Dmitry Khara is the last step. Books by Dmitry Khara. Game "My Way"

Dmitry Khara

Thank you

On the eve of the book's publication, I realized that I could not help but thank all those who, in one way or another, played a role in my life, and therefore in the birth of this book.

I am grateful, first of all, to my parents, who, unfortunately, are no longer among us, but whose role becomes clearer every year. My first dedication is to their blessed memory.

I am grateful to my family. To my wife Victoria, who steadfastly endures my immersions in the world of thought-words and became my first reviewer. To my children, for whose future success I sat down to write this story.

I am grateful to all the friends and family who supported me in my determination to publish this novel, whose first reviews and emotions allowed me to understand that the book is needed by a wide range of readers. Here I would like to especially thank Oleg Arutyunov, who always supports my creative projects, for friendly conversations and important “Strokes of the Essence”, which, perhaps even against his will, ended up on the pages of this book, and for a number of images that he brought into it.

I thank my friends who helped the publication of this book, in particular Andrei Gagarin, Denis Ryabinin and Eduard Bychkov. And Andrey also for his unbending faith in the importance of the project and the orange color of the cover.

I would like to express special gratitude for their help in knowing myself to Mikhail Rozanov, Galina Mikhailovskikh, Elena Frolova, and my friend Sergei Barinov. You helped me understand that the world is much bigger than it seems. The seeds you planted fell on fertile soil and bore fruit, and now I am happy to sow them again.

Thanks to the Masters, who with pure souls revealed the mysteries of their crafts and arts and served as prototypes for a number of characters in the book: Maxim Metelev, Sergei and Liliya Melnikovs, Tatyana Rodygin, Philip and Maria Kazak, Anastasia Kuzmin, Svetlana Bogdanov and Irina Vasil. Bondarev Andrey – Artist with a capital “A” for his art, pure heart and part of the illustrations for this book.

Thanks to Timur Upolovnikov for his willingness to cooperate and support the next step.

Thanks to all my friends and acquaintances who walked with me along the difficult but interesting path of life changes. Each of you has placed your precious stone in the treasury of my life. If you recognize your image on the pages, rest assured that it is in my soul. Your names would take up several more pages!

Thanks to the team of the David publishing house, who treated the material embodiment of this book with warmth and sincere interest.

To the world that gives us all life and limitless opportunities!

Address to the reader

There are books to kill time, and there are books to gain knowledge.

There are simply well-written books, reading which you will savor every word. There are those who will pass through your life like a train passing by a stop, leaving nothing behind! There are books that, after reading them, will make you want to lie down under this train! Their authors don't care about you or your life!

I want to warn you that “P.Sh.” - a book that changes your world. Your life will never be the same after reading it. Think about it: is it worth turning the page that will change your world? Maybe it's better to leave everything as is? There will simply be no turning back. There is a path ahead, the final goal of which will depend on your decision, but having accepted it, you will have to take responsibility for everything that happens only on yourself. Are you ready for this?

With this book I open a series of transformational books - books that change consciousness, life and the world. There is no point in writing others.

Your friend, Dmitry Khara.

"The Last Step"

“No damn name for a travel agency!” – Oleg thought, having difficulty reading the stylized letters on a bronze tablet located to the right of the oak door of one of the buildings on Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt. He even smiled a little. “Apparently, the director has a good sense of humor, but he is a risky guy, if, of course, he is a guy. Maybe I should come in and see what “last step” they’ll offer me?”

Oleg has been traveling through the same travel agency for seven years now. It’s not that it was the best company or that it offered the lowest prices and the most original tours in the city, it’s just that he was already used to it. In recent years, tours for him have been personally selected by director Alina. He was flattered by this. He was always seated in a deep armchair, poured his favorite tea, given a stack of brochures with glossy photographs from another world and immersed in a state close to a trance, where bright pictures flashed before his eyes, commented on by Alina’s soothing voice. He had long ago admitted to himself that this was his favorite part of the entire vacation. He specially set aside two hours of time for her, turned off his mobile phone and savored every minute. Only at these moments was born in him a childish expectation of a miracle - a magical land in which it would not just be good, but good, good. He already knew that these expectations would never be met, and already two days later, in any country in the world, he was periodically pulled out of the fairy tale by his mobile phone, and the excited voice of Valera, his assistant, began something like: “Hello! How do you rest? Sorry, old man, I didn’t want to bother you, but there is one small but very important issue that only you can solve...” And then there was a text that was supposed to convince him that only he, Oleg, could really solve this issue. Oleg was deliberately angry, calling Valera and everyone else stupid, but he began to solve the problem. Probably, if there were no such calls, Oleg would have been even more nervous. After all, he understood that he was the most important and without him there would be nowhere. And after a couple of days of rest, some compatriots arrived, some business connections arose, and the remaining days turned into demonstrations in front of each other. That is why he savored every minute of this illusion of a future carefree holiday with such pleasure.

And here you have it: “The last step.” Oleg’s flash of thoughts was interrupted by a brand new, latest model Infiniti jeep pulling into a small parking lot near the entrance. The door opened and a man of about forty or forty-five came out with a huge bouquet of flowers. The man walked to the door and pressed the bell button. The door was opened by a middle-aged woman dressed in a gray business dress.

Dmitry Khara

– Do you always sit like this? – Mikhail’s calm voice interrupted him.

- How am I sitting? – Oleg was surprised, sitting on the top shelf, placing his feet on the next one from below.

“Your back is hunched and your right shoulder is slightly higher than your left.” And also - you periodically shake your head, as if trying to throw off an annoying scarf.

– Well, to be honest, I have problems with my back.

– What if it’s “not fair”?

- In terms of?

– You again speak as if you live in several realities. In one you are honest, in the other you are not honest. The main thing is not to confuse where you are. Do you know what I mean? Speak definitely, at least to me... and then you will probably like it.

– I have problems with my back. There was a hernia. Several times a year I got so twisted that I couldn’t walk. Then I went to see one grandmother, on advice. Lives on the edge of the city, in Pargolovo. She spoke hernia. I haven’t suffered so much for more than ten years, although I didn’t believe it. But my back and neck sometimes ache. Sedentary work.

“Come on, lie down on the bench, I’ll feel you,” Mikhail said, getting up from the shelf.

- Well, no, what are you talking about?! Don't worry! - Oleg answered hastily, but thought to himself: “Or maybe he’s still “blue”?”

– Why are you so alarmed? Don't be afraid! I won't pester you! – Mikhail said, laughing, as if reading Oleg’s thoughts. - Come on, lie down! In general, I would like to draw your attention to two more points: firstly, I sincerely offered to help you, but you refused. And I refused not because you doubt my qualifications in this matter, you didn’t even ask me about it! And secondly: why do you decide for me whether I should worry or not? Get down! I won’t offer it a third time!

Obeying Mikhail’s peremptory tone, some of his inner calm strength, Oleg lay down on the shelf, placing a sheet under him. Mikhail began to feel his spine, muttering: “Yeah, we have a twist here. Here, I feel the muscles are hypertonic. The neck is a total disaster.” They didn't steam and it wasn't very hot. Oleg’s warm, limp body responded gratefully to Mikhail’s manipulations. He kneaded the muscles of his back, pressing in some places, rubbing in others, pulling the skin in others, tapping in others. He acted calmly and deliberately, muttering something, and from the outside it might seem that he was simply assembling furniture from IKEA. He didn’t notice how many minutes Oleg lay there. He seemed to have fallen into oblivion. He woke up to Mikhail shaking him by the shoulders with both hands: “Wake up!” Oleg tried to raise his relaxed body, but Mikhail stopped him: “But you don’t need to get up! I opened the door. It's not hot here. Lie down a little longer, just turn over on your back.”

How nice and pleasant it was to lie in the warmth, on a wooden bench, and feel how your body spreads over a horizontal surface, like a film of oil on water. A pleasant emptiness also formed in my head. I didn’t want to talk or think. “Lie there a little longer and come out, just don’t douse yourself with cold water. Take the robe on the shelf,” he heard Mikhail’s voice through the veil covering his consciousness. “I could lie like that forever!” The eternity lasted another five minutes, after which Oleg slowly rose from the shelf and went out to the dressing room.

Finding with his eyes a shelf with dressing gowns, Oleg took one of them and threw it over himself. Mikhail had already poured two cups of tea and was sitting, smiling, at the head of the table.

- Take a seat! Treat yourself to some tea with St. John's wort!

- Thank you! “Oleg didn’t need much persuasion. - Thanks a lot! I don't know what you did, but I feel much better! Listen! Didn't the steam room cool down because you opened the door?

- Cheers! It's cooled down, of course! Okay! Not us for the steam room, but the steam room for us! Today I want to use it in this mode. It wouldn't have been a normal parka anyway. In the steam room you should not philosophize, but take a steam bath. By the way, your back is not fatally bad... yet. It is necessary to strengthen it regularly with sports activities. If you don’t work on it, you might even go to bed.

– Do you need to pump it up? – Oleg asked, picking up a large clay mug with aromatic tea.

- No way! At least not now. If you now grab the iron with a crooked spine, it may twist even worse. We must first build it evenly and strengthen it. It’s better to do some kind of gymnastics specifically for the spine, Pilates, for example.

– Yes, I was once at Pilates at our club. Bespontovo. Some girls are walking.

Mikhail looked at him as if he were crazy, and then laughed a creepy laugh.

– Can you hear yourself, guy? Do you even understand what's going on? I'm telling you about a VITALLY important thing. If you don't do this, you'll be lying very pompous in a hospital bed in a glamorous tracksuit! Realize this! You are making a choice between health and your idea of ​​what is “show-off” in favor of the latter! All! Turning out the lights! There's nothing more to talk about with you. You don’t need to think about relaxing at resorts, but about eternal peace! You could just as easily come to me with a straight razor, cut your wrists in front of me, and then ask for recommendations for a travel agency!

Oleg froze with a cup at his mouth.

- Okay, go warm up one more time, wash yourself and go home, boy, they've been waiting for you at home... glamorous slippers. There's no one else waiting for you, is there? Right?

“That’s right,” Oleg answered tiredly. He could neither be offended, nor argue, nor be angry. Some kind of emptiness crept into his heart. There's a lump in my throat. There was no strength left even to hold the mug, and he put it on the table. Complete indifference and apathy to what is happening. For a second he actually felt suicidal. At that second he suddenly didn’t care whether there was a next one. He suddenly felt that Mikhail had dug so deep into him that he had touched all his vital organs. He communicated with him for only a couple of hours and then... Somewhere deep inside himself, he heard an echo of Mikhail's words... Snatches of memories echoed him... Here he is rushing at an incredible speed in a car, breaking the rules, and miraculously remains alive... Now they are pumping him out in the hospital after a three-day drinking session... Here he crawls ashore after five hours of struggling with the ocean current... And all this, by and large, is due to hidden loneliness. Loneliness among friends and daily meetings. Loneliness is like prolonged death, so in order to feel alive, he periodically wanted to play with death. Mikhail went to warm up, and Oleg sat with his elbows on the table and staring into his cup. It reflected a light bulb hanging from the ceiling. The songs of the crickets and the barking of dogs were just right. He looked up at the false window. At that moment, the view outside the window seemed more real to him than the fact that a kilometer away there were cars stuck in traffic jams. I wish I could get there - into this world of harmony and peace. He wasn't angry with Mikhail. He understood that he knew some secret. The secret of a happy life. The kind of life when happiness is inside, and not for show, and everyone around feels it. You rarely meet such a person, and if you do, you will want him to become your friend. People are either drawn to such people like a magnet, or they run away like hell. There are no indifferent people. Everyone understands that this is the bearer of some secret power, and it attracts some and repels others.

Rising from the bench, Oleg went to the steam room. Mikhail was already sitting there, waving a broom.

- Mikhail, why are you alone in your luxury?

- Durik. I have a wife and three children. They are at work now.

- At work? At a time like this? And the children?

“You should have seen your face, my friend!” Yes, at work! They look after our hotel in warmer climes. I’ll finish my work here within a month and call them.

It was not possible to catch Misha saying that everything was not all right with him. There is such a fun that goes back to childhood, and for many it remains for the rest of their lives - to find someone’s “bo-bo” even worse than yours, and calm down. I couldn't calm down.

- Mish! I can't understand how you manage to do this. But you're right. He was right in everything he said about me. I myself sometimes feel that something is wrong. I read a lot, including books on psychology. I'm trying to understand myself. Sometimes it seems to me that something is working out. Some days I seem to catch on to something and make significant moves in my life, and then I fall back into a rut. I reassure myself that everything is not so bad for me. I achieved a lot on my own. I'm not in poverty. Own company. I thought that when all this was done, it would become somehow more joyful and simpler. It's gone, Mish! The development plans I am making are hitting a wall. The relationship with the girl has long been at an impasse. There are no new ones. Everything else is superficial. That’s why I probably want to rest so that... I get a shake-up, feel alive and strong, maybe something will change...

- I'm glad you stopped making faces. Apparently you really really need to go there. I am ready to prepare you, but for this you will have to trust me completely and undergo a training course. Are you ready for this?

- Ready.

– The course will be difficult and sometimes unpleasant. More than once you will want to leave him. Sometimes you will hate me. You will regret opening my door a hundred times today. But if you go through this preparation, its meaning will be revealed to you, and your journey will become the most beautiful of your life. I'll waste my time. This is a tradition because at one time my mentor spent it on me and I must repay my debt. But there is one condition without which further conversation will not make sense.

- Which?

– Prepayment of the tour in full before the start of preparation. Money will not be returned. Even if you don’t undergo training and don’t go anywhere. Even if you are on the verge of life and death, and you need an urgent brain transplant. If you agree, come to the office tomorrow at 2 pm with the money and sign the agreement.

- Isn’t this a scam? – the lawyer suddenly woke up in Oleg. It became very hot in the steam room. A large amount of sweat broke out all over my body at the same time.

- It depends on you!

- In terms of?

– If you don’t undergo training, you will waste your time and money. If you pass, you will never regret your vacation in your life. In general - a stupid question! If I wanted to scam you, what would I answer your question? Think for yourself! In general, you will have time to think until tomorrow. And now, when you wash yourself and dry off, sit down at the table, I’ll explain something to you. You want to know the answers to questions you can't ask?

- It sounds ambiguous, but I will answer yes.

“I’ll tell you something that will be important to you in life, even if you don’t come tomorrow.”

“Good,” Oleg said, jumping off the shelf, as the heat had already crept up to his liver.

Oleg took a shower. On the shelf there was a piece of brown soap - it turned out to be the most ordinary “Tar” soap for 15 rubles. There was no shower gel or shampoo anywhere. In this, Mikhail showed asceticism.

Washing off the hot sweat in the shower, Oleg thought. He was sick. Emotions replaced one another, thoughts could not keep up with them. “Walking... chance... step... 50 “pieces”... massage... game... Pilates... tomorrow... foreigners... damn, how difficult everything is! Okay, let’s listen to what he says now, and then we’ll decide!”

After drying himself with a towel, he threw on a robe and entered the dressing room. “And I wonder if the light bulb really hangs on a wire?” He reached out to it with his hand and slightly pulled the cartridge towards himself. At that moment, a flushed Mikhail came out of the steam room. Out of surprise, Oleg suddenly let go of the light bulb and it began to dangle, creating dancing shadows on the walls.

– The firefighters did the same! Just don't flinch. Hanging wiring is a sham. The power wire is hidden in the ceiling, as expected. I keep it safe. Pour some tea. Me now.

Mikhail disappeared into the shower room. You could hear him jump into the font and growl contentedly.

Oleg sat down in his previous place. “Today has been a strange evening. Suddenly". There was no need to pour tea. The previous one was drunk, God willing, by a quarter. Having taken several sips, Oleg only now felt its taste. It smelled of hayfields and countryside. “In any case, an interesting change of scenery and cool ideas, I’ll have to remember it.” Mikhail entered. He put on a robe and sat down next to him.

    Rated the book

    "P.Sh." - this is my love from the first line. This is a fictional novel that changes the perception of reality. This is psychological training and the path (line by line) of rethinking life in one bottle... More precisely, under one cover. I am very glad that this book fell into my hands when the sequel is already on the way (they promise it in March, there won’t be long to wait).

    The main character of the book is Oleg, the owner of a small law firm. Things are going well for him, but not as he would like. There is enough for recreation and restaurants, but life in general is somehow not happy. His mother is an alcoholic, he broke up with his girlfriend, the business is not developing, he has become boring for himself... But one day Oleg came across the travel agency “The Last Step” and went in, deciding to find out what kind of company it was with such a strange name. It was there that they made him an offer to travel under very mysterious conditions, which changed his whole life.

    While reading, I never ceased to be amazed at the similarity of my thoughts with the thoughts of the main character Oleg and his “mentor” Mikhail. In many moments it’s a direct hit. The book seems to be autobiographical. I can’t say that I have experienced something similar in my life, after all, my lessons and my scenery are somewhat different, but my thinking and worldview are similar to both Oleg and Mikhail. How so? And here it is. At different points in my life I am either Oleg or Mikhail. Many of us probably talk like this. We all understand well how it should be, but we do the opposite or do nothing at all, we know what is better, but again... Therefore, I personally need such books to remind me in which direction I am moving, otherwise it happens to me, I’ll take the asphalt road and walk through the forest and climb into some ditch. Of course, I follow the direction, but sometimes I make life difficult for myself. But everything is simple. Just keep it simple. Therefore, everyone who thinks, thinks, seeks, doubts and is simply interested - READ.

    Rated the book

    Of course, when "P.Sh." positioned as the great teaching of a great guru and promise that “your life will change after reading this Book”, this is ridiculous. It can be considered as the first step in self-knowledge and self-improvement, but a person who has long been interested in such things has nothing to read and learn here. It’s like a schoolchild learning the alphabet.

    But the author, in my opinion, is not far removed from yesterday’s schoolchildren. Primitive language, primitive heroes, simple truths. But, again, the book may be suitable for beginners. She will tell you that we invent obstacles for ourselves; that everyone is trying to live according to the program of cliches laid down by their parents; that you need to do what you plan right away, and not put it off until an “opportunity”; that you need to trust others and believe in the good; that you need to believe in yourself and not be afraid to be yourself, and not seem; what needs to be shared, etc. If you don't know about this, read the book!)

    Rated the book

    Good book. Perhaps one of those that can touch the deep mechanisms of our consciousness so that we can see them.
    The book reveals us to ourselves, emotionally exposing us, forcing us to ask difficult questions, give up habits, change, overcome fears, forgive and much more... But this, of course, only if we put ourselves in the place of the hero, get used to it into the proposed role and make every decision together with him. It's like in any training - if you play 100%, you get 100% results. The effect of reading is proportional to our desire to grow above ourselves.

    Yes, the main thing here is not the artistic outline, not the language, not the hero thought out to the smallest detail, not the plot worthy of the attention of future generations. This is not a work of art at all. All artistry (an attempt at artistry) is just a shell for something completely different, in no way connected with literature. And this absolutely has a right to exist.

    There are such concepts in everyday life: “literature for trained people”, “training book” and many other variations. Here is "P.Sh." - this is such a book.
    It didn’t become a big revelation for me, but I’m sure that it can become a trigger for someone to think, be amazed, look around, start breathing deeply, start living. Perhaps it sounds pretentious. But that's how it is.
    I dare to recommend this book for reading.

    P.S. If you watched the films “Angel-A”, “Revolver”, “Fountain”, “Peaceful Warrior” (for some reason I only remembered them now) and can guess why they are put on a par, if you know what “win- win" if you know what captains and support are, if you know how to create, accept feedback and the like... you won't learn anything new from the book.
    But as you read it, you will smile at familiar thoughts, perhaps at your memories, perhaps simply with inexplicable joy.
    I have everything)

Oleg has his own business, he works constantly, and for him a vacation is “something special and unusual.” One day he finds a travel agency that offers trips in which only prepared tourists can take part.

He decides to try, but the preparation that has begun and its methods are shocking. He is forced to become something he has never been, to play roles he has never tried.

Oleg soon realizes that the tasks he receives from his mentor, which are “meaningless” in his opinion, lead to success in many areas of life where previously he could not achieve anything.

However, due to his own stupidity, Oleg finds himself in the midst of mortal danger. Will he be able to get out of this trap? Will he now want to take part in the journey itself?

P. Sh. #New Life. There will be no turning back! (2017)

Here is a publication that can change your destiny.

Your life after reading this book will not be the same as before. And there is no turning back.

In the future - a path, the ultimate goal of which will depend on your decision, but, having made it, you will need to take responsibility for everything that happens only on yourself. Are you capable of this?

Thrash. #The path to awareness (2018)

This publication is dedicated to self-development and personal growth. The book will tell you how to change your life for the better and find happiness.

Currently, tons of works have already been created on this topic, but this one really deserves attention.

Readers are encouraged to read a true fiction novel with characters, dialogue, and story. Therefore, the book can be read simply as an exciting story; but at the same time, you will learn many useful things and, unnoticed by yourself, develop your abilities and knowledge.

Dmitry Khara is a fairly new writer of our time; his debut book was “P. Sh." In a sense, the book can be called fiction, because it has a clear plot, but if you look deeper, it becomes clear that this plot is just a shell. The main character is created so that the reader can identify with him, if not always, but in many cases. Then it will be easier to understand and accept everything that the author is trying to convey.

The book touches on many important life moments, it talks about success, about why we never manage to achieve our goals. Using the example of the main character, readers will be able to see his mistakes, how his worldview changes, and what results all this leads to. You realize that almost everything in our lives is the result of our actions, which we perform based on our beliefs. And sometimes we ourselves put obstacles in our way.

Oleg devotes all his time to hard work. He is responsible, and therefore wants to plan his vacation as best as possible. An advertisement about an unusual journey catches his eye. The conditions in it are such that only those who are prepared can participate. Oleg decides to undergo this training, although he does not quite understand the meaning of the tasks at first. In addition, these workouts take place without interruption from everyday life. Oleg also has to work, communicate with people and make deals. Over time, he begins to notice that his life is changing. And he is already wondering whether it was really the travel agency that placed such an advertisement? And what else awaits him?

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