How to take the right photo at home. Taking good photos of handicrafts at home How to take a beautiful photo

Many people believe that they can improve the quality of their photography simply by purchasing a new, functional camera. In fact, in photography, the technical approach to shooting is more important than the equipment. Moreover, with enough practice and without making some common mistakes, anyone with any camera can take beautiful photos.


Part 1

Learning about your camera

Set a lower ISO sensitivity if circumstances allow. This is less of a problem for digital SLR cameras, but is especially important for digital point-and-shoot cameras (which often have very small sensors and are prone to noise). Lower ISO sensitivity settings (lower numbers) produce less noisy photos; however, this also results in the need to use a slower shutter speed, which, for example, limits your ability to photograph moving subjects. To photograph stationary subjects in good light (and even in dim light when using a tripod and remote shutter release), use the lowest ISO settings available to you.

Part 5

Getting good shots

    Be thoughtful about the composition of your photo. Frame it in your mind before putting it in the viewfinder. Remember the rules below, but especially the last one.

    Ignore the above advice. Consider them as rules, working most of the time, but having exceptions, and not absolutely always applicable. Following them too closely will result in boring photos. For example, clutter and clarity in the background can complement the context, contrast, and color design of a photo; perfect symmetry of the photo can look dramatic and so on. Sometimes every rule can should be disrupted to create a special artistic effect. This is exactly how most photographs that are mesmerizing in their beauty are taken.

    Fill the space in the frame with your subject. Don't be afraid to get closer to the subject. On the other hand, if you are using a digital camera with a higher number of megapixels, the photo can be cropped later in the imaging program.

    Try using an interesting angle. Instead of shooting the subject directly, try looking down at it or crouching down and looking up. Choose an angle that gives maximum color and minimum shadow. To make objects appear taller or longer, shoot from a low point. You may also want to make the subject appear smaller or appear as if the camera is hovering over it by positioning the camera higher than the subject. An unusual shooting angle produces more interesting photographs.

    Adjust your focus. Poor focusing is one of the most common reasons that ruin photographs. If possible, use the automatic focus of your digital camera; This is usually done by partially pressing the shutter button. Use macro mode to take close-up shots of subjects. Don't use manual focus, unless there are problems with autofocus; As with all metering, automatic focus is much better than you can do manually.

    Balance your ISO, shutter speed, and aperture settings. ISO reflects how sensitive the camera will be to light, shutter speed affects how long the photo will be taken (which affects the amount of light the lens lets in), and aperture affects how blurred the camera lens is in the frame. Not all cameras have all the above settings, mostly digital only. Balancing these settings and keeping them as close to average as possible will help you avoid noise in your photos from high ISOs, blur from slow shutter releases, and too sharp edges from high apertures. Depending on the needs of a particular photograph, you must change these settings appropriately so that the light passing through the lens produces good quality photographs and you achieve the desired effect. For example, let's say you want to photograph a beautiful bird taking off from the surface of the water. To get a sharp photo, you'll need to set your shutter speed to a fast speed, but to compensate for changes in light, you'll also need to set your aperture to a low value or ISO to a high sensitivity. A high ISO will make the photo grainy, but a lower aperture will create a blurred background effect that will draw more attention to the subject in the foreground. By balancing all these settings, you can capture the best possible shot.

Part 6

Taking clear photos

    Stand still. Many people are surprised by how blurry their photos turn out, whether up close or far away. To minimize blur when using a full-size camera with optical zoom capability, hold the camera body with one hand (with one finger on the shutter button) and stabilize the lens with your other hand. Keep your elbows close to your body for better poise and a more secure stance. If your camera has image stabilization, use this function (on Canon cameras it is designated as IS, and on Nikon cameras like VR).

    Consider using a tripod. If your hands can't hold the camera steady, or if you use a large (and slow) lens, or try to take photos in low light, or if you need to take several identical photos in a row (for example in HDR), or if you take a panoramic photo, then using a tripod would be a good option. For long exposures (more than a second), it would be good to use an external shutter button or a remote control, but if your camera does not have this capability, then you can simply use the delayed shooting timer.

    Think about refuse from using a tripod, especially if you don’t have one. The tripod limits your ability to move and quickly change your chosen frames. It also means you have to carry more weight, which has a depressing effect on your desire to go out and start filming.

    If you're in a situation where a tripod would be a good idea, but you don't have one with you, try doing some of the following to reduce camera shake.

    • Turn on your camera's image stabilization mode (only some digital cameras have it) or lens stabilization mode (only some very expensive cameras have it).
    • Zoom out (or change to a smaller lens) and get closer to your subject. This will have a slight positive effect on the quality of shooting without a tripod and will allow you to increase the aperture value for a closer shot.
    • Hold the camera on two points away from its center, such as the shutter button and the opposite side of the body, or the far end of the lens. This will reduce the amount of camera shake in your hands. Do not grab fragile point-and-shoot lenses or obstruct the movement of moving camera parts (such as the focus ring), or rest the front of the lens against an obstacle.
    • Press the shutter button slowly, smoothly and gently, and don't stop until the photo is taken. Place your index finger on top of the camera. For a more even release press, press the shutter button with the second knuckle of your finger; in this case, you should press the button all the way.
    • Place your camera (or your hand, if you're not afraid of getting scratched), and press your elbows close to your body, or sit down and rest them on your knees.
    • Prop the camera with something (perhaps a camera bag or shoulder strap) and use the self-timer to avoid judder caused by pressing the button manually if the prop is soft. This often carries some chance of dropping the camera, so make sure it doesn't fall far enough. Avoid these tricks with expensive cameras or when using expensive accessories such as flashes, which can break or break parts from the camera. If you are anticipating the idea of ​​using something to prop up the camera, then you can take a pillow stuffed with beans with you to a photo shoot; such a device can be purchased quite inexpensively, and as soon as the pillow wears out, you can simply eat its contents or renew it.
  1. Relax while pressing the shutter button. Also, try not to hold the camera in your hands for too long, as this will cause your hands to shake more. Practice holding the camera to your eye, focusing and metering, and shooting the photo in one single, even motion.

Part 7

Using the Flash

    Avoid creating a red-eye effect. The red eye effect is created due to dilated pupils in dim lighting. With dilated pupils, the flash illuminates the blood vessels of the dorsal wall eyeball, which is why the eyes appear red in the photo. If you must use flash in low light, try to ensure that the person is not looking directly at the camera, or use bounced flash light. Aiming the flash above the people's heads, especially if the surrounding walls are light-colored, will help prevent red-eye. If you don't have an off-camera flash that can be adjusted so easily, use the red-eye reduction feature on your camera if it has one in its settings. When this feature is enabled, the flash fires several times before taking a photo, which constricts the pupils and minimizes red-eye. However, it's best to avoid taking photos that require the use of flash at all, just find a place with good lighting.

  1. Use the flash judiciously and don't use it when it's not needed. In poor lighting, flash can often create unsightly reflections or make the image appear "bleached out"; the latter especially applies to photographs of people. On the other hand, for example, it is useful for combating shadows in photographs; to eliminate the raccoon-eye effect in bright midday sun (if your flash has a fast enough sync speed). If you can afford to skip the flash by simply going outside, either by stabilizing your camera (and allowing it to use a slower shutter speed without blurring), or by setting the ISO to a higher sensitivity (allowing you to use a faster shutter speed), then do so.

    • Unless you intend to use the flash as the only light source in the photo, set it so that it produces the correct flash duration for the set shutter speed and aperture value, or diffuses the light more than would otherwise be required or considered correct (which depends on the intensity ambient light and shutter speed, which cannot be faster than the flash sync speed). This can be done by choosing a specific moment to stop the flash of light on a manual or thyristor flash, or by using “flash compensation” on advanced modern cameras.

Part 8

Using an organized approach and gaining experience
  • When photographing children, remember to get down to their level! A photograph of a child's head taken from above usually looks poor. Stop being lazy and get on your knees.
  • Transfer photos from your memory card ASAP. Make archival copies, maybe even several copies, if possible. Any photographer can suffer a heartbreak when losing a valuable photograph or photographs if he is not in the habit of making archival copies. Archive, archive, archive!
  • To find an interesting angle at a popular tourist spot, look at where everyone else is taking their photos and go somewhere else. You don't want to take a photo that everyone has.
  • The camera you have doesn't matter. Almost any camera can take good photos under the right conditions. Even modern camera phones are good enough for many types of photos. Learn the limits of your camera and try to fit within them; Don't buy new equipment until you know exactly what your camera's limitations are and are sure that they are seriously hindering you.
  • Don't be afraid to take too many photos. Take as many photos as you need to get the best shot! Usually necessary certain time to find the perfect composition, but your subject deserves it. When you find something that interests you, treat it like a treasure and give it your attention.
  • If your camera has a strap, use it! Pull the camera forward as far as possible while tightening the strap to stabilize the camera. The strap will also prevent you from dropping the camera.
  • If you are using a digital camera, it is better to set the shutter speed too fast than too long, as this can easily be corrected by photo processing programs. Shadowed areas can be restored to normal, but highlighted areas (pure white areas of overexposed photographs) cannot be restored, since there is no data for restoration on them. With photographic film, the opposite is true: shaded areas behave worse compared to digital photography, and completely illuminated areas are extremely rare, even with very high overexposure of images.
  • Have a notepad handy to take notes on what worked well and what didn't. Review your notes frequently as you gain experience.
  • Install a photo processing program and learn how to use it. This will allow you to adjust color balance, correct lighting, crop photos and much more. Most cameras come with this software right out of the box and allow you to make basic corrections to photos. For more advanced image manipulation, consider purchasing Photoshop, downloading and installing the free photo editor GIMP, or using Paint.NET, a small photo editor for Windows users.
  • Pick up a local magazine issue large city or an issue of National Geographic magazine and see how professional journalists can tell their stories in photos. You can also often find it helpful to visit photography sites like Flickr or deviantART for inspiration. Try searching Flickr for photos from specific model camera to see what people were shooting with the cheapest point-and-shoot cameras. Check out camera data on deviantART. Just don't spend too much time looking for inspiration that you miss out on opportunities to get outside for photography.
  • People in the Western world tend to take pictures of people's faces, filling the entire area of ​​the picture with them, which is usually taken from a distance of 1.8 m. Tourists from the East tend to take photographs of people from a distance of at least 4.6 m, so that people appear small and a larger area of ​​the picture is occupied by the background , that is, so that the photograph shows specifically not “the people themselves,” but the place they visited.
  • Upload your photos to Flickr or Wikimedia Commons and maybe you'll see them featured on wikiHow someday!


What you will need

  • Camera; Any one will do, either your own or borrowed.
  • The largest memory card you can get if you're using a digital camera; or as much film as you can afford.

Bright photos that can decorate an album and get hundreds of likes on social networks are created not only on the seashore or in an expensive studio. Your own apartment can easily become a backdrop for great photos! Want to learn how to take a beautiful photo at home? Read the tips in our article!

How to take a beautiful photo of a house on a smartphone

We will make do with minimal resources - no SLR cameras or professional lighting. Just you, a smartphone and available tools. The techniques that you can use to get high-quality images depend on what exactly you are photographing.

1. Portrait

Shooting from the front (the face looks straight into the camera) often creates flaws even where there were none. Try turning half a turn towards the camera - this is one of the universal options that will suit most people. This angle visually makes the face narrower, emphasizing the cheekbones and slender neck.

Even a slight turn of the head makes the face more attractive in the photo.

    Even if you're shooting a portrait where the viewer's attention is focused on the face, don't forget about what's around you. Untidy clothes on a chair or a half-eaten lunch can quickly ruin an attractive picture. Try to have an interesting interior behind you.

Make sure the background is aesthetically pleasing

2. Subject photography

If you like to take photos for Instagram, you will definitely need the ability to photograph small objects. Despite its apparent simplicity, there are plenty of pitfalls here. It is necessary to convey the texture, the smallest details, the exact color. Do beautiful photo Our tips will help you on your smartphone:

For product photography, it’s a good idea to use a small table where the object will be located. If you use natural light, you can sit on the windowsill. It is highly advisable to use a tripod, even if shooting from a phone. This will avoid hand shaking and achieve maximum clarity.

How to make a photo even better

Even a successful photo needs processing. The program will allow you to improve the quality of a photo, remove unnecessary things from the frame, retouch a portrait or apply effects. What features does it offer?

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The main commandment of smartphone photography: it doesn’t matter how cool the camera is, what matters is who’s holding it. And with the most luxurious DSLR you can take clear, but boring photographs. The kind that lie on disk and no one opens them for years.

And you can take interesting photos with your smartphone, especially since this equipment is always with you, you don’t have to uncover it for a long time and you won’t forget to remove the lens cap. And for the most part, smartphones are cheaper than DSLRs, which is also very pleasing.

website I’ve put together some tips for you on how to take cool photos using your smartphone.


A camera in a smartphone is, first of all, a program that maintains the lens and matrix. Therefore, you should not stop at what Android or iOS dictates to you. You may want to use different programs to different cases shooting. Some give more interesting color rendition, others - slightly larger plans: Pudding Camera, CameraMX, Photosynth, VSCO Cam, Slow shutter cam, Pro HDR, Camera+, etc. Why limit yourself if you have a choice?

Having chosen a program, it’s worth delving into the settings. Set the image resolution to high, remember that in difficult cases you can play with white balance, ISO and turn off autofocus. And in general, find out what interesting things a specific program can do.


Cropping as a replacement for zoom.

It’s better to forget once and for all that your smartphone has digital zoom. Such an increase in most cases is achieved by serious losses in image quality. The best zoom is the legs: come closer, move further away.

If this is not possible, then it is wiser to cut out the frame you need from a large photograph during post-processing. The cropping function is available even in the simplest programs. Plus, you don’t waste time adjusting the size, you just take it off. And already in a calm environment, you correctly compose the frame, without missing details that you could accidentally crop out while using the zoom in the field.


Take several shots of the same scene. Subsequently, you can choose the most successful photo and work with it. And before deleting photos from your smartphone, it’s a good idea to view them on your computer, since on a small phone screen you may not notice good photos just because they seem overexposed or underexposed.

If it doesn’t turn out interesting, you should change the shooting angle.

When photographing something or someone, don't be afraid to change angles. You can take a photo head-on, or you can change the angle a little and get an interesting shot. Moreover, the compact size of the smartphone allows you to take angles for which a photographer with a large camera will have to work hard.


The flash on a smartphone should be used very carefully. As a rule, it “deads” the photo, distorts colors and shadows. Flash is only good when you need to take pictures immediately, otherwise you'll miss the moment.

At the same time, light is main tool photographer This is important for professional cameras, but for smartphones it is much more important. Therefore, always look for the light, pay close attention to how it falls on the subject, and you will get the shot.

Good light in the morning and evening. On a sunny afternoon, you will have to work with too high a contrast, which threatens with artifacts in the pictures. The pre-storm sky gives luxurious effects.

Product photography

On the left is a photo with a lack of lighting, on the right is with a flashlight.

If you want to take a photo of something or someone at home, the smartphone can become stubborn - there is rarely enough light in the room. But you can take a simple one led flashlight and a sheet of white paper to compensate for the shadow being too harsh. Let's say a flashlight is shining from above on the right, we bring a sheet of white paper to the left, which reflects the light of the flashlight and additionally illuminates the object, and press the button on the phone.

Lens Cleanliness

Frame through a fingerprint.

It would seem that an obvious thing is the cleanliness of the lens, but smartphone lovers often come across this issue. The phone is used constantly, lies in your pocket, and when you take it to answer a call or SMS, the last thing you remember is that you left a fingerprint on the glass of the lens. When shooting, this print gives, of course, a slight mysterious blur, but, as a rule, this is exactly the effect you do not expect in the intended photo.

Response delay

It is important to take into account the fact that the shooting program in a smartphone in most cases operates with a delay. You have already pressed the button, but the camera is still thinking before taking a photo. Therefore, it is important to think proactively, like a hunter who shoots not at a hare, but at the place where, according to his assumption, the hare will be at the next moment.

Let's say you are photographing a flower in a field, and it is windy on that day, you need to take into account the speed of the camera and at the same time capture the moment between gusts of wind. It’s difficult, but the result will be more valuable due to the effort spent.

Post-processing programs

Simplest editing on Instagram.

Most professional photographers do post-processing of photographs, absolutely always in commercial photography, but for smartphone photography this is a vital necessity. You cannot adjust the shutter speed and aperture on your smartphone. This limitation is compensated for by a variety of post-processing programs. This is beyond the well-known Instagram and Flickr.

  • VSCO Cam. Allows you to apply a variety of filters and settings. Distributed free of charge.
  • Afterlight. Good for color correction. Costs 34 rubles.
  • Touch retouch. This simple tool allows you to remove minor imperfections in a photo and clone parts of the image. There are free and paid versions.
  • SnapSeed. Huge number filters and effects, such as tilt-shift and focus adjustment, sharpness and color adjustment. Distributed free of charge.
  • Pixlr Express. Large selection of filters, frames, effects. Completely free.
  • Photoshop Express. It doesn’t provide any special settings, but it does have a lot of different filters that make the processing process as fast as possible. Can work with RAW files. Free of charge.
  • Rookie. There are both free and paid features. The standard application package contains many vintage filters adapted for different genres of photography: portraits, landscapes, city sketches, macro, etc.
  • Phonto. Allows you to add any fonts you wish to your photo. Distributed free of charge.
  • Moldiv. A free application in Russian that allows you to make collages by combining up to 9 pictures.
  • MultiExpo(for iOS). An interesting application for creating a multiple exposure effect. Distributed free of charge.
  • Photo Grid. Free application for creating collages. Can work with high resolution files.
  • LensLight. The application allows you to add glare, glow and bokeh effects to your photos. Costs 99 rubles.

Today, only the lazy don’t take photographs. And of course, everyone dreams of taking beautiful photographs that everyone would like. Moreover, for really good photos It is not at all necessary to have an expensive camera. Knowing simple secrets will allow you to take professional photos.

1. Bokeh effect

Attach a piece of foil to any vertical surface, place your subject, place a mirror opposite and shoot. This trick will allow you to create amazing pictures with the bokeh effect.

2. Underwater photography

Don't despair if you don't have special equipment for popular underwater photography. A transparent plastic container will help you take amazing photos of the underwater world. Make sure it doesn't leak, place your camera in it, set to film, and carefully lower it into the water.

Very interesting photographs from the top angle can be taken without outside help. To do this, you need to make a special stand for your smartphone from cardboard, secure it to the wall above your head using tape, and turn on automatic shooting mode.

4. Colored highlights

Use a CD to get an original color highlight effect. Just place it on the bottom of the lens and press the shutter button - beautiful photos will be guaranteed.

5. Through rose-colored glasses

Another interesting effect can be obtained by photographing through the glass of sunglasses.

6. Mitigation

Wrap the camera lens with film, lubricate the contour of the lens under the film with a small amount of Vaseline or cream. This technique will allow you to take amazing photos with a blurred exposure effect without the use of additional equipment or filters.

7. Clarity

If you want clearer, sharper photos, use a clean coffee filter or tightly wrapped coffee cups. This trick will prevent the appearance of unwanted glare in the photo and improve the quality of the images.

8. Lace

Using lace fabric will allow you to get really beautiful and unusual pictures. Lace fabric can be draped over yourself, over a camera lens, or over a light source, producing completely different results.

9. Color filter

A couple of strips of tape, colored with colored markers and glued to the lens of an SLR camera, will help you get fantastic pictures with an unusual effect.

10. Marshmallow effect

From wooden circle and colored wool, you can make original photography accessories that will help you create creative photos with charming color effects.

11. Flash

While shooting, shine a small flashlight on the lens. This will create a soft haze effect that will make the pictures mysterious and unusual.

Video bonus:

12. Shadows

In the art of photography, shadows play the same role. important, like the light. The absence of shadows will make the photographs flat, and the presence of some unusual shadow, on the contrary, will fill the photo with meaning. Therefore, novice or amateur photographers should not be afraid to experiment by playing with shadows using a colander, fabrics or paper stencils.

13. Soft flash

Flash photos often come out too sharp and unnatural. Most often this happens due to inappropriate lighting and incorrect camera settings. Be that as it may, you can soften the effect of the flash by placing it in a white plastic bag.

14. Transition of colors

A two-color film with a hole in the center, placed on the camera lens, will help you get mesmerizing photos with an unusual color effect without the use of special equipment.

15. Weather protection

Rain and snow can not only disrupt a photographer’s work, but also damage the camera. You can protect your work tool from rain using a plastic CD container and thick cellophane.

16. Reflector

Use a white piece of paper instead of a reflector to make your portraits appear lighter and more natural.

Video bonus:

17. Through the glass

If you want to add photos with unusual effects to your collection, take photos through glass. A light haze effect, unusual highlights and soft colors are guaranteed.

18. Flash reflector

A small white piece of plastic or a regular business card can be used to make an excellent flash reflector.

Video bonus:

However, you can also take cool photos using your smartphone.
Many people wonder: . We are ready to answer this question.

Every person, sooner or later, has to take a photo - for a passport or any other documents, for a resume, portfolio, or just to post them online. Perhaps someone doesn’t know how to take a beautiful photo of a renovation. In such cases, forums, social networks and websites are full of recommended articles on how to take a photo. In our article you will also find useful information.

What to photograph with?

The very first question that arises is what to take photographs with and how to take beautiful photos? The choice of modern youth, and not only others, falls on simple smartphones. Although people often buy cameras so that their favorite moments remain in their memory forever.

Cole Rice, renowned photographer, reveals little secrets on how to capture an event or person in mobile version.

The travel photographer has developed as many as 15 tips for those who cannot afford to buy an expensive professional camera and can only take photos with mobile phone. The information below will help you find answers to the question of how to take a beautiful photo:

So, by following all these tips, you can easily take photos using just your smartphone.


It is important to note that many photographers are in demand because they post their photos in doses. This means that their work does not drown in a sea of ​​spam and is not lost among other similar works from the same series. In this case, it will not be appreciated.

You shouldn’t get carried away with “home” photographs alone, because the forums are full of messages like how to take a beautiful photo at home. This will not add originality to you, although some still succeed.

Post 1-2 photos a day and choose the best ones.


Some photographers use the fingerprint effect - they put their finger on the camera. Thus, the picture turns out blurry, but this is exactly what the experts wanted.

It is also worth considering that the print does not fit all types of photographs. For example, for a photograph of a natural landscape, this effect would be extremely inappropriate.


You can take photographs for yourself and for people, photograph anything, but when you do it not only with your soul, but also correctly, you will receive not only universal recognition, but also good self-esteem.

In addition, development in the field of photography helps a person discover new and unknown things - this is one of the best creative options for a hobby or even a job that one can take up.