Marketing research on the consumption and demand of contraceptive medicines (using the example of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region) Olga Grigorievna Ivchenko. Marketing research on the consumption and demand of contraceptive medicines (approx.

In 2017, the market for barrier contraception in Russian pharmacies grew by 15.3%

In 2017, barrier contraceptives accounted for 2.8% of sales of parapharmaceutical groups of products in Russian pharmacies. Pharmacies are not the main channel for selling condoms, but the range of barrier contraception is quite widely represented: in 2017, pharmacies sold 442 types of condoms, representing 48 brands from 39 manufacturers.

According to the DSM Group's Monthly Retail Audit, the barrier contraceptive market grew by 15.3% in value terms and 13.1% in volume, including due to the return of the Durex brand, which was able to restore lost positions in the contraceptive market. Thus, in 2017, the condom market capacity was 27.9 million packages or 6.8 billion rubles.

Manufacturers annually modernize production technology and the materials from which condoms are made, so new players are constantly appearing on the market. Thus, in 2017, three “newbies” appeared on the shelves, previously not represented in pharmacies: Okamoto, Iris and Vanka-Vstanka. In addition, manufacturers produce barrier contraceptives in packages of various sizes from “No. 1” to “No. 144”. Packages containing three condoms remain the most popular among consumers, occupying 69.1% of the market in volume terms. In rubles, the leader is packaging “No. 12”, which accounts for 48.3% of pharmacies’ revenue in its segment.

The market has seen a growing trend in consumer demand for packs of condoms with large packaging volumes. In 2017, packages with volumes “No. 8” and “No. 30” appeared. The largest increase in sales was noted for packages “No. 10” (sales increased almost 5 times) and “No. 18” (+43.2% in packages and +31.5% in rubles compared to 2016). At the same time, the decline in sales volumes affected only packages “No. 2” and “No. 4”, and package “No. 5” left the market altogether.

The weighted average cost of one package of contraceptives at the end of 2017 increased by 2.0% and amounted to 243 rubles. At the same time, one condom in a pharmacy costs the buyer 47 rubles on average. When considering prices for brands from the TOP-10, it can be noted that 7 brands are experiencing a decrease in cost. The maximum price drop was noted for Sensex (one condom became 13.3% cheaper), the maximum price increase was for the Masculan brand (+3.9%). The cheapest condom turned out to be under the Viva brand (14 rubles/piece), the most expensive brand was the “newbie” in the Softex rating (241 rubles/piece).

Over the year, the composition of the top six leaders in the barrier contraception market in value terms has not changed. For several years, the Contex brand has maintained a leading position. This brand occupied 48.2% of the market, despite a sales decline of 11.8%.

The decline in sales in monetary terms of the Contex, Vizit and Sico brands is largely due to the return of the “lost” positions of Durex in 2016. In mid-June 2016, Roszdravnadzor banned the sale of 11 types of Durex products out of 13 in the Russian Federation, since they were not registered in the prescribed manner. The very next day after the order of the supervisory government authorities to ban the sale of barrier contraception, Durex submitted the necessary documents to register its products. Thanks to this, since September 22, 2016, 8 Durex trade names have been admitted to circulation in Russia. Note that in July-September 2017, Durex sales reached the “before the ban” level – that is, 1.5 million condoms per month. This allowed the company to significantly increase its turnover and occupy 25% of the market.


Market share, 2017

Growth, 2017/2016, %

The maximum decrease in sales volumes affected the Chinese brand Sensex (-55.9% in rubles and -52.3% in units), which is leaving the pharmacy market, which allowed the Thai Sparta to move up 1 position. The maximum growth was shown by the Masculan brand (+392.8% in rubles), moving up 4 lines.

In 2017, 143.8 million units of barrier contraceptives were sold in pharmacies (15.0% more than in 2016). The composition of the rating based on the number of condoms sold practically repeats the cost rating.


Market share,

2017 / 2016, %

Price for one condom,







Fedorova Alsu Mansurovna

5th year student of group 576


Loginova Larisa Viktorovna


Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the analysis of marketing research of contraceptives 6

1.1 Methodology for marketing analysis of pharmaceutical products. The role of marketing in modern pharmacy activities 6

1.2 Concept and general characteristics of contraceptives, their classification 11

Chapter 2. Marketing analysis of the contraceptive market in Samara 21

2.1 The contraceptive market in Russia 21

2.2 Methodology and research program 26

2.3 Marketing analysis of the range of contraceptives in pharmacies in Samara 28

Chapter 3. Proposals for improving the range of contraceptives in pharmacy No. 79 41

Conclusion 44

Literature 46


Relevance The topic is due to the fact that the analysis of official statistics, literature and research results indicate the unsatisfactory state of reproductive health of citizens of the Russian Federation, the lack of a real opportunity to choose behavior in the reproductive sphere. Evidence of problems in this area is provided by data on the implementation of the reproductive function of women: the deterioration of the health of pregnant women and women in labor, which largely determines the high percentage of reproductive losses; significant incidence of gynecological morbidity and sexually transmitted diseases; relatively high level of abortions and complications after them. It is no secret that abortion still remains one of the main methods of birth control, often leading to irreparable consequences. An alternative to abortion, as is known, is the use of effective methods of contraception. In this regard, it is necessary to emphasize that contraception is not a birth control, but a method of its regulation, the possibility of implementing reproductive plans regarding the number of children and the timing of their birth. Based on this, it is necessary to more widely introduce modern contraceptives into healthcare practice in our country to prevent unwanted pregnancy and preserve women’s reproductive health.

Contraception is not only protection against unwanted pregnancy, it is about maintaining health and the path to having a healthy child when you want it.

The decision about when to have children or whether to have them at all is every woman's right. Thanks to the huge selection of contraceptives, you can have safe sex, a desired pregnancy, plan the birth of a child and have a full sex life as a nursing mother.

Choosing a contraceptive is a relatively difficult task. The method used must be suitable to the lifestyle, take into account the partner’s opinion, not have a harmful effect on the body, have maximum efficiency, be accessible, not expensive and satisfy with full awareness of oneself. Only a gynecologist will help you fulfill all these conditions.

We live in the era of computer technology, space travel; humanity has even set its sights on “creating” man himself! And birth planning is one of the indisputable achievements of our time. Oral hormonal drugs, intrauterine devices, modern surgical and chemical methods of contraception - we owe all these effective methods to the 20th century.

Target– optimization of the pharmacy assortment of contraceptives in the pharmacies of Biomed LLC.

In accordance with the set goal, the course work addressed the following: tasks:

1) define and reveal the essence of contraceptive drugs;

2) analyze the market of contraceptive drugs in the Russian Federation;

3) consider the contraceptive market in Samara;

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the analysis of marketing research of contraceptives

1.1 Methodology for marketing analysis of pharmaceutical products. The role of marketing in modern pharmacy activities

Marketing research is the systematic search, collection, analysis and presentation of data and information related to the specific market situation that the enterprise had to face. 4 Marketing research can also be defined as the systematic collection, recording and analysis of data on marketing and marketing problems in order to improve the quality of decision-making and control procedures in the marketing environment. There are a number of similar and other definitions of marketing research.

The main objectives of marketing research: reduce uncertainty and minimize risk in the process of making management decisions; monitor the implementation of marketing tasks.

The global goals of marketing research are information support for marketing, that is, the collection of necessary information and analytical support, which consists in the use of mathematical models to analyze data and obtain forecasts with their help and the ability to make optimal decisions.

At the macro level, marketing research must identify and model patterns and trends in market development, assess the market situation, determine market capacity and forecast demand.

At the micro level, assessments are made, an analysis and forecast is carried out of the company’s own capabilities (its potential and competitiveness), the state and prospects for the development of the market segment in which this company operates.

The objectives of marketing research can be very diverse and dictated by the needs of developing a marketing strategy, the formation of pricing, product, communication, sales policies and other aspects of marketing management in an enterprise. Only the main areas of research can be identified, so marketing research faces the following tasks:

  • Collection, processing, summary and storage of information;

  • Analysis of the influence of global forces and factors of the marketing macro environment on the company’s activities and its results;

  • Market research is a systematic quantitative and qualitative analysis of one or a set of markets to obtain information about the potential, market capacity, characteristics of the competitive environment, and prices. Trends in business activity and the distribution of market shares between competing enterprises are studied. The markets for goods and services in general, as well as local and regional markets for specific goods and services, are studied. The objects of market research are trends and processes of market development, including analysis of changes in economic, scientific, technical, demographic, environmental, legislative and other factors. The structure and geography of the market, its capacity, sales dynamics, market barriers, the state of competition, the current environment, opportunities and risks are also examined. The main results of market research are forecasts of its development, assessment of market trends, and identification of key success factors. The most effective ways of conducting competition policy in the market and the possibility of entering new markets are determined, target markets and market niches are selected.

  • Research of the company's own capabilities, its potential and competitiveness. It consists of assessing the state of competitors, their position in the market in comparison with the position of the company itself. This will allow the company to correctly assess the situation and its development, which makes it possible to gain a certain competitive advantage. For this purpose, the strengths and weaknesses of competitors are analyzed, the market share they occupy, the reaction of consumers to the marketing means of competitors, material, financial, labor potential, and the organization of activity management are studied.

  • Analysis of the impact of the marketing macro environment - analysis of legal restrictions on activity, economic conditions, socio-cultural changes, demographic trends, environmental problems.

  • Analysis of the sales promotion and advertising system aims to identify how, when and by what means it is best to stimulate the sale of goods, increase the authority of the product manufacturer, and successfully carry out advertising activities. The objects of research are: the behavior of suppliers, intermediaries, buyers, the effectiveness of advertising, the attitude of the consumer public, contacts with buyers.

  • Product research is a determination of the compliance of technical and economic indicators and quality of a product (testing of goods and packaging) circulating on the market with the needs and requirements of buyers, an analysis of their competitiveness. It allows you to obtain information about what the consumer wants to have, what consumer parameters he values ​​most. Objects of research - consumer properties of analogue and competing products, consumer reaction to new products, product range, packaging, level of service, product compliance with legislative norms and rules, future consumer requirements.
Marketing activities of a pharmacy company for market research include the following stages:

1. Study of market potential (market capacity), that is, the maximum possible number of specific medicines that can be sold on the market in a certain period of time. Determining the market capacity in relation to a product is important because on this basis it is possible to assess the efficiency of a pharmacy enterprise, the role of advertising and the requirements for its effectiveness.

2. Market segmentation analysis. This stage involves identifying individual market segments (shares) in the market in accordance with selected criteria (geographical, demographic, behavioral, etc.). Segmentation is carried out with the aim of subsequently identifying the target markets that best meet the needs of consumers and the capabilities of the enterprise.

3. Research of market structure, competitors' positions. At the same time, the main groups of firms operating in this market are determined: partner firms, competitor firms, neutral firms. In practice, an analysis is most often made of changes in the structure of competitors' offers, competitors' pricing policies, and competitive advertising policies. For this purpose, the following channels for obtaining information are used: receipt of information from intermediary and pharmacy enterprises; analysis of advertising brochures, visiting exhibitions, interviewing individuals, filling out special forms for competitors.

4. Studying information about customers of the company carefully examines the factors that influence the needs of customers. The pharmacy enterprise must determine the main criteria that determine the buyer’s choice of a particular medicine.

Market research marketing activities should begin with information collection. The value of marketing information is determined by reducing the uncertainty of the pharmacy enterprise’s ideas about the state of the market and, as a consequence, reducing commercial risk based on the results of the analysis of the collected information.

Marketing information system is a permanent system of interconnection of people, equipment and methodological techniques designed to collect, classify, analyze, evaluate and disseminate relevant, timely and accurate information for use by marketing managers in order to improve planning, implementation and control over use marketing research. Information is collected and analyzed using four auxiliary systems, which together constitute a marketing information system: an internal reporting system, a system for collecting external current marketing information, a system of marketing research and analysis of marketing information.

Internal reporting system - reflects current sales indicators, costs, volume of marketing inventories, cash flow, data on receivables and payables.

A system for collecting external current marketing information that provides marketing managers with daily information about events occurring in the commercial environment.

The marketing research system is designed to ensure the collection of information that is relevant from the point of view of the specific marketing problem facing the company.

Conducting marketing research is a necessary condition for developing a strategy and tactics for the functioning of a pharmaceutical /pharmacy/ organization /pharmacy, warehouses, bases/ in the modern pharmaceutical market, regardless of its organizational and legal forms. Marketing research of the drug market should form the basis for their production and sales. Without these studies, it is now impossible to promote medicines to the end consumer. Marketing research is a systematic determination of the range of data needed in connection with the marketing situation facing the company, their collection, analysis and reporting of the results.

1.2 Concept and general characteristics of contraceptives, their classification

Contraception has been used since ancient times. Currently, contraceptives have become safe and more convenient to use.

Modern contraception makes it possible to reliably avoid unwanted pregnancy completely, but has a number of side effects. All this determined the relevance of this work. The problems of contraception and family planning are relevant to most people, with the exception of those who, for religious reasons, are prohibited from using contraceptives and thereby are encouraged to have children as a result of every pregnancy. My research in this area concerns the accessibility to the population and the preferences of women regarding the range of contraceptives available in the Biomed LLC pharmacy chain.

When forming the information array, I focused the structure of the CS range on existing methods of contraception and, accordingly, the various means used - in particular, on traditional means of barrier contraception and modern hormonal drugs.

Analysis of official sources of information about CS allowed us to select the range of products under study and systematize it in accordance with the above parameters.

Combined oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives containing estrogen and progestogen (syn. progestogen, progestin) are the most effective drugs for general use. Their main advantages include:

* reliability;

* protection against abortion;

* protection against ectopic pregnancy;

Additional benefits of oral contraception include:

* reduction in the intensity of premenstrual syndrome - 25%;

* reduction of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs - 50%;

* reduction of anemia caused by iron deficiency - 25%;

* reduction in the incidence of benign breast tumors - 50%;

* reduction in the incidence of benign ovarian tumors -80%;

* reduction in the incidence of protection against endometrial and ovarian cancer -50%.

Despite the fact that the history of the clinical use of oral contraceptives goes back only 40 years, this group of drugs, like no other, has seen significant progress, which requires constant attention to new developments. During this period, the content of hormonal substances in oral contraceptives was reduced by more than 10 times, without reducing their contraceptive reliability. If almost all combined oral contraceptives contain ethinyl estradiol as part of the estrogen component and differ only in its dose, then their progestogen component is different in structure. When classifying these drugs based on the structure of the gestagen, in the 80s it was proposed to divide combined oral contraceptives into drugs 1st (norethinodrel, nortestosterone, etinodiol, linestrenol), 2nd (levonorgestrel) and 3rd (desogestrel, gestodene , norgestimate) generation. However, this classification does not include some other steroids with progestin activity used for contraceptive purposes. Moreover, in the last decade, new original gestagens have appeared - dienogest, drospirenone with fundamentally new properties.

Therefore, it is best to separate gestagens according to their chemical structure, which determines the nature of their pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.

In addition to differences, all gestagens have common properties, which are expressed in a decrease in the number of estrogen receptors and stimulation of estrogen metabolism.

Among modern gestagens approved for use in Russia, gestodene is the most powerful and selective in its specific pharmacological action. Its creation made it possible to reduce the dose of the progestogen component to the lowest value and to develop such combined oral contraceptives as Logest.

The most unique property of gestodene is its 100% bioavailability, since, unlike desogestrel and norgestimat, there is no need for its conversion into active metabolites. Thanks to these features of the pharmacological properties of gestodene, its concentration in the blood is more predictable, and thus the possible risk of overdose or, conversely, insufficient dosage of the drug is reduced, especially in women with a low or high metabolic rate. The high bioavailability of gestodene is also very important because only a stable level of the drug in the blood can provide good control of the menstrual cycle.

Based on the content of the estrogen component, until the early 90s, it was customary to divide combined oral contraceptives into high-dose (ethinyl estradiol dose >=50 mcg) and low-dose (
It is important to emphasize that reducing the dose of ethinyl estradiol to 20 mcg in combination with gestodene or desogestrel does not reduce the reliability of the contraceptive effect of the combined hormonal drug, but reduces the risk of developing estrogen-dependent side effects - edema, changes in the rheological properties of the blood, tension of the mammary glands, etc. This is a clinical fact However, it cannot be transferred to oral contraceptives containing other gestagens.

Pharmacy No. 79 has one hormonal drug containing dienogest - the combined contraceptive Janine. The combined contraceptive drug Diane-35 is also indicated for the treatment of androgen-dependent diseases - acne, seborrhea.

Only a doctor should choose one drug or another in each case in accordance with the woman’s health condition, taking into account her hormonal profile. Each woman should choose a drug with such minimal doses of estrogen and progestogen that will provide good control of the cycle and will cause minimal side effects. Currently, the lowest-dose combined hormonal drug is Logest (20 mcg ethinyl estradiol, 75 mcg gestodene), which, along with a reliable contraceptive effect, perfectly controls the cycle and has the least effect on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as body weight. Such properties of Logest allow us to recommend it as the drug of choice for adolescents and young women, for contraception after abortion and for women of late reproductive age.

Preparations containing 20 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol (Logest, Mercilon) are especially suitable for obese or elderly women. It is recommended, however, that combined oral contraceptives should not be used by women over 50 years of age; they should use alternative methods of contraception.

Preparations containing 30 or 35 mcg of ethinyl estradiol (Marvelon, Diane-35, Silest) in monophasic or 30/40 mcg (Tri-Mercy) in three-phase preparations are suitable for wide use. Monophasic drugs are best prescribed to women who have a higher level of endogenous estrogens in relation to progesterone, and triphasic drugs to women with a relative deficiency of endogenous estrogens.

Gestodene and desogestrel can be used by women who experience side effects (such as the appearance of acne-like rashes, headache, depression, weight gain, mastodynia and irregular uterine bleeding) of gestagens with pronounced androgenic activity. However, women who are planning to use hormonal drugs should be advised that the use of modern drugs containing desogestrel and gestodene does not eliminate the risk associated with venous thromboembolism in the presence of congenital disorders in the blood coagulation system.

The incidence of venous thromboembolism among healthy non-pregnant women who are not taking oral contraceptives is approximately 5 cases per 100,000 women per year. For those women who use combined oral contraceptives containing levonorgestrel, the rate is approximately 15 per 100,000 women using the drugs in a year. Every woman should be informed of the relative risk of developing thromboembolism, and the choice of contraceptive drug should be made by a doctor, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the woman.

Among women taking combined oral contraceptives, there is a small increase in the risk of developing breast cancer; but this relative risk may be due in whole or in part to an earlier diagnosis. The most significant risk factor appears to be the age at which contraceptive use is stopped compared with duration of use; The risk of breast cancer decreases gradually over 10 years after stopping contraception, and after 10 years of stopping contraception, no increased risk is observed. Therefore, the possibility of a slight increase in the risk of breast cancer should be carefully weighed against the benefits associated with taking hormonal contraceptives, including their protective effect against the development of ovarian and endometrial cancers.

For emergency contraception, two hormonal methods are used, which use either levonorgestrel alone or a combination drug containing ethinyl estradiol with levonorgestrel. Both methods are effective if the first dose of the drug is taken within 72 hours (3 days) after sexual intercourse without contraception; The first dose should be taken as quickly as possible after intercourse; the earlier the drug is used, the higher the effectiveness of contraception. Both methods can be used more than 72 hours after sexual intercourse without contraception (not an approved use regimen), but in this case there is no guarantee of effective contraception.

Levonorgestrel is taken according to the following regimen. After taking the first tablet (750 mcg), the next tablet is taken 12 hours later. Emergency contraception using hormonal drugs containing only levonorgestrel has fewer side effects compared to emergency contraception using combination drugs.

For the purposes of emergency contraception, the drug Postinor (Gedeon Richter) is produced, each tablet of which contains 750 mcg of levonorgestrel, 4 tablets per package.

It should be noted that in emergency cases, the use of intrauterine devices is a more effective means of contraception compared to hormonal contraception. A copper intrauterine device can be inserted into the uterus within 120 hours (5 days) after unprotected intercourse.

Spermicides belong to drugs and are included in the pharmacotherapeutic group “Contraceptives for topical use.”

In the range of spermicides available in the Biomed LLC pharmacy, 4 (40%) products contain nonoxynol as an active ingredient, 4 (40%) - benzalkonium chloride, one (10%) - potassium hydrogen tartrate and one (10%) combined product: it contains hydroxyquinoline, boric acid and tannin.

The most common form of barrier contraception available to the vast majority of users is condoms. The pharmacy offers Contex condoms with various effects. This is a classic contex, a prolonging effect contex, especially thin, flavored - made in France.


  • The use of condoms can reduce the sensation of sexual intercourse in both men and women.

  • If the vaginal mucosa is dry, there are folds on the condom, or if there is individual sensitivity to rubber, irritation may develop both in the area of ​​the woman’s external genitalia and in the vagina.

Condoms provide reliable protection against sexually transmitted infections, and, consequently, against associated cervical pathology.

The effectiveness of condoms is determined by the correct use of them and depends on the quality of the condoms, which can sharply decrease if storage rules and expiration dates are not followed.

It should be remembered that condoms are intended for single use.

  • Women who have regular sex life and need reliable contraception.

  • Young nulliparous women.

  • Women with various gynecological pathologies: menstrual dysfunction, premenstrual syndrome, functional ovarian cysts, menopausal syndrome, etc.

  • Women with problem skin (rosacea, oily seborrhea).
Absolute contraindications to prescribing hormonal contraceptives:

  • malignant tumors of the mammary glands;

  • malignant tumors of the genital organs;

  • venous thromboembolism;

  • vascular disorders of the brain;

  • unrecognized acyclic vaginal bleeding;

  • migraine;

  • hereditary hyperlipidemia.
Relative contraindications to prescribing hormonal contraception:

  • age over 40 years;

  • smoking;

  • arterial hypertension or hypertension during pregnancy (toxicosis);

  • epilepsy;

  • diabetes mellitus;

  • bouts of depression;

  • gallbladder and liver diseases.
List of tests and studies required when selecting hormonal contraception:

  • Biochemical blood test (total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides; sugar; bilirubin, ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase).

  • To assess the risk of hormonal contraception before starting to take contraceptives, a blood test for homocysteine ​​and a hemostasiogram are recommended.

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands and their examination.

  • Hormonal status - according to indications.
Side effects are rare when taking modern hormonal contraceptives. If they occur, then in the first months of use, and then stop or significantly soften. Side effects of hormonal contraception include: nausea, breast tenderness, slight temporary weight gain, intermenstrual bleeding.

Heavy complications when taking hormonal contraceptives (arterial hypertension, thromboembolism, liver pathology) occur extremely rarely, more often in those who have not been examined.

You should stop taking hormonal contraceptives and seek medical help if:

  • a sudden attack of severe headache,

  • chest pain,

  • visual impairment,

  • difficulty breathing,

  • the appearance of jaundice,

  • increase in blood pressure level more than 160/100 mmHg.
The risk of taking oral contraceptives is incomparably lower than the risk of complications during abortion.

Chapter 2. Marketing analysis of the contraceptive market in Samara

2.1 The contraceptive market in Russia

On May 12, 2008, the Academy of Industrial Market Studies completed the marketing research “Contraceptive Market in Russia”. Based on this study, we can conclude that the development of the Russian contraceptive market today is at a growth stage.

Currently, the domestic market offers contraceptives from 18 Russian and foreign manufacturers, sold in 10 forms of release under 47 brands.

Today, approximately 80 million women worldwide are taking oral hormonal contraceptives. Over the past decades, the number of women using hormonal contraceptives has increased several times, which, in turn, has led to the active growth of the market for contraceptives.

In addition to oral hormonal contraceptives (the sales volume of which accounts for about 83% of total contraceptive sales), the Russian market also includes spermicidal, injectable, intrauterine devices, contraceptives for transdermal use, subcutaneous implants and hormonal contraceptives for intravaginal use.

Based on the monthly dynamics of consumption of these drugs, the conclusion suggests itself that the problem of unwanted pregnancy is especially relevant for women during the holiday period - a time of “holiday romances” and simply increased sexual activity. The peak of sales both in value and in physical terms in the 1st half of 2007 occurred in the last two months - May and June (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Sales volume of systemic hormonal contraceptives in Russia in 2007.

Currently, the most popular oral contraceptives in Russia are combined hormonal drugs of the 3rd and 4th generation ( Yarina, Diana-35, Janine). However, the top three sales leaders still include one of the first contraceptives - Postinor, used for emergency postcoital contraception. It contains a loading dose of gestagen-levonorgestrel, several times higher than a single dose in systemic contraceptives of subsequent generations and is not intended for regular use.

Top seller Yarina, the company's innovative 4th generation contraceptive Schering AG, appeared on the Russian market in the second half of 2004 and within two years took a leading position in the group’s ratings. At the same time, the growth rate of sales of this drug still significantly exceeds the market average, and its share in the group is constantly growing. The reason for this popularity was the presence in its composition of a new gestagen - drospirenone, the similarity of which to the progesterone produced by the body contributes, in addition to contraception itself, to the appearance of a number of other positive effects for the woman’s body.

Manufacturer Yarina company Schering AG is the undisputed leader in this market segment with a share of 45% (Table 1). 1 The company’s position is strengthening every year, which is facilitated by effective marketing support for its products. It should be noted that out of the five top sellers, four drugs belong to the company Schering AG.

Table 1

Sales value of KOC in the first half of 2006-2007.

Position in the ranking

Manufacturing company

Sales growth, 2007/2006



































The top three leaders in the segment also include companies Gedeon Richter And Organon, and the latter is losing its position in the market every year, although back in 2002 Organon was the leader in this segment. Gedeon Richter, on the contrary, has been increasing sales of contraceptives over the past two years, thanks to which, in the first half of 2007, this manufacturer’s share in the segment amounted to a record 32%.

Systemic contraceptives differ significantly in their composition. Among monophasic, the smallest doses of estrogen contain Logest, Novinet And Eura(20 mcg ethinyl estradiol), therefore they are classified as microdose oral contraceptives. Note that the drug Eura is presented in an unconventional dosage form - a transdermal therapeutic system - and is intended for cutaneous use.

Of the low-dose oral contraceptives, the rating included drugs such as Yarina, Diana-35, Janine, Marvelon And Regulon. The pronounced antiandrogenic effect of the first three drugs allows us to recommend them for use in women suffering from androgen-dependent diseases (acne, hirsutism, seborrhea, androgenetic alopecia).

Stands apart Nuvaring- company drug Organon. Its peculiarity is the method of introduction into the body - vaginal rings. In addition, unlike oral contraceptives, it needs to be administered only once a month, which eliminates the need for women to carefully monitor the regularity of taking the drug. In this case, the daily dose of hormones is even lower than that of microdosed drugs.

The most popular INN combination in hormonal contraceptives is the combination ethinyl estradiol And desogestrel: They account for almost a quarter of the market. This combination is used as in monophasic ( Regulon, Novinet), and three-phase ( Tri-mercy) drugs of different generations.

Table 2

Sales value of hormonal contraceptives in Russia in 2008-2009.

Position in the ranking


Share in total group sales, %

Sales growth, 2009 / 2008



































The significant difference in the compositions of the drugs (Table 3) once again convinces us that only a specialist can correctly select the right one. It would be worth mentioning that each of these contraceptives is a prescription drug, and attempts to choose the right one on your own may well lead to undesirable consequences.

Table 3

Composition of some systemic contraceptives



Estrogen dose


Dose of gestagen



30 mcg


3 mg



35 mcg

cyproterone acetate

2 mg



30 mcg


2 mg



20 mcg


75 mcg



30 mcg


150 mcg



20 mcg


150 mcg



30 mcg


150 mcg



20 mcg


150 mcg

150 mcg


35 mcg


50 mcg


30 mcg


100 mcg


30 mcg


150 mcg

2.2 Methodology and research program

The choice of such a group of medicines as oral contraceptives for analyzing their consumption is due to the interest of the state and the public, shown recently in the problem of preserving women's health.

“The market share of these drugs is 1.4% of the entire drug market in the Samara region. The structure of consumption of oral contraceptives was studied by: manufacturers; INN/group names; trade names. Research has shown that in 2001 the contraceptive market in the Samara region. increased significantly. The most sold are monophasic drugs. There is a trend of increasing demand for new generation drugs, despite their higher cost.”

When forming the information array, we focused the structure of the range of contraceptives on existing methods of contraception and, accordingly, the various means used - in particular, on traditional means of barrier contraception, including mechanical, and modern hormonal drugs.

The pharmaceutical industry currently offers the following groups of contraceptives:

  1. medicines that are oral (per os - through the mouth, lat.) hormonal preparations for internal use and parenteral drugs (subcutaneous implants, etc.);

  2. intrauterine devices (IUDs);

  3. spermicides (chemical drugs that kill sperm);

  4. condoms (medical products).
Each of these groups of products has a number of advantages due to their consumer properties, acceptable for a particular segment of consumers (young people, middle-aged people, elderly people; women who have given birth and nulliparous, etc.). At the same time, each group of contraceptives also has unacceptable properties or undesirable side effects that reduce the attractiveness of these products for consumers, which affects demand. According to experts, none of the known contraceptives has a 100% contraceptive guarantee and there is not a single group of “ideal” contraceptives that men and women could use without undesirable consequences.

Marketing analysis of the range of contraceptives included a phased analysis of individual groups.

Based on the results of the analysis, a market assortment outline was drawn up, which allows us to get an idea of ​​​​the possibilities of meeting consumer demand for these products.

Marketing analysis of the CS assortment included a step-by-step analysis of individual groups according to the following parameters: method of administration, composition of active ingredients, manufacturers (country), price category. Based on the results of the analysis, an assortment outline was drawn up, which allows us to get an idea of ​​​​the possibilities of meeting consumer demand for these products.

When conducting marketing research, it is necessary to analyze the situation in the pharmaceutical market, its segmentation - division into clear groups of buyers (market segments) who need different goods or services and to which different marketing efforts must be applied.

We considered it necessary to segment the market for various contraceptive methods using the following segmentation characteristics: the age of women, the income level of their families, the source of information about the method and marital status, since women’s choice of contraceptive methods directly depends on these indicators. We also analyzed the reasons for women’s refusal of the contraceptive method they use.

The study involved 150 women of childbearing age living in Samara and visiting the Biomed pharmacy No. 79, which, at a given confidence level of 95%, is a representative sample.

2.3 Marketing analysis of the range of contraceptives in pharmacies in Samara

We examined the range of contraceptives in pharmacies in Samara. In total, the study covered 21 pharmacies (target pharmacy - No. 79).

To begin with, we identified the types of contraceptives that can be presented in pharmacies. This classification includes the following groups:

  1. Contraceptives used for barrier (mechanical) contraception: condoms, cervical caps.

  2. Hormonal contraceptives: tablet forms, transdermal, IUD with a hormonal component, vaginal rings.

  3. Spermicides: vaginal suppositories, vaginal tablets, vaginal creams.

  4. Contraceptives used for intrauterine contraception: IUD without a hormonal component.
The range of contraceptive drugs at the pharmacy is quite wide.

Studying the assortment structure of sales provides information about the state of consumer preferences and the basis for the formation of assortment policy.

According to the types of contraceptives presented in the pharmacy, the following distribution has emerged (Fig. 1)

Rice. 1 Distribution of contraceptives by type in pharmacies in Samara

Thus, it is clear that the bulk of contraceptives in pharmacies in the city of Samara are hormonal contraceptives (66%). Barrier ones come next (19%) and only 15% of the pharmacy assortment of contraceptives are represented by spermicides.

Fig. 2 Structure of the range of hormonal contraceptives in Samara
Analyzing the structure of hormonal contraceptives (see Fig. 2), it can be noted that hormonal contraceptives are mostly represented by means of planned contraception (93%) and only 7% of hormonal contraceptives in the assortment of pharmacies are represented by means of emergency contraception.

Fig. 3 Price range of contraceptives in pharmacies in Samara
Analyzing Fig. 3, it should be noted that the vast majority of drugs (63%) belong to the group of hormonal contraceptives. In this group, drugs in the middle and expensive price range predominate (32% and 31%, respectively); the share of cheap drugs is small (3%). In second place in size is the group of spermicides (18%), their price range is cheap (all 18% are represented by prices up to 200 rubles).

We also analyzed contraceptives based on the speed of circulation. The criterion for classifying a drug was the speed of sale. Steady circulation - from 5 to 10 packages per day. Fast circulation - more than 10 packages per day. Slow circulation - from 1 to 5 packages per day (see Table 4).

Table 4

Characteristics of drugs by circulation rate


Sustainable handling

Quick contact

Slow circulation

Mechanical (barrier)

Context classic 12

Context color 3

Context RomanticLove

Durex classic 12

Durex Elite

Context classic 3

Durex classic 3

Context extended effect 3

Context color 12

Context Tornado 12

Context Tornado 3

Durex Awakening

Durex extra safe

Durex performa 12

Durex performa 3


Pantex sup.vag.


Pantex Oval

Famatex tab.vag.

Pharmatex sup.vag.


Regulon 21

Logest 21



Novinet 21

Novinet 21*3


Lindinet 30

Lindinet 21*3




Yarina 21*3


Lindinet 21



As can be seen from Table 4, condoms with classic characteristics and hormonal contraceptives, both emergency and planned forms of contraception, have the fastest circulation.

The most common form of barrier contraception available to the dominant majority of users is condoms. The share of the assortment is distributed among foreign producing countries as follows: Germany (17%), India (15%), China (8%), Malaysia (7%), Sweden (7%), Great Britain (7%), Korea (7). %), USA (6%), France (5%).

The range of barrier contraceptives is presented in pharmacies with condoms.

Table 5

Assortment of condoms presented in Biomed pharmacies


Number of sales



Context 12




Context 3




Durex 12




Durex 3




Fig.4 Structure of the assortment of condoms in Biomed pharmacies
The range of modern hormonal contraceptives presented at pharmacy No. 79 is wide and varied (see Table 5, Fig. 5).

Table 5

Sales structure of hormonal contraceptives for 1 month (on average)


Sales per month




















































































Fig.5 Sales of hormonal contraceptives

Let's present some of them, the most popular ones.

The sales leader is "Regulon" (Gedeon Richter, Hungary) - a monophasic hormonal contraceptive drug for oral administration, containing a combination of estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and gestagen (desogestrel).

Marvelon is highly effective, regulates the menstrual cycle well and replenishes hormonal deficiency.

"Mersilon" is a low-dose single-phase COC containing a gestagen - levonorgestrel 150 mcg. Well tolerated by teenage girls.

"Yarina" is a low-dose monophasic drug containing drospirenone as a progestin component. It has a therapeutic effect for premenstrual syndrome, reduces symptoms such as swelling, engorgement of the mammary glands, abdominal and lower back pain, stabilizes weight, has antiandrogenic activity: reduces the amount of acne, oily hair and skin.

"Janine" is a microdosed single-phase COC containing 20 mcg ethinyl estradiol and 75 mcg gestodene. Due to the minimal amount of hormonal components, it is very well tolerated and can be recommended for long-term use by teenage girls. Has all the benefits of COC.

The macrocontour (Fig. 6) of the assortment of contraceptive drugs at the Biomed No. 79 pharmacy has the following characteristics:

In terms of composition, these are mainly combination drugs – 75.86% of the range;

Among which tablets predominate - 55.56%;

Produced outside of Russia – 58.6%.

Fig.6. Macro outline of the assortment of hormonal contraceptive drugs at pharmacy No. 79

The price characteristics of hormonal contraceptives are presented in Table 6 and Figure 7.

Table 6

Distribution of hormonal contraceptives by price




213.00 rub.


RUB 676.00


442.00 rub.


696.30 rub.


524.70 rub.


RUB 325.00


237.50 rub.


625.70 rub.


RUB 362.00


664.50 rub.


237.00 rub.


494.90 rub.


486.20 rub.


255.60 rub.


217.00 rub.


RUB 841.00


RUR 254.00


RUB 307.00


131.00 rub.


494.90 rub.

Fig. 7 Distribution of prices for hormonal contraceptives in pharmacies of the Biomed network
Thus, analyzing the sales of hormonal contraceptives, it can be noted that the best-selling drugs are priced up to 700 rubles.

When interviewing women, it turned out that women with a family income of up to 15,000 rubles. barrier (condoms) and calendar methods are used per month, and women with an income of over 15,000 rubles. In addition to these methods, there are also spermicides. The survey showed that women who used interrupted coitus as a method of contraception abandoned it mainly because of insufficient reliability (50%), inconvenience of use (25%) and because interrupted coitus does not protect against HIV (25% ). Women who used oral contraceptives abandoned them mainly due to the high price (66.7%), as well as due to unwanted side effects (33.3%).

So, the range of contraceptives is presented in three groups: barrier, hormonal, spermicides. During the analysis, it was found that the “hormonal” group has the largest share, followed by spermicides, and condoms in third place.

In each group, contraceptives with stable, fast and slow circulation were identified (based on the speed of sale), which may be important for optimizing the assortment and updating it in general and for individual product units, taking into account the life cycle.

The range of contraceptives by type of dosage form for the analyzed period is presented: tablets, pills, vaginal suppositories, vaginal tablets, vaginal creams, condoms.

When ranking the commercial assortment of contraceptives by the price of one package, drugs costing up to 500 rubles are in first place.

Marketing research was carried out on the basis of documents from pharmacy No. 79 of the Biomed network on the movement of goods during the first quarter of 2010. Based on the research data, a socio-demographic portrait of the consumer of contraceptive drugs was compiled. The main characteristics of the description of respondents were: gender, age, social class, level of education.

The majority of contraceptive users are women. They make up 67% of the total number of respondents. Among consumers, people aged 16 to 40 predominate - 42%. If we talk about social status, the majority are students (41%) and employees (28%).

A small percentage of men among buyers of contraceptive drugs may indicate a lack of knowledge about the importance of condoms not only in protecting against unwanted pregnancy, but also in preventing STDs.

The majority of all pharmacy visitors we surveyed had professional education (81%), including higher and incomplete higher education (49%).

The following were identified as factors influencing the choice of contraceptive drugs for respondents:

  • doctor's recommendations;

  • recommendations of a pharmacist or pharmacist;

  • recommendations from friends and acquaintances;

  • advertising in the media (television, radio, popular newspapers, magazines);

  • other (annotations on drugs, specialized reference books, medical literature, etc.).

Chapter 3. Proposals for improving the range of contraceptives in pharmacy No. 79

An analysis of contraceptives in the Biomed pharmacy showed that the main groups of contraceptives presented in the pharmacy are hormonal contraceptives (tablets), spermicides and condoms.

For women aged 19–35 years, gynecologists first recommend IUDs and low-dose combined oral contraceptives, then barrier methods and surgical sterilization. The last method, of course, is indicated for those women who have already decided on the number of children. Women themselves at this age choose barrier method (condoms) as the No. 1 method of contraception, then such an ineffective method as the calendar method, and only in third and fourth place are low-dose oral contraceptives and IUDs recommended by doctors, respectively.

For women aged 35–45 years, gynecologists primarily recommend injection methods of contraception, which do not contain an estrogen component and therefore do not affect lipid metabolism and the hemostatic system. Then, in the absence of contraindications to the hormonal method of contraception, low-dose combined oral contraceptives are recommended, followed by surgical sterilization and the barrier method. Women themselves consider low-dose combined oral contraceptives and IUDs to be method No. 1, although gynecologists believe that intrauterine contraception is often contraindicated due to pathological changes in the cervix, uterine body, and the presence of hyperplastic processes in other parts of the reproductive system in this period of a woman’s life.

For women aged 45 years and older, gynecologists recommend, first of all, gestagenic contraception: injection, mini-pills, which do not cause pronounced changes in the organs and systems of the body. In addition, the older the woman, the higher the effectiveness of the mini-pill. In third place is surgical sterilization, since at this age most women have already decided on family planning issues and many have a number of extragenital and gynecological diseases for which pregnancy is simply contraindicated due to their health status. In fourth and fifth places are low-dose combined oral contraceptives and IUDs, respectively. In last place are barrier methods and physiological methods, which are indicated in connection with age-related decline in fertility and less frequent sexual intercourse. Women in this age group themselves choose low-dose combined oral contraceptives and IUDs.

Thus, the above discrepancies in the opinions of gynecologists and patients regarding contraceptive methods indicate that women in all age groups are not sufficiently aware of all methods of contraception and rarely come to see a specialist specifically with questions about family planning, which can lead to worsening women's health, an increase in the number of abortions, an increase in maternal and child mortality. Of course, one cannot ignore the fact that the price of many methods, for example, “belt and suspenders,” is high and not every teenager can afford it; this problem also applies to many other effective methods of contraception.

IUDs have many benefits, but are prescribed and inserted by a doctor into gynecologically healthy women. The contraceptive effect of the IUD is due to different mechanisms of action, including the reaction of the uterus to a foreign body. These products are made in the form of a loop, umbrella, seven, ring, spiral and other forms from plastic containing medicinal substances. Such IUDs are called medicated; they release ions of silver, copper, gold and hormones into the uterus. Inert IUDs are made from polyethylene materials; they are classified as first-generation IUDs, which are no longer used (they are not on the Russian market).

  1. introduce injectable forms of GCS and IUDs into the range of contraceptives;

  2. optimize pricing policy by making hormonal contraception more accessible;

  3. In order to increase pharmacy sales and optimize queues during rush hour, the project assumes that the staff will have a consultant physician who will give professional advice in the selection of contraceptive drugs


In conclusion, I would like to emphasize the importance and relevance of the problem of providing the population with contraception - firstly, for women’s health (so as not to resort to mutilation of abortion), and secondly, to achieve a higher level of quality of life. It should also be noted that the population is well supplied with various groups of CS, i.e. If necessary, consumers can find contraceptives in the pharmacy network in accordance with the characteristics of their body, state of health and mentality.

We analyzed the range of contraceptives in pharmacies in the city of Samara and, in particular, in pharmacy No. 79 of the Biomed chain.

In order to form an optimal assortment of pharmaceutical products, within the framework of marketing research, an analysis of the structure of the best-selling contraceptives was provided.

As a result of the analysis, we can say that the main groups of contraceptives presented in pharmacy No. 79 of the Biomed network are hormonal contraceptives (tablets), spermicides and condoms.

The pharmacy assortment does not offer intrauterine devices, injectable forms of hormonal contraceptives, or patches.

To optimize sales of contraceptives, we recommend the following:

  1. changing the structure of the range of contraceptives, introducing transdermal forms (Euro patch) and injectable forms of GCS;

  2. optimization of pharmacy pricing policy for contraceptives, making hormonal contraception more affordable.


  1. Arzamastsev A.P. Contraceptives: progress continues // Gynecology. - 2001. - No. 5. - P. 160-166.

  2. Bagirova V.L. and others. Analysis of consumption of oral contraceptives in the Samara region. // New pharmacy. – 2002. - No. 8. – P.4.

  3. Belyaeva T., Svetlov A. The contraceptive market in anticipation of a change in mentality // Remedium. - 2000. - No. 3. - P. 30-33.

  4. Belyaevsky I. Marketing research: information, analysis, forecast. Study guide. –M., 2007.

  5. Belyaevsky I.K. Marketing research: information, analysis, forecast: Textbook. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001.

  6. Berezin I.S. Marketing analysis. Principle and practice. Russian experience. - M.: Eksmo, 2002.

  7. Bogolyubova O.V. Analysis of the range of drugs for palliative care in incurable cancer patients. // Pharmacy. - 1997.- No. 3. - 36 - 38.

  8. Borisenko L.V., Fedoseeva M.A. Study of the consumption of medicines in the Russian Federation // Achievements of modern pharmaceutical science and practice at the turn of the 21st century. - Kursk, 1997. - 22-27.

  9. Boroyan R.G. Clinical pharmacology for obstetricians and gynecologists: A practical guide for doctors. - M.: Medical Information Agency LLC, 1997. - 224 p.

  10. Vartanyan F.E., Mktrchyan S.V. The state of the problem of drug supply abroad // Pharmacy.-1992.-No.3.-P.73-76.

  11. Golubkov E.P. Marketing research: theory, methodology and practice. - M.: Finpress, 2008.

  12. Golubkov E.P. Fundamentals of Marketing: Textbook. –M.: Finpress, 2009.

  13. Dremova N.B., Khorlyakova O.V. Analytical review of agents affecting lipid metabolism // Economic Bulletin of Pharmacy. - 2002. - No. 3. - P.67-75.

  14. Knysh O.I., Vasnetsova O.A. Methodological foundations of pharmaceutical marketing in matters of family planning. - Tyumen: SoftDesign, 1998.

  15. Krylova O.V. Development of a set of marketing research on contraceptives (using the example of oral contraceptives). – M., 2006.

  16. Parkhomenko E. Leading trade names on the pharmacy market of hormonal oral contraceptives in the Russian Federation in 2001 // Remedium. - 2002.- No. 11 (69). - 36-37.

  17. The contraceptive market is driven by the fear of getting pregnant // Pharmaceutical Bulletin. – 2007. - No. 8. – P.6.

  18. The contraceptive market in Russia. 2009 [Electronic resource] Access mode:

  19. Saidova R.A. Modern contraceptives // Russian Medical Journal. - 2000. - No. 11. - P. 453-460.

  20. Modern methods of contraception: A reference guide for doctors / Ed. V.N. Prilepskaya. - M., 1998.

  21. Modern methods of preventing abortions: Scientific and practical program of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. - M., 2004.

1 The contraceptive market is driven by the fear of getting pregnant // Pharmaceutical Bulletin. – 2007. - No. 8. – P.6.

We examined the range of contraceptives in pharmacies in Samara. In total, the study covered 21 pharmacies (target pharmacy - No. 79).

To begin with, we identified the types of contraceptives that can be presented in pharmacies. This classification includes the following groups:

Contraceptives used for barrier (mechanical) contraception: condoms, cervical caps.

Hormonal contraceptives: tablet forms, transdermal, IUD with a hormonal component, vaginal rings.

Spermicides: vaginal suppositories, vaginal tablets, vaginal creams.

Contraceptives used for intrauterine contraception: IUD without a hormonal component.

The range of contraceptive drugs at the pharmacy is quite wide.

Studying the assortment structure of sales provides information about the state of consumer preferences and the basis for the formation of assortment policy.

According to the types of contraceptives presented in the pharmacy, the following distribution has emerged (Fig. 1)

Rice. 1 Distribution of contraceptives by type in pharmacies in Samara

Thus, it is clear that the bulk of contraceptives in pharmacies in the city of Samara are hormonal contraceptives (66%). Barrier ones come next (19%) and only 15% of the pharmacy assortment of contraceptives are represented by spermicides.

Fig. 2 Structure of the range of hormonal contraceptives in Samara
Analyzing the structure of hormonal contraceptives (see Fig. 2), it can be noted that hormonal contraceptives are mostly represented by means of planned contraception (93%) and only 7% of hormonal contraceptives in the assortment of pharmacies are represented by means of emergency contraception.

Fig. 3 Price range of contraceptives in pharmacies in Samara
Analyzing Fig. 3, it should be noted that the vast majority of drugs (63%) belong to the group of hormonal contraceptives. In this group, drugs in the middle and expensive price range predominate (32% and 31%, respectively); the share of cheap drugs is small (3%). In second place in size is the group of spermicides (18%), their price range is cheap (all 18% are represented by prices up to 200 rubles).

We also analyzed contraceptives based on the speed of circulation. The criterion for classifying a drug was the speed of sale. Steady circulation - from 5 to 10 packages per day. Fast circulation - more than 10 packages per day. Slow circulation - from 1 to 5 packages per day (see Table 4).

Table 4

Characteristics of drugs by circulation rate

Group Sustainable handling Quick contact Slow circulation
Mechanical (barrier) Contex classic 12 Contex color 3 Contex Romantic Love Durex classic 12 Durex Elite Contex classic 3 Durex classic 3 Contex extended effect 3 Contex color 12 Contex Tornado 12 Contex Tornado 3 Durex Awakening Durex extra-safe Durex performa 12 Durex performa 3
Spermicides Pantex sup.vag. Nonoxynol Pantex Oval Famatex tab.vag. Pharmatex sup.vag.
Hormonal Regulon 21 Janine 21 Logest 21 Yarina 21 Mercilon Triquilar Belara Novinet 21 Novinet 21*3 Postinor Lindinet 30 Lindinet 21*3 Marvelon Microgenon Charozette Yarina 21*3 Escapelle Lindinet 21 Exluton Femoden

As can be seen from Table 4, condoms with classic characteristics and hormonal contraceptives, both emergency and planned forms of contraception, have the fastest circulation.

The most common form of barrier contraception available to the dominant majority of users is condoms. The share of the assortment is distributed among foreign producing countries as follows: Germany (17%), India (15%), China (8%), Malaysia (7%), Sweden (7%), Great Britain (7%), Korea (7). %), USA (6%), France (5%).

The range of barrier contraceptives is presented in pharmacies with condoms.

Table 5

Assortment of condoms presented in Biomed pharmacies

Fig.4 Structure of the assortment of condoms in Biomed pharmacies
The range of modern hormonal contraceptives presented at pharmacy No. 79 is wide and varied (see Table 5, Fig. 5).

Table 5

Sales structure of hormonal contraceptives for 1 month (on average)

Name Sales per month % Priority
Regulon 11 35% high
Janine 2 6% low
Logest 1 3%
Yarina 4 13% Low
Tri-mercy 0 0% Short
Miniziston 0 0% short
Novinet 2 6% short
Charosette 1 3% short
Chloe 2 6% short
Diana-35 0 0% short
Lindinet 1 3% short
Mercilon 4 13% low
Belara 0 0% short
Triquilar 0 0% short
Microgynon 0 0% short
Exluton 0 0% short
Postinor 0 0% short
Excapelle 0 0% short
Rigevidon 1 3% short
Marvelon 2 6% short
31 1

Fig.5 Sales of hormonal contraceptives

Let's present some of them, the most popular ones.

The sales leader is "Regulon" (Gedeon Richter, Hungary) - a monophasic hormonal contraceptive drug for oral administration, containing a combination of estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and gestagen (desogestrel).

Marvelon is highly effective, regulates the menstrual cycle well and replenishes hormonal deficiency.

"Mersilon" is a low-dose single-phase COC containing a gestagen - levonorgestrel 150 mcg. Well tolerated by teenage girls.

"Yarina" is a low-dose monophasic drug containing drospirenone as a progestin component. It has a therapeutic effect for premenstrual syndrome, reduces symptoms such as swelling, engorgement of the mammary glands, abdominal and lower back pain, stabilizes weight, has antiandrogenic activity: reduces the amount of acne, oily hair and skin.

"Janine" is a microdosed single-phase COC containing 20 mcg ethinyl estradiol and 75 mcg gestodene. Due to the minimal amount of hormonal components, it is very well tolerated and can be recommended for long-term use by teenage girls. Has all the benefits of COC.

The macrocontour (Fig. 6) of the assortment of contraceptive drugs at the Biomed No. 79 pharmacy has the following characteristics:

in terms of composition, these are mainly combination drugs – 75.86% of the range;

among which tablets predominate - 55.56%;

are not produced in Russia - 58.6%.

Fig.6. Macro outline of the assortment of hormonal contraceptive drugs at pharmacy No. 79

The price characteristics of hormonal contraceptives are presented in Table 6 and Figure 7.

Table 6

Distribution of hormonal contraceptives by price

Fig. 7 Distribution of prices for hormonal contraceptives in pharmacies of the Biomed network
Thus, analyzing the sales of hormonal contraceptives, it can be noted that the best-selling drugs are priced up to 700 rubles.

When interviewing women, it turned out that women with a family income of up to 15,000 rubles. barrier (condoms) and calendar methods are used per month, and women with an income of over 15,000 rubles. In addition to these methods, there are also spermicides. The survey showed that women who used interrupted coitus as a method of contraception abandoned it mainly because of insufficient reliability (50%), inconvenience of use (25%) and because interrupted coitus does not protect against HIV (25% ). Women who used oral contraceptives abandoned them mainly due to the high price (66.7%), as well as due to unwanted side effects (33.3%).

So, the range of contraceptives is presented in three groups: barrier, hormonal, spermicides. During the analysis, it was found that the “hormonal” group has the largest share, followed by spermicides, and condoms in third place.

In each group, contraceptives with stable, fast and slow circulation were identified (based on the speed of sale), which may be important for optimizing the assortment and updating it in general and for individual product units, taking into account the life cycle.

The range of contraceptives by type of dosage form for the analyzed period is presented: tablets, pills, vaginal suppositories, vaginal tablets, vaginal creams, condoms.

When ranking the commercial assortment of contraceptives by the price of one package, drugs costing up to 500 rubles are in first place.

Marketing research was carried out on the basis of documents from pharmacy No. 79 of the Biomed network on the movement of goods during the first quarter of 2010. Based on the research data, a socio-demographic portrait of the consumer of contraceptive drugs was compiled. The main characteristics of the description of respondents were: gender, age, social class, level of education.

The majority of contraceptive users are women. They make up 67% of the total number of respondents. Among consumers, people aged 16 to 40 predominate - 42%. If we talk about social status, the majority are students (41%) and employees (28%).

A small percentage of men among buyers of contraceptive drugs may indicate a lack of knowledge about the importance of condoms not only in protecting against unwanted pregnancy, but also in preventing STDs.

The majority of all pharmacy visitors we surveyed had professional education (81%), including higher and incomplete higher education (49%).

The following were identified as factors influencing the choice of contraceptive drugs for respondents:

  • doctor's recommendations;

  • recommendations of a pharmacist or pharmacist;

  • recommendations from friends and acquaintances;

  • advertising in the media (television, radio, popular newspapers, magazines);

  • other (annotations on drugs, specialized reference books, medical literature, etc.).

In order to analyze the demand and sales of contraceptives at the Pharm-Leader pharmacy, I conducted a survey.

Conducting a survey

A survey of the population on the use of contraceptives was conducted using a specially developed questionnaire. The survey was conducted among visitors to the Pharm-Leader pharmacy with the participation of pharmaceutical workers.

100 people took part in the survey, 41 men and 59 women. During the study, contraceptive users were divided into the following four age groups:

  • · up to 19 years old
  • · from 19 to 35 years old
  • · from 35 to 45 years
  • over 45 years old

To the question of the questionnaire: “Do you use contraceptives?”, the following data were obtained:

The chart shows that 65% use contraception in the age group of 19 to 35 years. From 35 to 45 years old, 21% use contraceptives; 8% use contraceptives over 45 years; only 6% use contraceptives under 19 years of age.

To the question: “Do you know anything about contraception?”, only 20 answered that “They know”, 38 answered that “They know, but I would like to know more”, and 12 do not know about contraception at all.

When answering the question what is the main selection criterion when using contraceptives they give preference, it was found that the main selection criteria are reliability in 1st place, effectiveness in 2nd place, price in 3rd place, and side effects and contraindications are not the main criterion.

To the question: “What method of contraception do you use?” showed that 44% of respondents prefer condoms; this method is mainly used by men and young people (under 19 years of age). Oral contraceptives are preferred by only 29%, this is the population aged 19 and over 45 years; 9% use IUDs, these include women who have given birth; 2% prefer injection contraceptives; 7% use other means of contraception; 6% use a natural method, and 3% of respondents do not use any contraception at all.

When answering the questionnaire question, “Which of the listed contraceptives do you know?”, the following was revealed:

100% of respondents know about such a contraceptive as a condom. 64% know about oral contraceptives, 49% know about intrauterine devices, and only 2% of respondents know about the female condom and contraceptive sponge.



demand among buyers.

Practical recommendations

Relevance. Despite significant progress in reproductive biology, at the moment there are a number of basic questions regarding family planning that have not yet been resolved, and it is not known whether they will be resolved in the future. The main problem is the lack of an ideal contraception method. All currently available contraceptives are safer than the consequences that may result from the termination of an unwanted pregnancy due to non-use of contraception. At the same time, it is impossible to create a contraceptive that would be 100% effective, easy to use, ensure full return of reproductive function and have no side effects. For every woman, any method of contraception has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as both absolute and relative contraindications. This work is devoted to studying the range of contraceptives in the pharmacy.
Target. Explore the range of contraceptives using the example of the Solnyshko pharmacy (Nizhny Tagil, Popova St. 31, IP Gavrishov D.A.)
1. Study modern ideas about contraception, available drugs and their classification.
2. Evaluate the choice of contraceptive drugs available in the pharmacy.
3. Analyze the dynamics of sales of contraceptives.
Object of study. Peculiarities of sales of contraceptives according to reporting documents
Subject of research. Range of contraceptives
Possible use of the results. The results obtained will allow you to competently plan the arrival and consumption of necessary drugs
Research methods. Analysis of literary sources and official documents.
The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it provides a detailed analysis of the range of contraceptives based on the example of our own research.

Table of contents
Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Modern ideas about contraceptives 5
1.1. Barrier methods of contraception. 6
1.1.1.Mechanical methods of contraception 7
1.1.2.Chemical contraceptives 9
1.2. Intrauterine device 9
1.3. Hormonal contraception 11
Chapter 2. Study of the range of contraceptives using the example of the Solnyshko pharmacy (according to our own research) 17
Conclusion 22
Conclusions 22
Practical recommendations 22
References 24

In the course of our work, we studied the assortment of contraceptives in the Solnyshko pharmacy (Nizhny Tagil, Popova St. 31, IP Gavrishov D.A.). We found that barrier contraceptives, in particular condoms, are the most popular among buyers. however, hormonal contraceptives are now becoming no less common. In the wide variety of contraceptives available, each buyer can choose what he likes.
1. The best-selling contraceptives are condoms.
2. According to our data, the most popular brands of condoms sold in our pharmacy are Durex condoms.
3. Currently, chemical contraceptives and intrauterine devices are not used demand among buyers.
4. The best-selling drug among hormonal contraceptives is Lindinet.
Practical recommendations
1. When planning inventory, pharmacy workers need to study market trends and sales dynamics over previous months.
2. To increase the number of sales of chemical contraceptives, they should be recommended as additional, for example, to mechanical ones. The combined use of contraceptives can increase their effectiveness.
3. When selling hormonal contraceptives, do not forget that these are prescription drugs, and only a competent consultation with a doctor, taking into account the woman’s health condition, will allow making the right choice of drug.