Fortune telling by beans interpretation step by step instructions. Fortune telling by beans - interpretation and reviews of magicians. Video: Fortune telling by candles: how to do it right

The world is so limitless and complex, and sometimes we so want simplicity. Very often, people simply need to know the answers to the questions that concern them, they need to look into the future or learn about someone else’s past. Fortune telling with beans will help everyone with this.

Beans are exactly what will help you look into the future and find answers to exciting questions

From the name it is clear that for the ceremony you will need the fruits of leguminous crops. They are easy to find on the market or grow yourself. Depending on the purpose of fortune telling, the order of the ritual will differ, but there are certain common features.

In order for fortune telling to be justified and give a true prediction, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of divination.

Rules for fortune telling

Before you begin fortune telling with beans, ensure that several necessary conditions are met:

Clean and fresh

Before the ceremony, clean the room, wipe dust everywhere, open the windows, and provide good ventilation. During the ceremony itself, windows and doors must remain open.

Rite time

You cannot tell fortunes on church holidays or Sundays. Regarding the time of day: you can guess either by the light of the sun or by the moon. The phase of the moon also does not matter, although it is advisable not to guess at the new moon (not necessary).

Electrical appliances

Turn off all equipment, including your phone, laptop, and radio. Do not turn on artificial lighting.


Clothes should only be from natural materials, too short clothes and makeup are unacceptable. Gather your hair into a hairstyle, preferably a braid.


Ensure privacy during the ritual; no one should disturb you. Focus clearly on the subject of fortune-telling, throw out unnecessary thoughts.


You must trust and believe in fortune telling, otherwise your attempts to find out something are in vain. So doing these simple rules will ensure that you perform divination correctly and will help you get an answer to your question.

History of fortune telling by beans

This fortune telling originated in Scandinavia back in the second or third millennium AD. Fortune telling on beans appeared on the territory Kievan Rus over time, until the baptism of Rus' in 889, when paganism still reigned on its territory. Very soon, fortune telling became popular and widespread. People of different ages and status began to contact him.

Fortune telling using beans has been popular since ancient times.

Very often in locality there was a witch/healer/molfarka/fortune teller who knew all the nuances of this sacrament. These features of fortune telling differed by region, and therefore to this day there are disputes about the number of beans and the time of fortune telling. Since fortune telling came from the West, we will consider its implementation in more detail according to the canons of Western Rus'.

In this region, beans could be told at any time of the day or night. Ancestors believed that legumes were something of a symbol of human health and destiny. Using legumes such as beans and peas, it was possible to judge the health of individual human organs and overall well-being. Much attention was paid to the head. Only women were allowed to tell fortunes; for men it was taboo.

For divination they took red and white beans grown near the house. Typically the number of beans was forty-one, thirty-eight, thirty-seven, thirty-one. After the signing of the Krevo Union, when the influence of the Poles on the inhabitants of these territories increased, in fortune telling they began to use a number of beans equal to the age of the fortuneteller.

Fortune telling on beans was closely related to the farewell day, since it was necessary to ask for forgiveness to all the people with whom a person might have offended.

Fortune telling by “yes” or “no”

One of the most simple ways divination, which gives a short answer from the range of “yes” or “no”. To conduct such a ritual, it is important to formulate the question correctly. It is desirable that it contains the particle “li”.

How to guess “yes” or “no” using beans:

  • take a small bag made of natural fabric;
  • pour into it exactly as many red and/or white beans as your age;
  • tie the bag with silk thread;
  • mix the contents of the tied bag while asking your question;
  • repeat step four three times;
  • untie the bag;
  • put your hands into it and pull out some part of the beans at random;
  • count the number of beans.

If you have a paired number of beans in your hand, then the answer is “yes”, if the unpaired number is “no”.

This fortune telling has certain limitations:

  1. You can only ask about real things.
  2. You can repeat the ritual no more than five times a day.
  3. You can't ask the same question. If you really didn’t like the answer to the question, accept it: you can’t change your fate.

Fortune telling on small beans

A very good fortune telling, allowing you to find out how things will go soon at work, in the family and in life in general.

Fortune telling using small beans helps you find out the answers to many questions

How to guess:

  • collect homemade beans (not necessarily from your garden, you can ask your relatives or close friends);
  • pick exactly as many beans as you can fit in your hands;
  • after holding them for a few minutes and transferring your energy to them, pour the beans onto the table;
  • mix the beans with your hands, saying: “Beans, beans, tell me, and tell me the whole truth: should I expect success in my business or not?”;
  • Without counting the beans, divide them into three different piles;
  • count the number of beans in each pile.


  • the left pile characterizes affairs in life;
  • the right pile characterizes household chores;
  • the pile in the middle characterizes things at work.

In those areas of life in whose piles a pair of beans have gathered, expect success. Where there is an unpaired number of beans, some troubles await you.

Fortune telling on beans is carried out no more than once a day and provides information for no more than a day.

Fortune telling on the forty-first bean

Fortune telling on the forty-first bean is rightfully considered one of the most popular and most truthful fortune-telling. To carry it out you will need exactly forty-one beans. With the help of divination, you will receive an answer to a question, and sometimes even to several questions at once.

Anyone can learn how to do fortune telling. This does not require any special skills, just follow the instructions:

  1. Ask your question (or questions) as specifically as possible.
  2. Distribute all the peas into exactly three piles of equal volume, which should be placed on the same line and in the same plane.
  3. Next, a little math. Choose any one pile and make one continuous line from it. You can only touch the beans with your right hand. Important: draw the line from right to left. The number of peas in a line should be a multiple of four, so if there are extra peas, put them in the place where there was a pile. Thus, there will be 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 or 36 peas in a line, and 0, 1, 2 or 3 peas in a pile.
  4. Repeat step three with the remaining two piles, lining up two more rows under the first.
  5. Place the first pile at the beginning of the second row, the second at the beginning of the first, and the third at the beginning of the first.

As a result of such simple manipulations, you got three rows of beans with one pile next to each.

Detailed interpretation of results

Before proceeding with the interpretation, count the number of beans in each pile.

  1. If there is a double number of beans in the pile, then the answer to your question, as in the previous fortune-telling, is “yes.” In case of questions regarding health or any other, a paired number indicates favorable circumstances, improved well-being.
  2. An odd number of beans should be interpreted as a negative response, disapproval or difficulty. If there are zero peas in the pile, then there is no answer to your question yet - guess again in a couple of days.

An unpaired number of beans indicates a negative answer. Great difficulties may await you

Now let's get down to business. Each group answers questions from its own area. That is, if you asked one question, then you will only need one specific pile to make a prediction.

A row of three piles - a head

If the question related to a person’s mental abilities, logic, thinking, intuition, life priorities, character and the like, then the number of peas in this particular pile is important for the answer.

First row, second pile - heart

It will help you find the answer to questions related to love, understanding, friendship, and experiences. Helps to understand a person’s feelings towards another person or circumstances.

Second row, third pile - hand

Answers questions regarding business, work, profits, loans and deposits, financial transactions.

Third row, first pile - leg

They contain encrypted information about relocations, business trips, and changes of residence. You can also ask about changes in life: change of job, school, field of activity.

Fortune telling by name on beans

Bean fortune telling by name is very simple. Follow the plan:

  1. On a piece of A4 paper, write down your last name, first name, and patronymic. Count the number of vowels and consonants in the written words.
  2. In the first pile, put as many beans as there are consonants in your full name, and in the second pile, as many vowels. All beans should be "spotted" (with dark and white spots).
  3. Place the first pile to your left.
  4. Place the second one to your right on the same line and in the same plane as the first.
  5. Turn over the sheet of paper with your full name.
  6. Write down your question or desire on it.
  7. Repeat steps two and three for what you wrote.
  8. Place the new “first” pile under the first one.
  9. Place the new “second” pile under the second one.

The resulting square is interpreted as follows:

  1. The first bunch answers your question.
  2. The second pile answers the question of whether something should be done or changed to get a positive answer.
  3. The new “first” pile represents the outcome of your issue.
  4. The new “second” pile indicates consequences.

As in previous fortune telling, a positive answer is a paired number of beans, a negative answer is an unpaired number of beans.


Fortune telling by beans is a simple way to find out the answer to a question you are interested in and predict the future. In order for the fortune telling to be correct and the explanation to be clear and detailed, do not forget to adhere to certain rules.

This fortune telling has a long history, which, unlike many other types of fortune telling, has not sunk into oblivion. Therefore, now we can see fortune telling almost as it was two thousand years ago.

By using algorithms and learning to tell fortunes using legumes, you can easily solve complex problems or predict the future for yourself and your loved ones. We wish you good luck!

Fortune telling on beans came to us from our ancestors. It has been used by girls for many centuries to find out what awaits them in the future. Today there are very few people who are well versed in such methods, so if you can improve your fortune-telling skills, you will master a unique skill.

In the article:

Fortune telling by beans - a simple ritual

Exists large number various methods of fortune telling - because people are always interested in what awaits them in the future.

How to tell fortunes with beans? There are several options. If you are a beginner, then use this simple ritual to get started. If you are fortune telling for a man, then take 37 fruits, if for a woman - 31. Before you begin the ritual, be sure to gather your thoughts, clear your head of unnecessary information and clearly formulate the necessary question. Remember, it should not be ambiguous or vague. The clearer the wording, the more correct you will get the prediction.

All prepared fruits must be divided into three piles. If the object of fortune telling is a man, 12 fruits are placed in each pile, if for a woman - 10. You should have one grain left. It falls between all the piles.

For example: Tatyana Anatolyevna Shpak (7+11+4).

Now write down on paper a question that interests you.

For example: will I be married to Roman?

Your task is to count the number of vowels in the question. (There are 14 in the example). Now from the first slide, take out as many grains as there are letters in your name. From the second pile there are as many as the letters in your middle name, and from the third - your last name. Place all the attributes that you have collected in a separate pile.

Now you need to get from it a number of fruits that is equal to the number of vowels in your question. If there is nothing left from the pile, then your wish will not come true. Also about negative result says odd number of beans left. If there are 2, 4, 6 (any even number) grains left, then the wish will come true.

Fortune telling with beans for experienced fortune tellers

In order to perform this ritual and receive a clear prophecy, you need to prepare 41 beans. Place all the pre-prepared fruits on the surface and divide them into three slides. It is not necessary to lay them out into equal parts; this can be done approximately (by eye). Now with your left hand, set aside 4 grains from the first pile. Then set aside 3, 2, 1 fruit.

Repeat the manipulations until there are 4 beans left in the slide. The last fruit will be the first in the new pile of the next row. Similar manipulations must be carried out with the next two slides. Those fruits that you have already set aside must be added to the second and third pile.

Now take one grain from each resulting pile. They will become the basis for the slides located in the third row. Next, you need to get a few beans from the second row; you don’t have to count them and put them in the 3rd row. As a result, you should have 9 slides. Three in each row. The last pea is set aside. You will need it later.

Interpretation of piles of beans

When there are exactly 9 piles in front of you, you can begin to interpret the ritual performed. Each hill has its own meaning. They are counted from left to right. Of all 9 slides, the most important 4 are:

  • the second in the first row is responsible for questions that relate to a person’s capabilities, his character, his mind;
  • the third in the first row is responsible for financial well-being and profit;
  • the second one in the second row can tell about the feelings that a person experiences. This is love, joy, sadness, resentment, happiness and so on;
  • the third in the third row is responsible for everything related to movement.

How can you get an answer to any question by reading beans?

First, concentrate and think about what you would like to receive. First of all, say the question of interest with your eyes closed. After that, open your eyes and ask again what interests you, only now it’s a rumor.

Since you know which of the piles is responsible for what, count the number of fruits in the pile that answers your question. If there is an even number of beans, then most likely the answer to your question is unsatisfactory. If there is an odd number of grains, then the answer is undoubtedly positive.

If you receive a negative answer, then do not despair. Look how many fruits are in the third slide, which is in the selected row. If there is an odd number of grains, then you will have the opportunity to change everything. If you want to know whether there will be difficulties on the way to your goal, then focus on the first hill in this row. An even number of fruits indicates that you will have big obstacles on the way to achieving your goal.

Some fortune tellers believe that with the help of this ritual you can not only find out your future, but also change it. For this you can use a bean that you have set aside. So, if you received a negative answer to your question, then you can add another fruit to the pile of points. As a result, you will attract a positive outcome of events.

There is a world huge amount methods of fortune telling. The simplest and most accessible of them is fortune telling by beans. It originated in Asian countries and became most widespread there. If this is your first experience in fortune telling, then beans are perfect for you. Fortune telling does not require a lot of time, preparation or money. With this method of fortune telling, the result obtained is usually reliable and accurate.

He closer to Russians, since it uses beans, and not ancient inscriptions, runes or Tarot cards. This method of fortune telling was used by the wise men, predicting success or failure in battles for princes. The process of fortune telling requires you to take the process seriously and maintain the spirit of the sacrament. By meeting these requirements, you will get the most accurate and truthful result. But based on this method, you will easily master the basic methods and understand the principles that are identical for almost all fortune telling.

Preparing for the ritual

For fortune telling you will need 41 beans. If you don't have beans, then plain beans or pebbles may well replace them. However, do not forget that the beans must be two or more colors. Based on their traditions, people of different ages Use different colored beans. For example, young people use absolutely white beans, middle-aged people use everything except white ones. People who have decided on their life's path(married, married). Finally, older people should use black beans for fortune telling.

Stages of fortune telling kumalak ashu

To start the ritual take 41 beans.

The meaning of heaps

After the manipulations We have three lines of three piles in each.

  1. “Head” is the middle group in the first line. Responsible for the thoughts and feelings of the person you have chosen.
  2. “Heart” is the middle pile in the second line. It will tell you whether the hidden person will be happy or vice versa.
  3. “Hand” is the right heap in the first line. It symbolizes property and can predict poverty or wealth.
  4. “Leg” is the right pile in the third line. She will talk about receiving gifts or news, and will also indicate a journey or road.

These piles are the most significant, so when doing fortune telling, you should choose one of them depending on the question that interests you.

Methods of interpretation

The interpretation begins by looking at the four main piles. If they contain the same number of beans or beans, then something or someone is preventing the desired from being achieved. If their number in the main piles is not the same, then the fortuneteller should expect happiness.

After a superficial interpretation, the analysis can be carried out in more detail and detail. First of all, you should pay attention to the pile you previously selected. If there is an odd number of beans in it, then most likely your wish will come true; if it is an even number, you should not hope in vain. An odd number of beans for all the main piles will give you a lucky outcome. The exception is the "hand" pile. The more beans it contains, the richer the person will be.

Further interpretation is carried out on the basis of what was hidden. For example, if you want to find out how this or that person treats you, then choose the “head” group. An even number of beans in it will mean that the person you are thinking about does not think about you at all. Also pay attention to adjacent piles. If the first of them has an odd number, then the person is not indifferent to you, if there is an even number, then he is indifferent to you.

Remember not to ask the same question more than once.

Any fortune telling is a ritual, so it requires maximum concentration and seriousness. There is no point in guessing if a whole crowd has gathered around you. This will disrupt the process itself and spoil the atmosphere necessary for fortune telling. Perform this ritual alone or with the person you are telling fortunes to.

You shouldn’t do multiple fortune-telling. Choose one of them, but carry out the ritual correctly and seriously. This will help achieve the most accurate results. Prepare in advance the questions you want answered.

Never treat the results of fortune telling as a verdict. You and only you are responsible for your destiny, and fortune telling will help you listen to the signs of fate and take them into account when choosing the right decision.

Even in ancient times they knew how different options tell fortunes on beans. Today we do this mainly with beans.

Options for fortune telling with beans

Option 1

Take 33 beans, no matter what color, and divide them into approximately three equal parts.

Now we lay each part in the form of a strip, placing one under the other. The highest of the lines is the longest - expect luck in business, but not in love relationships. The line in the middle is the longest - this is precisely about luck in love. And if the bottom line is the longest, it means that luck will come to you later, and today is not your day.

Count how many beans are in each part; if you divide them equally, then you will have a white streak in your life. Feel free to start any business - everything will work out.

An odd number of grains in the middle line means your wedding is coming soon, and an even number indicates that the person you will soon meet will be very indecisive.

On the bottom line, an odd number of beans indicates danger from someone close to you, and an even number indicates that you will have some kind of unpleasant meeting on the trip.

Option 2

Use smooth, white beans so they don't have stains. Spread a napkin and, taking a handful of beans, scatter them over it. On the napkin you will get some image, according to which the process of fortune telling takes place. You need to use your imagination and, of course, have an understanding of the generally accepted method of deciphering symbols in fortune telling:

- if the picture resembles a cross, nothing good is in store;

- horseshoe - luck will smile on you, you will be happy;

- if in the form of a flower - you have to meet someone;

- in the form of a circle - good luck will accompany you in business;

- the drawing looks like a triangle - there will be problems in the family;

- illegible drawing - to troubles.

Option 3

This is, you can use beans or small pebbles for it.

Place a colorful ribbon in the middle of the table. What is on the left side of the tape is the present time, and what is on the right is what will happen.

For fortune telling you need 9 beans or pebbles. Throw them on the table. Everything will depend on the side on which the pebbles hit. A straight line of pebbles on the left means you’ll soon be on your way, on the right – there’s a road ahead, but in the future.

A curved line warns of problems at work and at home. If the pebbles formed a triangle - there could be treason, an asterisk - luck, success. If it turns out to be a rectangle, expect trouble, but if it turns out to be a circle, you will have the opportunity to choose.

People are divided into groups not only based on ethnic or cultural differences. We also share the degree of mistrust in various methods of predicting the future. But love is also a rather irrational feeling for which it is impossible to find any logical explanation. We behave irrationally and learn to guess at love.

Before you begin this activity, carefully read the words of the cult writer Paulo Coelho, in which there is some truth.

Fortune telling for love at home

Very often we lack direction, especially in relationships. We really want to protect ourselves from possible losses and problems, from pain and disappointment.

When starting fortune telling, remember: you should not ask a question to which you cannot accept a negative answer. Perhaps you should let go of the situation and not try to lift the mysterious veil of the future, do not rush.

General rules for conducting magical rituals and fortune telling

  1. You should not be disturbed (relatives, mobile phone, TV)
  2. You must be extremely collected and concentrated on the question you are going to ask
  3. It’s better to guess on an empty stomach
  4. Don't guess in the morning. Best time to receive answers - afternoon, evening, night
  5. Do not turn to magic during major church holidays

The exception is fortune telling

  • Yuletide
  • New Year's
  • Epiphany
  • Maslenitsa
  • Kupala
  1. The question can only be asked once. You should not guess the same question again, even if you are not satisfied with the answer
  2. Traditionally, fortune telling should be done with your hair down. Hair is the best conductor between the Universe and man. In addition, women's hair has been considered a powerful magical instrument since ancient times.
  3. The moon is your faithful assistant. Focus on lunar calendar about to find out the future

Fortune telling - will your loved one return: on playing cards

36 or 54 playing cards will answer this and other questions.

  • The only condition: the deck must be new. In the future, this deck should only be used for fortune telling.
  • In addition, only you can work with the deck, so the deck will get used to your energy, and you will receive more accurate answers to your questions
  • To “rest”, hide the deck in a secluded place away from prying eyes, wrapped in a red or green cloth

General rules for shuffling a fortune-telling deck of cards

  1. Shuffle the deck well. If the deck slips out of your hands and crumbles, stop the ritual: the cards don’t want to “speak”
  2. While shuffling the cards, mentally concentrate on the question you are looking for the answer to.
  3. Take the shuffled deck in your left hand. The cards should be face down on the palm of your hand.
  4. Using the little finger of your right hand, remove some of the cards with a “towards you” movement
  5. Place the removed part under the deck

"One card" layout

  1. Remove the top card and read the answer. See below for how to read cards.

Seven Card Layout

  1. Shuffle the deck according to the tips above
  2. Without turning the cards over, remove the first card and place it in the center. The diagram shows card 1. This is the card of your chosen one. She will tell you about those innermost thoughts that, perhaps, he himself is not aware of.
  3. Place the next three cards next to the left and three more to the right
  • cards on the left mean: 2 - thoughts, 3 - feelings, 4 - desires of the chosen one
  • cards on the right: 5 - his goals, 6 - attitude towards you, 7 - reasons for your discord

Scheme of the layout “For seven cards”

How to read cards for fortune telling: the meaning of the cards

To read the answers, of course, you need intuition. But the cards quickly get used to your hands, and you quickly learn to feel them. In the meantime, use the tips

Maps can suggest the estimated time period of an event. Below are the meanings of the suits and the period they may indicate. As well as a possible event that could happen during this period

The meaning and time period of the event for Aces of all suits

The meaning and time period of the event for Twos of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Threes of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Fours of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Fives of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Sixes of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Sevens of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Eights of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Nines of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Ten of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Valts of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Ladies of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Kings of all stripes

Fortune telling about your beloved man's feelings using playing cards: does your beloved love you?

The next scenario is more complex, but you can get more answers. This layout can answer all the questions you ask. And these questions may relate not only to amorous affairs

Except general rules by shuffling the cards, try to determine the “mood” of your deck

  1. After thoroughly shuffling the cards, begin laying out three cards at a time from top to bottom until you meet your card. Cards are placed face up
  2. Read the cards drawn with yours
  3. If they correspond to current reality, the deck is set to work

How to determine your card or the card of the person you are telling fortunes about?

Most reliable way- according to zodiac sign

  • King/Queen of Clubs correspond to the constellations Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
  • King/Queen of Diamonds correspond to the constellations Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
  • The King/Queen of Hearts corresponds to the constellations Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
  • King/Queen of Spades correspond to the constellations Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Layout "Russian"

This layout requires an incomplete deck consisting of 36 cards: from Sixes to Aces.

Jokers, Twos, Threes, Fours and Fives - set aside

  1. Find your card or the card of the person you are reading and place it in the center
  2. Shuffle the deck thoroughly
  3. Take any card from the deck and place it, without opening it, on the central card
  4. Place, without opening, two random cards at the feet of the central card, at the heads, on the left and on the right

  1. Discard the top three cards and place the fourth on the center card
  2. Repeat the procedure 4 times

  1. After you have read all the meanings, collect the cards from the layout and mix thoroughly again
  2. Lay out the cards in groups of three, moving from top to bottom. This will allow us to look again at the predictions regarding
  • what awaits the fortuneteller or the person being fortunetold
  • what is standing on the threshold of his house
  • what will happen in his near future
  • what will happen
  • what will calm his heart
  1. After viewing and interpreting the layout cards, remove paired mutually exclusive cards
  2. Antipodean cards are considered mutually exclusive: “diamonds-clubs”, “hearts-spades” of the same value. For example, the Seven of Diamonds and the Seven of Clubs.
  3. Read the remaining few cards. This is something that will inevitably happen

Love fortune telling on sticks

If card fortune telling seem too complicated to you, try the English fortune-telling “Queen”. Predictions using wooden sticks are the legacy of the druid magicians who once sheltered Foggy Albion

Perhaps the fortune-telling sticks of the Druids were taken from trees that had a certain energy, but residents of megacities lost this knowledge. There are Druid horoscopes and you can look for wands in "your trees"

Or take the path of least resistance and use wooden skewers. For fortune telling you will need

  • 4 wooden sticks 9-10 cm long
  • 3 sticks 6-7 cm long
  • 1 relatively massive stick, which will be the “queen”

How to guess

  1. Stand in the middle of the room or any other open space
  2. Place the queen wand at your feet
  3. Take 7 sticks with your left hand
  4. Close your eyes and mentally say a question that is important to you
  5. Try mixing the sticks in your hands without opening your eyes
  6. Transfer the chopsticks to your right hand
  7. With your left hand, slowly pull out one stick and scatter the rest on the floor.
  8. Look at how the sticks are arranged and which stick is left in your hands

you pulled out

  • long stick - good sign or a positive answer to the question
  • a short stick is a bad sign and a negative answer to the question
  • the sticks have scattered, but at least one of them is in contact with the queen wand - all your endeavors will have a positive result
  • the sticks scattered far from the “queen”, but are directed in her direction - you have enough strength to solve all your problems
  • the sticks scattered and two of them crossed - achieving a favorable result will be associated with many problems

Love fortune telling with a pen

You can also recall simple school fortune-telling, which many girls still use. Considering that our grandmothers told fortunes in a similar way and, most likely, our granddaughters will tell fortunes, there’s probably something in it!

You will need

  • sheet of paper
  • pen

How to guess:

  1. On clean slate paper, draw an arbitrary number of lines, placing them in one row. Don't count the lines in advance. Trust your inner voice. As soon as he says, “Stop,” stop working. When drawing lines, think about your loved one
  2. Repeat drawing three more times. You should end up with four rows consisting of different numbers of lines

  1. At the next stage, cross out three sticks at a time, forming so-called “triples”. If there are extra sticks left in the row, write down a number next to them corresponding to their number
  1. As a result, you should get four digits that make up the code number. Find the code number in the table below and read the answer to your question

Decoding the code number

Fortune telling by beans or fortune telling by beans

Bean divination is found in many cultures. Beans were revered throughout the Ancient World and naturally could not help but become a powerful magical tool.

For fortune telling, large white bean grains that have no flaws are used.

A simplified method of fortune telling with beans

  1. Buy beans at the market or store, and give the change from your purchase to those in need
  2. Select 31 grains
  3. Mentally formulate a question or desire
  4. Divide the beans into three equal piles without counting the grains. Mentally say your question as you lay out the beans.
  5. From the first main pile, select grains according to the “3-2-1” scheme and arrange them from top to bottom, forming new derivative piles

  1. From the second main bean pile, select grains according to the “3-2-1” scheme, but arrange them from bottom to top, complementing the derivative piles. As a result, you should have an equal number of grains in each of the three derivative piles
    1. If the number of beans is even, you will be lucky, the answer to the question is yes. An odd number of seeds predicts difficulties. If there are no beans left in the pile, the answer to the question is uncertain

    Fortune telling with matches

    You will need

  • candle
  • box of matches

How to guess

  1. Light a candle and concentrate on it for a while, mentally imagining the image of the person you are interested in. State your question
  2. Place two matches in the gaps of the box as shown in the picture.
  3. Light the matches from the candle, place the box on a flat surface and observe the “behavior” of the burning matches

  • If the matches are drawn to each other, everything is fine between you and the person you wished for.
  • If you turn away, a quarrel is inevitable

Fortune telling by candle

Another fortune telling related to the forces of the elements. Little secrets of fortune telling for love using candles are presented in the video “Fortune telling with candles: how to do it correctly?”

Video: Fortune telling by candles: how to do it correctly?

Video: Wax fortune telling and wax figures