Letter calling an employee to work. How to issue an invitation for an employee to a job interview? Invitation to an interview by email

Are you interested in re-evaluating the value of the first 15 seconds of a typical telephone conversation between a job seeker and an employer? In this case, we will draw your attention to a problem that is invisible at first glance: when making an outgoing call from an employer to a job seeker, the elementary rules by which it is customary to talk on the phone in a modern business environment are often violated. As a result, in addition to spoiling the first impression of each other and lowering the prestige of the calling company, people sometimes even fail to agree on an interview.

The reason for the problem: despite the apparent simplicity of a telephone conversation, direct training in telephone conversations is mainly carried out for sales specialists and management personnel, i.e. for those whose success depends on business etiquette. But the budget for training HR employees is often cut. Of course, if an ordinary employee is invited to an interview, the HR manager’s disregard for certain conversation norms will go unnoticed by the applicant. However, during a dialogue with senior managers and managers, the HR employee runs the risk of showing himself to be a less educated person in matters of professional ethics.

To fill the identified gap, you can use the material proposed below. It will show which outgoing phone call structure most effectively emphasizes the HR professional’s professionalism (or lack thereof).

The manner in which we communicate over the phone when scheduling an interview is an important indicator of our professional level. Let's match!

Sample text of a competent telephone conversation about scheduling an interview:

“Good afternoon, Irina! (pause). My name is Olga - HR manager of company N. I am calling to arrange a time for an interview for the position of “Regional Representative”. Can you talk for 2 minutes now?”

“Irina, I propose to summarize: we meet with you tomorrow, March 24, at 15:00, at the address: Cosmos, 4, office 3. Let me remind you again, my name is Olga. All the best!”

Outgoing phone call plan

1. Greeting + introducing yourself

Say hello and address your interlocutor by name
Introduce yourself: not only your first name (last name), but the name of the company.

Meaning: from the first seconds it is necessary to get the interlocutor in the mood for a conversation and create an attractive image of the caller. Forget about the expression: “It bothers you”! - it is unlikely to evoke pleasant emotions. Neutral phrases are much better suited.

Example:“Good morning, Alexey! My name is Alena, HR manager at Pero.

2. Message of the purpose of the call

let the person understand why you are calling, since the applicant may receive many phone calls that are not necessarily related to the job search, and he may not immediately understand what you are talking about;

Give the person the opportunity to “switch” to a conversation with you, put aside current affairs.

Example:“We have received your resume for the position of head of the sales department. I’m calling to arrange a time for an interview in our office.”

3. The question of having time to talk

Surprisingly, this is the most often forgotten point! Although, who among us has not had the opportunity to pick up the phone at an inconvenient time: on the road, on the street, during an operational meeting or negotiations?

Meaning: remove all obstacles to continuing the conversation. Imagine, an applicant is at a meeting at his current job, and then you call to offer him another job, you know...

At trainings people often object to this point: “If a person is uncomfortable talking, he will say so himself, so why ask him about it?”

Think about in what situation you look more respectable:

When they interrupt you and say: “Sorry, I don’t have time right now, call me back”
- or when you control the conversation yourself and ask the question about the possibility of continuing the conversation?

Very important: you need to be interested not just in the availability of abstract time, but in specific minutes: “Anna, do you have 3 minutes to talk now?” This gives both you and the other person a clear direction.

Moreover, if a person refuses to talk, do not forget to find out exactly when it is best to call back.

4. Discussion of the main purpose of the call

5. Recap + farewell

Meaning: State the most important takeaways from the conversation to make sure you understand each other and set a favorable tone for the rest of the meeting. This point can also be called a check of understanding.

There are cases when interlocutors misheard the time of the interview, meeting place and other details. A brief repetition of important points helps to avoid these failures.

Maria Bolokhova - business coach, consultant in the field of human resources management

A few interview rules

Rule #1. The ability of the applicant at the beginning of the conversation to transfer the topic of conversation into a dialogue format, and not into a “question-answer” mode, plays a role: take the initiative, ask questions.

Rule #2. Talking about yourself matters within 30 seconds. At the same time, self-presentation should be interesting: have an emphasis at the beginning and end.

Golden rule: you cannot be late for a meeting with an employer; neat appearance.
However, the most important thing in an interview is your self-confidence. Smile!.. but don't overdo it.

There are only 6 types of interviews that can be used to one degree or another in companies:

1. Biographical interview (represents a series of questions, the purpose of which is to establish the reliability of the information specified in the resume and to obtain detailed information about the education, work experience and competencies of the applicant).

2. Case interview, or situational interview (represents a dialogue between a consultant and a candidate, during which the candidate tries to solve a specific business problem).

3. Projective interview (based on constructing questions in such a way that they invite the candidate to evaluate not himself, but people in general or some character).

4. Interview on competencies (questions are aimed at clarifying the qualities and abilities that will be required to perform job duties).

5. Conversation about nothing (questions are asked about vacations, family, pets and hobbies. Based on your answers, the recruiting manager can guess how you behave with colleagues, subordinates, identify the main character traits, etc.).

6. Stress interview (a stressful situation where they test your self-esteem and ability to talk about what doesn’t suit you.)

Contrary to expert forecasts, the difficult economic situation has not led to an oversaturation of the labor market with candidates, but, on the contrary, to its inertia.

This is due to a high level of anxiety and fear of changing jobs in such difficult times. In such conditions, competition between employers remains relevant.

If the employer has selected a suitable applicant for a vacant position, he should send him an invitation for an interview.

A sample of such an invitation can be seen below; also read the article on how to correctly compose it and send it to the applicant.

The applicant's assessment of the proposal occurs already at the stage of invitation to the vacancy.

Many recruiters are faced with a situation where a candidate ignores invitation letters or, more often, does not show up for an interview. Instead of blaming the candidate for not being obligatory, it is worth analyzing the invitation for errors.

When posting a resume, the candidate has the opportunity to indicate his preferred method of communication (telephone or email) and a time convenient for calling.

If he is not actively looking for a job and is found by HeadHunting or Executive search, then it is acceptable to use social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn) or communicators (Telegram, Viber).

It is not advisable to send an invitation via SMS; this is a rule of bad manners.

Samples of written text

This could be an email or a response to a resume posted online. Many work sites offer business etiquette by using email templates they have developed. In most cases they look like this:

Sample 1.

“Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

Our company currently has a vacancy for a System Administrator. We found the work experience you described in your resume interesting.

To schedule an interview, contact us at the phone number below"

This is convenient for the employer, but a candidate who is actively searching receives dozens of similar letters.

In addition, if you imagine that such a letter will be received by a 22-year-old applicant with no work experience, it will seem illogical to him. He will most likely conclude that his resume was not read by sending a mass mailing, and will leave the invitation unanswered.

Approach the invitation to an interview individually.

An individual approach will help to attract his attention.

First of all, it is necessary to study the candidate’s resume, and in the invitation to put the right emphasis on motivation: the significance of the position, level of authority, amount of income, extended social package, health insurance, etc.

Sample 2.

“Ivan, good afternoon!

Our company currently has a vacancy for HR Manager. We are interested in your resume and would like to invite you to participate in the competition for this position. Detailed information about the requirements and working conditions can be found at the link....

If you are interested, we will be glad to see you at the company office located at. If you have any questions, you can contact the HR manager. Have a good day!"

Advantages of a written invitation for an interview:

  • saving recruiter time, which is valuable during mass selection when it is necessary to create a wide “funnel of incoming resumes”;
  • the ability to send a link to information about the company, “sell” a vacancy;
  • respect for the time of the candidate, who may also be at the workplace at the time of the call and may not have the means to record the time and place of the interview;
  • the ability to attach a link to professional testing;
  • the opportunity to ask for recommendations if the candidate is not ready to consider the offer himself.

Sample 3.

“If looking for a job is not relevant for you, we will be grateful for recommendations from specialists from your professional contacts”

How to invite by phone?

A telephone invitation is applicable when working with candidates for top positions or rare specialists. Personal attention will be warranted.

In addition, there is often a need to clarify fundamentally important points, and only then make a decision about a personal meeting.

For example, the candidate’s possible relocation or expected income level. The script for such a conversation might look like this:

Sample 4

“Good afternoon, Ivan! My name is Maria, I am the HR manager at Europlast.

Thank you for your response to our vacancy.

Is it convenient for you to talk now? How important is your job search to you? Are you ready to consider moving to another city?”

If you are invited by phone for an interview, additionally send the contact details of the person meeting you, address and time, possibly via SMS.

The rules of etiquette require the need to stipulate the rules of the meeting - the time that the interview will take.

Do not forget about the documents that may be required, for example, to obtain a pass to the territory of the enterprise or confirmation of qualifications.

An emphasis on competitive selection is necessary for any form of invitation. This will protect the employer from claims by the applicant in the event of a negative decision on his candidacy.

It is important to remember that federal legislation obliges the employer to notify the candidate of the reasons for refusal of employment within 7 days from the date of the meeting.

Letter of invitation for an interview: general information

How and which applicants to invite for an interview is up to you. The main thing is to follow the rules of business etiquette and take a responsible approach to the search and selection of candidates. It doesn’t matter in what form you make the offer - in writing by email or regular mail, deliver it by courier, call. Recently, HRs have been inviting candidates for interviews using chatbots, SMS or Skype.

Think about how to invite a person to an interview, how to attract him during communication. It is important that from the first meeting the applicant has a good impression of the company, its management, and also has a desire to take a vacant position.

Before you email or call the applicant, review your resume. Carefully analyze the information, especially that related to work experience, professional and personal qualities. This will allow you to understand whether the person meets the conditions.

Requirements for invitation to interview

When writing your letter, consider the significance of the position. If you are trying to fill a high-level position, do not send invitations that are designed to mass recruit low-level personnel. Show an individual approach to each specialist and show personal respect, for example, thanking the person for their resume and their interest in the company.

Requirements for invitation to interview:

  • respectful, businesslike, laconic style;
  • no grammatical errors;
  • simplicity and logic of presentation;
  • maximum information content, excluding the appearance of additional questions from the candidate.

What to write in an interview invitation

Structure the information so that the applicant can easily understand it. If necessary, break the text into paragraphs, make lists, and highlight significant information.

The invitation must include:

  • name of the company and area of ​​its activity;
  • place and time of the interview - attach directions if necessary;
  • list of interview participants, including their positions, full names;
  • name of the vacancy and requirements for the specialist;
  • list of documents required for employment.

Describe the conditions, specifics of the work, and the remuneration scheme. Please indicate in your interview invitation a list of documents that will need to be presented to confirm your professional status and work experience.

Sample invitation for an interview

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Sample interview invitations for different situations

Invitation for an interview - business letter template. It must be written according to the same rules and a similar structure. Only the content of the document differs. There are many text options on the Internet, but it is better to use them only as samples.

Try to compose your own texts, in which you take into account the importance of the position and workplace, and emphasize the company’s statute. This will ensure that the candidate does not receive a generic invitation that is similar to letters from other companies. You can take the samples below as a basis.

Example #1

Invitation for mass selection

When sending out invitations for interviews, you need to take into account not only the specifics of the vacancy, but also the number of applicants. So, when recruiting line personnel en masse, candidates can be sent the following invitations for an interview:

Download sample

Example No. 2

Invitation if increased requirements are placed on the applicant

In the text, list the special requirements for the candidate that not all companies impose on specialists of a similar level and in a similar position. For example, this may be knowledge of certain programs, the presence of specific skills. An example of an invitation to an interview via email is the sample below.

Download sample

Example No. 3

Invitation for applicants who initially applied for another position

Sometimes the vacancy for which a candidate is applying has already been filled. But the experience and qualifications of the applicant are suitable for another vacancy that is still open in the company. In this case, make the invitation like this:

Download sample

These are just a few of the templates you can use. The main thing is to ensure the accuracy of the data when making changes. For example, some managers forget to correct the company address, so candidates cannot understand where the office is located.

What to pay attention to if you invite a candidate by phone

When it comes to high-level or unique positions, the applicant deserves special treatment. In this case, it is better to announce the invitation to an interview during a personal conversation on the phone. This will allow you to conduct a quick screening and make sure whether it is worth inviting the applicant to a meeting.

A universal part of telephone screening with a candidate for any position

Start the conversation after you introduce yourself and name the company you are calling on behalf of. If you are an employee of a recruiting agency, focus on which organization and for which position you can hire a specialist. Contact the candidate by name and patronymic and find out if this vacancy is still relevant for him. If the answer is yes, please tell us more about the position and its specifics. In between, note the company's advantages.

Make sure that the candidate is ready to write down the company address and contact numbers. If it is not convenient for him to do this at the moment, send the coordinates by email, SMS or messenger. In this case, send an invitation letter for an interview, a sample of which you have already prepared.

During the conversation, maintain a polite and calm tone. Even if during the conversation your opinion of the candidate has changed for the worse, end the conversation on a positive note. Perhaps during a face-to-face interview you will realize that you were mistaken.

Tip #1. Address the candidate by first and last name. Impersonal letters are repulsive. Try to address by name and patronymic. If mass selection is being carried out, this rule can be neglected to save time.

Tip #2. Don't over-praise the company. If you are emphasizing the benefits of working for an organization, prospects and career growth, check what conditions are like at competing firms. Don’t write lies - the applicant will still find out how things are. If he becomes disappointed, he may leave before the probationary period ends.

Tip #3. Don't handwrite invitations to interviews. Follow the logic of the story, do not use terminology and small font, do not highlight words in color. Otherwise, the letter will resemble a postcard rather than a business proposal.

Tip #4. Be patient. During a telephone conversation, some candidates ask a lot of questions that need to be answered right away. Even if you are in a hurry, briefly advise the potential employee rather than saying that you will discuss everything “at the meeting.”

Tip #5. Create an original invitation form. Invitations issued on a special form attract applicants more. For example, you can place the company logo on it, make margins, and allocate space for printing.

Filling a vacancy almost always involves searching for suitable candidates online. In order to invite an applicant to an interview, he needs to send an invitation in which he is most interested in coming to the interview.

An invitation to an interview is considered a kind of business card of the company. Any organization can design it in its own way; there are no generally accepted standards in this matter.

However, if a company positions itself as a serious employer and places high demands on employees, then it itself must observe business etiquette in communication. Personalized text of the appeal, the correct form of invitation, the communication process - every detail is important in finding an employee for a job.

How to format the text of an invitation to an interview so that the candidate responds and comes for an interview?

There is only one requirement for an invitation to an interview: it must be in a strict business style, and the text must be concise and truthful. It must not contain spelling errors. If you think that the text of the message may cause a double impression or is difficult to read, then it is better to completely redo it.

The invitation must contain the following information:

    Company name.

    The address of the office where the interview will be held, including the office number.

    If there are difficulties in finding the address, then it is worth attaching a directions to help guide the applicant.

    Write a list of documents that need to be taken for an interview: resume, passport, work book, diplomas and more.

    Date and time of the interview.

    HR manager contact details.

    You should also provide the job title, job description, and salary level.

After reading the letter, the applicant should have an understanding of who invited him and where, what time the interview is scheduled for, and what he should bring with him.

A sample invitation might look like this:

Dear ***!

The LLC "***" company invites you to consider a vacancy for the position "***".

We have carefully reviewed your resume and believe that your knowledge and experience meet our stated requirements.

We invite you to have an interview with the HR manager **.**.2017 at 12:00 at the address: ***, office **.

HR manager of the company "***"
Ivanova Ivana Ivanovna

To invite applicants for an interview whose resumes you have found on the Internet, we recommend the following template:

Hello, dear ***!

My name is ***, I am the HR manager of the company “***”.

We have carefully read your resume (link) and believe that your knowledge and experience meet our stated requirements for the open vacancy of our company “***”.

We invite you to have an interview **.**.2017 at 12:00 at the address: ***, office **.
Please bring a copy of your resume and passport with you.

If you have any additional questions, please call ***.

HR manager of the company "***"
Ivanova Ivana Ivanovna

If the invitation is drawn up correctly, then it will not be difficult for you to interest the candidate with an invitation to an open vacancy, and it will not be difficult for him to find a company and come for an interview. And we can hope that the vacant position will be filled very soon.

Now you know how to write an interview letter for job seekers online, you can start finding the best people for the job.

With the online recruitment service JobHelp, you can do this most efficiently and in the shortest possible time: it unites all job sites available in Russia (more than 40) in a single Personal Account. Here you can view resumes that match your request from all recruitment sites, send messages to candidates, invite them to interviews and more.

All the best functions of recruitment platforms have become available in one place, and finding employees for work is cheaper, more comfortable and more efficient!

Every person seeking to find a suitable job must know and understand the business schemes of interaction with potential employers. After the candidate has correctly compiled his resume and sent it to the desired positions, he awaits an invitation for an interview. If the employer is interested in your resume, he will definitely get in touch.

And when an invitation to an interview has arrived, the applicant must confirm the meeting, usually in a letter. And prepare for the coveted interview. How should you respond to an invitation to an interview? Should I respond immediately or should I wait? We will tell you in our article.

Confirmation of the invitation is your official consent to the meeting and interest in cooperation. How to answer correctly so as to interest the employer?

To begin with, it is worth noting that you should not give consent instantly. Wait half a day before writing a response. The HR specialist will get the impression that you are a serious, busy person. Thus, if you receive a letter during the day, you should respond to an invitation to an interview in the evening. And if the invitation came at the end of the working day, give an answer the next morning. At the same time, you will have time to think again about whether you are really interested in this job. If there is something in the invitation that is not clear to you, do not hesitate to call back and clarify.

How to confirm an invitation?

After a potential employer has sent you a letter with the date and time of an upcoming meeting, you need to confirm receipt of the letter and inform that you are ready for the meeting at the specified time. Your letter must be serious. Avoid familiarity.


Hello, Ivan Ivanovich!

Thank you for the invitation. I will be glad to come to your office at such and such a time (indicate dates and times that are convenient for you. If already offered, confirm the meeting at the appointed time).


Full name, telephone

Dear Sergey!

I have received and read your letter. I am very grateful to you for the invitation. I will be at the interview at the appointed time.

Date, signature

Hello... (sender's name)!

Thank you for the invitation to the interview. I carefully studied the information provided about the company and the vacancy (if the letter contained a detailed description or links to the company website and the vacancy). I'm interested in your proposal. I am ready to meet with you... (indicate the date previously discussed).

Best regards, (your name)! (telephone and other means of communication)

“We respect (the name of the person to whom you are writing a response)! I received your letter. I confirm the meeting on (date, time). Thank you very much for the invitation. Sincerely, (your name, date, signature)

How to give a negative answer to an employer's invitation to an interview?

If you are not satisfied with one or more points in the job offer, then you should give a negative answer that you refuse the meeting. You shouldn’t leave “in English.” A written refusal will show your business side and perhaps the employer will offer you more favorable employment conditions. One way or another, a well-mannered person will definitely answer that the offer is no longer interesting to him.

Sample refusal

“Hello, (name of the person you are replying to),

I have received your invitation, but I cannot accept it at the moment. The fact is that I am not entirely satisfied (Here list all the points that cause you doubts). I am counting on (Here list your conditions under which you are ready for employment). I look forward to our further cooperation. Sincerely, (Your name, surname, signature and date)"

If you change your mind, try to correctly indicate the reason for the refusal.

Good afternoon, (name of the person who contacted you)! I have carefully studied your proposal and at the moment I am forced to refuse the meeting because:

I have decided to stay at my old job;

I have already received a job offer and I have given my consent;

At the moment, I do not need to look for a new job;

Due to personal reasons, my job search is currently on hold.

Be sure to clarify the following points:

Date, place and time of the interview;

What documents do you need to have with you?

Who will the meeting be held with?

Specify the name and telephone number of the employee who can be contacted in case of unexpected situations.

If you are invited for a telephone interview

You received a long-awaited call from the company you wanted to work for. The recruiter may call you not only to invite you for an interview, but also to conduct a telephone interview to begin with. During your telephone conversation, the recruiter will probably ask questions about your professional experience, knowledge, and will also understand how well you can conduct business conversations and the degree of your adequacy in general. If the answers satisfy the recruiter, you will definitely be invited to a personal meeting. Please note that during the telephone conversation you also have the opportunity to ask questions. And it's worth using it. Be sure to write down all the information provided by the recruiter.

If an unknown employer calls you. Then you should first listen carefully to the proposal, ask how they knew that you were looking for a job, and ask questions that interest you. Don't hesitate to ask again if you don't understand something.

As a rule, HR specialists duplicate all the information previously voiced in an email. But just in case, check this point. Once you understand that all the important criteria have been met for you and the proposals are interesting to you, you should give a positive response about the meeting. You should not go beyond the agreed period, if such have been announced.

And so now you know how to write a letter confirming an interview. Have faith in yourself and start preparing for the interview. We wish you successful employment and the job of your dreams!