What perks to download E 75. Tanks of the E series. Historical facts of E75

Unfortunately, this medium tank project was never built, however, the Germans attached great importance to it, and if they had decided to implement the E-75 medium tank project two or three years earlier, the course of the war would have been unpredictable (it is worth noting that how much “noise” the Tiger tank made, and what panic it caused among the infantrymen!). So, there was the so-called Entwicklung program, which implied the creation of promising medium tanks E-50 and E-75, which in the future were supposed to replace the Pz V "Panther" tank, which by that time was recognized as complex and not structurally finalized, but when There were a lot of difficulties in its serial production. In essence, the E-75 tank was similar in design to the E-50, but the E-75 was supposed to be equipped with thicker armor. Thus, the two medium tank projects received minor changes, but in general, these were changes to one basic version of the medium tank.

German medium tank E-75

After all the calculations at the final design stage, German designers came to the conclusion that the E-75 was turning from a medium tank into a heavy one, its armor level and weight were at the level of the Pz VI Tiger tank. By the way, some Western sources designate the E-75 tank as “Tiger III”, but this is not true, since the tanks of the Entwicklung project were never officially assigned this designation.

Design of the E-70 tank.

The tank's suspension (on board) consisted of 4 2-roller support bogies with a torsion bar suspension, a guide wheel was located at the rear, and a drive wheel was installed at the front. Unlike the E-50, the bogie support rollers of the E-75 tank were located more widely, as this was required by the increased mass of the tank. The track surface was wider (presumably the track was wider, up to 650 mm) and long – 4095 mm. The documents indicate the presence of transport and combat tracks, which could change depending on conditions. As with previous projects, the tracks of the E-75 tank remained small-linked. The project also included the installation of protection for moving suspension elements and protection of the sides with armored panels consisting of sections.

German medium tank E-75

The layout of the E-75 tank was almost classic and traditional for German tanks. The control compartment and transmission elements were located in front, the engine compartment was located in the rear, and the fighting compartment was located in the middle. As for the hull of the tank, the Germans had no illusions about the design of the tank, especially since they appreciated the inclined armor of Soviet tanks, so they planned to make a front plate with a large angle of inclination, by analogy with the Tiger II tank (Royal Tiger). But according to the drawings, the side parts of the hull turned out to be completely vertical, although with good armor. As a propulsion system, it was expected to install the latest turbocharged Maybach HL 234 engine, which at certain speeds developed 900 hp; there was also a forced version of this engine, which increased power to 1200 hp. Weighing 70-80 tons, according to plans, the maximum speed of the E-75 tank should be about 40 km/h on a good road; on a dirt road, the speed dropped by about half.

Regarding weapons, the E-75 tank was supposed to receive a highly effective 88-mm cannon, with a barrel length of 100 calibers, which at that time was the crown of engineering in the field of weapons. The advantage of this gun was the high projectile speed, which was above 1000 m/second, and the disadvantage was its length. By the way, shortened shells (but no less effective) were developed for the new gun, thanks to which it was possible to increase the tank’s rate of fire, increase (and better place) the ammunition rack, and generally make the loader’s work easier. For the new, heavy gun, the previous Smalturm turret was not suitable in size, so the designers of the E-75 tank had to design a more spacious turret. By the way, in size and shape it was very similar to the turret from the serial “Royal Tiger” tank.

By the end of the war, German engineers had developed a system for fighting at night, that is, it was planned to install a night vision device on the E-75 tank, which, when interacting with the SdKfz 251 “Uhu” armored cars (which were equipped with infrared illumination spotlights), could effectively fight even at night. New system night vision helped track enemy tanks at a distance of up to 800 meters, and in turn the tanks could destroy these targets at a distance of up to 400 meters. This was a definite innovation.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the E-75 medium tank

As is usually the case, the implementation of the E-75 tank project in metal was constantly postponed for various reasons, although the project was worked out in detail. At the moment when the German designers who created the E-75 tank tried to overcome technical difficulties and “polished” the project, precious time was lost and, as it later turned out, the Entwicklung program no longer met the requirements of the Wehrmacht, moreover, in April 1945 it was There was no time for new projects, the Red Army began the battle for Berlin. In view of this, the E-75 tank project was never realized in metal; only sketches and drawings of the vehicle remained.

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E-75 is a German heavy tank of the ninth level. Considered one of the young tanks, after his appearance, he won the hearts of many players. The E-75 is considered a breakthrough tank, like its classmate the Soviet IS-4. The main advantages of the tank would be the phenomenal strength of the front, excellent dynamics and an impressive viewing range. The tank's durability is second only to the VK 4502 (P) Ausf. B and equals 1920 in the top assembly. Playing a tank is a pleasure, however, this pleasure comes with the top. The tank is terrible in the stock assembly; it is considered the most deprived in the stock assembly compared to its other classmates. The IS-4 receives an excellent weapon from the IS-3, the sneaker has a very strong forehead, and standing on the defensive this is more than enough for it.

Thanks to its strong armor, of course less strong than that of the VK 4502 (P) Ausf. B, he gains good maneuverability, which makes it possible to use dance tactics. Thanks to eternal dancing, you can not get penetration from almost all your classmates and often from level 10 tanks. There were cases when 3 tanks of the ninth level firing at the E-75 simply could not penetrate it. It happened that Bat. A Chat that goes head-on unsuccessfully can release the entire drum and never break through. Of course, such cases only happen to those who know how to play the E-75 correctly. To confidently say that I can play it, I have to fight more than one hundred battles. But as they say, as strong as the forehead, so are the sides, and that’s about us. The stern armor is very weak and can be easily penetrated by tanks starting from level 5. I would also like to note that we are simply Arta’s favorite delicacy. Each unsuccessfully falling projectile tears off huge pieces, and one-shots from art often happen. But all his shortcomings pale in comparison with his advantages. And one of them can be called a top gun, such as the VK 4502 (P) Ausf. B and Maus. It is second only to the penetration of the IS-4 gun, which is considered the most armor-piercing among the entire 9th class.

Game tactics:
Since the E-75 is a heavy tank, it’s impossible to come up with many game tactics, so we’ll be content with what we have. The tactics are identical to the game on the IS-4 - we are a breakthrough tank. We must always lead the offensive wave and push through the flanks. Naturally, not in splendid isolation. This tactic is good when there is no one at a higher level than us. When we get to the big guys, such as Maus or IS-7, then we shouldn’t jump out to punish everyone. Of course, due to the shape of the forehead and its armor, we can get ricochets and non-penetration, or we can simply turn into a decoration or a monument that will remind us of the power of stupidity. When playing with 10 levels, we need to either choose directions where your class will dominate or play as a support tank. Sometimes you can even shoot at tanks from afar; the accuracy is enough for us.

Pros and cons:

- Excellent dynamics.
- Excellent strength of the turret forehead and upper glacis.
- Excellent visibility of 460 meters
- A competitive weapon with a good alpha strike and good accuracy.
- The safety margin is beyond praise.
- High mass allows you to ram everyone and everything.

- Tall silhouette.
- Low speed 30 km/h.
- Vulnerability to artillery.
- Frequent crits of modules and crew.
- Strong inertia - knocking down a gusli in motion turns the tank almost 180°.
- Poor rotation speed of the top turret. It shines with a twist of the body.
- Large dimensions of the lower sheet part.


The crew consists of 5 people:
- Commander
- Gunner
- Driver mechanic
- Radio operator
- Loader

The screenshot below shows the stock tank:

Features in the top:


Stock: MAN-Ketten Ausf. A
Max. load: 87.5 t \\ Turning speed: 18 g/sec

Top: MAN-Ketten Ausf. B
Max. load: 94.5 t \\ Turning speed: 21 g/sec


Stock: 8.8 cm KwK 43 L/71
Penetration: 203/237/44 mm; Damage: 240/240/295 HP; Rate of fire: 9.38 rounds/min; Spread: 0.3 m/100 m; Mixing: 2.5 s;

Intermediate: 10.5 cm KwK 45 L/52
Penetration: 200/244/60 mm; Damage: 320/320/420 HP; Rate of fire: 7.69 rounds/min; Spread: 0.32 m/100 m; Mixing: 2.0 s;

Pre-top: 10.5 cm KwK 46 L/68
Penetration: 225/285/60 mm; Damage: 320/320/420 HP; Rate of fire: 7.5 rounds/min; Spread: 0.3 m/100 m; Mixing: 2.0 s;

Top: 12.8 cm KwK 44 L/55
Penetration: 246/311/65 mm; Damage: 490/490/630 HP; Rate of fire: 4.38 rounds/min; Spread: 0.33 m/100 m; Mixing: 2.5 s;


Stock: Maybach HL 210 P 30
Power: 650 hp; Chance of fire: 20%;

Intermediate: Maybach HL 230 P 45
Power: 750 hp; Chance of fire: 20%;

Pre-top: Maybach HL 234
Power: 870 hp; Chance of fire: 20%;

Top: Maybach HL 230 P 45
Power: 1200 hp; Chance of fire: 15%;

4-01-2015, 01:05

Hello to all fans of heavy equipment and welcome to the site! Today we have in the spotlight one of the most desirable, terrifying, heavy and formidable vehicles, a heavy German tank of the ninth level, in front of you E 75 guide.

This giant can be called a real steel monster, and despite the fact that the next top-end heavyweight, the E 100, is one step higher and has even more armor and firepower, our E 75 World of Tanks not much inferior to him. You can confidently fight with this tank even in level ten battles, and to make you more confident in yourself, let’s look at its characteristics, main pros, cons, etc.

TTX E 75

The first thing every owner of this piece of military art should know is that you have an impressive margin of safety at your disposal, as well as a standard, but at the same time good, viewing range of 400 meters.

The whole essence and main advantage of this device lies in its survivability and E 75 characteristics reservations are indeed more than serious, however, you need to know how to use all this.

Our strongest point is the upper frontal part, which, thanks to a rational slope, has 341 millimeters of armor and is practically impenetrable, of course, until some top enemy charges golda. At the same time German heavy tank E 75 has a much less durable NLD, even taking into account the tilt, the reduction does not exceed 227 millimeters, this section needs to be hidden.

The forehead of the tower in our case is also quite thick, the front plate, painted red on the model’s frame, has a thickness of 258 millimeters, which is also very difficult to penetrate. But along the edges of the tower E 75 World of Tanks there are two purple tubercles (optical instruments), the armor thickness here is only 80 millimeters and if the enemy gets into them, it will cause damage, the same goes for the vulnerable 171-mm commander’s cupola.

The side projection of this giant is also very impressively protected. Of course, if they shoot at the side at a right angle, you will not be able to avoid damage, but when setting the side in a diamond shape E 75 WoT they get a reduction of over 400 millimeters, it won’t be possible to penetrate this even with gold.

To summarize the armor, it is better for you to tank by always setting up at least a small diamond, while always hiding the NLD, and also dancing in order to make it difficult for the enemy to target those very “bumps” and the commander’s turret.

Regarding mobility, everything is also very relative. You yourself understand perfectly well that E 75 tank very large and heavy, respectively, its dynamics and maneuverability are very mediocre. But at the same time, the German received a very decent maximum speed, although he only gains it from a hill.


If, when used correctly, armor causes genuine delight, then, unfortunately, the same cannot be said about weapons. No, our gun is formidable, but even here there are several significant shortcomings.

The main and really very pleasant advantage is that E 75 gun has a very powerful alafstrike. But the main drawback immediately emerges - the rate of fire leaves much to be desired, which is why you can only deal 1870 units of pure damage per minute.

Breaking in case E 75 World of Tanks decent, however, for most classmates belonging to other nations, this figure is higher. In any case, you will often have to clash heads with other weights and therefore do not be lazy to buy 10-15 gold sub-calibers.

But the accuracy of our gun, with such an alpha, is, oddly enough, pleasing. Scatter German light tank E 75 I got a comfortable one, the aiming time is fast for this caliber, and our stabilization is quite good.

We will conclude the discussion of weapons with comfortable vertical aiming angles. E 75 WoT tank capable of lowering the barrel 8 degrees, which allows you to play well from the terrain and feel confident in most situations.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Certainly, general characteristics We looked at this giant, we also figured out the weapon parameters, but so that you can fully reveal the potential of our German, it is worth highlighting the advantages and disadvantages E 75 World of Tanks separately, because it will be much easier to navigate.
Large margin of safety;
Very decent booking;
Good top speed;
Powerful one-time damage;
Good accuracy for this caliber;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles.
Huge dimensions;
Poor mobility (dynamics and maneuverability);
The presence of weak areas in the frontal armor;
Low rate of fire and DPM;
Penetration is not high enough.

Equipment for E 75

You cannot do without correctly selected and installed additional modules at level nine, because they significantly increase the combat potential of the vehicle and allow you to gain an advantage over the enemy. In our case, to achieve maximum force at tank E 75 equipment should be set like this:
1. – the German has noticeable difficulties with the rate of fire, so this best option, which will also increase damage per minute.
2. – having this module with you, you can even confidently deal damage while moving, so its importance is invaluable.
3. – will serve you well in your quest to achieve maximum viewing range, which is no less important in battle.

However, it is worth noting that there is not one, but two alternatives to the third point. Firstly, you can give preference in order to get a massive boost in characteristics and lose slightly in the review. Secondly, whoever wants to maximize their survivability by E 75 WoT should be installed, so you will be less vulnerable to artillery and, if necessary, you will be able to ram your opponent with the least damage to yourself.

Crew training

In addition to the bonuses received from the equipment, you can and should add upgrading skills for the crew sitting inside the tank. This is an excellent opportunity to improve the initial performance of the machine, and in order to avoid making mistakes, for E 75 perks should be studied in the following order:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for E 75

You need to achieve maximum survivability on this heavy tank, however, if your silver reserves are low, it is better to carry , , . However, it is possible to get out of a really difficult situation, repair several damaged internal modules at once, or cure several crew members only if you carry E 75 equipment from , , . You can also replace the last option with this one; the German one burns infrequently.

Tactics for playing on E 75

As mentioned earlier, we have in our hands a very strong and truly heavy tank, the armor of which, when used correctly, can hold back even level ten opponents. For this reason for E 75 tactics the conduct of combat practically does not change depending on whether he is at the top or at the bottom of the list.

Initially, your main task will be to get to the front line and take an advantageous position on the first line. The main thing to remember is that German heavy tank E 75 You must always hide your vulnerable NLD, and to avoid being targeted by the commander’s cupola and the optical instruments protruding along the sides of the tower, you need to dance a little.

The only difference is that in battles only against levels 9 and below, you can play a little more confidently. Bottom of the list E 75 tank should try to tank more on the side, because by setting up the correct diamond shape and hiding the frontal part of the tank, it will be very difficult to smoke you out of your favorite place.

Regarding dealing damage, everything is more than simple. Due to the low rate of fire, the player E 75 World of Tanks must play as an alpha. In other words, we carefully roll out towards the enemy, knock out 500 units of strength from his unfortunate carcass and roll back to safety.

Otherwise, you should always remember that this giant is afraid of artillery and, in addition, try not to let enemies on board. If they start twisting you, it will be very difficult to fight back. I must say that WoT E 75 is a very reliable machine, it can hold back the enemy or push through a direction, forming a powerful fighting fist with its presence.

Heavy Tank E-75 from German history. Excellent in its maneuverability and also has excellent armor. The tank is good both in attack on the first line and can stand up for itself in defense. Model E-75 is the predecessor model of the mighty E-100.

Historical facts of E75

As you know, the E Series of German tanks was only on paper; not a single prototype was created, which means that not a single photograph was taken either. In the Ministry of Armaments of the 3rd Reich in 1942, a department was formed, which was tasked with developing the latest tanks"Series E". We will talk about the E-75, it was designed as a heavy tank with a net weight of 75-80 tons. Its purpose was to replace the Tiger ll, since it was not reliable in combat, its production was very difficult and time-consuming. According to the Ministry's estimates, the E-75 was supposed to be put on the assembly line in 1945, but it remained only in sketches.

E75 guide

The E 75 is a classic of German heavy equipment. The E75 has excellent, strong armor, its gun has good accuracy, shot power, and the combat vehicle has a high silhouette. In addition to all this, there is weak armor on the sides and stern; the result is an updated, rich Tiger II.

A fully upgraded E 75 proves to be an excellent heavy tank that can work wonders on the battlefield. Distinctive feature E75 from other heavy tanks is the chassis. As is already known, the German heavy tanks are nicknamed slow-moving tanks, since their maximum speed is 40 km/h, but despite this, it shows excellent acceleration dynamics, the E75, with a 100% studied crew, shows good results when turning on various soils. It should also be noted that the tank has good survivability of 1920 HP.

The combat vehicle has excellent accuracy and excellent aiming, but the damage is relatively low compared to its counterparts per shot, until the top 128 mm gun is installed. But it has one drawback: the top gun has a low rate of fire. On a tank, the turret showed itself to be good, it has excellent armor, but the turret's traverse speed is less than the hull's traverse speed, because of this, when the tank maneuvers, its sight is slowly aimed at the enemy.

Breaking through e75

If all crew members have several perks, then it is better to level up the “Combat Brotherhood” skill for absolutely everyone.

E75 equipment

Selection of equipment for E75:
Gun rammer- unchanged vehicle equipment in WoT, provides an advantage in reloading weapons and increasing DPM;
Vertical stabilizer– will help reduce the aiming circle by 20% while moving, and when stationary it will speed up the aiming circle of the gun, increasing dominance over opponents while simultaneously fighting with superior enemy forces.
Improved ventilation- the equipment will improve accuracy, rate of fire, hull rotation, of course there is an alternative, installing a super-heavy anti-fragmentation lining, which will increase your life expectancy in the game in the event of an artillery strike.

Equipment for equipment is standard, you can do without premium equipment:

Fire extinguisher – mainly used to extinguish fuel tanks;
Repair kit – necessary for repairing damaged equipment;
First aid kit - designed to treat incapacitated crew members.

25 armor-piercing shells;
8 armor-piercing sabot shells (just in case);
3 high-explosive fragmentation ones for firing at lightly armored tanks and for shooting down a grapple.

e75 video

Conclusion on the E75 tank

Advantages of E75:

— Good dynamics of acceleration up to 40 km/h compared to the E-100 whose speed is 30 km/h;
— Excellent armor for the frontal part of 160 mm and the top turret of the tank 252/160/160;
— Excellent visibility of 400 meters, compared to “Tigr ll” visibility of 380 m;
— Powerful top gun 128 mm with damage 490/490/630 Hp.

Disadvantages of E75:

— High silhouette and visibility compared to its predecessor;
— Weak side armoring 120 mm;
— Visible tendency to damage internal equipment and crew;
— Long gun reload time 15.7 seconds;
— Low rotation speed of the top turret;

The E75 tank is excellently balanced, has excellent damage and armor on the front of the tank and turret, has good maneuverability and an elevated silhouette. Having studied the E75's shortcomings and strengths, in battle you can become a team leader and fight alone against an enemy that outnumbers you.

We are glad to present to your attention a video guide of the heavy German tank level 9 - E-75.

Today's entire guide will be dedicated only to this tank.

German heavy tank tier nine, has excellent mobility and armor. He feels confident both in defense and at the forefront of attack. In 1945 E-75 should have been main German heavy tank, replacing the "PzKpfw VIB Tiger II". Work on the tank did not go beyond the preliminary design stage.

E-75- typical school tank Panzerwaffe. Possessing strong armor, an accurate and powerful weapon, the tank has a very tall silhouette. Add to this the irrational armoring of the sides and rear, and we get a greatly overgrown Tiger II with all the ensuing consequences. In stock, the tank is a tasty target - it has weak turret armor, a low-power and expensive to maintain gun (the last point forces you to carefully consider every shot), and most importantly, it turns extremely slowly - any medium tank can easily spin us around.

However, at the top E-75 is a perfectly balanced machine, the mere presence of which in the lists makes any opponent nervous. Distinctive feature E-75 tank It is generally accepted that it is the chassis. The transmission is located at the rear, and therefore fires are rare (if we watch our rear, of course), and those who have exhausted their nerves with fires and crits from being hit in the forehead can relax a little.

Despite the low (however, standard for Germans) maximum speed of 30 km/h, it is nevertheless significantly faster than other TT9s. And thirdly, this tank has an excellent health reserve - 1920, second only to the Slipper. All tank guns have good accuracy and fast aiming, the highest rate of fire, but small compared to its classmates (and very little damage from land mines) alphastrike, with the exception of the top 128 mm gun. The turret, which has proven itself well on the sneaker, is also good here: it has excellent armor and an acceptable turning speed.

About its other characteristics, as well as combat tactics on tank E-75, let's talk in video guide

Video guide of the E-75 tank