How to properly build a foundation from a crossbar. Reinforced concrete crossbars. More about the element

One of the options for a construction crossbar is a reinforced concrete structure. It is used to connect columns, walls, suspensions and other vertical supports. In this case, the reinforced concrete beam begins to bear a vertical load if any horizontal elements, including metal slabs, are installed on them.

In the photo - crossbars of different shapes made of reinforced concrete

More about the element

Most often it has a rigid fastening, however, there are cases when in some structures a hinged connection is used. It depends on the purpose of the object.

You can often hear that construction crossbars are called reinforced concrete beams for structural purposes, which are a horizontal or inclined profile beam.

The dimensions of the reinforced concrete transom can be different, including:

  • section;
  • form;
  • square;
  • length;
  • method of fastening, depending on the nature of its purpose.

In fact, this is not entirely true, so we’ll talk about how they differ from each other in the last part of the article. Now let’s look at what materials are used to produce crossbars.

Material and parameters

  1. This structure is made of heavy concrete, the class of which is in the range B 22.5-40. Their output strength must be at least 75% in the warm period, 85% in the cold period, in addition, they must have strict waterproof and frost resistance parameters.

  1. To enhance the reliability of the device, during production they use reinforcement with high-class steel reinforcement of one of two types:
    • hot rolled;
    • strengthened by thermomechanical influences.

Concrete crossbars - parts of frame construction

  1. In the manufacture of this building element, GOST for reinforced concrete crossbars is used, which strictly stipulates possible inconsistencies with the established rules. For example, when installing crossbars, it is not allowed for technological holes to be more than 0.1 mm.

Purpose of the element

The design may vary depending on the parameters and its use. Today there are 3 varieties:

Let's look at the functionality of the element:

  • connects parts of load-bearing vertical structures;
  • creates spatial hardness of all reinforcement;
  • allows you to guarantee the geometric stability of the structure;
  • transfers loads from the beam to the support mechanism in a timely manner;
  • increases the surface and;
  • supports elements of reinforced concrete structures.

Features of application

The areas of use of crossbars are extremely wide:

  • with their help, it is possible to erect structures with a collective layout, especially those where high walls and long corridors are expected;
  • they are relevant in the process of installing modular structures;
  • Precast concrete crossbars for residential and multi-storey public buildings are capable of creating window commissures or fences;

  • They are also used as racks in power lines, which increases the area of ​​the load-bearing base, which makes it possible to transfer loads horizontally, increasing the support capabilities.

Advice: for very large multi-storey buildings, as well as as support for large structures, it is best to use 12-meter reinforced concrete crossbars.
Their design allows them to better withstand enormous loads and pressures, surpassing regular sized steel.


The main difference and feature is that the element is able to withstand powerful loads in different directions. For example, work in bending like an ordinary beam, which forms part of the future building as a whole. Typically, such structures are used in the construction of attic spaces.

If the element has a T-shaped section with a bottom flange, they are used to support floor decks. This makes it possible to reduce the size of the part of the structure that will inevitably protrude into the interior by the thickness of the ceiling.

The difference between a crossbar and a beam

The construction industry is developing actively, which increases the number of new terms every day. Their correct application depends largely not on how we understand them, but on how the names differ from each other in practical application.

It is a pity that not only people who are far from the construction industry, but also engineers often find themselves at a dead end, especially when they are asked about the difference between a beam and a crossbar. It really exists and we cannot close our eyes to it. This section will reveal the answer to this complex technical question.

What is it

We learned above that a horizontal support element is called a crossbar. Other load-bearing structures are attached to it, and its main function is to distribute the load of the rafters onto the beams. It can be made from different materials, including reinforced concrete, on which its shape ultimately depends.

A beam is a structural building element main function which is bending work. It is a supporting structure, which is most often made of wood or metal.

Let's compare

So, we have clarified the concepts, now let's determine what the actual difference between them is and why it is absolutely impossible to replace one with the other.

Advice: when preparing a construction project, it is very important to use the terms correctly, because the understanding of the process by all workers directly depends on this.

You can call the crossbar a beam, but take into account that it will become a load-bearing element installed horizontally. Thus, it will become a load-bearing beam, which is the basis of the future frame, which is erected precisely with the help of beams.

Since they work in bending, they are used to build not only an attic space, but also interfloor ceilings. This is one of the differences, since the crossbar is a rod building structure, while the beam is used to create the frame.

Therefore, the scope of use of the first is much wider, due to the fact that it is considered the main element of the construction process. Beams are used only as a covering or ceiling element. This feature is also due to the fact that they can only be made of metal or wood, but the crossbar can also be made of reinforced concrete. This significantly expands the scope of its application.

It should also be noted, taking as a basis the construction process and its terminology, that the beam is still an independent structural element, the dimensions of which are carefully calculated during design. The crossbar is part of the frame, rigidly connected to the racks, so that no calculations are made during the design process.

If we take this information into account, the concept of a beam appears before us in a broader light, but the purpose of the crossbar is clearly defined and does not change depending on the conditions.

We have come to the point where we can say:

  • beam is a broad concept;
  • crossbar - is a beam, but performs a highly specialized function.

Let's summarize our research:

How to make a deadbolt

  1. Make formwork for the bottom of the monolithic element. Usually metal spatial sheets are used. Under the latter, I-beam boards are laid in 2 rows perpendicular to each other. Monitor the level of the reference plane.

  1. Reinforcement or knitting of the frame is done on the ground and then installed in the formwork, or directly in it.
    • it is impossible to join the lower longitudinal reinforcement in the middle third of the span;
    • do not join the upper longitudinal reinforcement in the first quarter of the span.

This is where the greatest tensile forces occur.

Advice: it is advisable to check the welding joints with a transmission device.

  1. Installation of the side edges of the formwork. The main thing is to achieve the correct geometric dimensions. Installing stiffeners will help.

  1. Carry out concreting.After laying the concrete mixture, it is necessary to smooth it out immediately with trowels. Don’t forget about caring for it.
  2. Dismantling of formwork. After three days, remove the side panels, but leave the supports and do not touch them under any circumstances for at least 28 days. The instructions recommend leaving them after cleaning the lower formwork a month later, so that there are no cracks.

A month later, invite a laboratory to check the quality of the element. It can be loaded only when the concrete has reached full strength.


In this article, we were able to expand the concept of a crossbar, which will help protect you from construction mistakes in the future. This structural element is considered the core of any structure and can perceive loads in any planes, which cannot be said about the beam, with which it is often confused.

This should not be allowed during construction work, as the whole process may not go as planned. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

The foundation is the foundation of any home. Only a strong and reliable foundation will ensure the longevity of your home!

*Foundation task: Without destroying structures, transfer the load from the house to the foundation so that the soil maintains its Load-bearing Capacity!

*The foundation should not be massive and heavy, it should have sufficient strength for each structure.

* An important element is Drainage and removal of storm water from the roof!!! A dry foundation is the key to the durability of the entire structure.

The area of ​​support depends on the STRENGTH OF YOUR SOILS (Geology of the site), and the structure depends on the LOAD OF YOUR HOUSE (construction technology and layout) which must be transferred to the soil. Only if these two conditions are met will you receive a QUALITY FOUNDATION.


Strip foundations.

They are divided into monolithic and prefabricated monolithic. This is the most common type of foundation. It is suitable for all house construction technologies, most geology options and site soil types. Quite rational. Flexible in design. But most importantly, it has good Protection from the Fool. That is, it is difficult to spoil it.

Columnar with grillage (tise):

This is a pile-tape structure, consisting of two parts: load-bearing reinforced concrete piles, which have an expansion in the lower part, and a reinforced concrete grillage.

The Tise foundation can be installed on almost any soil (except for quicksand), does not require digging a pit or drainage, and is economically beneficial. Suitable for light structures: frame houses, SIP panels, timber.


Screw foundation - A fairly cheap, prefabricated foundation is used for the construction of light structures: fences, frame houses, vulture panels, etc., no drainage is needed, and the groundwater level is not important. Service life 20-50 years, comparable to service life frame houses, sip panels.


Slab foundations are quite popular and widespread. Thanks to the rigid structure - a monolithic slab made under the entire area of ​​the building, they are not afraid of any ground movements. The following types of slab foundations are distinguished:

Solid (traditional):

Monolithic reinforced concrete slab 20-40 cm poured under the entire area of ​​the building on a sand or sand-gravel (SG) cushion 20-30 cm.

Caisson (ribbed):

A lightweight reinforced concrete slab with additional ribs (reinforced concrete strips) under the walls of the building; a sand and gravel mixture (SGM) or soil is filled between the ribs.

Swedish plate (USP):

The "Swedish stove" technology combines the construction of an insulated monolithic foundation slab and laying communications, including a water floor heating system. An integrated approach allows you to quickly obtain an insulated base with built-in engineering systems and a flat floor, ready for laying tiles, laminate or other covering.

The three most common MYTHS about foundations!!!

Myth 1: The foundation must stand.

I'll give you an example. The best compaction is pulp. A mixture of sand and water. Water passing through sand particles compacts them. No amount of pouring water or tamping can compare with this. And I’m generally silent about the static load of the foundation. So, after pulping, the sand is further compacted for another 5 years...

So what are you talking about soil compaction? This is when you dug up 350 tons of earth, installed 150 tons of structures and are waiting for compaction? What are you saying...? Ground? Have you ever wondered how it can become compacted if you apply a load less than or equal to the one you removed? And the foundation does not bounce.

1. After building a house, the load on the soil should not exceed the bearing capacity of the foundation. Even so, the house will sag. But this is precisely due to the additional compaction of the soil! And this value is NORMALIZED by the State Tax Service and is the basis for calculating the foundation.

2. If we talk about the house standing. It should stand ready for at least a couple of years under rough finishing. For this reason, in order not to waste time, they use tampers to prepare the foundation, and do not wait for years like our great-grandfathers. After all, they used to build a mansion and homeless people lived in it for about 5 years. They heated the walls of the house with fires and their own heat, and the house began to shrink. A few years later, the house had further compacted the soil, excess moisture left the walls, the homeless were kicked out and they began interior decoration mansion...

But the Myth that the house must survive remains... We are not waiting. We prepare the foundation efficiently and move on...

Myth 2: Concrete must gain 100% strength...

Definitely and without a doubt. 100% strength, take it out and put it in... For structures that work in bending and tension! These are beams, floors, columns, crossbars, lintels...

Here is a graph of concrete strength gain. As we can see, after three days in normal weather of 20 degrees Celsius, the concrete has 50% strength.

Now let's forget about the stupid % and talk like normal people. I'm telling you that in 3 days at 20 degrees Celsius you can put the 1st floor of the house on your foundation. Will you install it? NO! In a great situation, in 14 days you will install 1 floor of BOXES! From gas block or ceramic blocks!... Good... 2 floors!!! But this is still not the entire load on the foundation! And the finishing! A + payload... Furniture with your favorite mother-in-law and a 49-inch TV.

Guys! You will be smashed to pieces, but after 28 days you will not have a load greater than the calculated one! But the average speed cottage construction 4-5 months! Don't waste your time. Build! But remember! Beams, crossbars, columns, floors, lintels... They REQUIRE 28 days! But there are some BUTs here too...

Myth 3: The lighter the house, the cheaper the foundation.

What determines the size and price of the foundation?

  1. Freezing depth
  2. Availability of a basement
  3. Region by snow load
  4. Soil bearing capacity
  5. Fertile layer thickness
  6. Depth of laying quality soils
  7. Relief of the site
  8. Number of storeys
  9. Wall material
  10. Floor material
  11. Roof material
  12. Groundwater level
  13. Availability of the project
  14. Availability of materials
  15. Remoteness of the object
  16. Deadlines
  17. Weather conditions

Where was our wall material? There is a basement - what difference does it make what the walls are made of! Still dig and pour concrete! And if we have a difference in the relief of the site in the spot of the house 1 m in height? What will you make the base from?

If you have a house using a frame system or SIP panels... there is a chance to get an inexpensive foundation. But this is far from a fact. And certainly not the advantage of these economical technologies. And certainly not a reason to choose these technologies!

One type of monolithic foundation is a columnar-beam foundation. It represents a structure that can be considered something between a deep foundation and shallow foundation. Such a foundation is usually laid when a structure has to be erected on peat bogs, heaving soils, or on plots of land located on a slope. It can be considered a lightweight version of a strip foundation, but it is not recommended to build heavy structures on such a foundation.

In a columnar-beam foundation, a grillage structure is fixed onto driven piles. This is somewhat similar to strip foundation, but the foundations for it are piles, and a monolithic grillage ensures the reliability and strength of the structure. Such installation allows you to save on concrete mass and earthworks. By the way, concrete delivered to Krasnogorsk can be ordered directly on the website In the case of laying a columnar-beam foundation, it is imperative to pour reinforced concrete blocks at the intersections of the walls and at all corners of the future house. One of mandatory procedures When laying a columnar-beam foundation, a sand and gravel cushion is laid. Installation of this type of foundation is carried out in the following order. First, piles are poured around the perimeter, the depth of which should be about one and a half meters. The length of the piles on which the monolithic foundation itself will rest is twenty-five centimeters.

Next, a grillage is poured, which can rest on the ground, or be slightly raised above ground level. Thus, the contact of the grillage with the ground surface is minimal and in the event of soil freezing, heat loss is significantly reduced. To lay a grillage foundation, geological research is necessary, and in this case it is not possible to make a ground floor or basement.

Construction has in its arsenal structural elements that allow the construction of openwork buildings. One of the most important products is reinforced concrete crossbars, which bear the weight of floor slabs of multi-story buildings. The reliability and durability of buildings depend on their quality and characteristics. The structural features of these reinforced concrete products are varied, so it is not always possible to see the fundamental differences between the beam and the crossbar.


A crossbar is a reinforced concrete product that serves as a horizontal connector of vertical structures (columns, suspensions, walls) and carries the load of floor slabs and other elements.

Materials and characteristics

The basis of their strength is formed by concrete (heavy weight) of classes (compression) from B22.5 to B60. Reinforcement of products is carried out by metal rod thermomechanically strengthened and hot-rolled reinforcement with a periodic profile, as well as reinforcing steel ropes, reinforced reinforced steel of the prescribed classes and wire of various strengths.

The reinforced concrete crossbar must have the accumulated standard concrete strength, measured at three time points: tempering (70% and 85% in warm and cold times, respectively), transfer, design. Such products have high levels of frost resistance, resistance to aggressive gas compositions, anti-corrosion protection, moisture resistance, and fire resistance.

The finished product has high compliance parameters in terms of: rigidity, crack resistance and strength. Even the dimensions of the tolerances for placing reinforcement outlets (welded with column reinforcement) on the outer surface are standardized - no more than 3 mm. The end connecting plates and rods are firmly connected by welding to the internal axial reinforcement.


Creation of multi-storey structures.

Crossbars connect the vertical structural elements of structures, themselves serving as supports for floor slabs. This function contributes to the formation of rigid spatial strength of the building’s reinforcement, united by welding. Such structures guarantee geometric stabilization of the structure as a whole, transferring the weight of horizontal structures to the supporting vertical “skeleton” of the building. A belt made from such products is capable of raising the base above the foundation to the required height, strengthening and relieving the latter. They are used to assemble structures with wide spans of premises (hangars, trading floors), and to strengthen columns in rooms with high ceilings.

These members are designed to withstand significant loads when laid as beams or used as columns. Reinforced concrete crossbars can be used to form window commissures and fences in multi-storey buildings. In the construction of high-rise buildings and in structures of especially large dimensions, a modification of the crossbar is used, which has a length of 12 m.

This variety has proven to be more reliable than steel samples. Transport infrastructure (fences, parapets, passages, viaducts, etc.) is actively being constructed using crossbars. In the energy sector, products are used to increase the area of ​​the load-bearing base of power transmission line masts, which allows for horizontal distribution of loads to increase the bearing capacity of the supports.


Their designs have different profiles, dimensions (length, cross-section), material, and method of fastening, which is determined by the specific location of application. The cross-sectional shape of the samples is a brand, having one or two shelves (for floor slabs), as well as a rectangle and a T-shaped without shelves. The option with one shelf allows you to support slabs on one side (flight of stairs, end bay of a building).

A model with two shelves is supported by two slabs (typical for central spans). T-shaped modifications with a low shelf reduce the visible exit of the structure body into the premises. On rectangular crossbars, the load is simply placed on top. The structural features and purposes of buildings require the use of rigid or hinged methods of fastening crossbars.


Products are marked with a alphanumeric code, separated by a dash into groups. Example - RDP 6.56-110AIV. 1st group indicates the type of crossbar, its height in diameter and length (dm), rounded to whole numbers. It is permitted to replace the contents of this group with the name of the product - deadbolt (“P”) indicating the standardized standard size. The second one provides information about the load-bearing capacity (in kN/m) of the product or its serial number in terms of load-bearing capacity. Next, for prestressed reinforcement, the steel class is indicated (Latin letter and Roman numeral).

Products marked RDP 6.56-110AIV-Na, for example, in the 3rd group indicate that the material of the product is concrete with normal (“N”) permeability (allowed for use in mildly aggressive gaseous environments), inside of which additional embedded elements (“ A"). Crossbars by type are designated by letters: R - rectangular, RO - single-shelf (ROP - for hollow-core slabs, RLP - for flights of stairs, ROP - under, RLR - similar to RLP), RB - shelfless in the form of the letter "T" (RBP - for slabs multi-hollow manufacturing, RBR - for slabs in the ribbed version), RD - two-shelf (RDP - for reinforced concrete hollow-core slabs, RDR - for ribbed slabs) and RKP - balcony (cantilever) for hollow-core slabs. There are crossbars with the manufacturer's abbreviation (according to specifications), taking into account the specifics of their shape, for example, РВ, РМ, AR, etc.

The difference between a crossbar and a beam

From an etymological point of view, a beam is a broader concept, and a crossbar is the same beam, but performing a highly specialized function.

The crossbar can be considered a horizontal beam with special load-bearing functions (accepts loads from any direction) as the main supporting element of the building frame. It is a horizontal part of the frame, which is rigidly connected to the vertical posts of the main supporting structure (not subject to calculation). A beam laid horizontally or at an angle works as an independent structural unit of the structure's frame, only mainly for bending (calculated during design). Crossbars and beams cannot be interchanged, since the former are monolithic (reinforced concrete or metal), have great weight, rigidity and strength, and the latter, as a rule, having a small mass, are made of wood or hollow metal structures.

The functionality of the crossbars is quite narrow, but the scope of application is significant. The purpose of the reinforced concrete crossbar is clearly defined and, regardless of the conditions, remains unchanged. Whereas the definition of “beam” itself is broad, including a crossbar. Beams are used in the construction industry in the form of floors or their support (an example is an attic, the main function of which is to distribute the load of beams with rafters onto crossbars), as well as coverings.