What can a flute be made from? DIY wooden pipe. How to make a pipe from wood with your own hands

Flute How to make a flute with your own hands

If you want to learn to play the flute, but you do not have the opportunity to purchase the instrument itself, we suggest you make it yourself from ordinary PVC pipes. You can learn detailed instructions for making a Bansuri transverse flute from the training video “How to make a flute with your own hands.” The host of the video will share his secrets with you, and will also tell you in detail and in an accessible way, like an ordinary plastic pipe turn into musical instrument.

How to make a flute with your own hands

A general name for a number of musical wind instruments from the woodwind group. It is one of the most ancient musical instruments in origin. Unlike other wind instruments, the flute produces sounds by cutting the air stream against an edge, instead of using a reed.

Origin, history of the flute. IN Greek mythology son is considered to be the inventor of the flute Hephaestus Ardal. The oldest form of flute appears to be the whistle. Gradually, finger holes began to be cut into the whistle tubes, turning a simple whistle into a whistle flute, on which musical works could be performed.

The longitudinal flute was known in Egypt five thousand years ago, and it remains the main wind instrument throughout the Middle East. A longitudinal flute, which has 5-6 finger holes and is capable of octave blowing, provides a complete musical scale, individual intervals within which can change, forming different modes by crossing the fingers, closing the holes halfway, as well as changing the direction and force of breathing.

The transverse flute with 5-6 finger holes was known in China at least 3 thousand years ago, and in India and Japan more than two thousand years ago. In Europe during the Middle Ages, mainly simple whistle-type instruments (predecessors of the recorder and flageolet) were common, as well as the transverse flute, which penetrated into Central Europe from the East through the Balkans, where it still remains the most widespread folk instrument.

By the end of the 17th century, the transverse flute was improved by French masters, among whom Otteter stands out, who, in particular, added valves to the six finger holes to perform a full chromatic scale. Possessing a more expressive sound and high technical capabilities, the transverse flute soon replaced the longitudinal flute (recorder) and by the end of the 18th century it took a strong place in the symphony orchestra and instrumental ensembles.

You will learn more by watching the online video training " How to make a flute with your own hands» on our portal. Have a great result!

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What kind of absurd nitpicking is this? Why all this writing?
You force me to explain simple things to you.
Oh well!
What did the reed do to you? And here “The author does not have a single “reed” from which such an instrument cannot actually be made.”
Let me explain - we look up at the beginning of the article and read what is written there - The pipe was usually made from reeds, reeds or other hollow material. In this article, the author will tell and show his manufacturing method., following which you can repeat and make a musical instrument with your own hands. I have highlighted the key words. As you understand, we are not talking about the fact that the author had “reeds”. This was the background.
You say that such an instrument cannot be made from reeds, I wonder why? I’m writing briefly, we take a reed stalk and make a pipe from it, what’s the difficulty? My grandmother told me as a child that previously the so-called “Pipes” were made from reeds, or you want to say. that she didn’t tell me the truth??). Well, okay, let’s enter this information into the search and let’s get involved in the story!

How could I make such an irreparable mistake - instead of the letter “i” I wrote “e”, but easily! Like anyone else man, (you see I wrote a mistake again), I could be wrong, because during the rewrite of the article I was carried away by writing it, so much so that I allowed myself to make such an irreparable mistake (

Oh, those three holes, without which it is impossible to make a pipe. How does this change the essence of the matter? Yes, the author says “three holes”, I have “several holes”, I, for example, could get by with just one, carefully boring it with a drill to the required size. The point is that we combine these holes and get one larger one, three holes are not necessary, so this can be neglected.
Let's move on....
“make a small corner recess, approximately 30-45˚” (the author says “sew one side of the window at an angle of approximately 30-45 degrees”).
Is the technological process broken here? I wrote in my own words, what's wrong? As you already understand, the rewriting of an article is to eliminate the repetition of the AUTHOR’S WORDS, while eliminating plagiarism. Attached to the article is a photo showing what we are doing. After reading these lines “we grind one side of the window at an angle of approximately 30-45 degrees” and looking at the photo, won’t you understand what we’re talking about?

Regarding - The most important point in installing the bushing was missed: “With the cut edge up, exactly to the edge of the whistle window.”
I simplified the description a little - You should get a smooth, flat edge. We fix the sleeve with glue. See the photo for more details. Why is this not clear to you? I looked, saw, and understood!

And not “with such a series of sounds,” but “with such a series of sounds.” This is perhaps my biggest mistake, which I admit, now because of me a person will not be able to play the pipe, eh (I didn’t want that.

Phew, seems to have answered all the questions.

Question: where and to whom did I lie in this article?

You need to rewrite wisely, " good words", that is, based on a couple of words that are incomprehensible to you, you decided that I am mentally unstable, and also a liar? Just an excellent statement, bravo! As for me, there is more stupidity in your above words than in my article .
Looking at your statistics, you are an avid commentator, you write a lot, give advice to everyone, but that’s all, since you don’t have a single article written with your own hands!
So why should I listen to a person who hasn’t done this himself?
I want to tell you the following: before pointing out to a person his mistakes, prove that you yourself do not make them.
Everyone presses buttons easily, but only a few understand what they are for.
That's probably all!

A flute is not just a beautiful and melodic wind instrument, but in some cases, also a piece of art that adorns any collection of musical instruments. You can make a flute with your own hands. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with detailed instructions how to make a flute.

Necessary materials and equipment

To make it at home you will need:

  • open flame (for example, gas torch)
  • steel rod with a diameter of 12 mm.
  • fine-grained sandpaper, potholder or any piece of coarse cloth
  • fine-toothed hacksaw for metal
  • pliers
  • marker
  • drill with a diameter of 6 mm.
  • old fishing rod
  • roulette
  • linseed oil.

Let's start production

At the beginning of the process, before making a flute from wood, it is necessary to cut a tube 45-50 cm long from the fishing rod. Then it should be cut off in such a way that one end of the tube remains closed by a partition between the sections. Now you need to measure a place at a distance of 25 mm for the first hole. Next, we measure another 150 mm, and make five more marks with a difference in distance of 25 mm. Then we take a steel rod with a potholder and heat it well on the fire. After this, you need to insert the rod into the open part of the workpiece and pierce it in such a way as to burn through all the partitions except the last one. Now you need to heat the drill on the fire and burn out the previously measured holes in the tube in three places. Under no circumstances should you attempt to drill holes, as the tube may burst if it cannot withstand the stress. Then, using sandpaper, you need to clean out the remains of individual fibers and coals from the inside of the tube. At the end of the flute making process, it is worth covering it with a thin layer of linseed oil.

Making a flute out of paper

In order to introduce your child to art, you can make a toy flute from paper. If you don't know how to make a paper flute, don't worry - it's very easy! You need to take thick cardboard, roll it into a tube and make several holes with an awl. To make the cardboard more dense, it can be coated with several layers of PVA glue. To make the toy flute arouse more interest in the baby, it is worth coloring it with gouache or felt-tip pens in bright colors.

Svirel (pipe)- an ancient musical instrument. It was usually done by shepherds to entertain themselves during monotonous work. A pipe (pipe) was usually made from reeds, reeds or other hollow material. In order to make such a pipe, you will need some kind of hollow tube approx. 30cm. with inner diameter approx. 1 cm. This is a reed stalk (it grows along river banks or in wetlands) or a PVC tube. You will also need a tuner or some kind of musical instrument for tuning the sound, a hacksaw, a wood burner, a sharp knife, “Moment” glue, a needle file, sandpaper and a piece of wood for the whistle.

Progress of work on making a pipe (pipe) from reeds

First, you need to saw off the tube to length (mine is 27cm), align the edges and remove the internal partitions (if any) with a knife:

Then we clean the internal channel using sandpaper wound on a stick:

Now it is necessary at a distance of approx. 2cm. Cut the whistle hole from the edge. It has a rectangular shape. Its width is 0.7 cm, length 0.5 cm. This is approximate. It can be finalized with adjustments. Mark the hole with a pencil and cut it:

Now we use a file to form the corner of the whistle hole (on the side closer to the exit). It should be at an angle of 45 degrees. This angle is very important because... it is directly involved in the formation of sound, cutting the air stream.

Now you need to make a wad from a piece of wood and adjust it to the diameter of the internal channel (the diagram of its structure is below). It should reach the near edge of the whistle hole.

You can tie the edge of the pipe with a thread so that the reed does not crack:

insert the wad into the pipe, first trying it on:

We saw off the excess, leveling the edge:

Coat the wad with glue and insert it into the pipe. When it dries, we form a bevel of the edge of the pipe for ease of playing:

Now, using a tuner, we check the tonality (first sound) of our flute. I got "D". Next you need to burn the first hole. First, we burn a hole of small diameter, check with a tuner and adjust the holes, widening it. The wider and higher the hole is to the whistle, the higher the note. The tuning of the pipe is diatonic, i.e. major or minor scale. With all the holes closed, the note “D” is obtained, which means the first hole will correspond to the note “E”, the second to the note “F sharp”, the third to “Sol”, the fourth to “A”, the fifth to “B”, the sixth to “C sharp”, and lower "D". This is a major key. Below I will post a diagram with hole measurements and the whistle device.

After tuning the six holes on the top surface of the flute, you need to clean the internal channel from any burnt residue with sandpaper:

Lastly, we burn a hole from the bottom surface of the flute:

Diagram of the whistle and measurements of the holes of the pipe.

Today we will make a pipe with our own hands from wood. In this master class you will be presented step by step description and everything is demonstrated in photo instructions. I’ll say right away that the craft is incredibly difficult for beginners. Only experienced carpenters and people who know how to work with wood can do this. The flute is also called a sopilka or a pipe; it is all one instrument, but sometimes it differs in the number of holes or length.

Let's prepare the following tools and material:

1. Vise;
2. Sandpaper;
3. Pencil;
4. PVA;
5. Knife;
6. Wooden sleeve, length 4 centimeters and diameter 1.5 centimeters;
7. Regular ruler;
8. Drill;
9. Needle file;
10. Two clamps;
11. Tuner;
12. Semicircular cutter;
13. Wooden blocks, approximately 30x2x1 centimeters in size.

There may be some other things that will be needed, we will discuss them as production progresses.

How to make a pipe from wood with your own hands

We take two bars and make markings on them. On one side of the piece of wood we measure 1 centimeter from the edge, and on the other end 1.5 centimeters. The pipe will narrow. We connect the two ends with lines.

We take one block and clamp it in a vice. We cut out the sketched area and make a small semicircular channel.

Take your time, the cutter should go straight and the grain should follow the drawn line.

We do the other half in exactly the same way. Then we use sandpaper to sand.