Speech therapy lesson vowels and consonants. Summary of the literacy lesson “Sounds. Speech and non-speech sounds. Vowels, consonants. Types of children's activities

Subgroup speech therapy session in the senior group for children diagnosed with: Severe speech impairment, general speech underdevelopment, level 3 speech development.

Topic of the lesson: “Introduction to the concepts of vowels and consonants.”



Subgroup speech therapy session in the senior group for children diagnosed with: Severe speech impairment, general speech underdevelopment, level 3 speech development.

Topic of the lesson: “Introduction to the concepts of vowels and consonants.”

Goals: 1. Development of memory, attention, logical thinking.

  1. Development of auditory and visual attention.
  2. Introducing the concepts: vowel, consonant sounds.
  3. Differentiation of the concepts of vowel and consonant sounds.
  4. Development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements.
  1. 6. Development of phonemic hearing.

Handout: Red circles and blue squares cut out of colored cardboard.

Progress of the lesson:

  • Introductory part.

Didactic game “Let’s Listen”: Children, let’s close our eyes, stand silently and listen. What do you hear? Everything you heard, what is it called? Correct sounds. Now you sit down and listen to a fairy tale.

  • Main part.

In a magical land there lived sounds. This country was very tiny. Only thirty-one inhabitants lived in it. No one had ever seen these residents, as they were invisible. But they could be heard. These residents were called by sounds. Six sounds were singers: a, o, e, y, i, s. They sang along: ya, yo, eh, yu. For their loudness and melodiousness these sounds were called - vowels. The sounds were very friendly with each other and sang magical songs. We can also sing along with them, but to do this we need to recognize all the sounds and pronounce them correctly.

Vowel sounds come out easily and freely, without encountering any obstacles on their way. They can be sung for a long time and loudly - each separately and sequentially rearranged. Let's sing. They are called vowels, from the word “voice”, i.e. voice. Because they can be sung with a voice, with a voice. We will denote these sounds with a red circle. They look like a ball. It can roll for a long time, and the vowels are sung and drawn out.

But in this magical land there are still inhabitants - consonants sounds. Their lives are worse. To pronounce them, the air needs to break through the barriers that their lips, teeth, and tongue put in place. They cannot sing these sounds themselves, but agree to sing only together with vowels. That's why they are called consonants sounds. We will designate them with a blue square. The square is a cube, look, it rolls like a ball cannot. So the consonants are not sung, they are not drawn out. We will now get up and rest.

  • Physical education minute:

My ball jump-jump

From pavement to bridge.

And the bridge was small.

The ball fell into the river.

  • Fixing the material.

Didactic game “Sounds”: I will now pronounce sounds, and you listen carefully. When you hear a vowel sound, raise the red circle. And if I pronounce a consonant sound - a blue square.

  • Summing up the lesson.

Today you got acquainted with vowel and consonant sounds. How to recognize vowel sounds? How to recognize consonant sounds. How will we designate vowels and consonant sounds? Listen to the poem:

Air flows freely through the mouth,

There are no different obstacles

The sound is vowel.

The vowels stretch out in a ringing song,

They may cry and scream

They can cradle a child in a crib,

But they don’t want to whistle and grumble.

And the consonants... agree

Rustle, whisper, creak,

Even snort and hiss,

But I don’t want to sing to them.

S, S, S... - a snake whistle is heard,

Sh, Sh, Sh... - the fallen leaf rustles,

F, F, F... - the beetles in the garden are buzzing,

R, R, R... - the engines rumble.

Topic: Differentiation of vowels and consonants.



    consolidate the ability to clearly pronounce vowels and consonants;

    improve the skills of phonemic analysis and synthesis;

    learn to isolate the vowel sound in a word

    learn to isolate a consonant sound in a word;

    learn to differentiate vowels and consonants;

    consolidate the ability to form plural nouns. I.P.

Correctional and developmental:

    development of phonemic perception and hearing based on sounds;

    development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills.


    develop the ability to work throughout the lesson;

    develop the ability to interact with each other;

    cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and birds;

Equipment: computer, multimedia device, metallophone, subject pictures, letters, cards, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson

1.Organizing moment.

L. - hello, guys!

Listen as you sit down.

There are letters in your envelopes, see what letter it is and name that sound

Well done!

2. Topic message

L. - During the lesson we will perform many different tasks, so listen to me carefully and remember the rule throughout the lesson

Our ears listen carefully and hear everything.

Our eyes look carefully and see everything.

Our heads think well.

L. - Guys, answer my questions.

How does a beetle buzz? (zhzhzh)

How does a dog growl? (rrrr)

How does the ship sound? (oooh)

What do we say when we show a sore throat to the doctor? (ahh)

What did we say?

D-we made sounds

L.-What groups can sounds be divided into?

D. –Sounds can be divided into vowels and consonants

L.- What do you think we will talk about in our lesson?

D. - We will talk about vowels and consonants.

L.-That's right, we will talk about vowels and consonants, we will learn to distinguish between them.

L. – What do you think is easier to pronounce – vowels or consonants?

D. – It’s easier to pronounce vowel sounds

L. – Why?

D. –Vowels can be drawn out and sung

L. – Let’s check it out

3. Conducting the experiment

L.-I propose to conduct a small experiment.

I brought a musical instrument. It's called a metallophone.

While tapping a melody on the metallophone, sing first the vowel sound and then the consonant sound.

Which sound was easier to sing?

D. - it was easier to sing the vowel sound

L. - what have we become convinced of once again?

D. – we are convinced that vowel sounds are easier to sing.

L.- What happens to the air stream when pronouncing a vowel sound?

D. - when pronouncing a vowel sound, the air does not meet an obstacle

L.- What happens to the air stream when pronouncing a consonant sound?

D. - when pronouncing a consonant sound, the air stream encounters an obstacle.

L. - what can serve as an obstacle?

D. – the tongue, lips, teeth serve as a barrier.

Conclusion: vowel sounds are sung and drawn out, but consonants are not.

4. Game “Choose Pictures”

L. - I have prepared a task for you

There are envelopes on your tables with pictures in them.

Arrange the pictures in 2 rows.

In 1 row put pictures that begin with a vowel sound

In row 2, words that begin with a consonant sound

L. – checking

5. Isolating vowel sounds from the middle of a word. Game “Highlight the sound” slide

L. – to complete the next task, look at the screen

Name the pictures and highlight the vowel sound

L.-What sounds did we identify?

D. – we highlighted vowel sounds

6. Game “Finish the word” slide

L.-perform the following task

I wrote the beginning of the word but missed the last letter

Help me please insert the missing letter

We read the beginning of 1 word, select the desired letter from brackets

What letters did we insert?

D. - we inserted consonants

7. Game “The fourth odd one” slide

L. - let’s play the game “Fourth Wheel”

Given 4 pictures, one of them is redundant

Which one and why will you tell me now?

Name the pictures

8. Physical exercise. Finger gymnastics. slide

L. – Guys, tell me, what month is our calendar?

D. - it’s December now

L.- And December is the month of what time of year?

D. – winters

L. – I suggest you relax a little and go for a walk in the winter forest "Birds and the Wind"

Little birds, (clench and unclench your fists)
Small birds
They fly through the forest,
Songs are sung.
(we wave our arms like wings )
A violent wind blew, (
hands up, sway from side to side )
I wanted to take away the birds.
The birds hid in a hollow (
put your fingers together in a “lock”)
No one will touch them there.

9.Work using cards. slide

L. - now let’s do the work on pieces of paper

L. - look carefully, who do you recognize here?

D. - I recognized the birds

L. -What birds are hiding here?

D.-dove, magpie, sparrow

L. - take colored pencils and outline the birds in different colors

L. – what groups can birds be divided into?

D- wintering and migratory

L. – What other wintering birds do you know?

D - snow,

10. Game “One - many”

L. - guys, tell me, one sparrow, and several are -

One bullfinch, and several are...

One is forty, and several are -

One dove, and several are...




L.- Guys, it hasn’t snowed yet, but very soon it will cover the ground with a fluffy white blanket. And then the birds will be cold and hungry.

L. guys, tell me, how can people help birds?

D. – people should feed the birds, make feeders and pour out food.

L. – that’s right, and the birds will thank people for their care.

How can birds thank people?

D. - birds will peck caterpillars that harm plants

D.-birds will sing their beautiful songs

11. Summary of the lesson.

L. - Guys, what sounds did we learn to distinguish?

D. - vowels and consonants

L.-how do vowels differ from consonant sounds?

D. - vowel sounds are drawn out and sung, but consonants are not

D. - when we speak vowel sounds the air does not meet an obstacle, but when we speak consonant sounds it meets

L. –Which task was the most difficult, the easiest for you?

L. - well done, it was a pleasure working with you. Thank each other for good work, smile at each other L.- . The lesson is over.

Group speech therapy session “Journey to the Land of Correct Speech”

Topic: Vowel sounds and letters.

Target:clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of vowel sounds.


Educational:strengthen children's ideas aboutvowel sounds, the syllabic role of vowels, to develop the skill of their clear pronunciation. Improve the skill of sound-syllable analysis of words.

Developmental:enrich vocabulary, develop phonemic awareness, visual and auditory attention, memory, as well as auditory-motor and hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills of the fingers.

Educational: to cultivate a positive attitude towards classes, the ability to control one’s own speech, to develop the skill of cooperation, the ability to listen to the interlocutor, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards each other.

Materials:recording sounds of nature, music,table of vowel sounds symbols,subject pictures, “Shapes and Letters” table, sound patterns of words, massage cards for finger exercises,tables for visual gymnastics, cards for the “True-False” test,pencils .

Dictionary: route, cryptographers, cipher, decrypt.

Progress of the lesson:

    Organizational moment

Today we will go on a journey through the country of “Correct Speech”.

To do this, you need to repeat the rules of speech:

Every day, always, everywhere

In class, in play

We speak clearly,

Because we're in no hurry.

We take breaks!

Let's highlight the drum sound!

And it's easy for us to say

And I don't want to rush.

So calm, so pleasant.

We speak and everyone understands.

Well done guys, don't forget these rules and follow them throughout your trip.

II. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Now, try to guess what sounds we will encounter inthe country of “Correct Speech”?

When we pronounce these sounds, the mouth is open, the air comes out freely, without meeting any obstacles. What are these sounds called?

That's right, today we will repeat vowel sounds and isolate them from words.

III. Main part

    Finger gymnastics.

At the beginning of our journey, we need to choose a route, that is, the road along which we will go. To do this, let's prepare our fingers.

Exercise "Lesson".

We press the bell, the children press it one by one

The lesson begins with fingertips on the tubercles


Here we smooth out our palms, with the right, then with the left palm

Let's work a little over the entire surface

massager, making movements

"back and forth."

And we’ll move in a circle, with an open hand, with our right hand, then

Let's stretch each finger. the left one is carried all over

massager surfaces are circular


And now the path is running Children take turns with pads

Over the bumps, between the stumps of each finger they “run” along

Let's walk a little along the massager's path.

Your fingers will become stronger.

    Psychoregulation exercise.

Drawing Waldorf shapes.

Now let's start drawing the road. You need to draw slowly, carefully, without lifting the crayon from the sheet of paper.

Some children draw a spiral unwinding from the center, others a spiral curling towards the center. The rest are a horizontal figure eight and an unfolding spiral smoothly turning into a folding one.

Drawing is done to the accompaniment of slow music.

    Articulation gymnastics.

All residents in the country of “Correct Speech” know how important it is to prepare our lips and tongue for correct pronunciation.

Lip exercises.

    I imitate an elephant, pulling my lips with my trunk.

    Frogs will like it

Pull your lips straight towards your ears.

    We will clench our teeth tighter

And then we’ll unclench them.

Exercises for the tongue.

    Our tongue is flat, smooth - it turns out to be a shoulder blade.

    Our tongue is like a needle, don’t be lazy - it will prick.

    Tick-tock, tick-tock the clock goes like this.

    Up and down, up and down, ride on a swing.

    One-two, one-two - and the wall is painted.

Three-four, three-four - we whitewashed the ceiling.

    Exercise to develop speech breathing.

And now we find ourselves in the city of “Calm Breathing”, everyone in it breathes slowly, smoothly, calmly.

Here's how to inflate a balloon

And we check it with our hands.

The balloon burst - we exhale,

We relax our muscles.

Breathe easily, freely, deeply.

Children control the correctness of inhalation and exhalation with their palm, which is placed on the diaphragm area.

(Children’s starting position: sit freely on chairs, looking ahead.)

Riddle game

The speech therapist silently articulates vowel soundsa, o, u, e, s - children voice them, pronouncing them on a long exhalation, then talk about the articulation of vowel sounds, focusing on the table of symbols.

    Phonetic exercise.

We passed the city of “Calm Breathing”, but an obstacle appeared in front of us - this is the river of “Unified Pronunciation”, in order to pass it you need to pronounce the sounds together.

A-u-e aue, u-o-a uaa, o-u-y oui

and vice versa: eua e-u-a, uay u-a-s.

    Exercise on concentration “Thinking with our eyes”

We find ourselves in the next city - the city of “Letters and Sounds”, where residents not only speak correctly, but also know how to “think with their eyes”.

Here are the tasks they have prepared for you.


a) look through the rows of letters from left to right and cross out only the vowels. Perform at a fast pace;

b) the second task is the “Shapes and Letters” exercise.

Name what figures are shown on the table? How many triangles, circles, rectangles are there?

Now answer which vowels are placed:

    In a circle, but not in a triangle or a rectangle.

    In a rectangle, but not in a circle or triangle.

    In a triangle, but not in a circle and a rectangle.

    Dynamic pause.

And now guys, we find ourselves in the sound recreation park. Let's rest too.

a) Remember which movement corresponds to any of the sounds.

A - hands up.

U - hands forward.

ABOUT - one hand up, the other down.

E – hands in an oval form behind.

(The exercise is performed to music.)

Listen carefully to each word in the sentence and react to the first sound with movement.

A nyaU saw Donkey andU smiled.

ABOUT laU heardE xo.

E ThatU givingABOUT veryU many.

A ndreyU sawU reader.

b) Gymnastics for the eyes.

c) Exercise to develop auditory perception.

Children listen to a recording of the sounds of nature and tell what sounds they heard.

What sounds did you hear? Speech or non-speech? Who makes speech sounds?

8. Exercises to develop the skill of sound-syllable analysis.

Guys, residents of the city of Letters and Sounds can not only “think with their eyes,” but also remember well everything they hear. Here are some other tasks they have prepared for you:

a) Of the dictated words, remember only those in which the sound [y] is in second place, and the sound [a] is in 4th place: VASE, HAND, MOUNTAINS, MOON.

b) The sound [o] is in 2nd place, and the sound [s] is in 4th place: OWLS, PAWS, ROSES, PUDDLES.

Selection of words to sound-syllable patterns.

The next city is the city of “Crypto Masters.” The inhabitants of this city have encrypted words that you need to decipher.

(There are sound patterns of words on the board, children have object pictures.)

Task: match the picture to the corresponding diagram, determine the number of syllables and the number of vowel sounds in the word. Remember what rule helps determine the number of syllables in a word. (The number of vowel sounds in a word equals the number of syllables.)

9. True-False Test

Place a (+) sign in the table under the number of the sentence in which the statement is true; sign (-) under the number of the sentence in which the statement is incorrect.

    There are as many syllables in a word as there are consonants in it.

    There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowel sounds.

    A syllable must contain a vowel sound.

    In a wordFRIEND one syllable.

    In a wordFRUIT five syllables.

IV . Summary of the lesson.

What did we do in class?

What sounds did you repeat?

Elena Musyagina
Summary of the literacy lesson “Sounds. Speech and non-speech sounds. Vowels, consonants"

Target: concept formation « sound» , « consonant» , « vowel» .


Form a concept « sound» .

Children's awareness of the phonemic structure of words by ear.

Teach children to recognize musical instruments by sound.

Develop spatial concepts.

Develop logical thinking.


Demo material: musical instruments, subject pictures.

Handouts: pencils, cards, sound bars.

Dictionary: sound, consonant, vowel.

Stages of work.

1. Organizational moment.

D/exercise "Learn a musical instrument"

Children by sound must be recognized, what musical instrument makes this sound? sound.

2. Subject message.

The world is full sounds - living and inanimate, loud and quiet, pleasant and harsh... Listening to the sound of the world around us, we guess about the events taking place around us.

A) D/game "Guess"

B) D/game "Who is the most attentive"

3. Getting to know vowel sounds.

Listen to people's speech. It consists of many words, and words are made up of a variety of sounds. This speech sounds. Alone speech sounds You can pronounce it drawlingly, even sing it.

- Try to sing: ahh, uuu, oooh, uh.

A – o – y – s – e – i – vowel sounds. We will denote them by sound diagram of the words in red.

A) D/game "Where did you hide? sound»

B) D/exercise "Name sounds in order»

An adult pronounces chains sounds, children reproduce them and name the number sounds.



Which sounds did you hear and say?

How did you determine what it is? vowel sounds?

Which vowel sounds you know?

4. Physical education minute.

These are the eyes. Here. Here. (Imitation movements to the text of the poem.)

These are ears. Here. Here.

This is the nose. This is the mouth.

There's a backrest. There's a belly here.

These are pens. Clap. Clap.

These are the legs. Top, top.

Oh, we're tired. Let's wipe our brow.

5. Getting to know consonant sounds.

Among there are other speech sounds, which are not sung, but pronounced briefly, at this time our organs are actively working speeches: lips, tongue. This consonants.

A) D/game "Sensitive Ear"

Adult says vowels and consonants children raise a red card if they hear vowel.

I – K – T – U – X – O – A – G – S – E – O – I – G – E – S – X – A – I – U – E – G – U – K – A – X – I – Y – O

B) D/game "Duty call".

Adult says sounds, children clap if they hear sound D.

A, B, C, D, D, K, F, X, K, G, Z, D, W, K, M, X, D, G, K. l, F, X, C, D, G, TO.

6. Working with cards.

7. Summary classes.

What's happened « sound» ?

Which sounds have we learned to differentiate?

Publications on the topic:

Goal: to promote the development of sound-letter analysis; development of phonemic hearing. Strengthen knowledge of vowel sounds and letters; learn.

TOPIC “VOWEL SOUNDS AND LETTERS” Goal: Development of the phonetic-phonemic side of speech. Objectives: 1. Correctional and educational: - teach children.

They can hide Topic: “Vowel sounds and letters” Goal: Development of simple forms of sound-letter analysis based on the material of the studied vowels of the first.

Summary of educational activities for speech development “Vowel sounds” Integration of educational areas: “Speech development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Physical development”, “Cognitive development”.

Goal: Repetition of the material covered in a general lesson on vowel sounds. Objectives: 1. Consolidate knowledge about vowel sounds. 2. Develop.

Summary of a literacy lesson in the preparatory group “Vowels and sounds” Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group on literacy Topic: “Vowels and sounds” The lesson was prepared and conducted by a GBOU teacher.

Technological map of speech therapy classes in 3rd grade 05/10/2015

Full name speech therapist teacher

Zhigacheva Natalia Vladimirovna

Lesson topic

Consonant sounds and letters.

Technologies used

    Health-saving technologies.

    Gaming technology.

Purpose of the lesson

To develop in younger schoolchildren the ability to distinguish between the concepts of “sentence” and “word”.

Planned educational results




Learning Objectives:

Observe the formation of consonant sounds;

Pronounce consonants correctly;

Learn to distinguish consonant sounds in a word based on their characteristics;

Identify consonant sounds in a word and outside a word, recognize consonant sounds and letters denoting consonant sounds;

Observe the meaningful role of consonant sounds and letters denoting consonant sounds;

Cognitive UUD:

Continue to develop the ability to act according to a plan and exercise self-control;

Strengthen the skilldraw conclusions as a result of the work done;

Regulatory UUD:

determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher;

learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher;

Communication UUD:

express your thoughts orally and in writing;

listen and understand the speech of others;

Formation of positive interest and motivational basis for the topic being studied;

Formation of self-control skills in students;

Lesson Resources

Sound patterns, pictures, autumn leaves, mirrors, massage balls, ball.

Lesson vocabulary


I Stage of Motivation for learning activities.

  1. Facial massage.

-Imagine that it started to rain heavily, it flows down your face in streams (stroking), and now droplets of rain are knocking on your cheeks (tapping with your fingertips on your cheeks), and now again streams of rain are flowing down your face and flowing down your neck (stroking the face and neck )

2. Exercises for prosody.

Here the leaves are flying, flying

They creep along the paths.

Spun in a whirlwind of dance

Variegated snowstorm.

Look, we also have autumn leaves, let's play with them. Admire them, and now blow, do not puff out your cheeks, the breeze should go along the middle of the tongue.

What do the leaves do? (rustle, sway, bend, whisper)

3. Self-massage.

Massage your palms in a circle with a massage ball, first quickly, then slowly; squeeze the ball first with your right hand, then with your left
- knead and rub each finger with a massage ring;

4.Exercises for fine motor skills.

“Palms on the table” (count “one-two” with fingers apart and together.)

“Snail with antennae” (put your right hand on the table, raise your index and middle fingers, spread them apart).

“Lock” (on the count of “one” - palms are together, and on the count of “two” - the fingers are connected into a “lock”).

5 . Development of facial muscles.

-After the autumn rain, the bright sun came out, and you were very happy.

-But suddenly a dark cloud came running again, you were very upset.

-And now a light autumn breeze blew and carried away the clouds, and you smiled again.

6. Articulation gymnastics.

Tongue massage. Kosh arches his back. Wide tongue.

II . Knowledge Updating Stage

Today in class we will continue to talk about speech sounds.

On the board there are letters: [g], [r], [m], [v], [y], [f].

Which letter is missing? Why? (vowel, and the rest are consonants)

Ball game.

What did you say? (We made sounds)

What are sounds? (this is what we hear and say)

What are letters (this is what we see and write)

What sounds and letters are there in the Russian language? (Vowels and consonants)
Subject message.

Today in classWe will observe the formation of consonant sounds, learn to clearly and correctly pronounce consonant sounds, and distinguish them in a word by their characteristics.

III . Stage of Identifying the cause of difficulties

And consonants and consonants can

Rustle, whisper, creak,

Even snort and hiss,

But I don’t want to sing to them.

Sss - a snake whistle is heard,

Shhh - the rustling of a fallen leaf.

Zhzhzh - bumblebees are buzzing in the garden,

Rrr - the engines rumble.

What can you say about the consonant sound?

IV . Stage Construction of the project, way out of the difficulty

Take the mirrors. Let's pronounce the vowel sounds. Characteristic. (voice, air, syllable)
- Vowel sounds are very important, because they form the basis of a word. The volume, intelligibility, and beauty of your speech depend on vowel sounds.

Take the mirrors. Say M.Does air flow freely when pronouncing these sounds?

What obstacles does the air stream encounter?When pronouncing a consonant sound, a stream of air in the mouth encounters an obstacle (lips, teeth, tongue).

This is one of the main signs of consonant sounds.
- What does each consonant sound consist of?(Each sound is pronounced and a conclusion is made)
- So,
consonants consist of noise or noise and voice . This is another one of the main signs of consonant sounds.

(Similarly with the sounds S, T, F.)

A table is posted. - So, guys, what sounds are there? (Vowels and consonants)

V . Physical Minute Stage

Movable “Hares ran through the forest”

Exercise "Ball"

Let's imagine that we are inflating a balloon. Place your hand on your stomach. Inflate your stomach as if it were a big balloon. Then the abdominal muscles tense. This is a lot of tension, unpleasant! Let's not blow up a big balloon. Let's inflate our belly calmly, as if we had a small balloon. Let's take a calm breath into the stomach so that with your hand you feel a slight tension in the muscles. Shoulders must not be raised!

Breathe! Exhale! The abdominal muscles relaxed. They became soft. Now it's easy to take a new breath. The air itself easily enters. And exhale freely, unstrained. Do as I do.

VI . Stage of consolidation, pronunciation in external speech

Game “Say the Word”

I've been catching bugs all day
I eat worms.
I’m not flying to a warm land,
Here, under the roof, I live.
Tick-tweet! Don't be timid!
I'm experienced... (sparrow)

Let's read it, remember it.

Let's repeatpatter with a vocabulary word.

Divide the pictures into groups.

If there is a vowel sound at the beginning of the word, then we attach the picture in the left column, if there is a consonant sound at the beginning of the word, then in the right column.

On what basis did you divide the letters? (vowels and consonants)

Complete each row with your own examples.

VII . Stage Independent work with mutual verification

Let's play with the sand. Sound-letter analysis of words.

Reading syllable tables.

Soap bubbles.

Each bubble contains a sound. If this sound is a vowel, then color the bubble red, if it is a consonant, color it blue.

IX . Reflection stage.

What did you like most about the lesson?

Continue the statements:
I liked it...
I did it...
It was difficult for me...


    1. Sadovnikova, I.N. “Writing speech disorders and their overcoming in primary schoolchildren.” – M:, “Vlados”, 1995

PA __ K ZV __ RY ROM __ SHKA

PA __ K ZV __ RY ROM __ SHKA