Transcendental meditation. Transcendental meditation: technique, training and choice of mantra

Transcendental Meditation - is a type of meditation without contemplation or concentration in which mind perceives ever deeper levels of thought, gradually going beyond these limits and perceiving the very source of thoughts. Its founder is Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who is widely recognized as the preeminent scientist in the field of consciousness and the greatest teacher in the modern world. Thanks to organizations "Maharishi Movements" this practice became known throughout the world. Over the past 50 years, about four million people have learned this technique.

The technique of transcendental meditation itself very simple and does not require much effort to perform. It is enough to do it for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening, and this can be done anywhere without distracting from the meditation process.

Thanks to this technique a person is in a state of wakefulness at rest, At the same time, the body receives extremely deep rest. As a result, stress and tension disappear, a person’s creative abilities are revealed, and mental abilities develop. It has been clinically proven that meditation helps rejuvenate the body by 5-12 years. Scientists also claim that it is transcendental meditation gives a person deeper rest than sleep, relaxation activities or a walk.

Another advantage of this practice is that it is not religious in nature; there are no philosophical doctrines in it. It is universal and does not require lifestyle changes.

This type of meditation is very easy to learn. The training takes place under the guidance of an experienced mentor, who gives an individual mantra to the practitioner to improve immersion in meditation. This mantra is repeated before the meditation itself, and then, during the process of performing this technique, the mind periodically turns to it again. After completing the training, the practitioner practices it independently.

Transcendental meditation classes allow a person to achieve positive results at all levels of his life, thanks to the fact that a person becomes balanced, holistic, happy. His health also improves, relationships with people improve, memory improves, and an influx of new strength is observed.

If desired, transcendental meditation can be supplemented with asanas, pranayama, studying the pulse, and listening to meditative music. However, in general, it is enough to sit upright in a comfortable position, but not lean your head against anything, so as not to fall asleep.

Then the person recites the mantra given to him by the mentor several times, which helps to distract the mind from extraneous thoughts and enter a state of meditation. Then the person simply dives deeper and deeper inside himself. Such immersion gradually allows him to hear the voice of his heart, from which all thoughts come.

To prevent the mind from being distracted by foreign objects during meditation, a person can again pronounce an individual mantra, which returns him to a state of peace.

Transcendental Meditation - Unique, Practical and Effective procedure for the development of consciousness, Discovering your mental and creative potential and using it practically in everyday life.

Transcendental meditation technique is a very popular practice that helps quickly relieve physical and emotional stress. This type of meditation has its roots in India, and the founder is considered to be Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Today, this technique is popular not only in its homeland, but also far beyond its borders.

Since school, I have been friends with a girl named Lera. She was always energetic and perky, but over time it became more and more difficult for her to cope with her energy. She became irritable and nervous, any problem caused her to have a violent outburst of emotions, which negatively affected both Lera herself and the people around her. Constant stress caused my friend serious health problems, and those around her began to avoid her, since few people would like such frequent hysterics.

Having decided that this could not continue, Lera’s parents suggested that she try meditation. Transcendental meditation courses were just being held not far from their home. Yielding to persuasion, Lera signed up for classes and began to diligently follow all the advice of her mentor. After some time, meditation became an integral part of Lera’s life. She was able to develop a calmness that was the envy of everyone around her. While other high school students were worried about exams, Lera was preparing for history and the Russian language with cold confidence. Having seen the visual results of meditation exercises, I really believed in the effectiveness of meditation.

Positive Impact

There are many reasons why people practice transcendental meditation. Among the main advantages of this technology are the following features:

  • relaxation of the body, especially the nervous system;
  • the body copes better with emotional stress;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • rapid restoration of strength and energy;
  • strengthening psycho-emotional health;
  • eliminating blood pressure problems;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • normalization of sleep and improvement of biorhythms;
  • development of creative talents and skills;
  • development of thinking skills;
  • recovery from alcohol, nicotine and drug addiction;
  • increasing self-esteem.

Meditation is effective only when done correctly, so failure to follow any rules of the meditation technique will negate all the benefits.


Transcendental meditation helps people solve many difficulties in life, but not everyone can practice such techniques. This type is contraindicated:

  • people with mental illness;
  • people who are afraid to meditate (a negative attitude can only do harm);
  • the presence of consciousness in some peak state;
  • low IQ (a person must understand what problems he is currently experiencing and consciously direct energy to solving these problems).

The transcendental meditation technique has few limitations, but they are quite strict. Do not be negligent about the listed contraindications.

Training in transcendental meditation

To learn transcendental meditation, you need to practice constantly. A mentor will help you perform the exercises correctly, pointing out mistakes and giving some useful tips. Training takes place according to this scheme.

  1. First, the master must talk about the basic principles of the technique and the prospects for its use.
  2. A ritual of gratitude to teachers is held.
  3. During a personal conversation with the master, the student learns his own mantra. It is better to keep the received mantra secret.
  4. During the first lesson, the student becomes familiar with the technique of meditation and begins to get used to his mantra. After this, the student can practice independently at home.
  5. Then several classes are held with the master, where you can discuss the problems and nuances that arose during meditation.
  6. Once you understand all aspects of meditation exercises, you can practice meditation in groups and study the technique in depth.

The mentor gives advice with the help of which a person quickly masters the technique of transcendental meditation, but you can also learn the features of this practice yourself.

Self-taught meditation techniques

A person can practice meditation on his own, but he must know exactly how to do the exercises. To teach yourself, you can take a simple technique that does not require much time or special skills. There are the following rules for performing simple transcendental meditation.

  1. Take a comfortable sitting position. It is advisable to sit cross-legged, but if it is difficult for you to take this position, you can sit on a chair or armchair. The main condition for taking the correct position is to keep the spine straight.
  2. Meditation should take place in the most comfortable conditions. Nothing should irritate a person during exercise, so get rid of irritating sounds, smells, sensations and remove all observers from the room.
  3. It is advisable to have a watch on hand to control the duration of meditation. It will take about 20 minutes to complete all the exercises.
  4. Close your eyes and relax your body. Feel your body and, starting from the top of your head, send a wave of warmth throughout your body.
  5. Relaxing as much as possible, exhale all the air from your lungs. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Then inhale the air and imagine how the energy gradually enters the body through the crown, gradually moving down.
  6. Imagine that the energy has gathered in the solar plexus area.
  7. As you exhale, say “Om.” This is a universal mantra that can be used by anyone. While repeating this mantra, try to concentrate the energy on the solar plexus, and then move it to the chest or crown.
  8. Don't let extraneous thoughts take over your consciousness. Focus solely on the mantra and energy.
  9. Come out of meditation slowly. First you need to open your eyes. Then, without moving, feel your muscles. After this, you can move your limbs and walk a little.

Learning transcendental meditation on your own will not be as productive as learning from a master, but long-term training can improve the effect of the exercises.

Using a mantra during meditation

The mantra is selected personally by the mentor in accordance with the characteristics of the student. The choice of mantra depends on:

  • person's age;
  • his gender;
  • the type of course the mentor attended;
  • end date of this course.

During meditation, a person should repeat his mantra out loud. The more meditation a person does, the quieter the mantra should become. After some time, the meditator should repeat the mantra only in his mind.

Transcendental meditation mantras are used only for meditation exercises. You cannot use your mantra to perform other types of rituals.


Meditation is an effective and simple way to solve problems with physical and mental health, as well as get rid of tension and develop many useful skills. Having mastered the main principles of transcendental meditation, you can perform basic meditation exercises, but to achieve real results you need to constantly practice and expand your knowledge about this practice. You can find out more information about transcendental meditation from other articles on the site. Constantly developing, a person learns to cope with his problems and achieve what he wants.

A very simple and natural way to achieve peace of mind and general relaxation, which does not involve contemplation or concentration. The best effect is achieved by regular practice twice a day for twenty minutes.

Long-term practice of TM can lead to a state of cosmic consciousness in which the experience of transcendence is always present in consciousness, even during active activity. A person can come to experience himself as universal and omnipresent.

Transcendental meditation has been found to be characterized by the activation of alpha brainwaves in the brain (Theta meditation), which are characteristic of a state of relaxation. Also interesting is the fact that although the goal of TM is not to develop the ability to live and be aware of the experience of the present moment (Mindfulness Meditation), those who regularly practiced TM for more than 3 months in a row also increased their ability to be aware of the “moment”.

4 important positive effects

1) Relieves stress

Of course, this effect is present as a result of the practice of most meditations. However, stress is in many cases the main cause of illness and dysfunction in the body and mind.

Transcendental meditation provides deep relaxation of the body and mind, as a result of which the functioning of the nervous system is normalized, hormonal levels and the ability to sleep healthy return to normal.

2) Improves cognitive abilities

Numerous studies involving students of different ages and levels of educational complexity (schoolchildren, undergraduates, graduate students, etc.) show that the practice of TM increases intellectual capabilities and learning ability.

3) Normalizes blood pressure

Numerous studies confirm that TM reduces blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension and heart disease, regardless of the age of the practitioner and their level of daily activity.

4) Helps to successfully overcome addiction to alcohol and cigarettes

To practice TM, you do not necessarily need to quit smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking other intoxicants.

However, research shows that giving up such addictions occurs quite naturally among practitioners.

The faster addicts achieved stress reduction through meditation, the faster they recovered from their addictions.


You will not find the transcendental meditation technique on the Internet or in a regular bookstore. You can only learn the basics from a certified teacher who has undergone special training and teaches the technique very accurately. Moreover, the teaching and practice of the technique are standardized.


Although transcendental meditation is not mantra-based meditation in the sense that its purpose is to achieve the transcendental - to go beyond the limits of experiential knowledge, it nevertheless involves the use of mantras as a tool to overcome "mind-wandering" and thoughts.

Using a mantra, the practitioner first thinks about the sound of the mantra, and during the course of practice this active thought about the mantra itself is reduced to zero, and awareness of the very source of the thought comes, and the conscious mind reaches the transcendental realm of existence.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the Indian guru who popularized the TM technique for widespread use, said:

“A mantra is a special thought that suits us, it is a sound that suits us, which we receive from a trained teacher of Transcendental Meditation.”

Thus, each practitioner will have his own mantra, specially transmitted by the teacher.

Scientific base

You can find many English-language publications devoted to research into the influence of transcendental meditation on various diseases, the general physical and psychological state of a person. Such publications substantiate that regular practice of transcendental meditation (TM) has a positive effect on health.

Here are just a few of them:

    TM has significant effects on the sympathetic system and adrenal function

    Regular practitioners of this meditation have a low hormonal response to daily stress;

    As a result of TM practice, blood pressure is significantly reduced

    Associated data also indicate improvements in other risk factors—cardiovascular disease and clinical outcomes resulting from heart failure;

    TM strongly influences the physiological and psychological factors that lead to substance abuse

    As a result of the research, compared with control conditions, it was the group that regularly practiced transcendental meditation that significantly reduced the use of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs (including addiction to hard drugs). Over time, the results of this group were maintained and even improved.

    TM significantly affects the number of immune cells

    Scientists measured the number of white blood cells and lymphocytes in the blood, which help fight viruses and bacteria. A control group of 16 healthy people was compared with a group of 19 people who regularly practice either Transcendental Meditation or the more advanced technique of TM-Sidhi.

    The study found a significant difference in the level of immune cell production between the study groups, and the authors hypothesized that the practice of meditation in question reduces the overall level of stress in the body, which in turn has a significant effect on immune cells.


The video is taken from an open source from the YouTube website on the channel

Likewise, most other meditative practices, transcendental meditation, were born in India. In a country that has become known to the whole world not only due to its unique culture, but also due to a large number of different teachings. After all, the goal of the Vedic tradition of India is enlightenment, which has been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. Each teacher, passing on the knowledge of his ancestors, led a search for personal enlightenment.

One such practice is transcendental meditation, which has won the hearts of millions. Knowledge that came into practice relatively recently, about 50 years ago, was presented by Maharishi. He represents the Vedic tradition. The technique of transcendental meditation helps a person to comprehend the experience and knowledge of higher states of consciousness. This practice is important and necessary for the modern world, especially now, when a person is at the extreme, critical points of his development.

Concept of Transcendental Meditation™

Transcendental meditation (translated from Latin means “going beyond thought”) is a natural, simple technique using mantras. Learning this technique is easy, and the effect appears after the first lessons. Practice for fifteen to twenty minutes about twice a day in a comfortable sitting position, with your eyes closed.

Transcendental meditation is a current polar to the course of thinking. A thought, when it arises, turns into a clearer form. It ultimately influences what we say and do. This is the external side of consciousness. Transcendental meditation is the opposite process. Through this practice the mind is directed inward to the subtlest stages of thinking and as a result reaches the source of thought. He is transported to the point of complete awakening, which is the foundation of consciousness.

Transcendental meditation is a technique that must be practiced systematically to focus attention within oneself in order to feel and know the deeper tiers, the tranquil levels of one's personal consciousness, until the mind reaches complete peace in the simplest state of human consciousness.

What is the TM technique?

The practice of transcendental meditation is not difficult at all. You need to sit comfortably on a chair and start pronouncing the mantra. In special classes, a person is given his own mantra, which he pronounces to himself and unconsciously concentrates on the sound. Constant and continuous pronunciation tires certain parts of the brain, which entails general inhibition. As a result, the practice leads to the fact that the body comes into a relaxed state, breathing slows down, consciousness dissipates and the mind plunges into primary consciousness.

Thoughts leave, and the body seems to fall into sleep, however, you should not fall asleep. Once you have achieved this state, you should stop repeating the mantra; as soon as thoughts begin to overwhelm you again, the process of pronouncing sounds must be resumed. Being in the primary state, a person receives energy from the Cosmic Consciousness, due to which he is cleansed of “mental trash”.

Learning to meditate is not difficult; this technique does not require special clothing or equipment. Anyone can do it, regardless of their physical condition. You can practice this technique yourself at home and beyond. With experience, meditators learn to “turn off” all external factors and can practice even in a noisy place.

TM effect

Speaking about transcendental meditation, it is necessary to point out that regular practice contributes to:

  • Relaxation of human physiology and nervous system, deep rest. During 20 minutes of meditation, the brain rests in the same way as during 8-10 hours of sleep.
  • Effective resistance to stress, helps to get out of depression and tension.
  • Strengthening the nervous system, developing resistance to new stressful situations.
  • Rapid restoration of physical strength, increased vital energy.
  • Improving psycho-emotional state.
  • Normalization of blood pressure (high and low).
  • Increasing resistance to various diseases, promoting health.
  • Eliminate insomnia and other sleep disorders, improve natural biorhythms.
  • Unlocking creative abilities.
  • Development of mental abilities and the ability to make the right decision in a critical situation.
  • Quitting bad habits (smoking, drugs, alcohol).
  • Increasing personal effectiveness and self-esteem.

TM technique training

You need to learn this practice constantly. Accurate adherence to the stages of training ensures the greatest effectiveness from meditation. There are seven steps to learning transcendental meditation. The usual course standard includes two lectures on the principle of transcendental meditation and its beneficial results. A short individual interview, 1-1.5 hour lesson for individual mastery. On the following days, classes last approximately 90 minutes, which consist of the training itself. After this, you can start practicing this technique yourself at home. All that is needed for this is 15-20 minutes of practice in the morning and evening.

It is recommended to review your experience from time to time so that the program always gives maximum results. Although the technique of transcendental meditation takes only a few days to master, those interested can attend group meetings and in-depth lectures. Having mastered transcendental meditation once, a person can use it throughout his life.

Specifics of mantra selection and its meaning

Officially it is said that for each person the mantra is selected individually, as it allows you to relax and unwind as much as possible (you can also use it). The Maharishi states that the mantras used in transcendental meditation are aimed primarily at ordinary people and should not be used for cultic or mystical purposes.

According to tradition, no one is allowed to name their personal mantra; this condition is due to the division of the worlds into internal and external. The mantras themselves are not specifically intended for transcendental meditation, but are taken from Sanskrit sources used by many Hindus. Mantras must be selected according to the list, taking into account the age of the person at the moment when he turns to transcendental meditation. Having learned his mantra, a person adapts to it for some period. Controlled by the instructor, he pronounces these sounds out loud, then more and more quietly until it begins to sound only in his mind. After which he goes to practice.

In the table below you can choose a mantra for yourself depending on your age (they are suitable for both women and men). You select the one you need and mentally read it:

Age of entry into TM Mantra Age of entry into TM Mantra
4-10 ing (ING) 24-30 shiring
10-12 im (IM) 30-35 shirim (SHIRIM)
12-14 inga (INGA) 35-40 hiring (HIRING)
14-16 imma (IMMA) 40-45 hirim (HIRIM)
16-18 aing 45-50 kiring (KIRING)
18-20 aim (AYM) 50-55 kirim (KIRIM)
20-22 ainga (AINGA) 55-60 shyam (SHYAM)
22-24 aima (AYMA) 60- shyama (SHIAMA)

Practicing transcendental meditation reduces mortality rates among people with heart disease. This amazing fact was discovered by scientists from the Medical College of Wisconsin together with representatives of Maharishi University in the US state of Iowa. They conducted the first ever and long-term experiment. African Americans took part in the number of 201 people. Both men and women participated. They were given a choice: take up transcendental meditation or try to change their lifestyle. Thus, one part was engaged in practice, and the second attended lectures, made changes in nutrition and increased physical activity.

The experiment lasted for nine whole years. According to its results, the meditating group showed a 47% reduction in mortality, strokes and heart attacks. In addition, these people’s blood pressure dropped noticeably, and some individuals also got rid of psychological stress. Now doctors advise all patients and not only heart patients, but also those who have physical and emotional problems to practice transcendental meditation.


Since transcendental meditation belongs to the yoga tradition, it has a number of contraindications for doing the exercises independently:

  • psychoclinical diagnoses;
  • fear of performing transcendental meditation, as well as giving meaning to mantras;
  • extreme states of consciousness;
  • low level of intelligence: transcendental meditation is a practice that is performed independently and the meditator must know where to direct efforts and have the skill of reflection. If a person is convinced that he is right and always goes ahead, not taking into account the growth of problems in his life, then in the near future he will leave the canonical execution of the technique and come to a sedentary hallucination, which, with deep relaxation, leads to the manifestation of symptoms of schizophrenia.

Transcendental meditation opens our consciousness to unite with the endless ocean of creative energy and intelligence that resides within the depths of our being. This is the unified field of All Laws - Pure Consciousness - which drives evolution.

By bringing to life this level of existence, transcendental meditation is the simplest procedure that can improve the life of any person and any society, raising it to the highest level: i.e. a society in which excellent health, happiness and rapid progress are natural features of life.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

The concept of transcendental meditation

(from the Latin words transcendentis - going beyond and meditatio - reflection) represents a specific meditation technique using mantras. This technique is easy to learn and practice, it does not require mental effort. The method of mastering the transcendental meditation technique takes 20 minutes, sitting in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. During classes, the thought process subsides and a state of “calm awareness” occurs. Such activities contribute to personal development and relieve stress well.

- this is a special process in which the state of mind is freed from thoughts that are associated with sensory objects and the pleasures that you get from them. Transcendental meditation allows you to go beyond your own mental limits and merge with the Cosmic Consciousness. Such a merger “recharges” consciousness and strengthens its structure.

Thoughts and negative emotions that are not brought out into the open form distortions in the field that contribute to the development of chronic diseases. To cleanse the field form of various dirt, it is necessary to get to the primary consciousness, where a change of thoughts and desires occurs. Then you need to go deeper and deeper until the seeds of all thoughts and desires are left behind. Overcoming this milestone indicates that the primary consciousness was able to overcome its boundaries and is now free.

The main condition for restoring the structures of the field form of life is the silence of the primary consciousness. Once this is achieved, the primary consciousness will restore its field life form. All “mental garbage” is forced out. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the form of twitching and spasms in various parts of the body.

Transcendental Meditation Technique

The technique of transcendental meditation itself is very simple. You need to sit on a chair, close your eyes and start . At special courses, everyone receives their own mantra. When pronouncing the sound of a mantra to oneself, a person involuntarily focuses on it. Continuous constant repetition causes fatigue of certain brain structures, which contributes to general inhibition. As a result, the body relaxes, breathing slows down, consciousness turns off and immersion occurs in primary consciousness.

There is a feeling of disappearance of thoughts and immersion in a state similar to sleep, but there is no need to sleep. Once this state has been reached, there is no need to pronounce the mantra, but as soon as thoughts begin to appear, the process of pronouncing the mantra must be resumed. Being in the primary consciousness, receiving energy from the Cosmic Consciousness, the consciousness is cleansed from “mental garbage”.

To immerse yourself in primary consciousness, you can choose the sound yourself. This sound should not evoke associations and be short. The selected sound must end with a sonorous consonant or vowel, and most importantly, it must resonate within you.

It is better to carry out such meditation twice a day for twenty minutes, setting the same time for this. After finishing the meditation, you need to sit for a few minutes and then begin your business.

Results from the practice of transcendental meditation

The results appear quite quickly: fears disappear, vigor appears in the body, self-confidence and other transformations appear. To get tangible results, you may need about three years of constant meditation practice. During this period of time, your mind will become strong, clear and “cold”. But in order for success to be quick and stable, it is necessary to undergo cleansing of the physical body.

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