Card game fool secrets. Conspiracy to win - secret tools of professional players. Beginner card players

Playing the fool is the simplest entertainment among card games. Most people know how to play it, but there are people who do not know the current rules. We suggest learning how to play the fool by following basic simple tips.

Let's consider the main rules of the game of fools, suitable for study regardless of the number of participants:

  • The game uses a single deck with 36 or 52 elements.
  • Number of participants from 2 to 6 people.
  • The lowest denomination with a value of 2, then the cards go in ascending order, then in order of seniority there are jack, queen, king and ace.
  • Getting rid of all the cards in your hand is considered a victory.
  • The participant who does not play all the elements from his hand loses.
  • After choosing the first dealer, the deck is shuffled and each participant is dealt 6 cards.
  • The next deliverer is determined according to the drawing of the game, it will be the losing person.
  • The trump is determined by removing the top element from the deck - it is located under the stack face down.
  • The player with the lowest trump card goes first. He takes one of the cards from his hand and places it on the table in front of the participant on the left.

    The opponent must recapture it: if it is not a trump card, the opponent has the right to recapture it with a card of the same suit, but higher in the row. If a participant is dealt a trump card, it can only be returned with the highest trump card.

This happens throughout the entire game. Participants beat off a certain number of elements per turn; if they are all played back, they are discarded. If the player was unable to return all the cards, he takes them into his hand.

Important! According to how many elements the player and opponent have left on their hand after playing the move, they must get them from the deck until they receive 6 pieces.

This is how the classic fool is played. Worth considering important point: After the end of the game, the next game begins with the move of the person sitting to the left or right of the losing participant. The problem is solved immediately before the start of the game.

Variants of the game of throwing and transferring fool

Playing the fool on cards has several options. In addition, depending on the number of participants, the game time and the possibility of adding up to 6 elements change.

When the maximum possible number of participants is playing - 6 people, the cards go away quickly and it is not always possible to make a draw.

Pay attention! You can use several cards in one move by placing 2 elements in front of your opponent at once. They should have the same value, but different suits - this will complicate the task.

In addition to the classic version, there is a game of transfer and throwing fool.

Let's look at the basic rules of these two types:

Translated Tilting
Maximum number of players 6 people 6 people
Purpose of the game Get rid of cards Get rid of cards
Possibility of doubles play Yes Yes
Peculiarity During a move, the player who must fight back has the right to transfer the move to the opponent. This can be done by placing an element of the specified denomination on the card that needs to be returned.

So the participant transfers the turn to the player sitting clockwise. That participant can do the same.

As a result, the latter must already beat off not one, but several elements.

During a turn when a card is placed for an opponent, the other players can toss additional items from their hand.

These can be those cards that have the same value as the previously placed card. It is allowed to place cards with the same value as those with which the opponent fought back.

Trump It is permissible to transfer the move to another participant simply by showing a trump card of the same value as the card on the table. Has the same function as in the classic fool.

When playing as a team 2x2 or 3x3, the rules remain the same. In a transfer fool, the move is transferred to a member of the opposing team.

In the toss version, there is a rule not to throw elements to the players of your team. A draw implies a preliminary agreement on subsequent actions.

If there were no discussions, the loser is the one who fought off the last move, even if he covered all the cards.

How to build a strategy?

In order not to lose at the easiest card game, you need to learn how to build a strategy correctly.

Beginners are advised to try the game together, then the opponent’s cards, as well as those in the deck, are easier and easier to remember. Keeping track of all the elements with the participation of 6 people is difficult.

This entertainment is rightfully considered the most strategically planned and forces you to deeply analyze the situation.

At first glance, it seems that the classic, translated or tossed fool is a simple game for passing the time.

It’s easy to win, you need to build well tactics:

  1. Learn to remember all the cards that came out of the game. They are not large number– there are only 36 pieces, so memorizing will not be difficult.

    This method is one of the main options for conducting a strategy with the goal of winning.

  2. Strive to pick up big trump cards. It’s good if the distribution has done its job and all the big denominations are in hand.

    If there is no luck, fight back as much as possible with lower trump cards to take more cards from the pile.

  3. Calculate the situation if there are a small number of elements in the deck. An effective method guarantees that you will win or that your opponent will make a mistake.
  4. Don't waste large denominations. At the decisive moment on the last move, they will help you beautifully leave your opponent in the cold.
  5. Study your opponents' style. Over the years of participation, many have developed their own own method: some participants never waste their trump cards, others, on the contrary, risk the most. By understanding your opponent's strategy, your chances of winning will increase.

The best tactic in a card game is to constantly compete with strong players. This is how you can reach heights.

The classic fool and his types are not just entertainment for friends in the kitchen, but a serious type of card game that requires a lot of thinking.

Today, major competitions are held, where a large number of people compete to be the best strategist.

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"Fool" is one of the most popular card games. Almost everyone has encountered this game at least once in their life. But in order to learn the secrets of successfully playing the game, you need to know and understand the rules.

And so, the game begins with the distribution of cards. All members of the game are dealt 6 cards. The highest suit is chosen - the trump card, which is placed face down so that everyone can see it. The right of first entry is given to the player who, during the distribution, has the lowest rank trump card or has a trump card of the highest cards, but other players have no trump cards at all. Usually they start playing with the smallest cards in their hands in order to get rid of small change, but at the same time it is up to the player to choose which card to use. Beating is done with cards of the highest rank. If you throw anything else to your opponent, then the move is considered repulsed and the cards are discarded.

After each end, you need to get from the deck the number of cards that were wasted during the battle. The number of cards in your hands should always be 6. If you are attacked with cards that you cannot fight off, they are taken into your hands. According to this principle, the game continues until all the cards in the hands or in the deck run out. The winner is the player who has won everything and has nothing else in his hands. There are times when none of the players have any cards left in their hands. In this case, there is no winner, and it is declared a draw. After familiarizing yourself with the rules, you can start playing tricks.

Tactical tricks

  • Try to repel the thrown cards as much as possible; you should not take away many cards, especially towards the end of the game.
  • Get rid of small cards first.
  • Try to hit the thrown cards with pairs and higher suits.
  • Remember everything that the enemy takes.
  • Update maps. You need to draw cards from the deck more often, then there is a greater chance of collecting more trump cards and higher suits.

Rules leading to success during the game

Game progress with two players. It is not recommended to throw out trump cards from the very beginning of the game; if the enemy comes in with high cards, it is better to take these cards and next time try to fight back without using trump cards. During the game, it is advisable to beat off the attacked cards - in pairs. By performing this maneuver, the opponent has less chance of throwing more cards. Your cards should not contain small cards or more than two cards of the same suit, otherwise you risk taking the carnage for yourself. It is better to start your moves with the suit that predominates in your cards. There is a high probability that the opponent does not have this suit, and he will fight back with trump cards or simply take the cards for himself.

Don't forget to bluff! Sometimes this really saves even the most critical situations. Try to remember as many cards as possible that your opponent takes or goes to waste. The most important thing, of course, is to have an idea of ​​what cards have already left the game, then by seeing your cards, you can most accurately guess what cards your opponent has. This is especially true at the end of the game.

Game with three opponents. The optimal principle of such a game can be called collecting paired cards and trump cards. To do this, you need to take less cards and discard more. An important piece of advice is not to throw cards at the opponent who is your turn. If he cannot return these cards, then the next move will be on you.

Progress of the game in pairs or fours. First you need to decide how the game will take place. You are playing against two or three. If the game is played according to the “pairs” principle, then your partner shares your strategy and goal.

The main thing is not to initially throw big cards and not give trump cards. Because all the cards will be returned to you, and victory will go to your opponents. Try to get rid of paired cards that your opponents take. When a move is made against you, perhaps these are the cards that will be thrown.

If you are playing against everyone, then the first time you play, if you do not have the best card, it is better to take it. Because there is a big risk of taking away all the change that the players have in their hands. Also, you should not throw in players who will determine where the next move will be made. This will give additional opportunity discard unnecessary cards to another player or abandon him altogether.

Game strategy

In fact, the strategy is formed from the number of perfect games, the psychological factor and the effect of chance. If the number of losses is greater on your account, then you should think about changing strategies.

The action of chance will help you recognize your opponent's cards. This knowledge will help you assess your chances of winning. If during the game you take your opponent's running cards without a fight, this will reduce the probability by 40% that you will take the trump card from the deck. Therefore, you need to actively fight back and then attack.

The number of games played will help determine at what points mistakes were made. It will show the tactics and strategy that the enemy is guided by. But knowing the enemy’s thoughts makes it much easier to outwit him.

The influence of the psychological factor is exerted when playing at a more professional level. Bluffing, confusing the enemy from the planned tactics, playing with trump cards or high cards - all this will not have the best effect on the enemy and will ultimately lead him astray.

  • If there are no trump cards in your hands, and they will not appear again, you need to collect the same cards as the trump cards of your opponent. For each trump card, you must have the same card in a single copy. Then you can easily win.
  • Attempted bluff. If you have a small trump card in your hands, go with it. Most likely, the opponent will regret fighting back and take it, unaware of the additional cards that will be thrown in his wake.
  • Game over. In addition to three aces, there is one small change in the hands. The enemy has all the trump cards. Start your turn with an ace. An opponent who is absolutely confident in the power of his cards will immediately and willingly begin to beat off your cards. And then he got caught. The final output of the trump ace will lead to the opponent losing.

"Fool" is a well-known card game. Those who have at least once played the Fool have probably noticed that for some reason losing irritates or offends you, so you want to win at all costs. How to win at Durak? There are several simple techniques or tactics that you can use to significantly increase your chances of winning.

First of all, you must master the rules of the game perfectly. There are several varieties of fool with slight differences in the rules of the game. To learn the rules of the game, read the articles:

Strategies that lead to victory

Knowing the techniques for successfully playing the Fool will help you achieve victory.

Saving strong cards

Strong cards are trump cards, as well as the ace, king and queen of the usual suits. If these cards came to you at the beginning of the game, then you should not immediately use them for clearing. If you have nothing else to fight back with, then maybe it’s better to accept the cards you were dealt with. And leave your strong cards for the final game.

Also, if during the game you were approached with large cards, it is better to accept them and keep them for a rainy day. You will use these cards to attack your opponent at the end of the game. If the enemy spent all his potential during the game, and you saved it, then at the end of the game you are guaranteed an advantage.

Paired cards

Having paired cards has the value that you can use them to clear. This reduces the likelihood that something else will be thrown at you. If you have a choice, fight even with a larger card that has a pair. If you fight back with two different small cards, you will collect many more of the same cards.

In the event of your entry, it is also good to use a card if you have a pair in your hands for it. When your opponent takes your first card, you can always throw him another one (or several).

Remembering cards leaving the game

Knowing what cards your opponent ended up with at the end of the game will give you an advantage if you and your opponent have cards that are roughly equal in strength.

First, find cards, friends and a place to play.
People are different, so it is advisable to play with friends and weak-minded people. This way, not only will you not be scammed, but you will also possibly earn extra money. I will describe everything by method.
Rules for playing the fool.
The number of people is 2-6, so that there are enough cards, then 6 cards are dealt to everyone, the one who dealt shows the “trump card” - a card of any denomination, only the suit of the card is important, this suit will be the “trump card”. Cards are divided according to seniority from 6 to an ace, and from 2 (1) to a joker, respectively. Of course, a seven will beat a six, and a king will beat any of these cards. (for a special category of citizens). They play by walking clockwise (if you are playing a transferable fool, then you can put a card of the same denomination next to it (for example, 6 clubs and 6 hearts) and say that you have transferred), the goal of the game is to be left without cards at the end of the game, so plan your tactics in advance. “Trumps” beat any non-trump card themselves The “trump cards” beat each other according to seniority (value).
Now about the approach, it’s difficult to describe. so later, if anything, I’ll edit.You can start your move with any card (I recommend small ones). Let’s say you have two 6s, two 7s and two 8s in your hands, your opponent has the same thing,
let's start the move with 6s, (if you threw 6 and you don't have more sixes, then you have nothing to throw, wait until your opponent starts fighting with the card you have), your opponent fights with 7s, throw him 7s, he hits them with eights, throw him 8s (if the opponent cannot repel the attack, then he takes all the cards that he could not repel (in short, the entire approach, including his own)). If you threw out a couple of cards, then you should get them from the deck , so that you again have 6 cards in your hands. That's it, everything seems simple.

Step 2

METHOD No. 1: “Tossing”
Everything is simple here, you need to be a subtle psychologist if possible. In the midst of a game, when someone is fighting, you can unexpectedly throw a card that no one threw to him and which he was not using. This is cheating, of course (but you want to win), but if no one noticed, which means nothing happened. You can throw the “wrong” cards when you are hiding yourself, but here it will be better to be followed (especially if they want to fail). Try it, it usually works.
METHOD No. 2: “AP o Down”
Try to position yourself as close to the “bat” (the cards that are out of play) as possible.
And as soon as everyone is distracted, you can pull the joker out of the “bat” or throw away sixes, cards, usually rarely anyone counts, much less remembers. You can distract the crowd by telling something interesting, or turn the arrows to someone else (it seems It was he who spoiled the air) something like this, You need imagination and acting skills.
METHOD No. 3: “Team play”
As the name “team game” suggests, you need an accomplice, preferably greedy, so as not to betray you.
Stand up or sit next to them so you can see the cards each other, and you could exchange a few words, and then it’s a matter of technique and the patience of other players. It is desirable that you have significant authority in the team, and no one could say a word to you. If you are so cool that you can skip your turn sitting on four aces and two jokers, then this is only a plus for you.
METHOD #4: “My deck”
Most easy way, personal marked cards. You can make holes with a needle in the corner of the cards, nicks with a knife or
barely noticeable marks, dents, scuffs, etc.

Step 3

Here I will give general advice.
First, shuffle the cards yourself, for example, everyone knows me and the cards trust me, even when I lose, which is very rarely natural, the deck is shuffled by others. Because when I shuffle the deck, at the beginning of the game I have 4 aces and 2 jokers. By the way, I can skip moves).
Secondly, if you play at 4 or 6, sit opposite strong players, it is not profitable for them to knock you down, the chance of winning increases.
If you think that you are a master and it is unrealistic to deceive you, only you are deceiving, then it’s time for you to go to the station to work as a small gambler, there they will explain to you that you are zero, and nobody is against you. (By the way, to the instructions “How to quickly and easily make money and spend the money?”)