Wife of Valery Meladze. Personal life. Konstantin Meladze left his family for the Brezhnev faith Meladze brothers and their new wives age

Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva got married on October 23, 2015 after 10 years of secret dates, unsuccessful attempts to cope with feelings and stay in their old life.

They met in 2003 - the selection of soloists for the VIA Gra ensemble was underway.

How it all began

Master Meladze, immersed in music and his own fantasies, set a difficult task for the debutantes: “Become the way I want.” The generous and cheerful Vera seemed to have managed this without difficulty. It was as if they were made for each other.

It became more and more difficult to hide the surging feelings every year. Vera’s husband, M. Kiperman, was the first to break down; they divorced in 2012. Konstantin's wife Yana endured until 2014 - and also filed for divorce. Having received freedom, the lovers secretly marry.

Wedding of Vera and Konstantin

The wedding venue was the Italian resort of Forte dei Marmi, long favored by the Russian elite. The mayor of the city, U. Buratti, sealed their union, after which the bride in a transparent dress quickly ran down the steps of the city hall, hiding in a car from the cameras of nosy paparazzi.

The fussy groom could barely keep up with her. The celebration ended with a gala dinner at the Paradiso al Mare hotel in the circle of the most chosen and close ones.

Video of the wedding of Meladze and Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze: latest news of family life

For the first time, Vera introduced her husband to a wide audience with the words: “Talented and beloved.” The composer himself admitted that she pulled him out of his shell and taught him to enjoy life. To curious questions, both spouses found a single answer: “Happiness loves silence.”

Someone, but the Meladze brothers were one of the most discussed newsmakers last year. What does a wedding cost and the truth about. Of course, the scandalous journalist, who has his own opinion about everyone and everything, decided to stir up interest in the brother musicians and in himself.


READ ALSO - Brezhnev and Meladze appeared together for the first time after the wedding

The fact is that at the end of last year a summary clip called “” was released. According to Otar, the new brainchild of the musicians is a complete betrayal, since with the video they crossed out everything that they experienced in the past, and in particular, they insulted their ex-wives. Let us remind you that Liza Boyarskaya, Victoria Isakova and Yulia Snigir also starred in the video. Here is how the journalist speaks about the meaning inherent in the new song:

Kostya Meladze is not a person, but a human being, a composer, a producer, an engineer of girls’ souls. A protected rarity, not a person. Until he and his brother performed a dubious masterpiece called “My Brother,” I was convinced that KM writes first-rate songs, being in dreamy introspection, alien to our petty passions. No, he is OUR, an ordinary person, just like his brother, a good guy who believes that the past was a mistake.

In 2015, Valery Meladze celebrated and by this date the brothers gave big money. On one of them. For the big anniversary, the brothers gave a frank interview about... And the brothers’ new joint video is the result of their experience. This is what Otar saw in the words of the song “My Brother”:

“It took me half my life to get used to it, but I just had to leave” - in short, the song is about this. Valera M. - I will collapse into the fire of eternal punishment if someone accuses me of insincerity - a singer on a galactic scale. And so he and his brother sing a song of songs, from which it follows that their ex-wives were a mistake, they indulge in repentant self-flagellation in song.

It's no secret that the Meladze brothers left their ex-wives for wards from the VIA Gra group: Valery Meladze is in a relationship with and is raising her, and Konstantin, as we already wrote, has cast his lot in with. The disgraced journalist simply could not resist criticizing the brothers’ “such” behavior towards their ex-wives.

It has long been known that the Meladze brothers are not indifferent to the girls from the VIA Gra group. One of the soloists, Vera Brezhneva, was already married, but then divorced and is now raising daughters. Not long ago it turned out that Konstantin Meladze left his family for Vera. The couple had not previously announced that they were in a relationship. But now it has become known that they got married. It is possible that Meladze and Brezhnev are planning a child, as journalists filmed them at a well-known perinatal center.

The lovers no longer intend to hide their relationship. The wedding has already been confirmed by Vera Brezhneva’s press attache. The secret wedding took place in Italy. The newlyweds chose the Forte dei Marmi resort for this. Italian media report that Brezhnev and Meladze were personally signed by the mayor of the city. After this, the couple continued to celebrate the occasion at a local restaurant.

Divorces due to VIA Gra

It so happened that the soloists " VIA games"became the reason why the families of both Meladze brothers fell apart. ex-wife Konstantina shared information about this. Yana says that her relationship with Brezhneva is ex-husband have been going on since 2005. At first the composer did not want to admit the truth. Even when everything was already known, he was not yet planning to file for divorce. Then Yana did it herself. In that marriage, Meladze had three children. As in the case of Valery Meladze, the reason for the separation was a girl from the group. Now Yana is no longer angry with her ex-husband and his new passion. She says that after the divorce she finally found the man she had been looking for for a long time.

Valery Meladze also left his wife Irina for Albina Dzhanabaeva. They have long term relationship. The couple even has two children. In his first marriage, Valery was the father of three daughters. Both brothers are similar not only by their common surname and blood ties. They have an irresistible attraction to the soloists of a famous group, and also have several children in previous marriages.

The age difference is not a hindrance to happiness

Despite the fact that the newly-made spouses are 20 years apart, they are both happy. People close to the couple were present at the celebration. Journalists managed to take a couple of pictures from the wedding. Vera shields herself from curious people with a bouquet of flowers. The mayor of the city, who arranged for the newlyweds, let it slip that the couple had already vacationed in this place in Italy five times. He also said that many stars and guests came, who mostly spoke Russian.

Most likely, Brezhnev and Meladze will spend their honeymoon. Vera Brezhneva recently posted her photo with the caption “Satisfied Vera.” It was made in Italy. The singer also shared that there is happiness and she wishes everyone their wishes come true.