“Grant” - the meaning of the name, the origin of the name, name day, zodiac sign, mascot stones. What does the male name grant mean? What does the name grant mean?

This article gives the meaning of the male name Grand, what is best suited, and what people who wear it should be wary of. From morning to night you hear the sounds of your name, from the very early childhood they align you with their purpose. Understanding what will attract happiness to you, knowing the special aspects of your character, you will achieve a lot.

    Transcript of a boy named Grand

  • Writing in Latin letters – Grand
  • A man with this name belongs to the element – ​​Water
  • Color that attracts good luck in life – Apricot, Khaki
  • Attracting good luck named Grand, metal – Zinc
  • The most suitable tree for this name is Birch
  • Planet talisman – Moon
  • Constellation bringing happiness - Arrow (Sagitta)
  • According to numerology named Grand, numbers bringing good luck – Three
  • You're better off eating grains
  • Animal amulets for the name Grand- lizard
  • Stones - amulets for boys with the name Grand - Agate

To attract financial luck, people named Grand need a strong Money Amulet, the main thing is that it is encoded personally for you, in your name and your date of birth. I can only recommend This is a verified site!, The Good Luck Talisman really works to create an aura of well-being.

What is better according to fate for men named starting with the letter G - Grand

  1. It is better if a boy with the name Grand was born under the horoscope sign - Sagittarius (11.22 - 12.21)
  2. It will be most successful if a man with the name Grand was born according to the Chinese calendar in the year - Dog - the years 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042
  3. It’s better to start things on Tuesday
  4. The most favorable days year, these are January 25, April 3, August 12 and November 1
  5. Favorable time of day for you is evening
  6. The dangerous age at which you need to be careful is in childhood and adolescence - two years; in youth - twenty-six years old; in and maturity - forty years, in old age - seventy-two years
  7. The name starting with the letter G - Grand leaves an imprint on the health of these people, diseases of the liver are especially dangerous
  8. A person named Grand is best suited for professions related to – Construction

Character traits of those named by the male name Grand

At times his ego manifests itself by weeding out people with whom he is not on the same path. The psychological motives and anxieties of a stranger will not bother him at all. He is characterized by some frivolity and a superficial attitude towards love affairs. They always good friends and advisors. They do not like to reveal their feelings, although they really like to penetrate the souls of other people. A guy named Grand is absolutely not interested material assets, he does not strive to reach the top because of monetary rewards. They hate being alone. For the one he loves, this person will do everything; indeed, he is stubborn, but this can also be called patience. They expect complete trust from you and will not tolerate endless questions, because you are friends, marriage with him will never be easy for a woman. But it can be very productive for someone.
If something goes wrong, a man named Grand will always throw everything at you, but you shouldn’t hate him for it, just explain to him that otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten off the ground. Their need for communication is enormous, but the desire to satisfy it leads to the fact that close acquaintance with them rarely lasts long: they prefer the number of interlocutors to quality. He tends to rationalize everything. The most important thing is that when children are born, the role of a man named Grand in the family does not become secondary. These people are quite loyal and not prone to betrayal and promiscuity. They do not associate happiness with family. They like to lecture and put themselves on a pedestal. This sometimes alienates people close to him.

Table of the main character traits of a person named Grand

The calculation of character traits was carried out on the basis of the name and month of birth, for a more accurate calculation you need to know the full date of birth and first name, middle name and last name, if you need this, VISIT THIS PAGE.

The vertical column of the table (on top), select your (or a person with a name starting with the letter G - Grand) month of birth, the horizontal (on the side) line are aspects of character. Their intersection will show a coefficient from 1 to 100, the higher the value, the better.

January February March
Willpower 19 12 72
Energy 67 12 32
Learning ability 33 45 47
Hard work 82 88
Kindness 29 52 98
Patience 44 61 8
Creation 16 24
Intuition 89 44 8
Sociability 38 71 16
Self-esteem 95 63 5
Money 5 72 71
Talent 85 22 85
Spirituality 30 75 30
Determination 73 73 30
Stability 99
Love 10 44
Duty 43 51 33
Mentality 99 10 96
Prudence 86 97 22
Emotionality 18 27 83
April May June
Willpower 66 72 44
Energy 86 50 96
Learning ability 94 89 51
Hard work 53 73
Kindness 84 18
Patience 28 8 99
Creation 37 63 24
Intuition 76 73 7
Sociability 16 66 54
Self-esteem 76 16 10
Money 82 16 14
Talent 49 79 54
Spirituality 23 36 100
Determination 2 38
Stability 15 39 99
Love 47 68 11
Duty 67 93 71
Mentality 65 99 82
Prudence 29 80 53
Emotionality 18 30 49
July August September
16 98 51
Energy 63 13 34
Learning ability 46 61 24
Hard work 7 3 13
Kindness 71 54 57
Patience 54 3 60
Creation 72 18 26
Intuition 49 23 33
Sociability 55 38 100
Self-esteem 18 52
Money 7 67 65
Talent 12 53 42
Spirituality 77 80
Determination 24 26 43
Stability 14 20 98
Love 85 48 67
Duty 67 52 51
Mentality 70 36 52
Prudence 11 94 37
Emotionality 6 12 88
October November December
Willpower 99 26 34
Energy 81 69 97
Learning ability 96 23 86
Hard work 61 3 53
Kindness 83 22 28
Patience 43 58 47
Creation 75 47 50
Intuition 19 99
Sociability 70 45 21
Self-esteem 59 62 61
Money 22 31 41
Talent 78 99 93
Spirituality 53 63 98
Determination 59 19 53
Stability 27 85 88
Love 56 39 11
Duty 31 61 39
Mentality 68 35 81
Prudence 52 81 41
Emotionality 80 58 19
  • The main character traits that are present in people named Grand are godless, hypocritical, wasteful.
  • Compatibility of men with the name Grand in love and friendship

    This table shows the love compatibility of people named Grand, based on their birthday. The vertical column (on top) is your zodiac sign, the horizontal (on the side) line is your partner’s horoscope sign. Their intersection will put the extent and aspects of the relationship into perspective.

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    Fish Aries Taurus
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) wasted worries be together for a long time common dreams
    Aries (21.03 - 20.04) partnerships explosion of feelings often misunderstandings
    Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) short-lived love hatred and quarrels common dreams
    Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) not a boring life together part as enemies not a boring life together
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) passion and jealousy financial problems good together
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08) wasted worries short-lived love difficult relationships
    Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) nervousness for you peace in the house be together for a long time
    Libra (24.09 – 23.10) happiness, but not for long excellent partnerships
    Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) bad financial problems difficulties
    Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21) long life together it will be better vain dreams
    Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) wasted worries good together hatred and quarrels
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) passion and jealousy long relationship rich house and joy
    Twins Cancer Lion
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) disappointment bad feelings long life
    Aries (21.03 - 20.04) melancholy and routine passion and jealousy partnerships
    Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) long relationship you shouldn't start a relationship nervousness for you
    Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) short-lived love empty worries joyful experiences
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) common dreams disappointment be together for a long time
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08) good partnerships often misunderstandings
    Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) it will be better good long life together
    Libra (24.09 – 23.10) not recommended long life joyful experiences
    Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) it will be better excellent vain dreams
    Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21) happiness, but not for long long life together bad feelings
    Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) long life bad partnerships
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) long relationship not a boring life together peace in the house
    Virgo Scales Scorpion
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) not a boring life together good peace in the house
    Aries (21.03 - 20.04) bad feelings not a boring life together happiness, but not for long
    Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) long life together peace in the house well-being and prosperity
    Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) peace in the house disappointment acrimonious relationship
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) long life well-being and prosperity short-lived love
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08) vain dreams explosion of feelings not recommended
    Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) joyful experiences empty worries partnerships
    Libra (24.09 – 23.10) well-being and prosperity difficult relationships troubles and troubles
    Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) good good parting
    Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21) excellent hassle for both peace in the house
    Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) often misunderstandings nervousness for you contempt
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) joyful experiences well-being and prosperity rich house and joy
    Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) adoration and love hatred and quarrels good family
    Aries (21.03 - 20.04) it will be better long life together good family
    Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) calm home part as enemies bad
    Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) happiness, but not for long Everything will be fine family happiness
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) rich house and joy vain dreams well-being and prosperity
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08) peace in the house joyful experiences melancholy and routine
    Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) bad feelings good peace in the house
    Libra (24.09 – 23.10) difficulties you shouldn't start a relationship good together
    Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) you shouldn't start a relationship difficult relationships empty worries
    Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21) adoration and love long relationship you shouldn't start a relationship
    Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) long life adoration and love partnerships
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) empty worries long relationship family happiness

    Reveal the secret of the name GRANT(in Latin transliteration GRANT) looking at the calculation results in the numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. You may not understand them, but you feel that you don’t know something about yourself and your loved ones.

    Meanings and origin of the name GRANT

    The first letter G of the name GRANT tells about the character

    Your life consists of quickly passing joys and pleasures, so hurry up to live! You are paradoxical in love: on the one hand, you demand reliability from your partner, on the other, you do not want to tie the knot. You are the initiator of unusual fantasies in love. Remember, your weapon is a smile that can dispel your partner’s gloomy mood.

    Characteristics of the name GRANT

    • power
    • comfort
    • attention to detail
    • good faith
    • mystery
    • interest in health
    • sharp mind
    • creative ambitions
    • dogmaticity
    • constant voltage
    • self-confidence
    • search for an ideal
    • sensitive creative personality

    GRANT: number of interaction with the world “4”

    People whose expression number is four are rarely attacked by doubts and worries. Typically, “fours” know exactly what they want and have a great idea of ​​how to achieve it. Yes, few things come easy to them, but the efforts made are never in vain; in other words, such a person rarely wins the lottery, but never works without proper compensation. The average “four student” is the hope and support of his family members, relatives and colleagues. It is he who usually replaces the boss when he is sick or on vacation, gives sensible advice, advises colleagues, corrects the mistakes of others and resolves the most important issues. In his work, such a person often becomes indispensable, and an excellent addition to his outstanding business qualities is his reluctance to participate in behind-the-scenes intrigues and any dubious transactions.

    “Fours” at first glance give the impression of serious, thorough and reasonable people - and this is not an illusion, that’s exactly what they are. Any negligence for them, if not an enemy, is undoubtedly a negative and unpleasant factor, and people of the four spend a lot of energy on fighting it. Preferring to stay away from any risky undertakings and dubious enterprises, “fours” are usually content with what they have, but provide themselves with maximum comfort and coziness at every stage of life. Extremely honest towards others, they expect the same from others; by lying even in small things, you can ruin your relationship with a “four-man” once and for all.

    People of the Four, as a rule, do not recognize half measures, but they are practical and rational enough to make concessions in some cases and even allow themselves to be commanded. The behavior of a “quad” is subject to logic and is usually quite predictable for others; his goals are clear and his desires are feasible.

    “Fours” pay a lot of attention to their family; constancy and responsibility are perhaps the most pronounced traits of their character. Taking care of loved ones and trying to satisfy their needs as much as possible, people of four, as a rule, strive to control the situation and not lose sight of even the most insignificant events. The “Four” may not be the recognized head of the family, but there is no doubt that not a single decision will be made without his approval.

    The mistake of a “four-speaker” can be the desire for the benefits of life that are not necessary for him. Thus, wanting to comply with the wishes of parents, marriage partner or children, such a person drives himself into the trap of depression; Having learned to understand himself well and listen to his own intuition, he, on the contrary, is happy.

    GRANT: number of spiritual aspirations “1”

    The influence of a unit is associated with the ability to make independent decisions, which, as a rule, manifests itself in two variants: either a person clearly demonstrates leadership qualities and strives to lead, or he emphasizes his independence, opposes himself to others and prefers to be alone. Individuals always choose their own path. If, for some reason, they are unable to do this, forced submission has a very negative impact on their character.

    They want freedom at any cost. Most of these people periodically feel the need to be alone, so expect them to deep dive to family or love relationship not worth it. Those born under the influence of one do not always open up even to those closest to them - their soul is full of unsolved secrets.

    It cannot be said that individuals choose their life path once and for all. Of course, they value stability, but the thirst for change always lives in their hearts, which is why they sometimes seem capricious and even flighty. However, if you look at these people carefully, you can see that they always remain true to their principles. They make excellent critics, but they often know no bounds in their desire to point out others' mistakes.

    Sometimes it seems as if someone born under the influence of one chooses a spouse specifically in order to endlessly blame him, remake him in his own way, and completely re-educate him. Despite the fact that the individual ardently demands respect for himself, he is absolutely not interested in other people's rights and desires.

    If such a person gets the opportunity to demonstrate his leadership talent in all its glory, he becomes a charismatic leader, a strong-willed, courageous and decisive leader of the pack. Someone born under the influence of one simply does not know how to obey; you should not expect him to quietly and unnoticeably join the team, but he will definitely stand up for the humiliated and insulted.

    If an individual does not feel that he has sufficiently powerful potential to withstand intense competition, he should pay attention to areas that do not promise power and wealth: there he will definitely move forward, demonstrating the best traits of his character.

    GRANT: number of true features "3"

    People under the influence of the number three are distinguished by an enviable love of life and the ability to carry faith in the best through all the trials that fate sends them. Perhaps this is facilitated by their gift for seeing beauty in the everyday.

    “C” students are alien to such qualities as the thirst for profit at any cost and envy of the happiness of other people. They enjoy the good things they have and thank life for everyday joys that not everyone is given to notice and appreciate.

    A person exposed to the vibrations of the number three has the rare gift of dressing elegantly, emphasizing the advantageous aspects of his appearance with the help of clothes and accessories, without possessing impeccable beauty. It’s surprising that a “C” student looks great even if he doesn’t have enough money to spend money on expensive things. His innate charm and subtle taste come to his aid in this situation.

    Being natural speakers, “C” students easily captivate other people with their ideas. They do not need to command others or give orders. They can get everything they need solely thanks to their innate gift of persuasion and the ability to please those whose help they need.

    The characteristics of the number three manifest themselves in a person through heightened intuition. It allows you to avoid sharp corners in communication, smooth out emerging conflict situations and make friends with people of different beliefs. Having a heart-to-heart conversation with a stranger and winning him over in a short time is an absolutely ordinary situation for a “C” student, not requiring any effort from him.

    TO positive qualities"C" students also include their amazing sense of humor. They are not afraid to look funny in any situation, they are always ready to laugh heartily (including at themselves). They do not demand to entertain themselves; they have fun and are interested in living in the circumstances that life offers them. In any company, such people are welcome because they add ease to communication.

    Perhaps the only drawback of “C” students is laziness. It would be hard to call them patient and assiduous. Where efforts must be made to achieve success, they will not be very comfortable. And for such people, redoing work that has already been done is simply torment.

    Reveal the secret of the name GRANT(in Latin transliteration GRANT) looking at the calculation results in the numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. You may not understand them, but you feel that you don’t know something about yourself and your loved ones.

    Meanings and origin of the name GRANT

    The first letter G of the name GRANT tells about the character

    Your life consists of quickly passing joys and pleasures, so hurry up to live! You are paradoxical in love: on the one hand, you demand reliability from your partner, on the other, you do not want to tie the knot. You are the initiator of unusual fantasies in love. Remember, your weapon is a smile that can dispel your partner’s gloomy mood.

    Characteristics of the name GRANT

    • power
    • comfort
    • attention to detail
    • good faith
    • mystery
    • interest in health
    • sharp mind
    • creative ambitions
    • dogmaticity
    • constant voltage
    • self-confidence
    • search for an ideal
    • sensitive creative personality

    GRANT: number of interaction with the world “4”

    People whose expression number is four are rarely attacked by doubts and worries. Typically, “fours” know exactly what they want and have a great idea of ​​how to achieve it. Yes, few things come easy to them, but the efforts made are never in vain; in other words, such a person rarely wins the lottery, but never works without proper compensation. The average “four student” is the hope and support of his family members, relatives and colleagues. It is he who usually replaces the boss when he is sick or on vacation, gives sensible advice, advises colleagues, corrects the mistakes of others and resolves the most important issues. In his work, such a person often becomes indispensable, and an excellent addition to his outstanding business qualities is his reluctance to participate in behind-the-scenes intrigues and any dubious transactions.

    “Fours” at first glance give the impression of serious, thorough and reasonable people - and this is not an illusion, that’s exactly what they are. Any negligence for them, if not an enemy, is undoubtedly a negative and unpleasant factor, and people of the four spend a lot of energy on fighting it. Preferring to stay away from any risky undertakings and dubious enterprises, “fours” are usually content with what they have, but provide themselves with maximum comfort and coziness at every stage of life. Extremely honest towards others, they expect the same from others; by lying even in small things, you can ruin your relationship with a “four-man” once and for all.

    People of the Four, as a rule, do not recognize half measures, but they are practical and rational enough to make concessions in some cases and even allow themselves to be commanded. The behavior of a “quad” is subject to logic and is usually quite predictable for others; his goals are clear and his desires are feasible.

    “Fours” pay a lot of attention to their family; constancy and responsibility are perhaps the most pronounced traits of their character. Taking care of loved ones and trying to satisfy their needs as much as possible, people of four, as a rule, strive to control the situation and not lose sight of even the most insignificant events. The “Four” may not be the recognized head of the family, but there is no doubt that not a single decision will be made without his approval.

    The mistake of a “four-speaker” can be the desire for the benefits of life that are not necessary for him. Thus, wanting to comply with the wishes of parents, marriage partner or children, such a person drives himself into the trap of depression; Having learned to understand himself well and listen to his own intuition, he, on the contrary, is happy.

    GRANT: number of spiritual aspirations “1”

    The influence of a unit is associated with the ability to make independent decisions, which, as a rule, manifests itself in two variants: either a person clearly demonstrates leadership qualities and strives to lead, or he emphasizes his independence, opposes himself to others and prefers to be alone. Individuals always choose their own path. If, for some reason, they are unable to do this, forced submission has a very negative impact on their character.

    They want freedom at any cost. Most of these people periodically feel the need to be alone, so you shouldn’t expect them to be deeply immersed in family or love relationships. Those born under the influence of one do not always open up even to those closest to them - their soul is full of unsolved secrets.

    It cannot be said that individuals choose their path in life once and for all. Of course, they value stability, but the thirst for change always lives in their hearts, which is why they sometimes seem capricious and even flighty. However, if you look at these people carefully, you can see that they always remain true to their principles. They make excellent critics, but they often know no bounds in their desire to point out others' mistakes.

    Sometimes it seems as if someone born under the influence of one chooses a spouse specifically in order to endlessly blame him, remake him in his own way, and completely re-educate him. Despite the fact that the individual ardently demands respect for himself, he is absolutely not interested in other people's rights and desires.

    If such a person gets the opportunity to demonstrate his leadership talent in all its glory, he becomes a charismatic leader, a strong-willed, courageous and decisive leader of the pack. Someone born under the influence of one simply does not know how to obey; you should not expect him to quietly and unnoticeably join the team, but he will definitely stand up for the humiliated and insulted.

    If an individual does not feel that he has sufficiently powerful potential to withstand intense competition, he should pay attention to areas that do not promise power and wealth: there he will definitely move forward, demonstrating the best traits of his character.

    GRANT: number of true features "3"

    People under the influence of the number three are distinguished by an enviable love of life and the ability to carry faith in the best through all the trials that fate sends them. Perhaps this is facilitated by their gift for seeing beauty in the everyday.

    “C” students are alien to such qualities as the thirst for profit at any cost and envy of the happiness of other people. They enjoy the good things they have and thank life for everyday joys that not everyone is given to notice and appreciate.

    A person exposed to the vibrations of the number three has the rare gift of dressing elegantly, emphasizing the advantageous aspects of his appearance with the help of clothes and accessories, without possessing impeccable beauty. It’s surprising that a “C” student looks great even if he doesn’t have enough money to spend money on expensive things. His innate charm and subtle taste come to his aid in this situation.

    Being natural speakers, “C” students easily captivate other people with their ideas. They do not need to command others or give orders. They can get everything they need solely thanks to their innate gift of persuasion and the ability to please those whose help they need.

    The characteristics of the number three manifest themselves in a person through heightened intuition. It allows you to avoid sharp corners in communication, smooth out emerging conflict situations and make friends with people of different beliefs. Having a heart-to-heart conversation with a stranger and winning him over in a short time is an absolutely ordinary situation for a “C” student, not requiring any effort from him.

    The positive qualities of C students also include their amazing sense of humor. They are not afraid to look funny in any situation, they are always ready to laugh heartily (including at themselves). They do not demand to entertain themselves; they have fun and are interested in living in the circumstances that life offers them. In any company, such people are welcome because they add ease to communication.

    Perhaps the only drawback of “C” students is laziness. It would be hard to call them patient and assiduous. Where efforts must be made to achieve success, they will not be very comfortable. And for such people, redoing work that has already been done is simply torment.

    The name Grant has several variations:

    Grant, in Russian, is a male name.

    Full forms of the name Grant: Not specified. Names with the same meaning: Not specified. ★Grant★[Free] find out the meaning of the name on the website Names of the World. Find out the meaning of the name Grant. Meaning of the name Grant. Name Grant on the website Names of the World. Meaning of the name Grant. Grant name meaning. Origin of the name Grant. The secret of the name Grant. Interpretation of the name Grant. - Names of the World.

    Letter G

    Letter R

    Letter A

    Letter N

    Letter T

    ★Grant★[Free] find out the meaning of the name on the website Names of the World. Find out the meaning of the name Grant. Meaning of the name Grant. Name Grant on the website Names of the World. Meaning of the name Grant. Grant name meaning. Origin of the name Grant. The secret of the name Grant. Interpretation of the name Grant. - Names of the World.

    Grant, in Russian, is a male full name.

    Short forms of the name Grant: Not specified. Names with the same meaning: Not specified. ★Grant★[Free] find out the meaning of the name on the website Names of the World. Find out the meaning of the name Grant. Meaning of the name Grant. Name Grant on the website Names of the World. Meaning of the name Grant. Grant name meaning. Origin of the name Grant. The secret of the name Grant. Interpretation of the name Grant. - Names of the World.

    Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Grant.

    Letter G in the name Grant: the desire for knowledge, introduction to a hidden secret, the ability to understand everything in inextricable connection with life, attention to detail and the need to do everything in good faith.

    Letter R in the name Grant: the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the essence; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

    Letter A in the name Grant: a symbol of beginning, the desire to begin and implement, the desire for physical and spiritual comfort.

    Letter N in the name Grant: a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

    Letter T in the name Grant: an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.


    (male) "The Holy Book."

    Armenian names, dictionary of meanings. 2012

    See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what GRANT is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    • GRANT in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons:
      - American six-shooter revolver 22 and 32...
    • GRANT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
      (English grant) - 1) paid, subsidized state order for implementation scientific research and developments; 2) target cash provided free of charge...
    • GRANT in the Dictionary World of Gods and Spirits:
      in British folklore, a werewolf appears to people in the form of a horse walking on its hind legs. You can see it at noon or closer...
    • GRANT in the Directory of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
      Grant Ulysses Simpson (1822-1885) - American general. During Civil War in the United States was appointed commander in chief of all federal...
    • GRANT in the Dictionary of Generals:
      (Grant) Ulysses Simpson (1822-85) state. military and watered. US figure. Genus. in a merchant's family. Windows West Point. Lieutenant General (1863). Participant in wars...
    • GRANT in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      (Grant) Carey (real name Archibald Alexander Leach Leach) (1904-86), American actor. He began his career as an artist in a traveling circus troupe, then in the theater. ...
    • GRANT in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    • GRANT
      (Grant) Carey (real name Archibald Alexander Leach) (1904 - 86), American film actor. Having become famous in a series of salon comedies of the 30s...
    • GRANT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      a, m. A one-time cash benefit issued to a scientist or scientific institution to conduct research on a specific problem.||Cf. PENSION, SCHOLARSHIP…
    • GRANT V Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      , -a, m. A one-time subsidy awarded to a scientific institution, creative team or individual performer of some kind. labor. Grant holder, recipient. Competition for...
    • GRANT
      (English grant), type of subsidy; provided by an organization or individual to another organization or individual (usually as a result of competitive selection) ...
    • GRANT in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      Ulysses Simpson (1822-85), 18th President of the United States 1869-77, from the Rep. party, general In Civil. war in the USA 1861-65 commanders in chief. army...
    • GRANT in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      Carey (real name Archibald Alexander Leach, Leach) (1904-86), Amer. actor. In cinema since 1932. "Star" Amer. screen of the 30s and 40s...
    • GRANT in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      (Grant) James Augustus (1827-92), English. traveler. In 1860-63, together with J. Speke, he established that r. Victoria Nile flows from the lake. ...
    • GRANT in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
      -a, m. A one-time cash benefit issued to a scientific, creative team or individual to conduct research on a specific problem. Participate in…
    • GRANT in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
      The captain they were looking for...
    • GRANT in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    • GRANT in Lopatin's Dictionary of the Russian Language:
      grant, -a (subsidy, ...
    • GRANT in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
      grant, -a (subsidy, ...
    • GRANT in the Spelling Dictionary:
      grant, -a (subsidy, ...
    • GRANT in Dahl's Dictionary:
      husband. , German coarse, clean sand...
    • GRANT in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
      (English grant), type of subsidy; provided by an organization or individual to another organization or individual (usually as a result of competitive selection) ...
    • GRANT in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
      m. Scholarship, fund, lump sum payment intended to finance any research, invention or...
    • GRANT in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
      m. 1. One-time cash allowance or donation of equipment, premises, etc. cultural, scientific and other institutions (usually from personal...