Xylophone: interesting facts, video, history, photos, listen. Xylophone - musical instrument - history, photo, video Xylophone group of instruments

Metallophone... Spelling dictionary-reference book

GLOCKENSPIEL- (Greek metallon metal, and phone sound). Xylophone in which wooden plates are replaced with metal ones. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. metallophone (see metal + ... background) the general name of a group of muses ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

glockenspiel- bell, vibraphone, glockenspiel, xylophone, gong Dictionary of Russian synonyms. metallophone noun, number of synonyms: 6 vibraphone (2) ... Dictionary of synonyms

GLOCKENSPIEL- [alo], metallophone, husband. (from the Greek metallon metal and phone sound) (music). Shock musical instrument, consisting of a series of steel plates of different lengths, fastened with laces. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

GLOCKENSPIEL- Nowadays, there are quite a few instruments in which the sound arises from the vibration of an elastic metal body. These are triangles, gongs, bells, cymbals and other percussion instruments. All of them are united by a common name... ... Musical dictionary

Glockenspiel- a musical instrument sometimes used in an orchestra (Carillon, Glockenspiel). It consists of a number of steel plates of different lengths, supported at their nodal points by laces or straw strands. Pitch, i.e. the number of vibrations in ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Glockenspiel- m. A percussion musical instrument consisting of a series of specially selected metal plates, which are struck with wooden mallets. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

glockenspiel- he’s a metallover, and... Russian spelling dictionary

glockenspiel- (2 m); pl. metallophones, R. metallophones... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

glockenspiel- Metal plastikalarny bilgele ber tәrtiptә tezep eshlәngәn һәm agach chүkechcheklәr beәn sugyp uyny torgan music corals… Tatar telen anlatmaly suzlege


  • Educational set "Little musician" according to the method of M. Lazarev, . Educational set "Little Musician" for children from 1 to 5 years old, aimed at development creativity baby and teaching him to play musical instruments. Contains: 15 cards...

(from Greek xylo - tree + background - sound)- with a certain pitch. It is a series of wooden blocks of different sizes, tuned to certain notes.

The bars are struck with sticks with spherical tips or special hammers that look like small ones (in the jargon of musicians, these hammers are called “ goat legs»).

Xylophone tone sharp, clicking in forte and soft, gurgling in piano.

Origin, history

It has an ancient origin - the simplest instruments of this type were and are found to this day among different nations Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America.

In Europe, the first mention of the xylophone dates back to the beginning of the 16th century: Arnolt Schlick, in his treatise on musical instruments, mentions a similar instrument called hueltze glechter. Until the 19th century, the European xylophone was a fairly primitive instrument, consisting of about two dozen wooden blocks, tied into a chain and laid out on a flat surface to play. The ease of carrying such an instrument attracted the attention of wandering musicians.

Improvements to the xylophone date back to the 1830s. Polish musician Mikhoel Guzikov expanded its range to two and a half octaves, and also changed the design, arranging the bars in a special way in four rows. This model of xylophone was subsequently used for more than a hundred years.

On a modern xylophone, the bars are arranged in two rows like piano keys, equipped with resonators in the form of tin tubes and placed on a special table-stand for ease of movement.

The role of the xylophone in music

First known case use of the xylophone in the orchestra - Seven Variations by Ferdinand Cauer, written in 1810, in the mid-19th century. The French composer Kastner included his parts in his works.

One of the most famous compositions, in which the xylophone is used - a symphonic poem by Camille Saint-Saëns " Dance of Death"(1872).

Currently The xylophone is used in a symphony orchestra, on the stage, and extremely rarely as a solo instrument.

Video: Xylophone on video + sound

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- (Greek xylon wood, and phone sound). Musical an instrument consisting of a series of wooden plates placed on straw and tuned in a certain way, from which sounds are extracted by striking two wooden hammers. Dictionary of foreign words,... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Metallophone, marimba, glockenspiel, tubaphone Dictionary of Russian synonyms. xylophone noun, number of synonyms: 7 verillion (1) ... Dictionary of synonyms

xylophone- a, m. xylophone m., German. Xelophon gr. xylon wood + phone sound. A musical instrument consisting of a series of wooden plates attached to a box and arranged in a certain order, which are struck with hammers. BAS 1. Xylophone. Orchestra... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

- (from xylo... and...fon), percussion musical instrument: a set of wooden blocks of various lengths. Common among many peoples. In European professional music since the beginning of the 19th century; modern varieties of marimba, tubafon and others... Modern encyclopedia

- (from xylo... and...fon) percussion self-sounding musical instrument. Consists of a series of wooden blocks of varying lengths. Distributed among many peoples, mainly in Africa, Southeast. Asia, Latin America. In European professional... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

XYLOPHONE, xylophone, man. (from the Greek xylon tree and phone sound) (music). A musical instrument consisting of a series of wooden plates attached to a box, which are struck with wooden sticks. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

XYLOPHONE, huh, husband. A percussion musical instrument in the form of a series of wooden blocks, the edges of which are struck with wooden mallets. | adj. Xylophone, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

xylophonist- name of the human family, origin... Spelling dictionary of Ukrainian language

A percussion musical instrument consisting of a set of wooden plates placed on a stand, which are struck with sticks. Common in Malaysia different types xylophone, from rough plates lying on the performers' laps to complex ones... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

In 1874, the French composer Saint Saens wrote a work he called “Dance of Death.” When it was performed for the first time, some listeners were seized with horror: they heard the sound of bones, as if a terrible skeleton was actually dancing Death with... ... Musical dictionary


  • Children's xylophone (in box, 36 cm) (D-00043) , . Xylophone for children. Length 36 cm. Made of wood and plastic. Not recommended for children under 3 years of age. Contains small parts. For children over 3 years old under adult supervision. Made in…
  • Toy xylophone "Little Maestro" (CC 76754) , . Toy xylophone "Little Maestro". Material: plastic with metal elements. For children from 18 months. Packing: box, cardboard. Made in China…

The Flight FX-12R xylophone is a must-buy for every child or adult; the xylophone is made of wood, and unlike the metallophone, it has an unusually pleasant sound!

The xylophone is a great choice as a baby's first instrument!

The melodic sound of the xylophone will bring pleasure to the baby and parents, the learning process is very simple and accessible, this is an ideal solution for the initial musical training of the baby. The xylophone keys correspond to the white keys of the piano, and the baby will easily master a new instrument - melodica, piano or synthesizer, or even an accordion, playing already familiar melodies.

To teach kids, we have prepared colored stickers for the keys, thanks to which you can play according to the Seven Flowers method. Place the stickers on the top of the keys, choose a song, and start playing - colored notes require no musical knowledge!

Xylophone- a percussion musical instrument of ancient origin - the simplest instruments of this type are found among different peoples of Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. In Europe, the first mentions of the xylophone date back to the beginning of the 16th century. It is a series of wooden blocks of different sizes, tuned to certain notes, which are struck with sticks. The instrument can be used both solo and in an ensemble.


  • Xylophone FLIGHT FX-12R
  • Has 12 keys
  • 2 sticks included
  • Set of colored stickers
  • Composition: wood, metal, fabric
  • Xylophone tuning: from lower A on large keys to upper E on small keys.

Before - red,
Mi - yellow,
Fa - green,
Salt - blue,
La - blue,
Si – purple.

When playing the xylophone, place the large keys on the left.

The order of the stickers from large keys to small ones is blue, purple, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, red, orange, yellow.

“Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting!”

Now you can play according to the “SEMIFLOWER” method.

METHODOLOGY "SEVEN-FLOWER" for xylophone 12 keys

We place the large xylophone keys on the left, the small ones on the right.

Large keys are low tones, small keys are high. The smaller the key, the higher the sound.

Pitch Notes- on the xylophone diagram there are 2 sizes of keys, from large to small from left to right. They indicate the pitch of a note. Large keys are played on the left side of the xylophone, small keys on the right.

The height of the rectangle in the diagram will indicate the corresponding key in height.

Duration– the width of the keys indicates the duration of the note.

A square is half, half a square is a quarter, etc. The thinner the note, the shorter the duration.

Exclusive Semitsvetik technique, step by step.

  • Learning to play the "Seven-flowered" pattern on the xylophone
  • Learning notes by verse
  • We remember the visual correspondence of the melody to the written colored notes.
  • Melodies and songs are selected according to the repertoire of piano textbooks for primary education
  • We switch to the piano, playing familiar melodies.

From xylophone to piano.

The xylophone keys are located in the same way as the piano keys, this formed the basis of the Semitsvetik teaching method. We use a xylophone with colored keys as the baby’s first instrument; we play the xylophone according to the Seven-Color pattern. The bottom line is that, having learned to play the xylophone, the child will easily move on to playing the piano. At the same time, he will not only learn to play, but will also know the notes, their names and locations. We tried to select melodies that traditionally begin learning with, so the child will be familiar with the repertoire in advance and will easily master playing any instrument.

Xylophones are made of natural wood, set to 40 percent humidity, and slight changes in tuning are possible when humidity changes. As humidity increases, the pitch decreases; as humidity decreases, it increases. If the tuning changes significantly, you can adjust the xylophone yourself:

  • to lower the tone, sand the key from below or make a notch in AVERAGE parts, on the bottom plane
  • to increase the tone, sand the bottom of the key EDGES(on the lower plane of the protruding parts).

FLIGHT FX-12R Xylophone (12 notes)

It is quite obvious that a child’s first musical instruments should be as simple and accessible as possible. Take, for example, the drum, maracas or pipes, the process of playing which even a two-year-old toddler can master. However, with their help it is unlikely that it will be possible to introduce a child to the world of art. Another thing is xylophones and metallophones, where each plate corresponds to a specific note. Both of these tools have characteristic features, which will be discussed in our article.



Xylophone– a self-sounding musical instrument of a percussion group. It consists of chromatically tuned wooden blocks of varying lengths arranged in a row. The plates are mounted on a stand and tuned to specific notes. The xylophone is distributed throughout the world, but is most popular in Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America. To extract sound from the blocks, you need to hit them with special wooden hammers or sticks with ball-shaped tips, which are included with the instrument. The first mention of the xylophone dates back to the 16th century. At that time, the instrument was a rather primitive device, consisting of two dozen wooden plates connected to each other. To extract sound they had to be laid out on a flat surface. Due to its ease of transportation, the instrument was actively used by traveling musicians. The xylophone was improved in the 1830s.


Glockenspiel- percussion musical instrument. It consists of a series of plates fixed horizontally around the perimeter of a wooden body. To produce sound, you need to hit them with special sticks or hammers. The instrument got its name due to the material from which the plates are made. Obviously, we are talking about metal, in most cases brass or bronze. The ancestor of the modern musical attribute was the glockenspiel, which came from Asia and was based on bells. In the 19th century they were replaced by metal plates.


As can be seen from the above definitions, the main difference between musical instruments lies in the material used to make the plates. The xylophone consists of wooden blocks arranged in a row. The plates of the second tool are made exclusively of metal. This explains their louder and more sonorous sound. The xylophone plays much quieter and more interesting. As a result of hitting the plates with a wooden hammer, you can hear dull, but at the same time quite pleasant sounds that do not hurt the ear. If we talk about professional instrument, then in forte its timbre is sharp and clicking, and in piano it is soft and gurgling. This sound gives the xylophone a special charm.

Both instruments under consideration are divided into two main types. Diatonic xylophones and metallophones consist of a single row of plates that follow the arrangement of white keys on a piano. Such simple instruments are often used as toys for children and are made in the appropriate design. Musical attributes of the chromatic type have a more complex structure and deeper sound. The plates in them are arranged in two rows, similar to white and black piano keys. The capabilities of such tools are much wider, but mastering them will be much more difficult. Another difference between a xylophone and a metallophone is that the former is often used in a symphony orchestra. His parts are included in the works of famous composers. The metallophone is considered primarily an amateur and even children's instrument. While its related bells are often present in the orchestra.

To summarize, what is the difference between a xylophone and a metallophone.