Valery Meladze interview about divorce. The ex-wife of Valery Meladze spoke for the first time about her husband’s betrayal. Personal life of ex-wife

“I would like to put an end to it, like a lizard - reset mine tail, which prevents her from moving on in the changed conditions,” Irina explains her decision to give the long-awaited and sensationalinterview NTV channel.

Irina remained silent for a long time and even played role happywives- all for the sake of three daughters. But even such a woman’s patience came to an end.

“What kind of lady was she, when family is at stake with threechildren?..I remember the moment when that first call rang - this was his SMS correspondence, when I realized that the person had changed. As I later realized, this coincided with the beginning these his long-term hobbies. And naturally this affected his behavior. I'm like a loving wife asked a lot questions, but I heard the same answers: that he has problems at work, endless loans from banks.”

It was just then time, when his brother Konstantin Meladze suggested should he try a duet with VIA Groi. Irina herself says that she never Not was jealous wife, I’ve long since come to terms with my husband’s fans and didn’t notice constantly changing soloist“VIA Gra” considered this to be a cost of the profession, and it was its duty to maintain the hearth and hearth that it had Greatit worked.

“Relations have cooled, but not with my sides. I can’t say that we had scandals...At his home Always were waiting. This went on for several years."

Irina even went V church so that everything will work out in the family. "I had a lot options answers V head, but I couldn’t even admit the real reason for this behavior.”

Irina is not noticed Albina Dzhanabaev, while she sang backing vocals for Valery, but I was very surprised, when she ended up after some time at VIA Gro.

“She had an unconvincing image for such a group. How it says It was hard to watch without tears. Me too at first did not understand, like all women, how she actually got there, because she did not fit into the group format by any criteria. I didn't understand for a long time What she does there, and in general, that this happened to Konstantin, that he had such a malfunction programs happened in terms of filter. And there was no special voice data there.”

"Actually it was so pathetic image, I, in a purely feminine way, recommended that she bring her to order head, hair, advised her stylist. Makeup, eyebrows - everything raised questions.”

“I even, in my opinion, congratulated With birth baby. But they told me the story that she had boy-musician from some symphony orchestra. He met her at everyone knew him in the group, so I had no reason to suspect her. After meconvinced that she is married."

"All the girls are from groups were calm and behaved mediocrely, but citizen Dzhanabaeva led behaved very nervously around me, it even somehow seemed to me that she wants to me somethingsay. Her eyes darted, she blinked frequently and literally froze when I approached. But I didn’t understand the reason for this behavior.”

Irina Meladze found out about everything in 2006. She came with her daughters on ceremony delivery musical awards, but Valery did not spend the entire evening with them, and then sang ambiguoussong“No fuss” with the words: “Look how I learned to live without you.”

After this, at home, when my wife asked “What was that?” Meladze as if it had burst and he confessed. "He told me that he has relationship onside, even there is a child. To the question “Who?” He Nothing Not replied, but it was a matter of 20 minutes to find out."

"I couldn't understand how it could be such a degree deception from the person I thought not toljust loving husband, but also a friend. This is the extent of the betrayal that has been revealed overnight. It just knocked me out."

“I started to dig into myself, what I did wrong. But this process still useful, because in order to move on, you need to figure out what happened in your life. Yes, and he behaved the same way - neither yes nor no.“I’ll live alone,” well, live. At the same time, I was still studying salvation families, I was trying to figure out something, I didn’t want to accept what was obvious.”

“What did she need him for? Yes, I understand. If there was such a Valery Meladze, selling tangerines at the market, I wonder if the same thing would happen? In some interviews, Dzhanabaeva’s girlfriend said that she was born for the stage. I can do some of my own draw personal conclusions on the subject of the purpose for which all this was originally, but love... yes, Valery is a handsome man, but all this makes me smile: on the subject - I fell in love, but I couldn’t. It was all too attractive, like a hot cake. It was difficult not to take advantage of the situation.”

“When I had already made a decision, I suddenly realized that all this ricochet would go to the children, and again quit myself V node, and this lasted for several more years."

“My father left when I was three years old,” speaks younger daughterMeladze Arina. “I didn’t understand then, but now, when I look at my classmates and their full-fledged families, I feel a little offended,” and the girl doesn't hide tears. - What happened at my moms and dads- If Honestly, I don’t want such a family for myself, because the family should be complete: the child must be both father and mother. They shouldn’t quarrel, because if they feel bad, then the same goes for the child.”

“I closed myself off and for a long time Not could get out from this state, says middle daughter Sonya. - AND it never will leave. People who have had this happen, children, will understand me, because they are like that. things are not forgotten. It still hurts when I talk about it, but it happened and this nowhere Notyou'll get some money. So we live with it,” says the girl, barely holding back tears.

“I understood that in order to survive in this hell - differently you can’t call it, you need to abstract yourself. That's why I didn't no sudden steps- continues Irina Meladze. “That’s why it took so long.” The children should have survive as much as possible in this situation. I tried to soften it up for them as much as possible, and I supported this picture.”

"Picture" happy family they supported until the journalists found out that Valery Meladze lives with Dzhanabaeva. Then Irina called Albina and offered to meet and talk, promising no inadequate reactions. But she refused.

But perhaps the marriage of Irina and Valery cracked at the very beginning. "This year 26 years have passed. And every year it becomes more and more difficult to cope.”

Three daughters Meladze could be an older brother.“Two months before giving birth, I went to my parents. Everything went according to plan. I packed my bag and went to bed with the knowledge that tomorrow I'm due to give birth. I went to bed healthy and woke up with a temperature of 38, and the child has a degree and a half more inside. I gave birth and the fever went away. That's it, nothing more. You don't understand what's happening. Childlies in the intensive care unit, and I behaved very obediently: I went into the children's room and even hands his Not took, because I was not allowed in the Soviet hospital.

Valera left my phone and went to record songs in Lvov. But his phone was silent, my mother every called the day there was no answer. I arrived on the 10th day on my own, since it was impossible to contact him, and it coincided that it was the day the child died. Certainly, he helped to bury. And then I spent some more time with my parents, came to my senses, and he had to leave. Probably because that I couldn't do it at all come to your senses, all the questions arose many years later.”

“I have no malice towards him, not a single question (to Valery - ed.). It's so empty there, there’s just ashes, everything is scorched, there’s not even anger there. In this story there is only me and my son, no one else. The pain remains The connection remains, I have always believed and still believe that I have not three, but four children, just one lives there,” Irina points to the sky.

It so happened that Valeria gave birth to sons already a different woman. Irina herself is not affected by this, but she notes the obvious similarity of the situation with the family of Valery’s older brother, Konstantin Meladze, who also left his wife for the sake of ex-Viagrana Vera Brezhneva.

"I'm interested in watching how will it end- Irina says about Valery’s relationship with Dzhanabaeva. - As far as I understand, how the laws of life work, fairness, of course, sometimes people feel like they have to find the answers literally in a year or two, but some things take decades. Everyone gets according to merit, what goes around comes around.”

Musician Valery Meladze and his wife Irina officially divorced only in 2014. However, their relationship began to burst at the seams many years before: when the performer was with a member of the VIA Gra group Albina Dzhanabaeva.

Previously, Irina Meladze categorically refused to publicly comment on what happened in her family, but now she decided to speak out - and gave a frank interview about her husband’s infidelity to the NTV channel’s “Russian Sensations” program. “This year marks ten years of this history. I want to put an end to it and move forward,” Irina explained her decision to open up to the public.

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Meladze's ex-wife and mother calls herself a non-jealous person and claims that for a long time I didn’t even realize that my husband had someone on his side. “In general, by nature I am not a jealous person. Unfortunately, or fortunately... I probably should have taken a sober approach. But I never looked at my phones or looked in my pockets for any evidence,” says Irina, who married a musician while still a student.

When Valery became famous and became one of the country's favorite musicians, backing vocalist Albina Dzhanabaeva appeared in his band. The media wrote that the singer was seen with her not only on stage, but Irina did not believe the rumors. Later, Dzhanabaeva ended up in the VIA Gra group. Irina was surprised: in her opinion, the girl did not fit into the team. She even advised her to find a good stylist and “get her head in order.”

Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze

Irina did not think about the fact that her husband was cheating: “I understood that he, like all men, had a midlife crisis. I had many possible answers in my head, but I absolutely could not even admit the real reason for this behavior. I assumed anything except what I ultimately heard.”

Only much later was Valery’s infidelity revealed. Meladze himself confessed everything to his wife: “Valery said that he has a relationship on the side, even has a child. To the question “Who?” didn't answer anything. But it was a matter of twenty minutes to find out who. I understood that Albina was too nervous. I didn't understand the reasons for this behavior. There were other members of this group there, they behaved calmly. But she behaved very nervously. I saw that her eyes were shifting, she was blinking a lot, and I didn’t quite understand the reason for this behavior. She freezes when I approach. When I began to remember in hindsight, everything became clear to me. I even, in my opinion, congratulated her. They told me that there was supposedly a guy who was a musician, a violinist in some symphony orchestra... And I had no reason to suspect her of anything.”

According to Irina, she tried to meet Albina and talk, but she avoided her. “I could not accept such a degree of deception from a man whom I loved and considered a friend. Why did Albina need Valery? I wonder if he sold tangerines at the market, would she need him? Well, it makes me smile,” says Irina.

Having learned about the betrayal, Meladze tried to soften as much as possible the blow that fell to her daughters. However, it is still painful for them, like their mother, to remember the story of their father’s departure from the family.

Ex-wife Valeria Meladze revealed another secret of hers on the air of the program: she talked about terrible tragedy, which happened at the very beginning of her relationship with the singer. Irina gave birth to Valery’s son, who died just ten days after his birth. “Valera helped to bury, naturally. But he left immediately - work. Everything inside of me is burned out. No anger. In this story there is only me and my son. I have not three, but four children,” admitted Irina.

According to the woman, now her heart is not free - she is done with the past and is ready to move on.

After each concert, Valery Meladze always hurried to his beloved wife and three adored daughters. Many fans of the singer still don’t believe this: it seems that just yesterday Irina and Valery were seen together at a social event, and on the pages of a fashion glossy they literally just shared the secrets of family longevity.

Only today Irina decided to openly admit: she was an actress and even played a role behind the scenes. For the sake of the peace of her daughters, she did not want to wash her dirty laundry in public for a long time. But even the most persistent woman reaches a limit when she runs out of strength to endure and pretend to be a happy couple.

For the first time their views crossed in the third year of institute, when both were only 20 years old. At first they met in the corridors of the institute, then they began to meet in the dormitory where Irina lived. The student romance ended in marriage.

Unfortunately, the black and white movie camera at their wedding did not record sound. But here, even without words, everything is clear: in the unique footage of the home chronicle, the bride with a magnificent hairstyle, next to her is a well-fed young groom, the future sex symbol of the stage Valery Meladze.

The film clearly shows how the bride leans on salad and appetizers. Nothing surprising - then she already had to eat for two.

Irina: “My parents and I celebrated our wedding in Batumi, we got married in March, and the wedding itself was on June 23; it was Valery’s birthday. I had terrible toxicosis, I couldn’t even sit, but I had to keep my face, I sat at the wedding, which sang and walked for several days. There were probably 300 people there.”

Irina could not get enough of the fact that she would soon become a real mother. And what is very important is that Valera will give birth to an heir. Doctors have already informed the newlyweds that they will have a boy. Everything that happened next was more like a bad dream.

Irina: “I went to bed healthy, and when I opened my eyes in the morning, my temperature was 38. And the child’s inside was 1.5 degrees higher. I gave birth and the fever went away. You don't understand what's happening. The child is in intensive care, I behaved obediently - I didn’t go into the children’s room and didn’t even pick him up, because I wasn’t allowed.”

Meladze himself at that moment left to record the song in Lvov. He arrived only on the tenth day. By a fateful coincidence, their firstborn died on the same day. Heartbroken, Irina could not come to her senses. Everything around was as if in a fog. She needed the support of her beloved husband, but he had to go again.

Valery Meladze will still have a long-awaited heir, but it will not be Irina who will give birth to him, but the lead singer of VIA Gra. In this ensemble, an endless line of brunettes replaced brunettes, and instead of blondes, other blondes came. And only Albina Dzhanabaeva remained the only redhead for eight years in a row. The public did not know that she had a little son and who his father really was. Even in the singer’s close circle, only a few knew the truth. Dzhanabaeva always reacted extremely nervously to questions about the father of her son. This caught everyone's eye.

Today Irina has something to say about the homewrecker Albina, and she did not keep it to herself. Irina has no doubt: everything in this world does not pass without a trace. Fate will still make you pay the bills, because she experienced it herself.

Irina: “I’m interested to see how it all ends. Sometimes people think that answers should come in a year, two, three. But many things take decades. Everyone will get what they deserve, as they say: what goes around comes around.”

Irina found the strength and courage to publicly tell the difficult story of her life. Whether the homewrecker Albina has the courage to do this is an open question.

Last week, everyone was shocked by how she was given a forbidden relationship with, with whom she is now raising two children. Now, after many years of suffering and humiliation, the former legal wife of the musician, who had been silent for many years and carried resentment within herself, wanted to put everything in its place.


READ ALSO - Clip as a result of the year: Valery and Konstantin Meladze released the video “My Brother”

Irina Meladze, the ex-wife of artist Valery Meladze, who cheated on her with the former VIA Groi for many years and then left for her, decided to no longer remain silent about the betrayal she experienced, but wanted to put an end to this whole story so that No one asked her anything else.

This year will be 10 years of the story that happened in my life. The moment came when I wanted to draw the line. I would like to put an end to it and, like a lizard, throw off the “tail” that interferes with the moment of life change and move forward.

A lot befell the fate of Irina Meladze: last year she told how. But family life healed the wounds and Valery and Irina Meladze had three wonderful daughters. Problems in the family began after the appearance of the VIA Gra team. The work of the Meladze brothers with the beauties from the female group changed the lives of both musicians: last year, and at the beginning of this year it became clear that. As Irina Meladze admitted in a recent interview on the “New Russian Sensations” program on NTV, she always loved and respected her husband, but at one point she simply could not recognize him. At first she thought it was a midlife crisis, but it turned out to be much worse. She learned about the betrayal in 2006 at a music award after Meladze performed the song “Look how I learned to live without you.” At home, perplexed, Irina asked what this meant.

He said that he has a relationship on the side, even has a child. To the question "Who?" he didn't answer. But it was a matter of 20 minutes to find out who...

At that moment, she immediately remembered the new member of the group, Albina Dzhanabaeva, as well as her strange attitude towards her.

I saw that her eyes were shifting, she was blinking a lot, and I didn’t quite understand the reason for this behavior. She freezes when I approach.

Irina was simply perplexed why and for what merits Dzhanabaeva, who had recently been hired at VIA Gro.

broke a ten-year silence and for the first time spoke about how she survived the betrayal of her husband, who Albina Dzhanabaeva. According to Irina, the confession she gave to reporters of the “New Russian Sensations” project on NTV became an opportunity to relieve a heavy burden from her soul.

“This year will be 10 years of the story that happened in my life,” says Irina. “The moment came when I wanted to draw the line. I want to put an end to it and, like a lizard, throw off the “tail” that interferes with the moment of life change and move forward.”

“When I began to remember in hindsight, everything became clear to me,” admits the deceived woman. “I even, I think, congratulated her on the birth of her child.” They told me a story that supposedly there was a guy who was a musician, a violinist in some symphony orchestra... And I had no reason to suspect her of anything. I understood that she ( Albina Dzhanabaeva ) is too nervous. I didn't understand the reasons for this behavior. There were other members of this group there, and they behaved calmly. But citizen Dzhanabaeva behaved very nervously. I saw that her eyes were shifting, she was blinking a lot, and I didn’t quite understand the reason for this behavior. She freezes when I approach..."

Let us recall that on January 21, 2014, the Kuntsevsky Court of Moscow satisfied Valery Meladze’s claim for divorce from his wife Irina. The statement filed with the court stated that the spouses were separating due to the fact that their... In addition, the singer clarified that the spouses have not actually lived together since 2012. There were no obstacles to divorce, since Irina Meladze agreed to the divorce. The former spouses also did not have any disagreements regarding the division of property and raising two children.

In an interview with “7 Days” magazine Valery Meladze he commented on his divorce from Irina and his relationship with Albina Dzhanabaeva as follows: “It was incredibly difficult for Irina, and for Albina too. This is actually true! It would seem that one lost, the other seemed to gain... But it was hard for both. After all, for a normal person it doesn’t happen that in one place it’s bad, and in another it’s just so that he can live and be happy. What kind of bastard do you have to be to get high and rejoice that everything is fine with you in such a situation? So these seven years were a test for both that family and this one.”

Read the full interview with Valery Meladze