Soup with coconut milk. Thai Coconut Chicken Soup (Tom Kha Gai). Pumpkin soup

This Thai soup with coconut milk, chicken and mushrooms has a rich, creamy taste, it is very spicy, with a delicate sweet note and an intoxicating citrus aroma. If you've never tried Thai cuisine before, start your acquaintance with it here chicken soup with coconut it is called Tom Kha Gai.

I love spicy food, so I didn't skimp on adding a good dose of cayenne pepper. It's really very spicy! If you are sensitive to spice, add it with caution. If you can't find coconut milk and don't want to make your own, use regular milk. Even with it, the soup will be great.

Cooking Thai food in our latitudes can be an overwhelming task. Not because they are complicated or require some special technique to prepare them, but because many of the ingredients are very exotic. We don't have any Thai neighborhoods with their small grocery stores, and it's hard to find red curry paste or fish sauce in markets and supermarkets, and searching for galangal leaves or kaffir lime can turn into a tedious quest.

In order not to trip ourselves up looking for exotic ingredients, we decided to make our own Thai-style soup using ingredients that we can probably find. We tried to reproduce this unforgettable, delicious Thai taste, making it accessible even if there are no Asian markets nearby. The most exotic ingredient on our list is lemongrass (its special aroma brings the taste of the soup to perfection), but we could even find it in a spice store. If you can't find lemongrass, don't worry, the soup will be delicious without it.

See also:

Recipe - Thai soup with coconut milk and chicken


  1. 1 liter of chicken broth.
  2. 400-500 grams of chicken breasts.
  3. 3 stalks of green leeks.
  4. 2 lemongrass stalks, quartered.
  5. 2 tablespoons fresh grated ginger.
  6. 2 tablespoons soy sauce.
  7. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper.
  8. 150 grams of shiitake mushrooms.
  9. 60 milliliters coconut milk.
  10. 2 teaspoons granulated sugar
  11. 1 teaspoon lime zest.
  12. Juice of 1 lime.
  13. Cilantro.

Additional equipment:

  1. Pot
  2. Skimmer
  3. Ladle

Cooking method:

Prepare the ingredients for the Thai soup

  • Cut the chicken breasts into five centimeter strips.
  • Grate two tablespoons of fresh ginger.
  • Peel and wash the leeks and cut them into rings.
  • Cut the lemongrass stems into quarters.
  • Pour chicken broth into the pan, add chicken, ginger, leeks, lemon grass stems, two tablespoons of soy sauce and cayenne pepper.

Bring the broth to a boil

  • Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and let mixture simmer for 30 minutes.

Chop the mushrooms and add to the pan

  • Cut the shiitake mushrooms into thin slices, place them in the pan and stir.

Add coconut milk to soup

  • Reduce the temperature under the pan to its lowest setting.
  • Take coconut milk (we wrote earlier on the pages of our blog), shake the jar vigorously. Pour half a cup of coconut milk into the Thai soup, add one teaspoon of lime zest and two teaspoons of sugar. Stir.

Add lime juice to Thai spicy soup

  • Increase the heat under the pan to medium and cook for another 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Make sure that the liquid in the pan does not boil too intensely.
  • After 15 minutes, remove the Thai coconut milk soup from the heat, add freshly squeezed lime juice and finely chopped cilantro leaves. Using a slotted spoon, remove the lemongrass stems. Taste and if you want a very spicy soup, add more cayenne pepper and soy sauce.

Serve Thai soup hot. You can put boiled rice in plates and pour coconut soup over it, this way you will increase the number of servings to 8

Bon appetit!

It’s stupid to go to a master class and then not repeat anything at home. This time. And two - well, I shouldn’t have carried these damn bunches of lemongrass, lime and galangal through 5 countries, for goodness sake, or what?! Of course, all the efforts simply had to result in a bowl of homemade soup.

I decided to cook Tom Kha soup, it is similar to Tom Yum, but it is cooked with coconut milk and turns out more satisfying, creamy, and in general, we liked it better.

So, Tom Kha Kung is a spicy Thai soup with coconut milk and shrimp.

The composition is as follows:

- large unpeeled shrimps 8 pieces

- 1 large tomato

- 7-8 medium-sized champignons

- 2 lemongrass sprouts

- 7-8 kaffir lime leaves

- galangal root, approximately 4-5 cm

- 2 limes

- 1 chili pepper

- a few green onions

- 500 ml coconut milk

- 3 tbsp fish sauce

- 1 teaspoon chili paste

- cilantro for decoration

I bought shrimp at Metro. Yes, very, very expensive. Almost like Miratorgov steaks :) I was looking for unpeeled ones, with heads and in the shell, only large ones were available, but they are not much more expensive than medium-sized ones. In general, I’m broke, I can do it once.

I started with shrimp. I tore off their heads and removed their shells (remember, 5 plates down, leaving the tail):

I made broth from the heads and shells. I washed them, filled them with water, 700 ml, brought to a boil and boiled over medium heat for 20 minutes. Then I strained, I got about half a liter of rich broth:

Those. In general there will be a liter of liquid, because cooking this soup for future use is completely pointless.

I cut the shrimp bodies lengthwise along the back, not all the way through, and removed the intestines, they are long and black, you can’t go wrong. I washed it. From such 8 butterflies, beauty!

Now the base of the soup: lemongrass, galangal root and kaffir lime leaves. I brought all this from Tai, but you can also buy it here, in ready-made sets for Tom Yam. True, the price... What I brought cost a penny, just a penny :(

Lemongrass. The soup gives a very pleasant lemon-ginger aroma. In general, they don’t eat it, but if you chop it up very much, you can eat it, it will only be beneficial. I cut it off at both ends so that there were pieces 10-12 cm long. I cut one lengthwise, and crumbled the second diagonally very thinly:

Galangal root, they don’t eat it either, it’s a spice, very similar to ginger, but it tastes more delicate, and it also has a taste of something pine, it seemed to me. I cut them crosswise into slices, as thin as possible, so they will give more of their flavor to the soup:

I also used kaffir lime leaves for the broth. Also a spice, tart and sour, very tasty! I brought a lot and dried most of the leaves, so in the process our whole apartment smelled fragrant, a very pleasant aroma. They are easy to use - just bend them in half along the stem and pull it out.

And a chili pepper. I decided not to be a hero and took out the seeds and cut the pod thinly diagonally. Complete set for broth:

Let's move on to the actual filling of the soup. The main ingredients are usually shrimp (that’s what I have) or chicken. There may also be a selection of seafood, beef, pork, fish or just vegetables. Depending on this, another word is added at the end of the name.

Here, for example,

Tom Yam Kung (Gong) - with shrimp

Tom Yam Kai (Gai) - with chicken

Tom Yum Pla - with fish

Tom Yam Thale - with seafood

Tom Yum Moo - with pork (although “moo” should be with beef :)))

Tom Yam Nyah - with beef

And if everything is the same, but not with broth, but with coconut milk, then Tom Kha. Yyyy!

And the non-main ingredients are onions, mushrooms and tomatoes. Variations are possible. Here I deviated from the classics and removed onions. Somehow we don’t really eat it in boiled form, although in Thailand I ate it too, because although it was boiled, it was quite a bit, slightly crunchy. So it’s possible, it’s not for everybody.

Mushrooms ideally need straw ones. I didn’t even look for them, I know that we don’t have them. As a substitute, you can use champignons, oyster mushrooms or shiitake mushrooms. I took champignons, I’ll explain why. IMHO, they are most similar to straw ones, both in taste and, most importantly, in shape - round, dense. Those. When eating, you get almost the same sensations, which I would not achieve from plate oyster mushrooms or shiitake. I think so!

They need to be cut, small ones into halves, large ones into quarters. A piece - for one bite:

I cut a large tomato into quarters and crosswise again. I already wrote in the topic about the master class, and I’ll repeat it again: you need unripe red-green hard fruits. There at the market I was already reaching for the ripe red ones, but they quickly slapped my hands and explained that I needed sour ones! Solid! And period.

This tomato, by the way, was also not that good; it quickly spread in the soup. We have to wait for summer, there will be nowhere to put these unripe ones :)

Place the broth on the stove, add lemongrass, lime leaves, galangal and chili. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes:

At the same time, add a spoonful of chili paste as a spicy component. I've had this jar for a long time, consumption is slow. Ingredients: crushed chili pepper, vegetable oil, garlic, chopped dried shrimp, soy sauce, salt, sugar. I use it a lot, it’s a great product, I advise everyone to buy something similar. An option is regular chili pepper, you can get by with it. Or spicy vegetable oil. Either Tom Yam or Tom Kha paste.

Boil the broth, add coconut milk. I think there are no problems here, now it is sold in many places. Bring to a light boil:

Throw in the mushrooms and tomatoes, cook for 3-4 minutes:

Then shrimp:

Here I also retreated from the master class, where they seemed too overcooked to me. Why should they? I gave it exactly a minute to get the temperature up.

Now let's even out the taste. Fish sauce, a couple of tablespoons, a good pinch of sugar (I took brown, ideally you need palm). Juice of two limes (I got by with one and half):

I stirred and almost immediately turned off the heat. Last but not least green onions and cilantro. Covered it with a lid.

A couple of minutes is enough to brew. And you can pour it.

Thais eat this soup with rice. But for me it turned out normal, so rich, it’s worth a spoonful :) So we just ate it the Russian way, with some bread! :) I’m lying, we managed like this, the bread didn’t bring us something. It turned out very tasty:

It turned out quite well for the first time. The balance of flavors is maintained: spicy-sour-sweet-salty taste, with a pleasant spicy aftertaste. Fragrant, with a creamy broth, all the toppings, as they say, are in good shape, the mushrooms, tomatoes, and the most tender shrimp!

I apologize for being too much detailed description, this is my jamb that I am struggling with, but to no avail. And I suggest you try it again, it’s delicious! Well, I think everyone should try this at least once in their life. There will definitely be fans. Bon appetit everyone and thank you for your attention :)

Today we will prepare a light, fresh, moderately spicy (or maybe hotly spicy, as you like)) Asian-style fish soup with coconut milk! Ginger, garlic, chili, lime - if you make a sauce out of them, it will be mind-blowing, but in the soup they...... mmmmmmm)))) Run! Let's run to the kitchen :) This is a very versatile soup, its taste can be changed using different ingredients. We use white fish in the recipe, but it can be replaced with red fish or chicken fillet. Or use white fish and chicken together. You can use lightweight instead. You can add bamboo stalks or bean sprouts (canned in large supermarkets), or both, or you can do without them altogether. The main thing is to balance the taste....sweet-salty-sour-spicy)) Well, let's get started :)

We will prepare everything you need.

We clean the shrimp from their shells and heads (by the way, you can make broth from them). Cut the fish into large pieces. I like clear soup, so I first boil the shrimp and fish in boiling water for 3-4 minutes (after which I break the fish into small pieces). But they can be added to the soup and raw, then cut the fish into smaller pieces. If you use boiled-frozen shrimp, you do not need to boil them before adding them to the soup. Grind the garlic, ginger and chili (if you like it spicier, you don’t have to remove the seeds), grate the zest using a fine grater.

Let's cook.

Heat olive (or vegetable) oil in a saucepan (you can add a little sesame oil for piquancy), add garlic, ginger and chili, cook, stirring, for 30 seconds (just until they release their aroma). Add fish sauce, broth and coconut milk and bring to a boil. Add shrimp and fish to the soup (as well as bamboo stalks and/or bean sprouts, if you decide to add them), cook for 4-5 minutes. Add lime (or lemon) juice, sugar, salt, pepper. Before seasoning the soup, try it, then you will understand what and in what quantity you need to add (sometimes I don’t even add sugar, only if I went too far with lemon)) Leave the soup under the lid. We break the rice noodles into small pieces (this will make them easier to eat later) and cook according to the instructions on the package (usually, they need to be boiled for 2-5 minutes in boiling water, depending on the thickness of the noodles).

Let's serve.

Place the noodles in bowls, pour in the hot soup, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley or cilantro and serve immediately. Bon appetit!:)

Tom Ka Gai is a soup that is often confused with and are often loved more than the famous Tom Yum. And preparing Thai coconut soup, like most Thai dishes, is very simple. Most Thai dishes are prepared so quickly that they can even be called fast food. The only difficult part is collecting all the necessary components of the dish. But with the development of online stores, it already seems that even from us you can buy anything.

Thai soups and curries can be prepared in 10 minutes, as long as you have all the key ingredients on hand. Like, for example, galangal or Thai galangal or Thai ginger, which is the key ingredient in the dish and the particle “Ka” or “Kha” in the name is galangal. It can be replaced with ginger, although the flavor will be slightly different. Galangal has a more ethereal and less expressive aroma than ginger. The only thing that is difficult to replace is lemongrass. But I saw it on sale here in pickled and dried form in one of the well-known supermarket chains. Even in our small Khmelnitsky. As for kaffir lime leaves, it is even easier to find on the Ukrainian Internet than lemongrass. But it can also be replaced, for example, with the zest of an ordinary lime, which has ceased to be exotic in our country. The aroma will be similar, at least with a slightly different shade. To prepare this dish, I also used my reserves of galangal, kaffir lime leaves and lemongrass brought from Thailand.

I’ll also write a few words about mushrooms. Of course, in the original, no one uses champignons in Thai cuisine. For most Thai dishes they use the so-called straw mushroom, the biological name of which is so complex that I am afraid to rewrite it so as not to make mistakes in it. In Thailand, as a teacher told me at a cooking class in Bangkok, it grows on rice stalks. It is what is originally added to both Tom Yum soup and this Tom Ka coconut soup. It is found in so many Thai dishes. Of course, we can’t find it here, but by a happy coincidence, its taste is quite neutral and inexpressive and is very reminiscent of ordinary porcini mushrooms. Therefore, they can be used with a clear conscience, which my teacher confirmed to me when I asked her about possible substitutes.

And one more thing, when cooking in a wok, you should remember that everything happens very quickly and be sure to prepare all the ingredients in advance. From first to last. Clean, cut and place everything near the cooking area. This organization of the work process, under the French name “decomposition in places” (Mise en place), will not be superfluous in any preparations. In professional cooking, this is generally considered an unshakable canon. And when cooking in a wok, this is simply vital! Read more about how to cook in a wok in the feature article about on the website. And don’t be surprised that coconut chicken soup is cooked in a wok. In most Asian countries, wok is a universal utensil. This is a frying pan, a saucepan, a smoker and a steamer in one form, and it is in the wok that soups are prepared in Thailand.

4 servings:


  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • 5 cm galangal, cut into slices (can be replaced with ginger)
  • 5-6 chili peppers
  • 400 grams chicken fillet, cut into cubes
  • 500 ml coconut milk
  • 1 liter of water
  • 3 lemongrass stalks, fresh, pickled or dried, crush the stalks with a kitchen hammer
  • 1 onion, coarsely chopped
  • 6 kaffir lime leaves
  • 200 grams champignons, coarsely chopped
  • 2 tbsp. fish sauce
  • 4 tbsp. lime juice
  • 1 tsp palm or cane sugar
  • 1/2 bunch cilantro, finely chopped

1) Heat vegetable oil in a large wok or wide saucepan over high heat. Add chili pepper, galangal or ginger. Fry for 1 minute until a pleasant aroma of galangal or ginger is felt.

Thai cuisine is exotic unusual dishes that give unforgettable taste sensations. Tom Yam is traditional dish Thai cuisine. It has become so popular all over the world that many ways of preparing it have appeared using those products that are available and familiar in a particular country. This is how recipes for soup with fish, chicken, and a combination of ingredients appeared. From the article you will learn a recipe for Tom Yum soup with coconut milk with shrimp and some other recipes for traditional Thai dishes.

Traditional Thai soup Tom Yam

Despite the variety of recipes and ingredients for preparing Tom Yum, one rule remains common - the soup should have an unusual, spicy and sour taste. Of course, the easiest way to prepare a soup that is close to the real recipe is for those who have tried it performed by Thai chefs. Its taste is memorable, it is difficult to confuse it with something else. However, you can try making Tom Yam for the first time in your kitchen if you stick to the recipe and carefully select the ingredients.

Ingredients for Tom Yum soup

When going to the store, make a list in advance. It may not be possible to find quite rare ingredients in all retail outlets, so choose a large hypermarket. A recipe using coconut milk is not a typical option for Thai cuisine; the soup acquires a milder taste.

Ingredients for Tom Yam:

  1. large shrimps - 10 pcs.;
  2. coconut milk - 100 g;
  3. chicken broth (water) - 0.5 l;
  4. lime - 1 pc.;
  5. cilantro - 1 bunch;
  6. medium tomato - 1 pc. (or 2-3 cherries);
  7. mushrooms (shiitake, oyster mushrooms or champignons) - 10 pcs.;
  8. lemongrass - several pods;
  9. galangal root (ginger root) - from 1 to 2 cm;
  10. lime leaves;
  11. chili pepper - 5 pcs.;
  12. onion - 1 pc.;
  13. fish sauce (soy) - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  14. garlic - 10 cloves;
  15. sugar - 1 tsp;
  16. vegetable oil.

Lemongrass can sometimes be difficult to find in stores, so it is acceptable to substitute lemon or lime zest or lemongrass. You won't get the original lemon flavor, but the result will be similar to the original version.

Galangal can be successfully and without loss of taste replaced with ginger, which is more common.

Lime leaves are replaced with lemon leaves, which are grown as houseplant, because it is almost impossible to find a kaffir.

Fish sauce should not be confused with oyster sauce; they have different tastes. Better choose soy or shrimp. It is used in soup instead of salt and to add flavor.

How to cook Tom Yam paste?

Unfortunately, in Russian supermarkets you will not find the original soup paste, which is sold in Asia in special bags or jars. To prepare it you need:

  1. take chili pepper, garlic cloves, onion, ginger (if there is no galangal);
  2. heat the vegetable oil, which can be added during the process;
  3. fry 5 cloves of garlic until golden brown;
  4. place garlic on a plate;
  5. fry finely chopped onion in the same oil;
  6. add onion to garlic;
  7. place chopped chili peppers (5 pcs.) in the same oil (in the original recipe the seeds are saved, but you can peel the pepper);
  8. hold the pepper in the pan for about a minute and add garlic and onion to it;
  9. grate ginger;
  10. add ginger to pan;
  11. add oil if the mixture is thick;
  12. Place everything in a blender bowl and grind.

The paste should have a thick consistency.

Cooking Tom Yam

Chicken or fish broth is suitable for soup. There is no need to add salt to it; replace it with fish sauce. To prepare two servings you will need about 0.5 liters of broth, to which you add in turn:

  1. lemongrass (10 cm stick or zest of 1 lemon);
  2. galangal 5 - 10 mm or ginger - 1 cm;
  3. lime leaves - 2 pcs.

Cook everything for 5 minutes to saturate the broth, then leave only the lemongrass in the pan.

After this comes the turn of the pasta - 1 full tablespoon. Once cooking is complete, the paste can be added for added spice.

Before serving, add cilantro and lemon or lime juice (1 teaspoon) to the plate.

Don't forget that the soup should not boil. You can eat it with rice.

Tom Yum soup: delicious and easy to prepare exotic dish with shrimp and coconut milk

Green curry

To add variety to your menu, try making Thai green curry. To do this you will need:

  1. chicken - 1 kg;
  2. olive oil - 50 ml;
  3. coconut milk - 3 cans;
  4. Thai round eggplants - 5 pcs.;
  5. krachai (a type of ginger) - 4 pcs.;
  6. fish sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
  7. green curry paste - 70 g;
  8. palm sugar - ¼ head.

Chopped chicken is fried in oil. Coconut milk is brought to a boil, but not boiled, and curry is added. After the mixture becomes homogeneous, you need to add crushed sugar, krachai. After 2 minutes, add chicken. Cut the eggplants in half and add to the pan. After boiling, the dish is ready.

The ingredients for this dish may be difficult to find, but in large hypermarkets, pay attention to special sections that sell Chinese, Japanese and other Asian products.

Buckwheat noodles with vegetables

The ingredients for this dish are more accessible than for the previous recipe. Among them:

  1. buckwheat noodles - 75 g;
  2. broccoli cabbage - 100 g;
  3. cherry tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  4. peeled shrimp - 150 g;
  5. balsamic vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  6. soy sauce - 3 tbsp. l.;
  7. olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  8. salt, pepper

The noodles do not cook for long - only 7-8 minutes. Vegetables are stewed separately in a mixture of oil, vinegar and sauce. If you use frozen broccoli, cook it. Next, the noodles are mixed with vegetables in a frying pan, and everything is fried for a short time (about 3 minutes), then shrimp are added and kept for another 3 minutes.

Thai cuisine has amazing and varied recipes. With their help, you can add new and unusual dishes to the menu and surprise guests and household members.