Minecraft where you can build a railway. Minecraft railway. How to create electric rails in Minecraft

In the Minecraft game, you can use a type of transport such as a railway to move around the world and transport things. This method of travel will require players to spend a considerable amount of iron, red dust and even gold.

There are several different types of railway. Of course, this point depends on the imagination of the player himself, but here are the main examples:

  • A single-lane railway is the easiest to create. You only need rails (created in 16 pieces from six iron ingots and one stick) and trolleys (created from five iron ingots). The driving force in this mechanism will be a trolley with a stove (coal is required to start it). The distance it can travel is very short, due to the fact that it is constantly necessary to throw coal into the trolley.
  • A two-lane railway differs from single-lane railways in that they require a larger number of rails to create them. The ends of the paths must be connected to each other so that the movement can go in a circle. In this case, using a trolley with a stove will be especially effective.
  • Ring railway - this type of railway involves movement along one lane, but there will be loops at the ends of the tracks, allowing transport to turn around and go in the opposite direction. It uses fewer resources than a two-lane railroad, but achieves the same effect.

Building any type of railroad requires a lot of iron ingots, not to mention red dust and gold when creating electric rails. The main driving force for ordinary rails is a trolley with a stove, which is created using a workbench from a trolley and a stove. This device is filled with coal and installed on the rails so that the rest of the trolleys are in front of it.

How to create electric rails in Minecraft

To create electric rails you need:

  • 6 gold bars;
  • One red dust;
  • One stick.

For this type of road to work, you need to place red torches, redstone blocks or activated levers near it. These items will generate electricity, activating quite large sections of the road. Despite high costs when creating this railway, it has a huge efficiency, since it can constantly move in any direction without wasting any resources.

What other types of railways are there in the game?

The game also contains the following types of railway transport:

  • A trolley and a trolley with a stove (which was already written about above);
  • Cargo trolley (trolley + chest);
  • Loading trolley (trolley + loading funnel);
  • Trolley with dynamite.

Each of these types of transport has a specific purpose, for example, a loading trolley is used to dump objects into it (it acts in the same way as a regular loading funnel). It holds 5 items, which will be unloaded when the minecart passes through the funnel located under the rails (even if it is not connected to the chest).

The use of the railway is effective not only on the surface of the earth, but also in mines. It is much easier to lay a railway into the deepest mines than to constantly move along them on foot. Movement in the mine involves constant descents and ascents; this will require electric rails, but they have one drawback - there is no talk of any turns.

Video of building a railway in Minecraft

We will continue to build the railway, but this time our construction will become more complicated. In this article we will look at complex junctions and the basic rules for railway construction. You can connect new ones to existing paths and build increasingly complex path patterns. To illuminate the paths, pressure rails are installed and lamps are connected to them. Or red torches are installed through an inverter. The southeast rule applies everywhere, the rule is T, the downhill rule.

Downhill Rule, T Rule, Southeast Corner Rule.

Descent rule- if perpendicular rails are brought to the descent, the trolley will go down when passing along the latter.

Rule T- if you bring another one to the turning track, when passing along the last one the trolley will pass straight.

Southeast corner rule- if perpendicular rails are brought to a straight line, when passing along the latter, the trolley will always turn south or east.

How to build correctly (construction features)


Automatic movement of trolleys is only possible if they are on rails. Trolleys that are not on rails can only be moved by constantly pushing them. There are 5 types of trolleys:

  1. Passenger - transport the player and mobs, they can be pushed, dispersed by electric rails or a trolley with a stove;
  2. Freight - for transporting goods, the same traffic rules as the previous ones.
  3. A trolley with a stove, like a diesel locomotive, sets other trolleys in motion, skips electric rails “without noticing” them, like ordinary rails.
  4. Trolleys with TNT - these trolleys explode when passing activated activating branches, but do not damage the railway tracks.
  5. Trolleys with a funnel - you can put rails on a chest or funnel and then things from the trolleys with a funnel will be transferred to the lower funnel.

You will not be able to accelerate several trolleys on the tracks at once; at turns, the trolleys collide and the trolley next to the first rolls back, but this rule of movement does not apply to the movement of trolleys with a stove.


An example of a railway uphill.

When going uphill, the trolley with the stove should accelerate well. To move uphill along electric tracks, you will have to place several blocks of electric rails one after another. When going down a hill, a simple trolley accelerates, but a trolley with a stove does not change speed.

Diagonal paths

Diagonal paths.

You can lay the rails as in the picture - in this case the trolleys will move normally in a straight line without shaking. It is possible to build such paths to cover more territories and it is more convenient to build turns.

Safety rules

Your railroad may be threatened by water and lava, so build the road away from them. If the rails are located below a water source close to them, they will be washed away by the current when the depression is filled with water, creepers explode, or the wall of the water tank is damaged. The lava burns the rails.

A sneaking creeper can blow up the ground around the rails and destroy the rails with an explosion. You can protect yourself by fencing the rails with a fence or impassable blocks.

Construction work nearby can also damage the railway. minefields.

In hell, ghasts can blow up a railway - these are giant jellyfish that spew fire.

To monitor the condition of the road, the player can lay a red dust path with repeaters along the railroad and turn it on at the beginning with a red torch. If the wire is damaged by an explosion, the torch will go out.

Railway stations

In the game, railway stations perform useful work - they accept trolleys and can change the direction of their movement. Railway stations can be installed in any economic facility - a house, a mine, a forest.

When building a station, you first need to lay the rails, tear down the bent rail and lay it again. Red dust is applied to the rail from the button on the side opposite to the curvature of the rails (see figure). A rail - a button - is placed on the same side, otherwise the trolleys will not stop at this station. After operation, the trolleys need to be removed from the rails or an automatic station must be built.

Automatic station

To build you will need: 10 electric rails, 2 push rails, 3 red torches, 2 buttons, from 4 to 6 blocks of earth, 4 blocks of red dust, 1 repeater for 0.8 seconds (as a signal delay), regular rails in the required design quantity - in our design - 10 pieces.

First we install the automatic motion starter. Before version 1.5, the trolley did not move even if the rail was connected underneath it. She could only be pushed, which is difficult to do while in a trolley. This problem can be solved if a block is placed close to the rail. Place a block of earth, place an electric rail on it, then close together regular rails and 3 blocks of electric rails, and add more blocks and a button to them to turn them on. The red torch can be hidden under the rails by digging under them to remove the torch one block from the rails. Next, combine the paths, you will get a fork. Next, on the path indicated by the fork, replace the descending rails and those opposite to the arrow with push ones. A redstone path leads from them straight to the arrow. Set the repeater to the maximum delay - otherwise the trolley will not have time to slip onto the adjacent tracks - the arrow will switch in front of it.

Automatic station for two cars.

In the presented example of a station, each trolley that arrives will be poked into pockets until the first free slot. True, you will have to push the trolley standing on pressure rails. The trolleys will leave directly, without going into each pocket. An unlimited number of trolleys can be driven into such a station; to do this, you need to convert additional slots as in the figure.

Or make the path inclined so that the trolley can accelerate down the mountain. Unfortunately, both options are not very good: the trolley with the stove has a lower speed than the player, and it is quite difficult to maintain the required slope of the tracks all the time.

Efficiency: minimum.
Flaws: difficulties with accelerating the trolley.

Simple two-lane tracks

The second simplest type of railway. It is built similarly to single-lane tracks, but you will need at least 2 times as many rails to create a simple type of railway. The ends of the tracks must be connected to each other so that the trolley can endlessly travel along the tracks in one direction.

For this type of railway, a trolley with a stove is best suited - it can move until the fuel runs out.

Efficiency: coal).
Flaws: with each new activation, the trolley with the stove goes in the direction opposite to the one in which it went last time. This creates some difficulties (provided that the trolley with the stove pushes other trolleys).

Looped paths

They are built as single-lane tracks, but the ends of these same tracks must form a loop so that the end of the loop faces in the direction opposite to the end of the tracks. When creating such tracks, do not forget about the “southeast rule”: the trolley always tends to turn either south or east.

For acceleration on such tracks, a trolley with a stove is best suited.

Efficiency: medium (one coal is used for each trip).
Flaws: The "southeast rule" can make it difficult to create proper loops. However, you can place a lever next to the arrow, which will force the trolley to turn in the desired direction.

Electrical paths

On at the moment the simplest and fastest type of tracks - along them the trolley can move endlessly, without wasting fuel. However, such rails are quite expensive to build.

Accelerated paths (Does not work with beta 1.6 and later)

They are ordinary tracks, but the trolley is accelerated using an accelerator. This type of path was often used before the beta 1.5 update, which introduced electrical paths. Electric paths are more efficient, but the accelerator can still be used in the early stages of the game until the player has enough gold to build the latter.

Efficiency: >100%.
Flaws: The accelerator is a rather bulky design. The trolley can stop if something prevents it from moving (for example, a mob on the tracks).

Weak accelerator

With version 1.2.4, it is again possible to build an accelerator. It is based on a bug: if there is a player or a mob in the trolley, then the trolley passing by gets a weak push.


1. Place a block near the railway.
2. Place a block of rails, and then another solid block.
3. Place a trolley on the rail block and put a mob in it.

Efficiency: 100%

Flaws: Very low acceleration, easier to use electric rails.

Paths with a small accelerator

They are built like this: every two blocks a block is placed and the rails are placed on them, it turns out something like this:

  • Path Modifications

    Railway lines

    Rails, under the influence of red dust or mechanisms, can change their direction. This can be used to create both regular railway junctions and complex circuits that control the railway.

    When switching rails, the “southeast rule” applies to them.

    Dynamic lighting

    Using pressure rails and red torches it is possible to create dynamic track lighting. To do this, you need to install pressure rails and connect lamps or red torches to them via an inverter (which is less efficient).

    Features of construction


    Trolleys can only be installed on rails (any kind), and only on rails will they move freely, otherwise they will simply freeze until they begin to be pushed. There are only 7 types of trolleys:

    The player and mobs can sit in them, they can be pushed or dispersed using electric rails or a trolley with a stove.

    Used for transporting things.

    A trolley pushing other trolleys. Electric rails have no effect on it.

    A trolley that explodes when it hits activated activating rails does not destroy the rails and blocks on which they stood when exploding.

    Since version 1.5.0, rails can be placed on chests and other craters if you sit down. A minecart with a funnel will transfer items to a chest/funnel located under the rails.

    Executes a command when driving along the activating rails.

    This cart is a mobile spawner, so it should be used to spawn on a specific path.


    When going down a hill, a regular trolley accelerates, but a trolley with a stove does not change speed.

    To lift a trolley uphill, you need to provide it with enough energy. A stove trolley can lift several other trolleys up a mountain if it has time to accelerate horizontally. Electric rails can also be installed when climbing a mountain, as needed.

    Diagonal paths

    If you arrange the rails as in the picture on the right, the trolley, despite the seeming impossibility of a normal trip, will move normally in a straight line, without shaking. Although it will oscillate between two opposite positions, the player will notice this only by the change in texture; this does not affect the mechanics; even the trolley with the stove will continue to move normally. This increases the ability of railway communications to cover the territory, and also allows you to make more rounded turns, on which there is noticeably less shaking.

    Damage to tracks

    Water, lava and explosions destroy the rails. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow several rules:

    • Isolate the rails from water and lava as much as possible.

    If the rails go below the nearest source of water, then be prepared for the fact that they may be flooded in the event of an attack by griefers, an explosion of creepers, or an accidental undermining of the wall of a water tank. The water will simply wash away the rails, and the lava will also burn them.

    • Beware of creepers.

    Creepers can explode, destroying not only the ground, but also the rails near the explosion site. Therefore, it is not recommended to travel at night and in the morning on rails that are not surrounded by a fence or impassable blocks. The radius of destruction of rails is 1 cell greater than the radius of explosion.

    • You should not set up minefields near the rails.
    • Beware of the ghasts.

    If you decide to build rails in hell, then beware of ghasts. They can blow up your paths.

    In order to timely determine the state of the paths (they are intact or destroyed), you can lay a path of red dust along them with repeaters and power it at the beginning with a red torch. If the wire is touched by an explosion, it will “go out.”


    In the game it is impossible to accelerate several trolleys on the same tracks at once (only if they are not pushed by a trolley with a stove)- on turns they hit each other and the trolley in front transmits an impulse to the one behind it, forcing it to move in the opposite direction.

    Railway station

    Very often there is a need to equip railways with stations so that you can easily move between a house, a mine, a pond, a forest, or a farm without transfers. In general, the stations are a very useful thing. The station must be able to accept a trolley and send it in any direction (forward or backward) without destruction. There are different options stations, but the simplest and most functional ones are presented below.

    When building a station, you first need to lay the rails, remove the curved rail and install it again. After that, the wire to it must be placed from the button opposite to the side of the curvature of the rails (as in the picture). Don't forget to place the button rail on the same side, otherwise the trolleys will overshoot this station. And don't forget to remove the trolleys from the rails after use, or make a bus station like this:

    Automatic station

    Sooner or later you will get tired of removing the trolleys from the rails, or you may have an emergency situation when you forgot to remove the trolley. In this case, you should build a station with two\three\four (1 track for each trolley) final tracks. The simplest example: you and a friend decided to build a railroad to exchange resources. But what if, when you already have one trolley, your friend sends another one? Then she won’t be able to park properly, and maybe even drive back.

    Red dust straight to the arrow. Don't forget to set the repeater to the maximum delay: otherwise the trolley will not have time to enter the adjacent tracks (the arrow will switch right in front of it). If you did everything as in the screenshot (the fence and lighting are optional: the author was simply very disturbed by mobs), any trolley entering a busy parking lot will be poked in the pockets until the first free slot (unfortunately, a trolley standing on pressure rails needs to be kicked, which neutralizes all automation However, the trolleys will leave “directly”, without going into each pocket). The theoretical capacity of such a station is unlimited: it is enough to remake additional slots like the one on the right in the screenshot.

Today we will present one of the most popular toys for PC called “Minecraft”. The railway is an object that you will have to learn to create. This is not the easiest task that users are aware of. You will have to show persistence and ingenuity. Fortunately, by following some tips and tricks, you can make your idea a reality. So how to make a railroad in Minecraft? What should every player be aware of during construction? What exactly will he need?

Rails or road

Initially, it is important to understand what exactly the player wants to get. The thing is, there are several similar objects in Minecraft. The first is the rails. This is a very common item that is used in a toy. Often used for traps. The second is the railway. Usually it means a complex structure consisting of many different objects. The basis is made up of rails.

Accordingly, the player must clearly understand what he wants to get in the Minecraft game. Railway - the construction of this object will have to be addressed. At the same time, you will be able to understand how rails are created.

What you need for the road

So, the first step is to understand which components will be useful to the player. In the Minecraft game, the construction of a complex railway can be carried out as the user wishes. In the scheme being studied, you will have to find and prepare such items as:

  • paths in Minecraft;
  • electric rails;
  • pickaxe (diamond);
  • ax (diamond);
  • shovel (made of diamond);
  • place for discovered items;
  • torch.

In addition, it is advisable to draw up a construction plan in the Minecraft game in advance. The railway here will be built according to a specific algorithm that the user will come up with. The main thing is that all actions take place directly on the map. Therefore, it is recommended to find a suitable place for construction.

Creation system

As soon as the user has all the listed components (we will talk about how to get them a little later), construction can begin. What tips and recommendations will help bring your idea to life?

You can follow the following instructions:

  1. It is better to start building a railway in the game Minecraft 1.7.10 (or any other version) from the steps. Digging directly down is not recommended. In order to make steps, a hole 2-3 blocks wide is enough.
  2. Build an underground passage. It shouldn't be too deep. Since we are talking about a complex railway, it is necessary to make a transition with several exits to the station.
  3. At each exit, it is best to put a sign (for example, wooden) with the name of the railway.
  4. Build a schedule board near the exits (preferably made of stone). Hang wooden tables on it and write the departure times of trolley trains.
  5. It is recommended to place a chest near the place where the road is laid. This step is optional. It is required in order to get all the necessary items as quickly as possible.
  6. As soon as the finishing is finished, you can begin the main construction in the Minecraft game. The railway consists of iron rails. They are needed in large quantities.
  7. Place rails along the entire planned path. At the very beginning you will have to place 2-3 blocks with electric rails without torches and with red stone. Repeat this procedure at each stop.
  8. Every 10-14 blocks with rails, add a pair of electric ones with a red stone on the wall and a torch. This technique helps speed up the trolleys.
  9. Carry out similar procedures with all branches of the proposed station.

Accordingly, at the end of the process a high-class railway will be obtained. The main problem is thinking through the paths. You can work with the game "Minecraft 1.7.10" and with any other version.

Ordinary road

However, in practice it is more important to master the construction of an economy class railway. This process does not involve anything difficult. The main thing is to learn how to create ordinary rails. A downloaded mod will help you build complex structures. The railroad (Minecraft) is a very common object that you can download and install as a modification for the game.

A conventional railway is represented by a chain of rails. Nothing difficult or special. To maintain speed, you will have to add several electric rails.

The rest of the algorithm boils down to:

  1. Creation of a group of conventional and electric rails.
  2. Laying out a small chain of previously created objects that represent the railway.
  3. Providing red stone and torches in places where it is needed.

That's all. Now it’s clear what schemes are used to create rails. But, as already mentioned, you will initially have to prepare some components. How exactly are they created?

About creating items for the road

In fact, there is nothing difficult in providing the railway with everything necessary. It is enough to follow the recipes for creating items in the game Minecraft. The railway provides the following crafting methods:

  • axe, shovel and hoe - created from two sticks and several;
  • red stone torch - one red stone and one stick;
  • regular rails - 1 stick and 6 iron blocks (mined from iron ore);
  • electric rails - stick, 1 redstone and 6 gold bars;
  • pressure rails - 1 stone pressure plate, 1 red stone, 6 iron ingots.

Nothing difficult or special. Now it’s clear what will help build a station in the game Minecraft. The railway here is far from the most complex structure. Some problems may arise when mining red stone and diamonds. But otherwise the process will not take much effort.