How to prepare dietary turkey zrazy. A great dish for any age. Zrazy turkey fillet chops Zrazy turkey recipe

How are you feeling today? Spring is in full swing, there are so many bright colors of greenery around, a riot of all colors and shades. The trees were transformed with green leaves of different shades, and the people - with bright clothes. Can you hear music? We talked about the music of spring earlier; for those who missed it, you can read everything. It was a lyrical digression. And today we will cook meat zrazy together with Valentina Yakubova.

Hello again everyone. Today I want to tell you about how I cook turkey fillet chops. This dish goes well with both the weekend menu and the holiday table. Try it - you will like it. Turkey can be replaced with chicken if desired and, of course, the stuffing can be changed to whatever you have on hand or what your loved ones like.

The amount of ingredients is determined depending on how many people you will be cooking for. On average, you will need one medium chicken fillet per serving. Turkey has large fillets, so it will need to be divided into several parts.

Zrazy turkey fillet chops ingredients:

  • turkey or chicken fillet.

Filling ingredients:

  • champignon mushrooms;
  • pickles;
  • onions;
  • bell pepper;
  • vegetable oil (for frying).

Ingredients for batter:

  • starch (you can take flour);

  • egg;
  • breadcrumbs.

You will also need a kitchen hammer and cling film.

Zraza recipe. Zrazy recipe with photo.

Let's start by preparing the filling. We cut the mushrooms, onions, bell peppers and pickles into small pieces. Lightly fry onions, mushrooms, bell peppers in vegetable oil (preferably deodorized).

Then add pickles to the cooled vegetables (you can add any greens if you wish). Salt (to taste), pepper (optional).

Wash the meat, pat it dry with a paper or cotton towel if necessary.

Cut the breast into portions.

It is convenient to beat meat (any kind) using cling film. Spread cling film on a cutting board, place the meat and cover it with cling film on top.(this prevents splashes from scattering throughout the kitchen when beating, does not stick to the hammer, and it is convenient to form the beaten meat into a .

Place the filling in the middle of the broken piece. There should be a lot of filling (but calculate it so that it can be covered with meat from all of them), and carefully form it using film immediately.

TO when everything zrazy we are ready - Let's quickly prepare the batter: using a mixer or whisk, beat the eggs with starch (starch can be replaced with flour) at the rate of two tablespoons of starch per egg. Salt and pepper (to taste), I added a little dry herbs to the batter.

Then quickly dip the finished mixture into the batter, roll it in breadcrumbs and immediately place it in a well-heated frying pan with oil.

Today there will be juicy turkey meat zrazy stuffed with boiled egg and fresh herbs. Let's get a little smart with the minced meat - add butter and a bun soaked in cream. But under the breaded crust you get an airy and not at all dry cutlet with filling.

Turkey zrazy


  • turkey fillet - 800 g.,
  • white bread (can be a loaf, without crust) - 100 g.,
  • cream (fat content 10%) - 200 ml.,
  • butter - 90 g.,
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.
For the filling:
  • egg (boiled) - 2 pcs.,
  • greens (fresh dill, young onions, parsley, green basil) - to taste.
For breading:
  • egg - 1 pc.,
  • milk - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • soy sauce - 1 tsp,
  • flour - 2-3 tbsp. l.,
  • breadcrumbs - 3-4 tbsp. l.,
  • vegetable oil for frying.


  1. Pass the turkey fillet through a meat grinder or chop it in a food processor (pulse mode). Salt and pepper the meat.
  2. Cut the chilled butter into small cubes.
  3. Pour cream over slices of bread without crust, and when the bread is well soaked in cream, place it in a colander without squeezing.
  4. Add the bread soaked in cream to the bowl with the meat and stir until smooth. Continuing to knead the minced meat, add pieces of butter in portions. When the minced meat becomes smooth and homogeneous, cover the bowl with the minced meat with cling film and put it in the refrigerator while we prepare the filling and breading.
  5. For the filling, finely chop the boiled eggs and herbs and mix. For breading, in a small bowl, beat the egg with a fork, add vegetable oil, milk, and soy sauce.
  6. Season with salt and ground black pepper. Place flour and breadcrumbs into flat plates.
  7. After wetting your hands under cold water or lubricating them with vegetable oil, divide the minced meat into portions, form each piece into a flat cake about 1 cm thick, and place a little filling in the center in a heap. Connect the edges of the cake and shape it into zrazy shapes. Place the molded zrazy in a flat container, cover with film and put in the freezer for about 1 hour. Do not freeze the zrazy, but only cool it well so that they keep their shape.
  8. Dip the zrazy in flour, then dip in the egg mixture and roll in breadcrumbs.
  9. Fry the zrazy on all sides in well-heated oil until cooked (until golden brown). Side dish to taste - mashed potatoes, vegetable salad, rice, etc.

Bon appetit!

Oh, how rich Slavic cuisine is in delicious cutlets. There are so many variations of preparing minced meat dishes that an entire cookbook would not be enough. I got the recipe for today’s large cutlets with filling from an aunt from Belarus. I remember from childhood how we would run around the yard away from the turkeys. Then it turned out that the most delicious filled zrazy were prepared from them. Then I definitely wouldn’t try them. Now, for me, turkey zrazy is the most delicious dish from my childhood. Let's cook it in the oven.

We will take products from the list. Choose chilled ground turkey. Chicken eggs need to be boiled. Wash and dry the green onions. Add ground peppercorns to the minced meat. It is better to take sliced ​​bread or loaf.

Transfer the ground turkey to a bowl. Add salt, ground black pepper and sliced ​​bread softened in water.

Mix the minced meat until smooth. For convenience, we use an immersion blender.

Visually divide the minced meat into three parts. Take 1/3 of the minced meat with wet hands. Let's form a round shaped cake. Dust the bottom of the cake with flour.

Let's prepare the filling in advance. Green onions and chicken eggs must be cut into cubes.

Add egg and onion filling to the central part of the minced cake.

Pull the edges of the minced meat towards the middle. Let's first form a round cutlet. Let's make two more cutlets in a similar way.

Next, let's give the cutlets a straight shape. Flour is used in the rolling process. Distribute the zrazy in a greased form. We use any fireproof form for baking in the oven. Transfer the zrazy from the turkey to the oven.

Cook in 45-50 minutes at maximum heating temperature. During baking, turn the cutlets with filling two or three times. We're all ready! The zrazy have decreased considerably in size. It turned out what we needed.

Appetizing Belarusian cutlets stuffed with green onions and a boiled chicken egg were a great success. Try our turkey zras and share your impressions.

Oh, how delicious they are in cross-section. We invite you to the table!

Cooking time: 50 min.

Preparation time: 5 min.

Number of servings: 10 pcs.

Type of cuisine: European

Type of dish: main courses

The recipe is suitable for:

Ingredients for the Turkey Zrazy recipe:

Sandwich bun 35 g Minced turkey 600 g Onion 1 pc. Refined sunflower oil 7 tbsp. l. Milk 70 ml Wheat flour 5 tbsp. l. Ground black pepper 2 pinch Fresh parsley 35 g Salt 1 tsp. Hard cheese 100 g Chicken eggs 3 pcs.

Cooking turkey zrazy

I suggest making turkey zrazy - the dish is tasty and nutritious. The zrazy turns out juicy, aromatic, with a delicious filling of cheese, parsley and eggs.

Serve turkey zrazy with vegetables, mashed potatoes or buckwheat - any serving option will turn out very tasty. Also, ready-made turkey zrazy can be frozen in portions, and then, if necessary, simply reheated in the microwave, oven or in a hot frying pan.

Preparing the “Turkey Zrazy” recipe:

Step 1

For work we will need ground turkey, milk, bun, flour, eggs, hard cheese, parsley, salt, pepper, sunflower oil.

Step 2

Soak the bun crumb (35 g) in milk (70 ml) for 5 minutes.

Step 3

In the bowl of a food processor (metal knife attachment), chop the peeled onion (1 pc.). Add the squeezed bun and grind again.

Step 4

Combine ground turkey (600 g), bun with onion, 1 egg, salt (1 tsp), pepper (2 pinches). Knead well.

Step 5

For the filling, boil hard-boiled eggs (2 pcs.), peel and cut into cubes. Cut hard cheese (100 g) into small cubes. Chop parsley (35 g).

How long should you boil chicken eggs?

How to Peel Boiled Eggs by Rolling

Step 6

Separate a piece of minced meat and flatten it into a flat cake. Place 1 tablespoon of filling in the middle. Gather the minced meat around the filling, forming an oblong cutlet. Bread on all sides in flour.