Popular dog names for boys are Russian. Russian dog names

It seems that coming up with female dog names is easy and simple. He called his clever girl and favorite the most gentle and beautiful name(Lapushka, Clever girl, Zolotko) and that’s enough. But that was not the case. Even if your four-legged pupil spends most of her time at home, she is, first and foremost, a dog. To a greater or lesser extent, she will always exhibit hunting and guard instincts. Female dog names should be chosen taking into account characteristic features animal.

September 29, 2014

Nickname and character

Dogs of all breeds combine a variety of traits in their characters. They can be kind and evil, flexible and harmful, calm and pugnacious, lazy and active, withdrawn and sociable. Watch your pet, be interested in what worries him, what he loves. It’s great if female dog names have some meaning. Especially if these are purebred animals or they work in security, rescue services, or the army. Although the breed is not the most important thing, because such a name can become ideal.

Ava, Aurora, Alaska, Angara, Scam, Bounty, Bestie, Storm, Butch, Vanilla, Blizzard, Grief, Pride, Darling, Daughter, Sandman, Friendship, Fidget, Life, Priestess, Fun, Bully, Spark, Kameta, Turmoil, Biter, Avalanche, Lavender, Magic, Madera, Peaceful, Lightning, Hope, Ovation, Hunting, Saw, Girlfriend, Rocket, Sambo, Sweetie, Sparta, Arrow, Turbo, Luck, Ultra, Uma, Unique, Delight, Fifa, Flute, Phobia, Fortuna, Frigate, Hanny, Tsatsa, Chili, Charmy, Charada, Rustle, Eureka, Electra, Unita, Sneak, Yakuza.

Nicknames and appearance

You've probably noticed that even dogs of the same breed differ from each other in many external parameters (size, build, color, location of spots) and even facial expression. This can make the task of coming up with female dog names easier. Also, a nickname can express abstract admiration for the appearance and qualities of an animal.

Aphrodite, Scarlet, Squirrel, Blackie, Blondie, Whiskey, Golda, Dakki, Heat, Zorya, Asterisk, Infanta, Toy, Drop, Blot, Doll, Baby, Lady, Moon, Lala, Marquise, Cutie, Naomi, Nymph, Night, Olympia, Pinta, Ponca, Chamomile, Redhead, Sunny, Snezha, Cloud, Fendi, Fairy, Pistachio, Chimera, Caesarea, Nigella, Chocolate, Etna, Juno, Berry.

Nicknames and human names

The easiest way is to name the dog a human name. In every country, every people, names have a different sound. The owner can choose the one he likes. Also, female dog names are searched for in the region where a particular breed comes from. This is an original, simple, and most importantly, win-win option.

Augusta, Agasha, Allochka, Irene, Arlette, Barbie, Belinda, Bertha, Bessie, Wanda, Vassa, Venus, Viola, Gala, Gerda, Gloria, Greta, Grassy, ​​Dakota, Delilah, Jesse, Eva, Jacqueline, Giselle, Zlata, Yvonne, Ida, Irene, Catherine, Kylie, Christine, Lada, Lima, Lika, Lilu, Marta, Matilda, Midori, Mirra, Maddie, Nora, Nikki, Nicole, Oglaya, Olivia, Patti, Peggy, Rose, Ruby, Randy, Silva, Cindy, Steffi, Tyra, Terry, Tiana, Whitney, Ulyana, Fabi, Felina, Frida, Hana, Heidi, Helga, Tsilya, Cercea, Cheska, Shakti, Charlotte, Shannon, Steffi, Elsa, Annie, Esther, Justina, Yadviga, Yana.

Traditional names

There are some female dog names that can be considered universal. They do not carry any special meaning, but at the same time they convey a certain mood, intonation, and emotions. And among them you can easily choose a suitable nickname for your pet.

Anchi, Aika, Astra, Bara, Balta, Blessi, Brista, Vaida, Velga, Verta, Garda, Germa, Darta, Jela, Delphi, Delta, Blackberry, Zhaddi, Zhuzha, Zaki, Ilta, Insi, Cody, Lucky, Leya, Lado, Lira, Naida, Nessi, Oida, Palma, Pride, Rinti, Resi, Suri, Stinky, Taffy, Tyapa, Ulma, Falta, Feta, Hati, Tsera, Tsorri, Tsessi, Chapa, China, Chesi, Chablis, Shima, Effie, Yuksi, Jurmala, Yalta, Yarna.

There are a huge variety of dog names. And yet, owners often have difficulty choosing a name for their pet. I want something special, unusual, different from the hackneyed ones, everyone famous nicknames. Try using Russian dog names. On the one hand they are traditional, on the other they sound beautiful and bright. Not only you, but also the dog will love the nickname.

January 18, 2013

Russian nicknames for dogs for boys

Do not think that Russian names are suitable only for representatives of breeds bred in Russia. Of course, this is also an option. But Russian-sounding nicknames are suitable for absolutely any dog: small and large, purebred and hereditary “nobleman”, exotic breed and Russian husky or hound. Russians are somewhat universal.

The melody of such nicknames allows us to emphasize and highlight the most different qualities animals. Excellent nicknames can be old Russian names. Each of them has its own meaning and carries a certain energy received from the depths of centuries.

    Russian names for serious, strong dogs: Bayan, Bogolep, Boris, Branibor, Buyan, Valdai, Veligor, Vlas, Gleb, Izbor, Lyut, Martyn, Prov, Ratibor, Udaloy, Shemyaka, Yar,

    For very kind dogs, family favorites: Volodar, Beloyar, Gradimir, Dobrynya, Mlad, Olel, Smeyan,

    Russian nicknames for dogs, possessing amazing intelligence: Daniel, Oleg, Rus, Reason, Holy, Stavr, Trezor.

    Comic names: Anton, Vitek, Vanya, Genka, Dimon, Kolyan, Mityai, Mishka, Parsley, Romka, Sanya, Tolik, Shurik, Yurka.

    As Russian nicknames for boys' dogs you can also use these: Agate, Fighter, Howl, Wind, Thunder, Gift, Don, Beetle, Snow leopard, Bug, Cupcake, Kum, Barking, Peace, Fog, Frenzy, Ham, Snoring, Miracle, Chance, Humor.

Calling a girl dog in Russian

It is difficult for us to hear Russian music. After all, we speak it every day, and the meaning of the words overshadows their sound. But we can say about other languages: Italian is melodic, German is hard, Portuguese is soft, Chinese is ringing. Foreigners say that the Russian language is incredibly beautiful, and that listening to Russian speech gives them pleasure. Ancient names sound like fairy-tale spells. Name a dog one of these and it will receive the power of the ancient name.

    Nicknames for large dogs: Bogdan, Vlasta, Gordeya, Darina, Rada, Yara, Yarina.

    Russian nicknames for dogs girls pets: Vlada, Darena, Dolyana, Zabava, Zlata, Krasa, Lelya, Mlada, Otrada, Joy.

    Comical Russian dog names: Alka, Valka, Vaska, Veerka, Galka, Dunka, Zhenka, Inga, Katka, Masha, Fyokla.

Your dog might like it and another nickname, sounding in Russian: Butterfly, Squirrel, Bestia, Wax, Witch, Spring, Fork, Nut, Pride, Bug, Bunny, Button, Laziness, Willow, Cloud, Umka, Fieria, Gypsy, Chicken, Seagull, Chic, Yula, Berry.

You can read more about female dog names.

Giving a nickname is important in such a matter as keeping and getting a puppy. There are many ways to find the perfect dog names for girls. So that everyone around you will fall in love with your pet even faster, and the name will sound simple and affectionate and correspond to the dog’s character.

Pets are taught to respond to one name from childhood. The name will accompany the pet throughout its life. It shouldn’t be too “sugar”, because someday they will have to call an adult animal. Or too menacing for a room-sized dog.

Bad dog names

There are dog names for pets that risk quickly losing their relevance after just a couple of years. Owners should not focus on many options.

Here are the ones you should always avoid:

  • Sometimes owners of very small puppies become interested in famous actors or singers. Their affection for the artist reaches the point that they even want to name their beloved pet in his honor. However, this is an option that you can quickly regret.

    Firstly, human names (especially foreign ones) often sound ridiculous when applied to animals. Secondly, the artist may soon lose both his fame and admiration in your eyes. Therefore, you should not name your dog after celebrities.

  • Experienced dog handlers advise not to choose dog names for girls with the vowels “i” at the beginning and the syllable “fu”. Since “fu” also means a prohibition on any action, and therefore carries a negative emotional connotation for the animal. The “i” sound makes frequent pronunciation difficult. Therefore, it will not be easy to call her to you often during a walk. For example: Fuchsia, Lily, Cindy.
  • There is no need to give a girl rude, ridiculous or funny nickname for a girl. This will sound awkward in relation to an already grown pet. In addition, you need to think about the people around you who will be forced to hear abusive or unpleasant words if you use them to describe your pet. The following options will not work: Malyshka, Lyalka, Durekha.
  • Calling girls can be completely harmless, but very pretentious and difficult. You need to understand that every name in everyday life is shortened to three or four letters. And these letters should be convenient and easy to pronounce. Overly complex and long dog names are a bad choice. Bad example: Clementine, Esmeralda.

Special nicknames for shepherds

Dog names for shepherd girls are chosen according to a special principle. Every professional nursery knows this.

A dog handler who breeds and sells shepherd dogs will always tell you exactly what girls’ puppies should be named and why.
It all depends on the litter in which the shepherd was born; in a certain month, the litter is given one first letter for the dog’s name.

For example, girls’ nicknames should contain the first letter “L”:

  • Legend,
  • Lorena,
  • Lassie.

The girls' name is most often chosen from an already existing list, and a pet passport is issued for it.

By the way, professionals say that those who want to buy a German shepherd should opt for bitches. Girls of this breed are much smarter, kinder, more devoted to their owner and get along better with children than males. Oddly enough, they are also superior to male puppies in terms of the beauty of their coat and body weight.

Cool names based on the puppy's character

From the first days, it is sometimes clear what characteristics a particular puppy has. Too active, cowardly, cheerful, sad or perhaps stubborn and disobedient.

Often this becomes the determining point in choosing a name for girls. An English proverb says: "Give a good puppy bad name, and you can drown him right away.” It's cruel, but there is truth in these words.

Without understanding what kind of dog is in front of you and what its characteristics are, a negative dog name can easily change the disposition of girls.

So a name can determine behavior. Dog names for girls that may be suitable:

  • Ada is a very popular option. Suitable for a purebred female, massive, expensive, translated as “decoration”. Personality: obedient, friendly, sometimes picky about company and food, and does not get along well with small children.
  • Adela is the name given to a very devoted pet to its owner. In order for the character and best qualities of such a girl to reveal herself, she needs to be raised and trained for a long time.
  • Aza – suitable for small breeds. The character is nervous, restless, emotional. They bark loudly and are very happy about walks or the return of their owner.
  • Bagheera - we remember this name from a fairy tale where a graceful panther protected a human cub. The character of this bitch is: calm, loves children, friendly to strangers.
  • Betty – The defining trait of this pet is courage. Intelligence and devotion help the pet protect its owner, scaring away those who offend him and rushing into battle against anyone who offends.
  • Daisy - suitable for unstable, hot-tempered girls. These puppies can change their mood in one minute: from biting to caresses. They need to be well trained and obedient.
  • Eva is jealous, always ready to take revenge. The kindness of the girl’s dog with such a nickname is mixed with the suspiciousness of her disposition. Brave, loves to learn new things and is completely trainable.
  • Laima is strict, serious and thoughtful. Sports games You won’t be particularly interested in her, but such a dog will perfectly look after children on the playground while an adult reads a book and in general can become an excellent friend.
  • Nera is a cunning and cheerful girl. This one can frolic all day long. Loyal to her owner and well mannered.
  • Flora is for small girls with a loud bark. An affectionate, kind and picky little dog who will happily go on a hike with its owner.

Russian and beautiful names for small and massive breeds

Despite the fashion for calling dogs exotically, in the English or Greek manner, native dog names for girls with a national flavor are well suited for dogs living in Russia.

However, it would be strange to hear someone call a huge bulldog girl “Pushinka” or “Poppy”. Let's look at some dog names for girls of large and small breeds.

For large girls the following options are suitable:

  • Grace,
  • Legend,
  • League,
  • Gorgeous,
  • Lightning,
  • Naida,
  • Siren.

The main thing in these nicknames for girls is to convey the strength and power of the dog, to reflect its large dimensions and confidence of character. A large girl with this name will feel even more fierce, and at the same time the owner will feel calmer. German shepherd, bulldog, wolfhound and other huge breeds.

Dog names for girls of small breeds:

  • Bead,
  • Girl,
  • Matryoshka,
  • Mila,
  • Pushinka,
  • Chit,
  • Berry,
  • Sun,
  • Button.

Here are canine options for tiny pups. You can easily take such dogs under your armpit and put them in your bag. Spitz, Chihua, and spaniel are playful, funny and fluffy puppies. Even in old age, these breeds look the same. Therefore, if you choose something affectionate and playful, you can’t go wrong.

Russian dog names for girls will never lose their relevance and popularity among dogs of different breeds.

A dog's name may offend a neighbor or relative

There are options that can easily harm relationships with your closest friends, acquaintances or, for example, the aunt from next door.

The fact is that when the owner decides to name the pet with a Russian nickname, he can choose a human name for it. This is where all the problems come from.

Imagine if it turns out that not only your furry pet will be called Masha or Olya, but also about 20 women you know. Nobody likes to be the namesake of a dog. The neighbor may think that the dog was named after her.

What can we say about the situation when, in front of her, you suddenly say to your pet: “Natasha, get to your feet!” In order for such awkward moments in life not to happen, and for the dog to bring joy not only to the owner, but also to those around him, there is no need to choose the well-known ones:

  • Manya,
  • Clara,
  • Dasha,
  • Lyuba.

So, let’s consolidate the basic rules that should be taken into account when choosing dog names:

  1. You need to observe the pet and try to determine the developing character of the animal.
  2. Make sure the option is suitable for your specific breed.
  3. Imagine what an abbreviation of a frequently pronounced word would sound like.
  4. Make sure that friends, relatives and neighbors are not called the same way.
  5. Don’t try to fashionably name your puppy after a star or just your favorite artist.

Choosing a dog's name is an individual matter for the owner, but it is better to approach this with full responsibility. After all, they can partly influence the character and fate of a dog as well as people. Therefore, a little imagination, careful thinking through the options, and everything will work out.

In a family where there is a dog, children grow up much more responsible and kind than their peers.

By purchasing a dog or taking a puppy from the street, you find a friend and protector for yourself for many years. But in order for your communication and mutual understanding to be complete, you need to choose a name for your pet. When choosing a name, you need to pay attention to the breed of the dog, its size, character, color, habits and pedigree, as well as gender.

The name for the puppy should be chosen to suit and adult dog. According to the advice of professional dog handlers, it is best if the name is not too complex and long for the dog to pronounce and perceive. The best option would be a name with 1-3 syllables. It is advisable that the name contain the letters v, g, d and r; such sounds are most easily perceived by the dog’s hearing.

Name options for girls dogs

  • If you want to give your dog a nice but long female name, you can do this, but it is advisable to think about a shortened version of it for normal communication with your dog. The name Ariadne can be shortened to the more euphonious Ari, Adeline to Ali, Gabi instead of Gabrielle, Dora will be good option for Pandora. Asya can become a shortened name for Assol, Viola for Violetta, Bella for Isabella, and Magda for Magdalene.
  • Fashionable names for girls' dogs now are the double names Abby-Gina, Pani-Cesara, Laura-Judith, Vesta-Jani.
  • From the usual names you can choose the following: Alice, Daria, Delta, Gamma, Zlata, Greta, Vista, Agatha, Diana, Bagi, Killer Whale, Isa, Linda, Alba, Nixa, Julie, Gina, Jesse, Chloe, Sandra, Naida, Honda , Londa, Tina, Christy, Martha, Laima, Hilda, Lady, Lada.

Exquisite and childish names for girls dogs

For lovers of sophistication, names may be suitable: Athena, Aurora, Bagheera, Baroness, Barbara, Duchess, Donna, Juliet, Isolde, Jeannette, Camellia, Carmen, Marchioness, Monica, Milady, Olympia, Signora, Francesca, Charlotte.

If you want, you can choose names that children have come up with for dogs. This will be relevant, especially if you are buying a puppy for your baby. Toffee, Button, Squirrel, Bulka, Kalinka, Pusya, Malvina, Doll, Milka, Bunny, Baby, Plush, Weasel, Cherry, Palm, Mickey, Umka, Paw, Arrow.

Choosing a name for a spaniel - girls

Spaniels are very smart hunting dogs and will quickly get used to their name. When choosing a name for such an active dog, try to take into account all these qualities. For girls, it is better to choose names that are melodious and pleasant to the ear. For resilient spaniels, the names Jolie, Malva, Iskra, Misty, Aina, Lada, Ferra are suitable. They will help highlight all their qualities.

Names for small dogs

When choosing a name for dogs of decorative breeds, avoid nicknames that will contrast with their size. First of all, you need to choose a name that matches the size of the pet. If you observe the puppy's behavior a little, you will be able to grasp the peculiarities of its behavior and character, which will be a good help in choosing a name. Special reference books with the given meanings of names can help in choosing a name for dogs of small breeds.

Will be especially good for the Pinscher breed German names, which will emphasize the roots of this breed. Victoria, Adeline translated from ancient German as “noble”, Ursula - “bear cub” can be chosen for a pinscher girl.

Here are a few more names that may be suitable for small dogs: May, Alexa, Gloria, Griffa, Artemis, Jer, Babbita, Bonnie, Furs, Fosky.

Japanese names for girls dogs

Japanese names for dogs of different breeds are also becoming fashionable. If you are not committed to naming your dog strictly according to the rules for purebred dogs according to the pedigree, and you do not pay attention to the separation of the choice of names strictly by breed, Japanese names may be just a godsend for you.

The name Kabuto means armor, Mitsu means radiance, and Takara means treasure. These names will be the most unusual among many others. The Japanese-Russian dictionary can be an excellent assistant for you in choosing a name.

Names for girls' dogs of the Husky breed

For real huskies with thick fur and beautiful bright blue eyes, you can choose names taken from husky movies and Jack London books. The names of strong heroes will come in handy for representatives of this breed. Buddha, Shasti, Damina, Badi can be good options. The names of geographical objects will also be good: Tundra, Severina, Altea, Montana, Alaska and Arctic.

You can give a name in the form of a phrase that is usually assigned in nurseries: Northern Lights, Western Wind. Names starting with the letters X and P are especially sweet for dogs. The names Helga, Chlodi, Harina will sound like a husky barking.

Top 20 names for dogs

The first 6 places are occupied by nicknames starting with the letter A: Alberi, Alexa, Alisha, Augusta, Alva and Alba. 7th place goes to the nickname Dana. And again in places 8,9,10,11 there are nicknames starting with the letter A: Angara, Anida, Ada, Abeli. In 12th and 13th place are the nicknames Bertha and Nika. And the top 20, starting from 14th place, is completed by Assol, Ulma, Alexia, Alerta, Asya, Adele and Algi.

Girl dogs are always more obedient and affectionate than boys. They are more loyal and less energetic, preferring to stay close to their owner. Therefore, it is better to choose a name for your beauty that is soft and beautiful, which will be understandable to your dog and pleasant to the ear.