Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "The Brave Duckling". Read the book “The Brave Duckling (collection)” online in full - Boris Zhitkov - MyBook Extras. teacher information

© S. V. Emelyanova, illustrations, 2014

© Design. LLC "Publishing Group "Azbuka-Atticus", 2014

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Fairy tales

Mug under the Christmas tree

The boy took a net - a wicker net - and went to the lake to catch fish.

He was the first to catch a blue fish. Blue, shiny, with red feathers, with round eyes. The eyes are like buttons. And the fish’s tail is just like silk: blue, thin, golden hairs. The boy took a mug, a small mug made of thin glass. I scooped some water from the lake into a mug - let the fish swim while it did.

The fish gets angry, fights, breaks out, and the boy rushes into his mug - bang! He ran further and caught another fish - a very small one. The fish is no bigger than a mosquito, you can barely see the fish. The boy quietly took the fish by the tail, threw it into the mug - it was completely out of sight. He ran on himself.

“Here,” he thinks, “wait, I’ll catch a fish, a big crucian carp.”

- The first one to catch a fish will be a great guy. Just don’t grab it right away, don’t swallow it: there are prickly fish – ruff, for example. Bring it, show it. I myself will tell you which fish to eat and which to spit out.

The ducklings flew and swam in all directions. And one swam the farthest. He climbed out onto the shore, shook himself off and began to waddle. What if there are fish on the shore? He sees a mug standing under the Christmas tree. There is water in a mug. “Let me take a look.”

The fish are rushing about in the water, splashing, poking, there is nowhere to get out - there is glass everywhere.

The duckling came up and saw: oh yes, fish! He took the biggest one and picked it up. And - rather to my mother.

“I’m probably the first. I was the first to catch the fish, and I’m great.”

The fish is red, white feathers, two antennae hanging from its mouth, dark stripes on the sides, and a spot on its comb like a black eye.

The duckling flapped its wings and flew along the shore - straight to its mother.

The boy sees a duck flying, flying low, right above his head, holding a fish in its beak, a red fish as long as a finger.

The boy shouted at the top of his lungs:

- This is my fish! Thief duck, give it back now!

He waved his arms and screamed so terribly that he scared away all the fish.

The duckling got scared and shouted: “Quack, quack!” He shouted “quack-quack” and missed the fish.

The fish swam into the lake, into deep water, waved its feathers, and swam home.

“How can you return to your mother with an empty beak?” – thought the duckling, turned back and flew under the Christmas tree.

He sees: there is a mug under the Christmas tree. A small mug, in the mug there is water, and in the water there are fish.

The duckling ran up and quickly grabbed the fish. A blue fish with a golden tail. Blue, shiny, with red feathers, with round eyes. The eyes are like buttons. And the fish’s tail is just like silk: blue, thin, golden hairs.

The duckling flew higher and closer to its mother.

“Well, now I won’t scream, I won’t open my beak. Once I was already gaping."

Here you can see mom. It's already very close. And mom shouted:

- Quack, what are you talking about?

- Quack, this is a fish, blue, gold - there is a glass mug under the Christmas tree.

So again the beak opened, and the fish splashed into the water! A blue fish with a golden tail. She shook her tail, whined and walked, walked, walked deeper.

The duckling turned back, flew under the tree, looked into the mug, and in the mug there was a small, small fish, no bigger than a mosquito, you could barely see the fish. The duckling pecked into the water and flew back home with all his strength.

-Where is your fish? - asked the duck. - You can't see anything.

But the duckling is silent and does not open its beak. He thinks: “I’m cunning! Wow, how cunning I am! Cunningest of all! I’ll be silent, otherwise I’ll open my beak and miss the fish. Dropped it twice."

And the fish in its beak beats like a thin mosquito and crawls into the throat. The duckling got scared: “Oh, I think I’ll swallow it now!” Oh, I think I swallowed it!”

The brothers arrived. Everyone has a fish. Everyone swam up to mom and poked their beaks. And the duck shouts to the duckling:

- Well, now show me what you brought!

The duckling opened its beak, but there was no fish.

Brave duckling

Every morning the housewife brought out a full plate of chopped eggs for the ducklings. She put the plate near the bush and left.

As soon as the ducklings ran up to the plate, suddenly a large dragonfly flew out of the garden and began to circle above them.

She chirped so terribly that the frightened ducklings ran away and hid in the grass. They were afraid that the dragonfly would bite them all.

And the evil dragonfly sat on the plate, tasted the food and then flew away. After this, the ducklings did not come to the plate for the whole day. They were afraid that the dragonfly would fly again. In the evening, the hostess removed the plate and said: “Our ducklings must be sick, for some reason they are not eating anything.” Little did she know that the ducklings went to bed hungry every night.

One day, their neighbor, the little duckling Alyosha, came to visit the ducklings. When the ducklings told him about the dragonfly, he began to laugh.

- What brave men! - he said. - I alone will drive away this dragonfly. You'll see tomorrow.

“You’re bragging,” said the ducklings, “tomorrow you’ll be the first to get scared and run.”

The next morning, the hostess, as always, put a plate of chopped eggs on the ground and left.

“Well, look,” said the brave Alyosha, “now I will fight with your dragonfly.”

As soon as he said this, a dragonfly began to buzz. It flew straight from above onto the plate.

The ducklings wanted to run away, but Alyosha was not afraid. Before the dragonfly had time to sit on the plate, Alyosha grabbed its wing with his beak. She forcibly escaped and flew away with a broken wing.

Since then, she never flew into the garden, and the ducklings ate their fill every day. They not only ate themselves, but also treated the brave Alyosha for saving them from the dragonfly.

Girl Katya

The girl Katya wanted to fly away. There are no wings of their own. What if there is such a bird in the world - big as a horse, wings like a roof. If you sit on such a bird, you can fly across the seas to warm countries.

You just need to appease the bird first and feed the bird something good - cherries, for example.

Over dinner, Katya asked her dad:

– Are there birds like horses?

“It doesn’t happen like that, it doesn’t happen,” said dad. And he still sits and reads the newspaper.

Katya saw a sparrow. And I thought: “What an eccentric cockroach. If I were a cockroach, I would sneak up on a sparrow, sit between its wings and ride all over the world, and the sparrow wouldn’t know anything.”

And she asked dad:

– What if a cockroach sits on a sparrow?

And dad said:

- The sparrow will peck and eat the cockroach.

“Does it happen,” asked Katya, “that an eagle grabs a girl and carries her to her nest?”

“Don’t raise the eagle’s girl,” said dad.

- Will two eagles carry it? – Katya asked.

But dad didn’t answer. He sits and reads the newspaper.

- How many eagles does it take to carry a girl? – Katya asked.

“One hundred,” said dad.

And the next day my mother said that there are no eagles in cities. And eagles never fly a hundred times together.

And the eagles are evil. Bloody birds. If an eagle catches a bird, it will tear it into pieces. He will grab the hare and will not leave his paws.

And Katya thought: we need to choose good white birds so that they can live together, fly in a flock, fly strong and flap their wide wings with white feathers. Make friends with white birds, carry all the crumbs from dinner, not eat sweets for two years - give everything to the white birds, so that the birds will love Katya, so that they will take her with them and take her overseas.

But in fact - as they flap their wings, they flap in a whole flock - so that the wind rises and dust falls on the ground. And the birds above will buzz, fuss, pick up Katya... whatever happens, by the sleeves, by the dress, even if they grab her by the hair - it doesn’t hurt - they’ll grab her with their beaks. They raise it higher than the house - everyone is watching - mom shouts: “Katya, Katya!” And Katya just nods her head and says: “Goodbye, I’ll come later.”

There are probably such birds in the world. Katya asked her mother:

– Where can I find out what kinds of birds there are all over the world?

Mom said:

– Scientists know, but in the zoo, by the way.

Katya was walking with her mother in the zoo.

Well, their lions - and no need for monkeys. And here there are birds in large cages. The cage is large, and the bird is barely visible. Well, it's small. You can't even lift a doll like that.

And here is the eagle. Wow, so scary.

The eagle sat on a gray stone and tore the meat into pieces. He bites, jerks, turns his head. The beak is like iron pincers. Sharp, strong, hooked.

The owls were sitting white. The eyes are like big buttons, the muzzle is fluffy, and a sharp beak is hidden in the fluff with a hook. Evil bird. Cunning.

Mom says: “Owl, owl,” but she didn’t give her a finger.

But the birds—and Katya doesn’t know—maybe parrots, white, with sharpened wings, waving like fans, long noses, flying around the cage, unable to sit still, and all of a gentle color.

Mom pulls my hand. “Let’s go,” he says. And Katya is crying and stamping her foot. He sees: those same birds are white, kind, and have big wings.

– What are they called?

And mom says:

- I don’t know. Well, birds are like birds. White birds, in a word. And most importantly, it's time for lunch.

And at home Katya came up with an idea.

And what I came up with, I didn’t tell anyone.

Take a rug that hangs above the bed, and to this rug, sew candies, seeds, seeds, beads along the edges with a thick thread - sew the whole rug around, and the white birds will grab it, wave their white wings, and pull the rug with their beaks.

And Katya is lying on the carpet. It lies as if in a cradle, and the birds love it, and there are three hundred of all the birds, they all scream, they all vie with each other, they carry it like a feather. Above the roof over the entire city. Everyone is standing below, their heads thrown down. “What,” they say, “what is it?” They raised it higher than the tree. “Don’t be afraid,” the birds cry, “we won’t let you in, we won’t let you in for anything.” Hold on tight!” - the birds scream.

Literary reading lesson in grade 2 “b” according to the “School of Russia” program

Topic: B. Zhitkov “Brave Duckling”

Goal: to introduce students to the work of B. Zhitkov. Develop expressive reading skills, memory, attention, thinking, speech; learn to express your thoughts coherently, divide the text into semantic parts, and draw up a plan.

educational :

1 .introduce students to a new work

2 .contribute to the formation in students of a holistic understanding of the main idea of ​​the work.

3 .organize student planning activities together with the teacher for studying a new work.

4 .organize students’ activities to perceive and comprehend the text

developing :

1 .promote the formation and development of educational and information skills of junior schoolchildren: read fluently, consciously and correctly, use various types of reading: continuous, selective, role-playing, silently, out loud;

2 .create conditions for the formation of expressive reading: clear, precise pronunciation of words, observing pauses and logical stresses, maintaining intonation and giving the voice the necessary emotional coloring, promoting the development of students’ communicative culture;

3 .help students understand the moral and personal significance of the new material;


1. to promote in children a sense of compassion for the weak, caring for them,

2. contribute to the unity of the class team,

3. to promote students' awareness of the value of friendship, support and mutual assistance,

4. help students realize the value of collaborative activities. Instill a love of nature, cultivate a kind attitude towards animals.

Equipment: presentation of the biography of B. Zhitkov, books for speed reading,

Lesson progress

Lesson plan.

    Organizational moment.

Teacher: The bell rang.

The lesson has begun.

They stood up straight and sat down quietly.

Everyone looked at me.

Students: We came here to study,

Don't be lazy, but work.

We work diligently

Let's listen carefully.

Dear guys! May this lesson bring us the joy of communication and fillsouls with wonderful feelings.

Have a good mood and success! Is everyone ready for the lesson?
Children: Yes!
Teacher: Then go ahead!

On the board: Literary living room. (slide 1)

II. Checking homework.

Teacher: At the beginning of the lesson, we will check your homework.

What was the name of the work we read in the last lesson?

Student: In the last lesson we read the work “A Scary Story.”

Mystery. (Slide2 ) Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread. (hedgehog)

Student: Charushin Evgeniy Ivanovich

Now we will play the game “Teacher and Student” and take a test. Prepare your workbooks and write down the number. The test will have seven questions. If you agree with the answer, put a plus. If you do not agree with the answer, then put a minus.

Work in pairs . We change notebooks, use a pen with green ink.

Now you are teachers.(Slide3). If the student completed the work without errors, put a “5”; if he made 1-2 mistakes, give a mark of “4”; if he made 3 mistakes, put a mark of “3”; if there were more than 3 mistakes, put a mark of “2”. Let's check. Grading.

Reading your books. Practicing reading techniques. (Buzzing reading)

Guys. Get your books ready. Find a story to read. I'll time it - 1 minute, you start reading. As soon as I say “Stop!”, you will stop. Then I will time you another 1 minute, you will start reading this text again. - Raise your hand who has read more.

Speech warm-up.

Purpose: to prepare for reading works.

De-de-de: who's in the water?
Dil-dil-dil: crocodile!

Ro-ro-ro, ki-ki-ki, the rollers are too big for me!

Well, let's draw with chalk.
Ki-ki-ki, we need crayons.

Ko-ko-ko- the cat loves milk.

There goes a goat with a sideways goat,
A goat walks with a barefoot goat,
There goes a goat with a sideways goat,
A goat is walking with a barefoot goat.

They carry out the tasks given to them.

Reading in rows. (1 row)

Row 2. We ask.

Setting logical stress. Individual student.

5. Subject message. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.(Slide4)

Today we will read the work of a wonderful author, a traveler who has traveled all over Russia and visited other countries. A person who has changed several professions and achieved mastery everywhere. And it is clear that this man could not help but become a writer. The name of this man is Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov. Natasha and Artyom have prepared short messages about the author for us.
Let's listen to the guys.

a) Introduction to the topic. To find out which work we are going to get acquainted with, I suggest you guess the riddle:

They get into formation without a command,
They go to the pond.
Who walks in a long chain,
Who loves discipline so much? ? Ducklings

Vocabulary work: What's happened story ? (This is a small piece.) On the board.

6. New material. Prepared students retell the author’s biography (prepared in advance by the teacher). Show presentation.

ZHITKOV, BORIS STEPANOVICH (1882–1938), Russian writer. Born on August 30 (September 11), 1882 in Novgorod in the family of a mathematics teacher and pianist. He spent his childhood in Odessa (his school friend was K.I. Chukovsky), in 1905 he took part in revolutionary events. He graduated from the natural sciences department of Novorossiysk University (1906) and the shipbuilding department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute (1916). He was a navigator of a sailing ship, captain of a research vessel, metal worker, shipbuilding engineer, teacher of physics and drawing, head of a technical school; traveled a lot.
Zhitkov died in Moscow on October 19, 1938.
He published about 60 children's books.

Add. information for the teacher.

B. Zhitkov studied at the Odessa gymnasium with the future writer K. Chukovsky, who later became his faithful friend. After high school, he entered the natural sciences department of Novorossiysk University, which he graduated in 1906. After university, he made a career as a sailor and mastered several other professions. He worked as a navigator on a sailing ship, was the captain of a research vessel, an ichthyologist, a metal worker, a shipbuilding engineer, a teacher of physics and drawing, the head of a technical school, and a traveler. Then, from 1911 to 1916, he studied at the shipbuilding department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. From 1917 he worked as an engineer in the Odessa port, and in 1923 he moved to Petrograd.

In 1924, Zhitkov began publishing (his first story “Above the Sea”) and soon became a professional writer. From 1924 to 1938 he published about 60 children's books.

Getting to know the writer's books -exhibition of books.

Review of stories by B. S. Zhitkov. – presentation by trained students.(Slide5)

Teacher: What sections can stories be divided into?

Student: It can be divided into three sections.About the sea, about animals, about technology.

Teacher: Name the stories for each section.

Student: “Evil Sea”, (Kuvandykova Sabina) “Sea Stories” (Ivanov Maxim)

“The Stray Cat” (Dick Ksenia), “About the Monkey” (Zlenko Artyom), “About the Wolf” (Leonid Polyakov)

“How the telegraph works” (Maxim Patsanovsky), “How to make an electric bell” (Sergey Opekunov)Before reading B. Zhitkov’s new work, I suggest you pay attention to the words on the slide. They will appear in the text.

Vocabulary work.

Let us explain the meaning of these words. Chopped(eggs) - finely chopped. Chop, rub, hit with something sharp, divide into parts, crush. chirp- make a sound, chirp. By force- barely. Pronouncing words on a slide.

Initial acquaintance

Each story by B. Zhitkov is instructive not only for children, but also for adults. Therefore, let’s read the new text and answer the question: what does this work teach?

Open page 139

I will read a new work, you follow me.

    What does this work teach?

c) Primary reading of the story (teacher-author)

- Who will the story be about?

- Think about what events could develop in it?

Let's check your assumptions. After reading this story.

Introduction to the story.

-What impression did the story make on you?
- What is he talking about?

Analysis of the work.

– How did the housewife feed the ducklings? (Find the answer in the text and read)
– Why were the ducklings afraid of the dragonfly? (Find the answer in the text and read)
– What was the hostess thinking about when she removed the empty plate? (Find the answer in the text and read)
-Who came to visit the ducklings? (Find the answer in the text and read)
-What did he promise them? Did he keep his word?
- How did he do it? (Find the answer in the text and read)
– How do you understand the expression “forcefully escaped”?
– Has the dragonfly arrived again? (Find the answer in the text and read)

Physical education minute. (Slide 6)

VI. Working on content

    Secondary reading.

    Let's read this fairy tale and answer the question: how many parts can it be divided into?

( reading by well-read students )

    Analysis of a fairy tale

Now let’s read this fairy tale in parts and answer the questions.

1 part (read in sequence )

    Why were the ducklings afraid of the dragonfly? How did B. Zhitkov manage to convey to readers that the dragonfly was scary? What words does he use to describe the dragonfly? Underline these words. So, what words have you underlined? What would have changed if, instead of the word spinning, the author had used the word fluttering? Instead of the words “it chirped terribly,” would it be “the dragonfly made sounds”? And with these words the author intensifies the horror that the ducklings experienced at the sight of a dragonfly. To them, she was like a kite that could eat them.

    What do ducklings look like to you? Do you feel sorry for them? And how the author managed to show this: that the ducklings are small and defenseless. Find these words and underline them with two lines.

This is how, with the help of words, you can convey both the image and the feelings of the characters.

Part 2.(Reading with teacher )

Let's re-read part 2 with me at my own pace.

    How did Alyosha behave when he heard the scary story about the dragonfly?

    Why wasn't Alyosha afraid of the dragonfly?

Alyosha was simply the most observant of all, he probably noticed that the adult ducks were not averse to feasting on the dragonfly, so he bravely entered into battle with the evil dragonfly.

Part 3.

Re-read part 3on one's own.

    Did the ducklings manage to thank Alyosha?

Now take the card in your hands. You have three proposals. Arrange them in the order in which they appear in the text.

They not only ate themselves, but also treated the brave Alyosha for saving them from the dragonfly.

One day, their neighbor, the little duckling Alyosha, came to visit the ducklings.

The ducklings wanted to run away, but Alyosha was not afraid.

    How did Alyosha introduce himself to you at first? Why did the author use the word little Alyosha in describing Alyosha? What word does the author use at the end of the story? Why did the author use these words: small and brave? (Yes, because this is exactly what Alyosha looked like in the eyes of the ducklings. At first he was small, just like them, but then in their eyes he became brave. A real hero.)

Teacher: Name the main characters of the fairy tale

Teacher: Now let’s read the text by role (distribution of roles)

Reading text by role

Student: Ducklings, Alyosha, dragonfly

VII. Making a plan Reading and dividing text into parts. Using slides.

1. The housewife feeds the ducklings.

2. They are afraid of dragonflies.

3. “Disease” of ducklings.

4. Alyosha promises to help.

5. The duckling kept his word.

6. The dragonfly didn’t come again.

VIII. Consolidation of the studied material. Drawing up a picture plan. Restoring deformed text.

Teacher: Let's consolidate the knowledge that we received today in class. Choose the right proverb. (Slide 20)

X Homework. Prepare a retelling of the text

XI. Lesson summary. - What was the duckling Alyosha like?

a) Drawing up a syncwine (diagram)

Brave, bold

Laughed, promised, kept

Interesting duckling.

b) Reading in a chain

c) Selective reading:

What did the owner feed the ducklings?

How did the dragonfly behave?

What did the hostess say?

How did Alyosha deal with the dragonfly?

7. Reflection.

b) Final questions:

Who turned out to be the duckling Alyosha - a braggart or a brave man?

8) Result (Slide 21)

What work did you study?

What qualities would you like to cultivate in yourself after reading this story?

Literary reading lesson in grade 2 “a” according to the “School of Russia” program

Topic: B. Zhitkov “Brave Duckling”

Goal: to introduce students to the work of B. Zhitkov.

Objectives: 1. To develop the skills of conscious, fluent, error-free reading;

Activate mental activity; learn to highlight semantic

Topic units.

2. Development of assessment of students’ conceptual knowledge, ability to argue

Your opinion; development of creative expressiveness.

3. Fostering a caring attitude towards animals, a sense of courage,

Mutual assistance.

Equipment: presentation of the biography of B. Zhitkov, books for speed reading,

Lesson progress

Organizational moment

Reading your books. Practicing reading techniques.

Guys. Get your books ready. Find a story to read. I'll time it - 1 minute, you start reading. As soon as I say “Stop!”, you will stop. Then I will time you another 1 minute, you will start reading this text again.

Raise your hand who has read more.


a) respiratory: “smell the flower”, “blow out the candle”, “blow away a speck of dust” and others;

b) sound: articulation of sounds a, o, u, s, e;

Speech warm-up.Let's stretch the tongue. Exercise "Horses"

Articulation warm-up a, o, y, y, and

Purpose: to prepare for reading works.

De-de-de: who's in the water?
Dil-dil-dil: crocodile!

Ro-ro-ro, ki-ki-ki, the rollers are too big for me!

Well, let's draw with chalk.
Ki-ki-ki, we need crayons.

Ko-ko-ko- the cat loves milk.

There goes a goat with a sideways goat,
A goat walks with a barefoot goat,
There goes a goat with a sideways goat,
A goat is walking with a barefoot goat.

They carry out the tasks given to them.

Setting logical stress

5. Subject message. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

a) Introduction to the topicTo find out the topic of today's lesson, I suggest you guess the riddle:

They get into formation without a command,
They go to the pond.
Who walks in a long chain,
Who loves discipline so much? Ducklings (slide)

Vocabulary work:

What is a story? (This is a small piece.)

Add. information for the teacher.

B. Zhitkov studied at the Odessa gymnasium with the future writer K. Chukovsky, who later became his faithful friend. After high school, he entered the natural sciences department of Novorossiysk University, which he graduated in 1906. After university, he made a career as a sailor and mastered several other professions. He worked as a navigator on a sailing ship, was the captain of a research vessel, an ichthyologist, a metal worker, a shipbuilding engineer, a teacher of physics and drawing, the head of a technical school, and a traveler. Then, from 1911 to 1916, he studied at the shipbuilding department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. From 1917 he worked as an engineer in the Odessa port, and in 1923 he moved to Petrograd.

In 1924, Zhitkov began publishing (his first story “Above the Sea”) and soon became a professional writer. From 1924 to 1938 he published about 60 children's books.

Boris Zhitkov collaborated with many children's newspapers and magazines: “Lenin Sparks”, “New Robinson”, “Hedgehog”, “Chizh”, “Young Naturalist”, “Pioneer”. Worked as a correspondent in Denmark. B. Zhitkov knew a lot: all the constellations in the sky, spoke French well, and was fond of photography. This was the man of “An Unusual Biography”.

c) Primary reading of the story (teacher)

Who will the story be about?

Think about what events could develop in it?

Let's check your assumptions. After reading this story.

Introduction to the story. Vocabulary work.

  1. - Now get your pencil ready. I will read this story, and you will mark the words you do not understand. (Teacher reads).

- Guys, did you like the story?

– What impression did the story make on you?
- What is he talking about?

How did the housewife feed the chickens?

Why didn't they eat?

Why were the ducklings afraid of the dragonfly?

What was the hostess thinking?

Who helped the ducklings get rid of the dragonfly?

How did he do it?

2. - You marked the words. Name them.

Chopped (eggs) - finely chopped (slide)

Forcibly, barely

Physical education minute.

Goal: transfer to the display of characteristics that reveal individual features of animals in their appearance or habits

Let's Let's try to portray these ducklings. Leave your desk.

Show how small the ducklings are.

Show how the ducklings walk.

Now the kittens are quacking. Take a deep breath into your chest, exhale sharply and say: “Quack.”

- What was the duckling Alyosha like?

a) Creation of a cluster (diagram)

b) Reading in a chain

c) Selective reading:

What did the owner feed the ducklings?

How did the dragonfly behave?

What did the hostess say?

How did Alyosha deal with the dragonfly?



Goal: relieve fatigue after reading.

In the morning the butterfly woke up
Smiled, stretched,
Once she washed herself with dew,
Two - she spun gracefully,
Three - bent down and sat down,
At four - it flew away.

© S. V. Emelyanova, illustrations, 2014

© Design. LLC "Publishing Group "Azbuka-Atticus", 2014

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Fairy tales

Mug under the Christmas tree

The boy took a net - a wicker net - and went to the lake to catch fish.

He was the first to catch a blue fish. Blue, shiny, with red feathers, with round eyes. The eyes are like buttons. And the fish’s tail is just like silk: blue, thin, golden hairs. The boy took a mug, a small mug made of thin glass. I scooped some water from the lake into a mug - let the fish swim while it did.

The fish gets angry, fights, breaks out, and the boy rushes into his mug - bang! He ran further and caught another fish - a very small one. The fish is no bigger than a mosquito, you can barely see the fish. The boy quietly took the fish by the tail, threw it into the mug - it was completely out of sight. He ran on himself.

“Here,” he thinks, “wait, I’ll catch a fish, a big crucian carp.”

- The first one to catch a fish will be a great guy. Just don’t grab it right away, don’t swallow it: there are prickly fish – ruff, for example. Bring it, show it. I myself will tell you which fish to eat and which to spit out.

The ducklings flew and swam in all directions. And one swam the farthest. He climbed out onto the shore, shook himself off and began to waddle. What if there are fish on the shore? He sees a mug standing under the Christmas tree. There is water in a mug. “Let me take a look.”

The fish are rushing about in the water, splashing, poking, there is nowhere to get out - there is glass everywhere.

The duckling came up and saw: oh yes, fish! He took the biggest one and picked it up. And - rather to my mother.

“I’m probably the first. I was the first to catch the fish, and I’m great.”

The fish is red, white feathers, two antennae hanging from its mouth, dark stripes on the sides, and a spot on its comb like a black eye.

The duckling flapped its wings and flew along the shore - straight to its mother.

The boy sees a duck flying, flying low, right above his head, holding a fish in its beak, a red fish as long as a finger.

The boy shouted at the top of his lungs:

- This is my fish! Thief duck, give it back now!

He waved his arms and screamed so terribly that he scared away all the fish.

The duckling got scared and shouted: “Quack, quack!” He shouted “quack-quack” and missed the fish.

The fish swam into the lake, into deep water, waved its feathers, and swam home.

“How can you return to your mother with an empty beak?” – thought the duckling, turned back and flew under the Christmas tree.

He sees: there is a mug under the Christmas tree. A small mug, in the mug there is water, and in the water there are fish.

The duckling ran up and quickly grabbed the fish. A blue fish with a golden tail. Blue, shiny, with red feathers, with round eyes. The eyes are like buttons. And the fish’s tail is just like silk: blue, thin, golden hairs.

The duckling flew higher and closer to its mother.

“Well, now I won’t scream, I won’t open my beak. Once I was already gaping."

Here you can see mom. It's already very close. And mom shouted:

- Quack, what are you talking about?

- Quack, this is a fish, blue, gold - there is a glass mug under the Christmas tree.

So again the beak opened, and the fish splashed into the water! A blue fish with a golden tail. She shook her tail, whined and walked, walked, walked deeper.

The duckling turned back, flew under the tree, looked into the mug, and in the mug there was a small, small fish, no bigger than a mosquito, you could barely see the fish. The duckling pecked into the water and flew back home with all his strength.

-Where is your fish? - asked the duck. - You can't see anything.

But the duckling is silent and does not open its beak. He thinks: “I’m cunning! Wow, how cunning I am! Cunningest of all! I’ll be silent, otherwise I’ll open my beak and miss the fish. Dropped it twice."

And the fish in its beak beats like a thin mosquito and crawls into the throat. The duckling got scared: “Oh, I think I’ll swallow it now!” Oh, I think I swallowed it!”

The brothers arrived. Everyone has a fish. Everyone swam up to mom and poked their beaks. And the duck shouts to the duckling:

- Well, now show me what you brought!

The duckling opened its beak, but there was no fish.

Brave duckling

Every morning the housewife brought out a full plate of chopped eggs for the ducklings. She put the plate near the bush and left.

As soon as the ducklings ran up to the plate, suddenly a large dragonfly flew out of the garden and began to circle above them.

She chirped so terribly that the frightened ducklings ran away and hid in the grass. They were afraid that the dragonfly would bite them all.

And the evil dragonfly sat on the plate, tasted the food and then flew away. After this, the ducklings did not come to the plate for the whole day. They were afraid that the dragonfly would fly again. In the evening, the hostess removed the plate and said: “Our ducklings must be sick, for some reason they are not eating anything.” Little did she know that the ducklings went to bed hungry every night.

One day, their neighbor, the little duckling Alyosha, came to visit the ducklings. When the ducklings told him about the dragonfly, he began to laugh.

- What brave men! - he said. - I alone will drive away this dragonfly. You'll see tomorrow.

“You’re bragging,” said the ducklings, “tomorrow you’ll be the first to get scared and run.”

The next morning, the hostess, as always, put a plate of chopped eggs on the ground and left.

“Well, look,” said the brave Alyosha, “now I will fight with your dragonfly.”

Boris Zhitkov

Brave Duckling (collection)

© S. V. Emelyanova, illustrations, 2014

© Design. LLC "Publishing Group "Azbuka-Atticus", 2014

* * *

Mug under the Christmas tree

The boy took a net - a wicker net - and went to the lake to catch fish.

He was the first to catch a blue fish. Blue, shiny, with red feathers, with round eyes. The eyes are like buttons. And the fish’s tail is just like silk: blue, thin, golden hairs. The boy took a mug, a small mug made of thin glass. I scooped some water from the lake into a mug - let the fish swim while it did.

The fish gets angry, fights, breaks out, and the boy rushes into his mug - bang! He ran further and caught another fish - a very small one. The fish is no bigger than a mosquito, you can barely see the fish. The boy quietly took the fish by the tail, threw it into the mug - it was completely out of sight. He ran on himself.

“Here,” he thinks, “wait, I’ll catch a fish, a big crucian carp.”

- The first one to catch a fish will be a great guy. Just don’t grab it right away, don’t swallow it: there are prickly fish – ruff, for example. Bring it, show it. I myself will tell you which fish to eat and which to spit out.

The ducklings flew and swam in all directions. And one swam the farthest. He climbed out onto the shore, shook himself off and began to waddle. What if there are fish on the shore? He sees a mug standing under the Christmas tree. There is water in a mug. “Let me take a look.”

The fish are rushing about in the water, splashing, poking, there is nowhere to get out - there is glass everywhere.

The duckling came up and saw: oh yes, fish! He took the biggest one and picked it up. And - rather to my mother.

“I’m probably the first. I was the first to catch the fish, and I’m great.”

The fish is red, white feathers, two antennae hanging from its mouth, dark stripes on the sides, and a spot on its comb like a black eye.

The duckling flapped its wings and flew along the shore - straight to its mother.

The boy sees a duck flying, flying low, right above his head, holding a fish in its beak, a red fish as long as a finger.

The boy shouted at the top of his lungs:

- This is my fish! Thief duck, give it back now!

He waved his arms and screamed so terribly that he scared away all the fish.

The duckling got scared and shouted: “Quack, quack!” He shouted “quack-quack” and missed the fish.

The fish swam into the lake, into deep water, waved its feathers, and swam home.

“How can you return to your mother with an empty beak?” – thought the duckling, turned back and flew under the Christmas tree.

He sees: there is a mug under the Christmas tree. A small mug, in the mug there is water, and in the water there are fish.

The duckling ran up and quickly grabbed the fish. A blue fish with a golden tail. Blue, shiny, with red feathers, with round eyes. The eyes are like buttons. And the fish’s tail is just like silk: blue, thin, golden hairs.

The duckling flew higher and closer to its mother.

“Well, now I won’t scream, I won’t open my beak. Once I was already gaping."

Here you can see mom. It's already very close. And mom shouted:

- Quack, what are you talking about?

- Quack, this is a fish, blue, gold - there is a glass mug under the Christmas tree.

So again the beak opened, and the fish splashed into the water! A blue fish with a golden tail. She shook her tail, whined and walked, walked, walked deeper.

The duckling turned back, flew under the tree, looked into the mug, and in the mug there was a small, small fish, no bigger than a mosquito, you could barely see the fish. The duckling pecked into the water and flew back home with all his strength.

-Where is your fish? - asked the duck. - You can't see anything.

But the duckling is silent and does not open its beak. He thinks: “I’m cunning! Wow, how cunning I am! Cunningest of all! I’ll be silent, otherwise I’ll open my beak and miss the fish. Dropped it twice."

And the fish in its beak beats like a thin mosquito and crawls into the throat. The duckling got scared: “Oh, I think I’ll swallow it now!” Oh, I think I swallowed it!”

The brothers arrived. Everyone has a fish. Everyone swam up to mom and poked their beaks. And the duck shouts to the duckling:

- Well, now show me what you brought!

The duckling opened its beak, but there was no fish.

Brave duckling

Every morning the housewife brought out a full plate of chopped eggs for the ducklings. She put the plate near the bush and left.

As soon as the ducklings ran up to the plate, suddenly a large dragonfly flew out of the garden and began to circle above them.

She chirped so terribly that the frightened ducklings ran away and hid in the grass. They were afraid that the dragonfly would bite them all.

And the evil dragonfly sat on the plate, tasted the food and then flew away. After this, the ducklings did not come to the plate for the whole day. They were afraid that the dragonfly would fly again. In the evening, the hostess removed the plate and said: “Our ducklings must be sick, for some reason they are not eating anything.” Little did she know that the ducklings went to bed hungry every night.

One day, their neighbor, the little duckling Alyosha, came to visit the ducklings. When the ducklings told him about the dragonfly, he began to laugh.

- What brave men! - he said. - I alone will drive away this dragonfly. You'll see tomorrow.

“You’re bragging,” said the ducklings, “tomorrow you’ll be the first to get scared and run.”

The next morning, the hostess, as always, put a plate of chopped eggs on the ground and left.

“Well, look,” said the brave Alyosha, “now I will fight with your dragonfly.”

As soon as he said this, a dragonfly began to buzz. It flew straight from above onto the plate.

The ducklings wanted to run away, but Alyosha was not afraid. Before the dragonfly had time to sit on the plate, Alyosha grabbed its wing with his beak. She forcibly escaped and flew away with a broken wing.

Since then, she never flew into the garden, and the ducklings ate their fill every day. They not only ate themselves, but also treated the brave Alyosha for saving them from the dragonfly.

Girl Katya

The girl Katya wanted to fly away. There are no wings of their own. What if there is such a bird in the world - big as a horse, wings like a roof. If you sit on such a bird, you can fly across the seas to warm countries.

You just need to appease the bird first and feed the bird something good - cherries, for example.

Over dinner, Katya asked her dad:

– Are there birds like horses?

“It doesn’t happen like that, it doesn’t happen,” said dad. And he still sits and reads the newspaper.

Katya saw a sparrow. And I thought: “What an eccentric cockroach. If I were a cockroach, I would sneak up on a sparrow, sit between its wings and ride all over the world, and the sparrow wouldn’t know anything.”

And she asked dad:

– What if a cockroach sits on a sparrow?

And dad said:

- The sparrow will peck and eat the cockroach.

“Does it happen,” asked Katya, “that an eagle grabs a girl and carries her to her nest?”

“Don’t raise the eagle’s girl,” said dad.

- Will two eagles carry it? – Katya asked.

But dad didn’t answer. He sits and reads the newspaper.

- How many eagles does it take to carry a girl? – Katya asked.

“One hundred,” said dad.

And the next day my mother said that there are no eagles in cities. And eagles never fly a hundred times together.

And the eagles are evil. Bloody birds. If an eagle catches a bird, it will tear it into pieces. He will grab the hare and will not leave his paws.

And Katya thought: we need to choose good white birds so that they can live together, fly in a flock, fly strong and flap their wide wings with white feathers. Make friends with white birds, carry all the crumbs from dinner, not eat sweets for two years - give everything to the white birds, so that the birds will love Katya, so that they will take her with them and take her overseas.

But in fact - as they flap their wings, they flap in a whole flock - so that the wind rises and dust falls on the ground. And the birds above will buzz, fuss, pick up Katya... whatever happens, by the sleeves, by the dress, even if they grab her by the hair - it doesn’t hurt - they’ll grab her with their beaks. They raise it higher than the house - everyone is watching - mom shouts: “Katya, Katya!” And Katya just nods her head and says: “Goodbye, I’ll come later.”

There are probably such birds in the world. Katya asked her mother:

– Where can I find out what kinds of birds there are all over the world?

Mom said:

– Scientists know, but in the zoo, by the way.

Katya was walking with her mother in the zoo.

Well, their lions - and no need for monkeys. And here there are birds in large cages. The cage is large, and the bird is barely visible. Well, it's small. You can't even lift a doll like that.

And here is the eagle. Wow, so scary.

The eagle sat on a gray stone and tore the meat into pieces. He bites, jerks, turns his head. The beak is like iron pincers. Sharp, strong, hooked.