How to get to the TOP of Google search results. What does top search engine mean? Top search engine results be

As expected, Google took first place in the world rankings. His share is more than 70% of search queries from residents from all over the world. Moreover, a third of all traffic comes from US citizens. In addition, Google is the most visited website in the world. Average daily use time search engine Google is 9 minutes.

The advantage of the Google search engine is the absence of unnecessary elements on the page. Just a search bar and the company logo. Chip are animated pictures and browser games dedicated to popular and local holidays.

2. Bing

Bing - search engine from Microsoft, dating back to 2009. From that moment on, it became a mandatory attribute of smartphones running Windows OS. Bing is also distinguished by minimalism - in addition to the header with a list of all Microsoft products, the page contains only a search bar and the name of the system. Bing is most popular in the USA (31%), China (18%) and Germany (6%).

3. Yahoo!

Third place went to one of the oldest search engines - Yahoo. The bulk of users also live in the USA (24%). It seems that the rest of the world is deliberately avoiding the help of search robots... The search engine is also popular in India, Indonesia, Taiwan and the UK. In addition to the search bar, on the Yahoo! offers a weather forecast in your region, as well as global trends in the form of a news feed.

4. Baidu

A Chinese search engine that has gained notoriety in Russia. Due to aggressive policies and lack of translation into Russian or English languages, extensions of this search engine are perceived as viruses. It is very difficult to completely remove them and get rid of pop-up windows with hieroglyphs. However, this site is fourth in the world by attendance. 92% of its audience are Chinese citizens.

5. AOL

AOL is an American search engine whose name stands for America Online. Its popularity is significantly lower than that of previous systems. Its heyday was in the 90s and 00s. Almost 70% of AOL's audience are residents of the United States.

This search engine, dating back to 1995, has quite unusual interface. She perceives all requests as questions and offers answer options in accordance with the search results. This is somewhat reminiscent of the Answers.Mail service. However, it is not amateur answers that are included in the search results, but full-fledged articles. For last year the site has lost about 50 positions in the world ranking of the most popular Internet resources and today ranks only 104th.


This search engine is unremarkable and similar to a lot of other sites. It offers users a lot of services (such as News, Mail, Weather, Travel, etc.) The site's interface also evokes memories of the web of the 90s and, one might assume, has changed little since then.


The developers immediately warn that this search engine does not track your actions online. Nowadays, this is a significant argument when choosing a search engine. The site design is made in a modern manner, using bright colors and funny pictures. Unlike other search engines, the “duck search engine” has been translated into Russian. Over the past year, the site has gained about 400 positions and in March 2017. is ranked 504th in the Alexa popularity rankings.

9. Wolfram Alpha

A distinctive feature of this search is the variety of auxiliary services designed for queries related to certain knowledge. That is, in the search results you will not see links to posts on social networks or articles from the yellow press. You will be offered specific numbers and verified facts in the form of a single document. This browser is ideal for schoolchildren and students.

10. Yandex

Search engine, the most popular in Russia and the CIS countries. In addition, about 3% of the site's audience are residents of Germany. The site is notable for its large number of services for all occasions (music, radio, public transport schedules, real estate, translator, etc.) The resource also offers a large selection individual design site, as well as customizing widgets. Yandex ranks 31st in the world in popularity, having lost 11 positions over the past year.

In 2017, it was fashionable to say that users were spending more and more time on social networks, and sites were losing their relevance. An example was given of multichannel media a la “Lentach”, which feel great working only with their groups and pages on social media.

This is reminiscent of the situation with printed publications. They've been dying for 25 years now, but they still can't put the ends to rest. And the circulation of the British The Financial Times in 2017 generally increased, albeit by 0.35%. And, by the way, it’s paid.

I don't dare say that social media They will die, but the sites will remain, or vice versa. But I am absolutely confident that sites will continue to take a significant chunk of traffic in the coming years. Therefore, it makes sense to write articles that will reach the top of search results. I'll tell you how to do it.

I use this algorithm myself. It is only suitable for those who want to write a cool article for people. And also - so that it is highly appreciated by the search robot. Not the other way around. Quality content is a priority.

Select a topic

Incredible but true. To write an article, you need to decide what it will be about. The topic must be relevant. Ideally, long-lasting, at least for 1–2 years.

You can check the relevance of the topic in Wordstat. My psychological bar: a total of 6–7 thousand requests per month from Yandex and Google. If there are fewer potential readers, then think ten times whether it is worth investing time and effort into such material. Of course, in specific niches you shouldn’t focus on these numbers.

Don’t forget to multiply the data from Wordstat by two: half of users use Google search.

Make a plan

The plan is a cool thing. He keeps the article within clear boundaries and does not allow the structure to blur.

I compose it in three stages:

  • I write down the points that come to mind within 10 minutes;
  • I read articles on the chosen topic that are already in the top. Typically these are the first five links;
  • I supplement the plan with points that competitors have, if I did not write them down at the first stage.

This approach allows you to write not just cool and structured text, but to create one of the most complete manuals on the chosen topic in RuNet.

I write plans by hand on regular A4 paper:

Write a draft. Rewrite it

At least once.

For the first time, write as the words come to mind. Clumsy, with errors. Never mind. At this stage, the main thing is to put the entire invoice “on paper”. Already here, start inserting the first illustrations. Not necessarily ideal either. The main thing is to reflect the main idea of ​​each specific episode of the article. When finished, let the text rest. At least a day.

Have you had a smoke break? Great. Start rewriting it. Task: write the text again, but in different words. You can implement this in any way you like. I read the first draft one paragraph at a time. I catch the main idea, details - and rewrite it in other words. Many people are lazy and skip this stage. In vain. I guarantee that the second option will be an order of magnitude better than the first.

Proofread the text

Just please, not on a laptop. Constantly looking at the monitor is harmful, and your eyes become blurry. Print out your draft and arm yourself with your office tools. Use a highlighter to mark all the clumsy places (mistakes, typos, repetitions, too long sentences), and use a pen to comment on the edits. When finished, edit the electronic version of the text.

Let's add a side view. Send the text to a potential reader: colleague, younger brother, cat. It's better even for two people at once. For example, I send my texts to my mother and girlfriend :–) Ask them to comment: is it clear or difficult to write, interesting or boring to read, are there any mistakes. Make edits based on reviews.

This article after proofreading

Layout the text in the editor

You can have a website on WordPress, Bitrix or a self-written system. It doesn't matter, a basic text editor is everywhere. You need to use its capabilities wisely. If you mess up the layout, users won’t read it, and search engines will lower the page’s ranking.

First, the article should be easy to view. High-quality illustrations, headings, subheadings, quotes and other anchor objects. Convenient and uniform size for the entire page. In general, make a mess.

Secondly, this mess must be done correctly, and not anyhow. There is only one first level heading. Headings of levels 4, 5 and 6 - not a single one. The illustrations are compressed as much as possible so that the page loads faster, but without losing quality.

Proofread the text again

Print out the already typed material. See if everything is displayed correctly, correct the last typos if there are any. In the electronic version, click on all the links, remove extra spaces and paragraphs, run the text through or another . Make sure the article displays correctly on all devices and systems.

Make the latest additions

Come up with and write a powerful headline. Use common sense plus data from Wordstat. Using the same principle, write high-quality snippets and announcement text.

Add a title and alt for each illustration. I don’t worry and insert the same text into these columns. Doesn't interfere with search engines. The main thing is that the text is as detailed as possible.

Bad: Putin

Good: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin thanks the Russians for his victory in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation on March 19, 2018

The snippet is highlighted in the screenshot. In case you don't know what it is

Publish an article and drive traffic to it

Just as the presence of their mother is especially important for small children in the first years of life, traffic is especially important for a new article. Since it has not yet reached the top of search engines, use all methods to convey a direct link to the material to your target audience. The way people read.

Don't forget about directing the material. Search engines really don’t like it when people start reading an article but abandon it long before the end. Open the heat map of the page and Webvisor, analyze the place where the audience falls off, edit it. And try again. The scrolling should be at the level.


If you did everything correctly, then soon, from two weeks to two months, your article will reach the top of search results for targeted queries. This means that traffic will flow like a river. Or a trickle - it all depends on the size of the audience who is interested in the topic of the material.

To summarize:

  1. Select a current topic.
  2. Write a plan.
  3. Write a draft.
  4. Rewrite the draft.
  5. Proofread the text.
  6. Layout the text in the editor.
  7. Read it again.
  8. Make SEO additions.
  9. Publish and get traffic.

For those who haven’t read it, I invite you to take a look at my first article on this topic. Here .

Surely you know that we host a Blogger Show on the blog. And as part of our “Integrated Promotion” experiment Serpstat simply an irreplaceable assistant.

For those who are new to us, I’ll briefly tell you about the essence of the experiment:

During this experiment, you will learn: what methods we will use to promote the blog, which of them will be effective and what results they will bring; what kind of increase in traffic we will have monthly; what methods will we use to recruit a subscription base; how social networks will be involved; what services we will use to complete the assigned tasks; and much more.

Now let's get back to the topic of today's article.

In service Serpstat There is a wonderful opportunity that will help us find “lost” key phrases. How to do this? Everything is extremely simple.

Enter the page address (URL) and click “Find”. A “Summary Report” will open, which presents a lot of interesting data.

For example, what places in the search results are occupied by the key phrases used on the page and what is their frequency.

Scrolling down the report, you can see what we need, namely “Missed key phrases” and their frequency.

By correcting your article by adding missing phrases, you can raise your post in the search results and thereby take a higher position. After making changes, all you have to do is wait for the search engine to update and monitor your positions.

Method No. 2. Analysis of competitors' positions

We type in the search the URL of the page whose position we want to improve and click “Find”.

Service will show as a list of competitors of the page you are analyzing.

You can click on any of the proposed addresses and see competitors’ key phrases, their places and frequency in the exact entry.

To fill out the URL fields, click on the addresses of your selected competitors.

The diagram shows the intersections of semantics, the unique key phrases of each of the analyzed pages, and the intersecting key phrases.

Below the chart, the table shows positions for common key phrases, where you can clearly see what place you occupy in the search results and what place your competitors occupy.

In general, key phrases are a very important part of promoting any web resource. By analyzing keywords, you can draw conclusions about which ones you need to use, which ones will bring visitors to you, and which ones are not worth wasting your time on.

Key phrases you can use:

  1. when creating a resource structure;
  2. to identify seasonal requests;
  3. when composing meta tags, headings;
  4. in posts;
  5. for writing anchor links;
  6. for use in contextual advertising.

Serpstat has a whole section “Key phrase analysis”, where you can find out all the information listed above. And to help you, a video, by watching which you will learn more about them.

Lifehack No. 3. How to Find Your Top Traffic Pages or Your Competitor

Do you monetize your project? If so, how do you determine which pages should be monetized and which will not give the desired effect?

I offer my own version of searching for traffic pages. These are the pages that bring visitors to the site. There are a lot of visitors 🙂 Therefore, it is advisable to add, for example, an affiliate link or an advertising block to such posts.

Enter the website address of yours or a competitor that you want to analyze and click the “Find” button.

What are leader pages is clearly explained by himself Serpstat. Here I would like to note that almost everywhere the user is accompanied by tips and explanations, so even a novice can work in the service without any problems.

I uploaded data on my blog (I remind you that you can upload information on competitors).

In the table we see the number of keywords per article, how many visitors shared the post on Facebook and Google, estimated traffic (traffic from organic search) and potential traffic (traffic that can be received if the page ranks first in the search results for all keywords).

I now know which articles are the most promising for promotion and further monetization. Serpstat, thank you!

By the way, while I was preparing this article I managed to correct two other posts written at the very beginning of my blogging journey, when I did not yet have all the information on SEO. Let's see how the positions of these posts change. I will definitely share the results with you. , so as not to miss the release of the next episode of the Blogger Show.

Lifehack #4. How to choose a topic for an article

Well, the final trick that I use. Regular readers know that when writing articles I use a content plan.

So this suggests topics for future posts Serpstat. Let me tell you how.

Enter a key phrase into the search bar and click “Find”. Next, we follow the following path: Site analysis - Keyword analysis - Seo-Analysis - Search tips.

All the tips that the search engine shows at the moment when we just start entering our query come out. Click “Questions only” and the service will filter out tips containing question words.

Here are the topics for future publications. These are the questions that concern users, so they will be happy to find answers to them on your resource. What do you think?

Friends, in this article I shared the features of the service Serpstat and told me how to get to the TOP using them.

Do you use any services or programs to promote your website? Share in the comments what exactly helps you, what is effective and what is not so effective. I look forward to your answers.

See you again!

Ekaterina Kalmykova was with you,

Compared to 2013, when in order to get into the Google TOP you had to diligently study the semantic core and pay attention to purchasing links on copyright resources, a lot has changed. In 2018, Google requires optimization for local queries, interactive and voice search, answers to user questions, and much more. This does not mean that we should forget about semantics. You just need to keep up with the times and take into account the requirements of the PS.

Every businessman strives to get to the TOP of Google, because this ensures the site popularity and an influx of visitors, and therefore greater profit. But no matter how bitter it may be to realize this, it is almost impossible to retain the leading position of this PS, because Google changes its “favorites” quite often.

However, you can and should try to get to the top of the TOP. To do this, use several proven methods:

  1. Natural lists. They include pictures, videos, current news, blog articles, maps, places, etc.
  2. Natural or sponsored links.

Portals that have large number organic queries receive a prize from Google - free traffic, which all entrepreneurs strive for. In addition, being in the top position in the TOP, you do not have to pay per click. This is why the leading position is considered so valuable. If you are a “newbie” in the online business and are trying to take a place in an area where there is a lot of competition, you will have to shell out a tidy sum to the search engine using Google Adwords. Thus, you will become an honorary owner good place on the leaderboard, but you will have to pay until Google pays attention to you and becomes more loyal.

Google Adwords and Google Shopping are not only good and in a fast way get to the TOP - they also help increase sales volumes on the Internet, the number of calls to the company, and form a permanent customer base. Google primarily looks at the popularity of a ranking term and the breadth of cities you're trying to reach. It is these two factors that will determine the number of your competitors.

What ranking factors are there?

In 2017, a new rule was created for portal owners, according to which they are required to register and configure their website using two services: Google Search Console and Google My Business. The more you use the programs and tools of this search engine, the more loyal it will be to you. This decision is very reasonable for any business. Links created by professional SEO specialists do not always bring good results. But Google employees regularly work to create mechanisms that help achieve high-quality content, and not fake content, like most portals on the Internet.

To achieve success, you need to pay more attention to website optimization in PS. It is the process of creating relevant pages that provide value. The most interesting thing is that no one really knows how to become Google’s “favorite”, because in many ways your place in the TOP depends on the reputation of your resource, as well as on how relevant the pages correspond to the semantic core. Most often, good results are achieved by those entrepreneurs who have a good reputation on the Internet. For example, the first places in search queries are usually large brands that are famous high quality goods and European services.

You ask how to improve a company's reputation? It's very simple: the more high-quality pages connected to each other, the greater the reputation of the company. For example, relevant pages that are distinguished by well-designed linking help to achieve success and become a leader in the TOP of natural organic results on Google. The most important thing is to appear in PS search results as often as possible, to promote the appearance of search queries that are directly related to the activities of your company.

For example, if your business is related to SEO, then a relevant query should look something like this: “How to promote a resource to the TOP of search engines.” If the request is formulated correctly, new clients will not have to wait long. An important factor is competition for the key and reputation of your resource. Sites that have just appeared on the Internet have a greater chance of becoming popular and being found good solutions for promotion, since they did not have time to acquire a bad reputation among users.

You have three ways to get to the TOP of Google:

  • deal with this issue yourself if you are knowledgeable in this area;
  • pay for the Google Adwords service, which will help you find new customers and improve online sales;
  • find an SEO specialist who understands contextual advertising.

How much traffic can you get if you rank #1 in a Google search?

Very often, when contacting an SEO company, clients ask how much traffic they will have if they are among the leaders in search queries? Most experts answer this question with the following: “More traffic than if you were in second or third place.” Of course, Google Adwords can solve a number of issues related to promotion in the PS, but you should not blindly trust SEO specialists who guarantee you to get into the TOP Google results.

Matt Cutts, an American software engineer who was previously Google's Head of Search Spam, explains why many companies resort to deceiving their customers. The purpose of the search engine is competition, differences in geolocation, retargeting personalization and other factors that influence the search engine. No SEO specialist can set all this up.

TOP (translated from English as “top” - “top”) - on the Internet, most often this is the first page of search results. Sites that are in the TOP have the highest traffic.


Getting your site to the TOP is the point of any promotion. This requires maximum effort, since only in the top positions can you get good traffic to the resource and, as a result, high traffic - a large number of transitions of visitors from the user category to the visitor category.

TOP 10

It is believed that below the tenth position, that is, beyond the first page of search results, there is no real traffic. No more than 1% of users visit the second and subsequent pages.

Getting your site into the top ten is the goal of any promotion. However, TOP 10 does not give any guarantee that the site will remain in the top ten if the optimizer does not work on it. To maintain your position, you need to constantly work on content and improve other characteristics of the site.

Sites in the TOP 10 must fully satisfy the needs of users.

It also happens that the traffic of a site that has reached the top of search results is zero. This happens under conditions of high competition in the relevant segment and incomplete relevance.


Promoting websites in the TOP-3 is one of the most ambitious goals of any optimizer. According to the heat map, it is in the first three positions of the search results that most of the traffic is concentrated. Users move to lower positions only if they do not find the necessary information on the first three sites.