Would future in past rules of usage. Future Indefinite in the Past - future in the past in English. Education of Future in the Past

I said that there are four future tenses that we can use in the past tense. Today we will look at Future Continuous in the Past- future continuous in the past.

We use it when in the past (for example, last summer), we talk about actions/events that will happen in the future, focusing on their duration.

Look at the examples: “They hoped that they would rest all day. He thought she would be studying for an exam all evening».

In all these sentences we are talking about long-term processes. It is easy to construct such sentences. Now I will teach you this.

But since in the first part we use the past tense, then according to the rule of tense coordination, we cannot use the future tense in the second part. Therefore we must make the Future Continuous past. It's very simple!

We just need to replace will with would.

……..they would be play ing football all day.
……..they will play football all day.

……..he would be study ing the whole evening.
……..he will study all evening.

Now let's connect the two parts together. IN writing To connect two parts of a sentence, we often use the word that, which is translated as “what.” But in colloquial speech that we usually omit.

The education scheme will be as follows:

Actor + said/thought/told + (that) + actor + would be + -ing verb

She said (that) she would be work ing all day.
She said she would work all day.

They thought (that) he would be driv ing all night long.
They thought he would drive all night.

He knew (that) they would be walk ing.
He knew that they would walk.

Negation in the form of Future Continuous in the Past in English

We can add a negation to the first or second part to make the sentence negative.

Denial in the first part

Since the Past Simple tense is used in the first part, the negation is formed using the auxiliary verb of this tense did and the negative particle not.

They are usually abbreviated like this:

did + not = didn’t

In this case, the action itself will now be in its initial form, that is, it will not change in any way (say, tell, hope). Scheme for the formation of such a sentence:

Actor + didn't + say/think/tell + (that) + actor + would be + verb with -ing

He didn't know (that) he would be study ing at that time.
He didn't know what he would do at this time.

She didn't think (that) she would be cook ing the whole evening.
She didn't know what she would be cooking all evening.

Denial in the second part

To make the second part negative, we need to put not after would.

We can shorten:

would + not = wouldn't

The outline of such a proposal would be as follows:

Actor + said/thought/told + (that) + actor + wouldn’t + be + -ing verb

He said (that) he wouldn't be sleep ing the whole morning.
He said he wouldn't sleep all morning.

They thought (that) they wouldn't be walk ing.
They thought that they would not walk.

Interrogative form in the Future Continuous in the Past in English

If we want to ask a question, then we need to change the first part a little. For this we put auxiliary verb did to the first place in the sentence, and the action itself - to the initial form.

The proposal outline will be as follows:

Did + actor + say/think/tell + (that) + actor + would be + -ing verb

Did she say(that) she would be watch ing a movie?
She said she would watch the movie?

Did they know(that) they would be work ing?
Did they know they would work?

We have discussed the theory, and now let's consolidate the use of Future Continuous in the Past in practice.

Reinforcement task

Translate these sentences into English and write them in the comments under the article:

1. He didn’t think that she would rest all evening.
2. She knew that they would study from 5 to 8.
3. They expected that he would not sleep at this time.
4. He said that he would play tennis all evening.
5. She hoped that she would not work at this time?
6. They told us that they would fly all morning.

Leave your answers in the comments below the article.

Thanks to the group of times Future in the Past in English you can convey a future action that was discussed in the past. The rules for using this tense are studied within the framework of the topic ““. Its essence is that if the verb of the main sentence is in the past tense (in direct speech), then the verb of the subordinate clause must also be in one of the forms of the past tense (in indirect speech). For example:

  • I hoped that Jim would wait for me. “I was hoping Jim would wait for me.”

Future in the Past: usage

In English, the following tenses are distinguished: Future in the Past:

1. Future Simple in the Past

  • Mary said she would come home late. — Mary said she would come home late.

2. Future Continuous in the Past

  • Tom told them that he would be having a music lesson at 3 o’clock tomorrow. — Tom said that tomorrow at 3 o’clock he will have a music lesson.

3. Future Perfect in the Past

  • Jerry said he would have finished the book by noon. Jerry said he would have read the book by noon.

4.Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

  • Nina said she would have been writing the letter for 3 hours by the time I came. — Nina said that she would be writing a letter for three hours by the time I arrive.

The tense is quite common in speech. Future Simple in the Past, other forms are not used in practice. Usually Future in the Past is used in subordinate clauses after such verbs of conveying information, for example (say), tell (speak), hope (hope), expect (expect), etc.

Future in the Past: education

The tense forms Future in the Past are formed in the same way as the corresponding Future forms, but instead of the auxiliary verbs shall and will you must use would. In the outdated version, should was used for the first person singular and plural.

  • I thought that Kate would help us. “I thought Katya would help us.”
  • They knew that I should (would) come in time. “They knew I would come on time.”

During education negative sentences after the auxiliary verb you need to put a particle not.

  • Harry said he would not (wouldn't) buy a new bicycle the next day. — Harry said that he won’t buy a new bike tomorrow.
  • I thought I wouldn't make mistakes in this test. “I thought I wouldn’t make mistakes in this test.”

Interrogative sentences at this time only possible when using .

Future in the Past Tenses (future in the past)– are used in additional clauses, depending on the main thing with a predicate in the past tense, to express a future action.

Education of Future in the Past

All forms of Future in the Past are formed similarly to the corresponding forms of Future with the replacement of shall and will by the forms should and would.

Abbreviations used in colloquial speech:
They'd have played.
should not=shouldn’t=’d not
I should’t have played =I’d not have played .
She wouldn't be playing. = She’d not have played .
Shouldn't I have played?
Wouldn't he have played?

Future in the Past Simple

Affirmative form Negative form
I should play
He (she, it) would
We should
You would play
They would play
I should not play
He (she, it) would not
We should not play
You wouldn't play
They wouldn't play
Question form
Should I play ?
Would he (she, it) play ?
Should we play ?
Would you play ?
Would they play ?
Should I not play?
Would he (she, it) not play?
Should we not play?
Would you not play?
Would they not play?
Affirmative form Negative form
I should be play ing
He (she, it) would be
play ing
We should be play ing
You would be play ing
They would be play ing
I shouldn't be playing ing
He (she, it) would not be played ing
We shouldn't be playing ing
You wouldn't be play ing
They wouldn't be played ing
Question form Interrogative-negative form
Should I be play ing?
Would he (she, it) be
play ing?
Should we be play ing?
Would you be play ing?
Would they be play ing?
Should I not be play ing?
Would he (she, it) not be play ing?
Should we not be play ing?
Would you not be play ing?
Would they not be play ing?

Future in the Past Perfect

Affirmative form Negative form
I should have play ed
He (she, it) would have played
We should have
play ed
You would have play ed
They would have play ed
I should not have played
He (she, it) would not have play ed
We should not have played
You would not have played
They would not have played
Question form Interrogative-negative form
Should I have played ?
Would he (she, it) have play ed ?
Should we have played ?
Would you have played ed?
Would they have played ed?
Should I not have played ?
Would he (she, it) not have play ed?
Should we not have play ed?
Would you not have played ed?
Would they not have played ed?
Affirmative form Negative form
I should have been play ing
He (she, it) would have been
play ing
We should have been play ing
You would have been play ing
They would have been
play ing
I shouldn't have been played ing
He (she, it) would not have been played ing
We shouldn't have been played ing
You would not have been played ing
They would not have been played ing
Question form Interrogative-negative form
Should I have been played ing?
Would he (she, it) have been played ing?
Should we have been play ing?
Would you have been play ing?
Would they have been play ing?
Should I not have been played ing?
Would he (she, it) not have been played ing?
Should we not have been play ing?
Would you not have been play ing?
Would they not have been play ing?

Using the tenses Future in the Past

1. Future in the Past Simple used to express simple, ordinary actions or a sequence of actions in the future, observed in the past.

He said he would soon take up French. – He said that he would improve his French soon.(pull up - future action, observed from the past, said relative to the past)

2. Future in the Past Continuous used to express a long-term action that will occur at a certain point in the future, or a future action resulting from circumstances. Both actions relate to the past.

And she thought that at this time next Sunday she would be approaching her beloved Paris. “And she thought that at this time next Sunday she would already be approaching her beloved Paris.

3. Future in the Past Perfect used to express an action that will be completed at a certain point in the future relative to the past.

He realized that he would have finished his task long before midnight. - He realized that he would finish his work long before midnight.

4. Future in the Past Perfect Continuous used to express a continuous action that will begin before a certain moment in the future relative to the past and will continue until that moment or will still continue at the moment. This form is rarely used even in book style.

He said he would have been living here for ten years next year. – He said that he will live here for 10 years next year.

Note: Although Future in the Past tenses denote future actions, the actual time of these actions can be much wider.
I said I should come today, and so I"m here! (actual tense is present)

English language when examined superficially, it is full of contradictions. Where else, for example, will you find such a group of tenses as Future in the Past, which is translated into Russian as “future in the past”? It would seem that common sense itself opposes combining actions that have already taken place with those situations that have yet to happen. But if you thoroughly understand the essence of the issue, it turns out that in the Russian language the future often exists in the context of the past tense. Consider, for example, the phrase: “He said he wouldn’t come tomorrow.” In this case, the first verb (said) is in the past tense, but the second action (will not come) refers to the future. WITH Future in the Past Simple everything is exactly the same. This tense group, which includes 4 tenses, is used in subordinate clauses after the verb in the Past Simple.

If the Future Simple tense speaks about the future relative to the present, thenfuture past tense in Englishtells about what will happen in the future from the point of view of the past. In other words, the action we are mentioning at some point in the past was the future:

He said that he would not come tomorrow. - He said he won't come tomorrow.

I believed you would find my letter. - I believed that you would find my letter.

What is Future in the Past Simple?

In English, the future in the past is not classified as a separate group of tenses. English-language textbooks suggest studying Future in the Past in the context of the coordination of tenses. The verb would (form of will) is also discussed in situations where indirect speech is understood:I said I would give him some money (I said I would give him some money) . However, in Russian textbooks they often talk about the future in the past as a separate group of tenses, which includes Future Simple in the Past, Future Perfect in the Past, and Future Perfect Continuous in the Past.

All four tenses above are used to emphasize that the action we put in the subordinate clause will happen later than the main action in the past. For example,My friend hoped that you would miss this party (My friend hoped that you would miss this party) . In the example presented, the verb “hoped” would happen before the person in question either missed or missed the party.

It is noteworthy that Future in the Past necessarily presupposes the presence of a verb in the Past Simple in the main sentence. If this rule is not observed, there can be no talk of any future tense in the past. It is also important to mention that Future in the Past is often used after verbs of speaking (say, tell) or after verbs of feelings and knowledge (hope - hope, believe - believe, know - know, think - think, etc.).

I thought you would not visit me. - I thought you wouldn't visit me.

Rules for the formation of the Future in the Past

Future past tense in English, as we have already said, is used in a subordinate clause. To form it, we always need the auxiliary verb would. In the first person (I, we) you can sometimes also find should. However, would is still preferable. Thus, the basic scheme of Future in the Past education is as follows:

Subject + Would + semantic verb.

Jane said she would meet him. - Jane said she would meet him.

Since this tense is used exclusively in subordinate clauses, it is difficult to imagine the use of interrogative constructions in the Future in the Past. However, the question can be expressed using the conjunction if:

I asked him if he would come tomorrow. - I asked him if he would come tomorrow.

The negative construction in Future in the Past is created by adding the particle not to the auxiliary verb would.

Jane said she would not meet him. - Jane said she wouldn't meet him.

IN English speech The auxiliary verb would is often shortened to the letter d, which is added to the pronoun through an apostrophe ("):

Jane said she"d meet him.

The negative construction would not can be shortened to wouldn't.

Jane said she wouldn't meet him.

It is also important to note that the pattern of formation of the future in the past will depend on which specific time from this group we are dealing with. The above structure is suitable for Future Simple in the Past . For other tenses, in addition to would, other auxiliary verbs will be required.

Future Simple in the Past

Of all the times of the group, the future is in the past Future Simple in the Past - perhaps the most common. As you can guess from the name, this tense is used to communicate simple, short-lived actions that are future relative to some point in the past.

My friend knew that he would be late this evening. - My friend knew that he would be late this evening.

For education Future Simple in the Past we need the auxiliary verb would. The form of the semantic verb will remain unchanged if we are talking about the active voice. In the passive voice (cases when the subject experiences some action), the formation scheme for the future simple in the past is as follows:

Subject + would be + semantic verb in the third form (past participle).

He knew that his house would be sold. - He knew that his house would be sold.

Future Continuous in the Past

The future continuous in the past is another tense that, albeit small, is still likely to be encountered in conversational practice. Unlike the previous, simpler time, Future Continuous in the Past expresses an action extended over time. This could be sleep, work, writing an article, preparing homework, etc. And, of course, this very action must be future in relation to the past. For example:

I thought I would be reading your article at that time tomorrow. - I thought I would be reading your article at this time tomorrow.

She supposed that her child would be sleeping at 17. - She assumed that her child would sleep at 17 o'clock.

To receive an offer in Future Continuous in the Past , the auxiliary verbs would and be are needed. Small transformations also occur with the semantic verb: in this case, the suffix -ing must be added to the base of the word.

Subject + would be + semantic verb with -ing.

I said I would be working all day tomorrow. - I said that I would work all day tomorrow.

Future Perfect in the Past and Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

Future Perfect in the Past is extremely rare in English. This time differs from others in that it characterizes a completed action. Often the future perfect in the past can be identified by the preposition by. This marker indicates the end time of the action (by Monday - by Monday, by 5 o"clock - by 5 o'clock...). Moreover, as in other tenses of the Future in the Past group, the action in question is future for a moment in the past.

We supposed that she would have published that novel by the end of January. - We believed that she would publish this novel by the end of January.

In the example presented, the assumption expressed by the verb in the Past Simple occurred before the publication of the novel.

When constructing a phrase in the Future Perfect in the Past, you cannot do without the auxiliary verb would. We also need the constant companion of the Perfect group - the verb have. The semantic verb is placed in the third form. As a result, we get this formula for constructing a sentence in the future perfect in the past.

Subject + would + have + semantic verb in the 3rd form.

I hoped I would have finished this project by Christmas. - I was hoping to complete this project by Christmas.

In this varietyfuture past tense in EnglishThere is also a form of passive voice, which is formed according to the same principle as sentences in the active voice. Only in the passive voice there is an additional auxiliary verb been:

Subject + would + have + been + semantic verb in the 3rd form.

I hoped that the project would have been finished by Christmas. - I was hoping that the project would be completed by Christmas.

Even less common than the Future Perfect in the Past is the Future Perfect Continuous in the Past in English. You may not even find the last, fourth tense from the group of future past tense even in good British books. But purely theoretically, it is quite possible to construct a phrase in the future perfect continuous in the past.

So, Future Perfect Continuous in the Past is used when we need to report a continuous action that will last in the future until a certain time point. Moreover, this very action, again, is the future in relation to the past. In other words, if in the past we say (we hope, believe, etc.) that at such and such a moment in the future it will be so many years (months, weeks) before we perform some long action, then it is necessary to use Future Perfect Continuous in the Past.

He said that he would have been working in that company for 2 years next month. - He said that next month it will be 2 years that he has been working in this company.

To form this complex time in every sense, an auxiliary construction would have been required. The semantic verb is put in the ing form:

Subject + would + have + been + semantic verb ending in ing.

I told that I would have been studying French for 3 years next year. - I told you that next year it will be three years that I have been learning French.

It is clear that in real life, of all tenses of the group future in the past, the most in demand Future Simple in the Past . It is unlikely that you or your interlocutor will want to build cumbersome constructions with the Future Perfect in the Past or, even more so, with the Future Perfect Continuous in the Past in fast conversational speech. That is why, when studying the future in the past, it is necessary to rely on its simplest form.

  1. I am afraid I shall be late.
  2. Do you think we shall pick all the apples in three days?
  3. He hopes you will often visit him.
  4. They expect he will be at home in a few days.
  5. Are you afraid we shan’t be in time?
  6. She promises that she will finish the work in a week.
  7. I think Henry will help us.
  8. I hope we'll enjoy the show.
  9. She expects he'll win the race.

Answers: 1. I was afraid I should be late. 2. Did you think we should pick all the apples in three days? 3. He hoped you would often visit him. 4. They expected he would be at home in a few days. 5. Were you afraid we shouldn’t be in time? 6. She promised that she would finish the work in a week. 7. I thought Henry would help us. 8. I hoped we should enjoy the show. 9. She expected he would win the race.

Exercise 2. Open the brackets using verbs in the Future Simple or Future-in-the-Past Simple.

  1. I know we (not to be) late.
  2. I knew we (not to be) late.
  3. I want to know whether he (to be) at home.
  4. I wanted to know whether he (to be) at home.
  5. "When are you (to be) ready?" he asked.
  6. He asked when I (to be) ready.
  7. I can’t say whether Bob (to do) the work perfectly, but he (to do) his best.
  8. He asked me whether he (to see) Olga there.
  9. Are you sure that we (to have) time to do that?
  10. I was afraid he (to say), “I don’t think I (to be) able to come.”
  11. I did not know what he (to speak) about.
  12. I knew your aunt (to bake) special cookies for all her nieces and nephews.

Answers: we shall not be. 2. We shouldn't be. 3. He will not be. 4. He would be. 5. When will you be. 6. I should be. 7. Bob will do, he will do. 8. He would see. 9. We shall have. 10. He would say, I shall be. 11. He would speak. 12. Your aunt would bake.

Exercise 3. Use the following sentences as additional clauses. Use the sentences given in parentheses as main clauses.

(I supposed; He believed; She was sure; We were told; I heard; She said; He understood; She imagined; The letter said.)

E.g. My brother will be sleeping.

I supposed that my brother would be sleeping.

  1. He will solve the problem in no time.
  2. The new film will be on in many cinemas.
  3. The teacher will have corrected our papers by the beginning of the lesson.
  4. She will not like this TV programme.
  5. The train will arrive on time.
  6. The children will be playing in the yard.
  7. All the newspapers will publish this information.
  8. They will win the game.
  9. I shall go to the south.
  10. My sister will not forget to ring me up.
  11. I shall have done my homework by nine o’clock.
  12. The tourists will not return by sunset.
  13. My friends will be waiting for me.
  14. My friend will have returned by that time.
  15. They will be working the whole evening.
  16. He will return this book to the library immediately.

Answers: 1. She imagined that he would solve the problem in no time. 2. I heard that the new film would be on in many cinemas. 3. We were told that the teacher would have corrected our papers by the beginning of the lesson. 4. She imagined that she would not like this TV programme. 5. He believed that the train would arrive on time. 6. She said that the children would be playing in the yard. 7. She was sure that all the newspapers would publish this information. 8. I supposed that they would win the game. 9. He believed that I should go to the south. 10. She was sure that my sister would not forget to ring me up. 11. I supposed that I should have done my work by nine o’clock. 12. We were told that the tourists would not return by sunset. 13. The letter said that my friends would be waiting for me. 14. I supposed that my friend would have returned by that time. 15. He understood that they would be working the whole evening. 16. She was sure that he would return this book to the library immediately.

Exercise 4. Translate into English, paying attention to the tense of the verb in the main sentence.

  1. I know he will come soon.
  2. I knew he would come soon.
  3. I think she will be sleeping at this time.
  4. I thought she would be sleeping at this time.
  5. She thinks that she will have done all the work by five o'clock.
  6. She thought that she would have done all the work by five o'clock.
  7. I was sure that by ten o'clock he would have learned the poem.
  8. I knew that by nine o’clock my mother would have prepared dinner and at nine o’clock the whole family would be sitting at the table. I was afraid that I would arrive too late.
  9. She was afraid that her friend would not come.
  10. They wrote that they would arrive soon.
  11. I was sure that I would meet him at the station.
  12. I think dad will write us a letter soon.
  13. Did they tell you that we will be writing a test in December?
  14. He realized that he would never forget her.
  15. I believe they will remember us.
  16. He says he knows this man.

Answers: 1. I know that he will come soon. 2. I knew that he would come soon. 3. I think that she will be sleeping at this time. 4. I thought that she would be sleeping at that time. 5. She thinks that she will have done all the work by five o’clock. 6. She thought that she would have done all the work by five o’clock. 7. I was sure that by ten o’clock he would have learned the poem. 8. I knew that by nine o’clock mother would have cooked supper and at nine o’clock the whole family would be sitting at the table. I was afraid that I should come too late. 9. She was afraid that her friend would not come. 10. They wrote that they would come soon. 11. I was sure that I should meet him at the station. 12. I think that father will soon write a letter to us. 13. Have you been told that in December we shall write a paper? 14. He understood that he would never forget her. 15. I believe that they will remember us. 16. He says he knows this man.



  1. Golitsynsky Yu.B. Grammar: Collection of exercises. - 5th ed., - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2005. - 544 p. - (English for schoolchildren).