works of Xenophon, Plato, Aristotle and other authors. The book tells about the life and death of Socrates, about his philosophical views, examines various aspects of his teaching, and highlights the history of interpretations of his creative heritage.
  5. (About philosophy) The book includes selected articles, reports, speeches and interviews with the famous Soviet philosopher. Its cross-cutting themes: the meaning of human life and the problem of death, the role and place of philosophy in society, consciousness and culture, problems of art, science and religion - are considered by the author in the context of the European spiritual historical tradition. M.K. Mamardashvili believes that the revival of philosophy that began in the country - thanks to glasnost - and the opportunity that opens up in this regard for the development of competent social thinking are of fundamental importance for the ongoing processes of democratization and social renewal. The book does not contain ready-made answers to practical questions that concern society today, but it will help the reader form his own moral view of what is happening and take a conscious position in relation to it.
  6. (History of Philosophy/Medieval, History of Philosophy/Philosophical Classics) An extensive treatise by Thomas Aquinas, covering a wide range of topics. The second book contains the doctrine of creation: about the world and man.
  7. (Culturology, Philosophy of Language) The book “Portrait of a Word” is dedicated to the search for an artistic, compositional principle in the mosaic of everyday life that awaits man, in history and in language. The first part (“Flower Path”) is about how ordinary, random things and phenomena at some point can develop into a certain, non-random composition. The second part (“Even and Odd”) is about the fact that in the history of mankind such moments of revelation are obvious that set its rhythm. The third part (“Portrait of a Word”) is about the “inner musicality of words” (Bunin), that is, about the non-randomness of the word. The publication also includes a poetic appendix (“Cross and Circle”).
  8. (Social philosophy, Sociology, Philosophy of science and technology)
  9. (Social philosophy, Philosophy of history) Internet source
  10. (Philosophy of History) online source
  11. (Cultural Science, Political Science, Social Philosophy, Ethics and Aesthetics) The book is devoted to the substantiation of value consciousness as a new form of worldview that combines broad tolerance for the diversity of cultures, beliefs, interests with a rigoristic defense of cardinal values ​​- basic life and civil human rights. It examines the historical, historical-philosophical and ethical prerequisites and foundations of value consciousness and universally valid values, and sets out the principles of constructive axiology as a direction for systematic reflection, criticism and renewal of value systems. These ideas and concepts are used to formulate and outline solutions to global problems of sustainable development, resolution and constructivization of conflicts, in particular territorial ones related to control over resources, as well as problems of international and national requirements for social and humanitarian education
  12. (Political science)
  13. (Political science)
  14. (Political Science) The monograph offered to the reader is devoted to the consideration of various research approaches and theories that try to answer the question of the genesis, essence, and forms of power relations in society. The work provides an analysis of the correlation between the categories of power and influence and their transformation within a democratic society; the essential foundations of political and social utopia are revealed; the value legitimation of political power is analyzed; The formation of a new political science category “political person” in conjunction with the problem of power is considered. Much attention is paid to practical means and methods of exercising power. The monograph is intended for specialists in the field of political philosophy and political science, but is also of interest to professional politicians
  15. (History of Philosophy/Russian, Social Philosophy, Ethics and Aesthetics) Boris Petrovich Vysheslavtsev (1877 -1954) was one of the brightest stars in that galaxy of Russian religious philosophers who were the creators or followers of the religious and philosophical Renaissance of the early 20th century.
  16. (Political Science, Sociology, Textbooks) The collection is a manual for the course Sociology of political processes, its problems relate primarily to the field of political sociology,
  17. (Political science)
  18. (Political science, Textbooks) The textbook examines the features of the formation of a modern system of international relations, regional problems, as well as the role and place of the Russian Federation and other CIS countries in modern international relations. The book is intended for students of specialized universities and faculties, as well as all interested - problems of international relations.
  19. (Political Science, Textbooks)
  20. (Political science)
  21. (Political Science) Robert Dahl is one of the patriarchs of American political science, a world-famous specialist in the field of democracy theory. For more than 50 years, his scientific work has been inextricably linked with the Department of Political Science at Yale University, where he is currently Professor Emeritus of Political Science. R. Dahlem published a huge number of scientific articles and monographic studies of the democratic system of government, among which such works as "Preface to Democratic Theory" (1956), "Polyarchy. Participation and Opposition" (1971), " Dilemmas of pluralistic democracy" (1982), "Democracy and its critics" (1989) and a number of others. His last book, “On Democracy,” was published in 1998 and has already gone through several reprints.
  22. (Political science)
  23. (Political science)
  24. (Political Science, Psychology) Copyright (c) 2002 "Department of Political Psychology of St. Petersburg State University"
  25. (Political Science) scanned.
  26. (Political Science, Textbooks) This work is the text of lectures given by the author to students of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University for several years, as well as to students of the University of Nice (France) in 1994. The author wanted to convey to the student audience the most important problems of the philosophy of politics in an accessible form. This explains the style of presentation, freed from academicism and pretentious phrases. Recently, many works have appeared devoted to issues of politics and political life in general. Some of them caught my attention with their depth and originality. Others, in my opinion, did not go further than the current situation, and therefore do not represent scientific value
  27. (Political Science) Internet source.
  28. (Political science, Social philosophy, Textbooks) The history and fate of geopolitics as a science is paradoxical. On the one hand, the concept itself seems to have become familiar and is actively used in modern politics. Geopolitical journals and institutes are multiplying. Texts by the founders of this discipline are published and republished, conferences and symposia are organized, and geopolitical committees and commissions are created. However, until now geopolitics has not been able to fall into the category of conventional, generally recognized sciences. The first geopolitical works - by the German Ratzel, the Swede Kjellen and especially the Englishman Mackinder - were met with hostility by the scientific community. Classical science, which fully inherited the hyper-critical spirit of early positivism, believed that geopolitics pretends to be excessive generalizations, and therefore is only a kind of “charlatanism.”
  29. (Political science, Social philosophy, Textbooks)
  30. (Political Science, Social Philosophy, Sociology, Textbooks) For the first time in domestic educational literature, the scientific foundations of political analysis are considered. Its subject, subjects and methods are revealed. Approaches to the analysis of political situations and forecasting of political processes are characterized. The manual contains the course syllabus "Political Analysis".
  31. (Political Science, Social Philosophy, Sociology) The book provides a conceptual and typological analysis of power, identifies and classifies the main approaches to understanding power, substantiates the principles of constructing the concept of power and suggests ways to solve the most important problems in defining the concept of power and its forms.
  32. (Political Science, Psychology, Textbooks) The main leitmotif of this textbook is a systematic presentation of the scientifically based theoretical and applied foundations of political psychology, which are relevant for a wide range of modern specialists. The book contains generalized material on the new branch of domestic psychology, including specific provisions, conclusions and recommendations for using the potential of political psychology in practice by professionals in various fields of work. The content of the textbook was developed in accordance with the requirements of the State Standard and programs for the study of political psychology at universities in the humanities. The book is addressed to students, listeners, graduate students, teachers, as well as politicians, sociologists, psychologists and everyone who strives to master a high work culture, constructive connections and relationships in modern society.
  33. (Political Science, Social Philosophy) Internet source.
  34. (Political science, Textbooks) Political science: Political theory, political technologies:. Textbook for university students
  35. (On philosophy, Social philosophy, Textbooks) Auth. coll.: Frolov I.T. et al. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional
  36. (Logics)
  37. (About philosophy) Scanned.
  38. (Political Science, Textbooks)
  39. (History of Philosophy/Foreign, Psychology, Philosophy of Spirit)
  40. (History of Philosophy/Enlightenment, Social Philosophy)
  41. (History of Philosophy/Modern, Ontology and Epistemology)
  42. (History of Philosophy/Modern, Social Philosophy, Sociology)
  43. (Ethics and Aesthetics)
  44. (Anthropology, Philosophy of Spirit) The monograph is devoted to the study of issues related to the problem of consciousness. In particular, the logic of its occurrence, as well as those cognitive tools that are based on its use, is analyzed. In this regard, some issues of the formation of man as a species are touched upon. It is shown at what stage of evolution and in response to what processes associated with human transformation, the birth of consciousness occurs. The nature of the unconscious is considered. Special attention in the monograph is paid to the problem of the origin of natural language, as well as the language of symbols. It is shown how the latter functions in symbolic texts and dreams.
  45. (Social philosophy) Internet source.
  46. (Social philosophy, Sociology) Internet source.
  47. (History of Philosophy/Modern)
  48. (History of Philosophy/Eastern)
  49. (History of Philosophy/Eastern, Philosophy of Religion) Scanned.
  50. (History of Philosophy/Eastern, Philosophy of Religion)
  51. (History of Philosophy/Eastern, Philosophy of Religion)
  52. (History of Philosophy/Eastern, Textbooks) The book is a course of lectures by the famous St. Petersburg orientalist E.A. Torchinov, read in 1994 - 1999 at the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University. The lectures discuss the problems of the origin, formation and development of Buddhism, the school and direction of religious and philosophical Buddhist thought, the spread of Buddhism in Tibet and the Far East, and an outline of the study of Buddhism in Russia and abroad.
  53. (History of Philosophy/Eastern) Scanned.
  54. (Ethics and Aesthetics)
  55. (Ethics and Aesthetics) Online source.
  56. (Ethics and Aesthetics) Online source.
  57. (Ethics and Aesthetics) Online source.
  58. (Ethics and Aesthetics)
  59. (Social philosophy, Ethics and aesthetics)
  60. (Philosophy of Religion, Ethics and Aesthetics)
  61. (Ethics and Aesthetics)
  62. (About philosophy) Internet source.
  63. (Ontology and epistemology, Philosophy of spirit)
  64. (History of philosophy/Eastern, Ontology and epistemology, Philosophy of spirit) The path of the East. Traditions of liberation. Materials of the III Youth Scientific Conference on Problems of Philosophy, Religion, and Culture of the East. "Symposium" series, issue 4.
  65. (Tutorials, Philosophy of Spirit, Philosophy of Nature) The textbook is devoted to elementary thinking, or rational activity - the most complex form of animal behavior. For the first time, the reader is offered a synthesis of classical works and the latest data in this area obtained by zoopsychologists, physiologists of higher nervous activity and ethologists. The manual reflects the content of lecture courses that the authors have been giving for many years at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and other universities. An extensive list of references is intended for those wishing to independently continue their acquaintance with the problem.
  66. (Ethics and Aesthetics)
  67. (Ethics and Aesthetics)
  68. (Social philosophy, Philosophy of science and technology)
  69. (Social philosophy)
  70. (Ontology and epistemology)
  71. (History of Philosophy/Ancient) Diogenes of Laertes in Cilicia (first half of the 3rd century AD), an Athenian grammarian, left us works that are the only “history of philosophy” written in antiquity. They consist of 10 books, which set out the teachings of ancient Greek thinkers, starting with the seven wise men and ending with the Stoic and Epicurean schools. In addition to the works of Diogenes, this edition includes biographies of Plato, Pythagoras, Plotinus and Proclus, written by other authors - Porphyry, Olympiodorus, Marinus. The publication is equipped with an extensive scientific apparatus.
  72. (History of Philosophy/Foreign, Ethics and Aesthetics) scanned.
  73. (History of Philosophy/Modern Times)
  74. (Ontology and epistemology) A non-scientific manual for eternal students who comprehend life.
  75. (Anthropology, Culturology, Psychology, Social Philosophy) This publication presents the meaning and meaning of color from the standpoint of the generally accepted model of man, which has been preserved in world culture for thousands of years. For the first time, the description of color meanings is based on the harmony of marital relations, the optimal stability of which all religions of the world sought to recreate. In accordance with this, the book examines the fundamental foundations of the united religiosity of humanity. As a scientific publication, this book is of interest to cultural scientists, designers and psychologists. As a reference work, it includes the meaning of color in various fields of religion, art and science. As a popular publication, it contains specific recommendations on the use of color in interiors and clothing, in raising children and in family harmony, in relationships with oneself and society.
  76. (Anthropology) The monograph focuses on the problem of the formative and meaning-determining nature of the phenomenon of death, which plays a significant role in determining the life strategies of humanity, which are directly embodied in a variety of structures of the cultural sphere of existence. The author interprets the ethnocultural archetypes of death on the material of classical mythological and philosophical texts, using the accumulated experience of studying their ideological foundations in order to show the determining, in the aspect of producing a wide range of mental neo-constructions (mythologems), the meaning of ideas about death (immortality). The book is intended for philosophers and thanatologists.
  77. (Philosophy of Science and Technology) On the basis of an expanded version of determinism, a real ontology of living organisms and humans is created. The necessity of replacing the substantial model of the world with a bimetric and bicausal one is proved. The etiology of the division of the world of philosophy into three camps is revealed and the path to reunite constructive philosophical knowledge is indicated.
  78. (Philosophy of Science and Technology) Ontological foundations for the study of nanotechnology, nanotechnology in the context of the formation of new forms of being.
  79. (History of Philosophy/Modern, Social Philosophy)
  80. (History of Philosophy/Foreign, Logic) translation.
  81. (Anthropology, Social philosophy, Psychology, Philosophy of nature, Philosophy of spirit)
  82. (History of Philosophy/Modern, Anthropology, Ontology and Epistemology, Social Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Philosophy of Language) Levinas E. Favorites: Difficult Freedom.
  83. (History of philosophy/Foreign, History of philosophy/Modern, Ontology and epistemology, Social philosophy, Ethics and aesthetics, Philosophy of language) Levinas E. Favorites: Difficult freedom.
  84. (History of philosophy/Foreign, History of philosophy/Modern, Ontology and epistemology) Levinas E. Favorites: Difficult freedom.
  85. (History of philosophy/Foreign, History of philosophy/Modern, Ontology and epistemology, Philosophy of spirit) Emmanuel Levinas (1905-1995) - French philosopher, moralist, formulated in a new form a universal moral maxim, or imperative, enriching it with deep semantic content expressing urgent spiritual needs of the era. Elevinas developed an ethical concept of genuine relationships that would affect and transform human communication and culture as a whole; The moral and metaphysical principles of E. Levin's teaching are based on a critical analysis of the spiritual situation of modern society. Supporting the ideas of M. Buber, G. Marcel, M. Bakhtin, and other outstanding thinkers of the era, E. Levinas comes to the conviction that philosophy is, first of all, the wisdom of compassion, the wisdom of love.
  86. (History of Philosophy/Modern, Social Philosophy, Ethics and Aesthetics, Cultural Studies)
  87. (Social philosophy, Psychology, Philosophy of spirit)
  88. (History of philosophy/German, History of philosophy/Foreign, Ontology and epistemology, Philosophy of history, Social philosophy, Dialectics) Works of K. Marx and F. Engels T.14
  89. (History of philosophy/German, History of philosophy/Foreign, Philosophy of history, Social philosophy)
  90. (History of Philosophy/German, History of Philosophy/Foreign, Social Philosophy) This article by Engels is a review of K. Marx’s book “Towards a Critique of Political Economy”. Engels characterizes it as an outstanding scientific achievement of the proletarian party and an important stage in the development of the scientific worldview of the proletariat. The review remained unfinished. Only the first two parts have been published. The third part, in which Engels intended to give an analysis of the economic content of the book, did not appear in print due to the cessation of publication of the newspaper; her manuscript has not been found.
  91. (Anthropology, Philosophy of Nature)
  92. (History of philosophy/German, History of philosophy/Foreign, Philosophy of nature, Philosophy of spirit, Dialectics) Marx K., Engels F. Dialectics of nature. Soch., vol. 20.
  93. (History of Philosophy/Enlightenment, History of Philosophy/Russian, Philosophy of Spirit) “Observations on the Human Spirit” by Andrei Kolyvanov is a book with a very unusual fate. Published in German in Altona in 1790, it received enthusiastic responses from famous German thinkers, but then mysteriously disappeared and was discovered only in 2002. Even at first glance, it can be assessed as one of the most significant philosophical treatises of the end XVIII century - the heyday of European thought. Many of the ideas in the Observations are still attractive today, and they can significantly correct existing ideas about the paths of development of Western European and Russian philosophy. The translation of "Observations" is provided with an afterword and scientific apparatus. The second electronic edition does not include the translator's afterword, which was published separately. The need to publish an electronic version is due to the inaccessibility of the printed edition and the growing interest in this book observed in humanitarian circles in Russia and the USA.
  94. (History of philosophy/Modern times, History of philosophy/Modern)
  95. (History of Philosophy/Modern, Psychology, Philosophy of Spirit, Cultural Studies, Philosophy of Language)