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Forbidden fruit compote
Dontsova Daria

For a friend - into fire and water! Dasha Vasilyeva rushes headlong to look for the impudent woman who dared to insult her friend, Colonel Degtyarev. Bachelor Alexander Mikhailovich, his aunt claims, is married and abandoned his wife, who groomed and cherished him. Dasha is outraged. Shouldn’t she know that Degtyarev is free and pure, like a tear. An innocent search for the colonel's namesake turns into a criminal investigation, which, as you know, Dashutka is a big hunter of. Along the way, she finds out that the other Degtyarev...

King Pea Dollars
Dontsova Daria

What a day! First, Dasha Vasilyeva, leaving Lozhkin, came across a flock of... penguins! In the summer, in the heat! They led her to an overturned van, in the cabin of which there was a wounded driver, Sergei Yakunin. He asked her to give an envelope with money to some Clara...

And then it turned out that a terrible hurricane swept away the roof of Dasha’s house, and she and her family moved into a terrible shack with an eccentric owner. But everyday difficulties do not prevent Dasha from looking for the mysterious Clara. And at this time terrible things begin to happen...

45 caliber smile
Dontsova Daria

Dasha Vasilyeva is invited to a party with Professor Yuri Rykov. Imagine her indignation when the next morning the Rykovs accused her of stealing a golden egg by Faberge, which was supposedly their family heirloom. The tabloid newspaper “Ulet” published an article where Dasha was also called a thief. To protect her reputation and help return the egg to its rightful owner Amalia Korf, private investigation enthusiast Dasha Vasilyeva begins her own investigation. And then one after another...

A slightly shocking figure
Dontsova Daria

You want to do the best, but it turns out... A terrible story! I, private detective Evlampiya Romanova, agreed to help my client play the role of Professor Antonov’s niece and got myself into a nightmare situation. I was accused of murder! The lady who ordered it is, of course, cunning, but the Lamp is not cut out for it either. I’ll find out for free where my legs are coming from in this matter... But then, completely inappropriately, all the appliances in my house went off! Now you can’t cook food, watch TV, or boil tea... But in...

Picnic on Treasure Island
Dontsova Daria

Ivan Pavlovich Podushkin again found himself at the epicenter of events! His friend Yegor Druzhinin, a big fan of extreme entertainment, suddenly died. And then at night after the funeral, Vanya was woken up by a phone call. Yegor called and tearfully begged to be taken out of the grave. Crazy with horror, Podushkin rushed to the cemetery and dug up Yegor. He said that he wanted to make a “cool” joke - to arrange his own funeral, and then “resurrect” at the wake. Imagine the reaction of the mourners! But a clearly designed scene...

To deal with your cop
Polyakova Tatyana

Life sometimes throws up stories that are better than any detective story. So the writer Anfisa Glinskaya, together with her faithful friend Zhenya, again found herself drawn into a complicated and bloody story. The six-year-old daughter of their friends, Lelka, was kidnapped. Anfisa's husband, special forces colonel Roman, tries to help the unlucky detectives, especially since the investigation becomes too dangerous. Someone is mercilessly dealing with the kidnappers. And it seems that the thin thread leading to the little girl is about to break. But it’s not for nothing that Anf...

A fish named Bunny
Dontsova Daria

Guard! Ivan Podushkin is in time trouble! Not only that, his owner and owner of the Niro detective agency went to Switzerland to learn to walk again after surgery. She also instructed her secretary to renovate the entire apartment before her return. And now unfortunate Vanya, like a pathetic little bob, rushes around the shops in the heat in search of super toilets, musical washbasins and bathtubs. Naturally, during the renovation he had to go live with his mother, which in itself is not a problem, and then they also have to...

Auntie's House of Lies
Dontsova Daria

Truly life is full of miracles! Especially from the lover of private investigation Dasha Vasilyeva. Grieving over the sudden death of Poly, the daughter of her friend, Dasha came to the morgue to pick up the body. And there she was told that the girl... came to life. It turns out that she was simply in a comatose state. And laughter and tears! Now in Dashino country house An unclaimed coffin has appeared in which... a pit bull is sleeping. And then a terrible thing happened - Polya died after losing control of someone else’s car. And Dasha immediately starts searching...

Return of the Prodigal Boomerang
Kalinina Daria

Arriving in a small village to visit their friend Anka, Kira and Lesya were most afraid of boredom. But in vain! This is where they had to show their detective abilities to the fullest. On the second day after arriving, someone stabbed Niko, Anya’s husband’s uncle, with a knife. The couple lived in perfect harmony for five years. But the uncle still did not recognize his daughter-in-law. The old man’s character was quarrelsome, but that’s not what people kill for. Then three more murders occurred one after another. Add to this complicated love affairs with a criminal overtone, the search for...

March cat's benefit
Dontsova Daria

Dasha Vasilyeva has catastrophic luck with corpses!.. Only she agreed to go to a classical music concert with an impressive man, Stas Komolov, and now he is already a corpse. During the intermission, Dasha ran for water and drops for him, she thought he was feeling bad from the stuffiness, but he would just die. And the next day the cops showed up at her house. They clearly suspect Dasha of murder. What to do? Of course, run! And now she’s already at the Kursky station with a traveling bag in one hand and a pug, Hooch, in the other. Behind the lover's back...

Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions - 3


Why don't people fly? Yes, because wings would prevent them from crawling. There are so many reptiles in the world!.. My name is Viola Tarakanova. One day I came to a lesson with my student Nikita. The house was in chaos: Keith's father had been arrested the day before for drug possession. His mother, Lena, an artist, asked me to save one of her paintings so that it would not be included in the inventory of property. Keith took me to the workshop, and when we returned, I found Lena’s corpse in the bedroom. I handed the boy over to his grandmother, but even there the killer overtook him. But he miraculously survived. And then... my friend’s daughter was kidnapped, and I have to pay half a million dollars for her or find Lena’s killers. I am one hundred percent sure that these are the same people...

Regarding relatives, a lot of things can be said... and they must be said, because they cannot be printed.
Albert Einstein

Why don't people fly like birds? Strange question: they don't have wings. And then, if a person had them, they would terribly interfere with his crawling. Well, tell me, is it possible, having two wonderful devices for moving in the air behind us, to do dirty tricks, deceive, grovel before our superiors and offend those who stand below us? A creature that can float is an angel...
“Hey, Vilka,” Lera asked irritably, “are you not listening to me?”
- What you! - I feigned extreme attention. - How can you! I'm following all your thoughts very closely. Just a second ago you said:
“Who else, besides the beloved mother-in-law, is capable of bringing a person to a complete blackout!”
- Well, what is your opinion on this issue?
“I don’t have one,” I answered calmly, “just as I don’t have a mother-in-law.” Oleg came to me as an orphan, and a round one at that. However, I don’t know for sure. He said about his mother that she had died quite a long time ago, but said nothing about his father. He said that he was raised by his stepfather, I realized that he was also no longer alive. There was some trouble in the family. Either his parents separated, or they moved away without formalizing anything according to the law... In a word, I have no father-in-law and no mother-in-law.
Lerka squealed:
- No, you have no idea how lucky you are. And I have full ammunition, even too full: Vitka’s dad, mom and even grandma are alive, healthy and cheerful. Think about what happened yesterday...
I stared at Leroy, pasted the most friendly smile on my face and began to nod, feigning complete attention. I learned this trick when I was seven years old. My stepmother, Raisa, when she got drunk, and there was a binge, as per schedule, twice a month, on the second and fifteenth, that is, when the pay was given out, she began to yell furiously, pointing her finger at me: “I’ll kill you, why aren’t you in school, you bastard!" At first I tried to explain to the angry woman that the clock had long struck twenty-one and the TV was showing the “Time” program.
But Raisa continued to rage. The scandal lasted, as a rule, about thirty minutes, then the stepmother collapsed into bed and began to snore deafeningly. In the morning, suffering from a headache, she pulled me towards her, pressed me to her large, soft chest and muttered:
- Well, don’t be angry, I’m screaming, it means I love you, I’m raising you. Go and look in your bag, I bought you some gingerbread with my payday.
Very soon I realized that it was useless to argue with Raisa at the moment when she was yelling. You just have to be silent so as not to anger the woman. At first I simply nodded in time with her screams, but then I suddenly realized that I had learned not to hear the screams, depicting complete attention on my face. This skill came in handy at school, when in the second grade I got a new teacher, Valentina Nikitichna, who screamed so hard that the children’s blood curdled in their veins.

Why don't people fly? Yes, because wings would prevent them from crawling. There are so many reptiles in the world!.. My name is Viola Tarakanova. One day I came to a lesson with my student Nikita. The house was in chaos: Keith's father had been arrested the day before for drug possession. His mother, Lena, an artist, asked me to save one of her paintings so that it would not be included in the inventory of property. Keith took me to the workshop, and when we returned, I found Lena’s corpse in the bedroom. I handed the boy over to his grandmother, but even there the killer overtook him. But he miraculously survived. And then... my friend’s daughter was kidnapped, and I have to pay half a million dollars for her or find Lena’s killers. I am one hundred percent sure that these are the same people...

Regarding relatives, a lot of things can be said... and they must be said, because they cannot be printed.

Albert Einstein

Why don't people fly like birds? Strange question: they don't have wings. And then, if a person had them, they would terribly interfere with his crawling. Well, tell me, is it possible, having two wonderful devices for moving in the air behind us, to do dirty tricks, deceive, grovel before our superiors and offend those who stand below us? A creature that can float is an angel...

“Hey, Vilka,” Lera asked irritably, “are you not listening to me?”

What you! - I feigned extreme attention. - How can you! I'm following all your thoughts very closely. Just a second ago you said:

“Who else, besides the beloved mother-in-law, is capable of bringing a person to a complete blackout!”

Well, what is your opinion on this issue?

“I don’t have one,” I answered calmly, “just as I don’t have a mother-in-law.” Oleg came to me as an orphan, and a round one at that. However, I don’t know for sure. He said about his mother that she had died quite a long time ago, but said nothing about his father. He said that he was raised by his stepfather, I realized that he was also no longer alive. There was some trouble in the family. Either his parents separated, or they moved away without formalizing anything according to the law... In a word, I have no father-in-law and no mother-in-law.

Lerka squealed:

No, you have no idea how lucky you are. And I have full ammunition, even too full: Vitka’s dad, mom and even grandma are alive, healthy and cheerful. Think about what happened yesterday...

I stared at Leroy, pasted the most friendly smile on my face and began to nod, feigning complete attention. I learned this trick when I was seven years old. My stepmother, Raisa, when she got drunk, and there was a binge, as per schedule, twice a month, on the second and fifteenth, that is, when the pay was given out, she began to yell furiously, pointing her finger at me: “I’ll kill you, why aren’t you in school, you bastard!" At first I tried to explain to the angry woman that the clock had long struck twenty-one and the TV was showing the “Time” program.

But Raisa continued to rage. The scandal lasted, as a rule, about thirty minutes, then the stepmother collapsed into bed and began to snore deafeningly. In the morning, suffering from a headache, she pulled me towards her, pressed me to her large, soft chest and muttered:

Well, don’t be angry, I’m screaming, it means I love you, I’m raising you. Go and look in your bag, I bought you some gingerbread with my payday.

Very soon I realized that it was useless to argue with Raisa at the moment when she was yelling. You just have to be silent so as not to anger the woman. At first I simply nodded in time with her screams, but then I suddenly realized that I had learned not to hear the screams, depicting complete attention on my face. This skill came in handy at school, when in the second grade I got a new teacher, Valentina Nikitichna, who screamed so hard that the children’s blood curdled in their veins.