Where do you need to go to become? What subjects to take for psychology. What subjects should you take to become a psychologist if the choice of profession is final and cannot be “appealed”?

When compiling the list of universities, experts from the Trud newspaper used the ratings of the rating agency in the field of higher education "ReitOR", the ranking of the best universities compiled by "Echo of Moscow" and "Interfax", data from the association of technical universities and biographies of major officials and businessmen.

The list shows the most numerous and popular destinations among applicants. Some of them, for example nanotechnology, are just developing and are available in very few universities. And others - mechanical engineering, chemistry and pharmaceuticals, construction, energy - can boast of the presence of specialized higher educational institutions.


Transport universities can be divided into three categories: railway, aviation and automobile. As a rule, they train both those who assemble and repair equipment and those who operate it.

One of the largest networks of universities is railway universities: Moscow State Transport University and similar universities in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok.

The advantage of such universities is good practice in local branches of Russian Railways or other transport enterprises and the opportunity to find a job in their specialty.

For those who want to work in aviation, it is better to choose the capital or St. Petersburg universities of civil aviation, where they teach both engineers and pilots. And the easiest way to find a job in the production and sales of cars or at a logistics enterprise is for graduates of MADI, MAMI and St. Petersburg Polytechnic. Or young professionals with a diploma from the Faculty of Logistics and Transport of the St. Petersburg University of Engineering and Economics.

Mechanical engineering

MSTU has been a recognized leader in training engineers in the field of mechanical engineering for many years. N.E. Bauman, where there is a very strong teaching staff and good connections with employers. University graduates are in great demand - any plant will hire a young specialist with such a diploma. Another pillar of engineering education in Russia is the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

In addition, this university has its own technology park, some of whose enterprises receive orders from foreign auto giants. For example, from BMW. There are mechanical engineering faculties that graduate specialists in mechanical engineering technologies and equipment at Tomsk Polytechnic University, Don Technical University and Irkutsk State Technical University.

Information Technology

First of all, this is the Faculty of Higher Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University, Physics and Technology, Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman, MSTU "Stankin", MIREA and MIET, which is located in Zelenograd. The latter is home to the largest technology park in Russia, where students mainly work at IT enterprises. Graduates of information faculties are hired by large Russian and international IT companies and are often invited to work abroad.

If an applicant wants to enroll in information technology outside the capital, then it is best to choose St. Petersburg Polytechnic, St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, or any large technical university in the nearest region. For example, Ural State Technical University or Tomsk Polytechnic.

Chemistry and pharmaceuticals

The central university for future workers in the chemical industry is the Russian Chemical Technical University named after. D.I. Mendeleev in Moscow. The university has a very good laboratory base, which is located in a new building. If a student wants to work in an enterprise, engage in the production of medicines, develop new materials, or biotechnologies, then it is best to enroll in a specialized chemical engineering university.

For example, at RHUT, at the St. Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy, St. Petersburg State Technological University or Kazan State Technological University. These universities have a lot of highly specialized departments, have modern equipment, and most of the teachers are practitioners with their own scientific achievements and patented discoveries.


There are quite a few highly specialized energy universities: Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Kazan and Ivanovo Energy Universities.

They produce specialists in the field of energy, who are wildly popular in the labor market both because of the quality of teaching and due to practice during their studies.


There is a construction university in almost all large cities, but the central and largest university is considered to be MGSU, which trains both civil engineers and architects.

There are universities of architecture and construction in St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, and there is also a construction department at the Ural State Technical University named after. B. N. Yeltsin and at the Siberian State Technological University. In Moscow, the best university is the Moscow State University of Land Management.


Specialties related to nanotechnology are available in all chemical universities. For example, at the Russian Chemical Technical University named after. D.I. Mendeleev has a specialty “Nanomaterials”. Students in this specialty learn to design at a level close to the molecular.

Nanotechnology can also be studied at St. Petersburg State University, where there is a “Nanobiology” program created on the basis of the biology, soil and chemistry departments. At USU, “Nanotechnologies” is available in the physics department.

The specialty “Nanomaterials” is also available at the capital’s MISiS.


In Moscow, electronics engineers are trained at MIREA, MTUSI, MIET and MEPhI. However, graduates of the latter receive the qualification “physics engineers,” and many go to work in research institutes and scientific production organizations.

The St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University also trains strong specialists. V.I. Lenin and Kazan State Technical University named after. A. N. Tupolev, where there is a faculty of radio-electronic and telecommunication systems.

Specialists in the field of electronics, telecommunications and communication systems are in demand in the labor market, as mobile communications and computer technologies are now developing very quickly. Moreover, work can be found in any region of Russia.

Food production

The main university specializing in graduating engineers and technologists for food production is the Moscow State University of Technology and Management, which has several branches in different regions of the country.

Oil and gas

There are three largest oil and gas universities in Russia - these are RSUNG named after. I.M. Gubkin in Moscow, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University and Tyumen State Oil and Gas University. Moreover, it is even better to study in the latter two than in the capital - it is easier to get an internship there and there are more teachers who have real experience in this specialty.

It is extremely difficult to enter any oil and gas university, since these two areas are wildly popular among applicants.

It is believed that a diploma from such a university guarantees you a job in oil companies or Gazprom. In fact, only those who constantly practiced during their studies will be able to get there. And such practice is more likely to be provided by the University of Tyumen, and not by the capital’s universities. Successful completion of an internship usually means an invitation to work

Passing score

    70 "applied computer science" in SibFed
    66 “Informatics and Computer Science” at MIET
    56 “chemical technology of organic substances” at the Russian Chemical Technology University named after. D. I. Mendeleev
    70 “equipment and increasing the wear resistance of machines and devices” RSUNG named after. I. M. Gubkina

* The average score for the Unified State Exam is calculated as the arithmetic average of the sum of points for three subjects.

Personal experience

Natalya, graduate of MPEI (Institute of Electric Power Engineering)

I went to Moscow Power Engineering Institute because both my dad and my older sister studied there. In addition, I wanted a technical education - I loved both mathematics and physics, I have a technical mindset.
I went to one of the most popular faculties - electrical power engineering. My sister also studied there.
She suggested to me the best specialty - “relay protection”. This is the heart of energy. I chose her - and I didn’t regret it.
The fact is that even those MPEI graduates who studied in another specialty often go to work in this field, since there is a lot of interesting and highly paid work here. I was warned about this, so I immediately went for this specialization.
It’s just that, it seems to me, in the first year no one really understands what they will do. And then I had to relearn.

Anna, a graduate of the Russian Chemical Technical University named after.
D. I. Mendeleev (Engineering chemical-technological faculty)
I chose Russian Chemical Technology University because I was interested in this specialty, and besides, Mendeleev University is a very respected university.
After school, I spent a year preparing for admission - I took courses at the institute, because it was simply impossible to enroll after the 11th grade: school does not provide such knowledge. And after a year of preparation, I entered without any problems.
I graduated from the university last year, and at first it seemed that I had learned little and that there was absolutely nothing left of knowledge in my head. Now I realized that this is not so.
Still, education keeps my brain busy, and my diploma gave me a good opportunity to show myself. But we still need to gain experience.
Now I work as a chemical engineer.

Alexander, MSTU "Stankin", 2nd course, Faculty of Information Technologies
I entered this specialty because I have always been attracted to hardware - I like to disassemble computers and other equipment, look at diagrams, delve into details.
During my studies, I became acquainted with other operating systems: I realized that in addition to Windows, there are also Macintosh and Linux. And in general, now I know how to make my grandfather’s computer work.
I don’t think there should be any problems with employment; good hardware specialists are always in demand.
Technical education made me more organized, clear, practical. This is a good exercise for the brain.
The main thing is not to become like what you are working with - a dry machine. Or don’t start thinking only about hardware and spend all your time with the computer.
For this, it’s good to have a sobering hobby, one where the brain works in a different direction. For example, this is my guitar.

Everyone faces a difficult choice - choosing a profession. For those who have chosen the profession of a prosecutor, this article will certainly help to get answers to basic questions.

Where to go to become a prosecutor

The first step is to consciously choose a university that will provide you with the opportunity to receive an education suitable for work in this field. This is exactly what a higher legal education is, to obtain which you will have to complete a period of study at any state legal university, or receive such an education by becoming a student at another university, studying in a legal specialty.

In order to obtain a law diploma in Moscow, you can opt for the Law Faculty of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation or the Law Faculty of the RUDN University; a diploma in the “jurisprudence” profile can also be obtained at the State Academic University of Humanities under the Russian Academy of Sciences.

A legal education will also serve as your passport to the profession of a military prosecutor. So, if you are considering the option of working as a military prosecutor, then you need to choose an educational institution more carefully, i.e. military orientation. The Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is just what you need.

What does it take to become a prosecutor?

Your knowledge of criminal, civil and other codes should be close to ideal, and you will also have to regularly replenish and update your stock of knowledge, as legislation is continuously improved, supplemented, various amendments, changes, etc. appear.

In addition to the knowledge you have acquired, you will have to undergo complex training and develop special qualities in yourself, without which you will quickly lose interest or, what is much worse, receive a mark of incompetence, like a failed prosecutor.

So what are these qualities without which you cannot become a prosecutor?

These qualities include:

  • analytical thinking,
  • almost phenomenal memory,
  • calmness,
  • discipline,
  • responsibility,
  • diligence,
  • self-confidence.

You should remember that an uneducated, illiterate and conflict-prone person will never make a good prosecutor - this is the truth. Therefore, increasing your intellectual level in the community with improving your communication skills should be a priority for you if you want to become a prosecutor.

How to become a prosecutor in Russia

A prosecutor is not so much a profession, it is a position. It will take time to transform a novice lawyer into a prosecutor. But you should start your work in the prosecutor's office by serving as an assistant prosecutor.

The road to becoming a prosecutor also lies through the investigation, which has recently been conducted in the Russian Federation by a separate structure, the Investigative Committee. In other words, you can easily retrain from an investigator to a prosecutor.
The work of a prosecutor is not only about the courts.

There are two areas of work of the prosecutor's office

  1. Part of the judicial system. The lawyer is charged with protecting the rights of the accused. The prosecutor brings charges. State prosecutor. Considers the possibility of taking the case to trial, in which he will bring charges based on the evidence collected in the case. During the process, the prosecutor confronts the lawyer. He must present the case in such a way that the guilt of the accused is undeniable for the participants in the process. In the Russian Federation there is a presumption of innocence, which interprets all doubts about guilt in favor of the accused. To make it clear to the “romantics” who saw the work of the prosecutor on TV, a uniform and a stern face are not enough to successfully complete a case and win in court - you need an evidence base: evidence, conclusions based on logic and reliable testimony of witnesses.
  2. Supervisory and investigative body. Supervisory activities. The work of the prosecutor in this area consists of considering appeals and complaints from the population, initiating criminal or administrative cases if necessary, supervising the work of investigative bodies, correctional institutions, monitoring the implementation and observance of laws by various government agencies and officials. The prosecutor evaluates decisions and acts and, if violations of the law are detected, he takes certain measures.

The prosecutor has the right to independently appeal to the courts if, based on the results of the inspection, there is a violation of human rights or interests of the state.

The prosecutor acts on behalf of the state.

Being such an influential person, with so many rights, the prosecutor automatically exposes himself to danger.

Employees of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation are prohibited from having a stake in business, a place in government agencies or membership in a party, since all this can become a serious obstacle to prosecutorial impartiality and, as a result, cause resignation.

You might be interested.


There are no former investigators. This leaves a certain imprint on a person. Therefore, before choosing such a life path for yourself, think about whether you have the qualities necessary for such work? TV series and films create a kind of aura of romance and mystery around us, which in reality is not there. This profession is full of dangers and difficulties, because the entire burden of operational search activities to capture criminals and carry out a large list of procedural actions will fall on your shoulders. The future investigator must have an analytical mind, perseverance, the ability not to bend under the weight of circumstances and hard work. Think about it: do you need a life full of night shifts and extracurricular work?

To train as an investigator, you need to get. There are several options to become a professional detective. The first is to enroll in a regular one, which is available in any university. In the third year of study, you will be asked to choose a specialization: civil, criminal or constitutional law. It is in criminal specialization that future investigators are trained.

Regardless of which educational institution you choose, the list of subjects for which you take the entrance exam is the same everywhere. The university may satisfy the results of the school Unified State Examination, or you may be asked to retake specialized disciplines. This is the Russian language, social studies and history of Russia. Sometimes you also need to pass an English language exam.

Investigators are qualified lawyers who directly investigate crimes, both criminal and economic. It is the responsibility of the investigator to carry out any investigative activities.

The investigator must organize and coordinate the actions of all investigative and operational groups. That is why he must be well versed not only in his professional duties, but also in other areas of public life: economics, politics, banking, etc. The investigator's duties include searching and interviewing witnesses in the case, examining the crime scene, analyzing all the information received, the range of suspects, searching for evidence, drawing up a report on the progress of the investigation and transferring the case to court. What does it take to become? Despite the fact that the investigator is surrounded by a certain spirit of romance, the most important qualities for a future investigator are hard work, analytical mind, flexibility of thinking, sociability and erudition. In addition, the investigator must be an unpretentious and mentally stable person, capable of quickly making important decisions. In order to become an investigator, you must first obtain a higher legal education. But even a law degree does not always give a person the opportunity to become a real investigator. Typically, the position of investigator is held only by a professional lawyer who is able to understand almost all legal issues. Another important quality inherent in a good investigator is the ability to use all the skills of a forensic expert (seize material evidence, fill out protocols, record any traces of crimes). Unlike an ordinary lawyer, an investigator is not only an interpreter of the law, but also a law enforcer, and he bears a huge responsibility. Any mistake by the investigator, one way or another, costs both the crime victim and the accused dearly. If you want to work as an investigator, you must be sure that your character and the practical skills and theoretical knowledge you have acquired allow you to take this position. Even while working as an investigator, a person continues to gain new knowledge every day, becoming a more versatile specialist.

Video on the topic


  • how to work as an investigator

For many decades, the profession of detective-investigator has been surrounded by an aura of mystery and romance. Investigation of mysterious crimes, chases, arrests of dangerous criminals - all this awakens the imagination of many people. And thanks to numerous action-packed television series, the profession of investigator in our country is again at the peak of popularity. Many schoolchildren today are wondering how to become an investigator and what is required for this.


First of all, we have to make a reservation that these days the government, and investigators are precisely government employees, is becoming more and more prestigious and popular, therefore special increased demands are placed on its employees. Today it is almost impossible, like in the 90s, to become an investigator without the appropriate education. Regardless of whether a person is applying for the position of investigator or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he needs a diploma from the Faculty of Law.

To work in the general or city prosecutor's office, you will probably need a full-time diploma from one of the major state universities: Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, MGIMO, Moscow State Law Academy, RUDN University, Russian State University for the Humanities, State University of Medicine. The main “disadvantage” of these educational institutions is the large competition for places and the high passing score. It is often extremely difficult for applicants from the provinces to enroll in the budget departments of these universities. In this case, there is a kind of “workaround” for people who are truly passionate about the investigative profession.

Firstly, you can get a diploma from any accredited university, and then look for a job in one of the district departments of the prosecutor's office or in the district departments of the investigative bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Having established yourself as a good, conscientious employee, you can move up the career ladder over time and move to a position in a larger structure.

For young people for whom full-time full-time education is not available for any reason, as follows. Try to join the investigative bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as an assistant investigator. Unfortunately, this option is completely unsuitable for girls, since this job only hires people at least 18 years old, preferably those who have served in the Armed Forces. After working as an assistant investigator and making sure that you have chosen the right profession, you can continue your education without leaving the service. For example, at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. With good work results and successful studies, it is possible to move to the position of investigator already in the 3rd or 4th year of study.

To work as an investigator in the military prosecutor's office, other conditions must be met. In addition to a law diploma from one of the military universities, you will also need full compliance with rather stringent medical requirements. Investigators of the military prosecutor's office are considered persons liable for military service, therefore excellent physical shape and impeccable health are a prerequisite for them. When entering the Moscow Military University, in addition to the entrance exams, tests on general physical training are also taken.


  • Investigator: work on the verge of risk

The investigator is an official who investigates crimes in accordance with the powers granted: from initiating a criminal case to sending the case to the prosecutor along with the indictment.


Currently, you can get a job as an investigator in 4 departments: the Investigative Committee of Russia, the Federal Security Service, the internal affairs bodies and the Federal Drug Control Service. Since it has broad powers to carry out criminal prosecution, increased requirements are imposed on it and it is given a special status.

For example, regardless of departmental affiliation, investigation is impossible without a higher legal education. At the same time, an investigator in any position, unlike other employees, is always assigned an officer rank. For example, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or in the Investigative Committee, the investigator is given the rank of justice, ranging from junior to general.

For the position of an investigator, work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs requires full legal capacity, age no more than 35 and no less than 18 years, a higher legal education obtained from an educational institution that has state accreditation and a license, Russian citizenship and no criminal record.

If you meet these requirements and want to get a job as an investigator in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then visit the internal affairs agency and submit an application for review of documents, write an autobiography and fill out an application form that will be issued by the personnel department. Along with the specified documents, submit your passport, diploma of higher legal education, work record book and military ID.

Then undergo a military medical commission and psychophysiological diagnostics, which will determine your suitability for work in the investigation.

If you receive a positive opinion from the military medical commission and the psychophysiological diagnostic center, then pass the physical training standards.

When all the tests have been passed and the verification activities are completed, sign the service contract and take the oath of an internal affairs officer. From this moment, your work in the investigation begins, which will require the daily application of all available strength and knowledge and constant professional improvement in order to serve the Law with honor.


  • how is work in consequence

Many people dream of investigating various crimes and “standing up for the law.” To fulfill your desire, you need to know how to become an investigator, what kind of education you need to get for this, and how to join the police or other federal services, for example, drug control.

Where should you go to study to become an investigator?

Currently, you can get the desired position only by obtaining a higher legal education. Therefore, the first step will be to obtain it. It would be best to enroll in an educational institution that trains future law enforcement officers, for example, the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this will help both to become a police investigator and to receive an officer rank, that is, it will free you from the obligation to serve in the army. Upon graduation from a university, a person will receive the title of justice officer.

It is worth noting that the highest priority is given to those applicants who either have excellent physical fitness or have already served in the army, but all other people also have a chance to become a cadet at such a university.

When entering a university, be prepared for the fact that you will have to undergo a medical examination. Since during training you will have to devote quite a lot of time to physical education, the educational institution does not accept those whose physical condition does not allow them to participate in such active activities. By the way, you will also have to undergo an examination by a psychiatrist, because such work involves carrying a firearm.

Thus, the FSB Academy, the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Academy of the Prosecutor's Office or any university that has a law faculty and is associated with the already mentioned organizations is what you need to graduate from in order to become an investigator. But this is only the first step, albeit a necessary one.

What do you need to know to become an investigator?

Graduating from a university and receiving a diploma is only the “beginning of the journey”; then you need to undergo practical training. To pass it, the university sends the cadet to the investigative department of a city or region, where for several weeks the student of the educational institution applies the acquired knowledge in practice. Of course, this happens under the leadership of the employees of this department. During the internship, it is important to show yourself as a competent cadet who knows how to learn and apply knowledge; this is the only way to count on the fact that the feedback on its completion will be positive.

It is also worth remembering that all investigators who already work in police departments must pass exams annually. Department employees must have good physical training, so they are regularly tested for their level of proficiency with service weapons and hand-to-hand combat skills.

It is equally important to engage in self-development; reading legal literature, maintaining your knowledge and skills at a high level will help you both become a good investigator and build a career in this field.

Who can't become an investigator?

There are certain restrictions that determine who cannot apply for such a position. Firstly, these are, of course, people with mental disabilities and certain physical diseases that do not allow a person to get in good physical shape, for example, asthma, heart disease.

Secondly, someone who has a criminal record cannot become an investigator. And finally, admission to the mentioned universities can only be done by a person whose age is at least 18 years old and no more than 35 years old.

These are the main restrictions that exist today. For all other people, the opportunity to build a career in the investigative department is quite real.